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Reflective Journal Template – Topic Reflection


Death with Dignity 

What are the key points of contention on this topic?

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What side of the argument (stance) do you take on this topic?

What strong points does the other side of this topic have?

What were the three most important things you took away from the topic?




Which ethical theory (of the 6 approved ones ONLY – Kant; Act Utilitarianism; Rule Utilitarianism; Care Ethics; Virtue Ethics; and Social Contract) would you apply to this topic to defend your stance? Explain fully. 250 words.

A) In this reflection you must first define the key terms of the debate (for example, define what Euthanasia/Abortion/Stem Cell/Public Health/PreNatal Testing/Animal Research/Health Care, etc. means and what are the different types depending on which topic you are discussing)

B) Define and explain the ethical theory you chose (show me you know exactly what the theory is and does – in your own words)

C) Present the evidence both pro and con and follow up how using your ethical theory is the best way to determine whether or not your stance is really ethical

D) Conclusion – any final thoughts and opinions would go here

E) 2 to 3 resources as support for your evidence (text book counts as 1)

it must be a currently two-sided debate with valid points on each side in order to be accepted as a topic, in other words, if you can’t find any information on the other side – if there are no valid pro/con arguments than you cannot do it on that topic). Additionally, I am not accepting papers on abortion or euthanasia even though those would be acceptable, I want you thinking outside the box here. Template must be used for this

· Eugenics and Human Genetics

· Medical Research (Human or Animal)

· Organ Donation (Make sure you have both sides – who is against it and why – not the dangers of the procedure)

· Travel Tourism and Transplantation

· Public Health Issues

· Access to Health Care

· Biotechnology

· Designer Babies

· Stem cell Research

· Health Care Testing

· other Reproductive Issues

Signature Assignment – Topic Choice Template

1. What is your topic

2. Why did you choose this topic

3. What are the main pro sides of this topic

4. What are the main con sides

5. Which ethical theory will you be using to support your stance

6. What is your current stance on this topic (it is ok if it changes after researching it)

7. What are the 3 scientific reputable sources you have found so far?

we are learning about issues surrounding human genetics and eugenics, including stem cell research, cloning, and genetic testing and treatment.

· Choose and describe a current (still used at least 5 years ago) scientific technique or practice related to genetics and eugenics. Provide the current medical/scientific rationale behind the use of this technique or practice.

· Discuss your thoughts and ideas regarding the technique or practice. Choose which 3 acceptable ethical theories could be used to justify its use? Why or why not?

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