Bridging the Gap of Cultural Diversity Among Health Care Professionals

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Bridging the Gap of Cultural Diversity Among Health Care Professionals 

You are an administrator with responsibility for five primary care clinics in a rural community where there has been an influx of immigrants of a particular culture. The healthcare providers are concerned with their lack of knowledge about the countries of origin, the culture, and customs of this new population. They want to be sensitive to the culture and language, as well as the medical issues that may be unique to the population, particularly in meeting the mental health needs.

Develop an outline for a one-day program that can be utilized as a continuing education course. The course must address The Center for Culturally Proficient Educational Practice’s five essential cultural competencies for health professionals:

1. Assessing cultural knowledge

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2. Valuing diversity

3. Managing the dynamics of difference

4. Adapting to diversity

5. Institutionalizing cultural knowledge

Include the following:

1. The proposed title of the program.

2. Five learning objectives on an immigrant population of your choice.

3. Proposed potential topics for the continuing education course.

4. Include at least two external resources available for planning and identify two consultants who can be a resource.

5. Identify the desired practice outcome in relation to cultural responsiveness.



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