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purpose of this


ssignment is

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to provide


with some

experience exploring and

analyzing data




using an

information visualization system.


Below is a dataset (that can be

imported into Excel) about

cereals. You should explore and

analyze th

is data using Excel or

simply by hand (drawing pictures

is fine), but




use any

visualization tools

; that means

 do not 

create charts or visual

representation of any kind. Your

goal here is to perform an

exploratory analysis of the data

set, better und

erstand the data

set and its characteristics, and

develop insights about the cereal


Your report should consist of

three small sections on




First, list (bullet list of items) five

“insights”, chunks of knowledge,

or deeper questions that


either encountered or gained

while exploring the


Even if

you come up with more, only list

your five best insights. An insight

could be some understanding of

the data and its characteristics

that is not relatively obvious or

intuitive. It is some

thing that most

people might not realize initially.

Note that an insight or knowledge chunk simply may be a deeper question that arose in your mind while exploring the data. And your analysis may not have been sufficient to answer the question.

Second, write one paragraph about the process you used to do the exploration and analysis. Did you load the data into Excel, work manually, or do both? What did you do in Excel? Did you draw pictures? Just tell me (briefly) what you did.

Third, write one paragraph about challenges or problems that you encountered in doing the analysis this way. Did anything limit or frustrate you? If nothing did, perhaps there was something that was more difficult than you thought it should be. Nothing is perfect, so you should be able to list some potential issues here.

To sum up, your assignment should have a bullet list of five items followed by two paragraphs.


The quality of the insights you listed. We are looking for things that we find interesting or perhaps unexpected. This is subjective. (10 points, 2 points for each insight)

For the second and third sections (10 points each paragraph), we will evaluate if you did what the assignment asked.

Please proofread your submission before submitting it and make sure it is free of spelling and grammar issues. (10% of the grade.)


Data Set

Cereals data

The data set should be pretty self-explanatory. The Manufacturer is a one letter code with the expected mapping (Q-Quaker Oats, P-Post, G-General Mills, K-Kelloggs, R-Ralston Purina, N-Nabisco) and Type is C (cold) or H (hot). Interpret other attributes to the best of your ability given the information available.

e purpose of this assignment is

to provide you with some

experience exploring and
analyzing data


using an
information visualization system.


Below is a dataset (that can be
imported into Excel) about
cereals. You should explore and
analyze th
is data using Excel or
simply by hand (drawing pictures
is fine), but

do not use any
visualization tools
; that means


create charts or visual
representation of any kind. Your
goal here is to perform an
exploratory analysis of the data
set, better und
erstand the data
set and its characteristics, and
develop insights about the cereal

Your report should consist of
three small sections on



First, list (bullet list of items) five
“insights”, chunks of knowledge,
or deeper questions that

either encountered or gained

while exploring the data. Even if

you come up with more, only list
your five best insights. An insight
could be some understanding of
the data and its characteristics
that is not relatively obvious or
intuitive. It is some
thing that most
people might not realize initially.

The purpose of this assignment is

to provide you with some
experience exploring and

analyzing data without using an

information visualization system.


Below is a dataset (that can be
imported into Excel) about
cereals. You should explore and

analyze this data using Excel or

simply by hand (drawing pictures

is fine), but do not use any

visualization tools; that means do

not create charts or visual

representation of any kind. Your
goal here is to perform an
exploratory analysis of the data

set, better understand the data

set and its characteristics, and
develop insights about the cereal
Your report should consist of
three small sections on

a single page.

First, list (bullet list of items) five
“insights”, chunks of knowledge,

or deeper questions that you

either encountered or gained
while exploring the data. Even if
you come up with more, only list
your five best insights. An insight
could be some understanding of
the data and its characteristics
that is not relatively obvious or

intuitive. It is something that most

people might not realize initially.





