Search the Library and find one new health care article that uses quantitative research. Do not use an article from a previous assignment, or that appears in the topic Resources or textbook.

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Complete an article analysis and ethics evaluation of the research using the “Article Analysis and Evaluation of Research Ethics” template. See Chapter 5 of your textbook as needed, for assistance.

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Article Analysis and Evaluation of Research Ethics

Article Citation and Permalink

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(APA format)

Article 1



Broad Topic Area/Title

Problem Statement

(What is the problem research is addressing?)

Purpose Statement

(What is the purpose of the study?)

Research Questions

(What questions does the research seek to answer?)

Define Hypothesis

(Or state the correct hypothesis based upon variables used)

Identify Dependent and Independent Variables and Type of Data for the Variables

Population of Interest for Study


Sampling Method

Identify Data Collection

Identify how data were collected

Summarize Data Collection Approach

Discuss Data Analysis

Include what types of statistical tests were used for the variables.

Summarize Results of Study

Summary of Assumptions and Limitations

Identify the assumptions and limitations from the article.

Report other potential assumptions and limitations of your review not listed by the author.

Ethical Considerations

Evaluate the article and identify potential ethical considerations that may have occurred when sampling, collecting data, analyzing data, or publishing results. Summarize your findings below in 250-500 words. Provide rationale and support for your evaluation.

Article Analysis and Evaluation of Research Ethics

Article Citation and Permalink

(APA format)

Article 1

Zahra Mokhtari, Mohammad Ali Hosseini, Hamid Reza Khankeh,Masoud Fallahi-Khoshknab, & Alireza Nikbakht Nasrabadi.(2018). Barriers to support nurses as the second victim of medical errors: A qualitative study.The Australasian medical journal,11(12), 556–560.



Broad Topic Area/Title

A qualitative study to identify the barriers to supporting nurses as second victims of medical errors.

Problem Statement

(What is the problem research is addressing?)

In the medical field, it is almost inevitable to make medical errors and they have their impact on health workers. They need to be supported both mentally and physically to recover. In this study, we will identify the barriers to obtaining this vital support.

Purpose Statement

(What is the purpose of the study?)

The current study was conducted to identify the barriers

regarding supporting nurses as second victims of nursing

errors in clinical settings in Iran.

Some barriers exist where nurses need to be supported due to occurrences of medical errors.

Research Questions

(What questions does the research seek to answer?)

His research questions were purposely structured to get the intended information. The questions included “what were the barriers that nurses were facing when trying to support other nurses?” and “if the nurses were supported after the occurrence of an error?”.

Define Hypothesis

(Or state the correct hypothesis based upon variables used)

Health workers must make some errors while practicing and various barriers make them not receive the preferred support which will help them recover both physically and mentally.

Identify Dependent and Independent Variables and Type of Data for the Variables

The independent variable is the support that health workers and in particular nurses get after they have made errors in their practice while the dependent variable is the barriers that hinder health workers from getting the necessary support.

The population of Interest for Study

The population of interest was practicing nurses in hospitals in Tehran, Iran.


The sample comprised of 18 nurses from teaching hospitals in Tehran. 14 were female and 4 were male and had a mean age of 34 years. They were experienced and had worked in the health sector for more than 14 years.

Sampling Method

Purposive Sampling Method

Identify Data Collection

Identify how data were collected

Data was collected through having in-depth and semi-structured interviews. Those who qualified for the interviews had 14 years of experience, had experienced a medical error, and they must be working full-time.

Summarize Data Collection Approach

The data collection had a specified target in its methodology and all participants were chosen because they fit the criteria of the study.

Discuss Data Analysis

Include what types of statistical tests were used for the variables.

For the analysis of the data collected, they used computer-based software-MAXQDA that is used for qualitative, mixed methods, data, text, and multimedia analysis in academic institutions. The software was able to categorize based on similarity and differences and the information interpreted within the context of a general transcript. To increase the rigor, conformability, dependability, credibility, and transferability were used.

Summarize Results of Study

Various themes were in the results that included, cultural barriers, legal barriers, mismanagement, and inadequate information. Most of the participants said that mismanagement was the cause of a lack of support after an error had been made. Other factors included the distribution in shifts, lack of human resources, lack of proper equipment, and inexperienced pastors. There is also the punishment atmosphere where nurses are unfairly treated and their seniors’ such as administrators, and supervisors disrespected them.

Summary of Assumptions and Limitations

Identify the assumptions and limitations of the article.

Report other potential assumptions and limitations of your review not listed by the author.

The author of this article has not listed any assumptions of the research but has stated clearly that errors from nurses lead to traumatic experiences and nurses seldom get the requisite help.

In all cases reviewed the nurse is seen as the second victim.

Ethical Considerations

In research, certain principles need to act as a guiding principle for it to be acknowledged as ethically viable. Research ethics are important to uphold scientific integrity, dignity, human rights, and the collaboration between society and science. In light of this, these principles ensure that the studies have voluntary participation, safe for the participants, and are informed. This research has met the basics of ethics in research by maintaining research integrity, protecting the rights of research participants, and enhancing research validity (Bhandari, 2021).

For this research, the participants were 18 nurses who worked on a full-time basis, had experience of at least 14 years, and had dome some form of medical error during their practice (Zahra et al., 2018). The sample was chosen since they had some connection to what was being studied and had enough experience within the health care system to weigh in on the various barriers that make it harder for nurses to receive support after making errors (Zahra et al., 2018). The willingness to participate was also a requirement to participate in the research and they were all aware they could withdraw from the research at any time. The study was conducted over one year on the preference of the participants. Their identity was kept anonymous and the data collected was not personalized. This work met the metrics of ethics by having voluntary participation, confidentiality, anonymity, informed consent, and communicating the results free from plagiarism. The information disclosed from the research was anonymous. The potential to harm the participants was also kept to a minimum.


Zahra Mokhtari, Mohammad Ali Hosseini, Hamid Reza Khankeh,Masoud Fallahi-Khoshknab, & Alireza Nikbakht Nasrabadi.(2018). Barriers to support nurses as the second victim of medical errors: A qualitative study.The Australasian medical journal,11(12), 556–560.

Bhandari, P. (2021, October 18). A guide to ethical considerations in research. Scribbr.

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