BUS 630 Managerial Accounting – Week 3 Discussions

ASHFORD BUS 630 Week 3 DQ 1 Allocating Joint Costs

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Allocating Joint Costs. Describe the three methods used to allocate joint costs. What are the advantages/disadvantages of each allocation method? Which method would you recommend? Why? Support your position with evidence from the text or external sources. Your initial post should be 200-250 words


ASHFORD BUS 630 Week 3 DQ 2 Variable Absorption Costing

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Variable/Absorption Costing. As you read in Chapter 8, there are arguments (for and against) variable costing and absorption costing. Select one of these costing methods and explore the various arguments. Determine whether you are “for” or “against” this selected method. Provide evidence from the text to support your position. Your initial post should be 200-250 words.

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