Technical Solution Presentation

Task summary:Prepare a presentation on a technical solution you’ve proposed or implemented to solve a business problem in your current or previous role for Oracle database on-prem to Oracle database in the cloud (Oracle Cloud or AWS Cloud). The presentation should have 7 slides, each slide with 100 speaker notes. Make the slides as visually pleasing as possible and use at least 4 academic sources.

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Full order description:Dear Freelancer,please create a presentation Note: the client’s role is Technical consultant proposing oracle in the cloud after talking with the client.

📋 MAIN DETAILS: The key focus of this assignment should be on the value of the solution that you’re presenting and how this would influence a business stakeholder and an IT decision-maker.

The Presentation should be a “role play” pitch, where your two interviewers will act as either a business or IT stakeholder of your choice. (You identify one of each.) Please present as if you were in front of a customer that you are trying to win over or close. Think of this scenario as if you’ve already met with a client and done your discovery, and now you’re coming back at the end of the sales cycle to meet with the final decision-makers. You can state assumptions about how much your audience knows about your solution and you should outline a clear objective at the start of your presentation.

Please prepare a presentation on a technical solution you’ve proposed or implemented to solve a business problem in your current or previous roles. We encourage you to consider selecting a solution you’ve previously worked on, but if you don’t have the experience to draw from or prefer not to use past work, you may present a hypothetical solution based on a common architectural pattern or reference architecture.

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Your presentation should have the following layout and number of slides. Please note this is a framework for success. We strongly encourage you to follow this format.

1. Introductions, agenda and presentation background

2. The business problem you’re solving

3. Value to Business Stakeholder

4. Value to IT Decision Maker

5. Solution architecture

6. High-level implementation plan

7. Summary & wrap up

📎 ATTACHED:-instructions

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