Have to do 1 to 6 and 9 to 10 tasks and conclusion

COMP 8825Mobile Security
Group Assignment 2 People
Semester 2, 2023
Due Time (soft copy):
School of Computing, Electrical and Due Date:
Applied Technologies
9 am
Monday 9 October
Course Weighting
ASSIGNMENT: Mobile Security
The report must be professionally prepared (not handwritten), printed double-sided, with one-and-ahalf spacing, font size 12. It must be your work. When using other people’s work, references must
be provided and there must not be any unacknowledged ‘cut and paste’. The report must therefore
include a list of references (including websites if appropriate), preferably you need to have at least
20 journal/conference papers. Ten of these must be discussed in detail, having at least one
discussion for each discussed paper (have one section in your report for papers discussed), 5 books,
and some websites. You may use part of the other 10 journals/conferences in other parts of the
report (e.g. technical details, analysis of growth, …) while referencing. To get a good grade, write a
high-level detail of the mobile security topic (not only the basics), use the latest journal/conference
papers, and give less priority to websites. It is expected that the report size will be approximately
20/30 pages or more, although there is no limit on the size of the report.
Please provide the following with your report (you may have one section for each of the following):
1. RELATED TO “MOBILE DEVICE SECURITY” – Title page, one-page abstract, table
of contents, introduction (background and history of mobile security).
2. RELATED TO “MOBILE DEVICE SECURITY” – Analysis of the growth in all mobile
security breaches (reasons, trend- a graph showing the number and types of incidents, etc.).
(a) for New Zealand (b) the rest of the world.
3. RELATED TO “MOBILE DEVICE SECURITY” – Technical details of the chosen
mobile security topic (theoretical details of how mobile security works for your topic, e.g.
iOS security). You may use books, papers, Internet, etc.
4. RELATED TO “MOBILE DEVICE SECURITY” – Explanation/discussion of any
security breaches in the past in the world (mentioned above) and any solutions.
5. RELATED TO “MOBILE DEVICE SECURITY” – Explanation/discussion of any
security breaches in New Zealand and compare with the rest of the world breaches and any
solutions to these breaches.
6. RELATED TO “MOBILE DEVICE SECURITY” – Business and/or social impact of
mobile security/security breaches.
7. RELATED TO “MOBILE DEVICE SECURITY” – Summarise and discuss at least 10
papers (at least one page per paper).
8. RELATED TO “MOBILE DEVICE SECURITY” – Discussion: (try to discuss the latest
developments, (analysis, and why? how? future? various options, advantages, disadvantages,
opportunities, comparison of work of researchers on the topic, etc.).
9. Conclusions.
10. References and appendices.
if the similarity with other sources is above 20%, you need to resubmit.
Marking Schedule
Background and history of mobile security.
2. Analysis of the growth in mobile security breaches (reasons, trend- a graph showing the
number and types of incidents, etc.). (a) for New Zealand (b) the rest of the world.
3. Technical details of the chosen mobile security topic (details of how security works in your
topic and any threats to it. You may use books, papers, or the Internet.
Try to use books and papers more to get a good grade.
4. Explanation/discussion of any security breaches in the world and New Zealand and compare
with the rest of the world breaches and any solutions to these breaches.
5. Business and/or social impact of mobile security/security breaches.
6. Summarise and discuss at least 10 papers (at least one page per paper).
7. Discussion/Conclusions: (try to discuss the latest developments, (analysis, why? how?
future? various options, advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, comparison of work of
researchers on the topic, etc.). Your conclusions
8. References and appendices (if any).
Quality of the document
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