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ONE episode of the TV program: “The First 48.” This program is aired on the A&E Channel. You can also view full episodes on the A&E website if the TV schedule is inconvenient for you. 

While watching the program I want you to keep track of the dynamics between the police officers and the community. Take into account where the crimes are committed, how they go about finding witnesses and suspects, and how well (or not) the community cooperates with them.  

The program will tell you the city in which the particular case is in, so I also want you to do some research on that city for your paper. Please find out the city’s population, and most importantly, find out about the police department, and try including crime rate data, if possible.  

Idiscuss the “Community Policing” element. Discuss the relationship (if any) the detectives had with the community. Were the residents cooperative? How about the interrogation process (if any)? Were the police officers effective in their approach?. 

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 So basically, I want a commentary on your part where you are analyzing the police and their tactics and strategies based on the knowledge you have gained so far. You can com

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