Select two works of architecture from within your city, county, or state. The works of architecture may be buildings, bridges, or monuments. All communities have architectural structures — from rural areas to large cities. You do not need to have seen the works of architecture yourself, but they should be structures that are within your state as this will help you to focus on the ways these works of architecture are a part of your personal, local experiences.
You will analyze these creative expressions in light of what you have learned from the reading content and information in this unit. This gives you a chance to share your perspective, express your point of view, and demonstrate how the readings helped you to see these works in a new way.
One at a time, you will describe each selected work and explain how it demonstrates at least one concept from the unit reading or other research on architecture.
Part I:
Part II:
You will follow the same steps 1, 2, and 3 with a second work of architecture. Be sure to highlight a different structure and a different concept from those you described in Part I.
Parts I and Part II should be submitted in the same document. The work should be at least 500 words in length and must use at least one outside source that is cited in APA style. Check the Course Documents for “Writing for the Humanities” or visit the Writing Center for information on use and citation of sources.