Business 245 3 ilab assignments

I have THREE ILAB ASSIGNMENTS that needs to be completed ASAP! You need to be efficient in Microsoft Visio as well as Microsoft Access to complete assignment!!! Please don’t agree to handshake if you have never used these two programs!!! I have attached all three ilab files along with step by step instructions on how to complete labs. They must be done seperately and you must complete 3 different ilabs. ilab 3, ilab 4, and ilab 5. If you have any questions email me please.

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A. Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-3

B. Lab 3 of 7: Database Design Using Visio and Based on Data Requirements

and Business Rules

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C. Lab Overview–Scenario/Summary


2. Given a situation containing entities, business rules, and data
requirements, create the conceptual model of the database using a
database modeling tool.

3. Given an existing relational database schema, evaluate and alter the
database design for efficiency.

4. Given an existing database structure demonstrating efficiency and
integrity, design the physical tables.

You have been asked to create a database model using MS Visio Database Model
Diagram Template. The purpose of this lab is to provide experience designing,
with limited instructions, a simple database based on a list of data requirements
and associated business rules.

You will then complete an MS Access database based on the model developed in
Visio, creating the necessary tables and relationships.

Upon completing this lab, you will be able to

1. create a new Visio file for database design;
2. using the data requirements and the business rules provided, develop a

conceptual model (ERD), including attribute data types and required field
lengths; and

3. create a new MS Access database based on the ERD.

D. Deliverables

Section Deliverable Points
Part A Step

YourNameLab3.vsd (Visio Diagram)

Part B Step

YourNameLab3.accdb (Access Database)

E. Lab Steps

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1. If you are using Citrix for MS Visio and/or MS Access, follow the login
instructions located in the iLab tab in Course Home.


Part A: Create a Visio ERD from Data Requirements and Business Rules
Step 1: Open Visio

a. Open Microsoft Office, Visio application or
b. If you are using Citrix, click on Microsoft Office Applications folder to start


Step 2: Identify and create the entities

a. Open a new blank Database Model Diagram. If you need assitance with this,
refer to the Week 1 Lab Instructions. Be sure that all options are set
consistent to those used in previous weeks so that you generate your model
in Crows Foot notation.

b. Save the file as YourName_Lab3.vsd.

c. Based on the information provided below, create the necessary entities for
the Pages in Time database. If you need assistance to create the entities,
refer to labs from Weeks 1 and 2.

Pages in Time

Pages in Time is a small bookstore carrying a variety of books. The
owners have decided to computerize the books available through the
store so that they can determine more easily what books are on
hand and which books need to be special ordered to meet customer
needs. Because customers do not always remember the name of a
desired book, the owners want to be able to look for books by author
or by type (genre). They also want to be able to find the publisher’s
information using the system so that they can order books more

After visiting with the owners, you have gathered the following
information on data requirements and business rules to develop a
conceptual design (ERD), prepare it for conversion to an Access
database, and then create the actual database.

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You have determined that you will need at least the following entities
to resolve the relationships that exist in the data.

Name (store data in its smallest parts)
Address (store data in its smallest parts)
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Preferred Contact Method

Received Date
Customer Contacted (Yes or No)

ISBN Number
Purchase Price
Year Published
Fiction or Nonfiction
Type (Genre)
In stock

Name (store data in smallest parts!)
Short Biography

Phone number
Contact Person
Fax Number

Step 3: Identify and create attributes (fields)

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NOTE: Because you are creating your diagram in Visio, it will be easier to
create the attributes prior to the relationships.

a. Refer to the data requirements from Step 2 of this lab. If you have not
already created the attributes (fields) in your ERD, add them at this time.

b. Be sure that you store data in its smallest parts.
c. Save your file, and continue to Step 4.

Step 4: Identify and designate the keys

a. Detemine whether an attribute exists in each table that will satisfy the

requirements of a primary key. If no appropriate field exists, create a field for
this purpose.

b. Check the Primary Key property for the field in each table using the Visio
column properties.

Step 5: Identify the relationships

a. Using the information below on the business rules for Pages in Time, create

the relationships between the entities created in Step 2.
b. Notice that when Many-to-Many relationships exist, you will need to create

associative entities. If you are not sure of the process to create relationships
in Visio, refer to the Labs for Weeks 1 and 2. You created an associative
entity in Week 2.

c. For any associative entities created, enter necessary fields. You may also
need to designate or create a primary key.

Business rules help determine the relationships between data that
should help you design the relationships between your entities.

