Benefits and Requirements of Insurance

Benefits and Requirements of Insurance

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You have been asked by your private employer to create a handout to educate employees on how health insurance impacts preventative care.

Be sure to include the following information:

• Covered preventative measures;

• Frequency of preventative care allowed;

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• How utilization changes based on health insurance coverage;

• The impact of preventative care on the individual, organization. and nation; and

• Figures, examples, and statistics supporting your findings. 

Your assignment should meet the following structural requirements.

• Three-pages handout, not including the cover sheet and reference page.

• Include headings titled “Covered Preventative Care” and “Utilization”.

• Be sure to include an informational paragraph under each heading and a citation to the resource utilized.

• Formatted according to APA.

• Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of six scholarly articles.

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