Create a Cloud Cost Analysis with three deliverables

The Cloud Cost Analysis will include three deliverables:

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Deliverable 1 will include a share link to calculations displaying the steps you took to calculate the annualcost using the free Azure pricing calculator tool.

Deliverable 2 will be two spreadsheets showing the cost for a pay-as-you-go option and a one-year option payment.

Deliverable 3 will be a two-paragraph memo which compares the two and provides your recommendation.

Cost Analysis Memo
Azure Pricing Sheet
Instructions: In the space below, place a copy of the link from the Share button in your Microsoft Azure pricing sheet.
Memo Section
Instructions: In the space below, begin typing your memo or cut and paste it from any word processing software.
oft Azure pricing sheet.
rocessing software.
Pay-as-you-go option estimate
Instructions: Below, copy and paste the pay-as-you-go estimate Excel spreadsheet generated through the Microsoft Azure
ough the Microsoft Azure pricing calculator.
One-year option estimate
Instructions: Below, copy and paste the one-year reserved estimate Excel spreadsheet generated through the Microsoft A
through the Microsoft Azure pricing calculator.

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