The Healers by Ayi Kwei Armah
Ayi Kwei Armah published the book “The Healers” in 1978. The setting of the story is
taken place in Africa. During this time, the British took over different kingdoms. The British
took over the “kingdom of Ashanti” in the nineteenth century, in Astana country. Astana country
is now known as Ghana (Armah 12). The main character of this story is Densu. Densu is twenty
years old and growing into a young mature adult of his community. He is unsure about what he
wants to do with his life. Densu is a powerful young man, but he does not want to fight back the
disadvantages he faces. The author Ayi Kwei Armah’s primary purpose in writing “The Healers,”
is to grab the reader’s attention by illustrating that Africans should unite. There are two elements
of the story that could have welded to the destruction or survival of Africa, which are disunity
and greed. However, conflict was occurring between Africans or in the kingdom of Ashanti. For
example, the King and chiefs of the kingdom oversee orchestrating this vice (Mtshali 25). In
addition, to their lust, for food to fill their stomachs, a thirst for a drink to quench their thirst, and
a desire for clothes made of silk to sit on. The chiefs and kings plotted the disunity of the African
continent. The tides changed when those who had taken the oath by God’s sword, sworn to serve,
and protect became the oppressed and the subject of their dominance. Greed was another element
in this story between the leaders. According to the author, Africa’s failure and destruction were
due to the desire for power and the leaders’ lack of knowledge. As portrayed in the book “The
Healers,” contemporary African society suffers from a lack of unity due to poor leadership. More
than that, the desire for power and a better life by supporting the British colonial rulers played a
decisive role in the destruction of the African community and continent. Some of the leaders on
the African continent saw as the primary reason the continent came to its knees to the colonialists
(Correa 145). Some Africans tempted to fight fellow African members to get food, drinks, and
clothes by the leaders due to internal conflict among Africans. However, like plots to overthrow
the throne or to undermine the war strategy, as by the queen mother, the famous quote of divide
and rule became helpful in colonizers. Africans chose to destroy themselves due to their disunity.
Ababio’s greed for power led him to frame his godson, Densu, the orphan. Densu was framed for
murder by Ababio so that he, Ababio, could ascend with ease to the throne at Esuano.
Correspondingly, the queen mother undermined the war strategies of Asamoa Nkwanta when she
fought against the colonists in Kumase. According to the author, the queen mother fears that
should the mighty warrior Asamoa Nkwanta win the war, he will return and contest for the
throne at Kumase. Queen mother cited that a king’s wisdom lies in his knowledge of how to
remain King (Armah 33). Then, she thinks it would be better to yield a little to the whites than to
lose all power to the whites general. In this statement, the representation of the African leaders is
naive and unknowledgeable. Instead of abandoning their people and bending to the colonial’s
promises for a better life, they should have unified their subjects and fought off the white man
from their continent. Africans tend to be naive and poorly informed about their origins as well.
As the author explains, the Africans did not understand their roots, which blinded them from the
fact that they were all Africans and should be fighting for a common goal instead of fighting
amongst themselves. This vice resulted in the Asantes seeing themselves as distinct and different
from the Akims, Fantes, Ekuapems, Dahomey, Hausas, Ada, Ga, Aneho, Kru, Temne, Mande,
Sussu, and many other communities (Mtshali 28). Due to their confusion about their origins,
incompetence to reason and comprehend, and inability to identify their common enemy, the
Africans fought against one another. They drifted apart, allowing the white man to conquer them
easily. Despite the lack of unity, a group of people called the healers whose primary mission was
to unify the African continent. Even though African kings, queens, and chiefs oppressed the
Africans, the healers never lost hope to unite the people. The more challenging things got, the
more resolute they became (Correa 147). In the healers’ view, the individuality and scattering of
the Africans were only a temporary phase in the indigenous affairs of men, and it would soon
pass, thus achieving their long-term objective and goal. The path towards achieving this
objective was perilous and engulfed in thickets and thorns. Consequently, the Asante kings sent
soldiers to hunt down and kill the healers, and then, soldiers blamed them. Though Armah wrote
the book to strive for the unification of Africa, he is not blind to criticize, understand and despise
some of the traditions accepted in Africa and despise his own culture. He ascribes these practices
and acts to selfishness, ignorance, and a lack of power (Lindfors 39). When we look at the
author’s presentations and ideologies, we see a lot of parallels between present-day Africa and
the past. For example, people can think about how Africans worked to unite and see how many
people were spiritually or physically killed due to separation. In that regard, Kwame
Nkrumah and Patrice Lumumba come to mind. After publishing ‘Two Thousand Seasons’ and
‘The Healers, he fell from grace. These people fought for the unification of the African continent,
but they have quickly gone down the drain for some reason or another. However, the struggle for
unity in Africa is far from over. Suppose the results are not realized now, just like the healers.
For example, Damfo knew at some point the fruits of their work would be discovered, even if it
was centuries later. According to the author, all man matters are about self-interest and
competition. Rather than helping dying people or children, a television crew prefers to fight and
struggle to tell their story (Horne 65). According to Armah, one day, Africans will wake up and
discover their origin, hold hands together, and spirits of dead souls will awaken and heal Africa’s
wound together.
Overall, “Healers” is an excellent book for the readers to learn more about their African
ancestors. I suggest, for the readers that wants to know more about African American history,
they should read the “Healers.” It shows a great example of how Africans are trying to promote
unity. Another example, from today young black men are killing each other during the 21st
century. This a great book to read to get the understanding about our history!
Armah, Ayi K. The Healers: A Novel. Popenguine, Senegal: Per Ankh, 2012. Print.
Double spaced pages
” margins all around
· 1
-point font
· Name and page number are the ONLY outside information on each page (You should NOT create a cover page or provide extra information such as the date, course name, professor name, etc.)
Gradable Item |
Attempted |
Competent |
Mastered |
Points Possible |
Paper introduction The introduction gives the name and author of the book and some general information about the topic. |
1 |
1.5 |
2 | |||||||||||
Content The content adequately describes the main topics of the book. Material is organized and easy to follow. The reader can easily understand the main focus of the book. |
3 | 4 | ||||||||||||
Paper conclusion The conclusion summarizes the information given in the report and provides a final insight about the book (or a recommendation for others who might read it) |
Formatting (see above) |
NA |
Spellchecked & proofed |
Total Points Possible |
10 |
The Isis (Yssis) Papers
The Keys To The Colors
Frances Cress Welsing, M.D.
Third World Press, Chicago
Third World Press, Chicago
© 1991 by Frances Cress We1sing
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be r~produced or.
transmitted in any form or by any means, e1ectromc or mechamcal,
including photocopying, recording, or by any i~o~ation sto~age
and retrieval system, without prior written permtsston except m.
the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and rev1ews.
Inquires should be addressed to Third World Press, P.O. Box 19730,
Chicago, IL 60619.
Printed in the United States of America
10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 20 19 18 17 16 15 14
ISBN: 0-88378-104-2 (paper)
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:
90-71890 r~
This work is dedicated to the victims of the global system of white
supremacy (racism), all non-white people worldwide, past and present,
who have resolved to end this great travesty and bring justice, then peace
to planet Earth.
“If you do not understand White Supremacy (Racism)- what it is, and
how it works -everything else that you understand, will only confuse
-Neely Fuller, Jr. (1971).
The United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept
No persons who classify themselves as white living in the area of the
world referred to as the United States of America (or for that matter, in
any other area of the world) should presume to tell any Black person (or
other non-white person) what racism is or is not, until they have read J
completely Kennvth O’Reilley’s Racial Matters: The FBI’s Secret File
No Black person living in the area of the world referred to as the United
States of America should discourse on racism or deny the conspiratorial
dimensions of the local and global system of racism until he/she has read
Racial Matters completely.
All non-white people (black, brown, red and yellow) should read and
discuss the implications of the book, Racial Matters; the implications for
themselves as individuals and the implications for their collective should
be discussed in depth. Then, all non-white people should view the
docudrama videotape, The Wannsee Conference (which can be rented),
to observe exactly how a white supremacy government calmly sits and
plans the destruction of a people that it classifies as non-white. The
W annsee Conference took place in Germany, in 1941, to fmalize the plans
for the destruction of 11,000,000 Semites (non-whites) of the Jewish
religion. The German white supremacists succeeded in killing six million.
After the above steps have been taken, all non-white people worldwide
should read Neely Fuller’s work, The United Jndependenr Compensatory C 0 NTENTS
Code/System/Concept: a text book/workbook for thought, speech and/or
action for victims of racism (white supremacy).
Frances Cress Welsing Preface …………………………………………………………………………….. i
Washington, D.C.
August, 1989 Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… ix
1 The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism
(White Supremacy) …………………………………………………………… 1
2 The Origin of Alienation, Anxiety and Narcissism ……………….. 17
3 Unified Field Theory Psychiatry …………………………………………. 39
4 Learning to Look at Symbols ……………………………………………… 53
5 The Symbolism of Christ, the Cross, the Crucifix,
the Communion and Christian Holidays ………………………………. 61
6 The Politics Behind Black Male Passivity, Effeminization,
Bisexuality and Homosexuality ………………………………………….. 81
7 What Freud was Really Talking About … the Concept
of “Penis Envy” ………………………………………………………………… 93
8 Guns as Symbols ………………………………………………………………. 103
9 The Mother Pucker and the Original Mother Fucker …………….. 119
10 Ball Games as Symbols: The War of the Balls ……………………… l31
11 The Symbolism of Smoking Objects …………………………………… 145
12 Black Fear and the Failure of Black Analytical
(Ideological) Commibllent ………•……………..•………….•.•………….• 153
13 The Concept and the Color of God and Black
Mental Health …………………………………………………………………… 163
14 The Symbolism and Meaning ofRape …………………………………. l75
15 The Symbolism, Logic and Meaning of”Justifiable
Homicide” in the 1980s ……………………………………………………… l83
16 Paper Money and Gold as Symbols …………………………………….. 193
17 The Symbolism of Boxing and BlackLeather ………………………. 209
18 The Cress Theory of the Holocaust ……………………………………… 219
19 The Neurochemical Basis for Evil ………………………………………. 231
20 Black Children and the Process of lnferiorization ………………… 239
21 Racism and Black Child and Youth Inferiorization ………………. 251
22 Black Child-Parents: the New Factor in Black Genocide ……… 259
23 The Crises in Black Male/Black Female Relationships:
Is it a False Problem’? ………………………………………………………… 275
24 Black Women Moving Towards the 21st Century ………………… 283
25 The White Supremacy System, the White Supremacy
Mind-Set and the AIDS Holocaust ……………………………………… 291
We now are nearing the final decade of the 20th century. The great
Mrican in America, the sociologist-historian W.E.B DuBois, identified
the problem of this century as the “problem of the color-line” (Souls of
BlackFolk,l903). Thus, it is fortunate that in thefmal decade of the 20th
century a basis for the solution to the problem of the color-line has been
produced. This basis rests in an adequate analysis of the nature of the
color-line- the exact nature of local and global racism. Ultimately, the
conscious decision by people of color worldwide (the overwhelming
majority of the world’s population) to base their behavior in relationships
on an exact analysis and defmition of racism as white supremacy will
change its appearance and activity on planet Earth. Just as the problem
of the color-line (racism) has controlled events in the 20th century (and
prior centuries), the solution to the problem will regulate events in the 21st
century and beyond as we enter the era of justice.
Recently, there has been an unraveling and an analysis of the core issue
of the first global power system of mass oppression – the power system
of racism (white supremacy). Once the collective victim understands this
fundamental issue, the ultimate organizing of all of the appropriate
behaviors necessary to neutralize the great injustice of the white
supremacy power system will be only a matter of time. The length of time
required to neutralize global white supremacy will be inversely propor-
tional to 1) the level of understanding of the phenomenon; plus 2) the
evolution of self- and group-respect, the will, determination and discipline
to practice the appropriate counter-racist behaviors- on the part of the
non-white victims of white supremacy. Thus, the 21st century, and indeed
the end of the 20th century, will be a time perhaps of great devastation.
But, undoubtedly, it will be a time of great change. And the most critical
factor in that change of circumstances will be non-white people’s ever-
The Isis Papers
increasing understanding of the behavioral phenomenon of white
supremacy as a global, terroristic power system.
However, it must be understood that high levels of self-respect, will
and determination, without an adequate understanding, analysis and
definition of racism as the oppressing power system, will not be sufficient
to bring the long-sought goal of neutralizing that injustice and establishing
justice and peace for all people. Therefore, it is critical to have a
comprehensive analysis and defmition of the opposing force. As a Black
behavioral scientist and practicing general and child psychiatrist, my
current functional defmition of racism (white supremacy) is as follows: ,.,
the local and global power system struciiiredantfmalntain~d by pers;;;; ..
who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously
determined; this system consists of patterns of perception, logic. symbol
formation. thought, speech, action and emotional response. as conducted
simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics. education,
entertainment,labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war). The ultimate
purpose of the system is to prevent white genetic annihilation on Earth –
a planet in which the overwhelming majority of people are classified as
non-white (black, brown, red and yellow) by white-skinned people. All of
the non-white people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin colora-
tion) compared to the genetically recessive white-skinned people.
When this defmition of racism as a strategy for white genetic survival
is mastered, one can understand precisely not only the present global
power fonnations and realignments (i.e., U.S.A./U.S.S.R. linkage and
European unification), but also all present urban (non-white) center
epidemics. I am speaking of the concurrent urban crises of drug use, drug
addiction, drug-related murder, teenage pregnancy, infant mortality,
Black academic under-achievement, Black teenage unemployment,
Black adult male unemployment, Black male incarceration, single parent
(female-headed) households, chronic welfare dependency, poverty, AIDS
and homelessness. (See Diagram 1.) These very disturbing individual-
and group-destructive pathological forms of behavior are the direct and
indirect by-products of a behavioral power system fundamentally struc-
tured for white genetic survival, locally and globally.
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The Isis Papers
White supremacy domination and oppression of all non-white people
is essential for global white genetic survival. The prevention of white
genetic annihilation is pursued through all means, including chemical and
biological warfare. Today, the white genetic survival imperative, instead
of using chemicals in gas chambers, is using chemicals on the streets –
crack, crank, cocaine, ecstasy, PCP, heroin and methadon (all”designer
chemicals”). Ultimately, these chemicals are produced by whites and
made available to urban Blacks, particularly Black males -upon whom
the future of Black people is dependent. The core dynamic of white
genetic survival eventually leads whites to a major act of genocide
(destruction of the genes of non-white people), or toward genocidal
imperatives. Such a genocide occurred in Nazi Germany (1933-1945},
wherein the Semite and gypsy populations were classified as non-white
and therefore were destroyed.
The reason that the Black male (as recently symbolized by Willie
Horton) is and always has been central to the issue of white supremacy is
clarified by the definition of racism as white genetic survival. In the
collective white pysche, Black males represent the greatest threat to white
genetic survival because only males (of any color) can impose sexual
intercourse, and Black males have the greatest genetic potential (of all
non-white males) to cause white genetic annihilation. Thus, Black males
must be attacked and destroyed in a power system designed to assure white
genetic survival. In the white supremacy mind-set, consciously or sub-
consciously, Black males must be destroyed in significant numbers -just
as they were in earlier days when there was widespread open lynching
and castration of Black males, or during the Tuskegee Syphilis Study from
1932 to 1972 when a large number of Black males were used and
destroyed by whites.
Today we are witnessing a more subtle systemic approach to white
genetic survival. The destruction of Black males now is indirect, so that
the Black male victims themselves can be led to participate in – and then
be blamed for- their own mass deaths. However, through close examina-
tion and an understanding of the ultimate objective of white supremacy
as collective white genetic survival, the steps to massive Black male death
can be charted. The chain of events begins with the denial of full scale
employment and advancement to Black males so that they cannot ade-
quately support themselves, their wives and their children. In tum, large
numbers of Black male children grow up without their fathers’ guidance.
This leads to frustration, depression and failure in school. Once this
atmosphere is established, drugs are placed deliberately in the Black
community. The drugs are then used to “street-treat” Black male frustra-
tion and depression. The high prices for which drugs are sold provide the
Black male population with the illusion that finally they are beginning to
make some money and to share in the “American dream.” Guns are then
placed at the disposal of the same Black male persons, supposedly to aid
them in enforcing payment for drug sales. More important, the strategy
is for Black males to kill and destroy one another and then carry the blame.
(It must be realized that no Black males manufacture the chemicals for
drug use, nor do any Black males manufacture guns.)
The same power system of racism has so ingrained a negative image
and connotation of Blackness in general (i.e., Black Monday, blackmail,
black sheep, black day), and of the Black male in particular, that for Black
males to slaughter one another in the streets daily means next to nothing;
indeed, it is treated as desirable and acceptable. “Good riddance of bad
rubbish.” This is in stark contrast to the urgency, alarm and concern that
is generated in the same society when only 25 young white males commit
suicide in the course of a 24-month period.
Failing to comprehend the environmental context of the white
supremacy system and its ultimate goal of white genetic survival, Black
people also fail to grasp the deeper sense of what actually is occurring in
front of our eyes. We do not realize that the massive deaths of Black males
constitute the genocide of Black people (as it takes Black males to make
Black babies and ensure future Black generations).
The destruction of Black males for the purpose of white genetic
survival is the reason behind the ever-increasing disparity between the
number of Black females entering and graduating from high schools and
institutions of higher education compared to the far lesser number of
Black males. This becomes an additional facet of Black genocide. Fur-
The Isis Papers
thermore, white genetic survival is the dynamic behind the high incarcera-
tion rate of Black males in the U.S., which is second only to that of South
Africa. The high rate of Black male incarceration contributes in genocidal
fashion to the prevention of Black births and the Black male-supported
development of all Black children, particularly boys.
The genocide of non-whites must be understood as a necessary tactic
of a people (white) that is a minority of the world’s population and that,
because it lacks the genetic capacity to produce significant levels of
melanin, is genetically recessive in terms of skin coloration, compared to
the black, brown, red and yellow world majority. Thus, the global white
minority must act genocidally against people of color for the purpose of
white genetic survival. This is the “kill or be killed” mentality. This is
the reason that persons who classified themselves as “white” behaved
genocidally towards Semites in the holocaust in Nazi Germany and
Europe (1933-1945). (fhe word Semite is from the Latin preftx, semi
meaning “half’ – half Black and half white, and that means mulatto
(non-white). This is also the reason that persons who classified them-
selves as “white” behaved (and still behave) genocidally towards the
indigenous inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere who were classified
as red (non-white).
Only the willingness of non-white peoples worldwide to recognize,
analyze, understand and discuss openly the genocidal dynamic will bring
this injustice to an end. Most important, Black males must help one
another to understand that they are being led by the dynamic of white
supremacy to inflict extreme damage upon themselves, one another and
ultimately the Black race. Black males must understand that, contrary to
what is said, the war being conducted in urban centers is not against drugs
but against Black males- for the purpose of white genetic survival. Drugs
are used simply as the means to achieve that end. That is why drugs are
plentiful, while Black males are dying in ever-increasing numbers! (The
recent proposal to treat drug addicts at military bases is only the ftrst stage
towards a more formal concentration camp placement, more formal than
the ghetto.)
Mastering the above definition of racism as a strategy for neutralizing
white supremacy will permit one to decode accurately the symbolism in
the new Madonna video “Like a Prayer,” designed consciously and/or
subconsciously by whites to massage, stimulate and enhance further the
collective instinct for white genetic survival. The same could be said
about the recent films Betrayal and Mississippi Burning. Furthermore,
such an understanding will help clarify the persistent and even violent
behaviors on the part of persons associated with the so-called “right to life
movement,” which seeks to prevent abortions, especially amongst whites.
Recognizing racism as the struggle for white genetic survival helps one
to understand what is happening in South Africa; what is euphemistically
referred to as “apartheid” is only the tactics and strategies of the minority
white population, numbering only four million persons, attempting to
survive genetically while surrounded by a majority lllack population of
26 to 30 million. This is a microcosm of what is happening on the entire
Finally, the time has come for unveiling the true nature of white
supreq1acy (racism). For this reason, I have entitled this work, The Isis
(YSSIS) Papers: The Keys to the Colors. Isis was the most important
goddess of ancient Africa (specifically, Egypt). She was the sister/wife
of the most important Egyptian god, Osiris (“Lord of the perfect Black”),
and the mother of Horus. In the astral interpretation of the Egyptian gods,
Isis was equated with the dog star Sirius (Sothis). According to the ancient
African story, after the murder and dismemberment of Osiris by his evil
brother Set (Seth), Isis discovered the crime, recovered the pieces of the
body of Osiris, and put them together again, restoring his existence and
his power. According to legend, Isis admired truth and justice and made
justice stronger than gold and silver.
In the present era, truth and justice have been crushed by the global
power system of white supremacy, making the existence of peace on the
planet impossible under this reign of terror. The attempt in this work to
reveal some aspects of the in-depth truth about the white supremacy power
system for the ultimate purpose of establishing justice and peace in the
world is in the tradition of the great African goddess, Isis.
The Isis Papers
I hope that with this knowledge the world’s non-white people (black,
brown, red and yellow) will work more effectively to neutralize this global
and most monstrous form of injustice and chaos. Any person not inter-
ested in a definition, analysis and deeper understanding of worldwide
white supremacy must have an interest (conscious or subconsciou’l) in
maintaining the same.
The subtitle of this work, The Keys to the Colors, came from a statement
made to me by a patient in a Washington, D.C. public mental health clinic
in the late 1960s. The patient was a tall, thin, middle-aged, Black-skinned
man who, in a somewhat confused manner, talked earnestly to me about
the problems he had experienced in his life. He said, “Doctor, if we could
just find the keys to the colors!” And be repeated it slowly. It was a
statement I never have been able to forget. This work is a portion of my
Frances Cress Welsing, M.D.
Washington, D.C.
The Isis (YSSIS) Papers: The Keys to the Colors is a collection of
essays I have written over the past 18 years, following the presentation
and publication of my first work, The Cress Theory of Color-Confronta-
tion and Racism (White Supremacy). That first paper was a theoretical
statement, a psychogenetic theory and world outlook on the origin and
meaning of the global white supremacy system. The theory summarizes
and clarifies our experience as Black (non-white) people on a planet
presently dominated by people who classify themselves as “white” and
who are a minority of the world’s people.
The Cress Theory was based upon the insightful work of Neely Fuller
Jr., author of The United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Con-
cept- a textbook/workbook for thought, speech and/or action for victims
of racism (white supremacy). Fuller, the founder of the racism/counter·
racism concept, was the very first victim of racism to understand it as a
global system of organized behavior (thought, speech and action) for
white supremacy domination in all areas of people activity (economics,
education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war). In
other words, he recognized that all activity and behavior encompassed by
the white supremacy system had and has its origin in the dynamic of
racism. Additionally, Fuller understood that racism contained the seeds
and origin of counter-racism, the behavior dynamic of liberation for the
non-white victims of white supremacy. His work led me to question the
necessity of the global white collective to evolve such a system of unjust
behavior. The result was The Cress Theory of Color Confrontation and
Racism (White Supremacy). (Cress is my maiden name.)
This thesis provided me with a “unified field theory” approach and
understanding, in the Einsteinian sense, to all behavioral phenomena
manifested with high frequency in the local and global system of racism.
The Isis Papers
The great physicist, Albert Einstein, in The Meaning of Relativity (1922)
had the following to say about the “unified field.”
The object of all sciences, whether natural sciences or psychology, is
to co-ordinate our experiences and to bring them into a logical system
-the only justification for our concepts and system of concepts is that
they serve to represent the complex of our experiences; beyond this
they have no legitimacy.
The Cress Theory pennitted me to see and understand many forms of
activity (on the part of whites and their non-white victims) that have been
either ignored or taken for granted. These behaviors, which can be viewed
as symbolic of the fundamental objective of white genetic survival, are
found in the social reflection of the white supremacy power system – the
white supremacy culture. Together, the system and culture of white
supremacy produce the phenomenon of racism. Thus, throughout this
book, the terms system and culture, in reference to white supremacy, are
used interchangeably.
This deep investigation and understanding is essential if Black and
other non-white peoples are to succeed in playing the “black side of the
chess board” (defense-offense) in contrast to the “white side of the chess
board” (offense-defense) in the planetary game of chess (white
supremacy) being played out between white and non-white. Currently,
the players on the black side of the chess board are in a continuous state
of checkmate (a losing streak that is centuries long). This has happened
because of our failure to understand the game. Heretofore, non-white
people have not decoded white genetic survival.
After presenting The Cress Theory, my brain-computer was flooded
with new understandings specifically related to the global white
supremacy system. Many things that I – as most people – viewed as
commonplace, I began to see in a different light. It was as though an
enormous window was opened in a room that had been without sunlight.
I recognized many of the items I saw anew as symbols in the white
supremacy system. Perhaps because I am a general and child psychiatrist
with considerable experience in interpreting the symbolic play of children
and the symbols in the dreams of children and adults, I was sensitive to
the symbols in the behavior system of white supremacy once it had been
defined and decoded.
Though symbols are usually visual entities, they also take the form of
speech, or can be found in activities- such as games. Symbols are specific
to people and their experiences, their evolved cultures and circumstances.
As such, symbols are the entities that carry highly compacted messages
pertaining to the origin, identity and survival of individuals and collective
In the form of visual entities, patterns of speech and/or activity,
symbols contain complex messages distilled from the conscious levels of
the brain-computer. These messages have been reduced to their essence
in the subconscious functioning; there, these highly coded messages are
stored and continuously referred to for existence and survival. Once a
symbol evolves in a person’s subconscious, that person uses the symbol
with high frequency and has little or no necessary conscious under-
standing of its meaning.
A shared symbol speaks volumes, although contained in a relatively
small visual or auditory package. A symbol speaks loudly, or even shouts
its meaning without, uttering a sound. Symbols communicate from one
person’s subconscious to the subconscious of another who shares the same
identity and survival necessity. Such communication transpires at sub-
conscious levels when the conscious levels of brain-computer functioning
cannot bear to address certain issues. White supremacy is a topic that few
can or dare discuss in depth at the conscious level of brain-computer
functioning. Few dare to probe or research white supremacy as this could
lead to the dismantling of the system. Therefore, it is not surprising that
there are many symbols in the system of white supremacy that reveal its
roots in the struggle for white genetic survival.
In the white supremacy system (often referred to as Western culture or
civilization), there is little conscious focusing on symbols, their formation,
use and interpretation. To the contrary, non-white peoples in their original
cultures tend to focus on symbols and dream interpretation as essential
aspects of their lives (i.e., African cultural objects referred to as African
The Isis Papers
art, the Egyptian [African] systems of hieroglyphs and the symbols and
interpretation of dreams in Biblical stories). Therefore, as an African, it
is difficult for me to explain the ability to see and understand symbols;
however, I am aware of making a certain shift to a lower frequency of
brain-computer functioning (away from that frequency required for ordi-
nary, day to day, conscious functioning) in order to see and interpret
symbols. But I must repeat that my ability to explain a process for sym~l
interpretation is derived from my ongoing search for a firm understand~g
of the overall context in which these symbols evolved – the white
supremacy system/culture.
Perhaps there will be persons, Black as well as white, who fail to
appreciate the language of symbols. There will be those “:ho demea~ the
attempt to decode symbols and ridicule their value and my mterpr~tauons.
Also, there will be those who seek to identify and to decode symbols but
fail. Nevertheless, I am presenting certain symbolic aspects of the white
supremacy system/culture in an effort to increase our understanding of
racism and thereby assist in bringing justice to the world.
An examination of the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C.
and recognition of it as a symbol of white power- specifically, white male
power (thus, a gigantic white penis or phallic symbol) – may ~si~t o~e
who has difficulty understanding symbols. The law that no buildmg m
the District of Columbia can be taller than the white phallus-shaped
Washington Monument (which, by the way, looks like a robed Ku Klux
Klan) is not coincidental. The underlying meaning of the monument and
law is that there can be no challenge to white power. It is not without
significance that the Washington Monument, as a phallic symbol, towers
over a predominantly Black population in the capital city of the most
powerful government in the global white supremacy system.
If this is not sufficient, those who fail to understand the symbol should
go to the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art in Was~n~ton, D.C.
and view the painting (specifically commissioned for that buildmg) by the
artist Robert Motherwell entitled “Reconciliation Elegy.” This work is a
continuation of Motherwell’s earlier series of paintings, “Elegy to the
Spanish Republic.” The entire “Elegy” series consists of massive black
forms, some round or oval, some massive and vertical, positioned next to
one another. All of the forms are black against a white background. In
the book, Reconciliation Elegy, Motherwell states:
White has always conveyed to me the radiance of life, so that if one-
though this is too literal – if one takes the Elegies as a metaphor for
‘life and death,’ then obviously a sense of life as freedom and of death
as the terminal vivifier, can be an endless obsession and
preoccupation. In a curious way in the Reconciliation Elegy my black
forms, the life-death forms, are becoming personages, instead of black
stones … the black and white are beginning to merge …. Death has been
a continual living presence to me.
The word elegy means a poem of lament or praise for the dead. The
massive black oval and vertical forms, symbolic forms representing death,
obsessively painted throughout the entire “Elegy” series were immedi-
ately seen by my eyes (the eyes of a Black person) as the imposing
genitalia (testicles and phallus) of the Black male, dominating a white
background (symbolic of the global white collective). While referring to
the round objects he has painted as “stones,” Motherwell seemed unaware
that the word “stone” is an ancient term for testicles. However, in his own
description Motherwell speaks of the black and white painting as a
“metaphor for life and death” (white as life and black as death)_ Certainly
he is not thinking consciously of his paintings of Black male genitalia as
symbols of white death through white genetic annihilation (caused by
Black male genitalia and Black genetic material). But symbols do not
arise from conscious levels of thought. Still, however, it is astonishing
that Motherwell is unable to see his forms as Black male genitalia and
name them overtly as such. But does Motherwell consciously understand
white supremacy?
According to Motherwell, the flrst part of his series, “Elegy to the
Spanish Republic” (at the level of his conscious thought), refers to the
aftermath of the defeat of the Spanish Republican Army by the Spanish
fascists in the 1935 Spanish Civil War. However, at a much deeper level
it occurred to me that Spain also was conquered for 700 years (from the
eighth to the 15th century, C.E.) by Black men from northern Africa, the
The Isis Papers
Moors. During their occupation of Spain, the Moors damaged the efforts
of white genetic survival, causing Spaniards to become darker in skin
color (compared to the rest of the Europeans} because of the long-term
admixture of African {black) genetic material. Only with this under-
standing does the obsessive painting of the symbolic forms of the black
phallus and testicles in a series entitled “Elegy” (poem for the dead) make
fatal sense. Not understanding the underlying fear of white genetic
annihilation (in the individual and collective white psyche) causes a mere
surface interpretation of the paintings (even in the mind of the artist
himself). Failure to reach the core issue of white genetic survival (resonat-
ing in the subconscious), which is most threatened by the genetic power
in the genitalia of the Black male, relegates interpretation to superficial
levels with a failure to see and understand the symbols arising from that
subconscious core.
Motherwell addressed the issue of white (Western) survival in his
comments on the “Elegy” series, specifically on “Reconciliation Elegy.”
Against the background of possible nuclear holocaust, we must even
reconcile ourselves to the fact that western man in choosing centuries
ago to exploit nature rather than to marry her, has doomed himself-
with an industrial technology for which there is neither the wisdom
nor the political mechanism to control…
Yet, after having said all of the above, Motherwell still remains
unconscious of the symbolic forms in his paintings. Indeed, the industrial
technology and the nuclear weapons of which Motherwell speaks are
designed by the Western (white) collective as protection against white
genetic annihilation. Other Motherwell paintings of black figures against
white backgrounds bear such titles as “Africa,” “Study for Kilimanjaro”
and “Ancestral Presence.”
This same concern and subconsciously perceived threat (in the white
psyche) of the Black male (via black male genitalia) to white genetic
survival is played out in the symbolism of the bullfight. In the bull ring,
the bull is usually black. The bullfighter is usually a white male or any
male in a “suit of lights,” meaning white. The bull is chased and tormented
until. it i~ killed. This killing goes on obsessively, as a symbol of white
Survival m the presence of the Black male threat; symbolic of white males
conquering. Black males or of white survival in a world populated mostly
by ~on-~hite people. Further, we must understand symbols of com-
mumon” .m the Christian religion; the wine and bread that are eaten by the
co~~umcants are symbolic of the blood and body of Jesus, respectively.
It IS Important to keep in mind that Jesus was an African, a Black male
whose ~olor ~ been changed to conform with the white supremacy
percepuon and Ideology. Finally, King Kong, the film in which a gigantic
black ape plays opposite a white female, addresses in symbolic form the
~at of the Black male to white genetic survival. Of course, King Kong
IS killed by the end of the film.
The papers. in this collection were written over the past 19 years. They
are dated to give the reader some appreciation of the order in which they
ev~lve~ in my thought processes. They are of a whole cloth; all are
denvauves of the white supremacy power system/culture, which before
now. has not been understood in sufficient depth. Several essays address
s~ecific symbols in the white supremacy system/culture. I did not con-
tnve these symbols. On the contrary, I looked and there they were.
Some have asked, “Why is it that others have not penetrated these deep
symbols of Western culture? Why only you?” My answer is that I neither
saw these symbols nor understood their meaning until I had written The
Cress Theory ofColor-Conjrontalion and Racism. That analysis gave me
access to. the total spectrum of collective brain-computer products (sym-
bols, log1c, thought, speech, action, emotional response and perception)
that emanate from those who have established and maintained Western
civilization. Having probed to the central core of Western civilization 1
was a~le to see into (intuition= in-to-it) the myriad energy phenome~
that s~m off fro~ that dynamic core. Recognizing the specific injustice
committed agamst non-white people in the framework of Western
civilization and culture, it became clear that the entire Western civilization
dynamic is fundamentally linked to the fear of white genetic annihilation
and the sub.sequent need (as experienced by the global white collective)
for the continuous battle against the genetically dominant global majority
The Isis Papers
of black, brown, red and yellow peoples. The organization for that
survival is none other than the white race, which carries out the global
system of white supremacy.
Although initially it came as a great surprise, it is only logical that the
myriad symbolic nwnifestations of the struggle for white genetic survival
abound throughout the historic and global structure of white supremacy.
These symbols ma11ifest wherever one looks, wherever one steps and
wherever one turns. That these subtle and once hidden symbols are
everywhere serves as the strongest evidence of the validity of The Cress
It is as though I had written, “If The Cress Theory is correct, symbols
so informing us will be found throughout the whole of Western civiliza-
tion and culture.” Indeed, without the specific theory, one can look at the
symbols for decades and truly not know what one is looking at, even when
one is handling the symbol in one’s bare hands.
One then might ask, “Why is it necessary to read a civilization or power
system at deep levels?” Western culture has produced much violence and
destruction on the planet. It is like a cancer destroying the body. A
physician attempting to treat or cure a disease (i.e., cancer) must examine
the patient at deep levels. It is inadequate to stop at what is seen with the
unaided eye. The physician attempting to solve the problem of a persist-
ent and troubling cough in a particular patient may order x-ray studies to
view the inside of the lungs and the chest cavity. He/she might perform
a microscopic examination and bacterial culture studies on. the sputum
that comes from the lungs in order to understand the cause of the cough.
When the cause is understood, chances that the disease can be treated
effectively and cured are improved greatly, while that which is not
understood in depth rarely can be treated or cured. Similarly, there are
serious problems posed for the vast majority of humankind by the specific
dynamic of Western (white supremacy) culture.
I hope that this collection of essays will assist Blacks and all other
people – who have as their cosmic responsibility the resolution of the
problem of injustice in the world – in identifying the problem of that
specific injustice more clearly than ever before. Instead of engaging in f
xvi i.
our p~t practices of complaining, moaning, crying, groaning, begging,
clappmg hands and singing “We shall Overcome” when confronted with
these death-causing,life-stultifying problems posed by h”t
Bl k . w 1 e supremacy,
ac pe_ople ~n the U.S. must dissect and analyze those problems to their
core. WJth this knowledge Black people can take the . . , necessary steps to
ehmmate the problem.
_Those ~ho will to work for justice and who understand that work as
the~ consc10us responsibility will be found in all places and in all walks
of ltfe, at all levels of formal education and at all income levels. There
are no cl~s. divisions nor language barriers for those who do this cosmic
work. It IS time to solve this problem once and f,or all It ·s n· ~ · ·
th I
. 1 me 10r JUstice
on e p anet Earth.
The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation
and Racism (White Supremacy):
A Psychogenetic Theory and World Outlook
Unlike religion, the body of knowledge known as science takes the
position that all observable phenomena can be explained, or, at least, is
grist for the mill of investigation, analysis and understanding by the
human mind.
In today’s very small world at least three-quarters of the people are
“non-white,” and the members of this “non-white” majority population
are subjected to domination throughout their lives, either directly or
indirectly, by a tiny minority of the world’s people who classify them-
selves as “white.” Racism (white supremacy) then, is revealed as one of,
if not the most important observable phenomenon in the world today for
which social, behavioral and all other scientists should be seeking an
Heretofore, racism has been defined and described variously, (see
Gullattee, Comer, Butts and Pinderhughes). Yet in my view, the com-
ment made by Oliver C. Cox in his 1959 award winning text, “Caste, Class
and Race” (Monthly Review Press), still prevails:
It is not ordinarily realized that, of all the great mass of writing on race
relations, there is available no consistent theory of race relations. The
need for such a sociological explanation is so great that recently, when
one author succeeded, with some degree of superficial logic, in
explaining the phenomena in terms of caste relations, the college
textbooks and social-science journals, almost unanimously and
unquestioningly, hurriedly adopted his theory.
I I’
The Isis Papers
Perhaps social and behavioral scientists have failed to develop a sound
and consistent theory of racism because of their tendency to be less
demanding and less stringently disciplined in sticking to observable and
measurable data than the so-called “physical” scientists are required to be
in formulating hypotheses. Frequently, contrary to all the basic premises
of modem science, statements are made by some of these scientists “a
priori” -that is to say, claimed as valid independent of observation.
Similarly, society, in general, fails to impose a significant amount of
pressure on behavioral and social scientists to yield viable theories and
definitions. Such theories and definitions subsequently can stand and
function as efficient and effective tools to be utilized by social engineers
as guides for changing social reality. However, the contrary seems to be
the case; if there is any pressure at all, it is to maintain the social status
quo. And all too often, institutions of the society reward the superficial,
inconsistent and dysfunctional theories of societal dynamics.
Neely Fuller, in his 1969 copyrighted The United Independent Com-
pensatory Code/System/Concept: a textbook/workbook for thought,
speech and/or actionforvictims of racism (white supremacy), recognized
the need for a functional statement on racism, one that could be utilized
daily by those earnestly seeking to bring about social change. Fuller
observed that, contrary to most present thinking, there is only one
functioning racism in the known world- white supremacy. He challen-
ges his readers to identify and then to demonstrate the superiority or
functional supremacy of any of the world’s “non-white” peoples over
anyone. Concluding that since there is no operational supremacy of any
“colored” people, Fuller reveals that the only valid operational definition
of racism is white supremacy. He observes that in spite of any and all
statements the world’s “non-white” peoples may make about themselves
having economic and/or political independence and the like, in the final
analysis, they are all victims of the white supremacy process. He places
major emphasis on the present realities of the world that can be verified
and tested, rather than on what one could imagine to be the case (such as
a black or yellow supremacy). He further emphasizes that, instead of
focusing on individual cases or on specific locations, a perspective that
The Cress Theory
examines the patterns of relationships between whites and “non-whites”
worldwide must be developed.
Fuller explains that racism is not merely a pattern of individual and/or
institutional practice; it is a universally operating “system” of white
supremacy and domination in which the majority of the world’s white
people P~icipate. He discounts the validity of theories that recognize
the evolution of economic systems as the origin of this state of affairs.
Instead, _he reveals th~ inadequate analysis of such theories by suggesting
that vanous econom1c systems – such as capitalism, communism and
socialism – have been devised, used and refmed in the effort to achieve
the. primary goal of white domination. In other words, the goal of the
white supremacy system is none other than the establishment, main-
tenance, expansion and refinement of world domination by members of
a group that classifies itself as the white “race.” Fuller then suggests that
the word “race,
in this sense, has little biological validity but is translated
more correct! y as “organization, II the sole purpose of which is to maintain
white domination and world control. Fuller’s emphasis on the concept of
color amplifies the assertion made in 1903 by W.E.B. DuBois (perhaps
the greatest American social scientist) in The Souls of Bl~ck Folk, that the
great problem facing the 20th century is that of the color-line.
Whether or not one is emotionally comfortable with Fuller’s thesis and
assessment is not gennane. The question of such comfort never has been
the important concern of scientific investigation. Of great significance in
Fuller’s work is the description of relationships between “non-white” and
white peoples. Fuller defines and elucidates these relationships as a
means of accounting for and illuminating many past and present observ-
able social practices. Also, this examination reveals that, despite all kinds
of programs and pronouncements to the contrary, for the past several
hundred years, white supremacist social conditions have remained intact
as the dominant social reality.
Impressed that the concept of a “system” of white domination over the
world’s “non-white” peoples could explain the seeming predicament and
dilemma of “non-white” social reality ,I tended to focus, as a psychiatrist,
on what possible motivational force, operative at both the individual and
The Isis Papers
£ r the evolution of these patterns of social
group .levels, co~ld account -o ntl function in all areas of human activity
behavwral pracuce that appare Y li · religion sex
· t rtainment labor, law, po ucs, •
(economics, educauon, en e ‘ th
this “system” consists of
) While Fuller clearly suggests a
makes is that:
k o le The reason that most white
Most white people hate Bl~ pe p .bites are not Black people. If
people hate Black people is ecause w ed know little else If you
kn this bout white people you ne . you ow a . ,1 irtually all else that you know
do not know this about white peop e, v
about them will only confuse you.
furth · t hould be noted that, in the To take Fuller’s account a step er, I s . ed
. . urotic drive for superiority usually IS found
majonty ofmstances, any ne . d inferiority. Is it not
upon a deep and pervading sense of mad~quacy an small minority.
. 1 resent in numencal terms a very
true that wh1te peop e rep f dly is not “white” itself the very
of the world’s peo~~e? And more pr~o~~nl re:.Son, then, that the quality of
absence of any abihty to pr~~ce :eqo ua~y or a relative genetic deficiency
whiteness is indeed a geneuc ma . . f
state, based upon the genetic inability. to produce the sk:::=e: ~e
lanin (which is responsible for all skm color). The vast J . Y al
me . d h” h suggests that color 1s nonn
world’s people are not so afflicte ‘ ~ lC 1 Additionally’ this state .
~ human beings and color absence 1s abnorma · . .
~or . ive to the dominant geneuc
of color absence acts always as a geneuc re~~=nihilates” (phenotypically- .
factor of color-produ~tion. Color alwl ays bite Black people possess the.
· all peaking) the non-co or, w ·
and geneuc y-s . ‘th b red and yellow peoples possessing
greatest color potenual, Wl rown, . a1
.. respectively This is the genetic and psychologic
‘lesserquant1Ues, · d Racism
for The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation an .
Supremacy). .
The Color-Confrontation theory states that the white or
Europeans responded psychologically, with a ~ofound se~se of ‘th
cal inadequacy and color inferiority’ in therr confrontatlo~s Wl
,? majority of the world’s people- all of whom possessed varymg
The Cress Theory
of color-producing capacity. This psychological response, whether con-
scious or unconscious, revealed an inadequacy based on the most obvious
and fundamental part of their being, their external appearance. As might
be anticipated in terms of modem psychological theories, whites defen-
sively developed an uncontrollable sense of hostility and aggression. This
attitude has continued to manifest itself throughout the history of mass
confrontations between whites and people of color. That the initial
hostility and aggression came only from whites is recorded in innumerable
diaries, journals and books written by whites. Also, records indicate that
only after long periods of great abuse have non-whites responded defen-
sively with any form of counterattack. This perplexing psychological
reaction of whites has been directed towards all peoples with the capacity
to produce melanin. However, the most profound aggressions have been
directed towards Black people, who have the greatest color potential and,
therefore, are the most envied and feared in genetic color competition.
The experience of numerical inadequacy and genetic color inferiority
led whites to implement a number of interesting, although devastating (to
non-white peoples), psychological defense mechanisms. The initial
psychological defense maneuver was the repression of the initial painful
awareness of inadequacy. This primary ego defense was reinforced by a
host of other defense mechanisms.
-One of the most important of these defense mechanisms was reaction
formation, a response that converts (at the psychological level) something
desired and envied but wholly unattainable, into something discredited
despised. The whites, desiring to have skin color but unable to attain
,~,••””‘~””‘uvu (consciously or unconsciously) that skin color was disgusting
, and began attributing negative qualities to color- especially to
Interestingly, the tenn “non-white” is a double negative result-
.. .a positive statement. This is perhaps a Freudian slip, wherein the
QJ J:an~~ua!~e ultimately reveals the primary psychological dynamic.
to have colored skin can be observed at the very first signs
or summer when they begin to strip off their clothes (as many
law will allow), often pennitting their skins to be burned
attempt to add some color to their pale bodies and rendering
The Isis Papers
themselves vulnerable to skin cancer in the process. Most cosmetics are
also an attempt to add color to white skin. Such coloring makeup is
provided for the white male as well as female. And finally, untold
millions are spent annually on chemicals that are advertised as being able
to increase the tanning potential of whites.
The fact that some Blacks have attempted to change the color of their
skin to white does not mitigate the force of t..~is argument, as it can be
demonstrated readily that these non-whites are responding to the already
established social conditions of white supremacy. Such a process, as seen
in Blacks and other non-whites, may be described as identification with
the oppressor.
Another example of the reaction formation defense is the elaboration
of the myth of white genetic superiority, which continues to be reinforced
assiduously (note Jensen’s latest elaborations and their acceptance at all
levels of the white social structure). Acutely aware of their inferior
genetic ability to produce skin color, whites built the elaborate myth of
white genetic superiority. Furthermore, whites set about the huge task of
evolving a social, political and economic structure that would support the
myth of the inferiority of Blacks and other non-whites.
An additional psychological defense maneuver utilized by whites has
been that of projection. Feeling extreme hostility and hate towards
non-whites, whites began the pattern of stating that non-whites hated
them. In many instances, this mechanism has served to mitigate the guilt
whites occasionally experience for their impulse to aggress against Blacks
and other people of color.
Another, perhaps special, instance of the use of projection is the historic
and continuing desire of whites for sexual alliances with non-whites -a
desire indulged by white males throughout the world. This deep desire
has been projected onto Black males and females, and is manifest in the
notion that people of color have sexual desires for white males and
females. The Color-Confrontation theory postulates that whites desired
and still do desire sexual alliances with non-whites, both male and female,
because it is only through this route that whites can achieve the illusion
of being able to produce color. The extreme rage vented against even the
The Cress Theory
idea of a sexual alliance between the Black male and the white female,
which has long been a dominant theme in the white supremacy culture, is
viewed by th~ Color-Confrontation theory as a result of the white male’s
intense fear of the Black male’s capacity to fulftll the greatest longing of
the white female- that of conceiving and birthing a product of color.
1 nere are other sexual behaviors practiced by some whites that can be
illuminated by the Color-Confrontation t.llesis. For example, in his
autobiography, Malcolm X stated that the sexual perversion he was asked
to perform most often by white men was for him, as a Black male, to have
sexual intercourse with white females in their presence, while they (white
men) looked on. This behavioral pattern on the part of white males,
instead of being dismissed as a perversion, can be understood when
viewed as white males’ fantasized identification with Black males’
capacity to give conceptual products of color to white females- some-
thing white females desperately desire but white males cannot fulfill.
Further vivid testimony is given by Black males who have engaged in
sexual intercourse with white females. These men report that a frequent
utterance of white females is that they wish to have Black babies.
The Color-Confrontation theory also explains why Black males’
testicles were the body parts that white males attacked in most lynchings:
the testicles store powerful color-producing genetic material. Likewise,
the repeated and consistent focus on the size of Black males’ penises by
both white males and females is viewed by this theory as a displacement
of the fundamental concern with the genetic color-producing capacity
residing in the testicles. Since the fact of color-erivy must remain
repressed, color-desire can never be mentioned or the entire white
psychological structure collapses. Therefore, attention is displaced to a
less threatening object or symbol- the penis.
Finatly, the degradation of sex in the white supremacy culture allows
for yet another area of insight into the fundamental psychological
dynamics of whites and their self-alienation regarding their physical
appearance. At the most primordial level, sex can be viewed as the
reproduction of one’s own image, of self and of kind. According to the
Color-Confrontation theory, white supremacy culture degrades the act of
The Isis Papers
sex and the process of self-reproduction because for whites both ru:e
reflective of whiteness and, in turn, their inabilitiy to produce color. This
self-deficiency clearly is despised and is stated most explicitly in the
religious and moral philosophies of the white supremacy culture. Yet,
this manner of degrading the sexual act is not found in non-white cultures.
In fact, the very opposite is the case: the act of reproduction is h~ld in the
highest esteem, as reflected in non-white arts and religious pracuces. The
artistic and religious practices of India and Africa give strong and con-
tinuous testimony to this fact. In whites, this initial core feeling of
alienation from themselves and from the act that produced their image
found subsequent expression in their thought processes, religious
philosophies, moral codes, social acts, and the entire social structure.
Psychiatrists and other behavioral scientists frequently use the patterns
of overt behavior towards others as indications of what is felt fundamen-
tally about the self. If hate and lack of respect are manifested towards
others hate and lack of respect are felt most often at deeper levels towards
the seif. Facets of other behavioral patterns within the white supremacy
cultural framework support this thesis. For example, many white writers,
in all areas of the world, experience and write about their profound sense
of self-alienation. Additionally, some of the current political, social and
behavioral activity enacted by whites against the ideology and values of
the white social structure, although not spoken of in the terminology used
here, can be appreciated at one level as an expression of the same kernel
of alienation against whiteness. Thus, the hippies and yippies, by allow-
ing dirt to accumulate on themselves, in one sense, are adding color to
their skins. They also, by allowing their head and facial hair to prolife~te,
cover themselves with the only part of their bodies that has substantive
color, their hair. The present frantic attempts made by whites to counter
this sense of alienation take the form of free and open sexual practices and
sexual orgies. Such attempts will be unsuccessful because, again, the core
problem is a sense of alienation primarily from their own ~olorlessne~s,
and secondarily from the social practices and structure whites have bmlt
around that psychological core over the centuries.
The Cress Theory
Racism (white supremacy), having begun as a form of self-alienation,
has evolved into the most highly refined form of alienation from others
as well. The Color-Confrontation theory views all of the present battle-
grounds in the world as vivid reflections of this reality; the destructive
and aggressive behavioral patterns being displayed by white peoples
towards all non-white peoples is evidence of the inner hate, hostility and
rejection they feel towards themselves and of the depth of self-alienation
that has evolved from the genetic and psychological kernel of color
The mass inability of whites to live and attend school in the presence
of non-whites is expressed in the patterns of Black and white housing and
education throughout this country and the world. In terms of the Color-
Confrontation thesis, this inability is seen as the apparent psychological
discomfort experienced by whites in situations where, in confronting their
neighbors of color, they must face their color inadequacy daily . Also,
the myth of white superiority is exploded in the presence of equitable
social and economic opportunity. The white personality, in the presence
of color, can be stabilized only by keeping Blacks and other non-whites
in obviously inferior positions. The situation of mass proximity to Blacks
is intolerable to whites because Blacks are inherently more than equal.
People of color always will have something highly visible that whites
never can have or produce- the genetic factor of color. Always, in the
presence of color, whites will feel genetically inferior.
The difficulty whites have in according non-whites socio-political and
economic equality within the white supremacy structure stems neither
from a moral issue nor from political or economic need, but from the
fundamental sense of their own unequal condition – in regards to their
numerical inadequacy and color deficiency. They can compensate for
color inadequacy only by placing themselves in socially superior
P0S:itio1ns. The color inadequacy of whiteness necessitates a social struc-
based on white superiority. Only tokenism can be tolerated by such
·a:IInotJtvational psychological state, wherein the pvolution of the myth of
thee:Kc:eDiion.al non-white is used, again, as a defense mechanism.
The/sis Papers
The thrust towards superiority over peoples of color, the drive towards
material accumulation, the drive towards a technological culture and the
drive towards power are all cornerstones of the universal white supremacy
culture, and they are viewed- in terms of the Color-Confrontation thesis
– as responses to the core psychological sense of inadequacy. This
inadequacy is not measured in terms of infant size as compared with that
of the adult, as postulated by Alfred Adler. Rather, it is an inadequacy
rooted in the inability to produce melanin. This genetic state is, in
actuality, a variant of albinism.
The Color-Confrontation theory further postulates that whites are
vulnerable to their sense of numerical inadequacy. This inadequacy is
apparent in their drive to divide the vast majority of non-whites into
fractional, as well as frictional, minorities. This is viewed as a funda-
mental behavioral response of whites to their own minority status. The
white “race” has structured and manipulated their own thought processes
and conceptual patterns, as well as those of the entire non-white world
majority, so that the real numerical minority (whites) illusionally feels and
represents itself as the world’s majority, while the true numerical majority
(non-whites) illusionally feels and views itself as the minority. Interest-
ingly, the white collective, whenever discussing the question of color,
never discusses any of its own particular ethnic groups as minorities, but
constantly focuses on the various ethnic, language and religious groups
of non-white peoples as minorities. Then great efforts are made to initiate
conflict between these arbitrary groups. This is one of the key methods
by which a minority can remain in power. The “divide, frictionalize and
conquer” pattern, observable throughout history wherever non-whites are
confronted by whites, results primarily from whites’ sense of color
deficiency and secondarily from their sense of numerical inadequacy.
This pattern, then, is a compensatory adjustment to permit psychological
comfort through dominance and control. (See Diagram 1.) Similarly, the
present-day frantic focus on birth control for the entire non-white world
is another example of white peoples’ conscious or unconscious awareness
of their numerical deficiency status. There is never great emphasis on
The Cress Theory
The psychogenetic and social dynamic
of racism (white supremacy)
Genetic Factor: color inadequacy state (white)
an albinism or variant
Individual and group psychological response:
development of psychological defense mechanisms
Compensatory logic system: white supremacy
Compensat?ry behavioral practices: (economics, education, enter-
tamment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, war)
White supremacy behavioral “system” and culture
on worldwide scale
Syst~matic oppresion, domination and inferiorization of aU
peo~le ~•th the capacity to produce significant amounts of’ melanin
skm pigment: black, brown, red and yellow peoples of the Earth
Diagram I
The 1 sis Papers
controlling the births of whites; in fact, there are some white governmental
groups that give dividends to citizens for increased procreation.
