brilliant answersMiss Professor
Unit 3 Writing Assignment
· Based on your reading of Teaching with Poverty in Mind, which of the six types of poverty [situational, generational, absolute, relative, urban, and rural] are most prevalent at your school? How might the book’s definitions of these types of poverty change the way you think about or approach poverty at your school?
· Requirements: You will write a 2- to 3-page (not including title page and reference page) reflection paper in APA format. Provide at least 2 references within your paper and on the reference page. Consider using the What Great Teachers do Differently text as a resource.
I work in a rural area.
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Teaching with Poverty in MindTeaching with Poverty in Mind
by Eric Jensenby Eric Jensen
Table of ContentsTable of Contents
Chapter 1. Understanding the Nature of PovertyChapter 1. Understanding the Nature of Poverty
Chris Hawkins teaches history in a high-poverty secondary school. He’s beenChris Hawkins teaches history in a high-poverty secondary school. He’s been
teaching for 14 years and believes he’s a good teacher. But he gets frustrated in histeaching for 14 years and believes he’s a good teacher. But he gets frustrated in his
classes and hits a wall of despair at least once a week. His complaints about hisclasses and hits a wall of despair at least once a week. His complaints about his
students are common among many who teach economically disadvantagedstudents are common among many who teach economically disadvantaged
students: chronic tardiness, lack of motivation, and inappropriate behavior. Mr.students: chronic tardiness, lack of motivation, and inappropriate behavior. Mr.
Hawkins complains that his students act out, use profanity, and disrespect others.Hawkins complains that his students act out, use profanity, and disrespect others.
“It’s like going to war every day,” he says. The recurring thought that goes through”It’s like going to war every day,” he says. The recurring thought that goes through
his mind is “Retirement is only six years away.”his mind is “Retirement is only six years away.”
How would you feel if your son or daughter were a student in Mr. Hawkins’s class?How would you feel if your son or daughter were a student in Mr. Hawkins’s class?
Only two short generations ago, policymakers, school leaders, and teachersOnly two short generations ago, policymakers, school leaders, and teachers
commonly thought of children raised in poverty with sympathy but without ancommonly thought of children raised in poverty with sympathy but without an
understanding of how profoundly their chances for success were diminished by their situation. Today, weunderstanding of how profoundly their chances for success were diminished by their situation. Today, we
have a broad research base that clearly outlines the rami�cations of living in poverty as well as evidence ofhave a broad research base that clearly outlines the rami�cations of living in poverty as well as evidence of
schools that do succeed with economically disadvantaged students. We can safely say that we have no excuseschools that do succeed with economically disadvantaged students. We can safely say that we have no excuse
to let any child fail. Poverty calls for key information and smarter strategies, not resignation and let any child fail. Poverty calls for key information and smarter strategies, not resignation and despair.
What Is Poverty?What Is Poverty?
The word The word povertypoverty provokes strong emotions and many questions. In the United States, the o�cial poverty provokes strong emotions and many questions. In the United States, the o�cial poverty
thresholds are set by the O�ce of Management and Budget (OMB). Persons with income less than thatthresholds are set by the O�ce of Management and Budget (OMB). Persons with income less than that
deemed su�cient to purchase basic needs—food, shelter, clothing, and other essentials—are designated asdeemed su�cient to purchase basic needs—food, shelter, clothing, and other essentials—are designated as
poor. In reality, the cost of living varies dramatically based on geography; for example, people classi�ed aspoor. In reality, the cost of living varies dramatically based on geography; for example, people classi�ed as
poor in San Francisco might not feel as poor if they lived in Clay County, Kentucky. I de�ne poverty as poor in San Francisco might not feel as poor if they lived in Clay County, Kentucky. I de�ne poverty as aa
chronic and debilitating condition that results from multiple adverse synergistic risk factors and a�ects the mind,chronic and debilitating condition that results from multiple adverse synergistic risk factors and a�ects the mind,
body, and soulbody, and soul. However you de�ne it, poverty is complex; it does not mean the same thing for all people. For. However you de�ne it, poverty is complex; it does not mean the same thing for all people. For
the purposes of this book, we can identify six types of poverty: situational, generational, absolute, relative,the purposes of this book, we can identify six types of poverty: situational, generational, absolute, relative,
urban, and rural.urban, and rural.
