IT 476 SEU Computer Science The Security Term Availability Questions

College of Computing and Informatics
Assignment 1
Deadline: Thursday 05/10/2023 @ 23:59
[Total Mark for this Assignment is 8]
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Question One
Pg. 01
networking and
security, security
issues, trends, and
security resource.
Apply effective,
proper, and stateof-the-art security
tools and
Question One
1.5 Marks
Define the security term “availability.” Provide an example of a business
situation in which availability is more important than confidentiality.
Question Two
Pg. 02
networking and
security, security
issues, trends, and
security resource.
Question Two
1.5 Marks
ISO 27002 Supplier Relationships (Section 15) was added in the 2013 version. Discuss
your opinion with real example of why this section was added?
Question Three
Pg. 03
Apply the most
solutions to
Question Three
2.5 Marks
Information Security Policies provide a framework that guides the organization and
protects the assets of that organization. Consider the SEU privacy policy discussed in
Question One, the policy goal is to ensure the privacy of sensitive information. This
sensitive information may be vulnerable to some information security threats.
problems related
to the field of
1. Choose at least one SEU information asset and identify the information
Security and
sensitivity level based on SEU privacy policy (i.e., Low, or Middle, or Highly
sensitive information).
2. List at least two security threats to the chosen sensitive information asset, two
vulnerabilities that might allow a threat to occur, and two risks resulting from the
threats and vulnerabilities.
Note: Write your answer in the table below.
Pg. 04
Question Three
Question Four
Pg. 05
Question Four
1.5 Marks
Discuss the importance of asset inventory in terms of security perspective.
Analyze problems
related to the field
of Security and
Question Five
Pg. 06
Analyze problems
related to the field
Question Five
1 Mark
A smartphone is an information system. As with any information system, data
ownership and custodianship must be assigned. If a company allows an employee to
use a personally owned device for work-related communications:
of Security and
a. Who would you consider the information system owner? Why?
b. Who would you consider the information system custodian? Why?
c. In regard to protecting data, should there be a distinction between company data and
personal data?

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