The above are but a few examples selected from millions of large and
small behavioral patterns practiced by whites in varying quantities. Yet,
these examples effectively demonstrate the individual and collective
neurotic need to focus on color, sex, genetics, numbers, superiority/in-
feriority, white supremacy and power. The Color-Confrontation theory
contends that all of the above can be explained on the basis of the core
psychological sense of color-deficiency and numerical inadequacy. The
individual patterns of behavior that, over time, evolved into collective,
social, institutional and now systemic patterns are seen as the origin of the
“system of white supremacy,” which operates at a universal level and is
the only effective and functional racism existent in the world today.
·Further, racism (white supremacy), in this historical epoch, is viewed as
a full-blown social contradiction and the major social dynamic superced-
ing all others in influencing universal social practices and decisions. The
Color Confrontation theory recongizes racism as one of the dominating
forces determining character development, personality and formation
type. Therefore, a functional definition of racism (white supremacy), is
the behavioral syndrome of individual and collective color inferiority and
numerical inadequacy that includes patterns of thought, speech and action,
as seen in members of the white organization (race).
What then are the practical implications of this theory? Of major
importance is the fact that for the first time in centuries non-white peoples
throughout the world will have a rational basis for understanding the
motivational nuances of individual and collective white behavior. The
Color-Confrontation thesis theorizes that the majority of the world’s
people, non-whites, were manipulated into subordinate positions because,
never having experienced such a state in tenns of their own thought and
logic processes and premises, they were unprepared to understand pat-
terns of behavior predicated upon a sense of color deficiency and numeri-
cal inadequacy. This is analogous to the man with two eyes fmding it
difficult, if not impossible, to understand the behavioral pauerns and
The Cress Theory
motivations of the congenitally one-eyed man, who always looked upon
the two-eyed state with jealous antagonism and, perhaps, aggression.
Armed with such insight, knowledge and understanding, non-whites
will cease to be vulnerable to the behavioral rnaneuverings of individual
or collective whites. Non-whites will be less vulnerable to the messages
of white superiority that radiate throughout the known universe and
permeate world cultures, which are dominated by the white supremacy
system. This understanding will have profound effects on the developing
egos and self-images of all non-white children, who suffer severe damage
under the white supremacy culture. Moreover, whenever they are con-
fronted by the ideology of white superiority/supremacy, non-whites will
understand that it is only a compensatory psychological adjustment for a
genetic, numerical deficiency state; thus the white supremacy message
can be evaluated and negated more readily. This allows non-whites to
gain psychological liberation from the white ideological domination that
negatively affects the total functioning of non-whites. Further, non-
whites will be less vulnerable to being maneuvered into conflict with one
another, thus weakening the continued domination of the white
supremacy system.
Also, white peoples of the world presumably also could benefit from
such an awareness of the motivation behind behaviors that often baffle
them. If they are sincere in their attempts to stop the practices of white
supremacy (racism), whites may be able to find methods to do so once the
cause is understood. Perhaps some psychiatrist will develop a method of
mass psychotherapy (i.e., therapeutic counter-racist theater) to help
whites become comfortable with their color and their numbers. However,
one can foresee a major problem arising from the possible difficulty of
motivating whites to release the secondary gains historically derived from
the racist system.
The possibility of white people accepting this analysis of the white
problem in human relations is not for me to answer. I do know that the
majority of the world’s people are looking for an answer to the dilemma
that was once called the “American Dilemma.” They are looking for a
change. Perhaps The Cress Theory ofColor-C onfrontation will help them
The I sis Papers
to make lhat change. In any event, I am reminded of a statement made by
Freud’s biographer, Ernst Jones: “In the last analysis, the justification of
every scientific generalization is that it enables us to comprehend some-
thing that is otherwise obscure.” 6
And, as James B. Conant has stated:
The test of a new idea is … not only its success in correlating the
then-known facts but much more its success or failure in stimulating
further experimentation or observation which in tum is fruitful. This
dynamic aspect of science, viewed not as practical undertaking but as
development of conceptual schemes, seems to me to be close to the
heart of the best def”mition of science.
This essay analyzes the unique universal behavioral phenomenon of
white supremacy (racism), and places it in a conceptual framework and
context of a theoretical formulation. The fundamentals of the dynamics
inherent in the spectrum of relations cover all areas oflife activity between
people who classify themselves as white, and those people whom whites
have classified as non-whites.
The Cress Theory
1. Gullattee, A.C … The Subtleties of White Racism. A paper
presented to the American Psychiatric Association
Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, May 1969.
2. Comer, J … “White Racism: Its Roots, form and Function,” The
American Journal of P~ychiatry, Vol. 26: No. 6, December
3. Harrison, P.A., Butts, H.F .. “White Psychiatrists’ Racism in
Referral Practices to Black Psychiatrists,” Journal of the
National Medical Association, Vol. 62, No.4, July 1970
4. Pinderhughes, Charles A. “Understanding Black Power:
Processes and Proposals,” American Journal of Psychiatry,
Vol. 125: 1552-1557, 1969.
5. Cox, O.C .. “Caste, Class and Race,” New York: Monthly
Review Press, 1959, p. ix
6. Fuller, N. The United Independent Compensatory
Code/System/Concept, Copyrighted, Library of
Congress, 1969
7. Fuller, N. The United Independent Compensatory
Code/System/Concept., Copyrighted, Library of
Congress, 1969
8. X, Malcolm, The Autobiography of Malcolm X (with the
assistance of Alex Haley). New York: Grove Press, 1966,
The I sis Papers
9. Jones, E. Papers of Psychoanalysis, Boston: Beacon Press,
1961, p. 73.
10. Conant, J .B. On Understanding Science, New York Mentor,
The Origin of Alienation, Anxiety
and Narcissism
(August 1980)
This essay is dedicated to Genevieve Ekaete, a Nigerian journalist who,
because of the profound pain of alienation, took her life on June 25, 1978
while residing in the United States of America. The world lost a brilliant
mind and a generous person. Shortly before ller death she stated, “My
superstructure is solid. I need a formidable foundation … ” This essay is
my contribution to our understanding of the destructive dynamic of
Psychiatry as a discipline is floundering on its previously established
conceptual and theoretical foundation imported from 19th century
Europe. My continuing question to myself as a late 20th century precau-
tionary in general and child psychiatry, practicing in the power capital of
the world (Washington, D.C.) is, “Can a greater understanding be
achieved in the study of human behavior as it is organized and manifested
in the world’s dominant power system/culture?”
My answer is affrrmative. We can derive an ever increasing level of
order out of the existing chaos, a diagnostic and statistical manual that
gets heavier and wordier with each effort. Thereby, we can enhance our
diagnostic and treatment skills and increase the possibility of prevention,
allowing us to serve a suffering humanity better.
In Have Astronomers Found God?. Robert J astrow states, “There is a
kind of religion in science; it is the religion of a person who believes there
The Isis Papers
is order and harmony in the universe, and every event can be explained
in a rational way as the product of some previous event; eV,ery effort must
have its cause.” Jastrow continues, taking a quotation from Albert
Einstein, “The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation.”
As a social and behavioral scientist, I am convinced it is possible to
understand, in depth, the patterns and system of behavior encountered in
the individual and in the broad collective. My further conviction is that
we can serve humankind maximally as behavioral scientists and
physicians only when we adequately analyze the fundamental causation
and logic of these patterns of behavior.
Three major foci of attention in Western social and behavioral science,
particularly in psychiatry- alienation, anxiety and narcissism- are not
unrelated, isolated syndrome abstractions, as they have been discussed by
Western social and behavioral scientists. These separately described
phenomena are not only interrelated, but they have a common origin and
cause; they are derivatives of the same causal dynamic. Although that
causal dynamic has remained unidentified, the source of these three
phenomena is the origin of Western civilization itself.
Alienation. In the Color-Confrontation theory, I stated that racism
(white supremacy), having begun as a form of alienation towards the self,
now has evolved into the most highly refined form of alienation towards
others as well. The Color-Confrontation theory views all of the present
battle-grounds in the world today as vivid reflections of this alienation
towards others. The destructive and aggressive behavioral patterns dis-
played throughout the world by white peoples towards all non-white
peoples is the evidence of the inner hate, hostility and rejection they feel
towards themselves and of the deep self-alienation that has evolved from ·
their genetic inadequacy.
My extended defmition of alienation centers around the recognition ..•.
that it is a fundamental behavioral dynamic in Western civilization and·
culture. Alienation is a powerful centrifugal, genetic-psychological and · ··
societal dynamic that, over time, drives human beings further and
away from all effective, meaningful, emotionally supportive and truthful
communications amongst one another. The alienation dynamic increas~ .
Alienation, Anxiety and Narcissism
ingly forces people away from one another as Western civilization and
culture evolves, as seen through each successive generation since its
origin- including Greek civilization and the Roman Empire. Alienation
is the very same dynamic that pushes human beings away from respectful
and harmonious relationships with the physical environment, leading to
the pollution and destruction of the planet. Most important, the alienation
dynamic forces the individual away from all manifestations of self-under-
standing and self-respect, including the most fundamental respect –
respect for one’s genetic makeup.
The Encyclopedia Britannica records that the roots of the idea of
alienation are found in the works of Plotinus, a Roman philosopher born
in Egypt, who lived between 205 and 270 A.D., as well as in the theology
of both St. Augustine and Martin Luther. The latter addressed the struggle
to alienate oneself from one’s own imperfections by identification with a
transcendental perfect Being.
Entries on alienation did not appear in major reference books of the
social sciences until 1935, but the concept of alienation was present in
classical sociological texts of the 19th and early 20th centuries in the
works of Marx, Durkheim, Tonnies, Weber and Simmel. Eric and Mary
Josephson, in their Man Alone: Alienation in Modern Society, had the
following to say about alienation:
Indeed, ever since the great teclmological and political revolutions of
the late eighteenth century, with their shattering impact on a rigid
social order and their promise of individual freedom, one of the most
disturbing phenomena of Western culture has been man’s sense of
estrangement from the world he himself has made or inherited – in a
word, man’s alienation from himself and from others. This theme of
the alienation of modern man runs through the literature and drama of
two continents; it can be traced in the content as well as the form of
modern art; it preoccupies theologians and philosophers, and to many
psychologists and sociologists it is the central problem of our time. In
various ways they tell us that ties have snapped that formerly bound
Western man to himself and to the world about him. In diverse
language they say that man in modem industrial societies is rapidly
becoming detached from nature, from his old gods, from the
c technology that has transformed his environment and now threatens
to destroy it; from his work and its products, and from his leisure; from
The Isis Papers
the complex social institutions that presumably serve but are more
likely to manipulate him; from the community in which he lives; and
above all from himself- from his body and his sex, from his feelings
of love and tenderness, and from his art – his creative and productive
Contemporary contributors to the defmition of alienation include such
thinkers as psychoanalyst Erick Fromm; philosophers Lewis Mumford
and Herbert Marc use; existentialists Jean Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Paul
Tillich and Martin Buber; and sociologists David Riesman, Robert K.
Merton and Talcott Parsons.
In summary, there are at least five causal theories concerning aliena-
tion: the economic, the technological, the sociological, the philosophic/
existential and the psychological. Karl Marx is identified with the
economic theory. Marx viewed alienation as a result of the private
ownership of the means of production and the expropriation of man’s
labor by the capitalists -resulting in worker exploitation and class-strug-
gle, money and commodities becoming the most meaningful things in
man’s existence and thus man’s alienation from man. Technological
theories attribute alienation to man’s adjusted life-style to machines and
automation. Sociological theories view the decline of the limited local
community, the emergence of mass society and the simultaneous increas-
ing sense of individual powerlessness as the cause of alienation.
Philosophic/existential theories emphasize that alienation is inherent in
the finite and isolated character of man’s existence as a stranger and an
alien in the world. Psychologic theories are dominated by the views of
Sigmund Freud, who viewed alienation or self-estrangement as a resultant
of the split between the unconscious and the conscious forces in the
personality -the individual thus being out of touch, in the sense that
repressed and unacknowledged desires motivate his behavior. More
specifically, Freud pinpointed the Oedipal conflict and the frustrations
inherent in Civilized society, as expressed in his Civilization and Its
Discontents. as the source of alienation.
The following are but a few items from a long list of suggested
manifestations of alienation: child abuse, psychosis, suicide, neurotic
Alienation, Anxiety and Narcissism
depression, delinquency, psychosomatic disorders, prejudice, civil riots,
wildcat strikes and the rise of fascism. All are believed to have derived
from one or more of the following states: social isolation, self-estrange-
ment, a sense of powerlessness, meaninglessness, normlessness, and
cultural estrangement.
Whereas I agree with the existence of the alienation dynamic in
Western civilization and culture, I disagree with all of the aforementioned
theories of its causation. These theories remain superficial in their
analyses, as each fails to reach the core of the origin of Western civiliza-
tion. The multiplicity of theories on such a basic and pervasive dynamic
as alienation reflects the failure to comprehend the origin and nature of
Western man, who has created- at conscious and unconscious levels-
the totality of the Western cultural imperative.
With a sufficiently deep investigation, the myriad aspects of the
alienation dynamic that on the surface appear unconnected are recognized
as highly interrelated and tied to a central core – a unitary causation.
Anxiety and narcissism are tied to that same fundamental core, as il-
lustrated in the following diagram. The three-dimensional cone-shaped
figure represents the multiple levels at which reality (phenomena) may be
decoded. The dots on the surface at Level 5 represent the seemingly
isolated, multiple phenomena that can be examined at ever increasing
levels of depth, indicated by Levels 4 through 1. The basic interconnec-
tions between the isolated phenomena are less apparent at Level 5 than at
Level 2 or Level 1. The interconnections, however, become increasingly
clear as a greater depth of phenomena penetration is achieved. (See
Diagram 1.)
Level 5
level 4
Level .5
Levd 2
Level 1
Reality and Comprehension Levels
Diagram I
Alienation, Anxiety and Narcissism
The term Western means “white.” “Western” has become a comfort-
able (and for some, confusing), obfuscating euphemism or code for the
word “white.” The terms “Western civilization” and “Western culture”
specifically refer to the civilization and culture evolved, detennined,
directed, developed and controlled by people who classify themselves as
As mentioned in the Color-Confrontation theory, white-skinned
people, who lack any substantial level of permanent melanin in their skin,
historically have contrasted themselves with all people in the world who
have substantial, recognizable and permanent levels of melanin. These
skin-pigmented persons are referred to by the whites as “non-white”
people, or when they are subdivided by the whites, they are referred to as
“bta’ck,” “brown,” “red” and “yellow” peoples. Non-white peoples col-
lectively constitute the global numerical majority. This skin-pigmented
global majority is genetically dominant to the genetically recessive
whites, and genetically they can annihiliate the whites. These facts are
essential to a thorough understanding of not only alienation but anxiety
and narcissism as well. One cannot comprehend alienation, anxiety and
narcissism as major phenomena in Western civilization and culture
without an understanding of the origin of white-skinned people and their
evolved thoughts and feelings (conscious and unconscious) about them-
White skin is a form of albinism. There is no difference, microscopi-
cally speaking, between the white skin of a white person and the skin of
a person designated as an albino. My central thesis here is that white-
skinned peoples came into existence thousands of years ago as the albino
mutant offsprings of black-skinned mothers and fathers in Africa. A
sizeable number of these Black parents had produced, rejected and then
cast out of the community their genetic defective albino offspring, to live
away from the normal black skin-pigmented population with the aware-
ness of their rejection and alienation (as in leper colonies).
The white tribe’s eventual migration northward, to escape the intensity
of the equatorial sun of the Southern hemisphere, left the albinos even-
tually situated in the area of the world known as Europe- now recognized
The Isis Papers
as the home of the white tribes. This early rejection of the albino
offsprings might be viewed as a prehistoric (pre-Western civilization)
instance of parental rejection, child neglect and abuse.
Sexual intercourse between the isolated albino mutants produced a
white race – understanding race as an isolated population sharing a
significant number of common identifying genes. This pattern of isolat-
ing individuals with defective genetic patterns is no different than the
present-day practice of placing genetically abnormal individuals in in-
stitutions, away from the “normal” population group; another current
practice is the isolation of those who are genetically different into “ghet-
tos,” which is an exact parallel to the albino isolation.
Support for my position is found in an article entitled “Albinism,” by
Carl Witkop, Jr., in the 1975 issue of Natural History Magazine.
Historically, people with various depigmeming conditions, including
albinism, have occupied a spectrum of social positions, ranging from
outcasts to semigods. Montezuma, emperor of the Aztecs at the time
of Cortez’s conquest, maintained a· museum of living human
biological curiosities; prominent among these people were numerous
albinos. Peoples with leprosy, which frequently causes a spotty
depigmentation of the skin and hair, are described in biblicalliteratur~
as the lowest outcasts … Among the San Bias, albinos are
semi-outcasts; they participate less in daytime tribal activity and are
not permitted to marry. Biological investigations show that as a group
they are somewhat smaller and their muscles are not as well developed
as those of pigmented San Bias.*
Similarly, in his article entitled “Cuna Moon-Child Albinism,” in The
Journal of Heredity, Clyde Keeler notes (among other fmdings on al-
The voice quality of albino males is soft and higher pitched than in
moreno (normal brown) males. In addition, they appear to be deficient
in male sex hormone, and while they may be fertile, they have a lower
phallic posture, due to flaccidity. Albinos usually have flabby muscles
*The San Blas are an Indian group in Panama, Central America.
Alienation, Anxiety and Narcissism
and reduced muscular strength as shown by manometer
readings …. Psychiatric examination of six albinos showed their work
to be generally in an intellectual sphere where overcompensation is
the rule. Religion serves as a major support for many albinos who
take a fatalistic view of life and blame their failures on their albinism
which is God’s will. As a usual thing sexual experience is much more
~ted in.the albinos, who until recently, were not allowed to marry.
Whlle albmo males have the reputation of being weakly sexed, albino
females are said to be as active sexually as morenos, and they
frequently have illegitimate children.
It should be noted that many of the San Bias albinos were indistinguish-
able from Scandinavians or other northern Europeans.
The 19th century German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer, made
the following statement about white skin, in The Philosophy of Schopen-
haur, Metaphysics of Love of Sexes, which illuminates both Witkop’s and
Keller’s fmdings: ·
… ilie white colour of skin is not natural to man, but that by nature he
has a black or brown skin, like our forefathers the Hindus; that
consequently a white man has never originally sprung from the womb
of nature, and that thus there is no such thing as a white race, as much
as this is talked of, but every white man is a faded or bleached one.
Additional support is found in the work of Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, the
highly respected Senegalese anthropologist and Egyptologist, founder of
the Radiocarbon Institute of the Fundamental Institute of Black Africa
(Dakar, Senegal). Dr. Diop, in an interview in the winter 1976 issue of
Black Books Bulletin, stated, “There is absolutely no doubt the white race
which appeared for the first time during the upper Paleolithic – around
20,000 B.C.- was the product of a process depigmentation.” Further,
Dr. Diop infonns us that much later the whites commenced their migratory
movements towards the southern areas around 1500 B.C. Therefore, it
should not be surprising that deep within the historic and current mythol-
ogy and symbolism of Western civilization and culture (white supremacy
system/culture) is evidence to strongly support the above outlined mode
of origin as that actually traversed by the global albino (white) collective.
The Isis Papers
Major evidence for this theory of albinism (whiteness) is found in the
symbolism of the Adam and Eve biblical mythology. Western civilization
looks to this mythology in the Book of Genesis as the account of its
beginning. The essential elements of the Adam and Eve story are that
Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, ate the forbidden fruit (the
apple), had sexual intercourse, became ashamed of their nakedness and
were chased from the Garden of Eden.
My decoding of that fundamental mytllology and symbolism for
Western civilization is as follows: Adam and Eve are tlle symbolic figures
oftlle early albino mutants produced by Black parents; tlle Garden of Eden
is Africa, the place where all knowledgeable antllropologists and paleon-
tologists are informing us tllat human life began (and tllat the first human
beings were black-skinned); the apple eaten by Adam and Eve is the
presumed, orally ingested poison, looked upon as the cause of the muta-
tion to albinism; this ingestion was followed by the act of sexual inter-
course, which is also viewed as being responsible for the mutation to
albinism and, therefore, the original sin; Adam and Eve’s shame for their
nakedness indicates their rejection and shame of their pale white bodies
-colorless or naked- when compared to the black- and brown-skinned
normals; their use of fig leaves to cover their genitals (as they are depicted)
implies the shame and rejection of their genital apparatus, including their
genes; their expulsion from the Garden of Eden represents the isolation
of tlle albino mutants away from the skin-pigmented normals and tlleir
voluntary or involuntary migration out of Africa, northward into Europe.
Western culture goes funher in the symbolism of its religious
philosophy to pinpoint the eating of tlle apple by Adam and Eve, followed
by their act of sexual intercourse, as “the act of original sin.” Because of
this act, Western culture conceives of all its people as being “born in sin”
and in need of being “born again.” Similarly, there are several other
biblical references to skin-color change through God’s punishment and
leprosy, wherein the skin is described as becoming “white as snow” (2
Kings 5: 27). Of course, the further implication is tllat the skin originally
must have been black, meaning melanin pigmented. Otherwise, how
could it tum white? Numbers 12:10 states,
Alienation, Anxiety and Narcissism
And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, Miriam
became leprous, white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and
behold, she was leprous. And Aaron said unto Moses, Alas, my lord,
I beseech thee, lay not the sin upon us, wherein we have done foolishly
and wherein we have sinned. ‘
Contrary to this Western philosophy, there are no accounts of
skin-pigme~t~ peoples, in their basic religious and/or philosophical
tex~, conceiVmg of themselves as being born in sin or viewing their
gemtal apparatus (and therefore their genes) as the basis of sin and evil.
. Further, ~~stern civilization’s religious and secular philosophy pin-
~omts the actlVlty of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden as the point of
the f~ll of m~·”. “The fall” is the symbolic expression for the genetic
m~tation to ~bmism and the negative projections regarding the white-
skmned self m a global population where the norm was black or brown
skin color. Likewise, today, the modem science of genetics views most
spontaneous mutations as negative and deleterious in terms of the welfare
of the ~r~anism in the environment, at least in the human population.
Additional symbolism in Western civilization and culture lends further
~uppor~ to this thesis. For example, the dog rather than God proverbially
IS co~sid~red Western man’s best friend. This is contrary to the beliefs
of skm-pigmented peoples regarding their relationship to God. This
Western conc.ept of the dog as man’s best friend is linked to the mythology
of the foundmg of Rome. According to this mythology, Rome was
founded by two orphans, Romulus and Remus, who were suckled by a
wo~f. ~Both the wolf and the dog are canines.) These two presumably
~h~t~ I~fants are said to have founded the state that began Western
CIVlhzation and culture. When this is decoded, Romulus and Remus are
the.symbolic representatives of the early albinos who were abandoned by
therr Black mothers in Africa as genetic mutant defectives and in the
process of their northward migration for survival, were “left to th~ dogs”
-suckled by wolves. This decoding explains the worship and love of the
dog (canine) in Western civilization.
. Western man’s affection for the dog is reflected in the fact that in 1978
m New York City, dogs were permitted to put 250,000 pounds of fecal
The Isis Papers
matter on the streets each day, defiling the environment for human
beings. And, is this love and worship of the dog reflected in the mirror-
image of the words “God” and “dog” -even at this “advanced” stage in
the expression and evolution ofW estern civilization and culture? Further,
as relationships among people become more alienated, Western peoples
and those non-white peoples who have been influenced most heavily by
Western culture are gaining more satisfaction from feeding, clothing,
loving and kissing canines than in feeding, clothing, loving and kissing
human beings.
Western civilization’s original symbolized relationship to the canine,
following the African (Black) mothers’ rejection of the albino mutant
offsprings, undoubtedly has influenced the frequent use of the cursing
expressions “bitch” and “son-of-a-bitch.” These degrading expressions
are used perjoratively because deep within the unconscious Western
(white, albino) psyche, their rejected, mutant status is viewed perjora-
tively (in a world where the human norm is to have “hue”).
Greater insight into the sense of alienation in Western culture is
provided by the use of the word “mammy” when whites refer to a Black
female caretaker, while referring to the white female caretaker as “nanny.”
Clearly, “nanny” is something less than “mammy.” Also, the words
“uncle” and “auntie,” used by whites towards Blacks, bespeak an uncon-
scious awareness of a deep and ancient familial relationship. The dis-
rupted relationship is the origin of alienation, as supported by the symbolic
rituals of Western fraternal organizations, such as the Masons and the
Greek fraternities and sororities. The acting out of the “crossing of the
burning sands” gives reference to the albino mutants’ expulsion from
Africa, across the burning sands of the Sahara Desert, out of Africa and
into Europe. This was the original alienation experience of the albino
whites first spawned in Africa.
From a more recent literary work than the Bible, the famous 19th
century novelist Herman Melville, in his profoundly symbolic work about
the white supremacy system/culture, Moby l!>ick, states:
What is it that in the Albino man so peculiarly repels and often shocks
the eye, as that sometimes he is loathed by his own kith and kin! It is
Alienation, Anxiety and Narcissism
that whiteness which invests him, a thing expressed by th h
bear Th Alb· . e name e
s. . e mo IS as well made as other men- has no substantive
d~fonnuy- and yet th~ mere aspect of all-pervading whiteness makes
hi~ more strangely hideous than the ugliest abortion: Why should
this be so?
. Anoth~r famous American author, Mark Twain, in a collection of
articl~s ~ntided Mark Twain on the Damned Human Race’ compliments
Melville s assessm~nt in. his essay, “Skin Deep.” Twain’s analysis sug-
gests the depth of alienatiOn experienced by whiles (albinos).
… ~e:n-ly all black and brown skins are beautiful, but a beautiful white
sk~ IS rare. How rare, one may learn by walking down a street in
PariS, .New York or London on a weekday – particularly an
unfashionable street – and keeping count of th · f
I . e satlS actory camp exwns encountered in the course of a mile Wh d k
I’ · erear
camp exlOns are massed, they make the whites look bleached out
unwholesome, and sometimes frankly ghastly. I could notice this~
a boy, d~wn ~outh in the slavery days before the war. The splendid
black satm skm of the South African Zulus of Durban seemed to me
to come very close to perfection. I can see those Zulus yet
handsome and intensely black creatures, rnoderately clothed in loo~~
summer stuffs whose snowy whiteness made the black all the bl k
by contrast. Keeping that group in my mind I can co thac er
1 · · • mpare ose
c~mp ex!Ons Wlth the white ones which are streaming past this London
wmdownow …
Twain continues, detailing the negative attributes of white skin:
The adv:mtage i~ w~th the ~ulu, I think. He starts with a beautiful
complexiOn and lt wll.llast hun through. And as for the Indian, brown
-finn, smooth, blem1shless, pleasant and restful to the eye afraid f
~0 :olor, har~onizing with all colors, and adding grace to fuem alt-
~nk there _IS no sort of chance for the average white complexion
agamst that nch and perfect tint.
·. ~inally, major documentation in Western literary symbolism that
.• explams the origin of the global white collective’s alienation – and
. awareness of this fact – is the stark symbolism of the
proltourldlv Important work of Edgar Rice Burroughs, the author of the
The Isis Papers
Tarzan series. The fust of this series, Tarzan of the Apes, was copyrighted
in 1912 and published in 1914. Before Burroughs died in 1950, he had
produced 26 Tarzan books. So significant is the Tarzan symbolism for
Western civilization and culture that Burroughs’ company remains a
multi-million dollar industry worldwide.
Edgar Rice Burroughs is one of the largest selling authors in the world.
In 197 5, his company estimated that more than 150 million copies of his
books had been printed in 50 languages around the world. By 1980, the
entire Tarzan series was being reissued. Tarzan is the story of a British
baby, Lord Greystoke, who was abandoned in Africa at the age of nine
months after his parents died. The great black “apes” then took care of
him, as a passage from Tarzan of the Apes relates: “The hunger closed the
gap between them and [Lord Greystoke] nursed at the breast of Kala, the
great ape.” It is a short leap through the symbolism to decode that nine
months after conception, a white albino mutant was born to African
(Black) parents and then abandoned. The child, in its anger and aliena-
tion, later returns to the scene of its rejection to dominate the Mricans and
all other non-white peoples.
Burroughs stated that the name Tarzan meant “white-skin” in the
language of the apes. In the 1929 copyrighted Tarzan at the Earth’s Core
(13th in the series), Burrough’s explains in more detail:
The sun beating down upon his naked body, had no such effect upon
his skin as would the sun of the outer world under like conditions. But
it did impart to him a new confidence similar to that which he would
have felt had he been able to retrieve his lost apparel. And in this fact
he saw what he believed to be the real cause of his first embarrassment
at his nakedness- it had been the whiteness of his skin that had made
him se~ so naked by contrast with other creatures, for this whiteness
had suggested softness and weakness, arousing within him a
disturbing sensation of inferiority; but now as he took on his heavy
coat of tan and his feet became hardened and accustomed to the new
conditions, he walked no longer in constant realization of his
Just as Burroughs reveals this deep preoccupation of the white collective
in Tarzan, we still find the white collective neurotically concerned with
Alienation, Anxiety and Narcissism
their white skin nakedness, developing suntanning parlors so as to produce
a permanent state of brown skin coloration. For example, Newsweek
printed an article in December, 1979 entitled “90-Second Suntans” in
which one sunlamp devotee, when reminded of the hazards of suntan~ing
stated, “If tanning is going to kill me at least I ’11 be a good-looking corpse.”
The American Cancer Society estimates that the 1980 figure for new
cases of skin cancer is 14,001, while an estimated 6,200 persons will die
from the specific skin cancer melanoma. Despite these warnings, sun-
~ning p~rsists. A cursory glance at any beach or swimming pool today
Will provide a clear indication of the present number of white-skinned
persons who are self-alienated even to the point of increasing their
potential for cancer-caused death. They continue to pursue temporary
skin pigmentation, even unto death, to become members of the “hue-man”
The symbolic profundity of all of the above should leave little doubt
that whites’ awareness of the origin of their alienation is in no sense
superficial. This awareness goes deep to the genetic core of white
peoples’ status as mutated albinism variants and to the core of their
c~~cept and image of self as such. The Western brain-computer (in-
dividual and collective) then spawns patterns of its specific alienation in
its myths, symbols, logic, thought speech, action, emotional response and
perception in all areas of people activity: economics, education, enter-
tainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war.
Anxiety. More briefly, the core aspects of anxiety and narcissism in
Western civilization and culture, which are integrally associated with the
dynamic of alienation, must be discussed. Dr. Rollo May in his book, The
Meaning of Anxiety, correctly informs us in the foreword to the 1950
F~r ~e past hundred years, … psychologists, philosophers, social
his ton~, and. other. students of humanity have been increasingly
preoccupied Wlth this nameless and formless uneasiness that has
dogged the footsteps of modem man. Yet in all that time, to my
knowledge, only two attempts have been made in book form- one
essay by Kierhegaard and one by Freud – to present an objective
The isis Papers
picture of anxiety and to indicate constructive methods of dealing with
Twenty-seven years later, in the foreword to the revised edition, Dr.
May states,
I believe a bold theory is necessary that will comprehend not only our
normal and neurotic anxiety but anxiety in literature, art and
philosophy as well. This theory must be formulated at our highest
level of abstraction. I propose that this theory be founded on the
definition that anxiety is the experience of Being affirming itself
against Nonbeing. The latter is that which would r~uce or destroy
Being, such as aggression, fatigue, bore~om, an? ul.tJ.mat~ly ~e~. I
have rewritten this book in the hope that 1ts publication wdl a1d m the
forming of this theory of anxiety.
Dr. May continues in his statement of the book’s purpose:
Despite the fact that anxiety has become a central problem to so many
diverse areas in our culture, the attack on the problem has been
handicapped by the fact that the various theories and studies of anxiety
have to date been uncoordinated. In spite of the industrious work by
skill~d psychologists, this is as true in 1977 as it ~as in 1950. ~ is
evident to anyone reading the papers from vanous sympos1a on
anxiety, we do not even use the same language. Freud’~ description
of the state of the problem in the opening paragraph of his chapter on
anxiety published in 1935 is still largely accurat~: ‘Yo~ ~ill not_be
surprised to hear that I have a great deal of new mformatJ.on to g1ve
you about our hypotheses on the subject ofanxiety …. and also that none
of the information claims to provide a fmal solution to these doubtful
problems.’ What is necessary at the present stage of the understandin~
of anxiety is, the introduction of the right abstract ideas, and of theu
application to the raw material of observation so as to bring order and
lucidity into it.
It is clear that the distinguished Dr. May, in regarding neurotic anxiety,
took into account Freud’s discussion of neurotic anxiety as most fun-
damentally related to the birth trauma and to the fear of castration. Dr.
May later broadened the concept, writing: “It is very suggestive too that
the first anxiety state arose on the occasion of the separation from the
Alienation, Anxiety and Narcissism
mother.” Dr. May continues, referring to the danger of castration as” … a
reaction to a loss, to a separation, of which the prototype is the birth
experience.” He also includes the analyses of other noted psychologists
concerning anxiety: Otto Rank’s view of anxiety as steming from the
central problem of individuation- and then the fear oflife and the fear of
death; Alfred Adler’s view of anxiety as related to feelings of inferiority;
I ung’ s belief that anxiety is the individual’s reaction to the invasion of his
conscious mind by irrational forces and images from the collective
unconscious; Karen Homey’s view of anxiety as a reaction to a threat to
something belonging to the core of the personality coupled with a hostility
response; and, finally, Harry Stack Sullivan’s view of anxiety as ap-
prehension of interpersonal disapproval. However, Dr. May recognized
that these theories, including his own (“Being affuming itself against
Nonbeing”), remain insufficient.
I also view these approaches as insufficient and conclude, as argued in
my ~lier discussion of alienation, that anxiety in the Western civilization
and culture, stems from the origin of that culture – which rests most
fundamentally in the production of albino mutants from Black parents in
Africa. Anxiety, like alienation in Western culture, is the result of the
rejection of these albinos because of their genetic deficiency status and
their subsequent abandonment and migration northward to form what is
now recognized as the white race. This global white collective maintains
a different appearance from the rest of humankind, and they dislike this
difference. Therefore, they tan and use makeup. They remain a minority
of the world’s people, surrounded globally by a black, brown, red and
yellow global majority. The white global collective remains genetically
recessive to the black, brown, red and yellow global majority and lives
each day and each minute of every hour in the continuous fear of white
annihilation by the global majority of genetic dominants. This fundamen-
tal fear of albino isolation, abandonment and genetic annihilation, is at the
core of Western civilization- a civilization structured to ensure white
genetic survival. This survival plan necessitates the subjugation and
control of all non-white peoples. I define this subjugation and control as
the white supremacy system.
The Isis Papers
Because the conscious overt dialogue in the whole of Western civiliza-
tion and culture is never about its global white minority status, its
recessive (therefore vulnerable) genetic status, or its initial rejection by
the Black parents and the Black majority, these feelings about self and
fears of inadequacy and vulnerability reside underground in the brain-
computer. These subconscious and unconscious thoughts become the
basis for the pervasive neurotic anxiety that characterizes Western culture.
Such is the specific nature and cause of this “nameless and formless
tmeasiness that has dogged the footsteps of modem man.” Modern man
means Western man, means white man, means the global white collective.
This is the reason that valium (diazepam) is the most prescribed drug
in the U.S., the key unit of Western civilization and culture. It is this same
anxiety that causes Western civilization’s preoccupation with weapons,
spending more money on armaments than on any other single budgetary
item. These weapons surround all of the world’s non-white peoples. The
whites hope that the weapons will prevent white genetic annihilation and
thereby ensure white genetic survival, but then whites hold the pervasive
attendant fear that they will be destroyed in the conflagration also.
This fundamental anxiety relative to global white genetic annihilation
pervades all patterns of symbols, logic, thought, speech, action, emotional
response and perception in all areas of people activity within Western
culture and civilization. Also, it pervades all aspects of family life, for
whites and all non-white victims of white supremacy. All of the aforemen-
tioned theories of anxiety -::::: by Freud, Jung, Rank, Adler, Homey,
Sullivan and May- are encompassed in the above stated Cress-Welsing
thesis on anxiety in Western civilization and culture.
Narcissism. Just as alienation and anxiety have become key foci of
attention for Western behavioral and social scientists and other scholars,
narcissism has become the most recent abstraction for intense intellectual
A January 30, 1978 Newsweek article entitled “The New Narcissism”
outlines several qualities of narcissism:
Long before social critic Tom Woefe labeled the ’70s ‘The Me
Decade’, scholars were exploring narcissism as a new- perhaps even
Alienation, Anxiety and Narcissism
dominant – psychological pattern of both individual and social
behavior. According to this theory, the New Narcissus suffers and
emotionally dies because -like his mythological proto type_ he cannot
return anyone’s affection. His fatal flaw, however, is not really self
love but a grandiose expectation of himself that cannot be sustained
and makes him vulnerable to chronic bouts of boredom and inner
emptiness. In the eyes of the New Narcissus, the outside world is
essentially a .mirror that reflects his own alternating feelings of
personal ommpotence and disintegration.
!o ~·. E~est Wolf of the Chicago Institute of Psychoanalysis, the
1dent1fiCat10n of the new narcissism signals ‘a major revolution in
psych~analysis’, in which self-esteem is seen as just as important as
sexuahty. For social historian Christopher Lasch, narcissism is the
key to understanding why ‘self preservation and psychic survival’
pervade the moral climate of contemporary society … At a recent
co~~rence on ‘Narcissism in Modern Society’ at the University of
M1ch1gan, several psychiatrists argued that there are still no solid
clinical data proving that narcissism has increased in relation to
traditional neuroses. Others, such as psychologist Kenneth Keniston,
wonder whether a clinical term like narcissism can properly explain
patterns of social behavior … Nonetheless, through a series of books,
~ssays and symposiums, the new narcissism has emerged as a central
~tell~tual concern. A post-Freudian school of psychoanalysis, based
m Ch1cago, has proclaimed pathological narcissism the besetting
psrchological disorder of modem Western culture and has developed
a psychology of the self’ to explain its causes. And some social
scien~ists have adopted clinical descriptions of narci~sism to help
ex?laJ.n the declining interest in politics, social action and
child-rearing, and the corresponding rise of an individual survival
‘Pa~ologic~lnarcissists simply cannot depend upon others, which for
me lS a cruc1al characteristic,’ says New York psychoanalyst Otto F.
Kernberg, author of an influential study, ‘Borderline Conditions and
Pathological Narcissism.’ Much as they crave admiration, says Dr.
Kernberg, narcissists systematically exploit and devalue others.
Freq~ently charming and charismatic, they tend to enjoy only fleeting
emo~o~al contacts, .rather than genuine, long-term intimacy.
Narc~s1sts are often h1ghly successful in business, bureaucracies, or
othenmpersonal organizations; typically, such situations reward those
who can manipulate others, while discouraging personal attachments
and providing enough emotional feedback to satisfy self-esteem.
The Isis Papers
The third Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
(1980), published by the American Psychiatric Association, contains a
description of the narcissistic personality disorder, with the following
stated criteria:
A. Grandiose sense of self importance or uniqueness
B. Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success,
power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
C. Exhibitionistic: Requires constant attention and
D. Responds to criticism, indifference of others, or
defeat with either cool indifference or with marked
feelings of rage, inferiority, shame, humiliation,
or emptiness
E. Two of the following:
1. Lack of empathy: Inability to recognize how others
2. Entitlement: Expectation of special favors with
reactions or surprise and anger when others don’t
3. Interpersonal exploitiveness: Takes advantage of
others to indulge his own desires or for
self-aggrandizement, with disregard for the
personal integrity and rights of others
4. Relationships characteristically vacillate between
the extremes of over-idealization and devaluation.
Any non-white person who has had extensive experience with whites,
collectively or as individuals, will find in the above a description of those
relationships. At a superficial level, it seems ironic that those responsible
for including this disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual have
failed to recognize this as a statement that characterizes the global
Alienation, Anxiety and Narcissism
relationship of whites to non-whites, a description of the white supremacy
dynamic (racism).
For further understanding of this perceptual failure, let us return to the
Greek myth of Narcissus. According to Greek mythology, Narcissus was
the son of the river god, Cephissus, and the nymph, Leiriope; he was
distinguished for his beauty. His mother was told that he would have a
long life, provided he never looked upon his own features. However, his
rejection of the love of the nymph Echo or of his lover Anemias drew
upon him the vengeance of the gods. He fell in love with his own
reflection in the waters of a spring and pined away (or killed himself).
This ancient mythological symbolism displays the difficulty the white
collective has in looking in the mirror to see itself for what it truly is in
relationship to the vast majority of the world’s people. Indeed, if it faces
itself, with its puffed up attitude of white superiority, it will disintegrate.
Narcissism, as described but not deeply understood by Freud, is
germain to this thesis. Freud viewed narcissism as a character disorder in
. which there was fixation of libidinal energy upon the self. Because of a
lack of love or response on the part of the parents, the libidinal energy
never can be discharged upon another person with satisfacton. Distrust
of the other person in relationships persists into adult life, so that the
narcissistic character prefers autoeroticism (i.e., masturbation) to normal
sexual intercourse.
Freud and others have failed to understand that the failure of parental
love is rooted in the original rejection by the Black mothers and Black
fathers in Africa of their albino (white) mutant offspring, who were forced
to try to love themselves if they were to survive; but they could not arrive
at a point of true self-acceptance because there was never parental and
group acceptance or validation at the time that the whites mutated from
the Blacks. Because whites failed to be accepted by the original Black
parents, they evolved the subsequent compensatory pattern of white
supremacy. Yet, beneath the stance of white supremacy and white gran-
diosity, the insecurity of inadequacy, inferiority and vulnerability remains
to be displayed alternately. Long, long ago, the Greeks were cautioned
by the Oracle of Delphi – whom the Greeks portrayed in the eponymous
The Isis Papers
hero Delphas, as a Negro- to “Know Thy Self.” Clearly, to date, the
Western collective has failed in this task.
Unified Field Theory Psychiatry
Yet do I marvel at this curious thing, to make a poet Black and bid him
– Countee Cullen
Is it conceivable that a Black who is also a woman can critique and
dismantle the whole of Western psychiatry?
I will begin this essay somewhat differently than it was originally
conceived several years ago. This alteration is occasioned by having read
the iuticle, “Retreat Behind New Walls Seen Posing Danger for
Psychiatry,” which appeared in the June 1980 issue of Clinical Psychiatry
News. It is a report from San Francisco on the address given by Dr. Alan
M. Stone, as outgoing president at the annual meeting of the American
Psychiatric Association. Dr. Stone stated:
The new walls are being built as psychiatrists attempt to deal with the
issues of racism. homosexuality, and the situation of women …. These
are all issues which have confronted us in our practice, challenged the
moral assumptions that lie concealed in our theories, and confounded
us with disputes and acrimony in our association. It is no accident that
each (issue) invites psychiatry to take a stand on human values.
Human values, l!fter all, are a crucial link in the chain that binds the
self to society. To take a stand on them reveals something about our
own selves, our own relations to society, and our own vision of what
it means to love and to work. Many psychiatrists believe that the AP A
should limit itself to issues that are clearly psychiatric, but many others
believe that these social issues are clearly psychiatric. I shall claim
that what separates these two groups can only be understood as part
of the deep theoretical dilemma in which American psychiatry finds
The Isis Papers
itself: its lack of conceptual clarity. This theoretical ambiguity is the
core of the conflict that confronts psychiany. As pragmatic eclectics,
uncertain that we have put the pieces of the picture together correctly,
we can never be confident that we can distinguish between the sick
patient and the sick society. Psychiatry’s contribution to what it means
to be a person is its most powerful aspect. That contribution cannot
be under psychiany’s control in a free society. However, the
profession has a responsibility for the hidden values in its theories and
therapies, which contribute to the shaping of ‘contemporary
consciousness.’ It is in the issues surrounding the subject of women
that perhaps the most convincing attack on the hidden values in
psychiany has been made.
Dr. Stone continued this discussion, asking if these issues cut deeper
into American psychiatry than racism and homosexuality:
As far as I can see, the case against psychiatry as it regards women is
far more damaging, requires far more than a minor adjustment of our
composite sketch; indeed, it compels each of us to reexamine not only
our theories, but also our lives and relationships. There can be no new
psychology of women that does not require a new psychology of men.
That makes necessary a new conception of all our human values and
all the paradigms of psychiatry. Psychiatry does not stand outside of
history or morality, but how do psychiatrists decide which history and
which morality to accept? The rules about which history and which
morality to accept are not clearly described in the biologic,
psychodynamic, and behavioral paradigms. What is required of us is
moral ambition. Until our composite sketch becomes a true portrait
of humanity, we must live with our uncertainty. We will grope; we
will struggle; and our compassion may be our only guide and comfort.
Originally, my essay began with the statement, “It is clear to many that
grave problems are confronting the field of psychiatry at theoretical and
conceptual levels. This crisis has important implications for treatment as
well as problems encountered in formulating diagnostic categories as
evidenced in the controversies surrounding the task of developing Diag·
nostic and Statistical Manual III.” But who better should state the
problems facing psychiatry in America than an outgoing president of the
American Psychiatric Association? Indeed, who would be more readily
believed than he?
Unified Field Theory Psychiatry
While not accepting all that was said by Dr. Stone (most specifically
his view of sexism as a more problematic issue than racism), I do share
his awareness of a floundering chaos in psychiatry’s current theoretical
and conceptual state. It was this very awareness that, led me to the
consideration of a unified field theory in psychiatry.
The concept of a unified field theory is derived from the work of the
great physicist Alben Einstein (March 14, 1879 – April 18, 1955).
Einstein, a mathematical physicist, the most recognized and highly
renowned scientist in the history of Western civilization, spent the greater
portion of his productive years in search of a unified field theory, a theory
that, in mathematical terms (by a single set of equations), would combine
all of the different manifestations of energy phenomena in the universe.
Einstein studied the force of gravity and produced the General Theory
of Relativity. He studied the forces of electromagnetism and produced
the Special Theory ofRelati vity, which became a more accurate yardstick
for measuring the characteristics of the physical world. Then, Einstein
questioned the possibility of generalizing the mathematical foundations
of the theory to derive not only the properties of the gravitational field,
but also those of the electromagnetic field.
His work is reviewed in Ronald Clarke’s 1971 Einstein: The Life and
Times. In Einstein’s own words:
For years, it has been my greatest ambition to resolve the duality of
natural laws into unity. This duality lies in the fact that physicists have
hitherto been compelled to postulate two sets of laws- those which
control gravitation and those which control the phenomena of
electricity and magnetism … Many physicists have suspected that two
sets of laws must be based upon one genenl law. but neither
experiment nor theory has until now, succeeded in formulating this
law …. The relativity theory reduced to one formula all laws which
govern space, time and gravitation, and thus it corresponded to the
demand for simplification of our physical concepts. The purpose of
my work is to further this simplification, and particularly to reduce to
one formula the explanation of the field of grllvity and the field of
electromagnetism. For this reason I call it a contribution to ‘a unified
field theory’ … Now, but only now, we know that the force which
moves electrons in their ellipse about the nuclei of atoms is the same
force which moves our earth in its annual course about the sun, and is
The I sis Papers
the same force which brings us the rays of light and heat which make
life possible on this planet.
Not only did Einstein die before achieving this goal, but prior to his
death his conceptualization of a unified field theory was being dismissed
by younger physicists as the ideas of an old man whose scientific useful-
ness had passed long ago. Quantum physics and the physics of chance
and statistical probabilities (the physics of Born and Heisenberg) were
supplanting the Einsteinian physics of the whole. This was the new
physics of indeterminacy. This new physics could be characterized by Sir
George Thompson’s following statements, which appear in Einstein: The
Life and Times:
Wherever a system is really complicated, as in the brain or in an
organized conununity, indeterminacy comes in, not necessarily
because of ‘h’ (Planck’s constant) but because to make a prediction,
so many things must be known that the stray consequences of studying
ttem will disturb the status quo, which can never therefore be
discovered. History is not and cannot be determinant. The supposed
causes only may produce the consequences we expect.
I am almost certain that most workers in the field of psychiatry are not
consciously aware that they too have assured a position in the respective
scientific camps of either Albert Einstein or that of Born and Heisenberg.
The camp of indeterminacy holds, as articulated by Sir George Thompson,
that (in a system as complicated as the brain or in an organized com-
munity) one cannot uncover a unitary law or a unitary cause of the many
complex forms of behavior, knowledge of which would enable prediction
of expected consequences. On the contrary, the camp of detenninacy
concludes that in any fmite energy system – no matter how seemingly
complex at the surface level – a unitary law can be discerned simply
because there is specific order in the universe and thus there is order in
any given energy system. A unitary law would reveal the nature of that
specific order. I reside in the Albert Einstein camp – the camp of
Einstein’s effort towards uncovering the unified field has great mean-
ing to me as a psychiatrist/behavioral scientist because it is my developing
Unified Field Theory Psychiatry
conviction that the present confusion is largely a result of our failure to
see the interconnections that exist between many seemingly isolated,
disconnected behavior-energy phenomena in Western culture. Actually
there are very few, if any, workers in behavioral science who perceive the
necessity to search out, on the one hand, these interconnections and, on
the other hand, to unveil the total unified fonn that is structured by these
interconnections and their fundamental cause (etiology). This may be
said in the reverse order: because there is the failure on the part of most
investigators to perceive the total outline of the Western cultural dynamic,
it is difficult, if not impossible, for them to make sense of the isolated
behavioral patterns within the total behavioral system framework. Be-
havioral scientists, thus frustrated, have tried to fmd the answers in
statistics, neurochemical molecules and genes. It was this same limitation
and dependence on the statistical method of analyzing energy phenomena
that depressed Einstein in the work of his colleagues in physics. He
lamented that they just could not see the larger picture. They lacked his
intuitive faculty to see at a deeper and more encompassing level.
This may best be understood if we look at the scattered pieces of a
1 ,000-piece jigsaw puzle for which the outlining border has not yet been
set in place. Generally speaking, one cannot make heads or tails of the
scattered, tiny pieces. Once the outline or context has been established,
the order in which the small pieces are to be placed immediately becomes
clear. I use this particular introduction for this brief essay because a total
behavior-energy system also can be seen and understood as a unified field
of energy phenomena. Once that unified field of behavior-energy is
perceived and described, setting forth its etiology and dynamic, the once
seemingly isolated, little understood, often unexamined, individual
phenomena of behavior-energy within the field, are seen in brilliant
·coherence, whereas before, they were neither visualized nor understood
. adequately. A parallel process can be seen in the recent discoveries in
of strange celestial objects such as quasars, pulsars and black
the discovery of which can be seen as dependent upon Einstein’s
of a unified field- the framework of his relativity concept.
The Isis Papers
The global white supremacy system (racism) is a highly specific system
of behavior-energy. The force and energy of this system, through its
ultimate goal objective and its patterns of logic, thought, speech, action,
emotional response, perception and symbols, in all areas of people activity
(economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex
and war), determines the dominant patterns of behavior in the world today.
The global system of white supremacy is euphemistically referred to as
“Western civilization.”
In Chapter 1, I explained that the global behavior patterns of racism
are a survival necessity for the white collective. This racist activity is a
compensatory attempt to prevent white genetic annihilation on a planet
where the vast majority of peoples are genetically dominant to the
melanin-deficient whites. The awareness of self (in the white global
collective) as a white, genetic mutant population that was rejected by their
Black parents in Africa (see Chapter 2), and the subsequent conscious
and/or unconscious determination to survive as a global minority became
the underlying law that determined the evolution of the now global white
supremacy system/culture.
All major and minor behavior-energy crystallizations or behavior-units
in the global white collective- no matter how simple or complex, old or
new, short- or long-lived- must conform, in the final analysis, to the basic
behavior-energy equation of white over non-white (or white power over
non-white powerlessness). This is the necessary power or energy equa-
tion for white genetic survival. This behavior-energy equation is ex-
pressed in energy manifestations of patterns of logic, thought, speech,
action, emotional response and perception in all areas of people activity.
From this basic law, it becomes possible to predict the ultimate output
of individual and collective white brain-computers at the local and global
levels. In energy terms, this means that it is possible to predict the
fundamental patterns (“the bottom line”) of all energy that flows from the
white collective in its dynamic interactions with the non-white collective.
That sum total of behavior-energy expression is always the energy crys-
tallization of white supremacy (white genetic survival) – irrespective of
the gross or subtle myriad behavior forms it assumes. Also, this energy
Unified Field Theory Psychiatry
formation can be understood as a finite unified energy field or force field,
albeit that the force is behavior-energy.
This new theory of psychialry is what I refer to as Unified Field Theory
Psychiatry. It is a psychialry that perceives a definable whole, global
system of behavior-energy, wherein the behavior events lend themselves
to prediction because the ultimate objective of the system remains con-
stant. The basic considerations that Einstein proposed for physical energy
in his concept of a unified field theory can be applied readily to behavior-
energy in the concept of Unified Field Theory Psychiatry. Thus, the role
of all major and minor patterns of behavior within the field can be
understood and even predicted.
Now, the underlying interrelationships between seemingly uncon-
nected patterns of behavior are visible. It is as though the end of a knotted
ball or skein yam has been discovered that, with patience, permits com-
plete unraveling without breaks in the yam. Heretofore, no Western
behavioral scientist had recognized the single connecting thread of logic
permeating seemingly unrelated phenomena such as lynchings, smoking
objects, bullfights, chocolate candy with nuts, coffee, guns, umbrellas,
automobiles, skiing, race, races and racing (horse, foot and car), the Adam
and Eve mythology, Moby Dick, Dracula, Frankenstein, the play “Equus”
by Peter Schafer, paper money, gold, Christian religious symbolism, the
Nazi Swastika, anti-Semitism, sexual perversions, apartheid, child abuse,
capitalism, nudism, the Holocaust, alienation, sexism, homosexuality,
pornography, narcissism, gambling, rape, flags, men’s ties, etc. All of the
above are but a few of the major behavior-energy entities, myths and
symbols included in the white supremacy system/culture that are related
to the single underlying law governing the origin and continued existence
of Western civilization.