Sale BookSale Book (( Nov 2009Nov 2009 ))
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1. Situational povertySituational poverty is generally caused by a sudden crisis or loss and is often temporary. Events is generally caused by a sudden crisis or loss and is often temporary. Events
causing situational poverty include environmental disasters, divorce, or severe health problems.causing situational poverty include environmental disasters, divorce, or severe health problems.
2. Generational povertyGenerational poverty occurs in families where at least two generations have been born into occurs in families where at least two generations have been born into
poverty. Families living in this type of poverty are not equipped with the tools to move out of theirpoverty. Families living in this type of poverty are not equipped with the tools to move out of their
3. Absolute poverty,Absolute poverty, which is rare in the United States, involves a scarcity of such necessities as which is rare in the United States, involves a scarcity of such necessities as
shelter, running water, and food. Families who live in absolute poverty tend to focus on day-to-dayshelter, running water, and food. Families who live in absolute poverty tend to focus on day-to-day
4. Relative povertyRelative poverty refers to the economic status of a family whose income is insu�cient to meet its refers to the economic status of a family whose income is insu�cient to meet its
society’s average standard of living.society’s average standard of living.
5. Urban povertyUrban poverty occurs in metropolitan areas with populations of at least 50,000 people. The urban occurs in metropolitan areas with populations of at least 50,000 people. The urban
poor deal with a complex aggregate of chronic and acute stressors (including crowding, violence,poor deal with a complex aggregate of chronic and acute stressors (including crowding, violence,
and noise) and are dependent on often-inadequate large-city services.and noise) and are dependent on often-inadequate large-city services.
6. Rural povertyRural poverty occurs in nonmetropolitan areas with populations below 50,000. In rural areas, occurs in nonmetropolitan areas with populations below 50,000. In rural areas,
there are more single-guardian households, and families often have less access to services,there are more single-guardian households, and families often have less access to services,
support for disabilities, and quality education opportunities. Programs to encourage transitionsupport for disabilities, and quality education opportunities. Programs to encourage transition
from welfare to work are problematic in remote rural areas, where job opportunities are fewfrom welfare to work are problematic in remote rural areas, where job opportunities are few
(Whitener, Gibbs, & Kusmin, 2003). The rural poverty rate is growing and has exceeded the urban(Whitener, Gibbs, & Kusmin, 2003). The rural poverty rate is growing and has exceeded the urban
rate every year since data collection began in the 1960s. The di�erence between the two povertyrate every year since data collection began in the 1960s. The di�erence between the two poverty
rates has averaged about 5 percent for the last 30 years, with urban rates near 10–15 percent andrates has averaged about 5 percent for the last 30 years, with urban rates near 10–15 percent and
rural rates near 15–20 percent (Jolli�e, 2004).rural rates near 15–20 percent (Jolli�e, 2004).
The E�ects of PovertyThe E�ects of Poverty
Poverty involves a complex array of risk factors that adversely a�ect the population in a multitude of ways.Poverty involves a complex array of risk factors that adversely a�ect the population in a multitude of ways.
The four primary risk factors a�icting families living in poverty areThe four primary risk factors a�icting families living in poverty are
Emotional and social challenges.Emotional and social challenges.
Acute and chronic stressors.Acute and chronic stressors.
Cognitive lags.Cognitive lags.
Health and safety issues.Health and safety issues.
Graber and Brooks-Gunn (1995) estimated that in 1995, 35 percent of poor families experienced six or moreGraber and Brooks-Gunn (1995) estimated that in 1995, 35 percent of poor families experienced six or more
risk factors (such as divorce, sickness, or eviction); only 2 percent experienced no risk factors. In contrast, onlyrisk factors (such as divorce, sickness, or eviction); only 2 percent experienced no risk factors. In contrast, only
5 percent of well-o� families experienced six or more risk factors, and 19 percent experienced none.5 percent of well-o� families experienced six or more risk factors, and 19 percent experienced none.
