Computer Science Question

Details included in the attachment. 1.The paper should create a list of requirements for a Smart Highway with at least five (5) integrated Smart systems identified in your research with at least 40 requirements (total) for these five (5) Smart systems. 2. detailing your proposed trip on aSmart Highway. The paper must include all five (5) of the integrated Smart systems identified in yourresearch and two (2) requirements for each of the five (5) integrated Smart systems. Smart Systems Research Project
Research Preparation
Conduct research on the use of Smart Systems and the Internet of Things (IoT) as it relates to Smart
Highways. For this assignment, a Smart Highway would have many integrated Smart systems such as
(but not limited to):

a Smart Safety system
a Smart Gas-Service Station system
a Smart Roadway system
a Smart Parking system
a Smart Signage system
a Smart Street Lighting system
a Smart Surveillance system
a Smart Traffic Management system
a Smart Weather system
a Smart Vehicle system
Note, this assignment is NOT about Smart Cities or Smart Homes, or Smart Businesses, etc. – it is about
Smart Highways. However, research on these or other Smart systems, that are or can be related to
highway travel, may help in completing this assignment. Research should include scholarly references
but can also include YouTube videos, websites, blogs, etc. on the Smart System(s). Also view YouTube
videos on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to extend your research on how Smart systems may
evolve over time.
Research the concepts that drive a Smart System and the use of Internet of Things (IOT).
(Wen, 2021) Wen (2021) says a Smart System can “integrate sensing, actuation, signal
processing, and control in order to make decisions and create a smart environment. Smart
system is the next generation of computing and information system, combining artificial
intelligence, machine learning, cyber-physical systems, edge/cloud computing,
pervasive/ubiquitous computing, big data analytics, and Internet of Things (IoT)
technologies to provide real-time networked information and control, which considerably
contributes to the development of the future IoT” (para. 1).
“The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects—“things”—that are
embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and
exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet” (Oracle, 2022, para. 1).
For the purposes of this paper, a Smart Systems simply means the exchanging of data,
collected via IoT, between two or more Smart Systems or components. As an example, a
Smart Home might include a Smart Security system and/or a Smart HVAC system (etc.)
which would be made up of components like a Smart Thermostat.
Assignment Background:
Imagine the federal government mandates that within 10 years, all federal highways must include a
HOV lane used specifically for self-driving smart vehicles and plans on investing in integrated smart
systems, used on the highway, that interface with these smart vehicles to reduce highway travel costs,
provide smart traffic management, provide hazard-emergency and safety guidance, provide onhighway smart service/gas stations, provide parking and power stations, and provide smart signage
(that also integrates with the local smart businesses, smart hospitals, and smart tourism), provide
smart toll management and other smart systems to make long distance travel more accessible.
In addition, the federal government wants a list of requirements you propose for the integrated Smart
systems. Requirements must start by naming the Smart System, followed by one of the following
three(3) verbs: must (the smart solution fails if not provided); will (the smart solution may fail if not
provided); should (the smart solution is optional), followed by any other smart system it integrates
with, followed by the outcomes expected.
Now, imagine the federal government asks consumers to provide a ‘script’ that details a long trip that
might be taken on a Smart Highway in a self-driving smart vehicle. The purpose of this assignment is
for you to describe how the integrated Smart systems of choice might be used during your trip (i.e.,
avoiding delays, providing services, recommending stops, saving money, providing travel status to
others, etc.). Think outside the box.
Be careful in your descriptions of Smart systems that integrate.

Using google maps to plan your trip is not a Smart system.
Using solar power to simply feed a smart energy system is not a smart system.
Manually entering the price of gas on a roadside sign is not a smart system.
A Smart Traffic Management system would be smart if it provides real-time integration with a
smart vehicle to feed information on road conditions and allowed the vehicle to reroute to
avoid problems.
• A Smart Weather system would be smart if it provides real-time integration with a smart
signage system or a smart vehicle to provide details on sever weather conditions ahead.
Assignment Details:
Part I – Using the attached Requirements template, create a list of requirements for a Smart Highway
with at least five (5) integrated Smart systems identified in your research with at least 40
requirements (total) for these five (5) Smart systems.
PMI (2021) indicates “the term requirement generally refers to a customer need while
specification refers to a detailed, usually technical description of how that need will be
met” (para. 1). A Requirement states what a product must/will/can do or a quality it
possesses. A Specification is a collection of requirements that are used in the design of
that product. Do not include specifications (such as products that you discover) – just
Part II – Write at least a 5 page Word document, double-spaced, detailing your proposed trip on a
Smart Highway. The paper must include all five (5) of the integrated Smart systems identified in your
research and two (2) requirements for each of the five (5) integrated Smart systems.
Your paper must include at least seven (7) references along with their in-text citations. Research
must include scholarly references but can also include YouTube videos, websites, blogs, etc. on the
Smart system(s). Also view YouTube videos on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to extend your
research on how Smart systems may evolve over time.
Submit your paper and your Requirements list, using the template provided.
More details:
Your paper should include multiple topic sections/paragraphs with a specific focus. Make sure your
paper flows logically. Include the following:
1. An Introduction paragraph describing the assignment and the concept of a Smart Highway.
Paraphrase the definition of a Smart System and the IoT. Also list the Smart integrated systems
that you will include in the paper.
2. A separate section (with an appropriate section Heading) that describes how each of the five (5)
integrated Smart systems might be used on your Smart Highway trip. Take time to plan a long
trip you might like to take. Where and when would you stop to eat or refuel or recharge
batteries or take a break or sleep? Are there tourist sites or points of interest where you might
stop? Are there toll roads or alternate routes to consider? How would all of these incorporate
into the use of the Smart systems you chose? As you go down the highway, describe how an
integrated Smart system might interface with your self-driving Smart vehicle to provide details
to you that can be used to make decisions.
3. Conclude your paper with a findings section that summaries the important findings from your
research. This might include important information from your research or might include a few
integrated Smart systems that contain the most critical requirements.
Requirements should be concise and not include extraneous details that make them hard to read. An
example of what should NOT be included in the requirement might be: ‘A Smart Signage system
provides a robust set of smart features that can display real-time content on any highway sign. A Smart
Signage system allows Smart Businesses to publish real-time information to drivers as they approach a
highway exit. A Smart Signage system uses Wi-Fi to allow other integrated Smart systems to provide
this information.”
Oracle. (2022). What is IoT. Retrieved from Oracle:
PMI. (2021). Requirements vs. specifications and other comparisons. Retrieved from PMI Project
Management Institute:
Wen, C.-Y. (2021). Smart Systems and Internet of Things (IoT). Processes. Retrieved from

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