bring your own device including cloud

project charter on bring your device including cloud

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Project Overview
1.1 Introduction (The introduction provides a brief summary of what the project is designed
to achieve, along with some background information on why the project is being done –
the business drivers, the opportunity to be exploited, costs to be reduced etc.)
1.2 Major Stakeholders (List all the key stakeholders (decision makers and anyone who will
be impacted by the project outcomes).
Project Goal and Scope
2.1 Project Goal (Define the high-level goals of the project).
2.2 Project Scope (The project scope details the work to be taken in order to achieve the
project goal. It is just as important to explicitly state what is not included in scope as it is
to state what the project will deliver).
In Scope:
Out of Scope:
Assumptions (An assumption is anything the project team or client considered to be true,
real or certain often without any proof or demonstration. List in bullet format).

4. Constraints (Anything that restricts or dictates the actions of the project team. These can
include the so-called ‘Triple Constraint’- the ‘triangle’ of time, cost and scope – and every
project as project drivers has one or two, if not all three project constraints).
5.Risks (Risk is any unexpected event that might affect the people, processes, technology, and
resources negatively or positively by the project)
6.Measures of Success (Detailed measurements that will indicate that the project is a
Project Outcomes
Measure of Success

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