The aggregate of risk factors makes everyday living a struggle; they are multifaceted and interwoven, buildingThe aggregate of risk factors makes everyday living a struggle; they are multifaceted and interwoven, building
on and playing o� one another with a devastatingly synergistic e�ect (Atzaba-Poria, Pike, & Deater-Deckard,on and playing o� one another with a devastatingly synergistic e�ect (Atzaba-Poria, Pike, & Deater-Deckard,
2004). In other words, one problem created by poverty begets another, which in turn contributes to another,2004). In other words, one problem created by poverty begets another, which in turn contributes to another,
leading to a seemingly endless cascade of deleterious consequences. A head injury, for example, is aleading to a seemingly endless cascade of deleterious consequences. A head injury, for example, is a
potentially dire event for a child living in poverty. With limited access to adequate medical care, the child maypotentially dire event for a child living in poverty. With limited access to adequate medical care, the child may
experience cognitive or emotional damage, mental illness, or depression, possibly attended with denial orexperience cognitive or emotional damage, mental illness, or depression, possibly attended with denial or
shame that further prevents the child from getting necessary help; impairments in vision or hearing that goshame that further prevents the child from getting necessary help; impairments in vision or hearing that go
untested, undiagnosed, and untreated; or undiagnosed behavior disorders, such as AD/HD or oppositionaluntested, undiagnosed, and untreated; or undiagnosed behavior disorders, such as AD/HD or oppositional
personality disorder.personality disorder.
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It’s safe to say that poverty and its attendant risk factors are damaging to the physical, socioemotional, andIt’s safe to say that poverty and its attendant risk factors are damaging to the physical, socioemotional, and
cognitive well-being of children and their families (Klebanov & Brooks-Gunn, 2006; Sapolsky, 2005). Data fromcognitive well-being of children and their families (Klebanov & Brooks-Gunn, 2006; Sapolsky, 2005). Data from
the Infant Health and Development Program show that 40 percent of children living in chronic poverty hadthe Infant Health and Development Program show that 40 percent of children living in chronic poverty had
de�ciencies in at least two areas of functioning (such as language and emotional responsiveness) at age 3de�ciencies in at least two areas of functioning (such as language and emotional responsiveness) at age 3
(Bradley et al., 1994). The following two sections examine how inferior provisions both at home and at school(Bradley et al., 1994). The following two sections examine how inferior provisions both at home and at school
place poor children at risk for low academic performance and failure to complete poor children at risk for low academic performance and failure to complete school.
Poverty at HomePoverty at Home
Compared with well-o� children, poor children are disproportionately exposed to adverse social and physicalCompared with well-o� children, poor children are disproportionately exposed to adverse social and physical
environments. Low-income neighborhoods are likely to have lower-quality social, municipal, and localenvironments. Low-income neighborhoods are likely to have lower-quality social, municipal, and local
services. Because of greater tra�c volume, higher crime rates, and less playground safety—to name but a fewservices. Because of greater tra�c volume, higher crime rates, and less playground safety—to name but a few
factors—poor neighborhoods are more hazardous and less likely to contain green space than well-o�factors—poor neighborhoods are more hazardous and less likely to contain green space than well-o�
neighborhoods are. Poor children often breathe contaminated air and drink impure water. Their householdsneighborhoods are. Poor children often breathe contaminated air and drink impure water. Their households
are more crowded, noisy, and physically deteriorated, and they contain a greater number of safety hazardsare more crowded, noisy, and physically deteriorated, and they contain a greater number of safety hazards
(National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future [NCTAF], 2004).(National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future [NCTAF], 2004).
Although childhood is generally considered to be a time of joyful, carefree exploration, children living inAlthough childhood is generally considered to be a time of joyful, carefree exploration, children living in
poverty tend to spend less time �nding out about the world around them and more time struggling to survivepoverty tend to spend less time �nding out about the world around them and more time struggling to survive
within it. Poor children have fewer and less-supportive networks than their more a�uent counterparts do;within it. Poor children have fewer and less-supportive networks than their more a�uent counterparts do;
live in neighborhoods that are lower in social capital; and, as adolescents, are more likely to rely on peerslive in neighborhoods that are lower in social capital; and, as adolescents, are more likely to rely on peers
than on adults for social and emotional support. Low-SES children also have fewer cognitive-enrichmentthan on adults for social and emotional support. Low-SES children also have fewer cognitive-enrichment
opportunities. They have fewer books at home, visit the library less often, and spend considerably more timeopportunities. They have fewer books at home, visit the library less often, and spend considerably more time
watching TV than their middle-income counterparts do (Kumanyika & Grier, 2006).watching TV than their middle-income counterparts do (Kumanyika & Grier, 2006).
