Assistance Structures

For this discussion, choose a type of assistance that you believe has the greatest potential for helping early childhood education teachers improve education and explain why.

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Cite at least two resources in your response, APA style and answer the following:

  • What does assistance for improvement of instruction look like in your educational setting?
  • What are ways you can get help improving your lesson plans?
  • What assistance structures are in place? What would you like to see added or changed? Why?

Refer to Unit 4 Lesson Plan Guidelines and the scoring guide as a resource for this discussion.

  • How does the leadership at your organization approach assistance for improvement of instruction?
  • What do you believe would make efforts to improve instruction and learner achievement in your organization more effective?

Lesson Plan Scoring Guide

Due Date: End of Unit 4
Percentage of Course Grade: 10%.

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Develops research-based learning activities, instructional materials, and resources as needed to meet the basic or above level of expectations on Danielson’s rubric on designing coherent instruction.






Develop a lesson plan that scaffolds through skill levels and meets the needs of all learners based on Danielson’s rubric of instructional outcomes.

Does not develop a lesson plan that scaffolds through skill levels and meets the needs of all learners based on Danielson’s rubric of instructional outcomes.

Develops a lesson plan but does not scaffold through skill levels or meet the needs of learners based on Danielson’s rubric of instructional outcomes.

Develops a lesson plan that scaffolds through skill levels and meets the needs of all learners based on Danielson’s rubric of instructional outcomes.

Develops a lesson plan that scaffolds through skill levels and meets the needs of all learners and supports the plan with examples of how it aligns with Danielson’s rubric of instructional outcomes.

Design formative assessments based on Danielson’s rubric for using assessments as a tool to evaluate instruction.

Does not design formative assessments based on Danielson’s rubric for using assessments as a tool to evaluate instruction.

Designs assessments, but they are not based on Danielson’s rubric.

Designs formative assessments based on Danielson’s rubric for using assessments as a tool to evaluate instruction.

Designs formative assessments supported with examples of how it aligns with Danielson’s rubric for using assessments as a tool to evaluate instruction.

Identify how technology may or may not enhance the learning activities in this lesson.

Does not identify how technology may or may not enhance learning activities in this lesson.

Lists technologies that could be used, but does not identify how technology may or may not enhance the learning activities.

Identifies how technology may or may not enhance learning activities in this lesson.

Identifies how technology may or may not enhance the learning activities in this lesson and cites a personal example of this happening in one’s own classroom.

Develop research-based learning activities, instructional materials, and resources as needed to meet the basic or above level of expectations on Danielson’s rubric on designing coherent instruction.

Does not develop research-based learning activities, instructional materials, and resources as needed to meet the basic or above level of expectations on Danielson’s rubric on designing coherent instruction.

Develops research-based learning activities, instructional materials, and resources as needed to meet the basic or above level of expectations on Danielson’s rubric on designing coherent instruction.

Develops research-based learning activities, instructional materials, and resources that are supported with evidence of how it aligns with Danielson’s rubric on designing coherent instruction.

Lesson Plan Guidelines

Use the Understanding by Design (UbD) Template. If you have questions about backwards design or about this assignment, contact your instructor.

You will have some flexibility in how you implement your Professional Growth Plan over the duration of the course. By Unit 4, you should have identified and developed a lesson to teach that will allow you to address your goal or an aspect of your goal.

Submit your plan in the template provided. By sharing this plan, you will have an opportunity to receive feedback before teaching the lesson.

Your lesson will be assessed on the components of Domain


, Planning and Preparation, of the Framework for Teaching, particularly:

· Component 1c: Selecting instructional goals.

· Component 1f: Assessing student learning.

· Component 1e: Designing coherent instruction (see the Lesson Plan Scoring Guide).

Although you will not be assessed on your use of the UbD template, there are parallels between Domain 1 of the Framework for Teaching and the Stages in the UbD planning process. You are not expected to demonstrate mastery using the UbD design process, but to experience the process as a tool for your own learning.

The lesson plan serves a dual purpose:

· It helps you identify the factors you should consider as you plan an engaging lesson.

· It serves as a reference point for reflecting on the lesson after it has been taught.

Ask yourself after teaching the lesson: How did what I had planned compare to what actually happened?

Individual Option

Use the one-page UbD Template for planning your lesson.

Your lesson should be planned using the UbD backwards design framework. Your lesson plans should also include a statement that indicates how the lesson plan relates to your Professional Growth Plan goal or goals.

If you have questions about backwards design or about this assignment, please contact your instructor.

· Stage 1: You will identify desired results, or outcomes, of the lesson. The desired results usually include the state or local standards to be addressed. In this section, you will also identify essential questions for the lesson, what students will know, what they will understand, and what they will be able to do upon completion of the lesson. (This stage is related to Framework for Teaching, Domain 1, 1c: Selecting instructional goals.)

· Stage 2: You will determine the assessments and performance tasks that will provide evidence of student learning. (This stage is related to Framework for Teaching, Domain 1, 1f: Assessing student learning.)

· Stage 3: You will plan the learning activities and instructional strategies for the lesson. Identify resources and materials here as well. (This stage is related to Framework for Teaching, Domain 1, Component 1e: Designing coherent instruction; Component 1d: Demonstrating knowledge of resources.)

· When you develop your lesson plan, refer to the components of Domain 1 in the Framework for Teaching. (Components 1a and 1b align with all stages.)

· The study activities in Units 3 and 4 have specific resources you may consult when using the Understanding by Design template.

· Note: If your school or district has a specific template for lesson plans you are required to follow, please consult with your instructor about which form to use.

Collaborative Team Option

You have the option to work with other grade level or subject level instructors to collaboratively develop a lesson that all instructors in the group will use. You will still have to submit the Lesson Plan as described above, including use of the Understanding by Design Template.

You should be able to demonstrate how the collaboratively developed plan addresses the improvement goal you have set for yourself in your PGP.

Note to administrators: Consult with your instructor about this project component.


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