1. Each customer can place many orders over time, but each order is

placed by only one customer.
2. Each order may include many books, and a book may be included

on many orders.
3. Each book may have multiple authors, and each author may have

written multiple books.
4. Each book has only one publisher, but a publisher may publish

many books.

Step 6: Determine and specify the data types
a. Using the information below, select the data type for each attribute (field) in

your diagram, and set the type in the attribute properties. (Refer to the Week

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2 Lab if you are not sure how to do this. Where allowed, estimate the field
length needed.)

As the data types and field lengths are not included in the data
requirements, you should make a selection based on your knowledge
of the type of data and approximation of length required. The Visio
and Access data type equivalents are shown below:

Access Visio
Number Integer
Text Text
Memo LongText
Date/Time DateTime
Currency Currency
Yes/No Binary
AutoNumber Long
Hyperlink No equivalent–use Text

Step 7: Modify the Visio Settings to show the Data type and field size in the

a. Change your Visio settings so that these appear on the actual diagram. To do

this, go to the Database ribbon, Display Options. In the Display Options dialog
box, select the Table tab. You will then change the data types to Show
Physical. Click the OK button to apply the new setting. They data types will
then appear in your diagram. Note that you may need to move the entities so
that they are easily viewed as they are now larger.

b. Be sure to save the final version of your file.

End of Part A
Part B: Create the Access Database from the ERD
Open the Visio file created in Part A of this lab, you will reference this file in Part

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Step 1: Start MS Access and Open a New Blank Database.

a. Create a new Blank Database; refer to the Week 2 Lab for more detailed

b. Save the database as YourNameLab3.

c. Note: If you are unsure how to complete any steps in this iLab, refer to the

previous week’s iLabs.

Step 2: Create the Tables

a. Based on the Visio diagram from Part A, create the tables for your database.
b. Enter the field names and the data type.
c. Designate the primary keys for each table
d. Set the attribute properties as needed for

a. Field length
b. Required

Step 3: Create the relationships

a. Open the database relationships window.
b. Based on the Visio diagram from Part A, create the relationships for your

c. Be sure to enforce referential integrity for each relationship.

Save your file.

End of Part B

Lab 3 Final Deliverables
a. YourNameLab3.vsd (Visio Diagram)–from Lab 3 Part A
b. YourNameLab3.accdb (Access Database)–from Lab 3 Part B

Submit these files to the Week 3 iLab Dropbox.


ID Engagement Date Engagement Time Type of menu Number of Attendees Assistant Chef assigned Employees assigned Payment method Deposit amount Deposit paid date Total charges Balance paid date

Customer Name Phone Number Address E-mail address Approved credit r not

Employee Name Position held

Menu Type Special diet Description
1 Appetizer Kocher or Vegeterian
2 Main Course
3 Salad
4 Dessert


Company’s main activity Directors
Four course gourmet dinner set for groups of two to forty James Caren

FROM [Customer Engagements];
FROM [Menu Items];
TRANSFORM Avg([Customer Engagements].[Payment method]) AS [AvgOfPayment method]
SELECT [Customer Engagements].[Engagement Date], [Customer Engagements].[Employees assigned], [Customer Engagements].[Balance paid date], Avg([Customer Engagements].[Payment method]) AS [Total Of Payment method]
FROM [Customer Engagements]
GROUP BY [Customer Engagements].[Engagement Date], [Customer Engagements].[Employees assigned], [Customer Engagements].[Balance paid date]
PIVOT [Customer Engagements].[Type of menu];
TRANSFORM Count([Customer Engagements].[Engagement Date]) AS [CountOfEngagement Date]
SELECT [Customer Engagements].[Deposit paid date], [Customer Engagements].[Type of menu], [Customer Engagements].[Deposit amount], Count([Customer Engagements].[Engagement Date]) AS [Total Of Engagement Date]
FROM [Customer Engagements]
GROUP BY [Customer Engagements].[Deposit paid date], [Customer Engagements].[Type of menu], [Customer Engagements].[Deposit amount]
PIVOT [Customer Engagements].[ID];

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A. Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-4A

B. Lab 4A of 7: Database design based on data requirements and business rules

focusing on interpreting business rules to determine relationships.

C. Lab Overview –Scenario/Summary

1. Given a business situation in which managers require information

from a database, determine, analyze and classify that information
so that reports can be designed to meet the requirements.

2. Given a situation containing entities, business rules, and data
requirements, create the conceptual model of the database using a
database modeling tool.

You have been asked to create a database model using MS Visio Database
Model Diagram Template. The purpose of this lab is to provide experience
designing, with limited instructions, a simple database based on a list of
data requirements and associated business rules.