Western social and behavioral science, particularly psychiatry, has
been content with behavior fragment analyses and multiple theoretical
explanations for different behaviors. This demonstrates a failure to com-
prehend the entire forest, while focusing on isolated trees or clumps of
trees. Failure to comprehend the whole behavior-energy force field has
resulted in isolated behavior modification techniques and programs, the
The Isis Papers
inability to grasp the manner in which the total Social structure determines
the behavior of the individual personality, and the tendency to focus on
isolated neurochemical sequences and mechanisms as causing certain
behavior pattem constellations. This limited pattern of perception and the
apparently necessary pattern of endless abstracting, with an inability to
synthesize the whole, may be predicated upon a pattern of data reception
in the nervous system of persons who possess insufficient levels of
melanin in their nervous systems. The lack of melanin results from the
genetic deficiency state of albinism or its variants, which in turn influen-
ces basic patterns of perception of energy messages from the physical/
social environment. (I will examine this possibility in a future work.)
Understanding this, it is clear that current Western psychiatry’s inability
to identify the interrelationships existing between racism, homosexuality
and sexism (articulated by Dr. Alan Stone) is due to an inadequate
conceptual and theoretical base.
As stated previously, racism is the evolved behavior-energy system
predicated upon the need for white genetic survival. Both homosexuality
and sexism are derivatives of that fundamental dynamic. The forces in
the white supremacy system that lead to a massive increase of passivity,
effeminization, bisexuality and homosexuality in the Black male popula-
tion as necessities for white genetic survival are discussed in Chapter 6.
However, to specifically focus on white male homosexuality in the white
supremacy system/culture, we must return to the male albino mutant’s
awareness of himself in contrast to the prototypic human male- the Black
male, the father of the early albirlo mutants. Indeed, this fact is the true
basis for the Oedipus mythology.
Historically, white males worldwide have suffered the deep sense of
male inferiority and inadequacy because they represent a mutant, geneti-
cally recessive, minority population that can be genetically annihilated by
all non-white people- males and females. Ultimately, this awareness in
the whi!C collective has produced high levels of masculine self-doubt,
fear, anxiety and self-aliention. These difficulties have been intensified
by the awareness that white reproductivity is far lower than the natural
reproductivity of any non-white population.
Unified Field Theory Psychiatry
Thus, the white male collective feels vulnerable to the global non-white
male collective but most specifically to the Black male collective because
of Blacks’ ability to produce the highest levels of melanin and thereby the
~eatest pot~ntial for white genetic annihilation. This basic logic of disgust
wtth the whtte genetic and genital self drives the brain-computer in the
white male collective to self-negating patterns of behavior. Also, it is the
basis for the continuing question in the white collective, “Who has the
largest penis- the Black or the white male?”
At another level, white male homosexuality may be viewed as the
symbolic attempt to incorporate into the white male body more male
substance by either sucking the penis of another male and orally ingesting
the semen, or by having male ejaculate deposited in the other end of the
alimentary canal. Through anal intercourse, the self-debasing white male
may fantasize that he can produce a product of color, albeit that the
product of color is fecal matter. This fantasy is significant for white males
because the males who are able to produce skin color are viewed as the
real men.
This same sense of maleness-deficiency in the white supremacy culture
causes the behavior patterns of smoking either small white phallic sym-
bols called cigarettes, large dark brown or black phallic symbols known
as cigars, pipes and the long brown cigarettes called Mores. (Or does it
~ean Moors?) These are sucked, swallowed, puffed and otherwise bodily
mgested, ultimately leading to self-negation through potential cancer-
caused deaths. Also, it should be noted that for the white male collective,
the greatest sense of male power comes from smoking the large, dark
brown, ?hallie smoking objects- cigars and pipes. Thus, cigars are given
at the brrth of a son! (See Chapter 11.) Similarly, this sense M maleness-
deficiency elevates the gun to such important status in the white
supremacy culture. (See Chapter 8.)
Wh~te male homosexuality is reinforced in ~he white family, wherein
the whtte male’s sense of genetic inadequacy causes him to project his
sense of genetic inferiority onto the white female. She is forced to accept
the concept of her own genetic inferiority compared to white males. In
angry reaction to the white male attack, she causes her white sons to negate
The Isis Papers
their masculinity and to become more like herself as a female. Also, the
white male must oppress the white female because the latter proclaims
that her ideal sex partner is, “tall, dark and handsome.” Should the white
female be permitted to have her freedom and to sexually aggress against
the dark man (the non-white male), white genetic annihilation will occur.
The two above factors – 1) white males projecting their sense of genelic
inferiority onto white females, and 2) white males’ fear that white females
(in their preference for Black and other non-white males) will become
participants in white genetic annihilation -have resulted in what Western
culture now refers to as “sexism”- the repression of white females by
white males in the white supremacy system/culture.
Presently, white females are responding collectively to white males’
imposed sense of genetic inferiority through their struggle for “equality”
with white males. Large numbers of white females are proclaiming
themselves lesbians, believing that this is a constructive response to their
sense of inadequacy. They, of course, fail to realize that these behaviors
arise from the fact that they have been taught to degrade their genetic
makeup as white females in the subtle dynamics of white family life.
Thus, they move into behaviors of non-self-reproduction and self-nega-
Also, in white females’ drive to be “equal” to white males, they have
increased greatly the practice of sucking on the white phallic symbols-
cigarettes – causing a sharp increase in their incidence of self-negation
through lung cancer. White females fail to understand that while they
strive to become “the same as” white males, they become more alienated
from their genetic selves. Thus, they fall victim to the dynamic of genetic
alienation (the central core of racism) as they participate in the finite,
unified energy field of white genetic survival.
Whether one examines the microcosm of the individual white
sonality or the macrocosm of the global white collective, the law of white
genetic survival stands. That law can be stated in the following equation:
white :pOwer over non-white powerlessness, or !,. Nonetheless, the
implication of the law for whites is a failure of individual and collective
white self-respect, based upon the negative image and concept of the
Unified Field Theory Psychiatry
In the white collective, there is self-esteem, which is a compensatory
inflated sense of the self, but there is not fundamental respect for the
genetic white self. The implications for psychiatry are as follows: on the
basis of a negative image and concept of the self, the brain-computer
evolves patterns of neurochemistry, logic, thought, speech, action, emo-
tional response and perception that are self- and group-negating and
productive of disharmony in the universe. These are patterns of
neurochemistry and behavior consistent with various degrees of mental
illness. On the basis of a positive self-image and self-concept, the brain-
computer evolves patterns of neurochemistry, logic, thought, speech,
action, emotional response and perception that are self- and group-sup-
porting and productive of harmony in the universe. These are patterns of
neurochemistry and behavior consistent with mental health.
The following diagram shows the environmental factors that act upon
the genetic and constitutional base to forin the self-image and self-con-
cept Factors that support the self lead to positive self-images and self-
concepts, whereas factors that deny the self lead to negative self-images
and self-concepts.
Unified Field Theory Psychiatry
The task of psychiatry is to help the individual and the collective
achieve genuine genetic self-respect and thereby respect for others and
for all aspects of the universe. Psychiatry’s further task is to demonstrate
that the white supremacy system (Western civilization) is unable to
produce an environment in which mental health can evolve and flourish.
Therefore, that power system needs to be abandoned for a more productive
This Unified Field Theory Psychiatry concept of mental health and
mental illness challenges the dictum of Sigmund Freud – that mental
health is the ability to work and to love, The global white supremacy
system/culture constitutes a finite, unified behavior-energy field. The
single, unitary law of white genetic survival governs its origin and its
continuance. Homosexuality and sexism are necessary derivatives of this
energy field and, just like all other significant behaviors in the global and
local white collective, can be understood as derivatives of this finite,
unified behavior-energy field. It is knowledge of the unitary, causative
law that governs this field and enables the prediction of future behavior-
energy patterns within it.
The above discussion then serves as background to the essays which
follow. All dominant behaviors in the white supremacy system/culture
are derivatives of this central concern and its secondary and tertiary
elaborations and compensations, which also are concerned with white
genetic survival. Together, these behavior patterns produce the white
supremacy unified behavior field. Albert Einstein realized that we needed
a law to guide us in and around the phenomena in the organized energy
.system of the physical universe, so that our movements and interactions
in that universe could be facilitated. Similarly, we need a law to guide us
in the evolved energy system of white supremacy behavior organization,
in order to facilitate our movement in that system, with the ultimate goal
being truth, justice, harmony and peace. Contrary to the fears of Dr. Alan
Stone, new walls are being built in psychiatry. The old walls of artificial
abstractions are being tom down, and in their place stands a new edifice,
a unified field, which can be used to diagnose, treat and cure.
Learning to Look at Symbols
(February 1979)
A culture can be likened to a quilt of intricate geometrical design in
which all of the many colored pieces, their shapes and stitching flow into
one another, constitute the whole. This analogy is apt for yet a second
reason. Often, the design on the uppec side of the quilt is different from
the undersurface pattern. Still, the undersurface design is essential for the
outward surface appearance.
I have given myself the task of decoding the culture in which I find
myself in time and space. That culture is the dominating global power
system/culture of white supremacy (racism). This decoding amounts to
turning over, examining and laying bare the _intricate pattern pieces
undeflying the culture and power system – showing in sharp relief its lines
of force and determination and thus its overall design. Only by so doing ·
is it possible to see where we are going in the existing dense white fog.
Counter-racist psychiatry defmes mental health as patterns of logic,
thought, speech, action, emotional response and perception consciously
practiced by the victims of white supremacy (racism)- with the objective
· of eradicating racism at the global level. Functionally speaking, for the
of white supremacy, this means to act in a self/group-respecting
supporting manner in all areas of people activity, despite the specific
conditions of racist domination and oppression. Submission to and
mental illness or self-negation.
Once the victims of oppression accurately and completely decode the
and its objective of oppression and once they fully analyze the
The Isis Papers
symbols and patterns oflogic, thought, speech, action, emotional response
and perception (consciously or unconsciously determined) that constitute
the system, the oppressed will be able to reorganize their own behavior
effectively. This reorganization will result in self/group-respect and
support, and thereby end their oppression.
The process of decoding a power system and its culture is a necessary
first step to achieve behavioral mastery over that system/culture. The
attainment of such mastery is an essential step in the process of total
liberation for the victims who wish to end that oppression and regain their
self-respect and mental health. Without this process of decoding, the
C oppressed fail to fully understand what they are dealing with; they have
minimal levels of consciousness and self/group-respect, and they are,
functionally speaking, mentally ill.
This decoding activity entails the unraveling and analysis of all the
various products of individual and collective brain-activity within the
given culture. These brain products appear and are reflected in all areas
of people activity: economics, education, entertainment (including games
and sports), labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war. This means
analyses of products of conscious as well as unconscious brain activity-
patterns oflogic, thought, speech, action, emotional response, perception,
dreams, symbols and intuition – will be required. Of special importance
are the brain products that issue forth from those who are white and who
presently control the power balance in the global power system of white
supremacy, and who thus produce the dominant themes and trends within
the system and cultural framework.
Symbols are highly abstracteQ, condensed and coded messa~es that are
developed by the activity of the brain-computer in the human organism.
These messages are developed and evolved from energy (sensory) data
receiyed in the brain from the external environment. Various lines of
energy data form the total environmental coverage on the brain-computer
via the nervous system, which can then, under the proper circumstances,
lead to the development of a symbol. Thus, symbols reflect certairi
aspects of the external environment and the total body’s internal environ-
mental response to the external environment.
Learning To Look At Symbols
Musical notes on paper, as well as written and spoken words, are
symbols. There are other kinds of symbols that are not as immediately
translated or fully understood because of their highly abstract forms and
complexity. The impact of these complex symbols reach subconscious
and unconscious levels of brain activity. These complex symbols are, in
effect, full sentences, paragraphs or entire books of data stated in a highly
abstracted single image or line configuration.
Once the symbol is formed, it is capable of acting upon the brain-com-
puter, which receives it as an energy or data message. This message
effects the end-product of behavior as carried forth in any area of human
activity. The symbol, in turn, acts upon the external environment. These
“single-picture-sentences” or “single-picture-paragraphs” commence in
the brain-computer and act as powerful undetected persuaders, and thus,
as powerful determinants of behavioral patterns.
These complex symbols are usually related to the deepest cultural
themes of a people and have significant messages to convey about the
people’s and culture’s reason for being. Furthermore, these reasons are
passed on uncensored in the unconscious, via the total environmental
experience, from the beginning of “people-time,” generation to genera-
tion. In this manner, the symbols act as a stirring rod that agitates the
unconscious, sending out energy responses in the form of thought, speech,
action and emotions. In the opinion of the Hindu philosopher, Ananda K.
… symbolism is ‘the art of thinking in images,’ an art now lost to
civilized man – However, this loss, as anthropology and
psychoanalysis has shown, is limited to consciousness and not to the
‘unconscious,’ which to compensate, is perhaps now overloaded with
symbolic material.
goes on to state, “To know the rational in the deeply irrational is the
mark of truthful living, that is, of fully alive perception of the conditions
one’s life.”
· The major forms of symbolism in a power system/culture constitute
and subtle messages about how and why the culture came into
and what the people must do to survive and maintain itself.
The Isis Papers
Symbolism is thus the glue that holds the individual and collective psyche
of the people and its culture together. The keys to the system/culture are
found in the decoded symbolism of that system/culture.
Symbols and Brain Process
Carl Gustave Jung was the major European behavioral scientist to
emphasize the importance of symbols, their production and their meaning
in the brain’s total process and behavioral output. Nevertheless, his
massive volume of work has taken a lesser place to that accorded Sigmund
Freud in the late 19th and 20th centuries of Western (white) thought.
However, it should be remembered that the understanding and use of
symbols (including the interpretation of dreams), reached their highest
developfnent in African and Asian cultures and was of major significance
in these cultures dating back to the earliest time (prehistory) -long before
there was any European cultural development.
According to Jung, “the symbol is the primitive expression to the
unconscious, but at the same time it is also an idea corresponding to the
highest intuition produced by consciousness.” Additionally, in his work
Psyche and Symbols, he had the following to say about symbols:
Since the symbol is the most complete expression of that which in any
given epoch is as yet unknown- and cannot be replaced by any other
statement at the time – it must proceed from the complex and subtle
strata of the contemporary psychological atmosphere. Conversely, the
effective living symbol must also contain something which is shared
by considerable numbers of men: it embraces that which is commql)
to a larger group. Consequently, it must include those primitive
elements, emotional and otherwise, whose omnipresence stands
beyond all doubt. Only when the symbol comprehends all those and
conveys them with ultimate force can it evoke a universal response.
Therein resides the powerful and redeeming effect of the living social
Also, it has been said that symbols are always paradoxical since they
contain elements that do not exist in logic. J ung thought that the elements
combined within symbols are contradictory only to the logic of conscious-
ness, but that, nonetheless, they conform to a basic reality that eludes
Learning To Look At Symbols
conscious thought processes. “A genuine symbol- is an image which
. possesses two essential features: it originates within the archetypal ground
of the psyche, and secondly, there exists a consciousness to apprehend it.”
In an article entitled “Contribution of Jungian Psychotherapy Towards
Understanding the Creative Process” (Creative Psychology, No. 4),
George Boas states, “The beauty of myth and symbol lies in their synthetic
power; they can combine in one presentation disparate elements which
would be self-contradictory if put in a declarative sentence.” Norman 0.
Brown, in Love’s Body, has stated, “The axis on which world history turns
is symbolism. From figura to veritas.” Translation: from symbol to truth.
“The axis of world history is making conscious the unconscious.” Brown
further states, “Symbolism is between conscious and unconscious.”
Jung explains in his book Man and His Symbols (Approaching the
Unconscious), “A symbol is a term, a name, or even a picture that may be
familiar in daily life, yet that possesses specific connotations in addition
to its conventional and obvious meaning. It implies something vague,
unknown or hidden from us.” He continues, “A word or an image is
symbolic when it implies something more than its obvious and immediate
meaning. It has a wider unconscious aspect that is never precisely defined
or fully explained.” He further informs us that, “As the mind explores the
symbol, it is led to ideas that lie beyond the grasp of reason.”
Jung’s work indicates that a true symbol appears only when there is a
need to express a thought one cannot openly think or what is only divined
or felt.
Recent neurological studies suggest that the “silent” right cerebral
hemisphere is the source of activity leading to phenomena such as symbol
formation. Other studies demonstrate that the left cerebral hemisphere
seems more concerned with the logical processes of directed, more
consciously controlled thinking. By contrast, the activities of the right
cerebral hemisphere may be subject to different laws that are, as yet, little
understood. In addition, the right and left hemispheres appear capable of
independent, simultaneous thought. Also, it has been suggested that
collaboration of the two contradictory modes associated with right and
The Isis Papers
left hemispheric activity may account for the symbolic process and for
creativity. . b · puter uses
D. I illustrates the process by which the ram-com
Iagram . d from the surrounding environment, to form sym-
sensory data, recetve
bois and other brain-computer products.
Total Environment
Emotional Response
Diagram I
Learning To Look At Symbols
Clearly, many forms and levels of data messages from the physical and
social environment are input in the brain -computer. Some of this sensory
data is coded at the level of consciousness. But because of the large scope
of unattended perceptions, much of the data is coded at the unconscious
levels of brain activity. As some neurologist would state, this data is
dispursed between the left and right cerebral hemispheres respective! y.
For example, within the framework of a given system and culture,
certain perceptions may exist that never are acknowledged overtly and
certain ideas, thoughts, concepts and theories that are uttered rarely, if
ever. These perceptions, words, ideas, concepts and theories that are
repressed or channeled into the unconscious level of the brain-computer
becomes an entire world of ideas treated as though they never existed in
the form of concrete reality.
Nonetheless, the data from the environment that is encoded at the
unconscious level of the brain-computer actually does not disappear- just
as the objective data that produced the repressed ideas and concepts do
not disappear. There simply ceases to be a clear focus on this body of
data. This repressed data becomes the substratum from which symbols
can be formed.
As stated previously, the dominant aspect of the total environmental
reality on the planet is that the overwhelming majority of people are black,
brown, red and yellow. This fact has created the most fundamental
collective preoccupation and, perhaps, fear in the global white collective:
white genetic survival – a survival that is threatened by the genetic
material contained in the genitals of Black and other non-white men.
Non-white people are genetically dominant to whites, and, thus, are
potential genetic annihilators of the minority white collective. Due to this
fear of white genetic annihilation, the global white collective has evolved,
during the last 2,000 years, the global white supremacy system and culture
that dominates all black, brown, red and yellow peoples in the world,
determining their behavior in all areas of people activity.
The Isis Papers
d H. S-…. “ols (Approaching the Unconscious). New Jung, e.G. Man an IS JIIIU
York: Dell Press, 1%8.
he d S m/Jols Edited by Violet S. de Laszlo. New Jung, C.G. Psyc an Y ·
York: Doubleday, 1958.
. p h therapy Towards Under-McCully,R.S. “ContributionsofJungtan syc ~ . Pub-
standing the Creative Process,” Creative Psychiatry, No.4. Geigy
The Symbolism of Christ, the Cross,
the Crucifix, the Communion
and Christian holidays
(August 1977, February 1979)
This essay is dedicated to all of the Black men who are in “greater
confinement” (prisons and jails) with the hope that they will be en-
couraged never to give up the struggle against white supremacy domina-
tion (injustice) once they understand what the struggle is truly all about.
Then they never will return to jail, and their behavior no longer will be
anti-racist (blind reaction to stress from ignorance, anger and fear), but
effectively counter-racist. Many of these Black men, in their letters to
me, also have given me great enouragement, support and help towards
continuing our fight for justice. All Black people are still in confmement!
This essay is not intended to be sacrilegious or offensive to anyone. I
was baptized in the Baptist church and christened in the African Methodist
Episcopal Church. This essay was written only to address the question
Black people have been raising for a long time- “What’s happening?”
We ask that question of everyone that we meet because we truly have not
understood and presently do not understand what really is going on. It is
the responsibility of Black behavioral scientists in general, and Black
psychiatrists in particular, to provide this answer.
The Isis Papers
The basic discussion of white genetic smvival (through the possession
and control of the Black male’s genital apparatus) is carried forth uncon-
sciously in the precepts and practices of the global white supremacy
system’s primary religion -Christianity. These fundamental concepts
are manifested in Christianity’s central pattern of symbols. In fact, it is
in religious activity that the highest level of symbolic discussion emerges.
Whereas the testicles are those aspects of the male anatomy that contain
the dominant genetic material, the penis is the aspect that transports the
genetic material, which initiates the production of life and skin color. If
one were to make a simple schematic diagram of the genital organs of the
male anatomy, that diagram might look like Diagram I.
The Male Genitalia (~matic sketch)
Penis and Testicles
Front View
Diagram I
Symbolism of Christ
A further abstraction of the same .
Diagram 11. drawmg could be represented as
Or, if further abstmcted, it could be .
one vertical, the other horizontal -one rep~sented sunply as two lines,
(See Diagram III.) crossmg near the top of the other.
Drawingabstrac” • tioiU of male genitalia·
pe~~clea ·
Highly abstracted line dra .
male genitalia th wmg of the
• e penis
and the testicles
Diagram Ill
The Isis Papers
It is clear that Diagram lll, a highly abstracted line drawing of the male
genitalia, is a “cross.”
I submit that the cross, as an important and provocative symbol in the
white supremacy system/culture, is none other than a brain-computer
distillate of the white collective’s fear-induced obsession with the genitals
of all non-white men (of Black men in particular), who have the potential
to genetically annihilate the white race. Furthermore, the cross represents
the Black male’s genitals removed from the Black male’s body- meaning
castrated genitals. Thus, the cross is a critical symbol in the thought
processes of the white supremacy system, beginning its evolution almost
2,000 years ago during early white aggression against Blacks in Africa
and Asia. This particular interpretation of the cross never has been given
Support for this interpretation may be found in the examination of the
sword as a secondary critical symbol in the white supremacy culture.
Here I am referring to the so-called “Western” sword with its straight
blade, in contrast to the “Oriental” sword, which has a curved blade. J .E.
Cirlot’ sA Dictionary of Symbols, relating to the symbolism of the sword,
states, “Here one must recall the general meaning of weapons, which is
the antithesis of the monster.” In the same discussion, he notes, “There
can be no doubt that there is a sociological factor in sword-symbolism,
since the sword is an instrument proper to the knight, who is the defender
of the forces of light against the forces of darkness.” In the white
supremacy system/culture, the “monster” is always the Black male (e.g.,
King Kong) and, more specifically, his white-genetic-annihilating geni-
tals. As the white male (the knight) moves to control the monster (Black
male genitalia), indeed he does become” the defender of the forces of light
against the forces of darkness.” The Western sword is shaped exactly as
“the cross,” the brain-computer distillate of the male genitalia.
In an article entitled “Values, Myths and Symbols,” which appeared in
the July 1973 issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry, Rollo May
had the following to say about the cross: “For example, the Christian cross
draws together the horizontal and vertical dimensions of life and unites
them perpendicularly to each other, embracing their conflict.” However,
Symbolism of Christ
thi~ is a sup~rficial de~cription of a cross, and it is totally inadequate as
an m-depth mterpretatlOn of this major symbol in the white supremacy
system/culture. The white collective seems unable to decode their 0
boll wn
sym . sm completely. Their own translations of their major symbols,
and therr analyses of their unconscious,remain superficial incoherent and
unconvincing. Therefore, the white collective remains u~aware of itself
and unpre~ictable to ~tself and to others who lack deep understanding.
If my mterpretation of the cross symbol is correct (that in the white
male psyc~e it represents the Black male genitalia in the context of the
global white supremacy system), then it is possible to understand the
portrayal of the white female in the popular book and fllm, The Exorcist.
Here, the female used the cross to masturbate herself when she was
possessed by.the devil (i.e., the black monster). This symbolic portrayal
emerged dunng a time period in which increasing numbers of white
fe~ales were selecting Black males as “mates” or, more correctly stated,
white females began sexually aggressing against socially powerless Black
males to gain possession of the Black phallus.
The use of the cross as a symbolic object in white female masturbation
als~ ~curred when large numbers of white females actively were fan-
~Izmg abou~ b~ing raped by Black males and were establishing organiza-
tiOns and soc1et1es to prevent it. This was a reaction formation to their
own uncons~ious desires. The white female’s preoccupation with writing
books on,,bemg raped also occured during this time period. In the white
supremacy culture, the historic symbol of the rapist of white females is
the Black male. The white female, until recently, has been held back in
her sexual desires of the Black male by white male constraint. Since
“white-female-liberation” has been granted to white women in small
measure, the white female fmds herself unable to hold her own desires
and aggressions in check. Still she is unable to admit these desires and
aggressions consciously. (It is common knowledge that the ideal male£
the white ~emale is “~I, d~rk and handsome.”) Interestingly, followi::
The Exorcw, the movie Kmg Kong became a major focus of attention in
1976. The entire movie suggests an impending sexual attack on the white
female by the giant black ape (the symbol of the Black male). Finally,
The Isis Papers
the black ape is shot dead by white males. The gun is also a phallic
symbol in the white supremacy culture. (See Chapter 8.)
At yet another level of the white supremacy cultural dynamic, white
females (Jane Goodall, Diane Fossey and Birute Galdikas Brindamour)
in the role of “scientists” are tracking (chasing) down large black apes in
the African and Asian jungles (e.g., Tanzania). Some of these white
females actually have attempted to get very, very close to these great black
apes so that they can touch the apes and, perhaps unconsciously, so that
the great black apes can touch them!
It is of further interest that the above mentioned films, The Exorcist and
King Kong, simultaneously emerged in an atmosphere where increasing
attention had been given to Christian symbolism and religion, and during
the period when the man who was elected to occupy the “White House”
referred to himself as a “born again Christian”- making frequent refer-
ences to Christian symbols and scriptures. Thus, the culture simul-
taneously focused on the threat (Black male genitals) and the need to
control the threat via castration of the Black genitals (the cross symbol).
This discussion of the cross as a symbol of the Black male genitalia,
in the context of the white supremacy system/culture, would not be
complete without noting that some of the most outspoken and aggressive
white male arid female members of the white supremacy system refer to
themselves as the Ku Klux Klan. Since the termination of formal enslave-
ment of Blacks, the Klan openly has espoused white genetic purity and
survival via the castration, lynching and killing of Black men. The
historic symbol for this group in the white supremacy culture is “the cross”
and, more specifically, the burning cross. Mter Black men were lynched
and castrated, they often were burned, thereby reinforcing the interpreta-
tion that the cross symbolically is tied to the Black male’s genitalia and
that the burning cross is the burning Black male and his genitals. When
the Black male genitalia with the dominant Black genes are burned, cut
off or otherwise destroyed, white genetic survival is assured.
Constantine I (“The Great”), the Roman emperor who ruled 306-337
A.D., built Constantinople and made Christian worship lawful in the
beginnings of the white supremacy system, had the following words
Symbolism of Christ
placed on the cross, “In Hoc Signa Vinces” . ”
will conquer”). Indeed b ‘. (meanmg, In this sign you
• Y controllmg the Black (non hi
tals, which the cross symbolize . -w te) male geni-
entire non-white world m . . s, whites have conquered Blacks and the
a.JOnty. Currently the · ·
Christian churches is non- hi ‘ ~aJOnty membership of
of the cross . The auth w. te,. and ~I are held m control under the sign
· onty IS mamtained b h ·
supremacy white purity and h’ . Y w lles, under white
‘ w 1te surv1 val
More recently, the fury of the wh’t .
in the form of Nazism Th d . 1 e supremacy dynamic was expressed
· e ommant symbol sed b th.
white supremacy system was and is the u ~ IS group in the
element of the swastika is th b.la~ swastika. The central
e cross. A spmnmg o h’ I’
cross in motion) gives the visual ill . r w II’ mg cross (the
IV.) Hill , . usion of the swastika. (See Diagra
. er sand the Nazi movement’s central . .m
~enetic purity and the elimination of all th~e was White racml
(1.e., Semites and g · ) persons classified as non-whites
yps1es , who were view d h .
heritage from Afri e as avmg Black genetic
ca and who were consid ed .
the Aryans (whites). e~< gen.etically dominant to
The symbol of the swastika, the cross in m .
to destroy those who were classified .otlon, spurred the whites on
as genetically dominant non-whites.
- - - -
- - - -
The Isis Papers
To the extent that it can be accepted that a man named Jesus lived in
Africa some 2,000 years ago and that he was a member of the indigenous
peoples, that man was undoubtedly a Black man, a man with skin
pigmentation- not a white man lacking in skin pigmentation. Albinism,
like leprosy, causes the skin to turn white and was considered a serious
disease in ancient Africa. The victims of albinism and leprosy were cast
out from the skin-pigmented peoples. Jesus never was discussed as
having such a disease state. (Recall that pigmented skin is the norm for
the hue-man race, not albinism.)
In contrast to this Black man and the Black peoples of Africa, the
peoples on the northern side of the Mediterranean Sea, some of whom
referred to themselves as Romans, were then aggressing against and
establishing conquests in Africa. They were men without skin pigmenta-
tion (white men).
The most likely essence of the story of Jesus, who only later was
referred to as "Christ," was that he was a poor Black man, a carpenter, a
member of the non-white oppressed population, whose ideas as expressed
in the Beatitudes threatened the power, control and authority of the
conquering Romans. If Jesus and the other Blacks got out of control, the
Romans (the whites) could be annihilated genetically. Of course, then as
now, under white supremacy domination, Jesus (the non-white) was
turned over to the white oppressors who then used some of his fellow-vic-
timized (self-hating non-whites who wished to ingratiate themselves to
the white oppressors) to kill him. Jesus, this Black man, was then hung
on a cross, a peculiar invention of the Roman (white) psyche. In other
words, the white bmin-computer that feared annihilation by the Black
male genitals unconsciously invented an instrument or weapon of Black
male destruction, exactly (in abstract form) analogous to the part of the
Black male's anatomy that whites knew could destroy them. Jesus was
not only hung on the cross and stabbed, but undoubtedly, was also
In Christian religious tradition, it is stated that Jesus died on the cross
and suffered so that "we" (whites) can be "saved" (survive). White
(Christian) theology goes even further to speak of Jesus "shedding his
Symbolism of Christ
blood" so that we (whites) c "li "
in recent years has genetic C:t . ve and hav~ "everlasting life." Only
Always there has been (a d . enal ~eased bemg referred to as "blood."
n m some cucles it · ) .
individuals having "black bl od" " . contmues discussion about
o or white blood" h
meant was Black or white genetic material o w en wh~t was really
Th C . . r genes, respectively
us, hristian (white supremac ) th 1 ·
(a Black man) shed his Black geneti~ m eo ~g~ can be ~n~lated: Jesus
reality was a castration and a killin so atenalm a c.rucifixiOn, which in
population, in fear of its genetic an~~il ~at the white genetic recessive
suivive). Thus, Jesus is called "savior"a:o~ cou!~ be sav~d ~genetically
that the holy day celebrated for th d th yf e w ~tes. Is It httle wonder
Friday?" And 1 . . . e ea o Jesus IS referred to as "Good
· a te evision senes that re ed . ly castrated Bl k
· . present a socially and political-
ac rna e Similarly was referred ..
historically "good nigger" h be th " ~ as Good Times." The
. . as en e dead mgger."
In keepmg With this symbolic order th . .
religion called "Noth' B T ' ere IS a song m the Christian
mg ut he Blood of J .. follows: esus. The chorus is as
Oh precious is the flow
That makes me white ~ snow
No other font I know
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
This can be translated as "As lo . male is spill' th • ng as the genetic material from the Black
mg on e ground from castrati h' as snow." on, w Ites can remain white
The pattern of worshipping a sufferin .
fully comprehended
h . g, dymg Jesus on the cross is
on Y w en It is understood th J '
man and that the black ood at esus was a Black
w en cross represents the Bl k
separated from the man Onl b ac male genitalia
male genitals can whi~s ha:e .. ~::::~;~if::.~ de~truction of the Black
genetic sense. Jesus of course h d . m e most fundamental
.. • • a to be rationalized as ·u·
s castration-sacrifice" . . . WI mg to make
There is a profound and-=g up his genes so that whites might live.
lion of the crucifixion and th d g p~el between the above interpreta-
e estruction of black bulls with swords at
The Isis Papers
bullfights. Bullfighting became a prominent sport in Spain after the
Moors (Black men) finally had been chased out of Europe, back across
the Mediterranean, into Africa. The Moors had conquered Spain for seven
hundred years. By the time they left, the once white population had
become dark (via the dominant Black genetic material): dark skin, dark
hair and dark eyes. Cirlot' s A Dictionary of Symbols states that the bull
as an historic symbol represents the superiority of the Aryan over the
Negro. This could not possibly be the logically correct meaning of the
symbol. If this analysis were correct, there would be rio need for "whites"
to kill a black bull with a sword. Obviously, a more logical and accurate
interpretation of the bull symbol is the opposite ofCirlot's interpretation
- the bull represents the superiority or genetic dominance of the Blacks
over the genetic recessive whites. Again, the sword used to kill the black
bull, as Cirlot also noted, comes into play as the weapon of the "forces of
light" over the "forces of darkness." The sword signifies the weapon of
the possessor of the white genitals or recessive white genetic material,
against the dominant Black genitals and their genetic material.
By the fourth century A.D., Jesus had been changed in color from Black
"Jesus" to white "Christ" (then to be known as "Jesus Christ" or simply,
"Christ"). This was the conscious or unconscious attempt to further
repress from the collective white consciousness the true source of white
anxiety and fear - the Black male and his genitals. Instead of a lynched
Black Jesus, a frail, weak, effeminate, suffering and dying white Christ
was hung against a black wooden cross as the dominant symbol in the
religious practices of the white supremacy system/culture. Instead of the
woolly, kinky head of the "Lamb of God," there was the straight, almost
blond hair of the white Christ hung up against the black wooden cross.
However, this symbolic image achieved a more important goal. In a
single-picture-paragraph it states, "The weak, genetic recessive, white
male, will be destroyed genetically-speaking, when up against the white-
annihilating, genetically dominant, Black male genital apparatus (the
Arnold Toynbee, in Mankind and Mother Earth, states,
Symbolism of Christ
Fifteenth Century western Christians were obsessed with the horror
of death (the antitheses of the Pharonic Egyptian's pleasurable
anticipation of a post-mortem eternity), and they were fascinated by
the physical suffering of Christ on the Cross. Contemporary western
painters, engravers and sculptors - especially in the Transalpine
countries - extended their art to portray these themes with gruesome
The 15th century also heralded the Europeans • (the whites) world travel
to conquer and control the entire non-white world, in order to prevent
white genetic annihilation and death. This horrendous fear was then
translated in European art.
Joel Kovel, in his book White Racism (A Psychohistory) writes:
Christianity spread over theW est and created a community out of what
had been barbarian splinters. It did this through the power of a
concrete institution, the Catholic Church, It was the church's
immediate influence that held aloft the subliminatory ideal of Christ
and, through· that ideal, gave Europeans a scaffold of identification
with which to bind themselves into a unified civilization.
Men, however, remained men, tom and driven by their obscure
passions into striving for greed and domination which culture could
scarcely regulate. Intense aggression resisted the Church's
unification, continued to plague European culture, and delayed its
growth. Within the original world-view, there was no way to
rationalize or include the striving for greed and domination that
persisted within civilization. Mter al~ the Christian revolution was
superimposed upon a basically dominative way of life. It could only
account for the guilt that arose from the dominative style of society by
turning away from the given world.
What Kovel fails to understand is that the fundamental reason Catholic
Christianity, from its early days of European organization and interpreta-
tion of the Jesus theology, was able to unite the global white collective
(then the warring white tribes of Europe) was because of the cross
symbolism and the deep meaning it projected. When Christianity
projected "the cross," especially the cross with the limp, pale body of
The Isis Papers
Christ hung on it, everyone in the global white collective unconsciously
understood that they must unite against the threat of Black (non-white)
male genital material, which the black wooden cross represented. White
genetic survival could be achieved only by a united, continuous offensive
attack by the global white minority. This organized attack is now at least
2000 years old. The greed and the strivings for domination, which Kovel
fails to fully understand, were compensation for a profound sense of
genetic inadequacy.
Only in this context of symbol translation can the Christian hymn,
"Onward Christian Soldier," be appreciated. This is not only an important
religious song, but also a significant battle song in the white supremacy
culture. One stanZa of the song is as follows:
Onward Christian Soldier,
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus,
going on before.
Christ our loyal master,
leads against the foe,
Forward into battle,
see his banners glow.
Onward Christian Soldier,
Marching as to war
With the cross of Jesus
going on before.
My translation in prose of the above words and symbol-images in this
song is, "Onward white male (and white female) soldiers, marching to war
to establish and maintain white genetic survival. You have the symbol of
the Black male genitals before you keeping your true purpose in mind so
that you can unite to subdue this common threat. Christ (the white male
image) is your loyal master, who is leading you in the attack against the
Symbolism ofCiuist
Black male genital-monster enemy. The white male leads you into battle
behind our glowing flags (phallic symbols)."
With the picture of a dying, weak white man held fmnly in mind,
white people fully understand what they must prevent from occurring, and
why they must fight and, if necessary, die so that whites can survive.
"Onward Christian Soldier" is a marching religious song for the white
supremacy culture, but "Were You There When They Crucified My
Lord?" in stark contrast, is a song of deep pain and sorrow about the
castration and destruction of the Black male by the marching white
supremacy army or its individual storm troopers.
In modem times, the gun has become the contemporary symbolic
weapon used against the non-white male and his white annihilating
genetic potential. Also, the gun is an abstraction of the male genitalia,
functioning exactly like the male genital apparatus. (See Chapter 8.)
Thus, it is no accident that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. -the modem day
Jesus- was killed by a gun after being brought into focus on the cross of
the cross hairs on the telescopic gun site. Dr. King brought only love to
the white collective, but mating love (Black with white) causes white
genetic annihilation, so he had to be destroyed.
The Communion
Since the 16th century, Protestants have believed that the act of
communion is a symbolic reenactment of the crucifixion, with the bread
and wine becoming the body and blood of Jesus. The Christian worship-
per ingests the bread and wine as an act to remove sin (not to internalize
divinity). The Orthodox Christian believed that the communion was a
spiritual act that could not be explained. In August 1976, the Catholic
Church, the Orthodox Christians and the Protestants came together and
agreed that the communion, or the Eucharist, conveys Christ's real
presence and represents his sacrifice(the giving up of his body and blood),
although it is not to be viewed as an actual reenactment of the crucifixion.
The author's analysis of this symbolism of the communion, in the
context of the white supremacy system/culture in which itevolved,reveals
that the white population has had an historic awareness (albeit now largely
The Isis Papers
unconscious) that they suffered bodily or genetic impairment, which made
them .different and separated them from the "hue-man" majority of black,
brown, red and yellow peoples. They were not whole. This same genetic
deficiency was the basis for the consideration of "original sin" and the
shame of body "nakedness" (body whiteness), as discussed in the Biblical
mythology of Adam and Eve, an important myth in the white supremacy
culture. The view that the act of sex was the original sin is an extension
of this same logic because the sex act produces the body and its appearance
via genetic transfer and/or genetic mutation.
Having rejected the appearance of the white body as the equivalent of
"sin" and "shame," the white psyche attempted to correct the white body's
defect. Thus emerged the symbolic and ritualized acts of ingesting the
body and blood (genes) of Jesus (the Black male), in the unconscious
desire to correct the existing color deficiency. The symbolic attempt to
correct the genetic deficiency state of skin albinism (skin whiteness), as
performed in the Eucharist, is the central religious rite in the religion of
the white supremacy system/culture. Therefore, it is not surprising that
wearing black or dark-colored clothing, generally covering the entire
body, is the primary and most acceptable pattern of dress for Christian
religious leaders: priests, ministers, nuns, etc.
One finds curious the over-determined, highly intense abhorrence that
many in the white collective continue to verbalize over the idea of
cannibalism, always relating acts of cannibalism to so-called "primitive"
Blacks in Africa. This continuing discussion is most interesting behavior
on the part of those who symbolically practice cannibalism in the central
rite of their own religious practice on a weekly or monthly basis. Even
more significant is the fact that the Blacks are portrayed as eating
missionaries (Christians) when it is the "Christians" who always are
concerning themselves with their own ingestion of the body and blood of
an African- Jesus. This is a classic example of projection.
Reinforcement for this interpretation of the communion symbolism
comes not only from whites' obsessive pattern of suntanning to make their
bodies colored, but also from major eating practices in the white
supremacy culture, especially in the U.S. The most favored drinks are all
Symbolism of Christ
dark brown in color: coffee, tea, coke, beer, and whiskey. These are all
symbolic of the blood or genes of Jesus. A favorite meat is steak, which
com.es from the bull or cattle. (See Chapter 7.) We need not mention the
hot dogs, half smokes and all the other varieties of sausages. Also, are
not bulls castrated to make them taste better when eaten? Are not football
players fed steak before they attempt to go out and capture the large brown
balls? (See Chapter 10.) I further understand that "hull's balls" are eaten
as delicacies in some bars and other eating establishments in the white
supremacy culture. The favorite candy is chocolate candy (chocolate
comes mainly from Africa), preferably with nuts. Recall chocolate kisses
and all of the myriad chocolate candy bars. Nuts are also important in the
white supremacy culture. Some have focused on peanuts and become
millionaires and the most powerful persons in the world. Finally, given
the symbolism behind such eating practices, it follows that oral sexual
practices would be a favorite in the white supremacy system/culture.
Likewise, the symbolism in the major holidays of the Christian
religion is supportive of my interpretations. At Christmas, the tree is one
of the most important symbols. The Christmas tree is, in its abstracted
fonn, a cross- the symbol of the Black male genitals. (See Diagram V.)
First, the Christmas tree is chopped down in the forest. Then it is taken
home. In the U.S., when the Christmas tree is decorated, colored "balls"
are hung on the tree. When the tree is taken down and burned, the "balls"
are first taken off. Then all can dream of a "white Christmas" and a
surviving white Christ.
I \
I \
I \
I \
I \
I \
(a) (b)
The Xmas Tree and
Its Abstraction
Dia v
(Cross is ~pside down)
The Isis Papers
Similarity in Europe, small white wax candles were placed on the
Christmas ttee. In the Catholic religion, the Christmas ttee is said to
represent "the ttee of the cross," while the wax candles are thought to
represent the "body of Christ."
Thus, again, we have the symbol of the white, weak (melting) Christ
hung on the symbol of Black male genitalia. At the Easter holiday in the
U.S., it is ttaditional to have colored eggs, colored jelly beans and a
chocolate rabbit and eggs in an "Easter basket." These colored items are
eaten. The white albino bunny rabbit that sits amongst the colored eggs
as though he laid them generally is not eaten. By ingesting the colored
items, the sin of being without color is symbolically removed - being
"born again whole" has been achieved through symbols.
Other important holidays in the white supremacy culture further reveal
the intricate workings of this symbolism. On both St. Valentine's Day and
Mother's Day, the white male gives gifts of chocolate candy with nuts.
In the first instance, he gives it to his sweetheart, and in the second to his
mother. If his sweetheart ingests "chocolate with nuts," the white male
can fantasize that he is genetically equal to the Black male. And if his
mother had ingested "chocolate with nuts," he would not have to worry
about white genetic annihilation- as he would have been "colored" and
then could be an annihilator of white genes like the feared and envied
Black male. Both the valentine shape and the chocolate candy have a
symbolic meaning not previously recognized, examined nor understood
by Western culture investigators. However, once the unified field of the
Western culture dynamic (behavior dynamic) is set forth, it will be seen
that these fragments of symbolism take on a brilliant clarity. The En-
cyclopedia Britannica defines valentine as,
a special form of greeting card exchanged in observance of St.
Valentine's Day (February 14), a day set aside as a lover's festival.
The custom has no connection with the two St. Valentines or with
known incidents in their lives. It is probably that the valentine was
the fust of all greeting cards. The paper valentine dates from the 16th
century; by 1800 hand-painted copperplates were produced to meet
large demands. These were followed by woodcuts and
lithographs .... St. Valentine's Day as a lover's festival and the modem
Symbolis~ of Christ
tradition of sending valentine cards have no relation to the Saint but,
rather, seem to be connected with either the Roman fertility festival of
the Lupercalia (February 15) or with the mating season of birds.
The relationship of the valentine to an ancient fertility rite suggests that
the so-called "heart" shape of the valentine may be less associated with
the anatomical heart of the human body, as is commonly thought, than
with the symbolic drawing of the female genital organ, the vaginal
opening. As explained in Ajit Mookerjee's and Madhu Khanna's The
Tantric Way, in Tanttic worship in India, this organ is frequently drawn
in the form of a heart or an upside down triangle, with the base upward.
It is clear that the organ of the heart in the human body has much less an
association with fertility than the vagina or the vaginal orifice.
Cirlot states, "The importance of love in the mystic doctrine of unity
explains how it is that love-symbolism came to be closely linked with
heart-symbolism, for to love is only to experience a force which urges the
lover towards a given centte." Indeed, in Tantric philosophy and art, the
symbol of unity was the union of the male and female genital organs, and
this unity was reverently portrayed in sculpture and graphic arts.
An explanation of the symbolism of chocolate in Western culmre will
expose further the significance of heart-shaped valentines as well as the
importance of chocolate. In an article entitled "The Sweet Taste of Sin"
(The Washington Post, February 8, 1979), Marion Burros quotes food
critic Gael Greene: "I have always thought a good chocolate mousse is
an aphrodisiac, the more intense the taste of chocolate, the more erotic the
spell." Marion Burros continues, "Some chocolate mousse lovers go even
further. 'It's not a food, it's a concept,' says one indulgent male. 'It's like
illicit sex. It's so good but so fattening. It gives you pimples. It's a sin.'"
Burros concludes quoting Gael Greene, " ... wonderful, wicked deeply
chocolate." One certainly must question why, in a culture produced by a
people that refers to itself as the "white race" and that historically has
denounced people with natural chocolate complexions, a dark brown
food, namely chocolate, causes such orgasm-like ecstacy and is associated
with eroticism when orally ingested.
The Isis Papers
This pattern oflogic and thought surrounding chocolate (dark brown)
candy and other deserts most certainly cannot be held in isolation from
the previously mentioned preoccupations over suntanning and the white
female preference for males who are tall and dark or the preoccupation in
sports of placing large brown balls (testicle symbols) in white net (vaginal)
orifices and between goal posts (white upright legs). A unified field
theory in the behavorial sciences demands that gross and subtle intercon-
nections, between behavioral phenomena, be perceived before they can
be understood.
That there should be myriad behaviors in the white supremacy behavior
system that reflect a deep desire to counteract and compensate for the
perceived genetic deficiency of white skin should not be at all surprising.
Thus, the customary and traditional little packets of chocolate candy
(often with nuts), placed inside of the heart or vaginal orifice shaped box,
are like little sperm packages of Black genetic material being placed in
the vaginal orifice. When presented by the white male to the white female,
in the context of the skin color deficient culture, the act is the exact parallel
to the white male coaches who coach their Black basketball and football
players to place dark brown balls in white net orifices or in white upright
legs. (See Chapter 10.) One must conclude that the white male realizes
consciously or unconsciously that the most desired mate for the white
female is the Black male, just as he realizes that his most desired sexual
mate is the Black female. This illuminates the white male's fascination
with black· stockings, black underwear and black negligees as sexual
The conscious and/or unconscious acceptance and internalization of a
symbol system based upon the castrated Black male genitalia is essential
to the global system of white genetic survival. This symbol system
necessitates the oppression of Blacks and all other non-whites in the
global context of white supremacy. Generally. the victims of a system of
oppression have no alternative other than to accept blindly the patterns of
symbols, logic, thought, speech, emotional responses and perceptions that
Symbolism of Christ
are imposed forcefully upon them b th .
years of oppression the o f1 y err oppressors. After hundreds of
identity • begin to beiieve ::t ~se:, ~ving lost the sense of their own
one and the same with their o e f: ;-products of their oppressors are
do not control their own b ':n, a mg completely to realize that they
output The slave's fate is notrtoam-computers nor their brain-computers'
see nor reason wh b 1 . However, the process oflibe ti . Y • ut on Y to do or die.
clearly distinguish their perce;ti~~:;~~: wherein the oppressed begin to
oppressors •. The op d th g . and thought processes from the
presse ' en, begm to res d .
perceptions and their logic and th h pect an validate their
can never free themselves with tho~ t processes, realizing fully that they
were a pan of th . e ought processes and perceptions that
e process of therr enslavement
As long as the Black ( . ·
sciously accepts a pow:~:thited )dcollec~ve consciously and/or uncon-
. an ynam1c symbolism f Bla k
castration, they never will be If/ o c male
remain mentally ill. Mental! i~ group-respecting and forever will
themselves and have self/ y peo~le, persons who do not respect
speech, action, emotional r=~:e::ng pat~rns of logic, thought,
themselves from th · perceptions, never can liberate
err oppressors Black hi .
sibility of clarif · fi · psyc atrists have the respon-
ymg or Black people all
dynamic of white genetic survi al Thi . aspects of the oppressive
all v · s mcludes expos· g d d . of that power system's m . . m an ecodmg
aJor symbolism.
The Politics Behind Black Male
Passivity, Effeminization, Bisexuality,
and Homosexuality
(August 197 4)
Black male passivity, effeminization, bisexuality and homosexuality
are being encountered increasingly by Black psychiatrists working with
Black patient populations. These issues are being presented by family
members, personnel worldng in schools and other social institutions or by
Black men themselves. Many in the Black population are reaching the
conclusion that such issues have become a problem of epidemic propor-
tion amongst Black people in the U.S., although it was an almost nonex-
istent behavioral phenomenon amongst indigenous Blacks in Africa.
As Black psychiatrists and behavioral scientists, we need to understand
fully the individual and social dynamics involved in these patterns of
behavior. We must be able to help our patients understand their conduct
and change it if they so desire. Also, we should be in a position to comment
on the ultimate implications of these behaviors for the well-being of Black
people - not simply as individuals, but as a whole organism of people
seeking life and maximal development.
In the final analysis, behavior is not simply an individual affair, for
when multiplied by thousands, it has profound effects on the life, future
existence and well-being of the total people.
In 1973, I presented my definition of Black mental health:
The Isis Papers
The practice of those unit patterns of behavior (i.e., logic, thought,
speech, action and emotional response) in all areas of people activity:
economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex
and war- which are simultaneously self- and group-supporting under
the social and political conditions of worldwide white supremacy
domination (racism). In brief, this means Black behavioral practice
which resists self- and group-negation and desttuction.
The above are the criteria used to judge Black mental health or Black
mental illness. The reader should be forewarned that my con-
ceptualizations do not rely on the currently utilized, late 19th and early
20th century "European" psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud. If
Freud's insights into behavior were truly adequate, they would have aided
his six million fellow Semites in preventing their destruction by the
anti-Semitic white supremacy power organization of Nazi Germany.
Failing to understand this major behavioral dynamic, Freud had to flee to
save his life. Furthermore, my conceptualizations do not rely on the recent
position taken by the American Psychiatric Association - that
homosexuality is no longer categorized as a form of behavioral illness.
This pronouncement has nothing to do with the mental health of Black
The human brain - the organ responsible for all patterns of logic,
thought, speech, action and emotional response - is an organ of the
nervous system that evolved over many thousands of years. Its purpose
has been to decode and solve problems in the external environment- both
its physical and social aspects. Thus, specific patterns of behavior may be
looked upon as functional or dysfunctional solutions to the problems
posed by the external environment.
When the brain's purpose is understood, patterns of male passivity,
effeminization, bisexuality and homosexuality may be looked upon as
functional or dysfunctional solutions to specific problems posed in the
environment, even though consciously they are not understood as such.
But for what environmental problems are these behaviors considered
answers- functional or dysfunctional- and for whom?
Black Male Passivity
These questions cannot be answered without frrst understanding the
nature of the environment (the specific dynamic and structure of the social
system) in which these behaviors occur.
As explained in Chapter 1, racism (white supremacy) is the dominant
social system in today's world. Its fundamental dynamic is predicated
upon the genetic recessive deficiency state of albinism, which is respon-
sible for skin whiteness and thus the so-called "white race." This genetic
recessive trait is dominated by the genetic capacity to produce any of the
various degrees of skin melanination - whether black, brown, red or
yellow. In other words, it can be annihilated as a phenotypic condition.
Control of this potential for genetic domination and annihilation
throughout the world is absolutely essential if the condition of skin
whiteness is to survive. "White" survival is predicated upon aggressive-
ness and muscle mass in the form of technology directed against the
"non-white" melaninated men on the planet Earth who constitute the
numerical majority. Therefore, white survival and white power are de-
pendent upon the various methodologies, tactics and strategies developed
to control all "non-white" men, as well as bring them into cooperative
submission. This is especially important in the case of Black men because
they have the greatest capacity to produce melanin and, in turn, the
greatest genetic potential for the annihilation of skin albinism or skin
During the past 400 years, Black men in the U.S. have been forced into
passive and cooperative submission to white men. The major strategy has
been the installation of an overwhelming/ear. Specific tactics range from
actual physical castration and lynching, to other oven and more subtle
forms of abuse, violence and cruelty. We should not be ashamed to
recognize these tactics used to oppress Black men. It is the truth. It is
reality. Ultimately, this is the meaning of Black oppression.
All Black people are oppressed. I emphasize here that Black men are
oppressed because ultimately, it is male muscle mass that oppresses a
people, and only male muscle mass has the potential for achieving
liberation. If the men of a people are oppressed, the women are brought
under oppression- as they are dependent on their men for protection and
The Isis Papers
the muscle mass to liberate a people and
defense. Women do not have l th ng buttheirmenmustprovide
protect the young. Women deve op e you '
the protection and the security ap~tus. d tands the priority of white
bal h'te male collecttve un ers
The glo w t consciously or unconsciously' the
domination. They fully understan!, Also white males realize that in
threat that Black men represent~ . em.f fem~es must submit to males
the final analysis, the vast maJonty o Add'tionally white males fully
because of their lesser muscle mass. to :dentify 'as females will be
understand that males who ~e forcb~ . on to the males they call "The
grammed simultaneously mto su mtsst pro · gainst those same men.
