NUR 4636 – DB 2.4 Older Adults: Aging in Place

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Older Adults: Aging in Place

Older adults are changing dramatically. The numbers and types of home care services, for example, are mushrooming. Community health nurses must keep abreast of new developments, programs, regulations, and social and economic forces, along with their potential impacts on the provision of health services. More importantly, community health nurses need to be proactive, designing interventions that maximize nursing’s resources and provide the greatest benefit to clients. Many of the older population’s health problems can be prevented and their health promoted.

  1. What is one of the most important preventive measures that the community health nurse can assist with the older population at the senior center to prevent health problems and promote the individual’s health?
  2. The role of the community health nurse as a teacher is an important one. What education can be completed to prevent health problems in this population?
  3. Community health nurses face a serious challenge in addressing the needs of the growing and aging population. What are the most common health problems of older adults?

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