Assignment 1

Overview: Using the topic and research question you developed in week 1, you will design a qualitative instrument that could potentially answer your topic/research question if it were to be applied to a qualitative study. Keep in mind, this may take some stretching if you wrote your question leaning quantitatively. The purpose here is not to box you in but to ensure that you have a solid understanding of both methodologies.Directions:You will develop a word document to include:

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View the rubric and examples to make sure you understand the expectations of this assignment.

Rubric for Data Instrument x Rubric for Data Instrument x – Alternative Formats
Qualitative Instrument Samples Qualitative Instrument Samples – Alternative Formats

  • Your research question in the form of a qualitative question (if it was not already).
  • An instrument or protocol (interview, ethnography, focus group protocol, etc) that could be used to answer the qualitative version of your research question.
  • A one paragraph description/justification of how your chosen instrument/protocol is the best choice for answering the qualitative version of your research question.
  • Rubric for Data Collection Instrument


    Approaches Expectations

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    Meets Expectations

    Exceeds Expectations



    Most lines of inquiry are necessary but some do not contribute to the analysis of the research topic
    Many lines of inquiry are worded unclearly and ambiguously
    Most rating scales are not equidistantly distributed and are unclear
    Instrument design is difficult for users to follow and complete

    Most lines of inquiry are necessary and contribute to the analysis of the research topic
    Almost all lines of inquiry are worded clearly and unambiguously
    Most rating scales are equidistantly distributed and clearly stated
    Instrument design is neat but sometimes difficult for users to follow and complete

    All lines of inquiry are necessary and contribute to the analysis of the research topic
    All lines of inquiry are worded clearly and unambiguously
    All rating scales are equidistantly distributed and clearly stated
    Instrument design is neat and easy for users to follow and complete

    MKaeli Assig me t 3.1

    Coachi g-style of Leadership

    CEO Pre-Trai i g I terview Protocol

    Hello a d tha k you for agreei g to meet with me today a d your willi g ess to participate i this
    research study. If you would please review, sig , a d date the co se t form i fro t of you. This
    co se t form allows me to use i formatio gathered from today’s i terview. As a remi der, this
    research study is e tirely co fide tial a d your ame will ot be attached to a y research data, or
    me tio ed i the fi al report. We have a hour a d half scheduled for our i terview today. I
    appreciate your participatio , a d I wa t to be respectful of your time. I will ask ope e ded
    questio s, taki g otes, a d recordi g our discussio . Our sessio is desig ed to be more of a
    relaxed co versatio , rather tha a questio -a swer heari g. Give the guara tee of a o ymity, I
    hope you will thoughtfully co sider the questio s prese ted a d feel comfortable bei g authe tic
    a d detailed with your respo ses. Please k ow that there will be occasio s where I eed to ask
    follow-up questio s based o your a swers. Fi ally i a effort to ease i to our co versatio s, our
    first topics are i te ded to help me gai some i sight to you perso ally, your formal educatio ,
    backgrou d i formatio about your experie ce, as well as positio a d respo sibilities with the
    orga izatio .

    I troductio
    Tell me a little bit about yourself?
    Where did you go to college? What did you study? Graduate degrees? Activities/Sports?
    What were your career aspiratio s whe you left school?
    Where did you work prior to comi g here, a d what was your title?
    How do you view yourself professio ally?
    What are your career aspiratio s ow?
    What is your favorite thi g about worki g here?
    What do like the least?
    What attracted you to work here i itially?
    What, if a ythi g, would cause you to leave this orga izatio ?

    Researcher otes:

    Next we will focus o your role a d respo sibilities with the orga izatio . O ce agai , I will be
    taki g otes a d recordi g your respo ses. I wa t you to feel comfortable elaborati g o your
    respo ses, a d I will ask you follow-up questio s based o your respo ses.

    Role a d Respo sibilities
    How lo g have you bee with the orga izatio ?
    Were you hired for, or promoted i to, your curre t positio ?
    Describe the o -boardi g process with the compa y whe you were hired.
    Has the process cha ged si ce the ?

    (Y) How a d why did it cha ge a d how?
    (N) Do you feel you were you properly prepared for your role? Why or Why ot?

    Describe your scope of respo sibilities for your curre t positio ? Have they cha ged over time?
    What skills a d abilities do you believe are eeded to be successful i your curre t positio ?
    How do you view your role i the orga izatio ? Has it cha ged over time?
    How ma y people to you supervise directly? Ca you describe your leadership style?
    How would your team describe you, a d your leadership style?
    As the leader of your team, what are your top three stre gths?
    Why do you believe this?
    As the leader of your team, what are your top three weak esses?
    Why do you believe this? What are you doi g to improve i these areas?

