BUS 630 Managerial Accounting – Week 5 Discussions

ASHFORD BUS 630 Week 5 DQ 1 Capital Investment Evaluation

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Capital Investment Evaluation. Select one of the capital investment evaluation methods described in Chapter 10 of your text. Fully explain the capital evaluation method’s strengths and weaknesses. Take a position and defend the use of your selected method. Be sure to use at least two scholarly sources to support your position. Your initial post should be 200-250 words.


ASHFORD BUS 630 Week 5 DQ 2 Ranking Investment Alternatives

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Ranking Investment Alternatives. (Problem 10-41) Grosvenor Industries has designated $1.2 million for capital investment expenditures during the upcoming year. Its cost of capital is 14 percent. Any unused funds will earn the cost of capital rate. The following investment opportunities along with their required investment and estimated net present values have been identified:

Project Net Investment NPV Project Net Investment NPV

A $200,000 $22,000 F $250,000 $30,000

B 275,000 21,000 G 100,000 7,000

C 150,000 6,000 H 200,000 18,000

D 190,000 (19,000) I 210,000 4,000

E 500,000 40,000 J 250,000 35,000

In your response, complete the following:

1. Rank the projects using the profitability index. Considering the limit on funds available, which projects should be accepted?

2. Using the NPV, which projects should be accepted, considering the limit on funds available?

3. If the available investment funds are reduced to only $1,000,000:

(a) Does the list of accepted projects change from Part 2?

(b) What is the opportunity cost of the eliminated $200,000?

Guided Response:


Review several of your classmates’ postings. Respond to at least two of your classmates by commenting on common responses in the ranking of the projects and by posing a question to challenge their rankings.

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