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Mr. Smith works at Best Buy (a private corporation). Best Buy implements a policy that requires all employees to become fully vaccinated against Covid-19 (become fully vaccinated means 2 shots plus a booster) by November 30, 2022. Mrs. Jones works at the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (a state funded entity). Her place of employment also mandates all employees obtain a Covid-19 vaccine (become fully vaccinated) by November 30, 2022. Both Best Buy and Texas State University have declared immediate termination if an employee fails to become fully vaccinated by November 30, 2022.

Both Mr. Smith and Mrs. Jones seek your legal advice about whether they have to become fully vaccinated against Covid-19, or do they have a legal right to not take the vaccine and still remain employed at their respective places of employment.

Please advise both Mr. Smith and Mrs. Jones about their legal rights. USE THE CINTENTS LISTED BELOW TO ADVISE BOTH MR. SMITH AND MRS. JONES. DO NOT utilize cases, articles, statutes. DO NOT base your answer on your opinion either, base your answer on the content only. Please limit your answer to 800 words. No references or citations

Fractured court blocks vaccine-or-test requirement for large workplaces but green-lights vaccine mandate for health care workers

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The Declaration of Independence

Government Structure

The entire U.S. Constitution



Federalist Paper #51                                     

Separation of Powers

 Civil Rights

 What is Commerce?   

 ICC and Preemption  


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