Often, poor children live in chaotic, unstable households. They are more likely to come from single-guardianOften, poor children live in chaotic, unstable households. They are more likely to come from single-guardian
homes, and their parents or caregivers tend to be less emotionally responsive (Blair et al., 2008; Evans,homes, and their parents or caregivers tend to be less emotionally responsive (Blair et al., 2008; Evans,
Gonnella, Marcynyszyn, Gentile, & Salpekar, 2005). Single parenthood strains resources and correlates directlyGonnella, Marcynyszyn, Gentile, & Salpekar, 2005). Single parenthood strains resources and correlates directly
with poor school attendance, lower grades, and lower chances of attending college (Xi & Lal, 2006). Contrastwith poor school attendance, lower grades, and lower chances of attending college (Xi & Lal, 2006). Contrast
these children with their peers living in stable two-parent families, who have more access to �nancialthese children with their peers living in stable two-parent families, who have more access to �nancial
resources and parental time, receive more supervision, participate in more extracurricular activities, and doresources and parental time, receive more supervision, participate in more extracurricular activities, and do
better in school (Evans, 2004).better in school (Evans, 2004).
Young children are especially vulnerable to the negative e�ects of change, disruption, and uncertainty.Young children are especially vulnerable to the negative e�ects of change, disruption, and uncertainty.
Developing children need reliable caregivers who o�er high predictability, or their brains will typically developDeveloping children need reliable caregivers who o�er high predictability, or their brains will typically develop
adverse adaptive responses. Chronic socioeconomic deprivation can create environments that undermine theadverse adaptive responses. Chronic socioeconomic deprivation can create environments that undermine the
development of self and the capacity for self-determination and self-e�cacy. Compared with their moredevelopment of self and the capacity for self-determination and self-e�cacy. Compared with their more
a�uent peers, low-SES children form more stress-ridden attachments with parents, teachers, and adulta�uent peers, low-SES children form more stress-ridden attachments with parents, teachers, and adult
caregivers and have di�culty establishing rewarding friendships with children their own age. They are morecaregivers and have di�culty establishing rewarding friendships with children their own age. They are more
likely than well-o� children to believe that their parents are uninterested in their activities, to receive lesslikely than well-o� children to believe that their parents are uninterested in their activities, to receive less
positive reinforcement from teachers and less homework help from babysitters, and to experience morepositive reinforcement from teachers and less homework help from babysitters, and to experience more
turbulent or unhealthy friendships (Evans & English, 2002).turbulent or unhealthy friendships (Evans & English, 2002).
Common issues in low-income families include depression, chemical dependence, and hectic work schedulesCommon issues in low-income families include depression, chemical dependence, and hectic work schedules
—all factors that interfere with the healthy attachments that foster children’s self-esteem, sense of mastery of—all factors that interfere with the healthy attachments that foster children’s self-esteem, sense of mastery of
their environment, and optimistic attitudes. Instead, poor children often feel isolated and unloved, feelingstheir environment, and optimistic attitudes. Instead, poor children often feel isolated and unloved, feelings
that kick o� a downward spiral of unhappy life events, including poor academic performance, behavioralthat kick o� a downward spiral of unhappy life events, including poor academic performance, behavioral
problems, dropping out of school, and drug abuse. These events tend to rule out college as an option andproblems, dropping out of school, and drug abuse. These events tend to rule out college as an option and
perpetuate the cycle of poverty. Figure 1.1 shows how adverse childhood experiences can set o� anperpetuate the cycle of poverty. Figure 1.1 shows how adverse childhood experiences can set o� an
avalanche of negative life experiences, including social, emotional, and cognitive impairment; adoption ofavalanche of negative life experiences, including social, emotional, and cognitive impairment; adoption of
risky behaviors; disease, disability, and social problems; and, in the worst cases, early death. Figure 1.2risky behaviors; disease, disability, and social problems; and, in the worst cases, early death. Figure 1.2
demonstrates the negative correlation between adverse risk factors and academic achievement.demonstrates the negative correlation between adverse risk factors and academic achievement.
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Figure 1.1. Adverse Childhood Experiences ModelFigure 1.1. Adverse Childhood Experiences Model
Source:Source: Adapted from “Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunction to Adapted from “Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunction to
Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults: The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults: The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)
Study,” by V. J. Felitti, R. F. Anda, D. Nordenberg, D. F. Williamson, A. M. Spitz, V. Edwards, etStudy,” by V. J. Felitti, R. F. Anda, D. Nordenberg, D. F. Williamson, A. M. Spitz, V. Edwards, et
al., 1998, al., 1998, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 14American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 14(4), pp. 245–258.(4), pp. 245–258.