Upon completing this lab, you will be able to

1. create a new Visio file for database design; and
2. using the data requirements and the business rules provided, develop

a conceptual model (ERD), including attribute data types and
required field lengths.

D. Deliverables

Section Deliverable Points
Step 6 YourNameLab4A.vsd (Visio Diagram)

E. Lab Steps

1. Using Citrix for MS Visio and/or MS Access

a. If you are using the Citrix remote lab, follow the login
instructions located in the iLab tab in Course Home.

2. Start Visio
a. Open Microsoft Office 2010, Visio application, or

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b. if you are using Citrix, click on Microsoft Office 2010
Applications folder to start Visio.


Step 1: Identify and create the entities

a. Open a new blank Database Model Diagram. If you need assitance with this,

refer to the Week 1 Lab Instructions. Be sure that all options are set consistent
to those used in previous weeks so that you generate your model in Crows
Foot notation.

b. Save the file as YourName_Lab4A.vsd.

c. Based on the information provided below, create the necessary entities for the
Catering by Caren database. If you need assistance to create the entities, refer
to Labs from Weeks 1 and 2.

Catering by Caren

Catering by Caren is an upscale catering company focusing on full, four-
course gourmet dinners for groups from two to forty. Owner/chef James
Caren is wonderful in the kitchen, but has become overwhelmed with the
business side of running his rapidly growing operation. You have been
hired as his business manager, and you’ve decided to computerize
information on the engagements.

Chef Caren is excited about this project and has provided you with the
following information. He doesn’t know databases nearly as well as he
knows haute cuisine, so the data requirements are not well-organized,
nor is data in its smallest parts. He has noted whether the menu items
are appetizers, salads, main courses, or desserts. He has also provided a
list of the information he keeps on each customer and each booking.

By talking with Chef Caren, you feel you have enough information on the
company’s business rules to understand the relationships between the
data. Chef Caren is particularly concerned that you capture the exact
requirements for the menu for each engagement. For instance, if 20
people are to be served, he wants to know how many want the
vegetarian main course, the Kosher meals, and so forth.

At this point, you are going to use the following information to put
together an entity relationship diagram that you will then use with Chef
Caren to verify that you have accurately captured the requirements.

Page 3 of 5

E-mail Address
Approved for credit or not

Number of Attendees
Special Diet Plates
Assistant Chef Assigned
Employees Assigned
Payment Method (AmEx, Visa, MasterCard, Check, Cash, Bill)
Deposit Amount
Deposit Paid Date
Total Charges
Balance Paid Date

Menu Items
Item Name
Classification (Appetizer, Salad, Main Course, Dessert)
Special Diet Item (Kosher, Vegetarian)


NOTE: You may find it helpful to consider the business rules in Step 4
in creating your entities.

Step 2: Identify and create attributes (fields)

NOTE: Because you are creating your diagram in Visio, it will be easier to
create the attributes prior to the relationships.

a. Refer to the data requirements from Step 1 of this lab. If you have not already

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created the attributes (fields) in your ERD, add them at this time.
b. Save your file and continue to Step 3.

Step 3: Identify and designate the keys

a. Detemine whether an attribute exists in each table that will satisfy the

requirements of a primary key. If no appropriate field exists, create a field for
this purpose.

b. Check the Primary Key property for the field(s) in each table using the Visio
column properties.

Step 4: Identify the relationships

a. Using the information below on the business rules for Catering by Caren,

create the relationships between the entities created in Steps 1 and 2.
b. Notice that, where Many-to-Many relationships exist, you will need to create

associative entities. If you are not sure of the process to create relationships in
Visio, refer to the Labs for Weeks 1 and 2. You created an associative entity in
Week 2.

c. For any associative entities created, enter necessary fields. You may also need
to designate or create a primary key. NOTE: If the relationship is mandatory
(must have at least one…) you will go to the relationship Miscellaneous
property and change it from Zero to Many to One to Many.

Business rules help determine the relationships between data that
should help you design the relationships between your entities.

1. Each customer can book many engagements over time, but each

engagement is placed by only one customer.
2. One assistant chef is assigned to each engagement. An assistant

chef may work many engagements over time, but each
engagement will have only one assistant chef assigned.

3. Each engagement will have many menu items. Each menu item
may be served at many engagements. When a menu item is
selected, the number of servings required for the event must be
recorded. (Hint: Remember that an associative entity may have

4. Each engagement must have at least one assistant chef assigned.
There may be many other employees assigned to the engagement.
Each employee may work many engagements. However, some
employees never work engagements.

