network management 340 project (case study

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College of Computing and Informatics
Project/Case Study
Deadline: Thursday 8/6/2023 @ 23:59
[Total Mark is 14]
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Description and Instructions
Pg. 01
Description and Instructions
Part 1 [4 marks]
Suppose you are in charge of a network’s functionality and performance.
Evaluate different
SNMP tools,
network statistics
tools, and
protocol analyzer
for network
a) Which monitoring tools would you use to ensure the optimal performance of the
network? Provide at least two reasons for chosen this tool. [1 mark]
b) What would you look for to check the performance? [1 mark]
c) What are some statistics results you can get from the chosen monitoring tool?
Support your results with screenshots [2 marks]
Part 2 [6 marks]
In this term, we learned that SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a
network management protocol widely used among enterprises for collecting and
organizing information about managed devices such as switches, routers, and firewalls.
This protocol uses UDP as its transport protocol because it has no need for the
overhead of TCP.
Unfortunately, SNMP implementations could have a variety of different problems and
issues. Therefore, it’s important that you know how to troubleshoot SNMP network
monitoring issues. For this question, explain in detail your methodology to troubleshoot
the following issues. Make sure to justify your answer with an example.
a) SNMP packets failed to pass through the network due to firewall implementation.
[2 marks]
b) Network management system (NMS) unable to receive traps from a switch
exists in the network. [2 marks]
c) Duplicate SNMP Engine ID were found on different devices on the network. [2
Description and Instructions
Pg. 02
Part 3 [4 marks]
Build a small network topology with a router and two switches. Then use the following
table to configure the Router and Pcs.
a) Write the commands used to configure the router. [2 marks]
b) Support your results with screenshots that show the connectivity between
hosts from different networks. [2 marks]

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