on time
Read/review the following resources
this activity:
Textbook: pp. 303
Initial Post Instructions
Main Post Part 1: Share Your Revision Plan
You have now received feedback from your instructor and from your peers, and you
have already been applying revision strategies to your draft in the pa
st week.
This week, you will perform final, guided revisions in six levels: global, section,
paragraph, sentence, word, and final proofreading. After you have read and studied the
lesson and the assigned textbook readings for the week, you will make a plan
addressing these levels of revision.
In one full paragraph, please share how you are approaching revisions now and how
you will continue to do so before submitting your final draft. In this paragraph, answer
the following questions:
Which days and tim
e slots on your calendar this week have you set aside to fully
address each of the six distinct levels of revision as addressed in the lesson?
Be very specific.
Why did you choose these days and time slots? Be very specific.
By now, you should have begun w
orking through the stages of revision. Which
stage are you in? Please share how you approached the stage(s) you have
worked through. What insights have you gained? What changes have you
made? Be very specific.
Main Post Part 2: Share Your Rewards Plan
We understand the importance of self
care and of rewarding ourselves for our good
efforts. “Revision Week” can be stressful because revision takes hard mental work and
time and because you may also be very busy in
other classes or with other endeavors.
Review the portion of the lesson that suggests ideas for rewarding yourself during your
revision stages in order to stay refreshed and motivated.
In one full paragraph, please carefully describe at least three of your
unique post
revision level rewards for this week.
What are the rewards?
Where do they occur?
What will they look like?
Who will be there?
How will each reward refresh you?
Be very specific and descriptive; let your classmates truly “see” the creative and rejuvenating choices you are making!
Student assignment for this week Examples 1
My plan in revising my paper is to first take the feedback provided by the professor and my peer and make changes as necessary. I will also make any corrections in grammar or APA noted in that feedback. I then plan to go through each stage of revision myself to ensure the paper is the best it can be. I have two days set aside this week to do a majority of the revisions; Tuesday and Wednesday. Both of these days I am off of work. I plan to begin the six levels of revision and work my way step by step. I plan to use late morning (10am-12pm), nap time for my kids (1pm- 3pm), and early evening before dinner (4pm-6pm) to work on my paper on both Tuesday and Wednesday. I also have the weekend Saturday and Sunday off from work to complete revising and submit my paper. At this point in my revision, I have completed the global revision and structure test. I have identified my thesis and the points to discuss. I believe my paper is organized in a logical order. I have begun to make some changes on my connecting sentences at the end and beginning of each paragraphs. I have also made changes where some sentences were repetitive throughout my paper. On Tuesday and Wednesday I plan to work through my paragraph, sentence and word revisions. By the weekend, I am hoping to be on the final step of revision with a final read-through correcting any errors in spelling, grammar or APA. I plan to use the advice given in this weeks lessons of reading it to yourself slowly, reading it aloud and letting others read it to see if any final adjustments are needed (Chamberlain, 2022).
Finding time for self care has been especially difficult for me during this class. Between working full time, having two children going to daycare during a pandemic dealing with quarantines, and completing coursework, I have had a hard time finding time for myself let alone for my other responsibilities. This week will be nice to schedule in some time for self care. After completing my work on Tuesday, I will spend some time with my family after dinner watching a movie or playing a game. On Wednesday after completing my work, I will take a relaxing bath and read a book after my kids go to sleep. Once I complete my final revisions and submit my paper over the weekend, I will have a nice dinner to celebrate with my family.
Chamberlain University (2022). Week 7 Lesson: “But I’m So Tired of Looking at It!”: Guidance During Crucial Final Revision Levels.
Student assignment for this week Examples 2
Hi everyone,
I’m planning on Friday from 1pm to 8pm to set aside the six distinct of revision as addressed in the lesson. I chose this time slots because I’m off, and free that day. Today, I started the level one which is global revision. Chamberlain (2022) notes, global revision is the most time- consuming revision of all the level. It includes examining the structures, organizations, points, and evidence. Similarly, I’ve drawn out my arguments point of views in separate drafts, and branches out my sources. In addition, I branches out my evidence from the sources. I have gained the insight of organization to connect it in my drafts. Some of the changes includes formatting, and moving ideas.