Man," as oppos~ to.aggressmg a have at least a vague, perhaps uncon-
White men m thts world area . ,400 years) malepassivity . th t after 20 generattons \: •
scious, understandmg a . . . bisexuality and homosexuality·
has evolved into male. effemt~za~o:~ ressions of male self -submission
These patterns ofbehavtor are stmp Y . P. called "sex " Males also can
. th of people acuvtty ·
to other males m e area th e"tght areas of people activity -
. 1 · any of the o er . submtt to rna es m . labor law politics religton and
. d t" entertamment, • • '
economtcs, e uca ton, . . d peration in any of the areas
war. Oppression is forced submtsston an coo
of people activity. . male arrives at his deeply repressed sense of
However, the whtte he be dominated genetically by all
"femininity" because not only can found from the white male
Black and other men of color, but m~re pro . all by all Black and
. . tha he is dommated genettc Y .
perspecuve ts the fact t ff . . of a white male and non-whtte
othernon-whitefemales. Fortheo spnng th than white like their
· lik their mother ra er
female will be non-white . e enetically dominant in respect to the
white father; thus, the offspnng are .g ~~,,.. when compared to the
hi e of genettc weur-uess,
white male. T s sens 1 the white male to project weak-
majority of the world'~ ~o~en, p~::u~it and homosexuality onto the
ness, passivity, e~fe~mtZaUon, b:ru halienger. Furthermore, the white
Black male, who ts hts archthpoten. al ~nvironment to transfer this mental
male collective strUCtures e soc•
protection into a functional reality.
Black Male Passivity
The more the Black male strives to stand, the weaker the white male
feels by comparison, and the greater the white male's thrust to effeminize
the Black male- to weaken the Black male's psychological potential for
aggressive and assertive challenge, forcing him to remain submissive to
"The Man."
The American Psychiatric Association's decision to remove
homosexuality from the list of mental (behavioral) disturbances resulted
from the increasing number of white males seeking this mode of sexual
expression, due to an increasing consciousness of true white male weak-
ness. Male bisexuality and homosexuality can be viewed as the sexual
expression of male weakness, passivity and effeminization. The motiva-
tion for these feelings and their sexual expression results primarily from
the developing challenge by "non-white" men throughout the world to
white male power and projected superiority. This challenge has assumed
various subtle and overt forms during recent decades.
For example, in the U.S., heavyweight boxing, basketball, baseball and
football have all been taken away from white males (by Black males) as
symbolic expressions of white male virility and manhood. White males
have been left with only two major sports wherein they dominate (tennis
and golt), and both consist of hitting small white balls. I need not even
mention that Black men have been blocked effectively from participating
in these remaining white stronghold sports. {See Chapter 10.)
It is also crushing to the collective white male ego and sense of power
to be told by "colored" men called Arabs that the whites cannot have any
oil to run their machines to maintain and extend their technology - their
,major control apparatus. Increasingly, the white male is being forced to
see himself as he really is.
The white females' liberation movement is another disturbing threat
to the white male's sense of power and masculinity, helping to push him
to a weakened and homosexual stance. However, white females are
reacting to the oppression imposed on them by white males. Feeling
inferior to "non-white" males and females, the white male said to the white
female, "Well, at least I am going to be superior to you." The white female
reaction in the form of women's liberation is contributing further to white
The Isis Papers
male/female alienation, pushing white males further into the homosexual
position and, incidentally, pushing white females in that direction also.
The long-standing white male/female alienation in the white family
has pushed the white female, perhaps unconsciously, to mold her sons to
be more like herself than like their father. Thus, she creates a female with
a penis. Additionally, she proceeds to fight back at the male and fmally
achieves, symbolically, a penis for herself- resolving the white female's
penis envy complex, a compensation for her sense of inferiority imposed
by men. In a similar way, she fights back at the white male when she
captures a Black male's penis and taunts the white male, who believes
"her" black penis is stronger than his own.
From another perspective, white male and female homosexuality can
be viewed as the final expression of their dislike of their genetic albinism
in a world numerically dominated by colored people. This dislike of their
appearance, though deeply repressed, causes a negation of the act of
self-reproduction (sex), in various forms. This is the eventual origin of
homosexuality. It is a parallel activity to the all familiar discussions of
"population zero" and "birth control," now current articulations in the
white supremacy culture.
All of the aforementioned dynamics are components of the total
dynamic of racism. Some of the methodologies used to achieve Black
male submission or effeminization warrant further examination. Uqlike
the white male, the Blac~ male does not arrive at the effeminate bisexual
or homosexual stance from any deeply repressed sense of genetic weak-
ness, inadequacy or disgust, which I refer to as primary effeminacy
(effeminacy that is self-derived and not imposed forcibly by others).
Instead, the Black male arrives at this position secondarily, as the result
of the imposed power and cruelty of the white male and the totality of the
y;hite supremacy social and political apparatus that has forced 20 g~ne.ra
tions of Black males into submission. This pattern of imposed submiSSIOn
is reinforced through every institution within the white supremacy system,
but especially in the fundamental social mstitution of the family or, in this
case, the Black survival-unit.
Black Male Passivity
I make the distinction in terminology between family and survival-unit
because "the family," by defmition, is a social institution that functions to
suppon maximal development and protection of the young. However,
under white supremacy, Blacks and other non-whites are not to be
developed maximally; they are permitted to survive as functional in-
feriors, alienated from self and from their own kind. The non-white
survival-unit is not permitted to defend itself or its young. The survival-
unit functions accordingly.
The imposed internal dynamics of the survival-unit, as within the racist
system in general, function to negate Black manhood, as fundamentally
expressed in the relationship between breadwinning and true power
potential. Even when high level income is allowed, there is no true power
in its ultimate sense- meaning to suppon, protect and defend the lives of
one's self, one's wife and one's children. Under any serious system of
oppression, this right is denied the oppressed male, and with its denial
there is a concomitant and proportionate loss of respect for manhood in
the oppressed population. This attitude begins first within the oppressed
man himself and radiates to all other members of the survival-unit. The
resultant frustration of Black manhood potential - a pressure and
grievance that cannot be redressed directly at its source under fear of death
-forces behavior into dysfunctional, non-satisfying, circular, obsessive-
compulsive patterns, in areas of people activity where greater degrees of
maleness are permitted to be expressed (i.e., sex, sports and entertain-
Under the white supremacy slavery system, the identity of "sex
machines" was imposed upon Black males, especially as many hands were
needed in the fields for toil and labor. The many babies that were produced
gave Black males their most open avenue for at least a limited sense of
manhood. Presently, with the birth control pills and with the pressure for
population-zero for all non-whites, this major male ego-suppon also has
been taken away. Without jobs, income, power or even babies, there is
no proof of sexual functioning. When this reality is coupled with the
awareness that many women can receive more from a welfare check than
they can from their male partners, the reasons for women respecting men
The Isis Papers
and staying with them steadily decline, and Black male/female alienation
Recent statistics reveal that today (1974), 34% of Black families are
headed by females as compared to 10% of white families, and this figure
is increasing each year. In the metropolitan area of Washington, D.C.,
there are 61,000 Black male children growing up in homes without their
fathers or other father surrogates, while 90% of their teachers in the public
schools are also females. This produces a massive deficiency in adult
males for role modeling and imprinting. Such role modeling and imprint-
ing are essential for Black male children to understand adult male role
As Black males and females become more and more alienated, as our
current rates of separation and divorce indicate, and as Black females are
bei~g .left to rear Black male children alone, the alienation, hate and
disgust felt towards adult males are visited upon their sons subtly. A
female alienated from males is hard-pressed to reinforce patterns of
conduct in a male child that remind her of unhappiness and pain. She is
much more inclined to say, "There you go looking and acting like that no
good nigger father of yours." The Black female teacher ~t sch~l ~ho
also may be experiencing alienation from her Black man, tf not mclmed
to make the same statement in such a direct manner, only says it more
subtly, says nothing, or simply acts out her hate, disgust and distrust of
Black males, achieving the same end result.
It is little wonder that 98% of all of the Black male children I talk with,
who have reached the junior high school level, hate school. Schools and
their personnel, like all other aspects of the racist system, do their share
to alienate Black males from maximal functioning and thus further the
ultimate alienation of Black males from themselves and their manhood.
As a result of this pattern of socialization, Black males soon learQ that it
is easier to be a female child than a male child, and more promising to be
an adult Black female than an adult Black male.
In childhood, male children learn- whether at home or at school- that
~Y can make mothers and female teachers happy (and they will shower
Black Male Passivity
you with smiles and affection) when they act like "females" rather than
like boys.
The dearth of adult Black males in the homes, schools and neighbor-
hoods leaves Black male children no alternative models. Blindly they seek
out one another as models, and in their blindness end up in trouble _ in
ju~e~ile h~mes or prisons. But fate and the dynamics of racism again play
a Vlctous trick because the young males only become more alienated from
their manhood and more feminized in such settings. They are given orders
by men to whom they must submit; they wait passively to be fed three
meals a day by men; and fmally, they have sexual intercourse with men.
It is no wonder that they are unable to play the role of Black men when
they leave.
One ex-prisoner patient told me, "It is easier to endure the life on the
inside than to try to put up with the pressures of being a man, a husband
and a father in the street." The intent of mcist programming had been
achieved: "Give np trying to be a Black man. Why not be a woman?"
Many Black males have answered unconsciously, "Why not!" The
b~aided ~d curled hair, the earrings and bracelets, the midriff tops, the
cmch wrusted pants, the flowered underwear, the high-heeled shoes with
platforms and the pocketbooks are all behavioml answers to the above.
They say in loud and clear language, "White man, I will never come after
you. I cannot run in my high-heels- you know that. And I may mess up
my hair." The white-run clothing industry is all too pleased to provide
the costumes of feminine disguise for Black male escape. However, they
never would provide uniforms or combat gear if customers were willing
to pay $1000 per outfit.
Television, which has become an important programmer of behavior
in this social system and its culture, plays a further major role in alienating
B.lack mal~s (especially children) from Black manhood. Flip Wilson, the
htghest pmd Black male on television maintains his high ratings by
dressing in great detail as a tough and coarse Black female. One of my
seven-year-old Black male patients told me, "My Mommy likes Geral-
dine, and I think Geraldine is cute." "Good Times," the latest media fare
for indoctrinating the Black oppressed, shows a pitiful adult Black male
The Isis Papers
who never can seem to find an adequate job and a Black adolescent male
who is a criminal shoplifter and a complete clown. All of this takes place
in the presence of a strong and powerful Black female, who periodically
drops down on her knees to pray to a white Jesus whose miracles save the
These weekly insults to Black manhood that we have been
programmed to believe are entertainment and not direct racist warfare,
further reinforce, perhaps in the unconscious thinking of Black people, a
loss of respect for Black manhood while carrying that loss to ever deeper
levels. One 12-year-old Black male summed it up in this manner when I
questioned him about working hard and studying in school: "No, I do not
want to study so I can help Black people. If you try to help !3lack people,
you will be killed. Look at Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and George
Jackson. I don't want to die."
This reality of white supremacy oppression must be approached either
linearly (head-on) or with circular patterns of behavior to escape this
horrendous reality of death. Sex, having been granted as the one (though
limited) area wherein Black males could express manhood, became the
area of behavior where circular patterns of escape were acted out. Sym-
bolically speaking, attempts were made to hide in the dark Black vaginal
orifice. When that closed down, the white vaginal orifice was tried.
When that also proved unsatisfactory as a hiding place or passage to
freedom, Black and white male anuses were tried. Or one might say, these
became the hoped for "undercover" railroads to freedom- the under-
ground railroads as escape from the white man no longer being operative.
Because Black men are forced into patterns of both conscious and
unconscious logic, ever-increasing incidents of Black male passivity,
effeminization, bisexuality and homosexuality can be understood logical-
ly and accurately predicted. There is only one solution- that Black males
collectively face the horrendous presence of white males and conquer the
accompanying fear engendered by this act. After the white man is faced,
he must be resisted steadfastly and fought if he continues to wage war on
Black people- as he has demonstrated historically that he intends to do.
And it is Black males and not females who must do the fighting.
Black Male Passivity
Black male homosexuality and bisexuali
by-products of males submitting in tl ty are .only the long-run
they fail to resist because death is :to other males. m the social arena;
number of Black male hom I ~ult of resistance. The large
h osexua s and btsexuals who re
ad and have little or no respect for their fath . pon that they
ly different life histories had the e~s mtght have had complete-
fathers died while in defense f ~~own up With the knowledge that their
h II . o e~r manhood when it was ttacked c a enged by the oppressor Th' . . a and
· IS IS especially tru if th ·
admired and respected the fathers, manhood. Th e eir mothers also
been viewed as something so precious th ~n, ~anhood would have
is a quite different input into the child' :t o.ne dies m defense of it. This
no good trifling laz . s ram-computer than "He was a
Tha th, . , Y.~lgger, and you should never want to be like h. "
t e soctal/poliucal dynami f · · un.
white male's alienation tirom h' co ract~m, uself predicated upon the
1S own geneuc statu h 1 · others to be alienated f: . s, s ou d In turn cause
rom therr own genetic stat d . .
sexual orientation, should not cause s . us, etermmmg color or
such a dynamic on the alen so that =nse. I~ should put the ~ictims of
counter this destrucu·
. Y efficiently and effectively can
ve assau t against the . .
genetic status. apprectauon of their own total
. All Black children should be protected b Black .
alienated against any of th . Y people from bemg
err genes - be tho
gender or sickle cell aneml·a R . . se genes of color, sexual
· acists w11l attempt t b ·
genetic alienation, but Black peo le h 0 nng about such
Black psychiatris· t P s ould be prepared to coumer it.
s must understand tbat h ·
homosexuality for tbemselves b t w Ites may condone
for destroying Black peopl th• u we as Blacks, must see it as a strategy
. e at must be counte ed H
btsexuals should neither be d r · omosexuals or
. con emned nor degrad d .
decide that they would be e • as they did not
so programmed in childh d .
should be held responsible 0 k .
· The ractst system
and increasing occurre . ur tas IS to treat and prevent its continuing
One method I have been using with all BI k .
their particular disorder b . . ac male patlents - whether
e passiVIty effem · · · ·
homosexuality or other- is to ha th ' uuzation, biSexuality'
approaching and opposing . v~ em relax and envision themselves
'm actua combat, the collective of white males
The Isis Papers
and females (without apology or giving up in the crunch). The fear of
such a confrontation is at the basis of most of today's Black male
pathologies in patterns of logic, thought, speech, action and emotional
res]JOnse as they participate in all areas of human activity.
I have been working with Black mothers of Black male children,
attempting to help them rid themselves of the fear of their sons and their
men dying, which pushes them unconsciously to make babies of their sons
and their husbands in an effort to try to protect and defend them. This
response is the exact reverse of what is needed under the conditions of
racism. Black women must learn to rear sons who will learn from the
cradle that their major function as men is not to get a good job and a fine
car, but to defend, protect and support their people (in that order), even
should death be the consequence. That the Black male is not a sex
machine but a protector and developer of Black people must be learned
during the rearing process. There will be good jobs and self-respect (if
not fine cars) once the people are liberated. ·There will be no true
self-respect until that task is completed.
As a people, we will need increasingly sttong men because we can
expect that white males, driven into homosexuality from their sense of
weakness compared to the world's majority of colored men, also will
move towards others (non-whites), which is always an attempt to com-
pensate for the awareness of true weakness. Black male bisexuality and
homosexuality has been used by the white collective in its effort to survive
genetically in a world dominated by colored people, and Black acceptance
of this imposition does not solve the major problem of our oppression but
only further retards its ultimate solution.
What Freud Was Really Talking About
The Concept of "Penis Envy" ...
(February 1975)
. Every social system (includin its refl
objective whether that obiecu· g. . ected culture) has a priority
. . J ve IS articulated cl I . .
ypocnucally. In the fmal anal . . ear Y or disguised
. ys1s, a SOCial system is a beh .
consisting of specifically de . d av10ral system
thought, speech action andsigne ~atterns of behavior- patterns oflogic
. • emotional respo •
SCiously and unconsciously h' h nse, structured both con-
. • w •c are used as soc· I
pnority objective of a people Th .
tools to achieve the
in all areas of people a u· . . ese behavior patterns are carried forth
c VIty: economics d ·
labor, law, politics reliaion d , e ucauon, entertainment
. • c· • sex an war. •
White supremacy is the sin le . . . .
dominant social system' Th' g pnonty Objective of the world's
· Is system has bee f · ·
several hundred years
d' . n uncttonmg for the past
· · n ISCussmg the h ·
the white supremacy system, . . . psyc ogene tic motivations for
presumptuous it may seem to s: on~n ~ Chapter 1, I fully realize how
system/culture) that I- a Black ~=m:e e con~xt.of the white supremacy
critique the thinking of S. d psychiatnst - should presume to
. Igmun Freud one f th
thmkers of the white supremac ' o e acknowledged major
Y system.
However, having been tau ht .
decided long ago that most of: :d havm~ read Freudian theory, I
sense. After studym· g h' reu s analysiS made little, if any real
. IStory and carefull al · '
mg about me daily I ha
Y an yzmg what I see happen-
. . • ve cone uded that I have eve 'gh ·
obligation and responsibility as a be. . ry n t, mdeed every
mg on thiS planet, to set forth my
The I sis Papers
thinking on the furor that has been made on the subject of Freud's work
and thought lfl should need further justification for my activity, 1 offer
the following for whatever it is worth: 1) many white psychiatrists already
are concluding and stating aloud that (their) psychiatry is dead, a psy-
chiatry that for the past 50 years has been based on Freudian theses
(apparently they are recognizing from experience that the theory bas little
practical use); and 2) if Sigmund Freud was really an astute behavioral
analyst and scientist, why was he unable to decode or predict the behavior
of those in the environment in which he (as a Jew) found himself- an
environment in which a full one-third of the world's total Jewish popula-
tion would be destroyed?
Certainly if Freud, as a Jew, was going to spend most of his energy
thinking about and decoding behavior, he should have thought in greatest
detail about why his people (the Semites) historically had been under
attaCk throughout the whole of their European experience. That Freud
should tell others what to do with their behavior while he failed to provide
answers for himself and for his entire group suggests that one can only
take his ideas with the proverbial gtain of salt But as I demonstrate, Freud
-perhaps feebly and unconsciously- was suuggling to discuss the major
issue of his existence as an oppressed "non-white" victim in a white
supremacy culture. Therefore, his discussion, coming forth in the lan-
guage of abstraction and displacement, has remained completely obscure
and, in the final analysis, useless.
It is my view that the word Semite is derived from the Latin prefiX
"semi," which means "half'. Semites of the Jewish religion are persons
from Africa who were half black and half white. Black plus white always
equals "colored," meaning persons carrying in their genetic makeup some
capacity to produce melanin pigmentation and, in some instances, a
genetic capacity to produce kinkY hair. Jews who left Africa and went to
Europe were colored people when they arrived there hundreds of years
ago. Europeans (whites) never have forgotten the Semite capacity for
genetic dominance of the Aryan (white) population. Although after much
intermixing many Jews lost much of their skin color, they have continued
to be identified as a colored people from Africa by the whites! ibis is the
What Freud Was Really Talking About
fundamental reaso '" th . . n ,or e htstonc op · . .
supremacy system/culture Hitl ~resston of Semues Within the white
· er articulated this
the one hand, he insisted the Jews . most clearly when, on
but on the other hand h . were genetically inferior to the Aryans
e conunued to speak f th . . •
over the Aryans (whites).
err genetic dominance
Freud could not focus fully on thi be
· s cause he desired .
e white supremacy culture and did . acceptance m
psychoanalysis looked upon as a "J ish not want hiS science of
ew (degraded) sc · ..
cou d not come to terms .th hi tence. Thus be WI s own identity th . '
those so identified by the surro di . ' nor e dynamic affecting
un ng social syste 1
on the dynamic of "self . m. nstead of focusing
-represSion," a v · .
the brain-computerthathasanatural . ery convement displacement for
and "self' (as se · th ' unmterrupted linkage between "sex"
xIS e act respons"bl ti .
the only act lhrough which the "~lf~ c:: existence of the "self' and
Freud found bimselftiocUSI·ng on.. reproduced), as a Semite,
. sex -repressio " s dtd occur in the white n. ex -repression indeed
. supremacy culture as dem
altenation from the condition of alb. . ' onstrated by the historic
-which was viewed as responsible~: :d theactof"orig~ sin" (sex)
world of colored people.
appearance of whiteness in a
M . y concentral.lon here is the topic of" . " .
of the Freudian edifice (I th pents envy' a maJor cornerstone
plex" and "castra . . n _o er chapters, I discuss the "Oedipal com-
. non anXIety.") 1n brief .
psychological theory' the little (white) . . , acco~ding _to Freudian
ofloss and injury and with env of grr~ IS struck With an mtense sense
her clitoris is an inferior Y the (white) male when she realizes that
organ to the male's · ( · ·
had such a fine penis). Presumabl sh . pems . wtshmg that she too
penis of her own or some symbol" yti, e IS not sausfied until she has a
tc ormofapen· A .
the female's personality is pre d _
s. maJOr segment of
realization. sume to be predicated on this traumatic
As previously mentioned, Freud w . . . . .
sup~emacy culture, a culture that had its ;:ea Se~nc Vl~tlm m a white
Africa. The fust albino mutations ( h. ) genesiS not m Greece but in
. in Africa These albino I w Jtes were produced from Blacks
s, suggest, were chased rth b
wandered north away from th . no Y the Blacks or
e mtense sun so that th ey could survive. (See
The Isis Papers
Chapter 2.) They ended their trek in Europe, directly north of Africa.
From the very ftrst experiences of the mutant albino population, with the
recognition that the condition of skin albinism (whiteness) could be
annihilated genetically by those with black and brown skins (a
phenomenon that is now known as genetic dominance over a genetic
recessive state, such as albinism), there had been white fear of Black
genetic power or white male fear and envy of the Black (penis) phallus
and entire genital awaratus. This fear, in tum. produced a sense of
inadequacy and inferiority in the white male as he compared himself to
males of color.
The total white group's conscious or unconscious awareness of their
genetic weakness and .potential annihilation became even more
pronounced- as a cultural theme- as Europeans (whites) began circum-
navigating the globe in the 15th centurY on. At this time, whites dis-
covered that they were a tinY minority on a planet wherein all others had
colored skins. It did not take long for the group to realize that both colored
males and females could annihilate the whites genetically. Thus, the
white male felt genetically weaker, not only in comparison to the Black
male but also to the Bla~ale. The Black male had to be feared more
because it is males who initi8te the act of reproduction.
The above genetic dynamics are, of course, never discussed directly
and overtly within the white supremacy system/culture. Most overt
discussions on genetics center around analysis of the "inferiority" of Black
and other non-white peoples, which of course is a projective compensa-
tion. The full discussion, however, that continues covertly and uncon-
sciously permeates the logic sequences within the culture. Perhaps it will
be fair to state that true awareness of the fundamental genetic issue is
repressed. White envy of the black phallus is addressed unconsciously when·
whites constantly concern themselves with the comparative size of the
black phallus versus the size of the white phallus. This concern is raised
in the form of the following question: "Is the Black male's penis really
greater in size than that of the white male?" Any school child could
What Freud Was Really Talking About
suggest that a simple tape measure can settle .
all, unless the questioners and " the quesuon once and for
researchers" are afraid
In my practice, a Black mother infonn to measure.
attending a predominantly wh'te 1 ed me that her six-year-old son
1 e ementary sch 1 '
one of his white male classmates had . oo ' reported to her that
had a large penis. The mother statedtold hun that he (the Black child)
response was. Her son told the hi !at she asked her son what his
penises. w te Y that all Black boys had large
It is obvious that in the above situatio . .
white children, at shower or bathroom . n, m a sch~l Wlth a majority of
have had ample opportunit to tl~e. the white male child would
have had the same opponuru~t seet h the SIZe of white penises. He would
Y a orne. His need to .
of the Black child • s penl's 1·nd' th comment on the SIZe •cates at this Black ·
out by all of his other co . peniS must have stood
certainly clear that the Blamckpansoalns, even at this tender age. It is also
m e child had
the adequacy of the Black mal ' . no concerns or fears about
e s peniS.
Furthennore, it is my interpretation th .
power of the genetic material . th at the major concern is with the
. m e black testicl d
displaced to a less threate . b' es an that the concern is
appreciate my analysis re rungbeo ~ect (the phallus) and its size. To
, mem r that the m .
males who have been lynched b hi ajor percentage of Black
attacked, removed and taken awa Y b w : males h~ve had their genitals
on their person) ThiS' beha . . Y Y w te males (I.e. • carried wilh them
. · v1ons peculiar to h · . .
ship to men of color. I inte ret thi . w lte males m lhelf relation-
genitalia. Thus, it must be a:!'acked s ~:avlOr as fear of the Black male
and a desire for possession of an estroyed, but also there is envy
Thi same.
s should help to explain why white mal .
them or wish to view themselves es who WISh others to view
and suck on huge black cigars. 7n::g:werfu~ and important, puff
others to believe they are th 1 ' • e more Important they wish
• e .onger the c1gar p hap
to draw the attention of others to the • er s the foul odor is
(their symbolic phallus). mselves with their long black cigars
. Also, the more powerful and im nan .
hunself, the longer is his black lim ~ t the white male perceives
ousme. Both the car and cigar can be
The Isis Papers
viewed as phallic symbols. Perhaps black and dark brown pipes also
should be included as similar symbols. (See Chapter 11.) It is again little
wonder that white men build missiles shaped in the form of phalluses,
paint them white and use them to annihilate peoples of color around the
I have said all of the above to state that, yes, there is "penis envy" in
the white supremacy culture, but it began with the white male's envy of
the genetic power residing in the Black male's testicles and phallus.
Perhaps there was also envy of the comparative longer length of the Black
phallus. The sense of his relative genetic weakness or inferiority com-
pared to Black males (because Black is always genetically dominant to
white) caused the white male to attempt to project "inferiority" on white
females as well. (See Chapter 6.) The white male's insistence that he is
superior to the white female and his forcing this psychological dynamic
in white family life has caused the white female, in tum, to wish that she
could share his power and his status and symbolically, to have a penis of
her own. The extent to which white females as mothers play a role in
helping to turn their sons into effeminate homosexuals (female-acting
men with penises) is again an attempt to resolve an aspect of the conflict.
Some white females react to this imposed sense of their genital
inferiority by seeking to "liberate" themselves and secure black penises
of their own, penises white males consider more powerful than their own.
This is the dialogue that increasing numbers of white females covertly and
perhaps unconsciously conduct with white males as they (white females)
parade in front of white males with the Black male (black penis) they have
captured for their own. The silent dialogue between the white male and
white female in these social confrontations goes something like this,
"Now I have one (a penis) that is bigger and stronger than yours, one that
I know that you envy."
As the mothers, wives and sisters of white males, white females
consciously or unconsciously always have understood white males' envy
of Black males, even though the envy was expressed in terms of white
male hysteria over white women being "raped" by Black males. White
males knew or suspected that the white female desired the black penis
What Freud Was Really Talking About
more than the hi w te one because white m
penis more than their own ( h en themselves desired the black
them home). Thus 't . w Y els~ ~ut off the black genitals and take
' I lS not swpnsmg th th
female/Black male activity (t' 't' ed . at ere is increased white
m Iat m most ·
w o have signaled to Black al th mstances by white females
· m es at they ar ·1 time, other white female . e avru able). At the same
, s are saymg they ar .
firemen" and "football la " ,. . e gomg to be "policemen"
h · . P yers - JUSt like m " . '
t err lesbian inclinations openl en - and are dtscussing
Whi y.
te males, with Freud, s help have . .
of loss, injury inadequac d, proJected therrown intense sense
' Y an envy as g · al
mutants who are being annih'l d . enettc ly recessive albino
1 ate genetically b both
males and females. It is th ( h' Y Black (non-white)
. . ey w tte males) who ha th .
envy, whtch IS manifested m' th . ve e pnmary penis
. err envy of Black 1 , .
en proJect their sense of inf . . rna es pemses. They
· enonty onto white fi al
m turn, to develop secondary penis em es, causing them,
accused! envy. The accuser now-stands himself
These dynamics are at the root of the ti
males feel towards Black m 1 th ear of all true competition white
a es, us preventin . .
areas of people activity: economics d . g true competitton in all
politics, religion, sex and w Th, e ucabo~, entertainment, labor, law,
· ar. e obscunty of p d' .
c anfled only if the system and 1 reu s Ideas can be
cu turaldynam· f h'
analyzed and understood full ti . . ICS o w Ite supremacy are
suffered and died Freud y, o~ this IS the context in which Freud wrote
. · , attempung to esc h. •
(m the full meaning of that te ape ts own reality as a Semite
seeing and experiencing abo trmh. ), was. unable to face fully what he was
f hi u 1m, wh1ch was anti s ..
0 w te supremacy) He £elt 't b - emiUsm (a dynamic
· 1 , ut could not .
perhaps because he feared for his life Th . . accurately describe it -
from his brain-computer as abstract~ us, ~~s life experience came forth
To see clearly, Freud would have haand dtsplac~ concepts.
as a "non-white" (a Semite- . " d t~ recogmze that he was viewed
like "German" and "Am . 1.~;· mulatto ) and not an "Austrian" which
en can, means pur h. •
too desperately' like the th S . . e w tte. Freud was attempting
. o er emites m Euro d
mtegrated and accepted as "wh'te" Th pe an America, to be
"through a glass darkly " or ~~ . er~fore, he ended by seeing only
, re y not seemg at all Then ag"';n h · ... ,per aps
The I sis Papers
sensed that offending the Aryans (whites) by making. a fully
Freud te analysis would have brought disaster before it fmally dtd come
accura ed t his fear nor - in the Nazi holocaust Personally, I ~ no ne to repea
his folly, even though the same danger extsts.
What Freud Was Really Talking About
Cirlot, J.E .. A Dictionary of Symbols. New York: Philosophical Library,
Freedman, A.M.. and Kaplan, H.I.. Comprehensive Textbook of
Psychiatry. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins Company, 1967.
Hitler, A .. Mein Kampf. Costa Mesa: Noon Tide Press, 1986.
Memmi, A .. Dominated Man. Boston: Beacon Press, 1968.
Guns As Symbols
Anthony Sampson, in his bookThe Arms Bazaar: From Lebanon to
Lockheed (1977), infonns us that the word " ... weapon was until the
founeenth century synonymous with penis ... "
There are now 25,000 bandgun deaths per year in the United States of
America. The President of the U.S., in 1975, was subjected to two
assassination attempts in a time span of three weeks. Handguns were the
instrument used in each assassination attempt. The same President was
against handgun control.
The above statements are laden with highly significant meaning, which
is not immediately apparent and which can be understood fully only when
the underlying psychodynamics of the collective white psyche and of the
white supremacy power system and its culture are probed, dissected and
Joseph Kraft, writing in the September 25, 1975 issue of The
Washington Post stated,
The starting point for analysis is the recognition that, for better or for
worse, the United States is a country with a thing about guns. Prowess
with firearms was critical to survival in the frontier days. The right to
bear arms is guaranteed in the Constitution. Millions of Americans
regard hunting as a favorite recreation. Thousands collect gWlS as
souvenirs. I once visited the home in Mechanicsburg, Ohio of a
prominent official. In this home no wall was uncovered by some kind
of rifle, shotgun, pistol or musket. The owner, William Saxbe,
eventually became Auomey General.
The Isis Papers
Mr. Kraft later used the tenn "pro-gun culture" to describe American
culture and society, as he cited that there have been no fewer than five
different Presidential commissions that have recommended more strin-
gent forms of gun control.
While recognizing along with Mr. Kraft the predominant use of guns
in the American frontier days, I strongly disagree that guns were needed
for survival in the simple terms of the continuation of life. After all, the
Native Americans taught the Europeans how to grow corn to feed them-
selves and survive. Ouns were needed, however, if Native (non-white)
Americans were going to be removed successfully from the land that the
Europeans (whites) wished to dominate and control.
This essay is being written neither in review nor in protest of the
horrendous carnage of Native American life in particular, nor in protest
of the general path of carnage that has been tread in this area of the world.
It is being written in hopes of shedding light on the seeming dilemma that,
in spite of the past and present potential carnage from handguns, there is
tremendous resistance amongst the dominant population to have goos as
well as all other instruments of life destruction (including atomic,
hydrogen and neutron bombs) brought under control.
In my view, the gun is a critical symbol in the subconscious mind of
white peoples everywhere. This symbol is primarily operative, as are all
true symbols at the unconscious level of brain activity.
Increasing numbers of Black behavioral scientists are beginning to
understand that the dominant thrust in what has become known as
"Western civilization" is racism.
Once we become aware of the deep humiliation that is apparently felt
by whites because of their skin whiteness (due to the genetic mutation to
albinism) and because of their genetic vulnerability when compared to
non-whites (black, brown, red and yellow peoples), it is possible to
understand the historically degraded status of sex in the white supremacy
system/culture. Sex is "the act of self-reproduction" and the act respon-
sible for "the production of the self' and "the appearance of the self." In
the white brain-computer, if the white, pale, genetically vulnerable self is
Guns as Symbols
bde~ded, then the act that produced that self will be degraded in th t ram-computer. a same
co:~:a::~:; :a;;;:u:~W~stern" author of what whites have thought
n IS presented by Ma.rlc T . h .
essay "Skin Deep" from 0 T.'L wam w o, m his n rJe Damned Human Race, stated:
... Then there would have been the added .
complexion. It is not an unbearabl dxsadvantage of the white
keeps to itself but h . ~ unpleasant complexion when it
• w en 1t comes mto competiti ith
brown and black the fact is betrayed th . . on w masses of
we are used to it .... Nearly all black and a~ lt lS end~able only because
a beautiful white skin is H rown skins are beautiful but
rare. ow rare one may 1 b alk'
down a street in Paris New y k • earn Y w mg
particularly an unfashi • abl or or London on a weekday -
on e street - and keep'
~a~factory ~mplexions encountered in the course:: a ~U:t ~he the
ar complexions are massed they ake th . . re
unwholesome, and sometime; franldm h etlwhite look bleached out,
y g as y.
The acts of self-production and self-reprod .
targets of degradation i . ucuon are not the only
th h . n the white psyche (brain-computer). Within th
oug t and logic processes of the white psyche,. the genitals th 1 e
are degJaded -both male and female genitals - those parts of the emse ves
~d physiology that are responsible for self-production and self an:m Y
:~~~c~a:· the white male sexual apparatus is seen as ~;;~:r ;~
(See Chapter 7.r compared to the sexual apparatus of the Black male.
arti~e ~:= ~.~: ~su: of Mfedical.Aspects of Human Sexuality, in an
n s ear o Havmg Too Small A .P . " P
Toussieng, M.D., writes "A surp . . I I ems, ovl W.
their pe . ' nsmg Y arge number of men fear that
mses are not of adequate size " Alth h ~ .
re~e~ence to the race or color of the ~en he i~:~ie;::si~n~ ;:alces ~o
clirucal practice that this is not a major fear of Black ' I His own m
does state, men. owever, he
It is hard to determin th . .
e e exact ongm of the myth of the b' .
many cultures such as ancient Egypt the penis did bee lg perus: _In
symbol and was, consequently pictured 'th om~ a fenility
In 1 · ' wx enonnous dunens·
c asslc Greece, however, small geni•-•- . xons.
~ were cons1dered more
The Isis Papers
beautiful than larger ones. Romans reversed this concept and Western
culture appears by and large to have followed them.
It is interesting that Toussieng makes no mention of any attempt to
measure the penis size of white and Black men in a culture heavily laden
with this specific white male preoccupation- a culture in which large
numbers of white males are daily in close proximity to Black males and
aware of their presence in the society, especially in the arena of sports
(games symbolic of special male prowess and virility), where Black males
Interestingly, Clyde Keeler, writing on albinism in an article entitled
"Cuna Moon-Child Albinism, 1950-1970," (Journal of Heredity, No. 61,
1970) states,
The voice quality of albino males is soft and higher pitched than in
moreno males. In addition, they appear to be deficient in sex. hormone,
and while they may be fertile, they have a lower phallic posture, due
to flaccidity. Albinos usually have flabby muscles and reduced
muscular strength as shown by manumometer readings.
This is of interest because, in my view, all skin whiteness is related to
albinism or a variant thereof. Keeler's observation implies that there may
be a genetic association between albino or white skin color and the
appearance and posture of the penis (albinism influencing small penis size
or lack of penis posture causing its appearance to be small). Also, it is
known that in comparison to the Black population, whites have less
muscle definition- thus, muscular flabbiness- compared to Blacks.
It may be said that most fundamentally there is a genetic basis and
secondarily an anatomic and physiologic basis for the white fear of white
genetic annihilation. This, in turn, became the basis for the global system
of white supremacy domination and its attendant culture - a system and
culture evolved and structured to prevent white genetic annihilation and
to ensure white genetic survival.
Indeed, if the understood threat to white genetic survival was the Black
male'sgenital apparatus,consciously or unconsciously, the white psyche
Guns as Symbols
would be compelled to produce a weapon of defense, of comparable or
greater power than that of the Black male's penis and testicles.
It should be made clear here that Black males' genital apparatus is the
most feared relative to the genital apparatus of other non-white males
because in possessing the greatest potential to produce melanin _ the
pigment responsible for all true skin coloration - Black males have the
greatest genetic potential to annihilate the global white minority.
The individual and collective white brain-computer, given that task of
solving the global problem of white genetic survival, eventually evolved
a solution in the form of a technology that would address the specific issue
of white genetic and genital weakness or inadequacy.
Technology always is developed to take over at the point of the human
organism's anatomical and physiological limitation. Thus, the white
brai~-computer printout was a weapon that would be the exact symbolic
rep~1c~ o~ the male genitalia- a weapon that would take over at the point
of lumtauon of the white male genital apparatus, an apparatus that had the
very specific limitation of being unable to annihilate Blacks and other
people of color genetically. Diagrams I-IV illustrate what I am stating.
Diagram I
The Male Genitalia (dia.granlmatic sketch)
Penis and Testicles
Front View
The Male Geni~~matic sketch)
Penis and Tesdcle
Lateral View
Diagram lll
The Male Genitalia (diagrammatic sketch)
Penis and Testicle
Erect State
Diagram IV
The Gun (diagrammatic sketch)
The I sis Papers
From the above four drawings, it is clear that the gun, in its essential
shape and functioning, is the exact counterpart to the functioning genital
apparatus and to the erect penis that is ejaculating. In other words, ~e
handle and chamber are analogous to the testicles; the barrel of the gun ts
analogous to the penis; the bullets are the spenn contained in ~e ejac_u~te
with their genetic material. (In the white psyche, white geneuc annihila-
tion by Blacks or other non-whites is experienced as the destructi~n of
life by the Black genital apparatus.) The firing gun in function achte~es
for the whites the destruction of the lives of Blacks and other non-whtte
~pies. .
Thus, to the extent that the guns manufactured and made by the whtte
collective in the context of the white supremacy system/culture were used
against Blacks and other genetically dominant colored people on Earth,
they became the answer (at least, a temporarily comforting answer) to the
great fear of white genetic annihilation. The gun became not only the
weapon, the developed technology to ensure white genetic survival, ~ut
it also became the symbolic white penis. Thus, it is no accident that whtte
males often refer to one another as "son-of-a gun." This is a symbolically
determined pattern of speech, and I am certain that white males wh~ u~e
it have not understood in depth why such a phrase entered and remams m
their brain-computers. This phrase deprecates the white male genital
apparatus that "fathers" white people with their genetically deficient sta~
of albinism. It says instead that the white male prefers the gun to be. hts
phallus and the phallus of his father. The.gun then ~omes the d~stred
all-powerful phallus of the white male, whtch he concetves of as bemg an
equalizer to the phallus of Black and other non-white males.. .
This symbolism underlying the production of the gun m the whtte
psyche and the white supremacy system/culture also explains the Western
expression "God did not create all men equal but Colonel Colt did,"
referring to the creator of the Colt revolver. Apparently white males were
thinking, at ari unconscious level to be sure, th:u God did not create them
to be genetically equal to men of color, but their technology of compen-
sation was the gun.
Guns as Symbols
Understanding this gun symbolism also clarifies the observation of
Anthony Sampson in the opening paragraph of this essay - that the word
" .. ;weapon was up till the fourteenth century synonymous with penis ... "
in Western (white) civilization.
The gun is not the only weapon in the white supremacy system/culture
that in form and function is symbolic of the functioning male genital
apparatus. The cannon - with its cannon wheels and long black nozzle
or tube and big black cannon balls shot out as projectiles- is one example.
Similarly, bullets and bombs are dark-colored and resemble individual
sperm in general shape and fonn. And it is of further importance that the
gun and these other weapons usually are painted black or are at least dark
in color.
In contrast to these dark-colored weapons are the more recently
developed missiles that are often painted white, but again shaped as
gigantic white penises. These white phallic symbols are now the super
weapons of the "superman" and the "superior" race.
It is of great interest that these modem, large, white missiles surround
the vast majority of non-white peoples on the planet and when used can
counter the threat of white genetic annihilation.
Knowledge and understanding of these symbols will make clear the
meaning of the Washington Monument and, in addition, its proximity to
the domed Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. When these two
architectural structures are viewed at a distance, they look like Diagram
The Washington Monume!lt and
The Jefferson Memorial
View from a distance
(diagrammatic sketch)
Guns as Symbols
Is it not apparent that this is the same side view of the penis and the
testicles that are the basis for the fonn and structure of the gun? This same
lateral view, in abstract fonn, of the penis and testicles was the symbol
for the World Fair held in New York, 1941-1942.
With all of the above in mind, let us again return to the gun. Upon
brief reflection it will be noted that traditionally in the white supremacy
culture guns were/are worn on one or both hips of the male, at the exact
level of the male genitals. It is no accident that in this culture the act of
ejaculating is often referred to as "shooting off."
When the man wearing a gun in a holster is viewed laterally, the gun
appears exactly as the side view of the penis and testicles. If guns are
worn on both hips and brought together centrally on the beltto the vertical
midline of the body, they present the full face view of the penis and both
testicles. (See Diagram VI.)
In the U.S., the most popular hero has been the gunfighter, now the
present-day detective or lawman. The first chapter of Paul Trachtman's
book The Gunfighters is entitled "The Deadly Brotherhood of the Gun."
The "gunfighters" came into prominence following the close of the Civil
War. Most of the gunfighters were Southerners who felt humiliated by
the loss of their slaves and the war and by the temporary appearance of
power held by Blacks who were their former Black slaves.
Diagram VI
Symbol for the World Fair
New York, 1941-1942
The Isis Papers
The resulting deep sense of white male insecurity and inadequacy was
compensated for by the obsessive use of the gun. This was the era of Frank
and Jesse James, Billy the Kid and a host of others for whom the gun made
up for a sense of profound and deep inadequacy hidden by~ tho~ough and
ruthless exterior. That the lives of others were treated w1th httle value
merely reflected the failed sense of adequacy and diminished sense of
importance in their own lives.
During this same period, the gory sport of "cockfighting" was highly
popular and important as a diversion among ranchers~ the. West;, Thu~:
It is not surprising that the white male also referred to his pe~1s as a cock,
or that when a gun (the symbol of the white male phallus) 1s prepared for
firing it is flrst "cocked." In this area of the wor~d in the w.hite supremacy
system a detective who always carries a gun 1s a most lffiportant her~.
The de~ective with his gun has been referred to as a "dick." From ~1s
came the long-time comic strip hero detective, "Die~ Tracy." Th~ whlte
male also has referred to his penis as a "dick." And 1t cannot be 1gnored
that the flrst child all American children still meet in primary public school
is a white male child named "Dick" along with his sister "Jane." In effect,
at this early age, the white male child is being instructed to re~og~ize that
his identity is synonymous with penis (gun). These sym.bol.lc remfon:e-
rnents continue until his death. That is why there is a contmumg necessity
for gun violence via television for American (white) children.
All of the above has been stated not only to point out a basic
preoccupation of the white supremacy system/culture with ~e threat of
white genetic annihilation, but more importantly, to shed hght on why
there cannot and will not be gun control or weapon control in the global
white supremacy system/culture. . .
With the gun being the symbolic genitalia of the wh1te male (hlS ans":er
to the threat to white genetic survival), gun control would represent wh1te
male (genital) castration. Such gun control would spell the immedi~te
end of white genetic survival on Earth. John Ellis, in his book TheSocwl
History of the Machine Gun. states,
In Africa small parties of Europeans, soldiers and armed settlers ~ften
had to face the resistance of large numbers of poorly armed nanves.
Guns as Symbols
The odds were so in favor of the natives that the white men were
obliged to adopt all weapons that would help to maximize their
firepower .... In all parts of the continent, against Zulus, Dervishes,
Hereros, Matabele and many other peoples, Gatlings, Gardners and
Maxims scythed down anyone who dared to stand in the way of the
imperialist advance .... Without the handful of machine guns, the
British South Africa Company might have lost Rhodesia; Lugard
might have been driven out of Uganda and the Germans out of
Tanganyika. Without Hiram Maxim much of subsequent world
history might have been very different.
Ellis remarks further:
In Africa automatic weapons were used to support the seizure of
millions of square miles of land and to discipline those Wlfortunates
who wished to eschew the benefits of European civilization. With
machine guns in their armory, mere handfuls of white men, plunderers
and visionaries, civilians and soldiers were able to scoff at the
objections of the Africans themselves and impose their rule on a whole
Thus, in this area of the white supremacy system where in 197 5 there
were 25,000 deaths callSed by guns, there cannot be gun control. Guns
and missiles are viewed as essential aspects of white male anatomy and
physiology. Is it an accident that in the U.S. white male children learn to
use guns before they learn to use their penises, while Black male children
learn to llSe their penises before they learn to use guns?
I will close with further observations. Following a lecture that I
presented in Los Angeles, California in May, 1977 in which I included a
discussion on the symbolism of the gun in the white male psyche, a white
male in the audience pointed out the parallel symbolism in the large black
unbrella often carried by white males in the white supremacy culture. I
agreed that his observation seemed to be a valid one. The long black
umbrella, carried everywhere, became a part of the standard dress of the
well-to-do Englishman at a time when it was said that "the sun never sets
on the British Empire." Of course this great empire consisted of control
over vast numbers of non-white men and their genitals that had the power
to annihilate whites. The white man's traditional long black umbrella
The Isis Papers
said, in effect, "I also have a large black phallus or at least a phallic symbol
that denotes my importance and power- and a power over the Black male
genital apparatus. "
The same symbolism explains a recent murder in Washington, D.C.
A white male shot a white female companion in the mouth, as she was in
bed with two other white females engaged in sexual activity that all four
bad been involved in earlier. As the white female victim was engaged in
being sexually "pleasured" by two white females, the white male who was
left out - feeling genitally rejected and inadequate compared to two
females - pulled out and used (consciously or unconsciously) his
preferred symbolic penis, the gun.
Guns as Symbols
Ellis, John, The Social History of the Machine Gun. New York:
Pantheon, 1975.
Keeler, Clyde. "Cuna Moon-Child Albinism, 1950-1970," Journal of
Heredity. No. 61, 1970.
Sampson, Anthony. The Arms Bazaar: From Lebanon to Lockheed.
New York: Viking, 1977.
Toussieng, Povl. "Men's Fear of Having Too Small a Penis,"
Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality. May, 1977.
Trachtman, Paul. The Gunjighlers. Virginia: Time-Life, 1975.
The Mother Fucker and the Original
Mother Fucker
(June 1976)
I have defined racism as the behavioral power system of logic, thought,
speech, action, emotional response and perception - whether consciously
or unconsciously determined - in persons who classify themselves as
"white." The goal of racism is white domination over the vast majority
of the world!s people whom the whites have classified as "non-whites"
(black, brown, red and yellow) in order to ensure white genetic survival.
My interest in the phenomenon of racism has resulted from my
awaren~ss of ~e negative impact this destructive system has on the lives
and behavior of th~ vast majority of people on this planet who are
non-white, and who are the viftims of this power system.
The specific nature of the destructiveness of racism was set forth by
the Caucus of Black Psychiatrists at the 1969 Annual Meeting of the
American Psychiatric Association (Miami Beach, Florida). The Black
Caucus stated that racism was not only the number one mental health
problem in this nation, but additionally WtlS the number one cause of all
other mental health problems.
Racism is carried· out in all areas of people activity: economics,
education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, ~ligion, sex and war (as
explaiped by Neely Fuller in his book The United Independent Compen-
satory Code/System/Concept). From the above, it follows that if the basic
underlying psychodynamic motivations in the individual and collective
white psyche are understood, that is, to sUrvive as a mutant, genetic
The Isis Papers
deficient minority (which includes the evolution of a power system to
ensure that survival), then all patterns of white behavior eventually can
be decoded and fully understood - whether they are patterns of logic,
thought, speech, action, emotional response and/or perception in any of
the nine areas of people activity. Similarly, because all non-white peoples
on the planet Earth are now subject to and affected by the global white
supremacy system, if the white psyche is decoded and understood fully,
it is possible to decode and understand the present behavioral manifesta-
tions of all of those who are victims of white supremacy domination and
oppression, the total non-white majority as a collective and as individuals.
The term "mother fucker" is a pattern of speech used with extremely
high frequency amongst Black people, specifically Black males in the
U.S. In my attempt to decode and understand this particular pattern of
high frequency behavior or language use, it was necessary to begin with
the knowledge that all Black peoples, like all other non-white peoples, are
relatively powerless victims of the white supremacy system, irrespective
of their income levels.
I then examined certain other specific patterns of language used by
Black males within the white supremacy culture. To begin with, Black
males in particular, but also Black females, refer to the white male as "The
Man." Once this term "The Man" is thought or uttered, the brain computes
that inasmuch as there are only five major categories of people ("man,"
"woman," "boy," "girl" and "baby"), if the white male is "The Man,"
meaning logically "The only Man," then any other male must be one of
the four remaining people categories- "boy," "girl," "woman" or "baby."
Historically, Black males have fought being referred to as "boy" by
white males and females. Only recently has the use of this degrading
appellation ceased to some extent, although there is a current television
series called "Chico and The Man." The title implies "the boy" and "The
Man." "The Man," of course, is white and "Chico" is a non-white male.
Because the use of the word "boy" in reference to Black males ceased,
it only meant that Black males could then refer to themselves as any one
of the remaining three categories of people: "baby," "woman" or "girl."
It certainly did not imply that Black males would be referred to as equals
The Mother Fucker and The Original Mother Fucker
of white males. This never could occur under the system of white
supremacy domination.
When the use of the word "boy" was no longer the term of common
reference for Black males by whites, Black males began referring to
themselves as "baby." For until most recently, with the changes in dress
and clothing styles, most Black males deeply resented any reference to
t~emselves as "girl" or "woman." But the recent style changes towards
htgh-heeled shoes, curled hair, hair curlers, braids, earrings, bracelets,
necklaces, pocketbooks, midriff tops, cinch waisted pants etc., that many
Blac~ males have adopted now suggest that there is a developing tenden-
cy.' wtdespr~d ~ongst Black males, to not mind (consciously or uncon-
SCiously) bemg mtstaken for a "girl" or a "woman."
However, at present, the term "baby" is a fully accepted appellation
for Black males in reference to one another. It is thus not uncommon to
h~ ?ne Black male say to another, "Hey 'baby,' what's happening?" In
addttion to Black males frequently referring to one another as "baby,"
many Black females often refer to their Black male peers and companions
as "baby." While Black adult females refer to Black adult males as
"baby," .Black adult males often refer to Black adult female peers and
compantons as "momma," often expecting those "mommas" to provide
food, clothes and shelter for them. It is not uncommon to hear "Hey
momma, can I ride with you?" Further, Black adult males also refer to
the place where they sleep as a "crib." The brain thus computes: an adult
male who. refers to another adult male as "The Man" (meaning, the only
man), to htmself as "baby," to the woman that he sleeps with as "momma,"
and to the place where he sleeps as a "crib," will call himself or any Black
male reflection of himself a "mother fucker."
. Thus it is clear that the origin of this specific pattern of speech begins
Wtth the perhaps unconscious recognition that within the framework of
the w.hite supremacy power system and its reflecting culture, power rests
only m the hands of whites, more specifically, in the hands of the white
male. And relative to the white male, the Black male is a powerless
"baby." All babies everywhere are powerless compared to adult males or
men. "Mother fucker" is therefore a profound political statement, as it
The Isis Papers
addresses itself to an existing and specific set of power relationships -
namely, the white male's continuing dominance over the Black male.
It is the confrontation with the stated fact of his social and functional
powerlessness in the total context of the white supremacy system that
causes one Black male to explosively challenge and fight another Black
male when called "mother fucker" with the proper negative vocal intona-
tion. This is true because Black males are totally uncomfortable with the
reality of their relative powerlessness compared to white males, even
though this awareness of powerlessness is more often unconsciously
repressed than consciously dealt with in the Black male psyche. It is my
estimate that 70% of the Black male on Black male homicides follow the
use of the term "mother fucker" said in the specific tone that implies, at
the unconscious gut level, "You are a powerless baby."
The reality and awareness of Black male powerlessness in the context
of the white supremacy system causes such gut and psychic pain for the
Black male that the brain-computer switches over to the very deep levels
of the unconscious mind, to the realm and region of symbolic word
formation and thinking. Here the brain pieces together, in coded symbolic
language, the phraseology that hides from the conscious mind the con-
tinuing existence and activity of a totally unacceptable reality. Indeed,
there is no single term that is more emotionally charged nor a phrase that
is used more often by Black males in the U.S. than "mother fucker." This
suggests that the most obvious of all realities for Black males is their
powerlessness relative to the power of the white male in the system and
culture of racism.
But, it is not sufficient to have decoded this particular word pattern in
the white supremacy culture. The question indeed arises, why is this
particular word formation and combination used to denote Black power-
lessness? This more fundamental question can be answered. Again,
however, it is necessary to begin with the psyche of those who organized
the white supremacy power system as well as the fundamental reasons
and motivations behind its origin.
The total world white collective has been involved in the establishment
and maintenance of the white supremacy power system. It is, however,
The Mother Pucker and The Original Mother Pucker
the w~ite male who has been involved most specifically in the system's
establishment and maintenance. The system • s major characteristics thus
reflect more of the projections of his psyche than those of his female
I ~tated in the tJ_eginning o~ this book that whites are undoubtedly a
ge~~tic mutant albmo population. They are albino mutants from the
ongmal Black (hue-man) beings, causing the formation of a mankind and
a huemankind. This statement is given strong support by the worlc of the
anthroP_Ologist Louis Leakey who stated in his book By The Evidence
(Memotrs, 1932-1951) that human life began in Africa and that the first
human beings were Black.
~rom the modem ~cience of genetics, we know that it is possible for
all pigmented population groups to produce white (albino) mutants. We
also know that it is impossible for albino mutants to produce Black
As reported in National Geographic and Natural History magazines
(se~ re~erences), recently found in Africa was the first known albino
gonlla mfant who was the offspring of its coal black gorilla mother and
fa~er. ~is ~vi~ence strongly supports the extrapolation that if a higher
pnmate (m thiS mstance, a coal black gorilla pair) can produce a platinum
blond, blue-eyed, pink-skinned (albino) then certainly this could also be
the pattern by which blond, blue-eyed, pink-skinned (white) men and
women also were produced- as genetic mutants or albino mutants from
the B~ck ~orm. That the norm for the entire human family is to possess
melanm-ptgmented skins supports that extrapolation.
