Assignment 2

 For this assignment, interview a mentor teacher, guest teacher, or teacher of excellence about his/her guiding beliefs for how teaching and learning occur in the classroom. From this information, determine which philosophic orientation best describes the teacher interviewed.

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Your response should focus on two areas:

a. information from the interview

b. philosophic orientation of the teacher.

Your response should not be less than 750 words. 

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EDU2500 – 1GW Professional Education Seminar

Lillian D. Drakeford, PhD

Module 3 Checklist

Use this checklist to make sure you have covered what is expected before you submit Assignment 2Interview a Teacher.

1. Read the assignment prompt carefully before you start your paper. ______

2. Read the rubric criteria and grading scale. ______

3. Use Times New Roman 12 pt _____

4. Double-space _____

5. Margins for your paper._____(Refer to APA Folder)

6. Page numbers_____(Refer to APA Folder)

7. Paragraph structure (2 to 6 sentences per paragraph) _____

Module 3 Assignment 2

Interview a mentor teacher, guest teacher, or teacher of excellence about his/her guiding beliefs for how teaching and learning occur in the classroom.

Assignment 2 needs to focus on two areas:

· Information from the interview. Make sure you quote the teacher’s responses.

· Philosophic Orientation of the teacher.

Title before you start to write the Body of Work. _____

Introduction paragraph _____Introduce the teacher you will be interviewing.

Interview Questions: Choose four questions for your interview from the list below. Write the question in bold first and then their response. Do this for all four questions.

· What is your primary role as a teacher?

· What do you teach your students and how do you prepare for class?

· What are your beliefs about students?

· How do you motivate your students?

· What is the best and hardest part of teaching for you?

· How do you plan for classroom management?

· How do you build relationships with co-workers?

· What strategies do you use to combat challenging behaviors?

· How do you build relationships with your students and their families?

· As an educator, what do you believe is the main role of a teacher?

· What advice about teaching would you give to a new teacher?


Pertinent to the Assignment 2, Module 3 are the following five (5) modern philosophical orientations to teaching:

· Perennialism

· Essentialism

· Progressivism

· Existentialism

· Social Reconstructionism

*See Figures 4.4, 4.6

Choose one or more of these five to identify the dominant philosophical orientation of the teacher you interview. Many, if not most, teachers develop an eclectic philosophy of education. This means that they develop their own personal blend of two or more philosophies.

The five branches of philosophy are as follows:

· metaphysics

· epistemology

· axiology

· ethics

· aesthetics

The three psychological orientations that have influenced teaching philosophies are as follows:

· Humanism

· Behaviorism

· Constructivism

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