    Dr. Jaocb Bryant

    Dr. Jaocb Bryant
    Sample Interview Protocol

    MKaeli Assig me t 3.1

    Researcher otes:
    Tha k you for your respo ses to the role a d respo sibility based questio s. Our ext questio s
    will be related to orga izatio al culture as they relate to employee e gageme t a d orga izatio al
    citize ship. As you have do e with the previous questio s, please feel comfortable to elaborate o
    your a swers, a d I will ask follow-up questio s as eeded to elicit more i formatio .

    Orga izatio al Culture a d Employee E gageme t
    What is the missio of the orga izatio ?
    Would you describe the culture of the orga izatio ? How do you as a leader embody the culture?
    What are the values of the orga izatio ? How do you model these values?
    What are the orga izatio ’s Key Performa ce I dicators (KPI’s)?
    How have your strategies impacted your orga izatio al performa ce?
    What role does employee e gageme t i orga izatio al performa ce?
    Do you use a y e gageme t strategies?

    (Y) Which o es? How you measure their efficacy?
    (N) Why ot?

    Describe your team’s level of commitme t to the values a d missio of the orga izatio ?
    Why do you believe this?

    Researcher otes:
    Tha k you for your respo ses o the culture a d e gageme t based questio s. Our ext sets of
    questio s will look at the role that professio al relatio ships have i the e ha ceme t of
    orga izatio al performa ce. We will co ti ue to follow the same procedure as we have bee .
    Please feel comfortable to elaborate with your a swers, a d I will ask follow-up questio s as

    Relatio ship
    Describe your relatio ship with your team members?

    What ca you do to stre gthe these relatio ships a d their orga izatio al commitme t?
    Do you have a strategy for the professio al developme t of your team?

    (Y) Ca describe what is a d how it is impleme ted?
    (N) Why ot?

    Do you coach or me tor your team members?
    What importa ce do you place o professio al developme t?
    How could a coachi g-based leadership style impact your relatio ships with team members?

    What impact could modeli g this behavior have o employee commitme t?
    What impact could modeli g this behavior have o orga izatio al performa ce?

    Do you have a successio pla ?
    (Y) How is it ma aged? How will it be impleme ted? Is it ope ly commu icated?
    (N) Why ot?

    What do you wa t your legacy to be?

    Researcher otes:
    Tha k you for your respo ses to the relatio ship based questio s. Our ext sets of questio s will
    look at the role that commu icatio tech iques play i support orga izatio al values. We will
    co ti ue to follow the same procedure as we have bee . Please feel comfortable to elaborate as
    much as you would like with your a swers, a d I will ask follow-up questio s as eeded.

    Dr. Jaocb Bryant

    MKaeli Assig me t 3.1
    Commu icatio
    How ofte do you meet with your team each week?

    What do you discuss?
    How ofte do you meet with your team members i dividually each week?

    What do you discuss?
    Whe you speak to your team, how do you ma age your commu icatio ?

    Whe you speak to team members, how do you ma age you commu icatio ?

    How ca a coachi g-style of leadership e ha ce the commu icatio of your team?
    How ca e ha ced commu icatio i flue ce orga izatio al efficie cy a d orga izatio al
    performa ce?

    Researcher otes:
    I this fi al sectio I wa t to allow you to have the opportu ity to share with me a y other
    i formatio that you feel I should co sider i my research project. These last few questio s will
    co clude the i terview process.

    Co clusio
    Have you ever worked for a coachi g-based leader?

    (Y) How did they ma ifest this style? How did it i flue ce your professio al developme t?
    (N) how do you thi k you could have be efited from a coachi g-based leader?

    How ca a coachi g-based style of leadership be efit your successor i this positio ?
    How ca a well-executed successio pla e ha ce orga izatio al performa ce?
    Is there a ythi g you feel I have overlooked i our discussio ?
    Is there a ythi g you would like to add?

    I wa t to tha k you for your help with our project. Do you have a y questio s for me about the
    research project?

    Agai , tha k you so much for your participatio today.

    Researcher otes:




    E viro me t Setti g:

    I dividual Code:

    Dr. Jaocb Bryant

    Successful Learning
    Focus Group Protocol

    Hello, my name is ______________ and I am a graduate student conducting research on what
    communication practices that promotes the most successful learning in a classroom. Thank you
    to this group for agreeing to meet with me today. I have an hour to an hour and half scheduled
    for our interview today. I want to honor any time constraints that any of you have today.

