BUS 311 Business Law 1 – Week 1 Quiz – 2013 Syllabus – Ashford University BUS311


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1.Question :If a state enacted a law that made it illegal to sing the national anthem of other countries, such a law would violate the ______ of the U.S. Constitution.
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 2.Question :Which of the following is NOT a court of limited jurisdiction?
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 3.Question :Congress’s authority to make laws prohibiting discrimination in employment comes from the


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  Points Received:1 of 1    

 4.Question :The federal law known as RICO was originally intended to deal with what type of crime?


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 5.Question :If Jennifer discovers her father has written a new will, which does not include her as a beneficiary and Jennifer adds her name to the will, she will be committing the crime of


  Points Received:1 of 1    

 6.Question :In the case Labaj v. VanHouten, a business was found liable because it was foreseeable that a guard dog might injure a person it did not know. This illustrates


  Points Received:1 of 1    

 7.Question :If police conduct an unlawful search and seizure of evidence without a warrant,


  Points Received:1 of 1    

 8.Question :A crime which is punishable by more than one year’s imprisonment would be a


  Points Received:1 of 1    

 9.Question :According to the text, which of the following is the “supreme law of the land?”


  Points Received:1 of 1

 10.Question :Aaron, an avid football fan, gets a black eye when he attends a game between the Packers and the Giants. While he was waiting for a beer, an attempted field goal hit the upright, bounced off and hit him in the face. If Aaron sues for negligence, he will probably


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