″What If?″ Creative Proposal. Choose ONE story OR play. You will PROPOSE AND EXPLAIN a DIFFERENT CLIMAX (Links to an external site.) in the story or play. Do the following: (1.1) Answer: What is the current climax of the story or play? (1.2) Answer: How do you imagine a different climax? Why? (1.3) Answer: What is the resolution of your different climax? Why? You′re not writing an argument or story. You′re writing a creative proposal. Your essay must PROPOSE AND EXPLAIN a different climax. Thus, you will revise / reimagine/ re-envision the climax of the story. Don′t change the characters, setting, or pov. You′re welcome to add characters and different plot details and/or conflict(s). You′ll need a creative proposal essay in 4-5 pages minimum in MLA format.