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A new family tour is often the first opportunity a program has to explain the elements of responsive caregiving and how it is used in planning for the individual needs of children birth to age three. You will be developing a script for a new family tour that includes your dialogue as well as questions you would ask the family.

Step One– Select an age group for the tour (from below):

  • Young infants (non-mobile)
  • Older infants (mobile)
  • Young toddlers (1-2 years old)
  • Older toddlers (2-3 years old)

Step Two – Write your tour script

  • Write a script to introduce your selected age group/program, addressing the questions below. Your script is your own dialogue, what you will say word for word. You may want to include additional information to cover the other key aspects for new parents as well.
  • How is the program set up to support responsive caregiving practices?
  • How does responsive caregiving meet individual needs to support learning?
  • What is your role in implementing the approach?
  • Explain what the age range for your tour and staff-to-child ratio?
  • What additional information would you share to personalize the tour?

Step Three:

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  • Write five questions to ask parents about their child during the tour to collect information on the following:
  • Routine
  • Temperament
  • Child Preferences
  • Social and emotional needs and responses
  • Family Expectations
  • Explain how you would utilize these questions during the tour to collect information from families and connect information collected to how you implement a responsive approach.


  • Title page in APA format
  • One document with completed script
  • Professional language including accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation throughout. 



Responsive Caregiving and Individual Needs

30% of total grade

Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement

Exemplary description of how the program supports responsive caregiving with comprehensive supporting examples of ways to meet individual needs.


Program Details

10% of total grade

Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement

Exemplary description of program including age range, staff to child ratio, your role in responsive caregiving with comprehensive supporting examples of how approach is implemented.


Additional Information

10% of total grade
Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement

Exemplary illustration of program with comprehensive additional information and elements to personalize tour.



5% of total grade

Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement

Exemplary five questions developed that are aligned to collect information about each criterion – child’s routine, temperament, preferences, social-emotional needs, responses, and family expectations.


Utilizing Questions

30% of total grade
Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement

Exemplary explanation of how questions would be utilized during tour to collect information and comprehensive details on how information would be used to implement responsive approach.



5% of total grade
Mastery: Advanced or exceeds achievement

Exemplary organization of script, professional language and thorough use of developed questions throughout the tour.

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