    Since this is a group setting I want to establish some norms for our conversation:
    1. We are going to go through a series of questions, topic by topic. I would like for

    everyone to have the opportunity to speak during this interview.
    2. Please only allow one person to speak at a time and be courteous of others who would

    like to speak.
    3. Feel free to treat this as a discussion as you may agree or disagree with what others are

    4. Please do not worry about have different opinions or answers than everyone else. There

    is no right or wrong answers to this interview.
    5. You do not have to answer every question.
    6. I will be tape recording this session and confidentiality will be covered in all parts of this

    interview. No names will be revealed in this study.
    7. Does anyone have questions before we begin?

    Dr. Jaocb Bryant
    Focus Group Protocol

    Our first questions are built to help me gain background information about you and your
    experiences in teaching.

    What experiences in teaching do you have?
    Do you have experience in education other than teaching?
    What do you enjoy most about teaching?

    Research notes:

    Our next few questions will focus primarily on learning. As teachers you see learning every day.
    Once again, I will be taking notes and recording your responses. I want you to feel comfortable
    elaborating on your responses and discussing the questions as a group. Remember it is okay to
    have a different opinion or answer than someone else.

    How do you define the concept of learning?
    What types and variations of learning do you see in your classroom?

    How do these types of learning vary by child?
    What conditions are necessary in your classroom for learning to take place?

    How do these conditions affect learning?
    How do you know when students have learned something?

    Is there any type of assessments that you use to determine if learning has occurred?

    Research notes:

    Thank you for your responses to the learning questions. Our next set of questions will focus
    primarily on communication and how it is used in the classroom. Again, your responses may be
    different from one another and it is okay to have a difference of opinion.

    How do you communicate with your class?
    How effective do you feel in your ability to use effective communication strategies with your

    Why is this important?
    What role does your personality play in the communication you have with your class?

    How do you think your personality impacts your students learning?
    How do your students communicate with each other in your classroom?

    How does their communication with each other impact their learning?
    Positive and negative communication strategies are parts of classroom communication. Which is
    more effective for students to learn from? Why?

    Researcher notes:

    Next, we will discuss strategies that impact learning. Your answers may be different from one
    another as no two teachers use the exact same strategies. Feel free to elaborate on your
    responses and treat this as a discussion among yourselves.

    In what ways do you make your content relevant to your students?

    Is this important? Why?
    How do you believe engagement affects the learning process?

    What engagement strategies do you have?
    What do you do to promote a climate for learning in your classroom?

    How does this impact learning?
    In what ways do you build relationships with your students?

    How does this impact their learning?

    In this final section I want to allow you to have the opportunity to share with me any other
    information that you feel I should consider in my research project. These last few questions will
    conclude the interview process.


    Do you think teacher input is valuable in learning research?
    In what ways can teachers help researchers learn about strong instructional practices that impact
    Are there other ideas you would like to add?
    Thank you for your help with our project. Do you have any questions for me about this

    Again, thank you so much for your participation in my interview today. Are there any final
    comments that any of you would like to make that would help me in this research project or the
    field of education as a whole?

    Researcher notes:

    MKaeli Assig me t 3.1

    Coachi g-style of Leadership

    CEO Pre-Trai i g I terview Protocol

    Hello a d tha k you for agreei g to meet with me today a d your willi g ess to participate i this
    research study. If you would please review, sig , a d date the co se t form i fro t of you. This
    co se t form allows me to use i formatio gathered from today’s i terview. As a remi der, this
    research study is e tirely co fide tial a d your ame will ot be attached to a y research data, or
    me tio ed i the fi al report. We have a hour a d half scheduled for our i terview today. I
    appreciate your participatio , a d I wa t to be respectful of your time. I will ask ope e ded
    questio s, taki g otes, a d recordi g our discussio . Our sessio is desig ed to be more of a
    relaxed co versatio , rather tha a questio -a swer heari g. Give the guara tee of a o ymity, I
    hope you will thoughtfully co sider the questio s prese ted a d feel comfortable bei g authe tic
    a d detailed with your respo ses. Please k ow that there will be occasio s where I eed to ask
    follow-up questio s based o your a swers. Fi ally i a effort to ease i to our co versatio s, our
    first topics are i te ded to help me gai some i sight to you perso ally, your formal educatio ,
    backgrou d i formatio about your experie ce, as well as positio a d respo sibilities with the
    orga izatio .

