“Bullying in Middle School with African American Males Ages 11-14”


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How to prevent bullying? Where do bullying come from? How is bullying different now from ten years ago.




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Bullying African American Boys and Girls from The Ages 11-14

Miranda Johnson

Voorhees College

Senior Capstone



Louis Howell



7, 2022


Bullying is a vice that continues to haunt humanity, especially the youth in our world today. The matter has been aggravated with the emergence of cyberbullying in addition to traditional bullying. This research proposal aims to explore the origin of bullying, its evolution in the last decade, and the interventions necessary to prevent bullying both traditional and over the internet, focusing on African American teens who have experienced bullying. The research designs, including questionnaires and interviews, will be an effective method of collecting data from the participants, including the

African American children

between the ages of 11 and 14, and a control group that will be used to allow neutrality. The paper aims to present concrete evidence of the topic’s legitimacy and its gravity regarding the country’s youth to spur the stakeholders to take action to solve the issue.

Background and Rationale

Traditional bullying and cyberbullying are plagues that have been troubling society for a long time since humans’ enacted their natural orientation to form social institutions like schools. It has been especially true for children in middle school of African American descent between the age of 11 and 14. This research proposal aims to investigate how bullying comes to be, how bullying has evolved in the last decade to the bullying that we see today, and how society can prevent bullying, all the while focusing on African American teenagers between the age of 11 and 14 years.

This problem occurs in a wide range of environments, including their neighborhoods in addition to schools. Bullying is every form of physical, social, or verbal aggression committed by a group or person against a certain party (Kennedy, 2020). Bullying negatively impacts its victims by causing a drop in academic performance, potential psychosocial challenges, criminal wrongdoings, increased risks for suicide, perpetration of risky behavior, and suicidal tendencies.

This scourge is a growing concern, especially in the now integrated multicultural society of interracial interaction. Some studies show that African American teenagers can experience an increased rate of peer victimization than their white peers, owing to their subjective outlooks on racial discrimination. Other studies have shown that African American teenagers are less likely to encounter bullying than their white counterparts (Hong, 2021). The studies have been inclusive on this issue. The period of growth of adolescence is marked with the enactment of risky activities that may not display self-discipline. Since the rise of the digital age, bullying has evolved into traditional and cyberbullying. The increase in access to internet resources has been a huge factor in this evolution, in addition to the global permeation of smart devices able to access the internet.

Internet permeation has been largely a success in many countries. Households with young children and adolescents in possession of touch screen mobile gadgets increased to 98% in 2017 from 52% in 2011 (Straker, 2018). This increase simultaneously widens the range of platforms that can enact bullying. The internet has been linked with the exponential rise in suicide rates in some countries. For example, in Australia and Taiwan, suicide attempts were connected with the world wide web of adolescents between 11and 18 years.

These teenagers had the freedom to engage in internet activities. On the other hand, in South Korea, seventy-five thousand teenagers branded occasional cyberspace users, which translates to less than one hour of internet use a day, reported significantly lower self-immolation numbers than their counterparts (Sklyadneva & Lenko, 2021). Cyberbullying is the action to cause psychological harm intentionally through cyberspace. Cyberbullying can be extended to cyberstalking. It is a critical public health challenge associated with adolescents’ cognitive growth and teenage behavior. The unfortunate situation is that cyberbullying has no geographical boundaries. Moreover, parental control is not as effective and supportive as it should be to control the issue. Serious issues including depression, loneliness, anxiety, and low self-esteem are related to bullying.

In the African American community, persons who have lived in an environment where poverty and violence are prevalent may be more likely to be victimized by bullies. According to a study by Jeong-Kyun Choi that stressed that it was implicit that environmental factors, including structural community disadvantages for African American teens, may increase their vulnerability to bullying (Choi et al., 2021). In light of all these factors and the loopholes mentioned of the lack of concrete evidence based on bullying tendencies among African American students.

This research proposal aims to improve the knowledge that’s crucial in determining the best efforts the state can take to protect young teenagers from the horrors of bullying and promote a healthy national initiative of the same. The research approach proposed in this paper includes the methodology to carry out the actual research, the plan of work that will entail the procedural execution of the proposed research, and the schedule that the study is expected to consume. Bullying can occur on digital platforms, including social media, gaming, and messaging platforms.

