below r the question
Homework Programming with Python, and C++ or Java
Problem Description
In this problem, you will learn and practice OO programming concepts with 1)
Python and 2)Java or C++.
We would like to process some standard geometric shapes. Each figure will be
one of three standard shapes (rectangle, circle, and right triangle). We
would like to be able to do standard computations, such as finding the area
and perimeter, for any of these shapes.
A shape has a name. In addition, each rectangle has two other properties-width and height; each circle has one more property–radius, and each right
triangle has two other properties–base and height. Choose appropriate data
types for the information.
You may use the Python environment from download the Python environment to
your own computer, or online Python environment or Jupyter Notebook or Colab,
Program design requirements
The assignment will be graded based on the following requirements:
a. When appropriate, demonstrate appropriate use of access controls for the
class and its members.
b. When appropriate, demonstrate method overloading and/or method overridden.
c. When appropriate, override/redefine inherited methods, instead of creating
new ones.
d. Make sure input values are checked, for example, radius should not be
negative or zero.
e. Demonstrate the use of abstract methods.
f. Be sure to professionally document your source code.
g. Please refer
ch12/python_oo_23.pdf for Python example and chapter 12 for C++ example.
Submit the following files in soft copy on or prior to the due date:
a. Source code for both programs
b. Source code for testing both programs (Testing code can be combined with
that from Part a)
c. Screenshots of two sample runs, one for each language. Make sure you test
all the cases, illustrated in the Python code below.
Sample testing code in Python as an example:
if __name__ == “__main__”:
# s = Shape() not allowed.
print(“\n******Testing Rectangle class******”)
rectangle = Rectangle(“Basketball Court”, 94, 50)
print(“\nChange the width to 100”)
rectangle.width = 100
print(“\nChange the height to -50”)
rectangle.height = -50
print(“\n******Testing Circle class******”)
circle = Circle(“The Olympic Ring”, 10)
print(“\nChange the radius to -100”)
circle.radius = -100
anothercircle = Circle(“Another ring”, 20)
print(“\nComparing circles”)
print(circle == anothercircle)
print(“\n******Testing Right Triangle class******”)
rt_triangle = RtTriangle(“A Red Flag”, 10, 10)
******Testing Rectangle class******
Shape Name: Basketball Court
Area: 4700
Perimeter: 288
Width: 94
Height: 50
Change the widht to 100
Shape Name: Basketball Court
Area: 5000
Perimeter: 300
Width: 100
Height: 50
Change the height to -50
Invalid height value!
Shape Name: Basketball Court
Area: 5000
Perimeter: 300
Width: 100
Height: 50
******Testing Circle class******
Shape Name: The Olympic Ring
Area: 314.15000000000003
Perimeter: 62.830000000000005
Radius: 10
Change the radius to -100
Invalid radius value!
Shape Name: The Olympic Ring
Area: 314.15000000000003
Perimeter: 62.830000000000005
Radius: 10
Comparing circles
******Testing Right Triangle class******
Shape Name: A Red Flag
Area: 50.0
Perimeter: 34.14213562373095
Base: 10
Height: 10