See attachment…
a response of 1
2 sentences per question.
1. Explain how working conditions impact your health? (provide a reference to support your claim)
2. Do you think improving working conditions can save lives, if so how, if no why not? (Use 2
3 sentences
to respond to 2 classmates on why you agree or dis
agree with their explanation).
3. Explain what is it like to be a worker in Norway? (provide a reference to support your claim)
4. Explain hat is it like to be a worker in Japan? (provide a reference to support your claim)
5. Research maternity and pate
rnity leave arrangements in Scandinavia. Explain how it differs from USA.
rovide a response of 1
2 sentences per question.
1. Explain how working conditions impact your health? (provide a reference to support your claim)
2. Do you think improving working conditions can save lives, if so how, if no why not? (Use 2
3 sentences
to respond to 2 classmates on why you agree or dis
agree with their explanation).
3. Explain what is it like to be a worker in Norway? (provide a reference to support your claim)
4. Explain hat is it like to be a worker in Japan? (provide a reference to support your claim)
5. Research maternity and pate
rnity leave arrangements in Scandinavia. Explain how it differs from USA.
Provide a response of 1-2 sentences per question.
1. Explain how working conditions impact your health? (provide a reference to support your claim)
2. Do you think improving working conditions can save lives, if so how, if no why not? (Use 2-3 sentences
to respond to 2 classmates on why you agree or disagree with their explanation).
3. Explain what is it like to be a worker in Norway? (provide a reference to support your claim)
4. Explain hat is it like to be a worker in Japan? (provide a reference to support your claim)
5. Research maternity and paternity leave arrangements in Scandinavia. Explain how it differs from USA.