The albino mutants that easily could have evolved in Africa either
c~uld have been chased northward by their pigmented parents and
kms_men, or they could have migrated northward on their own, away from
the mtensely sunny environment of Africa where their non-pigmented
defe~tive ~ins would not be damaged by the less intense sun rays:
Movm~ dlfectly northward from Africa, one lands in Europe, the now
recogmzed home of the whites.
The main point of this perhaps seemingly discursive discussion is that
white-skinned (albino) persons were most probably the genetic mutant
The Isis Papers
offspring from Black parents. In other words, Black males and Black
females were the parents, the original mothers and fathers, of the albino
or white population. The marriage of albinos with one another sub-
sequently produced what is now known as the white race. If this de~crip
tion of the origin of whites is accurate, as this writer strongly beheves,
then deep within the unconscious psyche of the white collective is an
awareness of their origin amongst Blacks, that Blacks were their parents
and that they (whites) were the defective offsprings of Blacks.
The white male, the prime organizer of the white supremacy sys-
tem/culture, is thus aware (although perhaps at deep unconscious levels)
that his original mother was a Black woman (just as his original father
was a Black man). Therefore, in spite of the overt psychological need to
repress this fundamental knowledge of origin, the conscious recognition
of which would necessitate a confrontation with the genetic mutant and
genetic defective status of skin whiteness, white males have exposed their
unconscious awareness by referring to Black women in this world area as
"mammy," and "aunt" or"auntie" and referring to Black males as "pappy"
and "uncle." These terms cannot reflect true simple endearment as they
occur in the presence of degradation, enslavement, oppression and Black
Further, white males strongly supported Black females suckling white
babies and also endorsed Black men and women caring for white children
(the extension of the white male himselt). This close contact of the white
child particularly with the Black female was supported by the white male
in spite of the degraded slave and oppressed status the white collective
imposed upon the Black collective. Thus, as the white baby suckled the
breast of the Black woman, the white adult male, as he watched the Black
slave "mammy" suckle his white baby, could unconsciously fantasize
himself as being at the breast of his original Black mother.
Even more significant is the fact that the white male could not abstain
from making sexual aggressions toward the Black female. Indeed, some
of the most important founding fathers of the so-called United States of
America were involved actively and continuously in relationships with
Black women (i.e., George Washington and Thomas Jefferson). This
The Mother Pucker and The Original Mother Pucker
pattern of sexual aggression of the white male towards the Black female
continues unabated to this day. Ultimately, it is little wonder that black
stockings, black underwear and black sleepwear are items of sexual
stimulation for the white male collective.
It should be noted that the term sexual aggression is used to imply a
sexual relationship between political unequals. The white male has
power, and the Black female, like the Black male, is powerless. Sexual
favors are thus directly and/or indirectly forced from the powerless
partner. Each time the white male imposed (imposes) himself sexually
upon the Black female, at the deep levels of symbolic thought he can be
viewed as having intercourse with the reflection of his original Black
mother. Thus, within the deep and fundamental psychodynamics of the
white supremacy system/culture, the white male becomes "the original
mother fucker."
Thus, through the subtle and intricate dynamics and the unconscious
underweavings of the white supremacy system/culture, the white male has
projected his image of himself as "mother fucker" on to the total Black
collective throughout the world. Indeed, each time one Black male even
utters the term "mother fucker" to another Black male, there is probably
some white male on the planet who is having sexual intercourse with a
Black or other non-white female - the symbolic representation of the
white male's original Black mother. Even the white male's pornographic
magazines are filled with pictures of white males having intercourse with
Black females.
This need to return to and to have intercourse with the Black mother
is undoubtedly the true basis for the Greek myth, Oedipus Rex. It also
explains why this symbolic story (myth) continues to have major sig-
nificance in the white supremacy system/culture. The myth of Oedipus
t~lls of Oedipus sleeping with his mother (the Black female) and slaying
hts father (the Black male). The myth of Oedipus parallels, in importance,
the biblical myth of Adam and Eve, which in coded language depicts the
origin of the frrst whites (albinos) from Black parents.
At yet another level, the white male's desire to return to the Black
female in a sexual encounter also can be viewed as a symbolic attempt to
The Isis Papers
re-enter her womb, in hopes of coming out again (being born again)
non-defective. In other words, the white male harbors-1lil unconscious
desire to be born again but without the genetic defect of melanin pigment
deficiency or albinism. It must be noted here that "being born again" is a
major concept in the most important religion in the white supremacy
system/culture - Christianity. An extension of the concept of "being born
again" without genetic defect is to be born without "sin" and to rid one's
self of "the original sin". The original sin in white supremacy's Chris-
tianity, on close examination, is the act of sex that produced the ap-
pearance of nakedness or the genetic mutation of albinism or white skin.
That the concept of sin, shame and guilt are related to the naked white
body as perhaps an unconscious association was made manifest when a
significant number of white males began to run about naked (body
whiteness fully exposed) at the height of the Watergate scandal, when the
evil doings of the highest ranked men in the global white supremacy
system became exposed to the world. This behavioral phenomenon of
white men running naked in public and the hiding in shame were called
"streaking." It has been laughed at and discussed but never fully explained
before now. It should be noted also in this context that the "good book"
in the white supremacy system/culture (the Bible) is most often itself
covered in black, almost never in white!
But let's return from these asides to the main point of discussion: the
white male as the original "mother fucker" and his Sexual return to the
Black female as an expression of his unconscious desire to be reborn with
Black skin.
Within the context of the American segment of the white supremacy
system/culture, one of the most popular white male entertainers was AI
Jolson. Jolson became famous singing as a white male in black face,
pretending that he was Black or having a fantasy that he was Black while
the white audiences that enjoyed him, one can suspect, similarly were
engrossed in the same fantasy.
One of the most popular songs sung by Jolson was "Mammy." He was
pretending to be the Black offspring of a Black woman, while singing
about how much he loved his dear old mammy. Today, that song
The Mother Fucker and The Original Mother Fucker
continues to stir the hearts (the unconscious) of many white males and, 1
suppose, also some white females. Had I olson and any of the other white
males in black face been simply thinking of a "Black mammy" who had
nursed and cared for them, there would be little need to color their own
faces black, leaving bare their white lips to reveal that the color defect
was yet present.
The unconscious need for the white male to return to the Black woman
in the fantasy of being born again without genetic defect, more often than
not, is perfonned in the context of degrading the non-white female. This
~we~~l need to degrade the Black female who symbolically represents
hts ongmal Black mother is primarily a result of the genetic dominance
of the Black (and other non-white females) over the white male; she is
able to cause his genetic annihilation because all of her offspring by the
white male are non-white, like herself.
Thus, the white male, with each and every encounter with the non-
white female, is confronted forcefully with the deficiency of his genetic
status and is reminded of his true status as a recessive genetic mutant He
feels degraded in the encounter with the Black female because of her
genetic dominance and so must, in turn, seek to degrade her. Ultimately,
the white male views the Black female as a threat to his survival on the
. A secondary factor causing the white male to feel the need to degrade
the Black female in sexual encounters is the white male's (and female's)
anger towards the original Black mother. Whites blame the original Black
mother for giving birth to them with a genetic deficiency (albinism). That
anger is still being acted out by the white male against the Black female.
This anger is reflected in the reports of many Black females who have had
sexual encounters with white males and report that white males often want
not only to ejaculate in their faces and over their bodies, but they also want
to urinate and to defecate on them as a part of the sexual encounter. (It is
certainly clear that many white males relate to white females in this
manner, but it is known to all that white males look down upon and
degrade white females. This degradation of the white female by the white
The Isis Papers
male is the basis for the white female's current women's liberation
The very high, perhaps unconscious, level of psychic pain experienced
by the white male because of his genetic deficiency as an albino variant
and his neurotic desire to be born again from the original Black mother is
perhaps the reason why the phrase "mother fucker" is such an awesome
phrase for the white male to utter. It is a phrase that the white male is
almost unable to bring his vocal apparatus to form. This is in stark contrast
to the frequent uttering of the phrase "mother fucker" by Black males.
When translated, the term means functional powerlessness for the Black
male in the context of the white supremacy system/culture; however, it is
an externally imposed powerlessness. For the white male, on the other
hand, the same phrase has an even more disturbing, frightening and
devastating meaning in the same systemic and cultural context. For the
white male, the term translates into, not functional powerlessness that is
externally imposed, but his own "genetic powerlessness." Such a con-
sideration is totally unthinkable at the conscious level and even the
unconscious level for the white male psyche.
The basis for certain specific patterns of word usage in the white
supremacy system/culture is impossible to fully comprehend without an
understanding of the origin of that system/culture. White supremacy
(racism) began with the production of the firSt albino mutants from Black
mothers and fathers in Africa. Once isolated, these recessive genetic
mutants began to mate with one another and multiply, producing what is
now known as the white race. The white race historically has sought to
hide its genetic origins in Africa amongst Blacks, just as it has sought to
deny the origins of the white civilization from the culture of Blacks in
Africa, seeking instead to proclaim an origin amongst the Greeks. His-
torically, whites also have sought to degrade Africa and everything Black.
By doing so, whites can avoid confronting the true meaning of skin
whiteness as a mutation and genetic deficiency state from the Black norm
-the "hue-man" norm.
The Mother Fucker and The Original Mother Fucker
Fuller, N .. The United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Con
cept. Published by author, 1969.
Leakey, L.S.B .. By The Evidence (Memoirs, 1932-1951).
San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1974.
Riopelle, A.J .• Kuh, M .. "Growing Up With Snowflake," National
Geographic. October 1970. Vol. 138, No.4.
Riopelle, A.J.. Zahl,P.A .. '"Snowflake,' The World's First
White Gorilla," National Geographic, March 1967. Vol. 131, No.3.
Witkop, CJ. Jr .. "Albinism," Natural History. October 1975.
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 8.
Ball Games As Symbols:
The War of the Balls
(August 1976)
This chapter is dedicated to all of the Black men who, through sports
and through ball games in particular, symbolically are recapturing "the
balls" - for that is also a part of the struggle. They are forcing the
oppressors of Black people up against the psychological wall and, thereby,
heightening the contradiction.
Sometimes, during certain periods, there is conscious focusing on
certain segments of reality data, and later - due to the dynamics within
the total environment - the same body of data slips into the realm of
unconsciousness for individuals as well as for the total collective. For
example, in the framework of the white supremacy system/culture, in its
current phase of "refinement," it is no longer in vogue to lynch Black
men, hang them on trees and castrate them. It is no longer the style to
speak overtly in terms of "killing niggers." Thus, there are many who
believe that these activities - these thoughts and acts- have ceased to be
a part of reality within the culture. However, these modes of thought and
behavior were handled consciously and overtly in the recent past only
until"ball games" became fully established as the major national (indeed
global) pastime in the "Western civilization."
The Isis Papers
Genetic Annihilation and the White Psyche
The global white supremacy system/culture is the sum total of the
conscious as well as the unconscious tactics, strategies and methodologies
evolved in all areas of people activity. Additionally, these manuevers
seek to prevent white genetic annihilation and attempt to resolve the
psychological anxiety and tension related to that ever-present threat.
Thus, the tasks of white supremacy domination require constant vigilance.
The deep pervading fear of white genetic annihilation in the white
psyche has caused a neurotic (unconscious) preoccupation with genes,
genetic material, and those aspects of the human anatomy that either
contain or transport the genetic material in the sexual act (the act of
self-reproduction or self-annihilation as is a possibility in the case of the
whites). Since Black or other males of color are the only ones who
actually can initiate and carry forth the act of white genetic annihilation
through sexual intercourse, the white preoccupation was/is specifically
with male genetalia (as opposed to female), namely the testicles ("the
balls") and the penis. The testicles contain the genetic material, and the
penis transports the genetic material in the act of ejaculation. Thus, in the
white brain-computer there is a dominant association between "balls"
(testicles) and contests of power. Because this white genetic survival
conflict is not handled overtly and consciously, there is a neurotic preoc-
cupation in the white psyche with genes, genetic material, testicles and
penises. Yet at another level, the preoccupation was/is actually with
"warfare." Continuous warfare is requried to prevent the genetic annihila-
tion of the global white minority. Warfare in this sense refers to the
domination and destruction of all people of color, particularly Black males
and their "balls," by every necessary means, which have included the
initiation of "infertility epidemics" in Africa.
Although there are commonly held views that games are merely a form
of play and entertainment even when they are played professionally and
that for most people the permanent fascination of games lies simply in the
pure joy of playing them, the child psychiatrist realizes that for the young,
Ball Games As Symbols
g~es and play are the "work of children." It is one of the means by
W~Ich, through the handling of toys and objects in a symbolic way,
chdm:en master adult role expectations and attempt to resolve unconscious
conflicts brought about by the dynamics and interplay of factors in their
surrounding environment. Play and games then become the child's
unconscious attempt to master the environment, its conflicts and threats
to the child's sense of security.
~hose who have taken the trouble to study games throughout the world
realize that. not only. the play ~~ games of children but most specifically
~e games m adult life, as participated in by a given people, reflect their
history, folklore, traditions and conflicts. Frederick V. Grunfeld, in his
book Games of the World, has stated,
Though the modes of gamesplay tend to remain constant their
symbolisn_t .is often influenced by contemporary events, parti~ularly
by the poliucs of the day. During the Napoleonic Wars, for example,
chess sets were made showing Napoleon as General, Napoleon as First
Couns~l, N apol~~ as Emperor -always, of course, with the Corsican
assummg the poslUon of the white King.
The sugges~o~ here is that all ball games in the white supremacy
system/culture similarly play out, at an unconscious level dominant
po~tical (i.e., power) concerns. The fundamental power co~cem in the
whxte supremac~ sy~tem/culture is white genetic survival through white
s~premacy ~omtnallon. Such domination can be established and main-
tamed only If white males and females (the total white collective) control
all of the "balls" (testicles) of non-white men, off and on the playing fields
and ball. co~. In other words, the name of the real game - the power
game- IS continuous world-wide control of the testicles of all non-white
men ~y whi~e ~ales and females as the only means of ensuring white
genetic survxvalm a world where the melanin-producing genetic material
of no~-whi«:s is ~ominant. Without control of the non-white genetic
matenal, whites will be annihilated genetically.
Since these facts of genetic reality can be neither denied nor discussed
at ~e conscious level of brain activity, this dominant theme is manifested
daily at the symbolic level via games with symbolic balls: footballs,
The Isis Papers
baseballs, soccer balls, hand balls, golf balls, ping pong balls, earth balls,
hockey pucks, etc. These symbolic ball games have a highly impo~t
role to play at the unconscious level, infonning all white males especially
_but also females - to keep their attention and their eyes constantly fixed
on the balls as a matter of life and death.
The high level anxiety and fear assoCiated with the continuous threat
to white genetic survival must be played out symbolically through.the
numerous fonns of "ball games." Ali of these games are played mamly
by men are centered on who has the ball and are concerned with who
fmally ~ontrols the ball when the game (of power) ends. ~e anxiety ~d
tension that accompanies ball games is parallel to the anxiety and tension
experienced at the thought, in the white psyche, of white g~netic annihila-
tion. Similarly, the increasing violence that accompanies ball gam.es
parallels the increasing level of violence needed~ ~ain~n global w~te
supremacy, as the entire non-white world seeks itS liberauon from white
Some of these highly symbolic "ball games" are played with white balls
and others are played with colored balls, usually black or brown. General-
ly, the white balls are small· in size, whereas the color~ balls ar~ much
larger in size, paralleling the respective genetic power m the white and
colored testicles. Currently, the most popular games, those that attract
most male attention, are played with big brown balls (football~ ~d
basketballs). This rise in popularity of colored balls parallels the nse m
power, at the global level, of the Third World or non~ white n~tions. .
Also as white females demand their liberation from whlte males m
order to, become co-equals in running the global system of white
supremacy, they simultaneously seek expression of this equality by par-
ticipating in all of the "ball games," including football and basketball. At
the same time, white females step up their sexual aggression toward Bla~k
and other non-white males, greatly increasing the incidence of whlte
female/Black male marriages. In these arrangements, the white female
obtains control of the Black and other non-white male "balls." (Non-
white males and females are powerless under the global system of white
supremacy domination.)
Ball Games As Symbols
A~ th~ threat to white domination and, thus, the threat to white genetic
sum val mcrease at the global level, a mass hysteria develops overplaying
with "~alls" until the entire society and social system is either watching
~r pla~ng ball g~es. It is of little wonder that violence is becoming an
mcreasmgly dommant aspect of ball games when it is understood that
behind the symbolism of the ball games is the very survival of the white
race. When war is in progress, the top priority is always the status of the
war. White supremacy (racism) is war against all persons classified as
non-white. In the meantime, the balls are passed, hit, bounced, dribbled,
batted, punted, kicked, thrown, shot, rolled, struck, driven, caught and
captured to see who is the final possessor of the balls, or to see who is the
most agile, astute or strongest in mastering and controlling the balls.
An~ther point that effectively reveals the relationship of ball games to
the white psyche and emphasizes the extent to which balls are a symbolic
preoccupation is the reference in the white supremacy system/culture to
the act of sexual intercourse as "balling." The "ball" fantasy in the white
psyche can best be stated as, "If the 'balls' can be controlled on the court
or the playing field or through ownership, they can also be owned and
controlled in real life." It is little wonder that in contrast to Black males
white males play ball games as though they are a matter of "life and death':
and not as though they are simply to be enjoyed. When whites lose control
of the balls, whiteness becomes extinct.
!tis no accident that the phrase "to blackball," in the language of the
white supremacy culture, means to "exclude" and to have the power to
exclude. Similar! y, the genetic material in the Black testicles (black balls)
has the power to genetically "exclude" or annihilate the recessive genetic
material in the white testicles. Hence, "one drop of Black blood (Black
genetic material) makes you Black," a highly familiar expression in the
white supremacy culture.
Specific Ball Games
Close examination of specific phenomena in ball games that are
~pular in the white supremacy culture will support the preceding discus-
Sion. In the game of billiards or pool, there are eight colored balls, a white
The Isis Papers
ball and a long dark stick placed on a table. The object of the game is to
use the long stick in causing the white ball to knock all of the colored balls
under the table. The last colored ball knocked under the table is the black
ball. When the game is over, the white ball is the only ball that remains
on top of the table with the long dark stick. Then the game starts again.
Bowling is also an interesting ball game in the white supremacy
culture. Usually, this game is played with a Jarge black ball being rolled
forcefully down an alley where it is expected to knock down 10 white
pins; the central pin is referred to as the "kingpin." Clearly, the bowling
pins are white and, in shape, are phallic symbols. In other words, the pins
are white phallic symbols that are knocked asunder by a heavy black ball,
over which the bowler attempts to gain mastery. In symbolic fantasy, the
bowler sees himself as master and possessor of the larger black ball and
thereby in control of the harm it can bring to the white male genital
apparatus (the white pins). ,,
Bowling was introduced to America by Dutch colonists in the 18th
century. It is a derivative of the French game guilles that was brought to
England in the 19th century and later to Germany. Games that consist of
throwing balls of various sizes date back to ancient Rome and Greece,
early cultures that had extensive contact with Black men in Africa. A
modem French derivative of that ancient game is jen de boules. F.V.
Grunfeld states, "The French (whites) play boules with what has been
described as a mild fanaticism." It is well to recall that a considerable
period of French history was spent controlling Black and brown men in
Africa and Asia.
Earth ball is a modern American version of an ancient game. It is
played as a struggle between two teams or "tribes" who jostle, rush, push
and elbow one another to move the large dark (colored) ball in the desired
direction and to gain possession of it. The game attempts to develop a
sense of common purpose amongst the members of the tribe or team. This
game was started in California, with most, if not all, players being white.
(See Grunfield's Games of The World.)
The importance of games utilizing large brown balls in the white
supremacy culture is of special interest. The most important of these
Ball Games As Symbols
games are football and basketball. Is it only an accident that Black males,
now that they have been allowed to play, have become the most outstand-
ing players in these sports, nationally and internationally? Is it only an
accident that in the game offootball, the "field general" (the quarterback)
almost always must be white, no matter the color of the other players?
And, of course, the owners always must be white so that no matter who
wins or who is the star, the white owners control the big brown balls and
who gets to play with them.
It is of symbolic importance that the large brown basketball is thrown
into a circular opening (the basket- usually a white net) that can be viewed
as a symbol of the white female vaginal orifice. Similarly, the large brown
football is kicked through a white upright opening (the goal posts) that
can be viewed, again symbolically, as the uplifted legs of a white female
in the act of sexual intercourse.
Perhaps unconsciously the white male psyche considers here that the
white female's preferred sexual choice is "tall, dark and handsome." In
tossing or kicking the large brown balls into the white net or the white
goal posts, the white male is able to fantasize that he is satisfying the white
female maximally via an identification with the Black male and the brown
balls, which the white male - in play - believes he now possesses or
This writer is reminded here that a common "underground" thought
and saying of white men is that they a..re not really men until they have had
sexual intercourse with a Black female. This again is a demonstration of
white males fantasizing that they are in the customary role of the Black
males, whose genitals they apparently admire and envy. Thus, the Black
male is their true standard of real manhood and genetic power - the
ultimate controller of the Black "ball." As white males attempt to master
the placement of these large brown "playing" balls in "openings," their
activity can be viewed as attempts to resolve the dilemma of their
self-questioned manhood. Their manhood is always in question because
of their genetic recessive status compared to the genetic dominance of the
world's majority.
The Isis Papers
In this regard, it is not surprising that large nwnbers of white females
hang around Black basketball and football players and that these Black
males often are trapped into sexual involvement by these white females.
The Black male ball players, in turn, also are conditioned under white
supremacy domination to want to place brown balls in white nets (white
vaginal orifices) as a mark of supposed true Black manhood, since Black
males refer to white males as "The Man." In placing brown balls in white
nets and between white goal posts, the Black males in fantasy become
"The Man."
Hockey, a sport that Black men are not allowed to play in the white
supremacy culture, also consists of attempting to place a round black
object (the hockey puck) into a white net opening (symbolic of the white
vaginal orifice). The object that is used to place the black puck in the
opening is a long colored stick (symbolic of the black phallus). White
males, fight ferociously among themselves to get the black round object
in the white net opening (as a test of their strength or their manhood).
Apparently, for the white male psyche, it is anathema to have to compete
with a Black male (the possessor of real black balls and stick) in this
challenge: controlling a black ball and a black stick and getting the black
object into the symbolic white net opening on the white ice field.
Soccer, or European football, traditionally is played with a white ball,
smaller than the large brown football and basketball. This sport is less
popular in the United States, but it is very popular in Central and South
America. The white soccer ball is not to be touched with the hands; it is
knocked and kicked. The kicking of the white ball becomes a very violent
and vicious activity. Again, however, the greatest player, the master of
the large white ball, turned out to be the Black Brazilian, Pele, who
married a white female. The owners of the professional soccer teams also
remain white, of course.
Another popular ball game played with a smaller white ball is baseball.
Baseball was the great all-time American (a.k.a., white) sport until a Black
man, Hank Aaron, became the world's greatest hitter (controller) of that
white ball, hitting it with a brown or black bat. It is little wonder that as
he moved ever closer to taking the title of control away from the white
Ball Games As Symbols
Babe Ruth, Aaron began to receive letters from white people threatening
his life. This behavior remains incomprehensible (after all, it's only a
game!) unless one is aware that the white ball is symbolic of the white
testicles that a Black man had knocked out of the ball park. The Black
man, in this manner, controls the symbolic small white testicles. This is
not psychologically tolerable in the white supremacy culture - as it
represents white genetic annihilation for which whites traditionally have
killed to prevent.
This unconscious response to non-whites controlling white balls
clarifies the reason that a couple of years ago the American Little League
Team (white), which consistently was being beaten by non-white children
in Taiwan~ was prevented from competing further with these non-white
children. And now the American children are prohibited from playing
with the Taiwanese teams. White male children must not be confronted
(in the white supremacy culture) with non-white children controlling
white balls (testicles). Such a continuing experience is totally inconsistent
with the optimal development of the white supremacy psyche, as well as
with the white male's survival need to control all of the "balls" on the
planet Earth.
Next smaller in diameter in the "white ball" series is the tennis ball.
To date, there has been only one Black male world champion controller
of that small white ball- Arthur Ashe, although amongst Blacks, Althea
Gibson became a master of the white ball before Ashe. Is it only a
coincidence that when Ashe began to play tennis with champion force,
the game then allowed the introduction of colored tennis balls in major
tournaments? A Black male is just not supposed to bat a small white ball
into total submission. Ashe became the number one world tennis cham-
pion in 1975, but he did not sustain that position in 1976. Ashe has been
quoted as saying that he does not play just "to win," but for the enjoyment
of the sport. This attitude is in stark contrast to that of Jimmy Conners
(white), who has stated that he plays only to win and has described his
approach to the game as a killer instinct. I can imagine the psychological
pressure put on Arthur Ashe as long as he remained in the position of
champion controlling the small white tennis "balls." I am certain that he
The Isis Papers
could be liked better, in the context of the white supremacy culture, as
long as he held any position other than number one controller of the
prestigious small white tennis "ball."
The smallest ball in the popular "white ball" series is the golf ball. Like
tennis, golf has been the ball game of the most powerful males in the white
supremacy system/culture. However, like tennis, it is spreading slowly
throughout the white supremacy culture to include large numbers of white
and non-white females.
Interestingly, golf, the most "elite" of all of the ball games in the white
supremacy culture, is played with a long dark-colored stick or "iron" held
between the legs. This iron is smashed against the side of a very small
white ball. The object is to knock this small white ball into a hole in the
black earth (black mother earth- the Black female?). By attempting to
place his small white ball in the black earth, using a long dark stick, again
the white male is attempting to identify with the possession of the genital
equipment and privilege of the Black male, whose rightful partner is the
Black female. If this pattern of play in golf does not qualify as the very
essence of male genital symbolism and neurotic conflict in the white male
psyche, as formulated in this specific discussion, then nothing does.
Again, is it only a coincidence that the major event in golf competition
should be called the Master's Tournament? Is this not a fitting title for
the most elite of all ball games played by the masters of the "master race"?
One final question: Is it a reflection of white male self-hate and
self-rejection and rejection of the inadequacy of the white testicles
("balls") that the games played with small white balls involve the balls
being attacked, hit, struck and knocked far away from the body- in an act
of masochism; whereas by contrast, the games played with large brown
balls involve holding on to and possessing the balls? No large brown balls
are struck with objects in the white supremacy culture's popular ball
games. There is indeed significance in these facts. And even though the
large black bowling ball is rolled away from the body, its aim is to knock
down symbols of the white phallus.
Further, is there parallel significance in the fact that the most powerful
man in the global white supremacy system (Gerald Ford), on the day of
Ball Games As Symbols
his departure from office after losing the presidential election, left imme-
diately to play golf- to beat the small white balls masochistically across
the fairway in his hour of defeat and humiliation? It is of further note that
his predecessor, who was forced from office in absolute disgmce, also
spends much of his time on the golf course beating small white balls.
It seems of interest that the more powerful the white male becomes in
the context of the white supremacy culture, the smaller the ball that
becomes his focus of attention. Is this because the more the white male
achieves what he wanted to believe was real power, the greater the
realization that his perception was only an inadequate compensation for
a fundamental lack of true power- genetic power?
Is it not also curious that when white males are young and vigorous,
they attempt to master the large brown balls, but as they become older and
wiser, they psychologically resign themselves to their inability to master
the large brown balls? Their focus then shifts masochistically to hitting
the tiny white golf balls in disgust and resignation- in full final realization
of white genetic recessiveness. It would be of further interest to ascertain
the number of army generals in the white supremacy system who play golf
(demean white genetic material) while planning for race war or the
destruction of non-white genetic material. After the Chinese, a non-white
people under white supremacy domination for many decades, were able
to chase the whites out their country, the most popular ball game in China
became ping-pong. The object of this ball game is to smash a tiny white
ball back and forth across a table, perhaps in unconscious retaliation for
the humiliation imposed upon the Chinese people by the whites. The
Chinese fmally mastered (beat) the white "balls."
Similarly, golf and baseball, two "white ball" games, have become the
most popular ball games in Japan, a country of non-white people con-
quered, attacked and humiliated in atomic war by white people. Perhaps
at the conscious level, the Japanese (non-white) people believe they are
imitating their conquerors, whom they admire. At the unconscious level,
however, they are, in turn, humiliating the inadequacy of the white
testicles or "balls." The dynamics that motivate the conquered and the
conquerors are never the same.
The Isis Papers
Is there also a connection between the defeat of highly armed
Americans (whites) in the Viemam War, wherein white males were beaten
by a tiny nation of non-white people, and the fantastic increase in the
popularity of tennis throughout the U.S.? The entire U.S. nation, since
the close of the Viemam War, has begun to beat the small white tennis
balls, the symbolic white testicles, following a humiliating defeat (loss of
power) for the American (white) nation. Or did tennis just become
popular after Watergate?
Furthermore, is it just a coincidence that there was a greatly increased
interest of white females in tennis at the same time that they began their
women's liberation movement, a movement that attacks white males and
their sense of superiority, a movement that has referred to white males as
"male chauvinist pigs"? Through the game of tennis, white females
symbolically can attack the white testicles - the part of the anatomy that
is supposed to make the white male superior to the white female. Is this
also why tennis is becoming increasingly popular among Blacks in
Also, is there a relationship among the number of white males seeking
sex change operations (to remove their hated male genitalia), the number
of white male physicians willing to perform this surgery, and the white
male's loss of the Vietnam War to non-white men, as well as the rise in
power of non-white men in general on the planet?
I wish an ever-increasing success to all Black males who participate
in ball games, and I look forward to the day when the majority of
quarterbacks are Black or at least in proportion to the number of Black
football players. Still, the most important message in this essay is that in
the last 100 years, the white collective simply has moved from the overt
sport and entertainment of lynching and castrating Black men (removing
their testicles). thereby controlling their "balls," to a more highly refined
series of symbolic representations of the same act: ball games. And,
whether through lynching and castration or modem ball games, the object
and neurotic preoccupation is the same: the white male seeks to prevent
non-white males from ever controlling white "balls," and therefore they
must control the anatomical balls and the contents of the colored anatomi-
Ball Games As Symbols
cal ~s - the genes of non-white men - .
Slll'VJ.val Ball that threaten white genetic
fear of ~lack !7c~ess mtheree~Y reflect the white collective's admiration and
' u contempt for white te . 1
ingness to fight - no matter how violent} s~c e~, and their will-
balls on all fields and CO" .. " hi h ~ - to ffialntain control of the
'""'• w c symbolize every pi E
neurotic preoccupation of whites is of ~eon arth. This
survival of their race. ' course, essential for the genetic
The rules may change, but the real arne is al
significance of "balls" · th g ways the same. This deep
m e context of the hi
ture cannot be discussed overtl . th ~ te supremacy system/cui-
political and psychological wh~t Wl out CallSlng the collapse of the entire
1 e supremacy edifi E .
of symbolism are far ahead of ev . ce. vents 1n the world
because the former rep ents lD the world of conscious reality
resents a more com Iete .
of reality data in the b . P recordmg of the totality
mm-computer. Thus thro h
bolism, perhaps we can gain . . h . • ug the world of sym-
mastered By decod' d ms•g t mto the world of reality that must be
• mg an translati
aspects of realit tha ng symbols, we can confront those
B , Y t generally we would prefer to ignore Norm
0 rown s statement in Love's B dy . · an ·
history turns is symboltS' m Tho _sumf s lt up: "The axis on which world
- eax1so worldhisto · aki
the unconscious." . ry ts m ng conscious
BaD games = war of the balls = war of th .
= race war. e testicles = war of the genes
The Symbolism of Smoking Objects
(March 1977)
As a psychiatrist and behavior analyst, I take the position that all major
patterns of people behavior, within an evolved system ofbehavior, can be
decoded and understood once the ultimate goal objective of the evolved
system of behavior is decoded and understood. The failure to decode and
comprehend the ultimate goal objective only permits behavioral units to
be dealt with and described as isolated abstractions without in-depth
meaning and eertainly without function within the system/culture as a
whole. Furthermore, this failure makes it impossible to perceive the
logical coherence and interconnectedness between all of the major pat-
terns of behavior in the behavioral system.
To use an analogy in the physical sciences, the failure to decode and
comprehend the ultimate goal objective of an evolved behavioral system
is tantamount to present-day physicists attempting to analyze the physical
universe without Einstein's equation E = MC2, the Theory of Relativity.
Indeed, in the final analysis, an evolved behavioral system is also a
system of energy and specific energy pattern configurations, no less than
the "physical" universe is a system of energy and specific energy pattern
Once the concept of a "unified field theory" of behavior (or evolved
system of behavior) is understood adequately, all major behavioral pat-
terns that develop within the total behavioral system context are seen as
having both meaning and function within the total behavioral system.
Thus, these behavioral patterns partially express and eventually achieve
the ultimate goal objective.
The Isis Papers
Today smoking, or the oral use of smoking objects, is a major pattern
of people behavior in the dominant behavioral system on Earth. Six
hundred eighty-eight billion cigarettes were manufactured in the U.S.
alone in 1976. Fifty-three million American adults smoke some form of
tobacco. Eighty-nine thousand Americans die annually from lung cancer,
which is approximately 244 persons dying each day from this ravaging
disease. Yet, since 1964, when the surgeon general's report fust linked
cigarette smoking with disease, there has been a smoking controversy
among Americans - for and against smoking.
The above facts and health statistics alone, which do not include the
number of deaths caused by fire through the mishandling of smoking
objects, should make everyone alert to and curious about the behavioral
pattern of smoking and the causes of this behavioral pattern. This essay
seeks to pinpoint the perhaps unconscious, but major, underlying deter-
minants of this behavioral pattern that heretofore have not been under-
stood or probed adequately. By elevating the level of insight into the
behavioral pattern and its causes, conscious control over the behavioral
pattern may be enhanced, and the incidence of smoking may decrease.
As I have stated previously, the existing global behavioral system/cul-
ture of racism (white supremacy) is the sum total of the conscious and
unconscious patterns of symbols, logic, thought, speech, action, dreams,
emotional response and perception. It includes the tactics, strategies and
methodologies evolved by the global white collective in all areas of people
activity (economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics,
religion, sex and war) to resolve the psychological anxiety and tensions
related to the threat to white genetic survival.
Beyond the resolution of this anxiety and tension is the ultimate goal
objective of preventing the ever present threat to white genetic survival
from ever becoming a reality; this task requires constant and continuous
vigilance by all members of the white collective.
However, because of the minority status of the white collective on the
planet and because of its genetic recessive status relative to the skin-
melaninated global majority, there exists in the collective white psyche a
The Symbolism of Smoking Objects
profound sense of genetic and, therefore, genital weakness and inade-
Because it is males who are physically and physiologically responsible
for the initiation of the act of self-production and self-reproduction, it is
the white male in the white collective who most gread y senses (conscious-
ly or unconsciously) and experiences genetic and genital inadequacy.
This is attested to strongly by the white male's and, indeed, the total white
collective's continuously prevailing concern with ••who has the largest
penis, the Black male or the white male?" Indeed, large numbers of white
males today are preoccupied and concerned that their penises are too
small, such a concern being reflective of the sense of genital and genetic
inadequacy. Black males are not preoccupied similarly. (See Chapter 7 .)
That the darker male is viewed as more powerful and more substan-
tially virile and masculine in the white supremacy system/culture is again
attested to by the fact that the white female's idealized male is described
by the white collective as "tall, dark and handsome!" The word dark does
indeed refer to a high(er) level of melanin skin-pigmentation and hair-
The importance of the dark man as a symbol of genital and genetic
adequacy in the white supremacy system/culture was the basis for the
crowd-drawing power and significance of two of the most important
movie heroes of the last century in the U.S.- Rudolph Valentino and Elvis
Presley. The case of Presley removes all doubt from my thesis because
his style of singing and of moving his genital area was strictly copied, as
best he could, from Black male singers. In the case of Valentino, two of
his mostimportantroles were in the movies The Shiek and Son of the Shiek,
wherein he played non-white, North African men (Arabs). Subsequently,
a very popular condom was brand-named Shiek. Valentino also portrayed
the Moor. His great appeal to the white female (and male) was that he
was dark and made up to appear even darker. Supposedly, he was also a
master lover.
Yet another instance of the importance of black as a symbol of male
genital and genetic adequacy is the fact that the standard wedding attire
The Isis Papers
for the white male in Western (white) culture is black (and in the most
formal weddings, males wear black tails), while the bride wears white.
When dressed for most other important social occasions, the white
male similarily dresses in black ~tails' and black tie. Although the "tails"
hang in the back, they remain phallic symbols. Similarly ties (also usually
dark colored) are phallic symbols in a behavioral system/culture that
believes that "clothes make the man." The implication is that mother
nature (in the case of the albinos) .failed in some respect.
White males also believe that they look more virile and attractive when
suntanned (brown and bronzed). This belief is maintained despite the fact
that each year in the U.S. alone, there are 300,000 new cases of skin
cancer caused primarily by whites attempting to tan their pale skin into
greater attractiveness.
In this area of the world, white males also have had a long nefarious
history of lynching and castrating Black males and taking their genitals,
as well as other parts, home as prized and desired souvenirs to be
possessed- symbolically making them their own.
Just as the important ball games fall into two series (large black and
brown and small white), all major smoking objects in the white supremacy
culture fall into the same two series: large brown (cigars and pipes) and
small white (cigarettes).
Furthermore, the ball games played by the supposedly more virile men
entail the use of large brown balls, while the smoking objects chosen by
those men who wish to view themselves and be viewed as powerful, virile
and important are large brown smoking objects (cigars mainly, but also
The late British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, was estimated to
have smoked 300,000 eight or nine inch double coronas. John F. Ken-
nedy also is reported to have loved Havana cigars. And Fidel Castro, who
considers himself to be white, is never seen without a long cigar in his
Whereas I maintain that the brown and white "balls" used in the ball
games in the white supremacy culture are symbols of the black and white
testicles, respectively, I maintain further that the brown and white smok-
The Symbolism of Smoking Objects
ing objects are similarly symbols of the black and white phallus (penis).
Together, the balls in the ball games and the smoking objects constitute a
highly important symbol package of the complete male genitalia - the
penis and the testicles.
The white supremacy system/culture is preoccupied most fundamen-
tally not with profit, but with its genital and genetic status and survival on
the planet. It is only logical that since this great survival concern is not
discussed at the culture's conscious level, it manifests in other major
behavior activity within the system/culture, albeit largely at an uncon-
scious level. Thus, it is not surprising that these two important black and
white symbol series (balls and smoking objects) should be a central
preoccupation that cannot be curtailed in spite of the violence in ball
games and the cancer associated with smoking.
The white supremacy system/culture is dominated by white males.
However, white males still experience a deep sense of male genital and
genetic deficiency and inadequacy. This is due to the fact that white males
fear genetic annihilation by men of color. Thus, major activity on the part
of white males (via the system/culture they established) consists of the
unconscious drive and desire to boost or supplement the level of one's
maleness or masculinity and to internalize more male principle, element
or substance by any means possible. This sense of deficiency in male
principle also may be expressed in terms of sensed inadequacy and,
therefore, dependency and male-principle dependency need gratification.
In other words, in a culture and behavioral system where the most
dominant feature is a sense of male genital and genetic inadequacy (on
the part of albino males), the attempt to compensate for this sensed
deficiency most certainly will be manifested in some manner and patterns
of behavior.
The habitual pattern of placing the symbolic phallus (penis) in the oral
cavity is one example of symbolic compensation for sensed male genetic
and genital inadequacy. Smoking, as previously stated, is placing a
symbolic phallus in the oral cavity as a means of, again, internalizing more
masculinity (as the penis is that which most obviously makes the male a
The Isis Papers
Male homosexual acts of placing the penis in the rectum or in the oral
cavity also achieve symbolically the results of internalizing and ingesting,
through a gastrointestinal tract opening, male substance. In this instance,
what is internalized is the ejaculate, which parallels the inhalation of
smoke and the swallowing of saliva when mouthing a cigar or pipe.
It should be noted here that in the 1960s when Black people, behind
Black male leadership, began to challenge the white supremacy status quo
with cries of"Black Power," there was an increase in the number of cigars
imported to the U.S. Cigar imports more than doubled from 30 million
to 80 million per year between 1967 and 1974. Large numbers of people
also began to smoke small, long, dark brown cigarettes (e.g., Mores).
An interesting mythology surrounds the cigar: During their manufac-
ture, these smoking objects are hand-wrapped while held between the legs
of Cuban (non-white) women. This reference to the proximity of the cigar
(the brown smoking object and phallic symbol) to the non-white female's
genital anatomy supports my contention of the symbolic function the cigar
plays in the fantasy of the white male psyche. Here, one is also reminded
of the underground saying in the white male culture that one is not a man
until he has had sexual intercourse with a Black female, meaning, until he
has demonstrated that his white phallus is as adequate as that of the Black
Understanding the above symbolism will explain further an advertise-
ment for More cigarettes printed in the December 19, 1976 issue of The
New York Times Magazine which read as follows:
Why isn't More white? Because More is burnished brown. To make
its longer, leaner design look as good as it tastes. And when it comes
to the taste of More, you can enjoy its smooth mildness longer.
Because More bums slower. So More doesn't end with just good
looks. There's lots of good taste as well. It's like any really good
cigarette. Only it's More."
This ad carries an even greater significance because of the great
emphasis placed on oral sex by the white supremacy system/culture, in
contrast to the behaviors of non-white peoples. This ad also must be seen
The Symbolism of Smoking Objects
in the context of the epidemic of pornographic magazines that place heavy
emphasis on Black males as objects of oral sex for both white males and
females. The above ad also allows the following question to be raised:
Is the brand name More a substitute for "Moor"?
With the above interpretation of symbols in the context of the white
supremacy system/culture, it becomes increasingly apparent that there
cannot be a ban on cigarette smoking in spite of its cancer causing
potential. If indeed the basic dilemma in the white supremacy system and
culture is genital and genetic inadequacy and the objects and acts symbolic
of ingesting more phallus were banned, what behavioral substitutes would
be suggested that could solve the basic anxiety-provoking dilemma of
white genetic annihilation? Perhaps genital transplant surgery from Black
males to white males? Hopefully, not frank cannibalism!
In Chapter 8, I discussed the gun as a symbol in the white supremacy
system/culture. I demonstrated that the gun similarly cannot be banned
because it is the symbolic phallus substitute for the white male. The white
male's penis and testicles genetically cannot annihilate Black and other
non-white males, but his gun can. Therefore, to ban the gun for the white
male is to castrate him symbolically, to remove his defense mechanism
for the ever present threat of white genetic annihilation.
We are now in a position to understand the inadequately explained and
inadequately understood concepts of penis envy, castration anxiety and
the castration complex, all key concepts in the Freudian psychoanalytic
edifice. These concepts take on valid applicability in the context of the
white supremacy system/culture, in that they all relate to anxieties, fears
and tensions of the dominant members of the white supremacy culture -
the white males, who then project these tensions and fears in their various
and sundry forms onto others (white females and Black and other non-
white males and females).
In reality, it is the white male who basically envies the genital power
and genetic status of Black and other non-white males. And without his
guns or other weapons, the white male feels castrated in the presence of
Black males and females and all other non-white peoples.
The Isis Papers
Castmtion anxiety, which Freud inadequately assumed had meaning
only in the family context, now can be unders«_>>O as.~e b~ic fear in the
global white supremacy system of white gene~c annih.dauon. .
This fear has been evolving in magnitude smce albmos (whttes) were
frrst developed as genetic mutants from Blacks in Africa many tho~~ds
of years ago_ only a short period of time in the context of the 3.5 mtlhon
years that Black people have been on Earth.
The global white supremacy system is the evolv~ methodology of
compensation for white male castration fears and. ~ety o~ the fear of
white genetic annihilation based upon white geneuc msuffictency.
This essay illuminates the major fallacy in the Wes.tem pattern of
perception and thought – the failure to be able to reco~~e and decode
the whole. Western perceptions are unfortunately bnuted and. frag-
mented, tending towards ever higher levels of abstraction and ~o~uon of
what has been abstracted, but never fully and consciously percetvmg what
has been abstracted in relationship to the whole (e.g., guns are always seen
in their isolated abstraction, as are balls and smoking objects.)
This failure (if not refusal) to perceive the whole is a result of the
repressed conceptualization of the white self as the albino mutant (fra~
ment of whole) offspring from Black (whole) progenitors. Thus, there 1S
an inability to place the “white self’ in the total pers~ti ~e of the hue-ma_n
family and the totality of the universe, witho~t the adm~s10n of the geneuc
defective status of skin whiteness. The white collecttve, therefore, m~st
deny the meaning and reality of Africa as its own birth place and the pomt
of origin of its own civilization.
Black Fear and the Failure of Black
Analytical (Ideological) Commitment
(June 1979)
~t is known that an extremely high level of fear and a profound sense
of vulnerability of existence can lead the human bmin-computer into
ineffectual patterns of circular thought. In such cases, problems perceived
are avoided and never solved. This is in direct contrast to effective
patterns of direct linear thought that move continuously forward in
straight line progress, from problem perception and depth analysis to
proposed conclusive modes of problem solution. This holds for in-
dividuals as well as collectives. The sense of powerlessness evolves out
of fear and vulnerability and, with its imposed patterns of circular (as
opposed to linear) thought, sets the stage for mental (behavioral and
emotional) illness, which is always seen at levels of increased incidence
amongst oppressed populations.
Circular thought means moving from problem perception, away from
problem solution (down a diversionary path), and back again to problem
perception. This may then be followed by worrying and obsessive com-
plaining. There is never consistent motion towards problem solution
because to do so would challenge and alter the power dynamic of oppres-
sion. Thus, high-level fear is set in motion.
Circular thought describes the short-circuiting of logic networks in the
brain-computer, an organ which has evolved by nature as a problem -solv-
ing instrument.
The Isis Papers
Linear thought suggests movement from problem perception progres-
sively towards problem solution, changing step-by-step whatever needs
to be altered to achieve total problem solution- utilizing whatever means
necessary to achieve this end. This form of thought is consistent with the
function and structure of the brain as a problem-solving organ in the
human organism.
Black people throughout the world, live under the power of the white
supremacy system of total oppression and domination, implying the
absence of any true power to determine ultimately what happens to their
individual and collective lives. This is the major and only problem facing
Black and all other non-white peoples throughout the world. This is
precisely why they are called and classified as Black and non-white, to set
them specifically in oppositional contrast to, and in conflict with, the
genetic reality of white. But because this is a frightening and painful
reality upon which to focus Black and other non-white attention, we as
Blacks, particularly in the U.S., succumb to circular thought. Likewise,
there is not only a failure to approach problem solution, but there is a
stubborn refusal even to look directly at the problem. IDtimately, there
is a disturbance in problem perception. Therefore, Black people in the
U.S. reject the conscious recognition of the global white supremacy
system, its absolute necessity of non-white oppression and its very
specific implications of a continuing powerlessness and potential destruc-
tion – as opposed to a natural death – for Blacks and other designated
Jonestown, Guyana is an outstanding example of the destruction that
Blacks fear under the existing white supremacy system. In 1979, close to
1,000 Blacks from the U.S. were relocated to Jonestown and then mur-
dered under Nazi concentration camp conditions through a process con-
trolled by white people. This extermination center was set up with the
full knowledge of segments of the U.S. government. It is, thus, no accident
that the year 1979 gives further witness to the near total collapse and loss
amongst Blacks- individually as well as collectively – of the ability to
effectively perceive, analyze and propose solutions to the problem of
white supremacy and its implications for continuing Black powerlessness
Black Fear
and social disintegration. In brief, it is clear in 1979, 21 short years before
the year 2000, that there is no commitment by Blacks to analyze of the
problem of white supremacy comprehensively. Blacks are without a
perception or analysis of racism, or of a scientific counter-racism. Blacks,
therefore do not know what to do with themselves.
Thus, we are witnessing a collective Black floundering and an ideolo gi-
cal vacuwn and disorientation. All that remains is for Blacks to escalate
tragically their activity of powerless arguing and squabbling amongst
themselves and to compete with one another for white supremacy jobs
and grant crwnbs. Or, Blacks can pretend, as a diversionary thought
strategy, that the “real” struggle exists between imagined Black “classes”
or between Black males and females. Every energy and psychological
effort is expended, at both the individual and collective levels, to “black
out” and avoid focusing on the true problem of white/Black confrontation
-white supremacy. All Blacks realize, consciously and/or unconsciously,
that to engage in such a realistic focus can mean certain death at the hands
of white supremacists.
The total Black collective in the U.S. has yet to confront consciously
the “mind-blowing” logic and thought-distorting shock and fear that set
in following the assassinations of practically all courageous Black male
leaders: Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., Whitney Young, Medgar
Evers and Fred Hampton, and then the holocaust of Jonestown, Guyana,
which many conscious Blacks accept as a planned government action.
Since all of these deliberate deaths have occurred, there has been a
profound disinclination by surviving Blacks to confront the awesome and
murderous reality ofwhite supremacy directly. The struggle for justice
and true Black power now is perceived “through a glass darkly” and not
face-to-face because there is overwhelming fear. In spite of their super-
ficial differences, the various analyses of the Black problem by the
afforementioned men, if carried through to their ultimate implications, all
lead ultimately to an eventual neutralization of white power control.
Since the demise of these Black men, who all were aware of the
necessity to resist and destroy white supremacy, the remaining rhetoric
coming from our Black collective is consistent with submission to and/or
The Isis Papers
cooperation with the racist oppressive dynamic -albeit with an historical
and continuing chorus of complaints. This behavior of submission to and
cooperation with white supremacy is consistent with the illusion that there
can be a complete integration of non-whites into the white supremacy
system. In contrast to these modes of thought and action, the Black men
cited above are examples of resistance to and destruction of white
supremacy as an absolute form of injustice. These latter forms of behavior
require high levels of self- and group-respect and can be sustained only
when there is the willingness to give one’s life for the achievement of
justice, as each of these men demonstrated.
However, it has been demonstrated (by the aforementioned men) that
the almost certain consequence of a pattern of consciously-determined
resistance to and destruction of white supremacy is death at the hands of
white supremacy advocates – those who see and understand white
supremacy as necessary to white survival. Even young Black children are
able to perceive and articulate that “If you try to help Black people, you
will be killed.” When I asked a 10-year-old Black boy, “Don’t you want
to study hard in school so that you can help Black people?” he immediately
answered “No,” giving the above explanation. The chill of this reality
inherent in the maintenance of white supremacy does not escape Black
children, and it most certainly does not escape their elders, although the
latter are more sophisticated and know better than to admit the same
This fear of death at the hands of the white supremacy collective –
because it cannot be admitted aloud by the adult Black population -has
been repressed. The result of covering the fear has been the emergence
of the sick, protective logic that there is no longer a problem of white
supremacy, except in England perhaps and in Southern Africa; for Blacks
in the U.S., all of that has been solved. Additionally, there is the claim
that the only remaining stresses are Blacks rejecting other Blacks, be it
male versus female and female versus male, female versus female and
male versus male, or the fantasized Black middle class versus the fan-
tasized Black lower class. (Of course, the fact is that “class” does not refer
to income alone but to actual existing power. And since Blacks across
Black Fear
the board are oppressed and powerless under white supremacy, none of
us have power. Therefore, there are no classes among Blacks.)
.But~ return to the issue of Black defensive logic, these patterns of
logtc, whtch emphasize that the existing problems are mainly between
Blacks, are reflective of Black self-hate. This self-hatred is escalated and
reinforced by increasing Black suicide, Black-on-Black homicide, child
abuse and spouse abuse.
In addition to the aforementioned non-productive behaviors there are
also. increasing patterns of behavior that can be described as’ inducing
semt-trance states, such as rhythmic hand-clapping, singing, dancing,
ex~e~sive “n~k” music playing, listening to radio music and shouting in
rehg10us settmgs. These patterns of behavior are manifested continually
by Black people to pitch themselves into possible altered cortical brain
states. Likewise, such brain states seem to have the effect of dampening
. the sense of an overwhelming external pain or danger over which Blacks
conceive we have no control. These practices, of course, avoid problem
confrontation and thereby prevent problem solution.
Similarly, the increase in interracial marriages can be viewed as a
means of escape and a means for Blacks to avoid the awareness of their
continuing status as permanent outsiders – outside of the “white chalk
circle” of white supremacy’s numerical and genetic global necessity. It
s~oul~ be no~ed ~at in the white supremacy societal unit of Nazi Germany
the. highest InCidence of interracial marriage between Semites (non-
whttes) and Germans (whites) occurred just prior to the ultimate destruc-
tion of the Semites in the Holocaust. The Semites of the Jewish religion
were looked upon as non-whites because their ancestors were Black and
resided in Africa prior to entering Europe. (See Chapter 18.)
Similarly, some Blacks have sought to escape the confrontation with
white supremacy through Marxist doctrine, by attempting to conceive of
themselves as members of the “working class.” They fail to see that Marx
who was a Semite (a non-white), was a victim of anti-Semitism. One third
of the world po~ulation of Semites of the Jewish religion were destroyed
by German white supremacy – meaning that millions of Marx • s own
descendants were destroyed in this process. Still, not one word of Marx’s
The Isis Papers
doctrine addresses itself to this potential fate of his own group. He did
not understand that he was being classified as non-white, nor did he
understand white/non-white color confrontation. Thus, he was :!11
prepared to address it and its destructive implications. He too became
confused in recognizing himself as a non-white, in the struggle that $oes
on between the white classes: the upper, middle and lower classes. He
failed to realize that, irrespective of income, education and position, he
and all other fellow Semites constituted the powerless, non-white, non-
class victims in a white supremacy system. All non-whites, then as now,
fall outside all three of the aforementioned white class groupings because
the word “class” specifically refers to power – ultimately the power to
protect one’s life and the lives of one’s group members in the framework
of an existing power system.
This attempted escape into Marxist doctrine falsely comforts some
Blacks (as it did many Semites in Europe). In accepting this doctrine,
they are convinced that there are some whites (the workers) who wish to
unite with non-whites out of a supposed common interest. They further
believe that these whites do not function under the white supremacy
necessity (the global fear of white genetic annihilation by the genetically
dominant non-whites) that governs the survival psyche of all who accept
classification as “white” people. Though they have no proof that a sig-
nificant number of such whites exist, some Blacks persist in following the
Marxist doctrine in order to avoid the fear-inducing awareness that Blacks
and other non-whites are and always have been, weak and vulnerable in
the context of the global white supremacy system.
