GCU University Python Programming Worksheet

Full Points: Working code that yields correct results

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You will be graded on the dashboards displaying the specified data and the screenshots you took during the final project lab questions. There are 12 possible points for this assignment. Here is the breakdown:

Question 1 – Extracting Tesla Stock Data Using yfinance – 2 PointsQuestion 2 – Extracting Tesla Revenue Data Using Webscraping – 1 PointsQuestion 3 – Extracting GameStop Stock Data Using yfinance – 2 PointsQuestion 4 – Extracting GameStop Revenue Data Using Webscraping – 1 PointsQuestion 5 – Tesla Stock and Revenue Dashboard – 2 PointsQuestion 6 – GameStop Stock and Revenue Dashboard- 2 PointsQuestion 7 – Sharing your Assignment Notebook – 2 Points

For each problem points will be awarded as follows:

Full Points: Working code that yields correct resultsPartial Points: Partially correct code or resultsNo Points: Did not attempt the problem or did not upload any solution

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Example Submissions


Here are some examples of a submission clearly showing both the Code and its Results/Output when executed from a Jupyter Notebook.

Its a good idea to take a screenshot from the question header to the final output to capture everything.

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