Lab 3 Directions

Lab 3 Directions (30 Points)

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Using Subversion (25 Points)

Please complete the following steps:

Create a folder named MyTestFiles and insert into it four text files named mytestl.txt, mytest2.txt, mytest3.txt, and mytest4.txt. Insert at least 10 lines of some text into each file.

Create a folder named SVN Repository, right click on it and use the folder to create a new subversion repository. Refresh the window so the repository folder turns blue.

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Open the Repo-browser and create a folder named svnLab.

Right-click the MyTestFiles folder and use Subversion’s Import command to import the folder’s contents into the repository, storing them in the repository’s svnLab folder.

Open the Repo-browser for the repository and verify that the four files were imported into the right place.

Using Windows Explorer, create a working directory named svnLabworkl and check out all four repository files into the directory (right-click, choose SVN Checkout).

You will modify only the files named mytestl .txt and mytest2.txt. Insert a new line of text into two of the files, delete one of the existing lines from each file. Right-click the svnLabwork folder and commit all changes to the repository. Notice how Subversion can tell which files were changed.

Browse the repository, right-click on the name of one of the modified files and examine its log, which shows its revision history. Then right click the newest file in the log and select Compare with previous version. Verify the most recent changes you made to the file. The two files should

appear side-by-side.

Create a second working directory named svnLabwork2, check out all files, modify mytestl .txt and mytest2.txt, including the string “modified by svnLabWork2” in each modified line. Notice after saving each file, its icon turns red, indicating that it no longer matches the latest revision in the repository. Commit the svnLabwork2 folder to the repository. The folder and file icons should change to green.

Right-click the first working directory (svnLabworkl) and select SVN Update. The popup dialog will show you which files in this folder were overwritten by the latest versions in the repository. Open one of the files in a text editor to see the changes (made from the svnLabwork2 folder).

Right-click one of the modified files in the svnLabworkl folder, select Tortoise SVN \ Update to revision, and revert the file to its previous version. Open the file in a text editor to verify that the file was reverted correctly.

Delete mytest4.txt from the svnLabworkl folder. Then, commit the folder to the repository. You will see a conflict error message, showing that mytest4.txt is missing. In the dialog window, select the file and press the Del key. The file should then be marked as deleted.

Add a new file named mytest5.txt to one of the working folders, edit the file, and add some text. Try to commit the folder to the repository, and notice that file5.txt is listed as “non-versioned”. Next, select the file in Windows Explorer, select the Tortoise SVN | Add command, and a blue + sign should appear next to the file in the working directory. Then, commit the folder to the repository again, and mytest5.txt should appear.

Submission (5 Points)

Submit a ZIP file containing your repository directory. Do not submit your working folders. Call it

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