BNA-Business Analysis

There are ten (10) stages to Business Analysis

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Assignment 2
BNA-Business Analysis II ICT Elective 2
20% weight
Business Analysis is a discipline that has evolved over the last two decades and has the potential
to offer great benefit to organisations by ensuring that there is alignment between business
needs and business change solutions. Furthermore, Technology has enabled new business
models to be implemented through more flexible communication mechanisms that allow
organisations to reach out to the customers, stakeholders, connect their systems with those of
their suppliers and support global operations.
[Marks 15%]
There are ten (10) stages to Business Analysis, as part of your group assignment you are to
give detailed discussion of these stages and demonstrate your level of understanding of these
concepts based on what you have learnt from this subject.
[Marks 5%]
Prepare 10 minutes PowerPoint group presentation slides, to presented to the wider audience
in class using our class time slot.
The following represent the structural layout on how the report should be documented
ü This is a group assignment with 3 members, amongst the members you will
nominate a project representative who will communicate with the lecture the affair
of the group. This group should have each unique name which the groups shall be
referred as.
ü Cover page with group name and members’ names and surnames, subject code,
project representative email address.
ü The use of RACI Chats to assign roles and responsibilities to each member in the
ü Introduction
ü Background (This section requires detailed discussion of the stages in involved in
Business Analysis)
ü Conclusion
Assignment 2
BNA-Business Analysis II ICT Elective 2
20% weight
ü Reference, use the Harvard referencing style (As part of the requirement, the
prescribed textbook is recommended for this assignment and others sources
ü The length = 3 pages (excluding the cover page, RACI charts, and the references
ü The type of references should be published conference papers, articles or books
ü Font = Times New Roman 12pt, 1.5 line spacing, Text justify
The group assignment 2 must be uploaded on blackboard link that will be provided
by the group representative and due date is on the 27th September, 2023.
Your submission should be in a Microsoft Word document file, the name
conversion should be the group name and no email submissions will be accepted.
ü No late submissions will be accepted. Any aspect of plagiarism detected, will result
to mark of 0.
———[100 Marks]———-
BNA-Grading Rubric for written Assignment 02- Term 3
Assignment 2
Business Analysis II
ICT Elective 2
Grading Rubric

The introduction is concise and informative, well summarized, and offers 10
sufficient details about what the assignment is about, and the intent of the
assignment were detailed explicitly.
Relevance of contents discussed (Background content)

Originality and a sense of ownership of the assignment. The contents 40
comprehensiveness and knowledge in Business Analysis concepts. The
content discussed is aligned with the subject matter. Most of the
contents/components discussed are somewhat relevant to the stages of
Business Analysis and relate to the organization selected.

Clear sentences with a logical flow of ideas in paragraphs, excellent 5
transitions between paragraphs with one basic idea per paragraph

The use of themes and sub-themes.

Graphical representation and detailed discussion
Structural Layout

The appropriate use of RACI Charts to assign roles and responsibilities to 10
members of the group
Adherence to task instruction

Length: 3 pages (excluding the cover page, RACI charts and the references 2

Harvard reference style: The references should be published conference
papers, articles, or books. Consistent style of citations and formatting.

Font: Times New Roman (Body), 12pt, 1.5 line spacing.

Text: justified.


Conclusions are logically derived and supported by the synthesis with 5
discussion in the background with meaningful explanations and general
knowledge. A demonstration that the students are knowledgeable with the
subject matter.
Spelling, Grammar, and plagiarism

Spelling & grammar mistakes

Turnitin-report below 20% or above 20%
Total Marks

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