pple Cinnamon


2 2







3 2



8 3



Cheerios G C





1 1

25 1



1 3


9 2

25 1 0.75


3 2

2 13 7 3 105 25 1 0.5

G C 110 1 1

0 12 13 2

25 1 1

G C 110 1 1

0 12 13 2

25 1 1


G C 100 2 1


2 11 10 3

25 1 0.75

G C 110 1 1


9 2 45 25 1 0.75


ut Cheerios

G C 110 3 1

10 1

25 1 0.75


G C 110 2 1

0 21 3 2 40 25 1 1.5

G C 110 2 1 180 0 12 12 2 55 25 1 1

G C 100 2 1


2 15 6 1 90 25 1 1


3 2


10 3

25 1.25 0.5

G C 100 3 2

8 3 140 25 1 0.5

G C 110 2 1

0 21 3 3

100 1 1

G C 140 3 1


4 15 14 3


100 1.5 1

G C 100 3 1 200 3

3 3 110 100 1 1

G C 110 2 1 250 0 21 3 3 60 25 1 0.75

G C 110 1 1 140 0 13 12 2 25 25 1 1

G C 100 3 1 200 3 17 3 1 110 25 1 1

G C 110 2 1 200 1 16 8 1 60 25 1 0.75

K C 70 4 1

9 7 5 3

25 1

K C 50 4 0 140 14 8 0 3

25 1 0.5

K C 110 2 0

1 11 14 2 30 25 1 1

Corn Flakes K C 100 2 0

1 21 2 1 35 25 1 1

K C 110 1 0 90 1 13 12 2 20 25 1 1

K C 110 3 3 140 4 10 7 3

25 1 0.5

K C 110 2 0

1 21 3 3 30 25 1 1

K C 110 2 1 125 1 11 13 2 30 25 1 1

K C 110 1 0 200 1 14 11 1 25 25 1 0.75

K C 100 3 0 0 3 14 7 2 100 25 1

K C 120 3 0

5 14 12 3


K C 110 2 1

1 17 6 3 60 100 1

K C 140 3 1 170 2 20 9 3

100 1.3 0.75

K C 160 3 2

3 17 13 3 160 25 1.5 0.67

K C 120 2 1 190 0 15 9 2 40 25 1 0.67

K C 140 3 2 220 3 21 7 3

25 1.33 0.67

K C 90 3 0 170 3 18 2 3 90 25 1 -1

K C 100 3 0 320 1 20 3 3 45 100 1 1

Raisin Bran K C 120 3 1 210 5 14 12 2 240 25 1.33 0.75

K C 90 2 0 0 2 15 6 3 110 25 1 0.5

K C 110 2 0 290 0 22 3 1 35 25 1 1

K C 110 2 1 70 1 9 15 2 40 25 1 0.75

K C 110 6 0

1 16 3 1 55 25 1 1

N C 70 4 1 130 10 5 6 3 280 25 1 0.33

N C 80 2 0 0 3 16 0 1 95 0


N C 90 3 0 0 4 19 0 1 140 0 1 0.67

N C 90 3 0 0 3 20 0 1 120 0 1 0.67

N C 90 2 0 15 3 15 5 2 90 25 1 -1

P C 90 3 0 210 5 13 5 3 190 25 1 0.67

P C 120 3 2 160 5 12 10 3 200 25 1.25 0.67

P C 110 1 1

0 13 12 2 25 25 1 0.75

P C 100 2 0 45 0 11 15 1 40 25 1

P C 100 3 1 140 3 15 5 3

25 1 0.88

P C 110 3 0 170 3 17 3 3 90 25 1

P C 120 3 3 75 3 13 4 3 100 25 1 0.33

P C 110 1 0 180 0 14 11 1 35 25 1 1.33

P C 120 3 1 200 6 11 14 3 260 25 1.33 0.67

C 120 3 5 15 2 8 8 3 135 0 1 -1

Q C 120 1 2 220 0 12 12 2 35 25 1 0.75

Q C 120 1 2 220 1 12 11 2 45 25 1 1

Q C 100 4 2 150 2 12 6 2 95 25 1 0.67

Q C 50 1 0 0 0 13 0 3 15 0 0.5 1

Q C 50 2 0 0 1 10 0 3 50 0 0.5 -1

Q C 100 4 1 135 2 14 6 3 110 25 1 0.5

R C 110 2 2 200 1 14 8 3 -1 25 1 0.75

R C 90 2 1 200 4 15 6 1 125 25 1 0.67

R C 110 2 0 280 0 22 3 1 25 25 1 1

R C 100 2 0 190 1 18 5 3 80 25 1 0.75

R C 150 4 3 95 3 16 11 3 170 25 -1 -1

R C 150 4 3 150 3 16 11 3 170 25 -1 -1

R C 110 1 0 240 0 23 2 1 30 25 1

R C 100 3 1 230 3 17 3 1

25 1 0.67

A H 100 4 1 0 0 16 3 2 95 25 1 -1

N H 100 3 0 80 1 21 0 2 -1 0 1 1

Q H 100 5 2 0

-1 -1 1 110 0 1 0.67

C Manufacturer Type Calories P Fat Sodium Fiber Carbohydrates Sugars Shelf Potassium Vitamins Weight Cups
A Cheerios G 1 1

0 1

8 1.

5 1

0.5 10 7 25 0.


4 1

3 21 18 100 1.3 0.75
11 6 2

9 17 105 1.25
Cinnamon Toast Crunch 12 210 13 45
Clusters 110 1

Cocoa Puffs 1

80 55
Count Chocula 180 65
Crispy Wheat &

R 14 1

Golden Grahams 280 15
H N 2

50 1.5 11.5 90
K 2

Lucky Charms
Multi-Grain Cheerios 22
Oatmeal Raisin Crisp 1

30 1

70 13.5 120
Raisin Nut Bran 140 2.5 10.5

Corn Flakes 200 35

Raisin Bran 19 23
Total Whole Grain 16
Wheaties Honey Gold
All-Bran 260 320 0.33
All-Bran with Extra Fiber 330
Apple Jacks 125
Corn Pops
Cracklin’ Oat Bran 160
Crispix 220
Froot Loops
Frosted Flakes
Frosted Mini-Wheats 0.8
Fruitful Bran 240 190 1.33 0.67
Just Right Crunchy Nuggets 170 -1
Just Right Fruit & Nut 95
Mueslix Crispy Blend 150
Nut&Honey Crunch
Nutri-Grain Almond-Raisin 130
Nutri-grain Wheat
Product 19
Raisin Squares
Rice Krispies
Special K 230
100% Bran
Shredded Wheat 0.83
Shredded Wheat ‘n’Bran
Shredded Wheat spoon size
Strawberry Fruit Wheats
Bran Flakes
Fruit & Fibre Dates, Walnuts, and Oats
Fruity Pebbles 135
Golden Crisp 0.88
Grape Nuts Flakes 85
Grape-Nuts 0.25
Great Grains Pecan
Post Nat. Raisin Bran
100% Natural Bran Q
Honey Graham Ohs
Puffed Rice
Puffed Wheat
Quaker Oat Squares
Almond Delight
Bran Chex
Corn Chex
Double Chex
Muesli Raisins, Dates, & Almonds
Muesli Raisins, Peaches, & Pecans
Rice Chex 1.13
Wheat Chex 115
Cream of Wheat (Quick)
Quaker Oatmeal 2.7
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