Like the 10-year-old Black male child I mentioned earlier, all Black
adults will have to learn how to admit openly and honestly their fear of
dying in the process of actively trying to destroy the injustice of global
white supremacy. Only then will Black brain-computers cease patterns
of circular logic, the logic of fear and escape, such that a firm Black
analysis of the white supremacy dynamic can develop. With this estab-
lished, a long-term commitment to white supremacy neutralization can
Black Fear
A prerequisite to overcoming fear is the growth of self- and group-
respect. This respect cannot develop as Blacks strive to the blame one
another for the symptoms of their common oppression. This respect
cannot flourish in the presence of a belief that Blacks cannot develop their
own analysis of and provide their own solutions to Black problems
without the leadership, approval ami/or funding of non-Blacks. In keep-
ing with this goal, I recommend to the Black collective that we need not
have any conferences other than to announce the existence of our fear of
white supremacy and to share with one another all possible solutions for
overcoming these fears.
Solving the problem of political and social oppression of a people is
fundamentally no different than solving a problem of illness in the human
body. What is essential in the latter instance is an accwate diagnosis of
the problem through observation, examination and various clinical tests
and studies. The diagnosis represents a summarized statement of the
specific pattern of physiologic derangement and a statement of the lllajor
and minor causal factors. A program of treatment and cure is based upon
producing the specific measures to counteract the causal factor(s) effi-
ciently and to alter any potential for the return of those factors permanent-
ly. Finally, the test of diagnostic accuracy is the effectiveness of the
treatment and cure.
The physician functions as a scientist to the extent that he or she bases
the plan of treatment and cure on concrete observation, examination and
analysis of the problem. This physician/scientist is more dependent upon
his or her current observations and analysis than upon some previously
written descriptions of “similar” disease states found in some valued
textbook written by learned and respected ancient authorities. The
physician/scientist is ever-cognizant of the possibility of new disease
states that never existed previously or of old disease states that never were
described accwately and thus for which there are no established plans for
treatment and cure.
Physicians who lack fundamental self-respect and self-confidence are
unable to make their own observations and analyses because they do not
trust their own sensory apparatus, nor do they trust the ability of their own
The Isis Papers
brain-computers to make accurate correlations of the incoming sensory
data. Therefore, they will be incompetent in observing and treating new
problems, and they will be unable to perform adequately in the manage-
ment of new variations seen in previously recognized disease processes.
External environmental dynamics, which affect the body in health and
disease, are changing constantly, causing new and differing pictures of
disease states. The major factor in diagnosis is the ability of the
physician/scientist to make his or her own observations and for the brain
to make critical analyses of the data of observation, which is experience.
This series of acts, observation, experience and analysis then becomes the
basis for all follow-up activity in treatment and problem solution.
In summary, the physician/scientist, beginning with his or her obser-
vations, works to uncover the courses of disease. Through knowledge of
the specific disease process, he or she works to affect treatment and cure.
Just as the physician/scientist has to face the problem of physical disease,
Black people and their scientists have to face and solve the problem of
Black oppression under white supremacy. In fact, Black people seeking
a scientific approach to the problem similarly must begin acting as
scientists, observing their situation, recording their own data and follow-
ing up with their own analysis of their observations, experience and data.
Their own analysis will then inform them of what it is that they, as Black
people, need to do to achieve their goal objectives.
To the extent that we fail to make our own fundamental observations
and to validate our own sensory experience, we can conclude that Blacks
lack the necessary levels of self-respect and self-confidence needed for
independent functioning. To the extent that we believe we cannot depend
100% upon our own sensory apparatus, we fail to have confidence in our
ability to make encompassing analyses; and to that same extent, we are
forced into dependency upon those whose brain-computers we believe to
be superior to our own.
If we do not have confidence in our ability to make independent Black
observations, Black analyses and Black plans for Black action, why
should we talk about or seek Black liberation? One never should seek
independence from those upon whom one feels permanently dependent,
Black Fear
for that would be an act of suicide. And, indeed, if that independence
were won, it soon would be returned to the fonner state of dependence.
Furthermore, if we believe that we are intellectually inferior to white
people, as our distrust of our capacity to observe and make correlations
would strongly imply, we simply should say this out loud for all the world
to hear: “Blacks are genetically inferior in terms of their intellectual
capacity as compared to their white counterparts.” Then we should
content ourselves quietly and politely to be totally and permanently
dependent upon the white collective for all that we need, do, think and
If Black behavioral, social and political scientists are supposed to be
incapable of making accurate analyses of behavioral, social and political
situations (local and worldwide), then Black physicians are also incapable
of making accurate medical diagnoses, and all Black patients should seek
white doctors. This would imply similarly that Black lawyers are in-
capable of successfully handling legal cases, and all Black law clients
should seek white lawyers. Likewise, all Black students should seek
white teachers. Furthennore, all Black women seeking husbands should
seek white husbands, and all Black men seeking wives should seek white
wives. This activity would carry such reasoning to its logical though
absurd conclusions. If we do not wish to imply all of the above, let us get
about the business of Black problem-solving, beginning with the problem
of Black oppression under white supremacy. First and foremost, let it be
the responsibility of every Black person to know and understand how the
dynamic of white supremacy domination is expressed in all areas of
people activity: economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics,
religion, sex and war.
The Concept and the Color of God
and Black Mental Health
(November 1979)
Agnostics doubt and question the existence of God. Atheists deny the
existence of God. These two groups combined constitute a tiny minority
of the world’s people. The vast and overwhelming majority of the peoples
on Earth have a conceptualizati’on of, and a belief in, the existence of God
(no matter how named or defmed) as the supreme force or supreme being
responsible for the creation of the universe. Therefore, this supreme being
constitutes the highest and ultimate focus of their worship, devotion and
In all but the agnostic and atheistic groups, the training and teaching
of children about the concept of God, in a given culture, begin at the
earliest possible age of comprehension and understanding. Customarily,
long before children are capable of understanding any philosophical and
abstract consideration of God, they are exposed to the system of rituals
that the given people have evolved over thousands of years. The rituals
form a part of their recognition of, worship of and obedience to their
concepts of God. Thus, long before there is true cognitive understanding,
• there is participation in the practice of recognizing God. This participa-
tion and practice becomes a part of children’s (and ultimately adults’)
concept and image of self in relationship to the total environment, but also
in relationship to the highest and ultimate focus of their worship, devotion
and obedience to the God of the people.
For it is the totality of experience in the environment from the moment
ofbirth that forms the self-image and self-concept in the brain-computer
The Isis Papers
ofeach hwnan being. From this self-image and self-concept, all patterns
of behavior evolve. Likewise, from the entire constellation of behavior
in the individual, the determination of mental health or mental illness is
As a practicing general and child psychiatrist, my defmition of mental
health is as follows: patterns of logic, thought, speech, action and emo-
tional response, in all areas of people activity, that simultaneously reflect
self-· and group-respect and respect for harmony in the universe. The
critical question that arises now is, “What does the ‘concept and color of
God’ have to do with Black ‘self- and group-respect and respect for
harmony in the universe’?”
The oppression of Black and other non-white people means that there
is no non-white self-determination. It also means, most fundamentally,
that there can be no true and junctional Black self-respect. More specifi-
cally, this means that the existing levels of non-white functional self-
respect, as manifested in all areas of people activity, are extremely low.
These low levels of functional self-respect imply that the self-image and
self-concept are more negative than positive. Likewise, the impact of
non-white individual and collective behavior in and on the total environ-
ment is more negative than positive.
To have a negative impact on the total environment is a manifestation
of behavioral powerlessness. To have a negative impact on the total
environment is a manifestation of the self-image and self-concept as
powerless. To have a negative impact on the total environment is a
manifestation of having been shaped and molded by the total environment
into a functional inferior through the process of i!iferiorization. (See
Chapter 20.) The process of oppression is to mold the victims of oppres-
sion into functional inferiors. (See Diagrams I and II.)
Child’s Brain-
Child’s Brain-
Total En · Vli’Onment: economics educati’
enteraainm t, labo • on sex, war en r, law, politics, religio~.
r—-.. Self.~
=-~ . Behavior “-‘Uncept (neganve or positive)
Diagram #I
hig.Im~e and concept of God as the uest ~d ultimate foeus
of worship, devotion and obedi ence.
r—-.. SeJf-~
=~e —•Behavior
;concept (negative or poaitive}
Diagram #U
The Isis Papers
As previously stated, the global system of white supremacy oppression
functions through all areas of people activity. The ultimate thrust
(towards the victims of oppression), in all of the nine areas of people
activity, is to cause and affect their universalizing. This is achieved
equally in the area of religion as in sex. It is achieved equally in the area
of war as in economics. It is achieved equally in entertainment as in labor.
It is achieved equally in politics as in law. In other words, all nine areas
of people activity are used equally in the system of non-white oppression
to achieve the ultimate goal of non-white iriferiorization.
The concept and the color of God are focused on most strongly in the
area of religion, although all areas of people activity overlap, influence
and fuse with one another. The global white supremacy system evolved
a religion referred to as Christianity. However, it is referred to most
appropriately as the dominant pattern of religious thought generated by
the white supremacy system. Similarly, all fonns of economics within
the global white supremacy system – whether referred to as capitalism,
multi-nationalism, communism or socialism – are identified more ap-
propriately as the patterns of economic thought and practice generated
by that system. Further, all forms of political organization within the
global white supremacy system- whether referred to as democracy,
nazism, Soviet hegemony ,fascism or nationalism- are referred to more
appropriately as the various patterns of power relationships generated by
that system.
Absolutely critical to the white supremacy system of religious thought
was the formation of the image of a white man as the “son” of God. This
white male image then was referred to as “Christ” – no matter that the
prophet Jesus was a Black man. Because the brain-computer functions
most fundamentally on logic circuits, at deep unconscious levels it auto-
matically computes that God, the father, is also a white male. If God is
other than white, he would have produced a Black (or other non-white)
son. (See Diagram III.)
Thus, any person programmed to accept the Christian religion, whether
conscious of it or not, has the image and concept of God as a white man
in the logic network of his/her brain-computer.
White Supremacy
White Supremacy
White Supremacy
White Supremacy
The Isis Papers
Couple this image and concept of God as a white man with the white
supremacy system’s formal definition of God as “the supreme or ultimate
reality; the Being perfect in power, wisdom and goodness whom ~en
worship as creator and ruler of the universe.” Then of absolute necessity,
the logic circuits of the human brain-computer have to print out “The
white man (as God, the father of the white male Christ) is the supreme or
ultimate reality; the white man is the Being, perfect in power, wisdom
and goodness whom all men should worship ~ creator and ruler of the
With this unconscious logic circuit of “God is a white man” flriDly in
place, white domination over non-white people could last for one trill~on
years. This would be true if this critical and essential logic connec~on
could be implanted and plugged into the brain-computers of a sufficient
number of black, brown, red and yellow peoples, who constitute the vast
majority of the peoples on the planet With the wllite’man as God, the
non-white global collective would be obedient to the white man always.
It was the necessary duty of the vast army of white supremacy
(Christian) missionaries sent out around the world, following the guns ~f
white supremacy conquest, to implant- deep within the unconscious logic
networks of non-white brain-computers- the critical image and concept
of God as a white man. This unconscious implantation has been success-
ful to the extent that many non-white people on the planet conceive of
themselves as members of the Christian (white supremacy) religion. In
the U.S., the overwhelming majority of Black people, as well as a large
portion of other non-white peoples, consider themselves Christian.
Thus, all Black and other non-white peoples who profess to be
members of the Christian (white supremacy) religion, whether they are
conscious of it or not, worship the white man as God (not as “a” god, but
as “the” God). And, in the unconscious logic networks of their individual
brain-computers lies the logic that the white man is the supreme or
ultimate reality- the Being perfect in power, wisdom and goodness whom
men worship as creator and ruler of the universe. Although Black and
other non-white peoples may understand that they are oppressed by the
global white collective, of which the white males are the dominant
The Concept and the Color of God
members, the brain-computer’s cold logic circuits also unconsciously
infonn the non-white (Christian) victim that it is impossible to free or
liberate one’s self from the supreme being who has created the universe!
In other words, if in the deep, unconscious recesses of my brain-com-
puterrests the fundamental logic that God is a white man and that! should
worship “God,” all of my attempts at liberation will move me only in a
circle. Indeed, the circumference of my “liberation movement circle”
could be so wide that it really appears to me that I am moving in a straight
line of progress. But moving in a circle, no matter how big the circle, is
tantamount to standing absolutely still, marking time. Many Black people
in the U.S. now are beginning to feel as though our liberation efforts (in
spite of loss of life and whipped heads) have left us still standing on the
same spot of white oppression.
For the vast majority of Black and other non-white peoples today, the
arrival of these ice cold facts of brain-computer logic at the conscious
level will be experienced initially as shattering and self-disintegrating-
primarily because it is God the protector and the creator upon whom the
self is taught (programmed) ultimately to depend. If the concept of God
is removed from my brain-computer, upon whom or what am I to lean,
especially ifl am feeling oppressed, depressed and overwhelmed? If there
is nothing or no one to provide support, then I believe that I will collapse
,and disintegrate.
Nonetheless, as a general and child psychiatrist, I am fully aware of
the destruction spawned by the unconscious logic implant “God is a white
man.” However, no matter what the level of initial trauma felt when this
logic circuit is brought to conscious awareness, it must come fully to light
··and be yanked out. Indeed, there can be no mental health, self-respect or
· . positive self-concept for Black or other non-white peoples as long as this
specious and destructive logic circuit remains in place.
c It might be instructive at this juncture to recall that Christianity was
based upon the life and activity of an African (Black) prophet named
Jesus. That the white Romans recognized this fact is reflected in the early
portrayals of Jesus and his mother as the Black madonna and Black child.
Jo this day, a picture of the Black madonna and Black child secretly is
The Isis Papers
cherished as one of the most holy icons of the original Christian church,
the Catholic church.
What then necessitated changing the image of Black Jesus and Black
Mary to white Christ and white Mary? To answer this question, we m~st
return to the most fundamental fact in the existence of the global white
collective: White-skinned peoples initially were the mutant albino of
Black peoples in Africa. These white-skinned peoples were recognized
as having a disease, just as today’s modem science of genetics refers~
the condition of albinism (the lack of melanin pigmentation) as a genetic
deficiency disease. The white-skinned early albinos were rejected by the
normal pigmented majority. They were chased out and isolated fro~ the
normal Black genetic groupings. Eventually, they had to m1grate
northward to remove themselves from the intense African sun rays.
Migrating northward fr,om Africa, the albino populations eventually set-
tled in the area of the world now referred to as Europe. There, they
increased in n~ber and eventually returned to conquer the peoples of
color in Africa, Asia and the rest of the world. They returned with the
idea that they would conquer and no longer think of themselves as the
rejected and diseased population; instead, they would think of themselves,
in compensation, as the superior and supreme supermen and look upon
all skin-pigmented peoples as the “genetic inferiors.”
With the necessity for such a compensatory ideology and concept of
self as superior, the white psyche could tolerate no concept of anything
higher than the white self- not even God. Thus, when the concept of the
son of God was formulated, in their thinking, the “son” eventually took
the form of a white man, which by brain-computer logic would mean that
God himself had to be a white man. Thus, the white collective, in logical
reality, is not in worship of any force beyond itself.
Further, it is apparent that the collective white psyche felt ang~r
towards God for bequeathing them what is now understood as a geneuc
defect_ namely, white skin. In tum, they have spawned the thinking that
doubts and denies the existence of God. Thus, they have conceived of ··
themselves as being at war with nature, which is the reflection of God.
They function as though they are in a contest with God and try to
The Concept and the Color of God
out-create God. Presently they are in a quest to produce genes and life
itself. In fact, their dominant occupation is the destruction of the
universe. And it is no accident that within the language system of the most
highly evolved white supremacy unit, the word God is the exact mirror
image of the word dog, and within the same language system, the dog –
not God- is said to be man’s best friend.
Blacks and all other non-white peoples who have operated under the
concept of God as a white man for the past 2,000 years, should begin an
immediate return to the fundamental concept of God as originally under-
stood in Africa before the input of the albino (white) collective. The
African understvtding of God was that it was the only and ali-in-one
energy force that created and simultaneously was all energy in the
universe. This understanding recognized tlle God force as the source of
all, the being responsible for all and the multiplicity of energy configura-
tions in the universe. Furthermore, the belief held that tllere are no energy
configurations in the universe that are not from God and that are not God.
It was the African way to respect completely this source of all energy
manifest in and responsible for all things. This is African spirituality.
Spirit is energy. Spirituality is the ability to get in touch witll, not only
the ultimate source of all energy, but also tlle various multiplicity of
energy configurations, which include matter, plants, animals, etc. This
was, for Africans, the essential cosmic connection- the power connection.
Since melanin is a superior absorber of all energy, it is essential to
establish tlris understanding of God and “all energy.” The fact that the
albinos (whites) lack melanin may also help to explain why they have
quite a different concept and understanding of God (all energy or all
spirit), why they conceive of a trinity and why, in the view of many
·.· non•white peoples, they (whites) lack “spirituality” and the capacity to
in to, and tllereby establish harmony and justice in, the universe.
•.J:1,;rth …. , because they lack the melariin sensory system, they cannot intuit
all is one.
However, at some unconscious level, tllere must be within the collec-
white psyche the awareness that the color black is essential to be in
with the God force, justice and wisdom, and that is why they clothe
The Isis Papers
their men who are supposed to have knowledge of justice in black; and
they clothe their scholars at the point of their scholastic (wisdom) achieve-
ment in black academic robes. Of course, one might cite a few exceptions,
but black for ministers, priests, judges and scholars is the norm in thew bite
supremacy system/culture worldwide.
I recommend that Black and other non-white peoples begin to practice
consciously removing the white image of the son of God from their
brain-computers and, thus, removing the corollary logic that God is a
white man. Secondly, Blacks and other non-white peoples must practice
utilizing our particular energy crystalizations (bodies) as direct connec-
tions with the God force. (See Diagram IV.) This means we must learn
to use our energy crystalization antennae to connect with the source from
which all energy flows. It is the same as plugging an electric cord into a
wall socket. By so learning to tune in to the cosmic energy source, it is
possible to fmd the cosmic purpose of one’s particular energy configura-
tion known as one’s body. Then, it will be possible to use that cosmic
energy for constructive purposes.
I can say no more about how it can be done, but only that it can be
done, just as I am saying that it is possible to break the logic circuit “God
is a white man” in the rion-white brain-computer.
To be Black and accept consciously or unconsciously the image of God
as a white man is the highest possible form of self-negation and lack of
self-respect under the specific conditions of white domination. Such
perception, emotional response and thought are therefore insane. This
logic circuit ensures that Black people always will look up to white people
and, therefore, down upon themselves. Orily by breaking that logic circuit
can the concept of Black and other non-white liberation become a reality.
This is the direction in which we Blacks must propel ourselves as we enter
the 21st century.
(aU «;nergy)
comuc energy
Melanin Man
an energ)’ilbsorbing Man r———-l~
Use of
cosmic energy
The Symbolism and Meaning of Rape
(October 1980)
The symbol consists of multiple levels of energy data. The
hieroglyphs, higher writings or writings concerning multiple levels of
energy data, are written symbolic thought and language. Similarly, the
parable is a statement of combined, multiple levels of energy data; it is
also a statement of symbolic thought.
Part of our ancient heritage as Black (African) people is the knowledge
of the symbol. This working knowledge includes the ability to speak,
write and decode symbolic language and thought. Melanin is essential
for having deep knowledge of the symbol because melanin is capable of
absorbing a broad spectrum of energy frequencies or data.
Black is considered to be a perfect absorber of energy. There are
inumerable facts that support this assertion. For example, Osiris, the great
Egyptian (African) god, was referred to as “Lord of the Perfect Black”;
Albert Einstein’s great work on energy was based upon earlier knowledge
in physics of the so-called “black box” energy absorption and mission
experiments; black holes in cosmic space are so named because of their
great power to absorb all forms of energy.
Persons lacking high levels of melanin pigmentation in the nervous
. .system, which includes the skin as its outermost manifestation. have great
dif&culty in absorbing energy data from the universe at multiple frequen-
cies . deep energy levels. Therefore, these white-skinned peoples, the
eJo,unclers of Western civilization and culture, experience great difficulty
The Isis Papers
in understanding and decoding the symbol. This is the most fundamental
reason that “Westerners” have difficulty in thinking like “Easterners”
(black and brown peoples- people with higher levels of melanin ~ ~eir
nervous systems), and vice versa. Melaninated peoples are funcuom~g
with a sixth sense, the additional sensory system being that of melanm
·gmentation while Westerners function with only five senses. Thus, the
1 t • h II
Western dictionaries defme hieroglyphs as “difficult to dec1p er.
Similarly, the Western dictionaries define parable as “an obscure or
enigmatic saying.” . . .
Black and other non-white peoples who have been tratned to think like
westerners now have to retrain their brains and nervous systems to
function at full capacity through conscious effort to use their melanin
networks. This can be achieved through the practice of self-respect,
wherein Black and other non-white peoples respect and pay close at~e~
tion to what their own six-sense nervous systems inform them of. Thts 1s
quite contrlUY to focusing on what white-skinned peoples are a~le to f~us
on and what they train non-white peoples to focus on. Melanm-defictent
“educators” can train non-white peoples to use only a portion of their
nervous systems at best. Thus, it is the responsibility of ~on-whi~ peoples
to take charge of developing the full use of their melanin potenttal.
Familiarity with these issues are necessary for an examination of rape
as a symbol in the white supremacy system/culture. Rape ~san unjust and
sick pattern of behavior. It is a behavior pattern reflecuve of very low
levels of self-respect and, therefore, of mental illness. Simultaneously,
rape manifests very low levels of respect towards others. It is a horren-
dous violation of the selfhood of another.
The most frequent form of rape is that in which a male aggressively
and abusively imposes his genitals onto a female with the threat of
destruction. This conduct is seen most frequently in situations of male
confmement: in penal institutions, juvenile corrective institutions or
psychiatric institutions – which are staffed and supervised ina~quately ·
A fundamental aspect of rape is the imposition of the male gemtals upon
someone considered physically weaker or vulnerable by someone who (at
least superficially) looks upon himself as being more powerful and
The Symbolism and Meaning of Rape
capabl~ of subduing another. Condensed to the least common
denomu~tor, rape is an act in which the genitals become a weapon. A
w~apon 1s most fundamentally an instrument of aggression and is con-
~lVed of as an aide to the human body when the body alone is considered
madequate for the task of subduing and conquering.
. ~n today’s world, rape is common. In the U.S., it is reported in highest
mc~dence amongst members of the Black population, with Black males
~pmg Black ~emales. There is said to be an approximately equal in-
Cidence of wh~te ~ales raping Black females as Black males raping white
females. The mctdence of white males raping white females is lowest. In
past decades, w bite male rape of Black females was of highest incidence.
Instead of breaking into the hysteria of the women’s liberation
m?vement. regarding the issue of rape, I prefer to examine the meaning of
this be~v10r, commencing with male use of male genitalia. As I have
stated m all of my writings during the past 10 years, there is no behavior
that can be adequately understood and decoded outside the context of the
power relationships that exist amongst peoples. In today’s world, the
most fu~darnental of all power relationships is that of white power versus
non,whlte (black, brown, red and yellow) powerlessness. The underlying
factors and forces that have led to the evolution of this specific power
system are 1) the numerical minority status of white-skinned peoples
glo~y, and 2) the fact that white skin is genetically recessive to the
. dommant genetic potential to produce melanin. If white-skinned peoples
had not evolved a global system in which they established power over the
wo~ld’s non-white majority, the white collective would run the risk of
. wh1te genetic annihilation.
The fear of such annihilation has fnfluenced the white collective to
·· evolve, over ~e centuries, massive weapon systems- from simple to gross
mstruments of destruction and annihilation. This was done,
fundamentally, to “equalize” the genetic power for white collective
destruction, power possessed by the planet’s men of color.
The ability to decode symbols is essential to obtain an accurate
. .· . _ of exactly what is happening in the surrounding environ-
:JilenL For example, the ability to decode helps us to understand deeper
The I sis Papers
meanings inherent in the major instruments evolved by the global white
collective (to prevent white genetic annihilation) and the shaping of such
instruments after the form of male genitalia: guns, bombs, cannons,
cannon balls, airplanes and nuclear missiles. (See Diagram I.) It is little
wonder, then, that the gun has been called “the great equalizer,” or that a
white male who is really supposed to be “something” is referred to as a
At the same time, the highest percentage of money expenditure is going
towards the “arms race”- the race for accumulating sufficient weapons
by both white superpowers, hopefully sufficient to prevent global white
genetic annihilation. These weapons surround all of the world~s non-
white peoples. Of course, this is not what is said overtly. Overtly, whites
claim that the white superpowers are arming against one another. But
this is the language of the white lie, the great lie, the super or superior lie.
In the depths of the language itself, it is possible to understand the exact
meaning of the arms race. The arms race also means the “race” (genetic
group) of people whose genetic existence is tied to weapons of violence
(arms). Just as hidden within the word “America” (AMERICA), is the
phrase, “I am race.” Thus, it is a symbolic anagram. The whites are the
only group on the planet to develop the word “race,” and they have given
this word maximum meaning.
Clearly, in the global white supremacy system/culture, the highest
percentage of energy is directed towards the construction of weapons out
of a sense of genetic and genital weakness and inadequacy. Of all of the
cultures in the world, Western (white supremacy) has the highest level of
sensed male inadequacy and male awareness of genetic and genital
vulnerability, thus the need for weapons of attack. This culture clearly
has equated the male genitals with weapons and aggression.
As mentioned in Chapter 10, the white collective looks upon the Black
male specifically as the possessor of the genitals most capable of causing
white genetic annihilation. This explains the expression, “to black ball,”
which means, “to exclude from social life.”
Thus, in the white supremacy system/culture, white females have been
taught to focus on all Black males as potential rapists. At the same time,
The Gun ~ lketch)
(The guo • a ~ oiv male geaiaalia)
Weapons as = f the Phallus Missile
The Isis Papers
white females are taught to describe the males that they have the greatest
level of sexual attraction for as tall, dark and handsome. Clearly. it was
no accident that once the white female began to petition for her liberation
from the white male, she also began an all-out sexual aggression towards
the Black male in particular, and other non-white males in general.
Unable to admit her own sexual attraCtions and aggressions towards the
Black male consCiously, she began to talk about developing anti-rape
organizations to prevent rape – the projection being that white females
were about to be attacked by Black males. Meanwhile, the greatest
incidence of rape was being conducted by Black males against Black
The above discussion is the best explanation for the white collective’s
(most specifically, the white male collective’s) production of massive
numbers and kinds of weapons of destruction (which land on Black
mother Earth) that are symbolic substitutes for a genetic and genital
apparatus perceived as inadequate. Simultaneously, it explains the use of
the male genitals as weapons in the act of rape, most pronouncedly
observed in the Black male population- a population forced into political
(power) and functional inadequacy by the oppression of white supremacy·
The weapons produced by the white supremacy system are the truly
respected male genetic and genital apparatus of the global white collec-
tive. These symbolic weapons are perceived as countering the threat of
white genetic annihilation by Black and other non-white male genitalia.
These weapons then are used to rape and destroy Black mother earth, just
as other technologies of the white supremacy system/culture rape and
pollute the planet as a supposed statement of white male adequacy and
In turn Black and other non-white males are forced by the same
environme~t into thinking of their genital apparatus as destructive
weapons of aggression through the act of rape. Black mal~~ engage in
this activity out of their imposed frustration and sense of pohucal pow~r
lessness and inadequacy. Non-white male genitals are used as destructive
weapons primarily against Black and other non-white females.
The Symbolism and Meaning of Rape
This behavior also can be viewed as paralleling white male collective • s
sexual attacks on non-white women in the global white collective’s wars
of domination against non-white peoples. The white male’s sense of
genetic inadequacy contributed to the white male collective’s need to
continue to debase non-white women through rape and other forms of
sexual abuse. Such abuse was necessary because the white male collec-
tive felt debased by the dominant genetic power of non-white women.
Similarly, because within the context of white supremacy more stress
and pressure is placed on the Black male than on the Black female, the
B.lack male often perceives that the Black female has more power than
hunself and that she therefore does not respect his manhood. In his sense
of inadequacy, he strikes out in the rape of the Black female, seeking to
debase her to the level to which he feels debased under the power system
of white domination.
Although there is no overt discussion of these dominating logic and
thought sequences, they nonetheless act as powerful determiners of be-
havior patterns as seen in white and Black male populations. However,
because there is no overt discussion of them, these behaviors have not
come under conscious control wherein people consciously can think
through their impulses to balance disturbing concepts and images of the
male as inadequate.
, •• Likewise, the global white collective and all of its non-white victims
m the world, see no connection between the increased incidence of rape
and the popularity of a singing group that calls itself the “Sex Pistols ”
thus ass~iating sex with violence. The same culture does not see ru:y
connection between the numbers and shape of its missiles, bombs, guns
·and male genital apparatus and the ever increasing incidence of sexual
· . ,. the hi~hest level of violence being expressed in the act of rape.
-In the magazme/ndia Today (Vol. 2 No.7, August 1-15, 1980, North
edition), on one page there was an article on the epidemic of
in India and on the very next page there was an article on the
· ” . of missiles and other nuclear weapons of destruction by the
subconunent of India. The latter article was entitled “Soaring Into the
The Isis Papers
Space Age.” Consciously, this page and subject association may be
accidental, but unconsciously it is logical.
India is one of the poorest countries in the world, with mass levels of
unemployment and starVation. Those black and brown men are feeling
debased and powerless under global white supremacy, which they still fail
to understand after centuries of colonization. In India, there is a massive
mental disease of people hating their skin color and wishing themselves
to be as white as their early white (Aryan) invaders. They are obsessed
with a caste system based on skin color. with the blackest people looked
upon as “untouchables.” They hate themselves and feel debased under
white supremacy. Also, these non-white men have not discovered yet
how to feed their people. Therefore, because of this debased view of self,
they rape, just as the global white collective has raped the non-white
women of the world and continues its rape of black mother Earth with
weapons andpollution.
Since the white supremacy system is predicated on the white
collective’s (most specifically, the white male collective’s) sense of
genetic and genital inadequacy and vulnerability, it reflects this sense of
inadequacy and vulnerability in the raping of women, weaker men, and
black mother Earth. Rape is most fundamentally a symptom in the entire
syndrome of sensed male inadequacy. Therefore, those who wish to
combat the world’s epidemic of rape must wage counter-struggle against
the global white supremacy system.
Rape will cease as a dominant behavior amongst Black males once
they begin to respect themselves fully as men, cease reacting unconscious-
ly to the white supremacy system’s attack against them, and learn to
struggle efficiently and effectively to neutralize and destroy this grave
global injustice.
T~e Sy~bolism, Logic and Meaning
of Justifiable Homicide” in the 1980s
Where there is no vision the people will perish
– Proverbs 22:1
Black people are afraid but Black 1 · their fear Black
d’ peop e are gomg to have to get over
· peop e o not know what ish · are going to have to
d appenmg, but Black people
· earn an understand ha · h · ·
·.· are not thinking, but Black w. tts appenmg. Black people
. Bla people are gomg to have to begin think’
. . ck people are not being quiet, but Black peo 1 . mg.
start getting quiet so they can think Bla k P e are gomg to have to
planning, but Bla k 1 . . c people are not analyzing and
c peop e are gomg to have to begin anal · =”!;. B: people do not undersl>nd deep self-respect, ;,:’,1:
. g g to have to learn the meanin d .
self-respect. Black people . g an practice of deep
children to play with parenth:d g~~g to have to sto~ permitting Black
moaning kin . · ack people are gomg to have to stop
… , roc g, crymg, complaining and b .
goingtohavetostopthinkingth t h eggmg. Black people are
Black people . a r yme and rhetoric will solve problems.
1 ~e gomg to have to stop fmger-popping and singing Bla k
peop e are gomg to have to stop dancing and clo · · c
.. ·are going to have to stop laughing and and liste . wnmgl. Blac~ people
·· of these behaviors and nmg to oud rad1os. All
addr . th , many more, have absolutely nothing to do with
essmg echallengesandconditionsoftheo e .
, being waged against the Black collective. p n warfare contmuously
The Isis Papers
ar being waged against us because
We Black people do not see thew afraid We are engaging in behavior
we don’t want to and because we are ~ness of the war – our true
designed specifically to block out any ~wt the insanity of hoping and
· th s forces us m o
reality. Our behavtor u . al . pecific behavioral pattern
edt the samty of an ysts, s .
begging-asoppos o . f people activity: economtcs,
‘fi duct mall areas o
design and spect tc con la politics religion, sex and war.
education, entertainment, labor, ~· th B~ck collective is the killing
· the war agamst e .
A major strategy m . kill d dai’ly in ever-increasmg
k alsarebemg e ‘ ·
of Black males. Blac m e n wh’tte males also are pemg
Other as no – .
numbers, across the country. Th Black and other non-whtte
· · numbers. ese
killed in ever-mcreasmg . . iforms who have been
killed b whtte males m un ·
males are being y . . ~~~ ~”arm of murder and slaughter ts
S Thts parucuuu 1′ authorized to carry gun ·
called justifiable homicide. ter understanding of this war
Our Black collective today has no ~ea th . t di’ d when Black males
· · fi ble homtctde an 1
and the phenomenon of JUSU ta dail 100 years ago in the period of
were being lynched and cas~ated yf, white supremacy following the
. , r reestabhshment o d’ f
“Reconstrucuon, 0 ll . have a greater understan mg 0
Civil War. Nor does the Black c~ ec:;:kmales than itclid two and three
the current” open hunting season on a
decades ago. d what is going on, in our impotence
Because we really do not understan d frustration, we start getting mad,
. owerlessness an · d’
and ignorance, m ourp . ‘th ‘cket signs rioting in rots rrec-
. beggmg wt pt , .
fussing, crying, rhymmg, . . our churches and preparing agam
tion, hooping and hollering, moanm~lm t us even though he lies to us.
bite man who smt es a . . d
to vote for any w 1 Such behaviors are m vatn an
. ll b lutely use ess. h
These behav10rs are a a so aught and the problem – t e
Th ill all come to n will take us nowhere. ey w . .
. ti e and mtenstfy. .
war- will stmply con nu n’ence of captivity out of Afnca
ched in our expe
The stage has been rea d strate a deep self-respect,
· hallenged to emon ·ct
wherein we are bemg c . -not J·ust the right Sl e,
h le brrun-computers
requiring us to use our w ~ . rh thm and rhyme. Now we must
which pennits us to engage m rheton~d· yf our brain-computers, the left
. d the left st e o begin to exerctse an use
Justifiable Homicide
cerebral hemisphere, which pennits us to analyze critically and decode
what is happening daily in front of our eyes and to organize a self- and
group-respecting behavioral response to that which the environment is
presenting us. We must have a disciplined, self- and group-respecting
response to the specific war being waged against us.
Without critical thinking, however, there is no self-respect. Without
self-respect, there is no courage, no self-defense, no justice, no peace and
no progress.
In his struggle against white supremacy, the great leader of the
Chinese-speaking non-white people, Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, accurate-
ly stated as recorded in The Collected Works of Mao Tse-Tung, “It is well
known that when you do anything, unless you understand its actual
circumstances, its nature and its relations to other things, you will not
know the laws governing it, or know how to do it, or be able to do it well.”
With this in mind, all Black people everywhere must begin to under-
stand the exact and specific nature of the war that is being waged against
the Black collective. All Black people must begin to understand in depth
why we are witnessing Black males being shot dead almost daily by white
males in uniforms and why it will soon escalate to more than one per day.
Without the specific understanding of why we are seeing this behavior,
we are unable to organize behaviors to meet this war strategy effectively.
Furthennore, Black people everywhere must begin to understand why
the Black collective, and Black males in particular, have been under
intensive attack for the past 2,000 years. Indeed, Jesus was a Black male
who was lynched by uniformed white male Roman soldiers 2,000 years
ago, as a result of the same war that has continued into the present day
extension of the same Roman (white) empire.
Whenever there is a sense of increased vulnerability within the local
global white collective – as, for example, caused by inflation
: (CtiiiTencv devaluation), unemployment, loss of a war or counter-struggle
non-white peoples (e.g., Arabs controlling and limiting oil supplies,
taking white hostages, Black guerillas struggling in southern
and the loss of the Vietnam War)- there will be an increase of the
,:ev~:r-rn~ese.m “normal” daily slaughter and murder of Black and other
The Isis Papers
non-white males by those both legally and illegally authorized to do so.
This murder and slaughter will be logically viewed as justified within the
specific logic framework of the fear of white genetic annihilation.
Within the historic framework of Western civilization and culture (the
civilization and culture organized to prevent white genetic annihilation),
all white peoples have the spoken or unspoken mandate to participate
actively in their collective struggle for global white genetic survival. This
specifically means, of necessity, the murder and slaughter of Black and
other non-white males whenever it is felt within the white collective to be
necessary and, therefore, justified.
Because Black males, of all non-white males, have the greatest
potential to genetically annihilate the white collective, Black males will
experience the greatest ferocity of white supremacy’s attack through
justifiable homicide. Because Black and other non-white males have the
potential to produce white genetic annihilation through the use of their
genitalia and because genetic annihilation is the most fundamental fear of
the global white collective, this collective (consciously or unconsciously)
evolved a “counter” weapon or system of weapons, that theoretically
could achieve non-white genetic annihilation.
The sport of hunting animals (in most instances they have black or dark
brown fur) in the white supremacy system/culture, wherein there is thrill,
excitement and pleasure associated with the killing, is the way in which
the white collective (most specifically, the white male collective), stays
in physical and psychological readiness for killing Black and other
non-white males Qustifiable homicide), aibeit that this obsessive practice
may be functioning at unconscious levels of brain-computer activity.
Unlike Black and other non-white peoples who killed animals for food
and shelter purposes, the white collective engages in this activity as
obsessive sport and play. By using the gun (the great equalizer) against
helpless animals, they attempt to achieve a sense of manhood and security.
A fleeting sense of manhood can be achieved by the white male sports
hunter because in killing the large black or brown animal (the “””nlv\1″”
non-white male) there has been a symbolic destruction of the major
to white genetic survival. Since the achievement, however, is
Justifiable Homicide
symbolic, it must be re”””‘ted d
·t · . ~””‘” • an so as soon as th h .
1 IS time to hunt again. e untmg season opens,
In the same pe “od · .
. . n m whtch there has bee . .
JUStifmble homicide there h al n an mcreasmg incidence of
kiJ . ‘ as so been an · .
lmg helpless animals makin h . mcreasmg enthusiasm for
Pe • g sue huntmg 1 t” nnsy1vania world famous Whi oca tonsasPottersCounty
f: • te adult mal h • athers to kill and destroy bel I . es ave been taught by their
. P ess anunals for sport d ·
generation of white males . ta ‘ an m turn, the next
. ts ught the means b h”
genetic survival. Y w 1ch to ensure white
Non-white males may say that the
obviously hunting does not carry th Y also hunt ~d enjoy hunting, but
non-white male as it does~ th e_same unconscious meaning for the
1ar e whtte male · th
w lte supremacy p .. _.~.. 10 e context of the global
• w u•ermore, Black mal
from hunting down white mal . es never have gotten a thrill
bee es wtth dogs and · fl n practiced by white males . n es, as has so frequently
I · agamst Black mal tis absolutely critical that all BI k es ..
the meaning of the following facts~c pethople examme and think through
tw be” . at e very sam .
e Ing shot down in the street . . e time Black males
31 1980 10 ever mcreasing b • Washington Post has num ers, The August
· reported that Pola d
. mums. t country already is ask’ th . n ‘ a so-called com-
. mg e Umted Stat ·
gram purchases from $550 ‘lli . es to mcrease credits for
“II” mt on m the cum fi
mt ton in the fiscal year that b . ent tscal year to $670
Or.>; • egins October 1 in 0 d f”
c- … n 11 needs to build up meat d . r er to mance the feed
fi fi . pro uction. Do “e . ” .
·. or eed gram to build up meat prod . nemtes provtde fmance
uction for one another?
On August 12, the press reported W
designed ‘to help bail Poland out a f . est German loan of $672 million
Doder, The Washington Post.) 0: Alts economic difficulties’ (Dusko
Bank of America granted Pol d ugu~t ~2 a consortium led by the
an an addttlonai $325 milli” on.
A recent unclassified CIA stud
a total of $21 billion, the bun/ ~e.v~als that theW est has lent Poland
study reports that the West hasole~tm the l~t five years. The same
as. tronomical $78 billt” the Sovtet block as a whole an
on-anamounte ai the
and General Motors combined Oth qu to total assets of Exxon
well above $100 billion. . er experts put the total debt figure
The I sis Papers
Why are we bailing Poland and the Soviet Union out of their economic
difficulties, feeding them massive transfusions of hard currency to buy
bread for their restive masses and teclmology to boost their
obsolescent centralized economies? Why are Western banks
relieving the USSR of the expensive burden of propping up the Polish
economy and regime’?
The answer lies in a terse banker’s paradox: Make a small loan and
you have created a debtor; make a large loan and you have created a
parmer .
… The$1 billion which Westernbankshavefunneled to Poland during
the current crisis is a startling political intervention on behalf of that
country’s communist regime …
The critical question for Black people is “who is the real enemy7”
While massive numbers of Black males are unemployed and increasing
numbers are being shot down in the streets in a presumably capitalist
country, that same capitalist country is helping white communist countries
and their workers retum to their jobs and have sufficient meats and other
foods on their tables. Basically, the U.S. is supporting the whole white,
so-called communist block. This does not include the Chinese-speaking
non-white peoples. What is starklY illustrated here is that “capitalism” and “communism”
are not two enemies. but simply the two extreme ends of the total spectrum
of economic practices under the system of white supremacy, wherein it is
of priority that all whites (males in particular) have jobs whether they are
at the right or left economic ends of the white supremacy spectrum. The
same would be true of the Democratic party/Republican party political.
spectrum, which in this area of the world is the total political spectrum of.
politics under white supremacy.
Also, it must be noted that while Black males are being shot down ii.
increasing numbers and experiencing high unemployment, white
communists, in mass numbers, are being admitted to find their plac~”•J”
and housing in this capitalist country and are referred to as “political
refugees.” Black Haitians, however, are not admitted and treated
Justifiable Homicide
In the global white supremacy system, all persons classified as non-
white are outside the white power spectrum and are, in effect, the real
enemy. Thus, they are manipulated and/or eliminated at the will of that
power system. In the context of global white supremacy, the only per-
manent enemies are those persons capable of white genetic annihilation,
meaning Black and all other non-white peoples (most specifically males).
In the most narrow perspective, justiftable homicide refers to the overt
shooting murder of a Black male or Black males by white uniformed
male(s). In a broader perspective, “justifiable homicide” also can refer to
the numerous more subtle tactics of Black male control and destruction.
To deny Black males jobs and genuine upward mobility is to deny them
the functional roles of husband and father. To deny Black family units
functional husbands and fathers on a mass level is to deny these families
stability and to deny male children models for adult male functioning.
Deprivation of male models for male functioning means permanent Black
male social disfunctioning, affecting all areas of people activity for
multiple generations.
The massive increase of Black male bisexuality and homosexuality to
epidemic proportions can be correlated directly to the debased functioning
of adult Black males in Black family units by the racist system. The large
of Black males engaging in drug use and abuse, including alcohol,
is tied directly to the severely crippled Black family structure, brought
through systematically denying Btack males functional roles as
and fathers. The massive numbers of Black males trapped in
· juvenile justice system and the penal system also are related directly
absence of truly functional fathers and husbands in the homes from
these victimized males have come. Current statistics (1980) indi-
.that among Blacks, the proportion of one-parent families is a stag-
49% (1.8 million families). This is 83% higher than a decade ago.
rates among one-parent units are enormously higher than among
television media also play a major role in reinforcing the debase-
the Black male. Bill Cosby is debased by always being depicted
at the level of infants. Muhammed Ali is debased by always
The Isis Papers
. . roaches and biting into sandwiches in-
being shown clowmng, chasmg 1 • character “Mr. Jefferson” in
1 ns Sherman Helms ey s . b’
stead of waterme o . . . like a monkey and chm mg
The Jeffersons is always clownmg, actm~ economic attainment. Mr.
. ‘t of supposed supenor .
over furniture, mspt e . 11’ nt manly white male who ts
ed to a more mte •ge ,
Jefferson is contrast . eall’~
. married to a white male).
k ~ -~ ‘e (who m r he is . married to a Blac .en~ sence of Black adult male mode ill
With the massive failure and ab . . provides Black male youths
. · real life teleVISIOn
family constellanons m ‘ hi Shadow conditioning these
f th odel of The ~ te ‘ k with the white a er m lack dult male models and to loo
sed to the absence ofB a f’· ……. children to get u “the man .. This theme is advanced Ul u•er
up to the white adult male as ·llai haise) and Different Strokes
( · g Herve Ve c in Fantasy Island stamn ck le will look particularly at
(starring Gary Coleman). Most Bla illi~~ .. e” However, both Gary
d “He’s a m o …….. · · · a1 G•n·v Coleman an say, hit males with constitution
-J llai ha’ earenon-w e ,
Coleman and Herve Ve c IS . th . hysical stature to be abnormal·
. d fi . cies causmg err p .
and/or genenc e Icten • but it is their genetic or
· deed excellent actors, al
ly short. Yes, they are 1~ irl site adult white males of norm
constitutional abnonnahty’ play g oppo presentation in both of
. al h ‘ght that is the core white supremacy
phystc et ‘ . . . .
these popular televtston senes. th Black and other non- white
d truetive statement at .
The profoundly es . . all defective compared to wh1te
· all and constitunon Y th
males are genenc Y . being propagated over e
tl 10essage that 1s males is the sub e core . and constitutional abnor-
. This image of non-white male genetic d radios
arrways. bile as background, newspapers an
mality is set forth weekly, w . . f Nobel Prize winner Dr.
on the discussiOn o
give continuous coverage sed enetic inferiority of Black people
Wl’Uiam Shockley about the suppo g S _, years aao the weekly . ‘lization eveuu 0 ‘
and the need for therr sten . . f the Black male as a female
. . resentation and promonon o . ” as
televiSIOn P . Fli W’lson’s role of “Geraldine, w
· portrayed m P 1
a transvesnte, ~. fthe Black male’s genetic makeup and
similarundermmmg o. . ar weekly television portrayal of a we:ll-alfes:seu··
There was/is no such Slffiil tite in the white supremacy
white male as a female and transves
and culture.
Justifiable Homicide
Blacks and other non-white people do not perceive these messages
because they are blind to the context of the white supremacy power
structure that surrounds thelD. They look at such programs and are
pleased; they smile and laugh. Nonetheless, this continued presentation
of Black genetic inferiority makes the fmal destruction of Blacks appear
to Blacks themselves as a relief from the burden of their own genetic
inadequacy. One can be assured thai there will never be a weekly
television presentation of a constitutionally and genetically deformed
blue-eyed, blond white male, playing opposite an irltelligently behaving
Black male of normal stature, as long as the white supremacy system
remains intact.
. These more subtle means of achieving justifmble homicide all serve to
advance the ultilDate goal of white genetic survival. For, with Black adult
males unable to function as 10en (on drugs, in prison, as clowns and
buffoons, as infants and perceived as genetic defectives, transvestites and
homosexuals), there will not be a major threat of white genetic annihila-
tion, and white genetic survival is assured. The white collective cannot
be asked to cease their drive for justifiable homicide in its gross and subtle
forms. To do so would mean white suicide .
It is therefore the self-respecting task of Blacks and all other non-whites
to understand the war and the behavioral dynaiDic of white supremacy, in
which they are presently trapped. Through this understanding, we must
evolve our own behavior (in all areas of people activity) that will even-
tually checklDate this global white necessity and injustice.
. Black people may begin by educating all Black male children to
understand white supre10acy and by putting increased pressure on Black
~males to recognize their role as husbands and fathers. This understanding
means that Black men must work and provide support for their families,
the white collective attempts to prevent them from doing. Males
do not demand and fight, if necessary, to have jobs cannot become
.”uu~’Ullii’U:S or fathers. Most certainly, teenage male children cannot be-
parents, which means that Black females will have to learn when
under what circumstances they should relate to Black 10ales in the act
Ul sexu.i:IJ intercourse and self-reproduction.
The Isis Papers
This internal pressure to preserve the role of Black manhood becomes
a means by which the concept of Black manhood is developed and
preserved by Black peoples themselves. This activity will counter the
thrust of the Black male as female, clown, infant, buffoon, transvestite,
homosexual. Black males who are unwilling to fight for their manhood
are thereby indicating that they debase Black manhood and will not be
able to teach it to the next generation. These males do not deserve the
privilege of procreating themselves, and this should be enforced by all
Black females who are self-respecting.
White supremacy is war against Black people in general and against
Black males in particular, as embodied in such tactics and strategies as
justifiable homicide. It will require a total commitment and counter war
effort on the part of all Black peoples to neutralize, by every means at
their disposal, this war of racist injustice.
As Black people, we also can adopt the defmition that under the
conditions of white supremacy, Black manhood does not mean macho or
money, but instead it means warrior or soldier against white supremacy,
embracing everything that the words warrior or soldier imply. Those who
do not wish to be warriors or soldiers should not procreate themselves, as
their offspring can be expected to be destroyed by white supremacy
anyway. This is by no means a definitive statement on Black response to
justiftable homicide, but it is an attempt to elevate the discussion on this
specific white supremacy war strategy. Further discussion amongst Black
people will help to define all necessary Black behavioral response.
Paper Money and Gold As Symbols
The image or concept of the self in the deep recesses of the brain-com-
puter, as programmed through the total environment interacting with the
genetic and constitutional base, detennines all patterns of symbols, logic,
thought, speech, action, emotional response and perception in all areas of
people activity. As such, the self-image is the core from which all else
.evolves in the brain-computer. Thus, the deep self-image is the key
concern of the psychiatrist.
Why should one focus on deep symbols? What do we achieve through
· symbol analysis and understanding? Truth cannot be concealed. Truth
is “that which is.” It is specific energy in the universe. It literally begs to
·. be revealed, especially when hypocrisy and deceit- distorted statements
of “that which is” -move towards domination. Truth then reveals itself,
. speaks and surfaces through the symbol. The symbol is the fonn through
· which a highly dynamic idea or concept can “tunnel” underground
through the unconscious to be expressed. The symbol is the product of
. environmental energy condensation.
R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz in his book, Symbol and the Symbolic,
… that true progress inhuman thought can be made only if we call upon
the ‘symbolizing’ faculty of human intelligence, the faculty developed
and refmed in the Temple Culture of ancient Egypt and reflected in
the hieroglyphics that have come down to us undisturbed. The
mentality of ancient Egypt helps to free us from our present intellectual
impasse, while ‘symbolism’ must be recognized for what it is: the
~~,….”‘”‘”-“””–‘”‘-..,…-=”‘-~” ~~—~—
The Isis Papers
intuitive means of overcoming the limitations of reason and achieving
a higher humanism.
Schwaller de Lubicz also indicates …
Egypt and other cultures grounded in the symbolic method, were
indeed, through symbols, educating the neurological structures of the
brain to maintain an active, conscious connection not only between
the bilateral lobes of the cerebral cortex, but also with the impulses
and subliminal information received from the ancient and deeper
limbic and reptilian centers, so that these aspects of our nature could
be integrated into the activity of our reasoning mind.
Symbols and the decoding of symbols has yet to become a major area
of interest and study in Western civilization. This is regrettable at one
level, yet very understandable at a deeper level. Decoding the symbol is
an activity not unlike that of the physical scientist who places matter or
living substance under the lens of a light microscope or an electromicro-
scope for the purpose of gaining deeper insight into and understanding of
the structure and function of that matter. In both instances (decoding the
symbol and examining matter under a microscope), the process of inves-
tigation serves to refine our knowledge and influence our behavior in the
universe. Decoding the symbol also leads to a deeper understanding of
the self, and so frees the self. There are few who would argue that in-depth
knowledge is not superior to knowledge of the surface alone.
The process of decoding and visualizing the symbol does not require
the aid of a device beyond the human body, such as the microscope. Such
a process requires fast and foremost the activity of the right cerebral
hemisphere and those sensory, neuro-chemical channels that feed primari-
ly into this area of the human brain-computer. As a theoretical extension,
I am convinced that the neuropigment melanin plays a crucial role in this
right cerebral hemisphere sensory, neurochemical system.
Melanin acts as an energy-data absorbing biological pigment in the
nervous system leading specifically to the right cerebral hemisphere.
Melanin as a neuropigment has the capacity to absorb levels of energy
activity outside the spectrum of energy frequencies processed by the five
Paper Money and Gold
traditional senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell) recognized in
Western civilization, the civilization evolved by the white skinned collec-
tive who lacks any substantial quality of melanin skin and nervous system
pigmentation and likewise, who has a lesser energy-data gathering
Let us now examine some views on money.
For the Jove of money is the root of all evils; it is through this craving
that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced their hearts
with many fangs. (Holy Bible, Timothy 6: 11)
Ernest Becker in Escape From Evil states:
One of the fascinating chapters in history is the evolution of money –
all the more so since it has yet to be written…. One of the reasons it
isn’t written is that the origin of money is shrouded in prehistory;
another is that its development must have varied, must not have
followed a single universal line. Still a third reason touches closer to
home: modern man seems to have trouble understanding money; it is
too close to him, too much a part of his life. As someone once
remarked, the last thing a flSh would discover is water, since it is so
unconsciously and naturally a part of its life. But beyond all of this,
[money] …. is still sacred, still a magical object on which we rely for
our entrance to immortality. Or, put another way, money is obscure
to analysis because it is still a living myth, a religion …. How else
explain that we do not yet have a single history of money, despite the
massive collection of anthropological and historical monographs, the
observations by Plato and Aristotle themselves, those by Augustine
on money fetishism … the insights of Marx, and now, finally of modem
… Death is overcome by accumulating time-defying monuments.
These accumulations of stone and gold make possible the discovery
of the immortal sourl…Death is overcome on condition that the real
actuality of life pass into these immortal and dead things; money is the
man; the inunortality of the estate or a corporation resides in the dead
things which alone endure. “5
The Isis Papers
In Life Against Death, Norman 0. Brown asserts:
No wonder economic quality is beyond the endurance of modem
democratic man: the house, the car, the bank balance are his
immortality symbols. Or, put another way, if a black man moves next
door, it is not merely that your house diln]nishes in real estate value,
but that you diminish in fullness on the level of visible immortality –
and so you die.
