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AP Art History

Read the question carefully. You can receive full credit only by directly answering all aspects of the question. You must answer the question in essay form. An outline or bulleted list is not acceptable. (Note: This exam uses the chronological designations B.C.E. (before the common era) and C.E. (common era). These designations correspond to B.C. (before Christ) and A.D. (anno Domini), which are used in some art history resources.)

The image shows lintel 25 from Yaxchilán, created in 725 C.E., which depicts an interaction between the human and the divine in Maya culture.

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Select and completely identify another work of art that depicts an interaction between an individual or individuals and the divine. You may select a work from the list below or any other relevant work from any geographic area or time period.

Describe specific visual characteristics of both lintel 25 and your selected work.

Using specific visual evidence from both works, explain at least one similarity and one difference in how lintel 25 and your selected work depict an interaction between an individual or individuals and the divine.

Explain one similarity or one difference in how lintel 25 and your selected work express the values or beliefs of the society in which each work was created. Support your explanation with an example of relevant iconographic (use of symbols) or contextual information from both your chosen work and the work shown.

When identifying the work you select, you should try to include all of the following identifiers: title or designation, name of the artist and/or culture of origin, date of creation, and materials. You will earn credit for the identification if you provide at least two accurate identifiers, but you will not be penalized if any additional identifiers you provide are inaccurate. If you select a work from the list below, you must include at least two accurate identifiers beyond those that are given.

Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and three daughters

Ecstasy of Saint Teresa

© Werner Forman / Art Resource, NY

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