BUS 311 Business Law 1 – Week 4 Quiz – 2013 Syllabus – Ashford University BUS311


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 1.Question :Kevin and Emily own a house as joint tenants. If Kevin dies, Emily will own
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 2.Question :The power of the government to regulate what use real property may be used for is known as
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 3.Question :Which of the following is a partnership?


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 4.Question :If you find a diamond bracelet on the public sidewalk, you are most likely to be able to keep the bracelet if it is


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 5.Question :Isabel invents a new type of exercise shoe, which she calls the “Super Soul.” To protect the name of her product, Isabel should get a


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 6.Question :A trademark is an example of


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 7.Question :Which of the following does NOT have the advantage of single taxation?


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 8.Question :Which of the following has NOT been a criticism of the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission?


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 9.Question :Cary, Dean, and Madeline are partners in a furniture store. Madeline wants to buy some antiques from an upcoming estate sale. Dean thinks it’s a good idea, but Cary says it is too pricey. Madeline goes ahead and buys the antiques. Which of the following best describes the situation?


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 10.Question :Aaron and Jerard form a partnership, with Aaron as general partner and Jerard as a limited partner. Which of the following is true?


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