, In his essay “The Ontogenesis of the Interest in Money” (The
Psychology of Gambling, edited by Jon Halliday and Peter Fuller), Sandor
Ferenczi states,
Every psychoanalyst is familiar with the symbolic meaning of money
that was discovered by Freud. Whenever the archaic way of thinking
has prevailed or still prevails, in the old civilizations, in myths,
fairytales, superstitions, in unconscious thinking, in dreams and in
neuroses, money has been brought into the closest connection with
Ferenczi outlines in some detail his own view of the transformation of
anal-erotic interest into monetarY interest, wherein the individual ends by
being able to possess something of color that has value, is hard (and not
soft), it neither has odor nor causes the person who touches it to be soiled
or dirty.
Edmund Bergler, author of Money and Emotional Conflict, states,
Money neurosis can be found in every country. every culture, every
group of any given society; therefore it cannot be used to prove
anythmg against our system of free enterprise. For money neurosis is
a by-product arising independently of any external system.
In sharp contrast to the above quotations and viewpoints on
Emest Becker, in his work Escape From Evil, relates an African view
Recently I have heard Bantu of the old school say, with reference to
our modem products, the Europeanized evolves, ‘These are men of
Paper Money and Gold
lupeto (money)’. They have explained
young men of ours know nothin b to me that the Europeanized
possessing any value ~ g ut money, that it is the only thing
hil .or them Th .
p osophy .. .for a philosophy of . ey … give up their Bantu
ideal, their end and th money. Money is their one and onl
. e supreme ultimat .. Y
actlOns …. Everything has be d e norm … regulating their
modem universal rule of con:~ct· esltroyed( by this new value, this
· upeto money).
These intriguing remarks can be understood
beneath the surface to comprehe d h only when we probe deep
at the unconscious level of th n w atmoney(papermoney)represents
e symbol – a level f d
suspected by Sigmund Freud T f 11 ar eeper than ever
depth of the Western self-i . o u ~ un~e~tand, one must examine the
mage and Its ongm
o c earer statement of the Western .
that expressed by essayist Samuel Lan :If-concept need be found than
Made Twain. In “Skin Deep ” o f g om Clemmens, .known to all as
D • ne o a collecti f
amned Human Race, Twain described on. o essays entitled The
commenting on their costwn d a gathenng of people in India
es an complexions as follows: ,
… The company
present…made a fme sh
eworks, so to speak · th ow, an exhibition of human
brilliant color…. ‘ m e maners of costumes and cominglings of
I could have wished to start a rival e …
and clothes. It would have b :mition there, of Christian hats
devilish spectacle Th theen a deous exhibition, a thorough!
· en erewould th Y
sa vantage of the white . no ave been the added
un 1 complex10n It ·
p easantcomplexion when itk : lS not an unbearably
?~petition with masses of bro~ps to Itself, but when it comes into
It lS endurable only because we and black. the fact is betrayed that
brown skins are beautiful b t beare ~ed to lt. Nearly all black and
d k u a autiful hi · · ar complexions are massed the w te skin lS rare …. Where
unwholesome, and sometimes :::::-e the whites look bleached out,
down South in the slavery da b fi y ghastly. I could notice this
satin skin of the SouthAfric ~ I e ore the war. The splendid black
very close to perfection. an u us of Durban seemed to me to come
heard from a 19th century Am . encan essay· t 1 .
statement published in th fi IS • et us now hsten
e mal quarter of the 20th century
The Isis Papers
. How to Get a Great Tan (Without (June 1979). Roger C. Sharpe, m
Frying) explains:
ff . ter’s draining hold and . . To shake o wm
It’s time to feel alive agam. er SWl It’s also the season
get out into the reviving glow of thethsunun ho ~and those who wish
kind of people: ose w ‘ . t
when there are two s do ‘ be left out in the shade. It s ume or
they could. This summer, n t Fr Memorial Day to Labor Day,
you to glow with a healthy tan. ~g off those excess pounds,
you’ll be on display. That means d of Let’s face it: a great tan
and domring a new skin you’.ll be prouel .eel A bit of color can take
sexter more r ax • d . makes you look younger, ‘ £ 1 better about yourself. An lt
you a long way. It will make y~u ~ ‘ally when there’s more of
Will make others look at you tWice, specl d things in life, getting a
Y with most goo
you that can be seen. et, as d For most of us, who have only
great tan is a double-edged swor : there is never enough time to
weekends or a brief summer vacau.on, t there we tend to overdo a
spend in the SWl. So when we do get ?~y felt. • We stumble back to
good thing. The consequenses are rap\”” What promised to be a
ff. burned to a er-r· he O
ur homes and o lees, h k or streaks and splotc s.
like a pate wor ks f gorgeous tan looks more h rt haircut) and the bac o
Our earlobes are tender (another tooeks :e are plagued with flaking
For the next we • d d ‘t our knees are sore. . We don’t feel young an we on
skin in the bedsheets. We ltch. d come home a mess. Surely
d reat tan an we ‘ . d feel sexy. We wante a g . the a es that follow, we ve tne
there’s a better way! There.IS.ad In . pb!edonon-the-spotresearch
d practical v tce, . . ts
to give you some goo ‘ W lydiscuss theposltlve aspec
and talks with medical experts. eso~ summer, be smart. Find out
of tanning, as well as the dangers. £ ou go out there. you can get
what happens to you in ~el SWl ;~~~~r~ a natural for tanning, you’ll
a great tan, more effecu.ve y. d keep – a better tan. And
pick up pointers that will help you get -:able to catch the rays, this
if you’re the type who nev~r see~ to
uld be your turning pomt. summer co
. ter “Getting the Perfect Overall The same author continues m the chap
. mind if you decide to go nude this
Something you should keep m our body that have never been
SUillffier is that there may be parts ~f~ throomlight. You don’t want
exposed to anything stronger~ . e 😮 some commonsense advice
to rue the day you went back to astcs,
Paper Money and Gold
is in orc:ler. Don’t try to overdo your time in the SWl; keep your initial
tanning time down to a minimum. Gently break in those fonnerly
unexposed parts of your body to the idea that this is their year in the
sun. Extra sunscreening for these areas are also in order to prevent
any drying and urmecessary burning. Mter all, what’s dte point of
sunning aiJ over if one part of you gets golden brown and another
bright red? So be careful. Take things a day at a time.
Melanin is the black pigment which pennits skins to appear other than
white (black, brown, red and yeliow). Melanin pigment coloration is the
nonn for the hue-man family. If there are non- white readers who disagree
with this presentation of white rejection of the white-skinned self, may I
refer you to the literature on the currently developing sun-tanning parlors.
In a Newsweek (December, 1979) article entitled, “90-Second Suntans,”
there is a picture of a heavily tanned girl clad in a bikini swimsuit. Under
the picture the caption reads, “Los Angeles tanning booth: Brown at any
price.” The article concludes:
For growing hordes of sunlamp worshippers, however, it seems to be
a tan at any cost. ‘Something is going to get all of us one day, so why
worry about it?’ rationalizes Robert Duncan, Manager of a fast-food
restaurant in Costa Mesa, Calif. ‘If tanning is going to kill me at least
I’ll be a good-looking corpse.’
The above testimonies, from white persons writing perhaps a century
apart, manifest the white collective’s dissatisfaction with the white com-
plexion. Likewise, a pervasive and strong desire on the part of the white
global collective to have skin that looks otherwise- skin that shines, skin
tliat is satin black or golden brown in color, skin that does nor exhibit a
,”‘”‘~’llluu’• pigment deficiency – is articulated clearly.
In addition, Western culture has a folk saying, “Clothes make the man,”
implication being that the worth of the person is established ani y after
body (shamefully white) is covered. This same symbolism was
~prteSSt:o unconsciously at a mass level at the height of the Watergate
– the only time in the history of America (the major unit in the
” white organization) when a President was forced to resign because
;,~fllltmeJ'” behavior. At the peak of this period of national shame, white
The Isis Papers
l beg
an to dart about naked, running across open spaces, exposing
maes . h’ h
their naked white bodies, and then hiding. This behaviOr, w .Ic was
never decoded at deep levels, was called streaking. The behaviOr sym-
bolically represented that in the white collective brain-computer the nake.d
white body is equated with shame. Thus, when deep national shame. Is
exposed to the world, there is a compulsion to expose the naked white
body. . th . f
There is also a parallel with the present increase m e pracnce o
nudism in this area of the world, when America is experiencing a lo~s of
power and prestige at national and international levels.. At the nm~,
America begins to reveal more and more of the naked white body. ThiS
pattern of increased white body exposure also incl~des the ~pl~ss and
bottomless bars that came into prominence followmg Amenca s great
shame in the loss of the Vietnam War. . .
Now examine a dollar bill. Note that the original p~per IS ba~Ically
white. On one side, the printing and engraving is done w.tth ~reen mk ~n
white paper. On the other side, the printing and engravmg .Is ~one with
black ink on white paper. A major symbol on the dollar billts ~.so the
African pyramid and the symbol of Osiris, the divine eye. Osms :’.as
referred to as “Lord of the Perfect Black.” Now recall. the. far~nli~
expression, “Money does not grow on trees.” The surface. tmplicanon lS
that money is not so readily available. At a deeper level m th~ Western
psyche, the statement likens paper money to tree leaves. One stde ~f that
paper money is green, and the money is in tum referred to as green
backs.” d
To further decode the symbolism of paper money’ o~e mu~t understan
that all paper money in Western culture is the sym~hc equivalent of the
proverbial fig leaves. Western artists always deptct fig leaves as the
objects used to cover the genitals of the white bodies of Adam and Eve-
covering their nakedness, their bodily shame. . .
The side of American paper money engraved and pnnted 1~ bt~ck
symbolically (and unconsciously) represents the black (melanm. ptg-
mented) skin that the albinos or whites should have possessed, were lt not
Paper Money and Gold
for their genetic defect of albinism (the reason for which they were
originally cast out of Africa by their Black mothers and fathers).
Further, it is no accident in the present day capital of the global white
supremacy system- Washington, D.C- that the vast majority of the
people in the city are Black and that the paper money is printed by a large
majority of Black workers. In other words, Black backs are producing
“green backs,” which could equally be referred to as “black backs.” For
in the minds of the white collective, whites should have black backs
instead of white backs and they should not need green backs to cover w bite
backs. A similiar realization causes whites to tan, as though the hue
achieved through tanning is “supposed” to be their true color.
This decoding allows the slang (in this sense, symbolic) expression,
frequently used by Blacks in America, “Give me some skin,” to be placed
in a more meaningful perspective. On the surface level this expression
means, give me your hand – skin touching skin – to shake, as a greeting.
At yet another level the implication is: “Give me some money.”
Blacks living amongst the white collective have internalized uncon-
sciously the symbolic equation of paper money with the covering for the
degraded white skin. In fact, albinism is the origin for the unconscious
development of this white equation of paper money with skin.
In their book, Money Madness, Herb Goldberg and Robert T. Lewis
Studies of self-made wealthy men, for example, show an extremely
high incidence of parental death and parental divorce, which resulted
in a high degree of insecurity early in life. Many of these men, as
young boys, apparently set out to amass so much money that they
would never be left stranded again. They also were faced with
assuming adult responsibility while still children, and they tried to
prove to themselves and others they didn’t really need to depend on
Does this not parallel the experience of the rejected albino mutants who
· Western civilization arid culture?
With the symbolism of money in the white supremacy culture decoded,
phenomena of gambling, monetary inflation cycles and other be-
The Isis Papers
. ll areas of the Western civilization can be better
haviors present m a
· understood. . th s mbolic covering of white bodily
Money, like the fig lea~es, IS e y f al e when no value is present.
shame and is designed to giVe a selnse o vopeu rates at a level unavailable
. . shame and value essness
Its immerswn m . id red at surface levels of the white
to conscious thought. Mone~ IS c:s ~which is like saying that white is
or Western psyche to have hlgh v ubee m· deep reality money is
. · ) However cause
geneucally supenor · ‘ d resents shame the real value
designed to cover white b~y shame an re~e latter m~ that in reality
of the money will always nse an: ~e:_J~~ the same as tanning the white
money is worthless and ~eb~e w. ~~ This reflects the fact that while
skin after sayi~g that white IS s~pe~e). unconsciously feel inferior to the
whites are saymg they arelsu~n~;’ T:e concept of white skin superiority
melanin pigmented globa maJon Y.
is the same ~ inflate.d money’ :~rthl~::omenon of gambling there is the
Similarly ,m the highly sym. o c p bly has high value. Yet the most
t oney because It presuma
attempt to ge m . . . money but losing money and
real’t of gambling 1s not wmrung •
common 1 Y . . bod hame literally and figuratively.
being disgraced- revealmg white y st of ~e decoded symbolism of
. mbling in the the contex
By placmg g~ . itted b whites who lost their money during the
money’ the sw~Ides comm lai~ed· they had lost, albeit at unconscious
recent depresswns can be e~p . ha . Blacks and other peoples of
· g for wh1te body s me.
levels, the cove~n . ed and not simply because they may not
color were not similarly affect , in the first instance. Psychologically,
have had that much money to lose kin melanin could handle better
d th persons with permanents .
Blacks an o er h fundamental body shame to •·
being without money because they ave no •. ·
cover. al makes it possible to understand·•
Decoding the symbolism of money so . . th fecal matter
why Sigmund Freud and his followers assocmte;h:~:;tew;syche then (as.··.
and filth, which are usually brown or black. of white body shame · ..
now) could not confront s~l~-negation ~!~; s~::hite psyche to probe
. 1 Therefore lt IS not possl
consciOUS Y • ‘ . the cover for white body ·
deeply enough to see that paper money lS ·.·
Paper Money and Gold
That same white psyche then displaces the association of money with
melanin pigment to associate money with the only other brown and black
pigment manufactured in the human body, the pigment responsible for the
color of fecal material, coprobilirubins.
This discussion brings to mind a seminar I attended while training to
become a child psychiatrist. The esteemed “father of child psychiatry”
and the program director of the seminar, Dr. Reginald Lourie concluded,
while evaluating the case of a Black child, that the reason this child hated
himself (and the reason Black people in general hated themselves) was
because he was the color of feces. Of course, my strong objections at the
time did not change the basic logic of Freudian psychoanalytic theory,
which many Black professionals have learned by rote, internalized and
projected onto their Black patients. What Dr. Lourie, following Dr.
Freud, had done was state that melanin pigment was the equivalent of the
coprobilirubins. It was easier for the white pysche to state consciously
that it desired to be tan like fecal matter than to admit consciously a desire
to have melanin pigment and to be like black people, whom whites in
psychological compensation, had to debase.
Decoding the symbolism theory further explains the reason why some
whites in their sexual practices like to be smeared with human excrement.
And likewise, this decoding illuminates the meaning behind one of the
most common forms of expression in the white.culture, which is “SHIT,”
or to refer to someone as a “SHITHEAD.” Also, it now should be more
than crystal clear why, at unconscious levels in the white psyche, it is
perceived that Black and other skin-pigmented peoples do not need money
like white people do. White people need paper money to cover white body
shame while Black and other skin-pigmented peoples do not have the need
of such covering.
•· ” When Blacks and other non-whites are struggling to obtain equal pay
for work done equal to that of whites, they are struggling against this
Jmcontscious symbolism. As long as the system and culture of white
Supremacy remains intact, non-whites will not have the same money to
with as whites and their money will not be able to do what money
the hands of whites is able to do.
The Isis Papers
Because Blacks and others with permanent melanin skin pigmentation
do not feel a sense of white body shame, they do not have lhe same anxious
motivation to acquire money as does the white-skinned global collective.
Although some have sought to attribute this lesser general motivation to
“genetic inferiority,” “a lack of intelligence” or “laziness,” these
rationalizations cannot withstand deep analysis.
The symbolism of gold in the white supremacy system is quite similar.
Previously, I mentioned Mark Twain’s reference to “The splendid black
satin skin of the South African Zulus .•. ” as well as Roger C. Sharpe’s
question, “After all, what’s the point of sunning all over if one part of you
gets golden brown and another bright red?” And, everyone in this culture
is familiar with the many suntan lotions and creams that advertise their
ability to help one acquire a golden tan. I therefore theorize that because:
1) black and brown skin (melanin pigmented skin), with its natural oils,
glistening and gleaming in the sunlight, looks like gold (as is attested to
in the white supremacy culture by the frequent references to a “golden
tan,” meaning a golden brown or black color), and 2) that which was
deeply desired more than anything else by the albino mutants in their white
psyche (no matter how deeply repressed), was to have melanin pigmented
skin, then the metal gold (the only metal substance with lasting luster and
a color that approximates the color tones of melanin pigment) became the
deeply unconscious symbol of the most desired substance in the entire
global white supremacy system/culture. Gold is then the symbol for
melanin skin pigment in the white psyche. The possession of gold in the
white psyche is the unconscious equalizer for the absence in whites of
melanin. That is the reason mulatoes, or Semites, of the Jewish religion
always were accused of having all of the money and gold.
The symbolism of gold explains the most fundamental reasons that,
for a considerable period of time, Western paper money was backed by ·
the gold standard, which prevented general fluctuations in the value
paper money. Symbolically, the gold standard meant that melanin
and is the nonn and standard for human beings. Presently, the
monetary system is on the dollar standard, but there are many
national units pressuring for the return to the gold standard.
Paper Money and Gold
The value of gold is tied unconscious! . .
computer to the power of th
Y m the whtte collective brain-
– the black, brown, red and e e~: es who possess melanin in the world
indicate that white is not realyl ~ples .. When global events shift to
Y supenor-as m the k · h
– the white-skinned collective . aruan ostage taking
repressed sense of white genetic =nences se~-doubt and the deeply
apparatus of the white psyche Then :uacy ~gms to break through the
its symbol” . , e relative value of white skin and
tc cover (the dollar) dro s and
equivalent, gold, escalates as ex ress~ the value of the melanin
the world market. It should be n~ted tha:y the value and cost of gold on
the value of the paper monies in the h” as the value of gold moves up,
th . w tte supremacy system d I” e whtte supremacy system ‘cult hi . ec mes. In
ki . ” ure, w te skin and melani · s nand their respective symbol· . al n ptgmented
tc equtv ents alwa .
anotherin value when the pa . , ys move opposlte one
Th , per money IS not backed by the gold standard
~ gold has long been associated with black- ki . .
collective white psyche is aive furth s nned people m the
c· n er strong support · G
ogy, specifically in Jason’s search forth G ld m reek mythol-
obtain the Golden Fleece from the C I ~. o en Fleece. Jason hoped to
Herodotus (425? B.C. – 484? B C) o c tan~, whom the Greek historian
S. . • • • , according to Robert ‘T’ 1 , mus Mystery discussed. ~ emp e s The
My own idea on the subject was based fir
Colchians) have black skins d st on the fact that they (the
much, as other nations h anthwooly hair (not that that amounts to
ave e same) and dl
especially, on the fact that the C 1 hi • secon y, and more
Bth” . o c ans the Egypti d
Ioptans are the only races which fr •. . ans, an the
circumcision…. om anCient tunes have practiced
The phrase “Golden Fleece” is made u of .
• people: “gold” d . p two words assoctated with
, enotmg black or brown skin and “fleece” d
wool or kink ha · Th , enot-
…. search for melanin. Y rr. e search for the Golden Fleece becomes
i.E. Cirlot’ s Dictionary 0 rs mb 1 ·. th ‘J Y 0 s says that the Golden Fleec ” ·
e symbols denoting the conquest of the . . e IS one
•ann—‘-‘ ” …, h” . unposstble or the ultra-
ror W Ite-Sktnned peopl · · •
or golden brown or black. es, It lS Impossible to produce
The Isis Papers
Later, in the Middle Ages, Western man (the white collective) con-
tinued his perhaps unconscious search to make oi: acquire melanin (satin
black and golden brown) through the higly symbolic process called
alchemy. Israel Regardie reveals in The Philiosopher’ s Stone that the
word alchemy is an Arabic term consisting of the article al and the noun
khemi. The noun khemi refers to Egypt, whose Coptic or Ethiopian name
is Khem. Alchemy would then be translated as, “the Egyptian matter” or
“that which pertains to Egypt.” The tenn al Khemi could also be translated
and understood as “the Black matter,” or “that which pertains to the
Blacks” or “that which the Blacks are able to make or to do.” Alchemy
was essentially a symbolic process involving the endeavor to make gold,
symbol of illumination and salvation. More specifically, the anempt was
to convert lesser metals, such as silver and lead, into gold. The lesser
metals can be translated as “a less desirable skin color or white skin color.”
These highly obsessive and fruitless laboratory experiments eventually
led to the development of the science of chemistry, whose very name
comes from alchemy. Chemistry later became the basis for the modem
science of genetics, in which Western man continues his efforts to make
new genetic material, hoping to create life (and possibly genes that can
produce melanin).
Again, what is revealed is Western man’s search for that which the
Egyptians and the Colchians (the Blacks) were able to achieve. The real
mystery to the white psyche was that Blacks were able, with their genetic
material, to produce the gleaming satin black and shining golden brown
skin color through the presence of melanin in their skin, a pigment whites
were unable to produce. However, then as now, whites deeply desired the
ability to produce melanin colored skin.
It is of even greater symbolic significance that the special wisdom,
knowledge, power or abilities of the Eyptians, which the European
alchemists had hoped to duplicate, was thought by Europeans to be
associated with or contained in “the philosopher’s stone.” The alchemists
desperately sought to find or get a fragment of “the philosopher’s stone,”
as it was the prerequisite for turning lesser metals into gold.
Paper Money and Gold
The Journal of Human Sexuality reponed in “Pelvic Congestion
Syndrome in Men” that the word stone in the language of the ancients
means “testicle.” Testicles contain the genetic material. In the context of
the decoded symbolism of gold, the alchemists’ search for the
“philosopher’s stone” can be translated as the search for the testicles that
contain the genetic potential to produce the satin black and golden brown
skin color. The word stone, meaning testicle, even comes down to the
present in such language expressions as “stone ache,” which is a colloquial
term used for “testicular ache.”
The foregoing discussion is presented in the hope of increasing
professional understanding and appreciation of the world of symbols,
logic, thought and behavioral dynamics in which we presently find
ourselves. This world creates the functional pathologies that our patients
expect us to be able to solve.
The central pathology of logic and thought spawned· by Western
civilization is the lack of white self-appreciation, predicated upon the
fundamental inadquacy of the white genetic makeup. This lack of self-
respect has spread wherever Western civilization bas gone and now
infects all of the peoples on the planet As we move through this period
in which paper money and gold are increasingly difficult to obtain (even
for many white-skinned people), it is now possible, with this symbolism
decoded, to understand why Blacks and other non-whites will continue to
experience difficulty obtaining paper money and gold.
The psychiatrists working with Black patients will have the task of
helping those patients understand paper money and gold as symbols in the
culture and, most importantly, increase their sense of self-respect and
self~worth – even in the face of the declining value of paper money and
decreasing availability of gold. Indeed, Blacks and other non-whites
already possess that for which gold and paper monies have become the
symbols. Psychiatrists working with white patients also will have the task
of helping those patients understand paper money and gold as deep
symbols in the historic Western culture and, further, as substitutes for
white self-respect. Psychiatrists must help those white patients struggle
The Isis Papers
. . If “espect despite their conditions as albino
ain and mamtam se -· • .
~u~ts in a world where the norm is to have ~~~~~~:;u~~~ have to be
The price of gold, or the number oBf lpapek anr d other melanin pigmented
·11 · seas long as ac
spent for gold, WI mcrea. . . self-respect and black, brown, red
peoples continue to exerc•se mcreas•.ng th power of white-skinned
Earth relauve to e
and yellow power on ‘ f the numbers of dollars spent per
peoples. The price of gold, in t~rm~·o skinned peoples are able to force
unit of gold, will decrease on~y lf ~ h•~- lace “as designated in the white
skin pigmented peoples back mto t e~r ~ ‘
power equation of white over non-white. WfNW.
The Symbolism of Boxing
and Black Leather
, (July 1982)
The global practice of white supremacy encompasses all patterns of
symbols, logic, thought, speech, action and emotional response in all areas
of people activity, for those self-defmed (individually or collectively) as
“white.” Therefore, the system of global white supremacy can be most
readily understood as a survival system, a system based upon the facts of
the global white numerical minority status, white genetic recessiveness
· and white genetic vulnerability. It is also important to comprehend that it
is a “fear” system- a system that is consciously or unconsciously aware
of its genetic vulnerability and fearful of its genetic annihilation.
Like the symbols discussed in preceding chapters, the sport of boxing,
Jn the white supremacy system and culture, is yet another instance of
specific behavioral and object symbolism that manifests the collective
}Vhite concern of its genetic vulnerability. Much of the motivation to write
· essay came from the heavyweight boxing championship fight be-
Larry Holmes, the undefeated Black champion, and Gerry Cooney,
. the number one white contender and subsequent loser. Race was the
and overriding concern in this contest, with Cooney portrayed as
“white hope.” The real fight took place with the atmosphere created
the series of “Rocky” movies. In these fantasies, Sylvester Stallone
· the white fighter in the red, white and blue trunks who is always
~IC’JtlnnnQ over his Black challenger.
The Isis Papers
Encyclopedia Britannica (15th Edition) states,
Boxing is the art of attack and defense with the fists in which the two
contestants wear padded gloves, box bouts of three to 15 rounds (each
round normally of three minutes duration), and generally observe the
code set forth in the Marquess of Queensbury rules …. Contestants are
matched in weight and ability, each trying to land hard and often with
his own flSts and to avoid the blows of his opponent.
The term pugilism and prizefighting in 20th-century usage are
. practically synonymous with boxing, though the first indicates the
ancient origins of the sport in its derivation from the Latin ‘pugil’, “a
fighter with the cestus (a hand covering),” related to the Latin pignus,
‘flSt,’ and derived in turn from the Greek ‘pyx’ ‘with clenched flSt’;
while ‘prize-fighting’ emphasizes the pursuit of the sport for gain.
SamueiJ ohnson in his Dictionary (1975) defmed a prizefighter as ‘one
that fights publicly for a reward.’
Of the history of boxing, Encyclopedia Britannica continues
There is evidence that boxing existed in ancient Crete, where a
civilization was established by about 1500 BC. Centuries before the
arrival of the Greeks, boxing was known in the Aegean …. In the early
days, fighters wore thongs of soft leather bound around their fists and
(often) two-thirds of the way up their forearms to protect hands and
Wrists. Beginning in the 4th century BC, harder leather was used for
the thongs, with the result that they became weapons as well as
protection. And finally, late in the history of the Roman Empire, the
Greeks adopted the hand covering called cestus, which was studded
with iron or brass nuggets and was used in battles to the death in the
Roman arenas …. The first Greek fighters were not paid; glory was the
only reward they sought. Later, wealthy men trained their slaves as
boxers and had them perfonn for special entertainments. In the 1st
century AD, Romans forced cestus clad slaves to bludgeon one
another to death in a gruesome perversion of sport for the
entertainment of crowds who thronged to arenas to see the kill. With
the rise of Christianity and the concurrent decline of the Roman
Empire, pugilism as entertainment apparently ceased to exist. At least,
there is no record of it.
Symbolism of Boxing
In more modern times, with the rise of London as a major city in the
17th and 18th centuries, prizefighting became a major sport there – the
sport being bareknuckle in character. :Sill Richmond (1763 – 1829), an
American-born former slave, became the flfStman born in America to win
acclaim in England as a flfSt-class pugilist. Tom Cribb (1781-1848), the
Englishman, is considered the first to win immortality in the sport of
boxing. Cribb beat Richmond in 90 minutes in 1805. Later, after winning-
the English championship, he twice beat Tom Molineaux (1784-1818),
another American-born former slave, in what were considered Cribb’s
greatest performances.
As evidenced by the above, ethnic and racial considerations have long
been a major theme in boxing. The first man considered a scientific
fighter is described as “an English Jew” named Daniel Mendoza (1763-
1836). Other fighters remained associated with their ethnic and/or nation-
al origins. The waves of immigrants that came to America from the British
Isles and Europe, all coming to America competing with one another for
advancement, produced not only outstanding fighters identified as “Jews,”
but others identified as “Italian,” “German,” “Scandinavian,” “Polish,”
“American Negroes” and “Foreign-born Negroes.” Of course, the only
group against which there was great prejudice at times was against the
Black fighters, who presently dominate the ring in all weight categories.
Amateur boxing began during the 19th century in Britain. In 1888, the
Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) of the United States was founded. In
1923, the Chicago Tribune newspaper founded an amateur competition
called the Golden Gloves. The name, Golden Gloves, was first used in
New York in 1927. It has now grown into a national competition rivalling
the AAU. (See Chapter 16.)
Although boxing as a sport is now worldwide, there is no accepted
world-ruling body for professional boxing. Each country has its own
rules, and in the U.S. each state has different rules. Most common,
however, is that the bouts take place in a “ring”- which is in reality an
14 to 20 feet square, surrounded by three strands of ropes. Profes-
sional bouts are from four to fifteen rounds in duration.
The Isis Papers
Key to this discussion is the general rule that disqualification may be
made by the referee during a fight for fouls – such as hitting below the
“belt,” an imaginary line drawn across the body from the top of the hip
bone. There are other rules for disqualification, but the above usually is
recognized as the most crucial rule. Also significant for this discussion
is the central aspect of technique that dictates the gloved hands must be
held up in front of the body: the left hand shoulder high and extended
about 12 inches. The left hand is slightly higher than the right, with the
left forearm held across the chest, right fist almost touching it, and both
elbows bent and resting lightly against the ribs. The right fist is held close
to the chin for protection and tucked into the chest, and the shoulders are
hunched. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th Edition).
Whereas the above sets forth the specifics of the formal boxing match,
it is the specific symbolism and the symbolic elements in the behavior of
boxing that are the major concern. Awareness at the level of the symbol
and the symbolic enables us to comprehend a more significant meaning
of the dynamics of the world around us.
Essentially, to the extent that the surrounding reality is not understood
at the deeper levels- at the level of the symbolic- the individual and the
collective remain relatively powerless. Symbols and symbolic activity
impact at subconscious and unconscious levels of the brain-computer,
escaping conscious level screening and control over the behavioral out-
flow that has been stimulated by the symbol and the symbolic. With
in-depth understanding, the symbol and the symbolic can be decoded and
made available for conscious use and disposal. increasing the individual’s
power over the self and the surrounding environment. (See Diagram I.)
Symbolism of Boxing
Brain-Computer Level Brain-Computer Input and Output
Conscious Overt-Surface
Subconscious Symbolic-Symbolic
Unconscious Symbolic-Symbolic
Diagram I
Brain-Computer Level of Functioning
and Level of Input and Output
of Environmental Data
Decoding the symbols and the symbolic behaviors in boxing requires
returning in time to ancient Africa, the birth place of human beings, and
more specifically to the African country called Egypt – in the period
antedating the invasions by the white tribes of Europe. The most impor-
tant Egyptian god was Osiris, referred to as “Lord of the Perfect Black,”
which I interpret as a reference to his skin color. The symbol by which
Osiris was known was the black bull called Apis. J .E. Cirlot’ sDictionary
of ~ymbols refers to the bull as the historic symbol of white superiority
over black. However, this seems to be a conscious or unconscious attempt
by Cirlot to reverse the meaning of the bull symbol since the black bull
was the symbol of Osiris, a Black god. Thus, in actuality, the bull must
represent the opposite: black superiority over white in the psyche of the
white collective.
Moving forward in time, the sport of bullfighting became prominent
on the continent of Europe, in Spain, shortly after the Moors (Black
‘* Africans) who had conquered Spain for seven hundred years, were finally
. •. beaten and chased back into Africa. Of course, by that time, the skin color
.. and hair of the peoples in Spain and in southern Europe had darkened
· .because of the dominant black genetic material which the Africans
h .. nnnht with them. However, the Spaniard response to being conquered
The Isis Papers
by the Africans, following the military but not the genetic defeat of the
latter, was to begin the obsessive symbolic ritual of bullfighting. A ~ale
person dressed in a “suit of lights” (which can be decoded as ~eanmg a
light- or white-skinned person), daringly prances and parades m front of
a black bull (acting as though he really wants to be gored) and, fmally,
with the help of several others, kills the bull. The fighter (the toreador),
then normally takes as souvenir the bull’s ear or tail, both of which have
been recognized as phallic symbols. Further, the bull is often eaten and
its testicles, seen as giving power to the diner, are consumed as a delicacy·
Following the Civil War in the U.S., a country whose development was
based upon the slave labor of Blacks captured from the continent of
Africa, the bull-steer again takes on major significance. The victory in
that war went to “the North.” “The South” and the slaveholders lost the
war. they also lost their Black slaves through the emancipation process.
Many of the white ex-slaveholders moved westward, initially, wantonly
slaughtering the massive herds of black and dark brown buffalo. The
indigenous inhabitants of America, who are incorrectly referred to ~
Indians, called the Black soldiers, “buffalo soldiers.” The source of thts
terminology likely stems from the similarities: the hair on the head ~f the
buffalo is very curly, like the helix hair on the heads of the Africans
(Blacks). Thus, these white cowboys and soldiers were slaughtering the
symbols of Osiris, the Black god, and symbols of the Blacks.
Once the buffalo were removed from the plains, in addition to the
so-called Indians who were also killed, these whites began to raise (bree4)
cattle (cows, ox, bull, steers). For for the most part, these cattle have been
brown and black in coloration. The superior cattle, the angus, is mostly
all black. Even more interesting is the fact that the whites who raised;
bred and herded brown and black cattle, referred to themselves as “cow-
boys,” a highly interesting word which doubly effeminizes these ~ales.
The word “cow,” while it can \)e used broadly to refer to any domesticated
bovine, is used most specifically to refer to the mature female cattle.
Similarly, the word “boy” historically has been used by whites in ~e U.S.
to refer to the Black male as a means of minimizing and degrading ..
masculinity. These cowboys, nonetheless, threw ropes (lassoes
Symbolism of Boxing
lariats) around the necks of brown and black cattle (just as ropes were also
placed around the necks of Black men in lynchings), and they also
castrated the cattle-producing steer (as they castrated Black men who were
Cattle-raising and cattle-herding operated under the ostensible purpose
of producing beef for eating. The U.S. has become on~ of the major
beef-eating nations in the world with its favored meats being steak and
hamburgers. Beef is the preferred meat of the majority of whites in the
. global white supremacy system and culture. Beef eaters are suppose to
be or to become more powerful and more masculine.
Cattle were also put to other uses, mainly the production of leather for
shoes, gloves, clothes, luggage, etc. The wearing of leather, particularly
black leather, is supposed to make one appear maximally masculine and
powerful .. ~thers are used in the production of many articles of clothing
for the m1htary. The German military (the Nazis) in the Second World
War, perhaps, exceeded all other white supremacy forces in the utilization
of black leather to give the appearance of power and might.
As a result of the aforementioned facts, the black bull and its symbolic
uses- clothing and food- have come to demonstrate the power that was
orig.inally seen in Osiris (“Lord of the Perfect Black;’). The sport of
boXIng assumes the same theme of power. In this specific instance the
theme is expressed through the use of the leather gloved fists, contin~ing
a practice begun in the days of the Roman Empire.
In current times, the fists of the boxer are covered by rounded, padded,
colored leather boxing gloves. These paired gloves, poised together in
front ~f the b~ Y. at the beginning of the fight, are symbols of the genetic
material containmg skin-covered testicles – the containers of the true
power of the man, the genetic essence.
The poised fiSts, are in direct parallel alignment with the testicles below
,,. The critical off-limits body area, which the boxer is penalized
s~g. is the area of the testicles or genitals – “below the belt.” Of
, course, this body area restriction in the boxing match is to prevent serious
.· , and bodily damage. However, it also is necessary to prevent the
association of the symbol with the true objects whose power is
The Isis Papers
really being contested, the genetic power residing in the testicles. It is as
though the “below the belt” restriction states, “the testicles have nothing
whatsoever to do with this contest.” In reality, however, the contest is
only about the genetic power of the testicles. Some investigators also
view the paired feet (often leather-covered) as symbols of the testicles that
are in parallel alignment above them. This awareness contributes to a
deeper understanding of the foot and the shoe fetishes seen in the global
white supremacy system/culture.
Returning to the boxing arena, the symbolic contest of the genetic
power of the testicles is staged in a “ring.” It is referred to as a ring because
it is symbolic of the female vaginal orifice. The bout also takes place on
canvas, typically considered white in color.
In the recent Holmes-Cooney fight, the canvas was colored red, white
and blue. This is significant because these three colors: red, white and
blue are the most important symbolic colors in the white supremacy
system and culture, as manifested by the colors of the flags of the majority
of white nation-states. The flag on a pole symbolizes the lateral view of
the phallus and the testicles, the colored cloth representing the testicles.
A red, white and blue cloth symbolizes genetic material that produces
white skin, through which can be seen, red arterioles and blue veins, hence
the expression “bluebloods,” a phrase which means that the skin is white
or pale enough for the blue veins to show through. Blue veins and
arterioles typically are not visible through melanin-pigmented skins.
Additionally, in Rocky, Stallone wears red, white and blue trunks that are
designed to symbolize the American flag. The trunks cover the genitals
and, in this instance, genitals that produce white skin through which red
arterioles and blue veins can be seen.
Fjnally, in regards to the boxing match, the gloved fists typically are
covered with black, brown or other colored leather, as opposed to white
leather. This fact reveals that, at the deep levels of the white individual
and collective psyche, power is thought to be associated with color (skin
color), as opposed to colorless (white) skin. In the final analysis, it does
not matter which boxer (white or nonwhite) is the winner at the surface
level. The color of the gloves of the winner are always non-white, and ·.
Symbolism of Boxing
the white fighter who dons colored gloves simply identifies himself with
the po.wer and color of the bull of Osiris, which is black- not white. Thus
col~r IS always the winner at the deeper levels of the psyche- just as in
reality black (skin color) is always genetically dominant to h’t
Add’. w I e .
. lli~n~ ~up~ort for my thesis is found in an article entitled “M.D.
Desc~bes Fis~g ~sCaring SexualPractice,”inPsychiatricNewso[the
Amerzcan Psych~atrzc Association June 18 1982 The art’ 1
• • • IC e reports on
the wor~ of Thomas Lowry, M.D., Chief of the Psychiatry Department at
the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in ValleJ·o C l’c .
G . . , a llOmia, and
regory Williams, an occupational therapist living in San Francisco.
Lowry created the tenn “brachioproctic eroticism II to desc ‘b th .
kn ” . . .. n e epractice own as fiStmg. The article states,
‘The ultimate closeness’ and ‘the ecstatic and total tru t’ .
of the phr ed b s are JUSt two
ase.s us y participants to describe their feelings during a
sexual practtce that, although bizarre and seemingly unlik 1 .
apparently engaged in by a sizeable number of persons. e y, IS
This pra~tice consists of one person inserting his or her hand and
foreann mto the rectum of another- In the first phase of their study
Lowry and Williams distributed questionnaires at “leather” b ,
homosexual conventions, specialty nightclubs booksto arsd,
doctor’sconsultingr 0 p th • res, an
. .
0 ms…. rom ese data, the authors estimate that
nat~onwtde, roughly 50,000 persons have incorporated flsting int~
th:u. regu~ar sexual repetoires. The study is reported by Lowry and
~111~~ m the January 1981 issue of the British Journal of Sexual
ed~cme and was presented by Lowry at the March 1982 annual
:e~g of.the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors
eraptsts …. Themeanageoftherespondentswas341 d.
their · · · years, an
~aJar occu~anonal groups included (in descending ordeb
~ofessi~nals, busmessmen, skilled laborers, and unskilled laborers.
:mety-s!X percent stated that they were exclusively or predominantly
omosexual.. ..
There is deep le~el symbolism involved in fisting, a practice that
re~re~ents a form of chnical pathology of the self-concept and self-image
It Is.directly related to the above translation of the symbolism inher t ..
boxtng – wherein th llfi II bee en m
e Ist omes symbolic of the testicles. Chapter 6
The Isis Papers
explains that male homosexuality is based upon the conscious an
. es cuon of the Semites and . .
and 1945 It · . gypsies m Europe between
· ts a presentation of th · · 1
, once and for all why the e .cntica datum that will totally
‘ re was anti-Semitism in Europe and why
The Isis Papers
a “final solution” for the Semites as well as for the gypsy population in
Europe was needed.
It is necessary at this point to reiterate the key issues of The Cress
Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy): The
white supremacy (white survival) necessity is to establish, maintain,
expand and refine the power equation white over non-white (W/NW),
white power over all peoples with an ancestral history of substantial
melanin skin pigmentation that can be genetically transmitted. The wtlite
genetic phenotype can be maintained on the planet Earth only through this
means (intensive “genetic-watch”).
The implications of the Cress Theory are that all behavioral patterns
in the global white collective! begin and end with the consci~ms and/or
unconscious consideration of white genetic survival and the corollary
consideration of the global threat of white genetic annihilation by the
non-white majority. Were this not the foremost consideration of the
global white collective, a white population would not exist on the planet
Earth; it would have succumbed to white genetic annihilation, and,
therefore, never would have been an organized psychological and military
So, what does all of this have to do with the mass destruction of
members of the Jewish religion living in Europe and the phenomenon of
anti-Semitism? First, much confusion has arisen because of the conscious.
and/or unconscious insistence of mixing a discussion of religion with a
discussion of race, specifically as it concerns the Semitic population that
practices the Judaic religion. This population migrated from Africa and·
has resided in Europe for the past two thousand years. The “holocaust”· .•
in Europe was the end result of the long-standing dynamic of anti-Semi-
tism. Semite refers to a racial group. Thus, anti-Semitism was a dynamic ·
directed specifically against a group with a distinct racial (genetic) back-
ground, which incidentally practiced a particular religion.
A Semite is conventionally defined as “a member of any of the
whose language is Semitic, including the Hebrews, Arabs, Assynan~
Phoenicians, Babylonians, etc.” (Webster’ sNew World Dictionary).
adjective Semitic is defined as “1. of, characteristic of, or like a Semite
The Cress Theory of the Holocaust
the Semites 2. designating or of a major group of languages of south-
western Asia and northern Africa, related to the Hamitic languages and
divided into East Semitic (Akkadian), North West Semitic (Phoenician,
Punic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Modern Hebrew, etc.) and South West Semitic
(Arabic, Ethiopic, Amheric).” Webster’s New World Dictionary also
infonns us that the prefix, “semi – “(L., akin to Gr. hemi-, Sans. sami-, AS.
sam), means half, as in semidiameter.
Thus, both of the words Semite andHamite (the later from the Greek
“Hemite”) could refer to peoples who were Black, but a mulatto-type
mixture of Black and white and combinations thereof, hence “semi-” or
“hemi-“- half Black and half white- much like the present mixed Black
or colored population in the U.S., or wherever white males have sexually
aggressed against African (Black) females. A fine example is the Roman
(white) soldiers’ sexual aggression against African women. In my decod-
ing, the word Semite, as from the Latin prefix “semi-,” means someone
whose ancestry was a Black and white mixture, therefore Black (since
Black is genetically dominant).
In The Washington Post (May 4, 1979), in an article entitled “Pope to
View Poland’s Black Madonna,” Sylvana Foa reports:
…. The mysterious Black Madonna of Czestochowa is the most
sacred icon in Poland. It is also one of the most haunting and
beautiful works of religious art in the world. Pope John Paul
II, a strong advocate of devotion to the Virgin Mary will travel
to the hilltop monastery in June to show his special devotion to
the strange painting depicting Christ’s mother as a black
woman …. Art experts believe the Madonna was painted
between the 6th and 8th centuries and say the style is
reminiscent of early Egyptian Christians …. many an historians,
believe the Madonna is one of the rare black Madonnas still
extant. Most of the Madonnas painted in the earliest centuries
of Christiandom were black, according to historians and it
wasn’t until the Renaissance that it became popular to give the
mother of Christ the features of a Florentine maiden … ”
The Isis Papers
The “features of a Florentine maiden” means the features and coloring
of a white woman. Thus, religious and art history support the fact that the
Semites were Black people, with the highly esteemed personage of Jesus
and his mother as evidence.
In the diaspora of the Semites of the Jewish religion after the
Babylonian exile 2,000 or so years ago, Semites left Africa and went to
Europe. With continuing genetic admixture with the European (white)
population, operating under the defmition that a Jew is “anyone whose
mother is a Jew,” it was possible, if enough white males had sexual
intercourse with a sufficient number of Semitic or colored women, for the
once Black population of Semites to become progressively lighter and
lighter. All offspring from these white males and Semitic women of the
Jewish religion then would become Jews.
Over 2,000 years or 100 generations, the population that was once
Black became significantly lightened. Just examine how relatively light
in color Black peoples in the U.S. have become after only 20 generations
of white male sexual aggression against African (Black) women. Just
think what we could achieve in 100 generations if our goal was to become
lighter and lighter with each generation, using the well-known formula:
Don’t marry anyone darker than yourself!
It is significant to this discussion that Karl Marx (1818-1883), another
Semite of the Jewish religion, had such darlc skin that his children called
him “The Moor,” meaning of course, “the Black.” Robert Heilbroner, in
his book The Worldly Philosophers, states, in contrasting the appearance
of Marx with his co-wm:ker Friedrich Engles, “They were very much .
opposites in appearance. Marx looked like a revolutionary. His children ·
called him, ‘The Moor,’ for his skin was dark and his eyes deep-set and
Prior to reading Heilbroner, I always had been impressed by the greai
similarity in appearance of Frederick Douglas, the pre-Civil War
orator, and Karl Marx. Frederick Douglas was the offspring of a
woman and a sexually agressing white slave master – thus himself
Semite or mulatto.
The Cress Theory of the Holocaust
Another Semite of the Jewish religion who was identified as “a Black”
was Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein (1879-1955), the great Nobel prize
physicist, as documented by Robert Clark’s Einstein: The Life and Times
was once described as “1.76 meters tall …. broad shouldered, with a slight
stoop. His short skull seems remarkably broad. His complexion is
swarthy …. ” (Webster’s New World Dictionary defines the word “swarthy”
as “having a dark skin; dusky; dark. SYN. see dusky.”
The same dictionary defmes dusky as, “1. somewhat dark in color;
shadowy; swarthy; 2. lacking light …. dusky suggests a darkness of color
or absence of light, verging on blackness. Swarthy and tawny both refer
only to color, swarthy suggesting a dark brown verging on black …. ” The
Encyc/opediaBritannica, described Einstein as: ” … a young man, not very
tall, with a wide and long face, and a great mane of crispy, frizzled and
very black hair, sprinkled with gray and rising from a lofty brow. His
nose is fleshy and prominent, his mouth small, his lips full, his cheeks
plump … ” This was a description of Einstein in his middle thirties. Crispy
and frizzled hair is one half step away from kinky hair. Again, we see in
the person of a most prominent Semite descriptive features that are
associated with the genetic stock of the Mrican continent: swanhy skin
and crispy, frizzled hair.
We now come to Sigmund Freud (1885 to 1939), a Semite of the Jewish
religion, born in Austria, a physician and psychiatrist and founder of
psychoanalysis. In a July 23,1979 Time book review of Freud: Biologist
of the Mind entitled “Did Freud Build His Own Legend?” Frank Sulloway
revealed, “Sigmund Freud idolized Hannibal. So much that for years he
was psychologically unable to enter Rome because Hannibal had never
set foot in the city …. ” It is interesting that Sigmund Freud, a Semite of
. the Jewish religion, should identify himself with Hannibal. Hannibal was
. Encyclopedia Britannica states,
Hannibal (b. 247 B.C., North Africa- d. 182 B.C., Libyssa,
Bithynia, now Turkey), one of the great military leaders of
antiquity, commanded the Carthaginian forces against Rome
in the Second Punic War (218- 201 B.C) …. After the Romans
The Isis Papers
declared war in 219 B.C., Hannibal, at the command of a force
of about 40,000 and a number of elephants, crossed the
Pyrenees into southern Gaul. From there he executed an
incredible fear to militarY enterprise proceeding across the Alps
into northern Italy. In 217 B.C. at the Battle of Lake
Trasimene, he inflicted one of the greatest defeats suffered by
Rome ….
I have quoted the above sources extensively because there is a sig-
nificant reason why three of the greatest Semitic thinkers of the Jewish
religion have been described as dark in appearance or have identified
themselves, as in the case of Freud, with Blackness. Freud even went
further in his last work, Moses and Monotheism, written in part while
fleeing from the Nazis, to describe the founder of the Jewish religion,
Moses, as an Egyptian – meaning of course. a Black man. Each of these
representative Semites of the Jewish religion either has identified himself
or has been identified by others with Blackness. primarily because the
Jews in Africa two thousand years ago were Black (African) people. That .
is the reason that all of the earliest paintings of the Madonna and child
(Jesus and his mother) were a Black madonna and child. They were
The modem day, highly misconducted Semites of the European Africans.
experience may want and may have wanted in the past to forget their Black
ancestral heritage and suppress this truth. but the global white collective
never has forgotten this critical fact. Always, the white collective, con-
sciously or unconsciously, must remember this fact in relationships with
“Semites” and all other peoples whose genetic history causes the whites··
to classify them as non-whites, if there is to be white genetic survival.···
Adolph Hitler. other Germans and Europeans, all of whom are
were aware (consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously) of the greater·
origin of the “Semites” no matter how light-skinned many of them
have become after 2,000 years of miscegenation with the whites
“aryans.” Hitler and his followers not only mandated the destruction
the Semites, but also the destrUCtion of the gypsies. Webster’s New
Dictionary defines “gypsy” as “n. (pl. gypsies). (earlier gypscien,
The Cress Theory o-tthe u I ‘J uo ocaust
for Egypci E . en, gypuan: so called becau
Egypt – a member of a wanderin C ~ thought to have come from
black hair, found througho t th g aucasian people with dark skin and
u eworld “Th
falsely that the word “caucasl· ” … ereadershouldnotconclude
an means ” h’ ..
used to refer to dark skm’ ( h’ w lte. Often, “caucasian” I·s
non-w Ite) peo 1
However, white means whit d p es who may have straight barr’
e an caucas· ·
The reason Hitler gave for makin Ian m~~ms caucasian.
on the list of destruction was th t ! the Semites and gypsies priorities
(aryans) as “non-white” 1 a ey were classified by the whites
no h’ peop es, whose origin ·
n-w Ite peoples were considered geneticall . wa~ m Africa. These
capable of causing whi•e . . y mfenor to the whites but
. • genetic anmhila · •
Sldered essential by those wh . non. Therefore, it was con-
to destroy those in their ‘do were mterested in white genetic survival
. m1 st whom they beli
genetic annihilation All . eved could cause whi’te
. . . · non-white 1 a_nmhilatlon because of their b’li peop es can cause white genetic
tlon. Hitler made it absolutet \ ty to produce melanin skin pigmenta-
supremacy and white racial y ~ ear that his objective was global white
· e s ‘fi . peel IC fear of white genetic annih· .
m the global white collecti bee ilatlon, while always present
frequently acted upon in ti ve, h omes more prominent and is more
· mes w en whites h 1
ere IS serious economic . ave ost a war and/or when
~ . uncertamty At th .
eels msecure because them . . ese tlmes the white collective
d ~ . aJor props for the se f · .
an or white genetic survival th . nse o white mvincibility
failed. – err guns and money- seem to have
~us, :Uter the German’s loss of World .
political mstability high I I ‘nfl . War I (which was followed by
th • eve I ation and hi h
ere appeared on the scene a dyn . g level unemployment)
10 desttoy !hose perceived anne spolresperson, aniculating the need
In the United States as c~pable of ultimate white destruction
we are m such a period Th .
··. . War(a warlosttonon-white . ere has been the loss
(Watergate, etc.), and there is :o:le), fo~owed by political
~>.m•”‘”‘·~~–· Thus, we witness incr . g level mflation and un-
.. the Ku Kl Klan easmg levels of activity of N .
. ux and other k azis,
laureate, Dr. William Shockl . spo ~persons, such as Nobel
y • artlculatmg the need to get rid of
The Isis Papers
Black people and discussing Black genetic inferiority; some also focus in
the Semites as a problem.
This behavior must not be looked upon as immoral, as though it can
be challenged by moral persuasion. This logic, thought, speech, action,
emotional response and perception is of absolute logical necessity for a
people who historically have been in fear of their genetic annihilation by
Black and other non-white peoples.
The term anti-Semitism means white supremacy (racism). A
holocaust, the open destruction of non-white people by white people,
occurs when: 1) there is a sufficient level of insecurity or anxiety in the
white population relative to white genetic annihilation; 2) there is no
longer a plan; or 3) it is considered too expensive to keep non-whites
confined in “ghettos,” “prisons,” “barrios,” “bantustans,” “concentration
camps,” “on reservations” or “on welfare.” Holocausts also occur when
whites consider it necessary to relocate non-white peoples for labor
purposes (e.g., Africans being brought to the Americas or Native
Americans being moved off the land because whites want it). Presently,
a holocaust is occurring in the jungles of Brazil, and the victims are the
native peoples of the area, so-called Indians.
The Semites of the Jewish religion always have referred to themselves
as God’s chosen people. However, they have debated amongst them-
selves the reason they were chosen and what they were chosen to do. I
have answered these questions in the following way: they were chosen
to help all of the other non-white peoples of the world living under white
supremacy domination to understand that no matter how much you may
mix with and intermarry with people who classify themselves as white;
no matter how light-skinned you may become through loss of , .. .., …… ~ .. ,
pigment, no matter how straight your hair may become, no matter
much you may shrink the size of your nose, no matter how many uv\.-Lv•~ •• ~~
lawyers, judges, professors, scholars you may produce, no matter
many Einsteins, Freuds, Marxs or Rubensteins you produce, no
how much money, diamonds and gold you may obtain, if you are “‘”””u'”
as non-white under the conditions of white supremacy domination,
the hammer of white supremacy falls, you will be under that hammer.
The Cress Theory o-~’the u l
‘I uo ocaust
. The Semites of the Jewish reli .
Important moral and that . . gion were chosen to teach a
. ‘ 1s, never disres very
genetlc heritage oif.Afr. pect or be ashamed of the B/ “·
lea, and speak u fi ac”‘
that heritage with your very life h ~d or, own up to,protectand defend
up~>n. you to do so. Be proud to~: ~~ck conditions and events ever can
Ttus IS a profound lesson in self. and be proud to be non-white
-respect for all of the people . th .
m ewodd.
