Assgn due in 24 hours

due in 24 hours

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Research Paper Due

You will research and write a paper on a specific issue of constitutional law.


The paper will focus on the Court’s treatment of an issue and competing perspectives on it (both on and off the Court), and provide an evaluation and critique of those perspectives.

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· Scope and limits of the presidential power to pardon

· The concept of Executive Privilege

· The impact of N.S. v. Chadha (1983).

· The constitutional dimensions of the Iran-Contra Affair

· The “Pocket Veto”

· The “Line Item Veto”

· The jurisprudence of “original intent”

· Presidential Immunity from Civil Actions after Clinton Jones (1997)



1. Papers will be 10-15 pages long and typed.


2. A prospectus (topic, thesis, and annotated bibliography) will be due in class on November 26th of November
 The prospectus will be graded and returned to you, with comments, for your consideration in the preparation of the final version of the paper.  It must be turned in with the final copy of the paper.


3. Papers will be prepared in standard term paper style (consult Turabian, A Manual for Writers, or the AP Handbook), and will have a title page on which– and only on which– your name will appear.


4. Papers will be due on the 
15th of  December
, at the beginning of class.


5. Late papers will be penalized one third of a grade for each calendar day they are tardy.

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