Create a schematic on quartus for seven segment display


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I’m only saying this because for some reason, I have asked this question two other tutors and they didn’t provide an answer for some reason. Its very simple and doable, I just don’t know why they didn’t do it.

Following the instructions, I want you to basically create a seven segment display schematic in quartus, having the outputs be the hex representation from 0-9, A B C D E F. Attached are the files for the instructions, you don’t need to follow them step by step, they are there for the reference only, or in case you weren’t sure about something. after you are done from the schematic, make sure they work correctly by doing the simulation in questa. After you are done, don’t forget to send me the boolean equation you used to create the schematic. You don’t need to worry about the nano part, or filling up the truth table, only do boolean equations to make the schematic, and the results after you do the simulation in questa to make sure you got everything correct. I also attached a file called p1, its only there for the reference in case you needed help for the set up. The project is straight forward and easy, despite the long details on the file.

Note: comp300-P01 and comp300-p02 files are for instructions, p02 file is the file I get when cloning the link from the repo, so you don’t need to clone it yourself.

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