    I troductio
    Tell me a little bit about yourself?
    Where did you go to college? What did you study? Graduate degrees? Activities/Sports?
    What were your career aspiratio s whe you left school?
    Where did you work prior to comi g here, a d what was your title?
    How do you view yourself professio ally?
    What are your career aspiratio s ow?
    What is your favorite thi g about worki g here?
    What do like the least?
    What attracted you to work here i itially?
    What, if a ythi g, would cause you to leave this orga izatio ?

    Researcher otes:

    Next we will focus o your role a d respo sibilities with the orga izatio . O ce agai , I will be
    taki g otes a d recordi g your respo ses. I wa t you to feel comfortable elaborati g o your
    respo ses, a d I will ask you follow-up questio s based o your respo ses.

    Role a d Respo sibilities
    How lo g have you bee with the orga izatio ?
    Were you hired for, or promoted i to, your curre t positio ?
    Describe the o -boardi g process with the compa y whe you were hired.
    Has the process cha ged si ce the ?

    (Y) How a d why did it cha ge a d how?
    (N) Do you feel you were you properly prepared for your role? Why or Why ot?

    Describe your scope of respo sibilities for your curre t positio ? Have they cha ged over time?
    What skills a d abilities do you believe are eeded to be successful i your curre t positio ?
    How do you view your role i the orga izatio ? Has it cha ged over time?
    How ma y people to you supervise directly? Ca you describe your leadership style?
    How would your team describe you, a d your leadership style?
    As the leader of your team, what are your top three stre gths?
    Why do you believe this?
    As the leader of your team, what are your top three weak esses?
    Why do you believe this? What are you doi g to improve i these areas?

    Dr. Jaocb Bryant

    Dr. Jaocb Bryant
    Sample Interview Protocol

    MKaeli Assig me t 3.1

    Researcher otes:
    Tha k you for your respo ses to the role a d respo sibility based questio s. Our ext questio s
    will be related to orga izatio al culture as they relate to employee e gageme t a d orga izatio al
    citize ship. As you have do e with the previous questio s, please feel comfortable to elaborate o
    your a swers, a d I will ask follow-up questio s as eeded to elicit more i formatio .

    Orga izatio al Culture a d Employee E gageme t
    What is the missio of the orga izatio ?
    Would you describe the culture of the orga izatio ? How do you as a leader embody the culture?
    What are the values of the orga izatio ? How do you model these values?
    What are the orga izatio ’s Key Performa ce I dicators (KPI’s)?
    How have your strategies impacted your orga izatio al performa ce?
    What role does employee e gageme t i orga izatio al performa ce?
    Do you use a y e gageme t strategies?

    (Y) Which o es? How you measure their efficacy?
    (N) Why ot?

    Describe your team’s level of commitme t to the values a d missio of the orga izatio ?
    Why do you believe this?

    Researcher otes:
    Tha k you for your respo ses o the culture a d e gageme t based questio s. Our ext sets of
    questio s will look at the role that professio al relatio ships have i the e ha ceme t of
    orga izatio al performa ce. We will co ti ue to follow the same procedure as we have bee .
    Please feel comfortable to elaborate with your a swers, a d I will ask follow-up questio s as

    Relatio ship
    Describe your relatio ship with your team members?

    What ca you do to stre gthe these relatio ships a d their orga izatio al commitme t?
    Do you have a strategy for the professio al developme t of your team?

    (Y) Ca describe what is a d how it is impleme ted?
    (N) Why ot?

    Do you coach or me tor your team members?
    What importa ce do you place o professio al developme t?
    How could a coachi g-based leadership style impact your relatio ships with team members?

    What impact could modeli g this behavior have o employee commitme t?
    What impact could modeli g this behavior have o orga izatio al performa ce?

    Do you have a successio pla ?
    (Y) How is it ma aged? How will it be impleme ted? Is it ope ly commu icated?
    (N) Why ot?

    What do you wa t your legacy to be?

    Researcher otes:
    Tha k you for your respo ses to the relatio ship based questio s. Our ext sets of questio s will
    look at the role that commu icatio tech iques play i support orga izatio al values. We will
    co ti ue to follow the same procedure as we have bee . Please feel comfortable to elaborate as
    much as you would like with your a swers, a d I will ask follow-up questio s as eeded.

    Dr. Jaocb Bryant

    MKaeli Assig me t 3.1
    Commu icatio
    How ofte do you meet with your team each week?

    What do you discuss?
    How ofte do you meet with your team members i dividually each week?

    What do you discuss?
    Whe you speak to your team, how do you ma age your commu icatio ?

    Whe you speak to team members, how do you ma age you commu icatio ?

