There is 2 question

  • Question 1

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    Select one of the nice Pervasive Principles of GAISP. Create a short (five slides or less) presentation discussing this principle.

    Writing Requirements

    • Students should use the APA format and thoroughly answer the questions with applicable references and citations.
    • The use of at least 2 outside academic resources to answer the question and apply the concepts in the chapter is mandatory.
    • APA format, Use the APA template located in the Student Resource Center to complete the assignment.

    Question 2

    Scenario: As the lead IT person tasked with implementing security for their organization, a dot com startup. The company you work for has 30 employees, is headquartered in a small town and does business worldwide through the Internet. The budget for security is small, but management will go with your recommendation, if budget requirements must be increased. Discuss the merits of the different authentication methods you might use for your organization. Include such points as how you will authenticate local users and how you will authenticate users to the company website and for ecommerce protection.

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    Writing Requirements

    • APA format, 2 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
    • Be sure to include a minimum of 2 outside resources – 1 will be your article.
    • Use the APA template located in the Course Information folder to complete the assignment.

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