Create a problem statement

Create a problem statement using the following table

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Application Development Theory II
Both assignments are based on the same case study. Assignment 2 follows from assignment 1. After
the assignment 1 class discussion, you may use the new information from the class discussion as a
basis for assignment 2.
Plagiarism is a massive problem at all universities. The department now has a plagiarism
committee where we report all plagiarism found. You will also get a zero for the whole assignment
for any plagiarism, even if you have only copied one sentence, diagram, or picture and without a
reference (Harvard must be used). If you only list the website, it is a zero mark for that section. You
cannot copy a paragraph, use Harvard referencing, and think it is acceptable. Again, the entire
assignment will get a zero mark. Rewrite all information from a source in your own words.
1. The report must be in a pdf format. We do not have the same versions of software that
you have, and often cannot read submitted Word documents. We can read PDF
documents. If we cannot read a document, we give a zero mark. No supplementary
submission will be allowed after marking.
2. Do not compress (zip) your submission. We mark from within Blackboard and cannot
mark a compressed submission in Blackboard. Compressed submissions will not get any
feedback, even if you request feedback. If we do not have the correct software to
decompress a submission before marking, we cannot mark it and give a zero mark.
3. You must also upload the source files for all your diagrams in your report. We use the
source code to make sure you do not copy the diagrams from the Internet. On any
suspicion that you copied the diagrams, and no uploaded source code, we give you a
zero mark. We do not ask for the source code once it is marked. You may compress (zip)
the source files of all diagrams in one file.
4. Ensure that all diagrams are readable when printed on an A4 page. If the diagram is too
small to read, you cannot get a mark.
5. You have two submission attempts. All files must be in one submission, uncompressed.
We mark only the 2nd submission. Again, zipped files give problems as we do not always
have the software you use to zip the files. Zipped files may get a zero mark.
6. Take care on what you do, and how you do it. If any if the above instructions are unclear,
please ask in class for clarity.
7. Refer to the Blackboard rubrics on Blackboard for more detail on marking requirements.
This is a group assignment with several people in a group. Please refer to the BB
announcement on the number of members per group. You add yourself to a group on the
Blackboard groups available to you. All members must add themselves to the group at the same
time. Other students can add themselves to your group if there is a time-lapse. (There will be no
reallocation once you are added to a group). You may then get a partner you do not know or want.
Nobody can do these assignments on their own, it MUST be a collective work. Students that register
late will be allocated at random to any group that have space. All group registration must be
completed before a set date, as per Blackboard announcement. Members without a group will be
added to groups that have less than five team members.
Watch the following LinkedIn Learn course and focus on the sections listed.
Software Design: Developing Effective Requirements
1. Requirement types and phases
2. Requirement elicitation
3. Specification and analysis
You were asked to assist with the development of an information system for a Catering
company, called FoodGalore. This company organize and do catering for functions. The
company are well-known for:
1. Formal dinner parties
2. Children parties (with a theme and things such as castles, water-slides, animals and so on)
3. Informal lunches and dinners (buffet, braai, spit-braai and so on).
4. Themed parties
Information requirements that is known for every party include
1. The address of the party
2. Cost per head
3. Number of guests
4. Type of party and
5. Menu
The chef develops a menu consisting of a number of dishes. Each dish has a list of ingredients,
a price and storage requirement (Some dishes can be prepared in advance, others must be
refrigerated and so forth.).
The events co-coordinator also needs to know the theme of the party, if there is one, the
facilities available at the venue and the waiters, if any.
Clients also have specific needs re menu planning, and payment options. Repeat clients are
very important for business. Discounts are offered for repeat customers.
Assignment 1
1. Create a problem statement using the following template.
The problem is
The impact of which is
A successful solution would be
2. Create a product vision using the following template.
[target customer]
[statement of the need opportunity]
The [product name]
Is a [product category]
[statement of key benefits; that is; the
compelling reason to buy]
[primary competitive alternative]
Our product
[statement of primary differentiation]
3. Create User stories grouped together by theme. Remember to use the prescribed
format. You first need to determine the stakeholders and users before you can write any
user story.
Assignment 2
Present your submission in a report format. Save your diagrams as gif/jpeg/png and insert
these pictures into your word document. All diagrams must be readable when printed on an
A4 page. Diagrams with too much detail cannot be read when printed on an A4 page. It is
difficult or impossible to mark an unreadable diagram.
1. Create use case diagrams, grouped by theme. Look at the format of the diagram in the
prescribed textbook (title, box around use cases, actor symbol (no jokes), all use cases
start with a verb).
2. Draw activity diagrams. Again, look at the prescribed textbook for the correct format
of the diagram (Title, swim lanes, begin and end symbols and so on).
3. Draw a domain model class diagram.
The number of diagrams required will be discussed in class.

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