Questions that this Research Proposal Addresses.

Research question 1: What factors trigger peer maltreatment and bullying, especially among middle school children of African American descent?

Research Question 2: Research How has bullying evolved in the last decade, and how has this evolution affected its perpetration, focusing on the African American adolescent population?

Research Question 3: What preventative measures can be leveraged to stop bullying considering the African American people’s cultural, economic, and political landscape that they are exposed to?

Research question 4: What is the difference in the frequency of bullying between black American middle school adolescents between the ages of 11 and 14 compared to their non-black peers?


To comprehensively dissect these issues, this research proposal aims to incorporate quantitative and qualitative rese2.58-+arch methodologies to properly analyze the situation if and when the research is conducted. The study will include the use of surveys as the data gathering instruments. The survey will incorporate one teenage questionnaire and one parent questionnaire and interviews. The questionnaire preparation will be rafted to explore bullying and follow the online questionnaire guideline as per the quality-of-life research on questionnaire surveys (Oosterveld, 2019). Moreover, the questionnaire and interview contents will be adapted from the Princeton Data sources as the international company

Princeton Survey Research Associates

provides evaluation through the Quancept software.

The software is An IBM creation that provides reliability and validity of questionnaires. The software will be crucial in ensuring that the ambiguity of the questionnaires is eliminated or reduced to negligible levels. Moreover, the software will analyze the suitability of the questionnaire’s contents to the target population. The Pew Research Center standards gauge this suitability. The questionnaire will also include ramifications to go in line with current trends in social media and technological accessibility indexes in different countries. The study will be designed to incorporate the demography of the parents and children in terms of gender, age, and race and their internet access enabled and configured devices (Pennington, 2017).


s will also be conducted to determine the efficacy of the children to be used in the study.

The questionnaire format will be done through a 20-item document incorporating closed-ended questions, which an interviewer will deliver. The questionnaire will evaluate the components of the research study to be conducted; which include internet usage the technological accessibility; the extent of bullying incidence they have experienced both cyberbullying; the more traditional bullying; the effects that bullying has had on their health both physically; and emotionally and what are the measures that they think that can be taken to eradicate bullying.

On the study participants, this research proposal provides the location of the study to be the United States in city-states that boost either a larger black population or even balanced populations. First, the criteria to choose participants for the study will be those teenagers and households that have access to cyberspace either through a computer or mobile device. The research will also include a three-prong strategy to select the participants. The first strategy will be the Sampwt process involves a ratio between the size of the sample under study fractionated by sample size that rectifies the disproportion of the responses from the surveys.

The second process in the Phone Use Adjustment strategy will rectify the possibility that a participant can be selected twice to engage in the study. It is because part of the survey may be conducted by phone calls in case of movement restrictions coming from the covid 19 situation in the country. Under demographics, the United States Census Bureau on economic and social growth supplement considerations of 2021 will be used to warrant that the preliminary study will be identical to the physiognomies of the nation’s demography.


The estimated participant numbers will include 397 males, 402 females, 704 teenagers, and 95 parents aged 10-14 years old. The ethnical diversity projected will consist of 599 African American teenagers and 200 white teenagers as the control group.

Project Timeline Proposal

Date Activity



Week 1

-Conduct background of research

-Prepare a formal analysis of the systematic review appertained to the research proposal.

-Create research questions for interviews

-Create questionnaires for the study

-Set up interviews by the participants and how they will conduct the questionnaires.

Week 2

-Set up the interviews with the help of the instructor’s body while determining the activity time for the interviews


the children and professionals

-Conduct questionnaires in the survey exercise.

-Transcribe the interviews

-Transcribe the questionnaire results

Week 3

-Analyze interviews

-Do a thorough analysis of the interviews

– Conduct a thorough analysis of the questionnaires

-Write the results of the interviews down with regards to the background information

– write the results of the questionnaire analysis

-Conduct a synthesis of both results

-Align both results with the problem statements of the research

Week 4

-Provide a clear discussion of the results to expound on the findings.