Figure 1.2. Adverse Economic Risk Factors and Academic CorrelationsFigure 1.2. Adverse Economic Risk Factors and Academic Correlations
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Source:Source: Adapted from “Environmental Toxicants and Developmental Disabilities: A Adapted from “Environmental Toxicants and Developmental Disabilities: A
Challenge for Psychologists,” by S. M. Koger, T. Schettler, and B. Weiss, 2005, Challenge for Psychologists,” by S. M. Koger, T. Schettler, and B. Weiss, 2005, AmericanAmerican
Psychologist, 60Psychologist, 60(3), pp. 243–255.(3), pp. 243–255.
Poverty at SchoolPoverty at School
Studies of risk and resilience in children have shown that family income correlates signi�cantly with children’sStudies of risk and resilience in children have shown that family income correlates signi�cantly with children’s
academic success, especially during the preschool, kindergarten, and primary years (van Ijzendoorn,academic success, especially during the preschool, kindergarten, and primary years (van Ijzendoorn,
Vereijken, Bakermans-Kranenburg, & Riksen-Walraven, 2004). Due to issues of transportation, health care,Vereijken, Bakermans-Kranenburg, & Riksen-Walraven, 2004). Due to issues of transportation, health care,
and family care, high tardy rates and absenteeism are common problems among poor students.and family care, high tardy rates and absenteeism are common problems among poor students.
Unfortunately, absenteeism is the factor most closely correlated with dropout rates. School can help turnUnfortunately, absenteeism is the factor most closely correlated with dropout rates. School can help turn
children’s lives around, but only if the children show up.children’s lives around, but only if the children show up.
Attendance problems often indicate negative parent attitudes toward school. Parents who did poorly inAttendance problems often indicate negative parent attitudes toward school. Parents who did poorly in
school themselves may have a negative attitude about their children’s schools (Freiberg, 1993) and, in anschool themselves may have a negative attitude about their children’s schools (Freiberg, 1993) and, in an
e�ort to protect them, may even discourage their children from participating (Morrison-Gutman & McLoyd,e�ort to protect them, may even discourage their children from participating (Morrison-Gutman & McLoyd,
2000). These parents are often unwilling to get involved in school functions or activities, to contact the school2000). These parents are often unwilling to get involved in school functions or activities, to contact the school
about academic concerns, or to attend parent-teacher conferences (Morrison-Gutman & McLoyd, 2000). Poorabout academic concerns, or to attend parent-teacher conferences (Morrison-Gutman & McLoyd, 2000). Poor
children are also more likely than well-o� children are to attend poorly maintained schools with less-quali�edchildren are also more likely than well-o� children are to attend poorly maintained schools with less-quali�ed
teachers, and their day-care facilities—if available at all—are less adequate (NCTAF, 2004).teachers, and their day-care facilities—if available at all—are less adequate (NCTAF, 2004).
In addition, in many cases, low-achieving high school students report a sense of alienation from their schools.In addition, in many cases, low-achieving high school students report a sense of alienation from their schools.
Believing that no one cares or that their teachers don’t like them or talk down to them, students will often giveBelieving that no one cares or that their teachers don’t like them or talk down to them, students will often give
up on academics (Mouton & Hawkins, 1996). Kids raised in poverty are more likely to lack—and need—aup on academics (Mouton & Hawkins, 1996). Kids raised in poverty are more likely to lack—and need—a
caring, dependable adult in their lives, and often it’s teachers to whom children look for that support.caring, dependable adult in their lives, and often it’s teachers to whom children look for that support.
Action StepsAction Steps
Deepen sta� understanding.Deepen sta� understanding. It’s crucial for educators to keep in mind the many factors, some of them It’s crucial for educators to keep in mind the many factors, some of them
invisible, that play a role in students’ classroom actions. Many nonminority or middle-class teachers cannotinvisible, that play a role in students’ classroom actions. Many nonminority or middle-class teachers cannot
understand why children from poor backgrounds act the way they do at school. Teachers don’t need to comeunderstand why children from poor backgrounds act the way they do at school. Teachers don’t need to come
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from their students’ cultures to be able to teach them, but empathy and cultural knowledge are essential.from their students’ cultures to be able to teach them, but empathy and cultural knowledge are essential.
Therefore, an introduction to how students are a�ected by poverty is highly useful.Therefore, an introduction to how students are a�ected by poverty is highly useful.