    How ca a coachi g-style of leadership e ha ce the commu icatio of your team?
    How ca e ha ced commu icatio i flue ce orga izatio al efficie cy a d orga izatio al
    performa ce?

    Researcher otes:
    I this fi al sectio I wa t to allow you to have the opportu ity to share with me a y other
    i formatio that you feel I should co sider i my research project. These last few questio s will
    co clude the i terview process.

    Co clusio
    Have you ever worked for a coachi g-based leader?

    (Y) How did they ma ifest this style? How did it i flue ce your professio al developme t?
    (N) how do you thi k you could have be efited from a coachi g-based leader?

    How ca a coachi g-based style of leadership be efit your successor i this positio ?
    How ca a well-executed successio pla e ha ce orga izatio al performa ce?
    Is there a ythi g you feel I have overlooked i our discussio ?
    Is there a ythi g you would like to add?

    I wa t to tha k you for your help with our project. Do you have a y questio s for me about the
    research project?

    Agai , tha k you so much for your participatio today.

    Researcher otes:




    E viro me t Setti g:

    I dividual Code:

    Dr. Jaocb Bryant

    Successful Learning
    Focus Group Protocol

    Hello, my name is ______________ and I am a graduate student conducting research on what
    communication practices that promotes the most successful learning in a classroom. Thank you
    to this group for agreeing to meet with me today. I have an hour to an hour and half scheduled
    for our interview today. I want to honor any time constraints that any of you have today.

    Since this is a group setting I want to establish some norms for our conversation:
    1. We are going to go through a series of questions, topic by topic. I would like for

    everyone to have the opportunity to speak during this interview.
    2. Please only allow one person to speak at a time and be courteous of others who would

    like to speak.
    3. Feel free to treat this as a discussion as you may agree or disagree with what others are

    4. Please do not worry about have different opinions or answers than everyone else. There

    is no right or wrong answers to this interview.
    5. You do not have to answer every question.
    6. I will be tape recording this session and confidentiality will be covered in all parts of this

    interview. No names will be revealed in this study.
    7. Does anyone have questions before we begin?

    Dr. Jaocb Bryant
    Focus Group Protocol

    Our first questions are built to help me gain background information about you and your
    experiences in teaching.

    What experiences in teaching do you have?
    Do you have experience in education other than teaching?
    What do you enjoy most about teaching?

    Research notes:

    Our next few questions will focus primarily on learning. As teachers you see learning every day.
    Once again, I will be taking notes and recording your responses. I want you to feel comfortable
    elaborating on your responses and discussing the questions as a group. Remember it is okay to
    have a different opinion or answer than someone else.

    How do you define the concept of learning?
    What types and variations of learning do you see in your classroom?

    How do these types of learning vary by child?
    What conditions are necessary in your classroom for learning to take place?

    How do these conditions affect learning?
    How do you know when students have learned something?

    Is there any type of assessments that you use to determine if learning has occurred?

    Research notes:

    Thank you for your responses to the learning questions. Our next set of questions will focus
    primarily on communication and how it is used in the classroom. Again, your responses may be
    different from one another and it is okay to have a difference of opinion.

    How do you communicate with your class?
    How effective do you feel in your ability to use effective communication strategies with your

    Why is this important?
    What role does your personality play in the communication you have with your class?

    How do you think your personality impacts your students learning?
    How do your students communicate with each other in your classroom?

    How does their communication with each other impact their learning?
    Positive and negative communication strategies are parts of classroom communication. Which is
    more effective for students to learn from? Why?

    Researcher notes:

    Next, we will discuss strategies that impact learning. Your answers may be different from one
    another as no two teachers use the exact same strategies. Feel free to elaborate on your
    responses and treat this as a discussion among yourselves.

    In what ways do you make your content relevant to your students?

    Is this important? Why?
    How do you believe engagement affects the learning process?

    What engagement strategies do you have?
    What do you do to promote a climate for learning in your classroom?

    How does this impact learning?
    In what ways do you build relationships with your students?

    How does this impact their learning?

    In this final section I want to allow you to have the opportunity to share with me any other
    information that you feel I should consider in my research project. These last few questions will
    conclude the interview process.


    Do you think teacher input is valuable in learning research?
    In what ways can teachers help researchers learn about strong instructional practices that impact
    Are there other ideas you would like to add?
    Thank you for your help with our project. Do you have any questions for me about this

    Again, thank you so much for your participation in my interview today. Are there any final
    comments that any of you would like to make that would help me in this research project or the
    field of education as a whole?

    Researcher notes:

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