breast examination


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D.F. is a 27-year-old female who presents to the gynecologist’s office for her yearly examination complaining of bilateral breast pain and tenderness.
Subjective Data
Last menstrual cycle: 18 days ago
Pain is dull pain
Breasts feel heavy and tender
Performs monthly breast self-examinations

Objective Data
Breasts moderate size, evenly pigmented, bilaterally symmetric, and hang equally with smooth contour. Venous patterns bilaterally similar. Breasts firm, smooth, elastic without tenderness, lumps, or nodules. Areolae round, nipples protruding, symmetric, soft, pliable, smooth, and intact without discharge. Axillary lymph nodes are not palpated.

1. What other questions should the nurse ask about the breast pain?

2.What are some of the causes of breast pain? 

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3. What is a  supernumerary nipple? 

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