Consider summarizing information from this chapter or other sources and sharing it with sta�. HoldConsider summarizing information from this chapter or other sources and sharing it with sta�. Hold
discussions at sta� meetings that inform and inspire. Form study groups to explore the brain-baseddiscussions at sta� meetings that inform and inspire. Form study groups to explore the brain-based
physiological e�ects of chronic poverty. Debunk the myths among sta� members who grew up in middle-physiological e�ects of chronic poverty. Debunk the myths among sta� members who grew up in middle-
class or upper-middle-class households. For example, some teachers perceive certain behaviors typical ofclass or upper-middle-class households. For example, some teachers perceive certain behaviors typical of
low-SES children as “acting out,” when often the behavior is a symptom of the e�ects of poverty and indicateslow-SES children as “acting out,” when often the behavior is a symptom of the e�ects of poverty and indicates
a condition such as a chronic stress disorder. Such disorders alter students’ brains (Ford, Farah, Shera, & Hurt,a condition such as a chronic stress disorder. Such disorders alter students’ brains (Ford, Farah, Shera, & Hurt,
2007) and often lead to greater impulsivity and poor short-term memory. In the classroom, this translates into2007) and often lead to greater impulsivity and poor short-term memory. In the classroom, this translates into
blurting, acting before asking permission, and forgetting what to do next.blurting, acting before asking permission, and forgetting what to do next.
Change the school culture from pity to empathy.Change the school culture from pity to empathy. When sta� members work with children raised in poverty, a When sta� members work with children raised in poverty, a
common observation is “Bless their hearts, they come from such terrible circumstances.” The problem withcommon observation is “Bless their hearts, they come from such terrible circumstances.” The problem with
that sentiment is that it leads to lowered expectations. Encourage teachers to feel empathy rather than pity;that sentiment is that it leads to lowered expectations. Encourage teachers to feel empathy rather than pity;
kids will appreciate your ability to know what it’s like to be in their shoes. Establish a school culture of caring,kids will appreciate your ability to know what it’s like to be in their shoes. Establish a school culture of caring,
not of giving up. You can help foster such a culture by speaking respectfully, not condescendingly, of and tonot of giving up. You can help foster such a culture by speaking respectfully, not condescendingly, of and to
your student population, and by using positive a�rmations, both vocally and through displays and posters.your student population, and by using positive a�rmations, both vocally and through displays and posters.
Embracing a New MissionEmbracing a New Mission
Beyond its e�ects on individual children, poverty a�ects families, schools, and communities (Bradley &Beyond its e�ects on individual children, poverty a�ects families, schools, and communities (Bradley &
Corwyn, 2002). And the problem promises to get worse. Children of immigrants make up 22 percent of theCorwyn, 2002). And the problem promises to get worse. Children of immigrants make up 22 percent of the
total child poverty cases in the United States (Rector, 2005), and immigration rates continue to child poverty cases in the United States (Rector, 2005), and immigration rates continue to increase.
Because of the massive in�ux of immigrants entering the United States every year, the ensuing competitionBecause of the massive in�ux of immigrants entering the United States every year, the ensuing competition
for low-wage jobs, and the statistical link between low-wage earners and increased childbearing (Schultz,for low-wage jobs, and the statistical link between low-wage earners and increased childbearing (Schultz,
2005), the number of U.S. children in low-income situations is forecast to rise over the next few decades.2005), the number of U.S. children in low-income situations is forecast to rise over the next few decades.
We need to address this rising problem, and soon. The timing and duration of poverty matter. Children whoWe need to address this rising problem, and soon. The timing and duration of poverty matter. Children who
experience poverty during their preschool and early school years experience lower rates of school completionexperience poverty during their preschool and early school years experience lower rates of school completion
than children and adolescents who experience poverty only in later years. In addition, for those who livethan children and adolescents who experience poverty only in later years. In addition, for those who live
below the poverty line for multiple years and receive minimal support or interventions, each year of lifebelow the poverty line for multiple years and receive minimal support or interventions, each year of life
“carries over” problems from the prior year. Ultimately, these translate to earlier mortality rates (Felitti et al.,”carries over” problems from the prior year. Ultimately, these translate to earlier mortality rates (Felitti et al.,
But there is hope. I present research �ndings in the next few chapters that suggest that early childhoodBut there is hope. I present research �ndings in the next few chapters that suggest that early childhood
interventions can be quite potent in reducing poverty’s impact. Schools around the world are succeeding withinterventions can be quite potent in reducing poverty’s impact. Schools around the world are succeeding with
poor students, and yours can, too. We must end the cycle of blame and resignation and embrace a newpoor students, and yours can, too. We must end the cycle of blame and resignation and embrace a new
mission to help all our students ful�ll their potential.mission to help all our students ful�ll their potential.
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