The Neurochemical Basis for Evil
The American philosopher William James has stated, “There is no
doubt that healthy mindedness is inadequate as a philosophical doctrine,
because the evil facts which it positively refuses to account for are a
genuine portion of reality, and they may after all be the best key to life’s
significance, and possibly the only openers of our eyes to the deepest level
of truth.”
The Kabbalah, which literally means “lradition,” is the sum of Jewish
mysticism, the tradition of things divine. The Book Bahir, an 1180 A.D.
document on the Kabbalah concerning Satan, states,
It teaches that there is in God a principle that is called ‘Evil’,
and it lies in the north of God, of it is written [Jer. 1:14]: ‘Out
of the north the evil shall break forth upon all the inhabitants
of the land,’ that is to say, all evil that comes upon all the
inhabitants of the land breaks forth out of the north. And what
principle is this? It is the form of the hand [one of the seven
holy forms which represent God as the original man], and it has
many messengers, and all are named ‘Evil’ …. And it is they that
fling the world into guilt for the tobu is in the north, and the
tobu means precisely the evil that confuses men until they sin,
and it is the source of all man’s evil impulses.
In early Egyptian (African) tradition, evil was associated with Set, the
. brother of Osiris (“Lord of the perfect black”). Set eventually killed his
brother Osiris and dismembered his body, which his sister/wife (Isis)
The Isis Papers
helped restore to life. Osiris was the great Egyptian God figure. Set is
considered the white brother.
In contrast, the early Christian religion and the Bible related evil to the
fallen angel Lucifer, a word that means light and that can be construed to
mean white. However, in the Middle Ages, for some Europeans, the devil
took on an appearance of a Black man with a long phallus, which has been
modified as the present red colored figure with a long tail and a longfork.
In keeping with each of the above perspectives of evil, Webster’s
Dictionary defines “evil” as: “1. morallybadorwrong; wicked, depraved,
2. causing pain or trouble; harmful; injurious, 3. threatening or bringing
misfortune; unlucky; disastrous; unfortunate; as an evil hour, 4. resulting
from or based on conduct regarded as immoral; as an evil reputation.”
The Cress Theory of Color Confrontation and Racism (White
Supremacy), links whites’ unjust behavior towards people of color (black,
brown, red and yellow) to whites’ inability to produce melanin skin
pigment in the skin melanocyte. The whites’ numerical minority status
in the world and, ultimately, their fear of global white genetic annihilation
by the genetically dominant, skin melanin producing, non-white world
majority are pointed out as additional reasons for white aggression
towards people of color. This thesis helps to explain the evil “kill or be
killed” behaviors of the global white collective in relation to non-white
In 1972, I presented a paper entitled, Melanin:_ The Neurochemical
Basis for Soul, at the annual meeting of the National Medical Association
Section on Neurology and Psychiatry. I theorized that the presence of
melanin in high concentrations in Blacks accounted for some of the
observable differences in behavior between Black and white people (ie.,
religious responsiveness, rhythm, emotional responsiveness, sensitivity
levels), noting the familiar saying amongst older Black people, “The
blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice; if it ain’t got no soul, it ain’t got
no use.” Also, I emphasized the song by James Brown, “We Got More
Soul.” Further, I pointed out that the most sensitive body areas are the
areas most highly pigmented.
Neurochemical Basis for Evil
Fifteen years ago in a paper entitled, “Blacks, Hypertension and the
Activ~ Skin Melanocyte” (Journal of Urban Health. 1975), I posited
melanm, among other things, as a possible neurotransmitter and the skin
melanocytes as the foundation of the sixth sense- the basis for know ledge
of the unseen, including a deeper knowledge of “bad.” I explained that if
the melanocytes were sense receptors and melanin was a neuro transmit-
ter, then the darker the skin, the higher the levels of hypertensions found.
Primarily, this is true because people with darker skins are more sensitive
to the energy currents around them. If those energy currents are stressful
they will be more stressed, increasing levels of hypertension. ‘
In 1987, at the first Melanin Conference, I discussed The Cress Theory
on the George Washington Carver Phenomenon, suggesting that the skin
melanocytes of this very Black-skinned scientist (high level concentration
of melan~n skin pig~ent) enabled him to communicate with the energy
frequencies emanatmg from plants. Thus, he was able to learn their
secrets and purposes.
Since my 1972 presentation on the neurochemical basis for soul the
neuroche~ical basis of evil has periodically come to my mind, beg~ing
that I outlme my thoughts on evil as the anti-thesis of soul. I relate soul
to order, spirituality and the affirmation of life. I equate evil with chaos
and destruction, especially the destruction of life. (The word evil when
spelled backward is, live.) The discussion of evil takes on even more
sig~ificant proportions in light of the increasing number of persons in this
soc1ety who openly are proclaiming themselves to be worshippers of the
Devil- Devil being the arch doer of evil- in contrast to worshipping God.
Reportedly, these persons participate in the ritual murder of human
. The concept of evil is not at all unusual in religious and philosophical
discourse. Also, evil has been a frequent subject for literary exploration.
~e n~vel M oby Dick by Herman Mel ville is an example of the symbolic
dlscussion. of evil in classical American literature.) Evil is approached
less often m the natural sciences, including modem medicine. However
psychiatry is the one branch of modem medicine that has major antece~
The Isis Papers
dents in both religion and philosophy and thus, the topic of evil has found
discussants who consider themselves scientists and scientific.
The role of the psychiatric-physician or physician-scientist is to attempt
to comprehend, bringing greater clarity and insight, the total spectr~ of
human behavior, which would include the special category ofbehav1oral
phenomena recognized as evil. Further, I believe that the challenge of
modern psychiatry, like the challenge of modern physics, is to approach,
if possible, a view of the “unified field.” .
Modem physics, since Albert Einstein, has sought to umte the spec~m
of forces – gravity, electromagnetism, weak and strong forces – m a
unified field, viewing these separate forces as out~owt_hs from or
manifestations of a whole (a unified force field). Likew1se, modem
psychiatry should seek to discover if there is a united _behavioral ~orce
field that can explain evil as well as other dommant behav10ral
For the ant, the greatest evil consists of killing ants. For the h~~an
being, the greatest evil consists of the obsessional degrading and ~ill~g
of other human beings. All lesser evils are simply added to thlS (~e.,
destruction of other life forms, destruction of the planet and destruct10_n
that extends beyond planet Earth). With evil so defmed, clearl~ there lS
an overwhelming atmosphere of evil in the world. In fact, the e~tlre plan~t
exists in an atmosphere of degradation and murder. To 1gnore th1s
evidence of evil, this obsession with mass killing and death, is _only ~
participate in the establishment and the maintenance of its reahty – m
effect, to participate in evil. On the other hand, to address this obsess~on
with mass death and the degradation of human life in hopes of countenng
it is to afflrm the dignity of human beings and the universe.
Ernest Becker, in his book Escape From Evil, had the followin~ to say
about evil: “All organisms want to perpetuate themselves, co~tlnu~ to
experience and to live …. For all organisms, then, opposing and obbteraung
power is evil- it threatens to stop experience.” He continues, “So w~ see
that as an organism man is fated to perpetuate himself and as a c~nsc1ous
organism he is fated to identify evil as the threat to that perpetuation. And
Neurochemical Basis for Evil
what then would be the highest development and use of those [man’s]
talents? To contribute to the struggle against evil.”
However, before there can be effective struggle against evil, the
following questions must be answered: 1) What are the dynamic condi-
tions in a society or culture that would stimulate such activity as an-
nounced as devil worship? 2) What are the dynamics in a society and
culture wherein increasing numbers of Black males are being killed
daily/yearly at epidemic levels? 3) What are the exact causation dynamics
in a society and culture wherein the greatest percentage of its resources
are used in the development and production of instruments of death and
destruction? 4) What are the exact dynamic conditions in a power system
or culture wherein 50 million people can be destroyed in the course of
slave trade, as on the continent of Africa? 5) What are the exact dynamic
conditions in a power system or culture wherein six million Semites of
~e Je~ish religion can be destroyed deliberately or 20 million people
killed m the course of a war, such as in the Soviet Union during World
War II? 6) What are the dynamics in a society and culture in which
hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, are doomed to die of infection
with a virus that increasing numbers are concluding was deliberately
These are questions that the psychiatrist should be motivated to answer
in the context of understanding the issue of evil, especially when it is
recalled, as stated by Thomas Mecton in his Raids on the Unspeakable
~ne of the ~ost disturbing facts that carne out in the [Adolph]
Etchman trial was that a psychiatrist examined him and
pronounced him perfectly sane. We equate sanity with a sense
of justice, with humaneness, with prudence, with the capacity
to love and understand other people. We rely on the sane
people of the world to preserve it from barbarism, madness,
destruction. And now it begins to dawn on us that it is precisely
that sane ones who are the most dangerous. It is the sane one,
the well adapted one, who can without qualms and without
nausea aim the missiles and press the buttons that will initiate
The I sis Papers
the great festival of destruction that they, the sane ones, have
·n his nationwide best selling book, People
Psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, 1 E ‘l contends II Science has also
Th H for Healing Human vt • ‘
of the Lie. e ope f il because of the immensity of the
steered clear of the problem o ehv body of scientific knowledge of
. 1 ed we do not yet ave a mystery mvo v …. . h 1 II He also states, human evil deserving of bemg called a psyc o ogy.
Caucasians seem to have fewer
Those of. us who ~~ blacks or Indians or Orientals than
comp~cu~n.s about kil~:; white men. It is easier for a white
we do m ktlhng our fe , d eck’ The matter of the
1 h ‘nigger’ than a re n …. man to ync a . . killing is yet another one
racial aspects of mtraspe~•es. . .
deserving significant scientific mvesugatiOn.
f · 1 pride
1 d
“War today is at least as much a matter o nauona
He cone u es,
as of racial pride.” . nee has steered clear of the subject
Even though Peck suggests that scte . lved II Herman Melville, the
ofevilbecauseofthe”immensemysterymvo ‘ . t1 thesub’ect
19th century novelist, pe.~ha~~ :~:n~c~eu:~~=~:::~ th~ ~bite w~le,
of evil. He approached evil g . . d him Ahab
. and the crippled white shtp captam who pursue , .
Moby Dtck, ed S tan) Melville uses an entire chapter of hts
(who is often compar to a · 11 H b · s
book to discourse on “The Whiteness of the Whale. e egm ‘
. hale was to Ahab, has been hinted; what, at
What the tte w . . · d Aside from those
times, he was to me, as yet rematns u~sru . Dick which
re Obvious considerations touchmg Moby • 1 mo ak · any man’s sou some
could not but occasi~all~awgh:no~ rather vague, nameless
alarm, there wa~ anoh. er oh~ ch , at times by its intensity
horror concernmg tm, w t . al d
d all the rest; and yet so mystic ~
completely overpowere . th t I almost despair of putting ll m
well nigh ineffable was tt, a h’ f the whale that
h ‘bl form It was the w tteness o
a compre e~st e all. d me But how can I hope to explain
above all thmgs app e ·
Neurochemical Basis for Evil
myself here; and yet, in some dim, random way, explain myself
I must, else all these chapters might be naught.
Melville proceeds to detail many positive associations with whiteness:
“and though this pre-eminence in it [whiteness] applies to the human race
itself, giving the white man ideal mastership over every dusky tribe.” He
.. .yet for all these accumulated associations, with whatever is
sweet, and honorable, and sublime, there yet lurks an elusive
something in the innermost idea of this hue, which strikes more
of panic to the soul than that redness which affrights in blood ….
That ghastly whiteness it is which imparts such an abhorrent
mildness even more loathsome than terrific, to the dumb
gloating of their aspect. So that not the fierce-fanged tiger in
his heraldic coat can so stagger courage as the white-shrouded
bear or shark.
Further on, Melville contemplates,
What is it that in the Albino man so peculiarly repels and often
shocks the eye, as that sometimes he is loathed by his own kith
and kin! It is that whiteness which invests him, a thing
expressed by the name he bears, The Albino is as well made as
other men – has no substantive deformity – and yet this mere
aspect of all-pervading whiteness makes him more strangely
hideous than the ugliest abortion. Why should this be so?
. Again referring to whiteness, Melville writes, ” … it is at once the most
meaning symbol of spiritual things, nay, the very veil of the Christian’s
and yet should be as it is, the intensifying agent in things the most
“I’I””Uli&F, to mankind, 11
Melville’s Captain Ahab sees the white whale as all evil of which he
in pursuit. In a letter to Nathaniel Hawthorne, Melville referred to Moby
as a “wicked book.” My own interpretation of the symbolism in this
which has been regarded as the greatest of all American novels, is
The Isis Papers
that the crippled white Captain Ahab represents the mutant (global) white
population, afflicted with albinism (whiteness). The white whale is
symbolic of racism (white supremacy), the major pursuit of the global
white collective- the evil destructive goal of the global white collective.
This furious, evil pursuit in Moby Dick ends in a disaster for all: a deadly
end in which the white ship captain and all of his crew, whites and
non-whites alike, are destroyed. Yet, one survived to tell the tale, foretell-
ing the end of white supremacy as a specified power dynamic.
It is not surprising that this novel containing the symbolism of albinism
and white supremacy was written prior to the great bloody conflict (The
American Civil War) that had so much to do with the relationships
between white (albino) and Black people. This conflict ended the power
of the share holders as well as the formal enslavement of Black people by
Melville’s linkage of evil and dread with the condition of albinism
parallels my own thesis that the absence of the neuropeptide melanin –
the absence of this black pigment in the skin and other aspects of the
nervous system – critically impairs the depth sensitivity of the nervous
system and the ability to tune in to the total spectrum of energy frequencies
in the universe. This deficiency of sensory awareness sets the stage for
the absence ofhannony (the chaos and destruction), which is evil. Thus,
the injustice and evil of white supremacy not only has its foundation in
the numerical minority status of the global white population and its
genetically recessive status in terms of melanin pigment production, but
the very absence of melanin in the nervous system in significant degrees
(deereasing sensory input and thus sensitivity) is an additional contribut-
ing factor in the problem of white supremacist injustice. White
supremacy is the greatest known evil on Earth. Likewise, racism (white
supremacy) is the Wlified force field that encompasses all of the lesser
evils we now recognize. Indeed, if the absence of melanin obstructs the
nervous system’s ability to tune in to the total spectrum of frequencies in
the universe, rendering those lacking melanin incapable of acting in
harmony with those frequencies, then it becomes incumbent upon those
possessing melanin to counteract the evil.
Black Children and the Process of
(June 1974)
Black peopl~, as a collective, are becoming increasingly sophisticated.
We are becommg strong enough to face many unpleasant realities and
~ths about. ourselves and the social system and world that we live in,
Without demal or panic. This ability to analyze ourselves, our behavior
and our ~eality critically is one of the signs of true mental health. Another
equally .u~~ortant aspect of mental health is our full acceptance of the
respons1 bil1ty for reorganizing our own behavior in order to change things
that are wrong.
B~ck children are our most valuable possession and our greatest
potential resource. Any meaningful discussion of the survival or the
future o~ Black people must be predicated upon Black people’s plan for
the.maxtmal development of all Black children. Children are the only
fu~e of any people. If the children’s lives are squandered, and if the
children of a ~ople are not fully developed at whatever cost and sacrifice,
the people wtll hav.e consigned themselves to certain death. They will be
de~troyed fr_om wtthout or from within – by the attack of their own
children ag~nst them. And they may be destroyed by both. Black people
now are ~mg attacked in the streets (from within) by our own youths, as
we~ as bemg attacked (from without) by our collective oppressor. This
reality reveals. the central questions of this essay, which Black people must
answer: 1) Will Black children in the U.S. ever develop to their maximum
The Isis Papers
genetic potential? 2) If so, who will assume ultimate responsibility for
bringing about that maximal development- Black pe~ple themselves or
white people? 3) If Black children are not to be maximal~y developed,
what do Black people really think is going to happen to tlns large Black
undeveloped mass of human beings? And, 4) Are white peopl~ in a~y wa;
looking to Black people for the maximal development of white chtldren.
In trying to understand precisely what is happening to us, let us be very
clear about the following: The function of the encounter b~tween the
b m child and the various elements of the social/envrronmental
new o · ‘d al ·
experience, which continues throughout the life of the indtv~ u • IS .to
shape and mold the newborn child to fit his or her pre~etermm~ socwl
role. In effect, this is achieved by the total social expenence acting.upon
the child’s genetic potential. Any established social system has. asstgned
social roles for every child born into the system, inasmuch as children are
born to parents who already are occupying “their place” in the structured
social system. Social roles are related most fundamentally to how much
true power one will or will not have in a given social system. ~rue ~wer
is the key factor in the determination of “identity,” whtch ts the
individual’s relationship to actual power. In an oppressive social system,
one’s identity is either that of the oppressor or that of the oppressed.
In a social system designed to achieve white domination, th.e e~- ·
perience of that system molds white children so that they may funcuon ~
the role of the oppressors, or the “functional superiors” (becaus~ th~t ts
what white supremacy is supposed to mean: that whites will functiOn I~ a
superior way as compared to non-whites). Through structur~ supenor
functioning whites will be able to oppress others. The same soctal system
simultaneo~sly will mold all children classified as “non-whites” or
“others” to play the role of tlle “functional inferiors,” or th~ OPIJires!;eu,-,
This is why a white racist social system is completely mcapable
providing total equality of opportunity to Blacks. Sue~ a. system
for its maintenance, produce differential levels of funcuonmg .for
and non-whites. If, for example, apparent equality is granted m the
of education, it is denied in family background. If it is given in
it is denied in housing opportunity. If it is granted in health care “‘”” •. ,….,,.
Black Children
it is denied in terms of fathers’ income levels. If it is granted by law
(Brown, 1954), it is denied through social practice. Etcetera
We must stress the use of the term “functional inferiority,” which is in
con~st to “genetic inferiority.” “Functional” is uSed because the genetic
m~terial of non-white children actually is not impaired, but the pre-deter-
mmed and established racist social experience is designed deliberately to
destroy the genetic potential for social functioning. The destruction of
non-white genetic material (which is the fundamental meaning of the
word “genocide”- killing genes) leads to the appearance of inferiority in
the non-whites.
To describe the social process by which Black genetic potential is
destroy~, thus profoundly influencing the whole life experience of every
Black child, the term “inferiorization” is used. lnferiorization is the
co~scious: deliberate and systematic process utilized specifically by a
rac~t (white supremacy) social system, as conducted through all of its
maJor and.minor institutions (including the institution of the family), to
mold specific peoples within that system {namely, all peoples classified
by ~e racist system as non-white) into “functional inferiors,” in spite of
therr true genetic potential for functioning. Under the white supremacy
system, the more melanin pigmentation present in the skin and thus the
darker the. individual, the greater the “inferiorization” pressure imposed
by the racist system. Thus, amongst all non-white peoples, Blacks are
.most victimized by this process. Particularly, darker Black people receive
extreme victimization – even amongst Black people themselves. This
skin coloration code established by the global white collective, like other
methods of Black subjugation, is essential to white genetic survival. This
same code causes Black people to say “Don’t marry anyone darker than
yourself,” preferring light-skinned persons as mates. Such socially im-
~sed ~att~ms of thinking yield the Black infant its frrst direct experience
With rejecuon and negation by the racist social system he or she is born
Jnto; tllis negation will continue for the entire life span.
Simply, inferiorization means that through the structuring of thought
, ·Ul•ur::”‘” and social experiences such as poor housing, poor healtlt care,
school systems, broken families and low income levels, a
The Isis Papers
Black or other non-white child- who could be a genius based upon genetic
endowment- can be turned into a criminal who must spend his productive
years locked behind the bars of a prison cell. Inferiorization deliberately
turns a Black child, who could become a brilliant, universal statesman, a
strong supporting father and a loving, canng protector for his wife, into a
drug addict. It turns a Black female child, who could become a physician,
scientist and excellent mother, into a prostitute. It turns Black parents,
who could be mature, supporting, loving and kind to their offspring, into
immature child-batterers and sexual abusers of their own children. It turns
some Black teachers, who could love and educate Black children, into
teachers who hate and cannot educate. It structures the total social
experience of Black young people so that they believe it is “cool” and
more important to smoke marijuana, use foul language and learn to dance
than to learn to read and become expert mathematicians. It turns Black
people into “clowns,” rather than into true nation-builders. It shapes many
Blacks, who could give maximwn service to Black people, into persons
whose major concern is the accwnulation of money and material posses-
sions. It makes men care more about wearing “Superfly” clothes than
about learning to be excellent fathers and guides to their offspring,
especially their sons. It makes Black people see themselves as sex
machines rather than builders of a higher humanity.
This social process of destructive distortion is achieved through the
imposition, from birth todeath,ofastressful, negative and non-supportive
social/environmental experience upon the people who are to be in-
teriorized. The negative and stressful social experience, which is struc-
tured to affect every aspect of life activity, leads to the development of a
negative self-concept, a loss of self-respect and the development of self-
and group-destructive behavioral patterns. Some of these negative be-
havioral patterns rampant among Black people today include showing off.
material possessions, gossiping about one-another, name-calling, cursing,
squabbling, snitching and being discourteous and disrespectful to one .
another. When these behaviors are directed toward people who are a
reflection of self (i.e., Black people towards other Black people), they
indicate self -dislike and self -dissatisfaction. The high rates of Black male .
Black Children
homicide and suicide are extreme, but all-too-common examples of this
phenomenon. Black people using drugs and selling them to one another
is another example of the same homicide and suicide pattern.
All of these patterns of self- and group-negating behavior, in addition
to many others, become the invisible chains and shackles around the necks
and ankles of the Black oppressed, holding all of us in a continuously
destructive enslavement. With full justification, we can call all of these
behaviors mental illness since they imply self- and group-destruction.
These behaviors prevent group unity and efficient group effort. When
parents, teachers and other adults practice these behaviors towards one
another, they teach children how to practice them also. Black children
learn that Black people do not respect each other, which also means Black
people do not and should not respect themselves. The children, in turn,
will teach those of following generations how to disrespect themselves
and each other – thus, how to remain oppressed.
Inferiorization is essential to the process of oppression. It ensures that
the oppressors need not be troubled to hold the oppressed constant! y under
gun and key to keep them in the oppressed state; it keeps the oppressed
from effectively challenging the oppressive process and system. In this
way, the oppressors mold the oppressed to share fully in the process of
their own oppression. In the final analysis, the process of inferiorization
is designed specifically to prevent the maximal development of the
genetic potential of the non-white oppressed. Black people must learn
that no system of oppression ever maximally develops those whom the
system is specifically structured to dominate. Such a system only permits
the oppressed to survive so that they can continue being oppressed. No
system of oppression is structured consciously to destroy itself. The
maximal development of all Black people would prove false the ideology
of white superiority. Thus, if Black children and Black people as a whole
are ever to be developed fully, Black people themselves will have to enact
that development. Sufficient data and evidence are in: after 127 years of
so-called emancipation, the white collective has demonstrated that it does
not intend to develop Black children maximally. Still, whites are talking
about Black children and Black people as being genetically inferior to
The Isis Papers
themselves, and they are developing extensive social policies based solely
upon such a pattern of reasoning and logic.
Instead of developing behavior patterns for further useless protest,
Black people should be cultivating patterns of self-help for self-develop-
ment. Since the Black family setting is the first social institution under the
racist system in which the Black child begins to experience inferiorization,
it is of key importance that all Black people begin to understand I) the
true function of family life, 2) how some of the most important aspects of
inferiorization can occur there and 3) that the Black family is the one social
institution over which we as Black people can begin to exercise some
control. Control of the Black family will be evident once we gain some
mastery over our individual lives. We will learn that dysfunctional
behaviors can be changed through theexerciseofwillpower. Thus, within
the family setting, Black people can begin to alter the inferiorization
dynamic and create a process for the maximal development of Black
The functional family unit is composed of the father, mother and
offspring. The ultimate role of this vital social unit is to instruct the
children as to how adult males and females function, usually and har-
moniously together for the maximal development of a people. Individual
family units are but cellular units of a whole organism called a people or
a nation. All of the units must function efficiently and effectively if the
whole organism is to live a healthy existence. If a family unit cannot
instruct the young in harmonious patterns of relating between adult males
and females, then ultimately the people will perish because adult male and
female alienation eventually leads to the end of the procreative process.
Without the young, the people will have no future.
The process of instructing the young in harmonious, mutually respect~ .
ful patterns of relating as well as in appropriate and constructive patterns
of functioning is called socialization- the molding of their behavior for
maximal development and functioning in a given environmental setting ..
The father’s major task in relationship to the children is to teach adult
male role-functioning through daily example, with love and kindness
expressed towards the children – love and kindness being essential to
Black Children
efficient learning. The adult male’s major responsibility is “breadwin-
ning” and protection of the family unit and the total people. The mother’s
major task in relationship to the children is to teach adult female role-
functioning through daily example, love and kindness. The adult female’s
major responsibility is child socialization and care of the home. These
divisions of labor are fundamental and necessary for efficient and effec-
tive family functioning under hostile social/environmental conditions,
and racism is a hostile and aggressive social environment.
Today there is much yelling and screaming about such role-functioning
priorities, mostly by white women. However, we as Black people cannot
allow whites to continue to set our priorities. If we ignore these necessities
as Blacks, we will do so at our peril. And it serves well to remember that
the intellectual performance of white children is directly proportional to
the time their mothers have spent with them in socialization during the
frrst five years of life, while white fathers play the role of primary family
“breadwinners” and family and group protectors. White power has been
predicated upon white male aggression and “breadwinning” activity,
while white females take care of fundamental home and family-life
Nature has endowed men with the greater muscle mass, which makes
maJes more efficient and effective aggressors and protectors of people,
just as females are more effective and efficient at giving birth and nursing
the young. In the framework of any hostile and aggressive external
environment, such as oppression, the most important family unit member
is the one to whom nature has given the greatest muscle mass to ward off
external physical attack, should that ever be necessary. The racist social
system has understood that the most potent method for oppressing and
inferiorizing a people is to attack the family unit structure, thereby
decreasing its ability to function as a fundamental unit for developing and
socializing the young. If there is deficient socialization, the behavior of
the young will be chaotic and disorganized with dependent, weak and
immature personality structure. This can be accomplished best through
attacking and weakening the family unit’s primary support and ultimate
defense – the adult male. Females can be controlled by male oppressors
The Isis Papers
once the males of the oppressed group are weakened and/or destroyed.
This is troe no matter how many college degrees the females may have;
no matter how tough, loud or coarse their language may become; no matter
how “strong” they may appear. In the final analysis, females must depend
on the physical strength, discipline and willpower of their men for ultimate
proteCtion. Thus, always the males represent the major potential threat
and challenge to male oppressors.
The system of racism in the U.S. specifically has labeled its number
one target of attack as the Black male. The Black male is n~t only to be
intimidated and oftentimes physically destroyed, but more Importantly.
he must be destroyed functionally through the negation of his major
breadwinning activity for the Black family. When men are not permitt~
to become the major breadwinners and troe functional protectors for their
families, a major imbalance is created between the importance of the adult
Black male and adult Black female roles. Likewise, the importance of
male functioning is discredited and thus subtly disrespected. As a result,
chaos and disorganization befalls family-life, leaving the family as .a
dysfunctional “survival-unit,” where mothers are forced to engage m
full-time bread winning and protector activities and are not free to perform
their major tasks of child-care and socialization.
The subsequent imbalance produced between the money power and
the pseudo-social (and family) power of the Black female, when com-
pared to the Black male, eventually leads to ~ienation be~ween the two
of them. This alienation, followed by separauon and/or divorce, causes
the imbalance that leads to the now epidemic Black social-pathologic
· syndrome: the so-called strong Black female and weak Black male. The
fundamental cause of the syndrome is the white supremacy power system.
Also, this system leads to the “Black male womanizing syndrome,”
wherein Black males seek to compensate for a lost sense of manhood by
attempting to prove they are still men via the number of women they can.···
seduce and conquer. But this syndrome only heightens the au•~””‘”‘V”‘·~
between the Black male and female, and it fails to convince the male
his manhood.
Black Children
Increasingly, Black females are being left alone to rear the children.
They, along with the myth of the so-called “strong Black female” are
crumbling under this impossible burden. Nonetheless, the survival~units
bec~~e dominated by adult female presence and all of the children are
femm~ed, mal.es and females alike. Even when there is no physical
separation or divorce (because the racist social system never attacks the
Black female with the same ferocity as it does the Black male), a relative
Black male passivity is produced, leaving an overall tone of greater female
power than male power amongst Black people.
This analysis should not be viewed as a condemnation of the Black
male or the Black female. It is only a description of the intent of the
op~essive system of racism. Most profoundly affected are Black
children who grow up in this system, especially Black male children
Black male children systematically are deprived of stong male model~
throu~h whom they can develop pride, useful self- and group-supporting
behaVIoral patterns, and true respect for the Black adult male position.
Lar.ge numbers of young Black male children can tell you that it is far
easier and more rewarding to be a Black female than a Black male. (See
The racist social system can survive only if Black manhood is
destroyed. It steadily has removed strong Black male images, such as
. those presented by Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. Initially, it
replaced those powerful, progressive and constructive images with the
powerful television and movie images of “Geraldine” and “Superfl ”
The racist media then followed with the message to Blacks that it is “goy .d
( ” 0 . 1mes to see a pathetic Black adult male who never can seem to find a
d~e~t paying .job and a teenage Black male son who is a clown and a
~nmmal s~oplifter who never studies, but who now has an intense interest
· m academic subjects. Innumerable like-examples followed. These weak
male media images persist into the present. We return to the “pitiful
. . of real life to face the fact that the average college-trained Black
.female has a salary scale only $300 lower than her white college-trained
. . whereas the Black male college graduate earns $3,000 less
the white male high school graduate.
The Isis Papers
All of these factors are responsible for the now epidemic proportions
of Black male passivity, effeminacy, transvestism, bisexuality and
homosexuality (see Chapter 6), the root cause of which is the racist
system’s necessity to stamp out Black manhood through distorting the
dynamics of Black family life. Black people should not view these
patterns of behavior as isolated criminal o~ .immoral acts. ~ey must be
recognized as the by-product of social/poliucal warfare agamst the max-
imal development of Black people as a whole.
Black people can begin to halt the process of Black inferiorization if
the now dysfunctional female-dominated survival-Wlits can be turned into
true family units. A balance must be established between the adult male
role ofbreadwinning and the female role of child socialization, with equal
respect maintained for both roles. This cannot be accomplis~ed by m.ales
attempting to force females to walk seven paces behind. Neither can it be
achieved by males forcing females into silent submission. It can be
achieved by Black males refusing to remain content with less than
adequate breadwinning roles. Thus, all Black males will have to refuse
being passive, dependent and female-supported to any degree. They will
have to demand from the oppressor, and will to achieve, the right to be
equal breadwinners with white males before white or Black females. are
given equal breadwinner roles with white male~. There mu~t. begm a
Black men’s liberation movement for salary and JOb opportumues equal
in all respects with that of white males. As a collective, Black males must
realize that they have been fooled into believing that white females are
their most loving allies. While white females are luring Black men into
bed and to the altar, the white female collective is depriving Black men
(through the white female’s liberation movement) of their opportunity
function fully as breadwinners and not just as “sex-machines.”
Black females must begin to struggle to achieve the “‘•”””,.tnnlTli>~c
enjoyed by white females – to stay home while being adequately
ported by their husbands, to proyide adequate socialization and
care and attention to the children. Black females must not be fooled
believing that a women’s liberation movement is their salvation.
must cease believing in the myth of the “strong Black female” who
Black Children
capable of doing everything (breadwinning and socializing) all alone.
Black females must understand that we always will be oppressed, as will
our sons and daughters, unless Black men are liberated to defend them-
~elves, Black females and Black children from any and all attacks and
When these fundamental issues are placed in perspective, when Black
men and women are struggling together for these objectives that have
ev~rything.to do with the development of Black family-life, Black male
children Will be able to grow up respecting themselves as future men.
Thus, ~ey will recognize the pwpose of disciplined study to achieve
academlCally, and they will cease desiring to be females. Black female
children will grow up respecting themselves as future women supported,
protected and respected by their own men, and they will learn to respect
Black men as men. Focusing on these external common objectives, Black
m~n and women will be freed from the present destructive competition
Wtth one another and will, instead, learn to work as a team in order to
compete successfully with their common oppressors for the maximal
development of themselves and their children.
. ~u~, B~ack people must not only commit themselves to combating
mfenonzauon through the struggle for maximal development, we must,
as ~ pan of that struggle, begin to establish standards of academic
achievement and codes of behavioral conduct for Black children. These
standards and codes will serve as the fundamental basis for developing
Bla~k self- and group-respect. Without true self-respect, all efforts for
achievement will be in vain. In keeping with that goal, all Black children,
before the age of six, should be taught the following fundamental exer-
cises in Black self-respect by Black adult examples in the home school
. church and neighborhood: ‘ ‘
Stop name-calling one another.
Stop cursing at one another.
Stop squabbling with one another.
Stop gossiping about one another.
Stop snitching on one another.
The Isis Papers
6. Stop being discourteOUS and disJeSpeCtful towards
one another.
7. Stop robbing one another.
8. Stop stealing from one another.
9. Stop fighting one another.
10. Stop killing one another.
11. Stop using and selling drugs to one another.
12. Stop throwing traSh and dirt on the streets and in
places where Black people live, work and learn.
With this behavioral foundation in self-respect, Black children would
be taught that academic achievement is the highest priority. Each neigh-
borhood should give annual awards for the children in each age group,
based upon public performance in reading and math achievement. This
would indicate to Black children that knowledge and information are the
important bases of power, along with self -respect.
Additionally, by age six, Black children must learn that Black people,
as a nation, do notlook highly upon young people fathering and mothering
Black children before they achieve emotional maturity and are capable of
completely caring for the new Black life. Making a baby should no longer
remain the criteria of Black manhood or womanhood .. Black manhood
and womanhood should be determined solely on the basis of one’s ability
to be self-supporting and to function effectively under the pressures of
white supremacy;
These objectives are only a beginning, but they can be achieved if every
Black adult views himself/herself as one of the many parents of all Black
children. These parents must assume responsibility for the maximal
development of each and every Black child. That responsibility can be
expressed in as simple a manner as never displaying to any Black child
any form of self- or group-negating ~havior. In effect, this practice will
teach the child the most important lesson of all: that Black people respect
Racism·and Black Child and Youth
(July 1987)
As we approach the 21st century, it is essential that Black physicians
-scientists, researchers, clinicians, pediatricians and child psychiatrists-
understand exactly what is happening to the behavioral, emotional and
physical health of Black people, specifically of Black infants, children
and youth. We must know precisely where we are going and what we
must do. Now, more than ever before, we need to apply a systematic
understanding to our work in helping to solve the multitude of health
problems (physical, emotional and behavioral) impacting Black infants,
children, youth, parents and, thereby, families. By developing such a
systematic approach in our perception of the seemingly myriad problems,
it is possible to focus more effectively on what must be done to move
towards problem solution, what must be done by ourselves as members
of the healing profession, and what must be done by Black people to
establish a level of health and total functioning (for the Black collective)
that is second to none on this planet.
It is now 1987. It is impossible to pick up a newspaper in the United
States without seeing one or more articles and references addressing the
ever-worsening plight of Black people across the entire age spectrum.
There are seemingly non-reducible levels of infant mortality and mor-
bidity. There are Black infants being born with AIDS to parents who are
:!rug-addicted and who have AIDS. There are massive numbers of Black
;infant~; being born to children (teenagers and pre-teens) who never will
The Isis Papers
be able to parent them effectively. The same infants and children will
experience physical, social and psychological neglect. These children
will experience physical and sexual abuse. They will experience being
inadequately housed, clothed and fed. They will experience abandonment
to welfare systems and foster homes. They subsequently will experience
failw-e to achieve academically, and then fail to perfonn adequately on
scholastic achievement tests. Because of their frustration from being
stressed and inadequately cared for, they will fail to attend school.
Eventually they will drop out of school. Many Black children and youth
will become involved with drugs- either to medicate often unrecognized
major depression, or to sell drugs to solve their own or their family’s
financial difficulties. Perhaps both. The drugs will be used to suspend
briefly a grinding sense of hopelessness and doom. Then addiction sets
in. Other Black children and youth will become obsessed with sexual
activity to compensate for a profound sense of unmet dependency needs
that immature and overwhelmed parents could not and cannot address.
The outcome from this will be AIDS, other venereal diseases, male and
female prostitution and another generation of teenage pregnancy and
inadequate parenting. The destroyed sense of self, the negative self-
image and self-concept that derive from these overwhelming and stressful
circumstances lead these children and youth (who have been baby-sat by
the television set), to conclude that it is acceptable to use drugs and to sell
drugs to one another. And, in ever-increasing numbers, Black children
and youth are concluding that it is perfectly alright to shoot and kill one
another when drug deals go badly, or to kill one another for an expensive
pair of shoes or sunglasses, designer sweat suits, leather gold chains or
clothing. Both these activities lead to their certain incarceration.
By now, every thinking Black person is familiar with these all-too-
common reports and their accompanying statistics. However, scientists
and clinicians, as opposed to mere technicians, should not simply gather
statistical data. The statistical data must be examined, understood and
interpreted in depth, then placed in proper perspective. Such a process .
allows for the problems that are reflected in the statistical data to be solved ·.
and prevented from occurring in the future.
Racism and Black Child I nferiorization
Generally, it is assumed that a society or soc· l
support the development of all of .ts . f: ~ power system seeks to 1 m ants, children and th Th. .
a totally erroneous assumpti’ . . you . 1s IS
on m a SOCial pow .
for the purpose of h. . er system bmlt upon racism
w Ite genetic survival. Th . .
even when the white s e assumption IS erroneous
Thus far Black 1 uphremacy system is highly refmed and masked
‘ peop e ave failed to decoct f1 •
established to maintam’ wh’t . e Ully the power system
I e genetic survival And
that we have failed to d . · • to the same extent
un erstand white ge ti .
supremacy we have r:·~aed t ne c survtval or white
‘ I:Ul o control the sym to th .
destructive power dynamic h’ h . . . P ms at anse from this
, w IC IS positioned . th .
development of Black geneti d . . agamst e maxunal
In . c an constitutional potential
. a SOCial power system established fi . . .
chtldren classified as non- h’t (bl or white genetic survival,
. . . w I e ack, brown red and 11 )
mfenonzedsystematically so thatth ’11 ‘ ye ow are
and susceptible to control throughoeuyt Wthl. becl’ omeandremaindependent
Erik err tves In the te · 1 H. Erikson, author of Childhood d S . . rmmo ogy of
environment supports the de I . ~ an . OClety, when the social
ve opmg 1etus mfant hild .
adult existence, the child. s s ch . ‘ ‘ c and youth mto
the following eight stages: PI~ b o~soctal development advances through
industry, 5) identity 6) t’nu· a7st)c trust, 2) autonomy, 3) initiative, 4)
‘ macy, genemtivity d fi
However, each one of these eight sta es . ‘an mal~y, 8? integrity.
society fails to support the child g ~ Its counterpart m failure when
systematically Inste d th .
system subjects the infant child d · a • e socrnl power
stress. Instead of basic m:st th an. y~uth to ~n overwhelming degree of
. . ‘ ere ts mtstrust; mstead of au ton
1s shame and doubt· instead of . . . . omy, there
cannot” “I ‘ . mttlative, there is guilt (the sense of “I
versus can”); mstead of industry th . . . .
gy); instead of ·d · . • ere Is mfenonty (or lethar-
1 entity • there ts role confusion· · d . .
IS isolation; instead of generat’ ‘t the . , mstea ofmtimacy, there
tegrity, there is despair. lVI y, re IS stagnation; instead of in-
This process of failed psycho- . 1 d . by all levels of envrr· tal SOCia evelopment, whtch is brought on
onmen stress that oc d .
domination and impact Bla k 1 cur un er white supremacy
c peop e most heavily fi .
hers of Black infants hildre . ‘ orces massive num-
‘ c n and youth mto th d ·
events that I have referred to th e estructtve chain of
as e process of inferiorization: mistrust,
The Isis Papers
shame and doubt, guilt, inferiority, role confusion, isolation, stagnation
and. fmally, despair. Thus, while large numbers of white infants, children
and youth receiving societal and environmental support progress through
the eight stages of psycho-social development, their Black counterparts.
the recipients of high level environmental stress, progress through the
stages offailed psycho-social development, or inferiorization. It is within
this schema that the deteriorating picture of Black life (from infancy to
adult age) must be understood. This is not the accidental development of
an underclass. This is planned inferiorization for the purpose of white
genetic survival. Most important, clinicians caring for Black infants,
children, youth and their families must understand that this destructive
dynamic is historicallY and solidly situated, and it is on-going.
However, it is not possible to comprehend the process of inferiorization
of Black youth and the seriously compromised functioning of the Black
adult without a specific understanding of racism as the struggle for genetic
survival on the part of the genetically recessive global white minority
population that currently controls power in the world. Because few
Blacks or other non-whites understand racism at this level, they fail to
understand white supremacy as actual systematic warfare being con-
ducted by people who classify themselves as “white,” against people
whom whites classify as “non-whites.”
Few Blacks or other non-white people are aware that white people are
conducting major discussions on the white birthrate. Few Blacks or other
non-white people are aware that white scholarS and experts are discussing
the projection that by the year 2073, whites will represent fewer than 3%
of the people on the planet. Few Blacks or other non-white people are
aware that white experts are projecting that within six to nine generations,
non-white people will represent the majority of people in U.S. Few
Blacks or other non-white people are aware that these white experts are
concluding that they will be left in a state of peril if these facts are ignored.
The war for white genetic survival is conducted simultaneously on nine
battle fronts: economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics,
religion, sex and (militarY) war. The war is conducted through all forms
of behavior. In addition, within each of these areas of activity there have
Racism and Black Child lnferiorization
evolved myriad institutions . supremacy. , all of which further the goal of white
Because Blacks and other non-white I . racism as white . . peop e have faded to understand
geneuc survival the could be integrated · to th .’ y erroneously have believed that they
m e white supremac
depend upon whites to maximall de Y syste~ and that they could
youth in the same mann thaty velop BJack infants, children and
er white peop1
development of white inf ts h” e promote the maximal
an ‘ c ildren and youth Bla
non-whites have failed to unders . . · cks and other
it would mean active whi”te “”,..; ~. tha~ if white people were to do this,
_ … cipaUon m white ·
must master this perception of racism genocide. Black people
genetic survival, a system into whic(local and ~Iobal) as a war for white
integrated. h non-white people never can be
Under the stress of white su re
possibility of adequately meet! r;;;cy, numerous offspring prevent the
each child crowds out the oppon!u etineeds o~ each individual child, as
. ty or emotional nurture f th th
IS crowding prevents high l I . o e o ers.
taking place Th” . eve psycho-social development from
• lS promotion and insuran .
development is the process of inferio . . ce ~f ~ailed psycho-social
ensures local and global wh’te ~on, which m tum promotes and
1 genetic survival
What then is to be done? What sho – .
tactics do Blacks need to empl . d rt and long-range strategies and
supremacy thrust for whi’ te oy ~ o~ e~ to neutralize the ongoing white
geneuc survival whi h · .
Black infant, child and th inti . . . • c IS achieved through
. . you enonzauon? As · · .al
~s Important question, all Black le . an Iruti ~sponse to
mtegration and face the diffi 1 ~p must abandon the Illusion of
. ICU t reality that Bl
Ignore: you do not win a ches if most ack people prefer to
exact objective and rules ofth s game . ~ou have no knowledge of the
e game. It IS 1mperati tha al
understand they are not in a beni n en . ve t IBlackpeople
support, and that the surro din h. g VITOnment of benevolence and
a very specific warfare is:in g Ighlystru:turedenvironmentisdeadly;
classified as non-white in this !:ged against Blacks and other people
that the specific war is raciS· fi th system. Further, all must understand
m or e purpose f h’ .
by any and all 0 w Ite genetic survival-
necessary means . 1 . ‘ me usive of chemical and biological
The Isis Papers
warfare. (Chemical warfare is designer drugs, such as crack and PCP.
Biological warfare entails the production of cultural and ethnic organisms
in viruses such as AIDS.)
Additionally, Black people must recognize the following points:
1) The war of white genetic survival achieves a major effect through
inferiorization or failed psycho-social development,creating dependency,
negative self-image, negative self-concept and vulnerability.
2) The war of white genetic survival attacks the functioning of Blacks in
general, but most specifically attacks the Black male, as it is the Black
male who most specifically threatens white genetic survival at a level the
Black female is unable to approach.
3) Blacks must learn to counter the thrust of white supremacy and Black
inferiorization effectively.
4) Blacks must discuss openly those means by which Black male infants,
children and youth can be supported and developed maximally in order
to counter the attack of white supremacy on Black male development and
5) Black male infants, children and youth need their fathers constantly
present to support the behavior and identity of Black male children. And,
beCause of the historic removal of Black fathers from homes, classes are
needed to promote high-level functioning of Black males in their roles as
6) The white supremacy attack upon the Black male causes a collapse of
Black family life and a distortion in the role of the Black female. This, in
tum, causes a distortion and collapse of the support system for Black
infants, children and youth, thereby beginning the process of inferioriza-
Racism and Black Child lnferiorization
7) Blacks must think about and o n1 .
people to stop racism (because wh: y disco~, not how to beg white
efforts for white genetic . al) ~pie will have to continue their
surviv , but Instead h B
organize their own beha · . • ow lack people can
v1oron an ongomg b · .
white supremacy and its . asts, specifically to neutralize
unpact on the development of Black offs . pong.
8) It is futile to beg white people to .
maximal development of Black five grants ~d funds to foster the
to commit white genocide. peop e. To do so IS to ask white people
9) Blacks must be able to disc .
inferiorization in whites’ struu glss ~penl~ the logical necessity for Black
g e 1 or white genetic survival.
10) The singing of “We Shall Overcom ” .
supremacy or Black infe . . . e will not combat white
nonzabon any more than . .
help to solve a problem in medi . . smgmg any song will
cme or physics.
11) Immature and overwhelmed fathers an
psycho-social development and counter Bl d ~o~e~ ~nn~t promote
generation. ack mfenonzabon m the next
~2) Single female teenagers cannot romo .
m male or female offs . p te psycho-socml development
pnng. And, most certainl th ~ale offspring. They only can re are y, e~ cannot develop
hves in penal institutions hilp p these male offspnng to spend their
• w e preparing th · teenage mothers. err own daughters to become
13) No Black female should beco
Black male should become a fath me :e mother before 30 years of age. No
. family should have no more thane:Wo f~~~ 35 years of age. Each Black
three years apart. And both dren, no closer together than
. . • Black males and fi 1
mmunum, complete high sch
d ema es should, at a
marriage and parenthood Thoo an become fully self-sufficient before
. ese structures are specifically for the pur-
The Isis Papers
. . . d failed psycho-
. e thruSt of Black infenonzauon an
pose of countenng th th ditions of white supremacy.
social development, under e con
collective Black genetic and constitu-
14) Maximal development of the th fforts of Black people alone-
. al otential will take place by e e .
uon P d tanding and behaviOr.
through their knowledge, un ers
Black person in the healing
It is my hope that eventually d:ve~f the etiologic chain that leads
profession will master an understan m~t learly would be to the benefit
. . . Furthermore, 1 c
to Black infenonzauon. . ls . their efforts of healing, pass on
of Black people if Black professi~na , m bl’ the patients to neutralize
· Bla k pauents- ena mg
this knowledge to theu c . l’ s and achieve a development
. emacy on therr tve
the impact of white supr . . al potential, second to none.
of their Black genetic and consutuuon
Black Child-Parents:
The New Factor in Black Genocide
The levels of collective self-consciousness and self-respect that a
people carry can be determined accurately by the standard of care and
development it demands for all of its young- the future of the people. It
is virtually impossible, in the final quarter of the 20th century, for 99.9%
of Black teenage male and female persons to raise children who will be
emotionally strong, stable and capable of functioning effectively under
the stress of a racist society. The very dynamic that produces the
pathological situation wherein children attempt to have and rear children
is designed to ensure Black functional inferiority. Yet, 25% of all Black
children born today in the U.S. are born to Black teenagers. This means
that, at the very least, 25% of all Black children will suffer in terms of
their development and will be impaired in their potential to function
effectively under the stress of racism. I refer to the failure to ensure the
maximal development of the genetic potential of all Black children, as
well as the ultimate waste of this genetic potential, as Black genocide.
During the American slave era, Black teenage females were forced to
breed baby after baby and were prevented from actively caring for the
development of these slave babies. There was no concern for these human
beings reaching maximal levels of their genetic potential. This lack of
concern for the development of these young human beings was enforced
by racist slavemasters and slavemistresses. Today, just as in the slave
society, Black teenage girls are caught up in a similar destructive dynamic:
producing human beings who subsequently are subjected to low-level
. development and treated in inhuman ways.
The Isis Papers
. s stem beComes, the higher the level of
The more complex a social y . needed to negotiate that system
. · d formal education
emononal matunty an . mate level of functioning reached by children
successfully. Often, the ulu . a1 turity achieved by the parent(s)
is correlated “:”ith the level ?f er:~~:f :;otionally immature and poorly
prior to the birth of the child. h ‘ ore likely to fail than children
· children w o are m
educat~ parents rruse ell-educated parents. Although income is an
of ernouonally ma.~e and w. rtant factor than emotional maturity in
important factor, It IS a less Impo. h’t child living under
successfully rearing a child- particularly a non-w I e
the conditions of white supremacy· d by Black teenagers
. hvebeenmaetome
Th~ followmdg chaomm::amae parents or are contemplating becoming
who either alrea Y ve
parents: , wn ”
1) “Dr. Welsing, I’m sixteen, I know I m gro . ‘s onna take my
2) “Dr. Welsing, I’m gonna have my baby. No~dy !ab I’m not
b f e I
‘m not going to let those doctors kill my Y.
gonn3)a’~Drave;~~:~grti:;~f my friends have babies; I wan~ something of
· ‘ · I’m gomg to love my
my own too. I’m not going to have an abortiOn.
baby.” . b b ‘s gonna love me. I want somebody to love
4) “Dr Welsmg, my a Y M
M ~other and father don’t love me. Nobody loves m~. “y
me. Y , kn hat they are domg.
ts . li’ve t”””fwgers they don t ow w paren acr ~ “”‘ ‘ b b t”
” “Dr Welsing, I kriow I can take care of a a y. . ‘
~ “N~, Dr. Welsing, my boyfriend doesn’t have an~J?\~ut~:.:
of me and my baby. He says he can. e s .
gonna take care t No we dido ‘t finish school; we don’t go to
nna get us an apartmen · ‘ ,
go but we don’t go to no classes.
school anymore. I mean we go, . I wouldn’t have no baby
7) “Dr. Welsing, if I had it to do over agam;,
1 · didn’t know no better. when I’m young. JUSt . ‘ e I thought he wanted the
8) “Dr. Welsing, my boyfnend, he s gon .
baby too.”
Black Child-Parents
9) “Dr. Welsing, l’m19 . My boyfriend, he’s 19. He gets mad at my
baby- it’s our baby- when he cries. He hit the baby one time. Some-
times I feel like hitting the baby, too.”
10) “Dr. Welsing, I just didn’t know how to be no father. I never had
my own father at home.”
11) “Dr. Welsing, my girlfriend can take care of that baby by herself
with the welfare.”
12) “Dr. Welsing, my mother had me when she was fifteen. I don’t
see why she’s telling me I don’t want my baby_ I don’t see why I can’t
do what she did.”
All of the above statements have been made by teenage children. These
are not unusual statements. Teachers, social workers, doctors and coun-
selors working with young people have heard similar comments as they
talk to Black teenagers in the U.S., where the incidence of Black children
parenting children has reached epidemic proportions.
Elaborate programs are being established to counsel teenage parents
(especially teenage mothers); special education and prenatal, obstetric and
gynecological programs are being established to assist the child-mothers;
classes on nutrition are being organized; courses on sex, anatomy and
physiology are given. And, while all this is happening, no one is raising
the most critical question: “Can Black children (teenagers) be effective
mothers and fatt’iers i:o persons who must function in a highly complex,
technological society that is extremely racist and oppressive to Black and
other non-white peoples?” Another critical question that has not been
answered is: “Why are so many teenage children engaging in this high
degree of sexual activity and producing children f()r whom they are unable
to provide sufficient care?” Is there an underlying social dynamic that is
forcing on children this pattern of destructive behavior that borders on
homicide- most certainly, emotional and psychological homicide? If so,
what is it? What are the implications for future generations if this pattern
of behavior continues? Are we prepared to reap the whirlwind?
In my clinical view, having functioned as a psychiatrist for adults and
children for the past decade, I have found that there is an absolute
The Isis Papers
. . ·ve of the extent to which these The following stausucs are reflecu be of Blacks.
. amongst large num rs
limited definitions are operauve half of the out-of-wedlock children
Teenage mothers account:.or a_bo~~76 Approximately 25% of all Black
born to both Blacks and w ttes m the. Virtually all unwed teenage
be. born to teenage mo rs.
children are mg . . Twen -five percent of teenage mothers
mothers (93%) k~p ~e~ babtes. after th~ir first baby and 15% within the
get pregnant a gam Wltinn a year . . demns many girls to a life of
This tendency of repeuuon con
second year. . lf In all too many cases, teenage educauon and we are.
poverty, poor . . hool and they fmd it more difficult to get
mothers do not fimsh htgh sc d’ d to lives of poverty and stress.
jobs. Their children also are :::::~ny serious complications. Large
Teenage motherhood P and i norant of medical needs.
numbers of these teenage mothers are~ edicalgcare or nutrition. Those
They do not receive adequate prenata m th s are not physically fully
. 1 who become mo er
girls in therr ear Y teens bl to bear the physical strains of
th £ e they are less a e
developed and, ere or ‘ fi from the Department of
. Accordirlg to recent tgures
havmg a baby. thers have higher death rates, · d Welfare, teenagemo .
Health, Educauon an . h hage and lower-weight bab1es . ore toxemia, more emorr
more anemm, m . AI th babies of teenage mothers are
than women in their twe~ues.. ~·£ ~ than those of women irl their
more likely to be born With buth ebeec . ed l·n the context of what is
tat’ sties must vtew
twenties. The above s_ I . ‘ve of the age of their mothers. For
happening to Black children rrrespecu . bo . the U.S. during
th n half of the Black children rn m
example, more a ding to a new report by the
· ed women accor
1976 were born to unmarn . . ‘ ears a
26% of all Black
National Center for Healtll Statistics. Just 13 YToda g ~OCR of all Black
arried women. Y • 0
children were born_~ unm compared to about 12% for
children live in families headed by w