-Provide a conclusion on the discussion concerning the purpose of the study

-Provide recommendations on how to tackle the problem presented in the study.

-Get feedback from others on the draft.

-Present the information to the instructor for analysis and feedback

-Revise the draft and submit the final paper.

Objectives to Meet


Related Question

To determine the origins of bullying and how it perpetrated


To determine how bullying has evolved in the last decade


To determine the methods through which bullying can be prevented and the interventions necessary to reach these goals


Activity Table






Number of actions





599 African American children, 200 and white children

-Understand the origins of bullying

-How the youth are involved in cyberbullying and its negative effects on their physical and mental health.

-Provide amicable ways of prevention of bullying against African American children.


95 parents of the children involved in the study

-To understand the children’s environments and their influence on their development and victimization vulnerability scale.

Interview 2

Parents of both races

-To investigate how they view bullying in their days, their knowledge of bullying today, and the interventions they would have to make if their children underwent an episode of bullying.


Children from the control groups

-Determine the understanding of bullying,

-Explain their experience with bullying, including cyberbullying,

-Explain what interventions they think are appropriate to stop bullying from personal effort and parental control.

African American children

-To understand their level of exposure to traditional cyberbullying,

-Understand their view of the interventions necessary to end bullying in institutions.

Responsibilities Table





-Pinpoint research area

-Identify funding sources.

-Align research objectives with methodologies

-Use tools to acquire data present the finding to the relevant individuals or groups

– Seek and get approval on the sources of funds the sources of funding

-Conduct actual research on participants.

-Provide data gathered

-Formulate inference from the gathered data

-Deduce and make conclusions

-Monitoring and scaling down bias.

-Ensure a conducive environment is maintained to carry out the research study

-Communicate on the progress of their research

– Collaborate where needed with relevant individuals or bodies, including Pew research and Princeton research.

-Ensure that ethical issues highlighted are adhered to

-Provide professional responsibility

-Maintain a positive attitude.


Princeton Survey Research Associates

-Provide the Quancept software from IBM

-Reduce bias on the questionnaire and interview questions

-Ensure that the provided questions are appropriate to the audience.


-Provide unbiased information on bullying

-Participate fully in the research and provide consent willingly.

Instructors and stakeholders

Approve the proposal if viable and provide valuable backing in finance and other material resources required.


In conclusion, this proposal presents the unfortunate case of bullying perpetrated against the African American population due to the environmental and social circumstances surrounding them. The origin prevention measure and the evolution of bullying are the research topics that explore bullying at its core and present a comprehensive study guide that can be used as a framework to eradicate bullying in school. Interventions from municipal councils and states need to intervene to ensure minority communities in the US are not subjected to bullying because of their history in the country.


Bureau, U. (2021). Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC) of the Current Population Survey (CPS). Census.gov. Retrieved 25 February 2022, from https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/saipe/guidance/model-input-data/cpsasec.html.

Choi, J. K., Teshome, T., & Smith, J. (2021). Neighborhood disadvantage, childhood adversity, bullying victimization, and adolescent depression: A multiple mediational analysis. Journal of affective disorders, 279, 554-562.

Hong, J. S., Choi, J., Albdour, M., Willis, T. M., Kim, J., & Voisin, D. R. (2021). Future orientation and adverse outcomes of peer victimization among African American adolescents. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 30(4), 528-546.

Kennedy, R. S. (2020). A meta-analysis of the outcomes of bullying prevention programs on subtypes of traditional bullying victimization: Verbal, relational, and physical. Aggression and violent behavior, 55, 101485.

Oosterveld, P., Vorst, H., & Smits, N. (2019). Methods for questionnaire design: a taxonomy linking procedures to test goals. Quality of Life Research, 28(9), 2501-2512.

Pennington, Y. (2017). Cyberbullying Incidents Among African American Female Middle School Students [Ebook] (p. 128). School of Graduate Studies. Retrieved 26 February 2022, from https://dc.etsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4718&context=etd.


Straker, L., Zabatiero, J., Danby, S., Thorpe, K., & Edwards, S. (2018). Conflicting guidelines on young children’s screen time and use of digital technology create policy and practice dilemmas. The Journal of pediatrics, 202, 300-303.

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