The three rewards I plan are 30 minutes walk in the neighborhood, eating dinner with my family, and 30 minutes meditation . I’m planning to have a family dinner at olive garden, and have a simple family time together. It will look like more on family time together, exercise, and meditation using guided imaginary from you tube. I will enjoy some time with my husband, and daughter. Family dinner’s reward is enjoying time with family while fueling-up my self. Walking in the neighborhood will produce energy to my body. Lastly, meditation will help to relax my body, and mind. In guided imaginary techniques, a person needs to imagine and experience the unreality situation provided by a narrator that can produce calming state (Arif & Perwez, 2021). Guided imaginary meditation is recognized to manage stress when practice regularly including a better sleep. Moreover, it can enhance emotional intelligent, and focus.
Arif, R, S., & Perwez, S. (2021). Effects of Guided Imagery, Zikar Azkar, and Priming Technique on Stress and Relaxation Level Among University Students. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research : PJPR, 36(2), 225–240.
https://doi.org/10.33824/PJPR.2021.36.2.14 (Links to an external site.)
Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2022, Jan). Week 7 Lesson: “But I’m so tired looking at it!”; Guidance during crucial final revision levels. English Comp 2, Chamberlain University. https://chamberlain.instructure.com/courses/93805/pages/week-7-lesson-but-im-so-tired-of-looking-at-it-guidance-during-crucial-final-revision-levels?module_item_id=13635501
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: pp. 303
Initial Post Instructions
Main Post Part 1: Share Your Revision Plan
You have now received feedback from your instructor and from your peers, and you
have already been applying revision strategies to your draft in the pa
st week.
This week, you will perform final, guided revisions in six levels: global, section,
paragraph, sentence, word, and final proofreading. After you have read and studied the
lesson and the assigned textbook readings for the week, you will make a plan
addressing these levels of revision.
In one full paragraph, please share how you are approaching revisions now and how
you will continue to do so before submitting your final draft. In this paragraph, answer
the following questions:
Which days and tim
e slots on your calendar this week have you set aside to fully
address each of the six distinct levels of revision as addressed in the lesson?
Be very specific.
Why did you choose these days and time slots? Be very specific.
By now, you should have begun w
orking through the stages of revision. Which
stage are you in? Please share how you approached the stage(s) you have
worked through. What insights have you gained? What changes have you
made? Be very specific.
Main Post Part 2: Share Your Rewards Plan
We understand the importance of self
care and of rewarding ourselves for our good
efforts. “Revision Week” can be stressful because revision takes hard mental work and
time and because you may also be very busy in
other classes or with other endeavors.
Review the portion of the lesson that suggests ideas for rewarding yourself during your
revision stages in order to stay refreshed and motivated.
In one full paragraph, please carefully describe at least three of your
unique post
revision level rewards for this week.
What are the rewards?
Where do they occur?
What will they look like?
Who will be there?
How will each reward refresh you?
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Textbook: pp. 303-305.
Initial Post Instructions
Main Post Part 1: Share Your Revision Plan
You have now received feedback from your instructor and from your peers, and you
have already been applying revision strategies to your draft in the past week.
This week, you will perform final, guided revisions in six levels: global, section,
paragraph, sentence, word, and final proofreading. After you have read and studied the
lesson and the assigned textbook readings for the week, you will make a plan for
addressing these levels of revision.
In one full paragraph, please share how you are approaching revisions now and how
you will continue to do so before submitting your final draft. In this paragraph, answer
the following questions:
Which days and time slots on your calendar this week have you set aside to fully
address each of the six distinct levels of revision as addressed in the lesson?
Be very specific.
Why did you choose these days and time slots? Be very specific.
By now, you should have begun working through the stages of revision. Which
stage are you in? Please share how you approached the stage(s) you have
worked through. What insights have you gained? What changes have you
made? Be very specific.
Main Post Part 2: Share Your Rewards Plan
We understand the importance of self-care and of rewarding ourselves for our good
efforts. “Revision Week” can be stressful because revision takes hard mental work and
time and because you may also be very busy in other classes or with other endeavors.
Review the portion of the lesson that suggests ideas for rewarding yourself during your
revision stages in order to stay refreshed and motivated.
In one full paragraph, please carefully describe at least three of your unique post-
revision level rewards for this week.
What are the rewards?
Where do they occur?
What will they look like?
Who will be there?
How will each reward refresh you?