5. Only one engagement may be scheduled for any particular date
and time.

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Step 5: Determine and specify the data types
a. Using the information below select the data type for each attribute (field) in

your diagram, and set the type in the attribute properties. (Refer to the Week
2 Lab if you are not sure how to do this. Where allowed, estimate the field
length needed.)

As the data types and field lengths are not included in the data
requirements, you should make a selection based on your knowledge
of the type of data and approximation of length required. The Visio
equivalents are shown below

Access Visio
Number Integer
Text Text
Memo LongText
Date/Time DateTime
Currency Currency
Yes/No Binary
AutoNumber Long
Hyperlink No equivalent—use Text

Step 6: Modify the Visio Settings to show the Data type and field size in the

a. Change your Visio settings so that the data type and field size appear on the

actual diagram. If you are unsure of the steps to do this, refer to the Week 3

b. Be sure to save the final version of your file.

Lab 4A Final Deliverables
a. YourNameLab4A.vsd (Visio Diagram)–from Lab 4A

Submit this file to the Week 4 iLab Dropbox.




Student Lab Activity

BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
Educational Development Corporation.

BIS245_W4b_iLab_Instructions x Page 1 of 20

A. Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-4B

B. Lab 4B of 7: Completing Queries

C. Lab Overview – Scenario / Summary:


# 6: Given a physical database containing tables and relationships and business requirements,
create the necessary queries.


The lab begins with a simple example of query development using Access; then, evolves to more
complex queries which the student should perform after completing the first exercise. The student
can create a query with the wizard, with query design view, or with SQL statements. The Northwind
database will be used again in this lab.

Upon completing this lab, you should be able to:

• Create a query by following lab instruction.
• Create a query by using either query designer, or query wizard.
• Create a query by using SQL statements.
• Interpret the results of queries

D. Deliverables:

Submit the MS Access Database file that contains the queries created in this lab.

Step Deliverable Points
1 Query #1 – step-by-step
2 Query #2 – Compound Statements
3 Query #3 – Suppliers – step-by-step
4 Query #4 – Suppliers (more advanced)
5 Query #5 – Customers – using SQL Statements
6 Query #6 – Putting it all together

E. Lab Steps:

DeVry University
Student Lab Activity

BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
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BIS245_W4b_iLab_Instructions x Page 2 of 20

1. Get the Database from Doc Sharing:

a. Download the “Lab4_Start.accdb” Northwind database file from your course “Doc
Sharing” panel (Labs view) & Save the file to your local drive.

2. Using Citrix for MS Visio and / or MS Access
a. If you are using the Citrix remote lab, follow the login instructions located in the

iLab tab in Course Home.
b. You will have to upload the “Lab4_Start.accdb” file to your Citrix folder. Follow the

instructions located on the iLab Tab in Course Home.
3. The E-R diagram for the database is represented below:

4. Start MS Access:
a. If you are using Citrix, click on Microsoft Office Applications folder
b. If you are using Visio on a local computer, select Microsoft Office from your Program Menu

DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
Educational Development Corporation.

BIS245_W4b_iLab_Instructions x Page 3 of 20


Step 1: Query #1 using step-by-step instructions

Open the Lab4_Start.accdb in Access by going through the File Menu, Open command.

DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
Educational Development Corporation.

BIS245_W4b_iLab_Instructions x Page 4 of 20

Query 1: In the Create ribbon, use the Query Design function to find the list of employees who worked
on orders placed by UK customers. The list should be presented in ascending order of the employee
last names.

DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
Educational Development Corporation.

BIS245_W4b_iLab_Instructions x Page 5 of 20

After clicking “Query Design”, the Tables window will open. Hold down the Ctrl key, and click to
select three tables (Customers, Orders, and Employees). Then, click “Add”.

DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
Educational Development Corporation.

BIS245_W4b_iLab_Instructions x Page 6 of 20

The tables are added to the query design panel. Drag and drop (or double click on the field names) to
add the FirstName and LastName fields from the Employees table onto the query design grid. Add
the Country field from the Customers table.

In the Country field, Criteria Row, enter “UK” to filter so that only the UK customers will show in the
query results. Also, set the Last Name field, Sort Row to Ascending.

The grid now looks like the following. (Note that the tables have been rearranged to better show the
relationships. You may choose to do this also.)

DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
Educational Development Corporation.

BIS245_W4b_iLab_Instructions x Page 7 of 20

Select the Property Sheet function from the Query Tools, Design ribbon. Set the “Unique Value”
property to Yes. Notice that the properties shown are for the query rather than a particular field. If you
are not seeing the appropriate properties, move your cursor to the upper part of the design grid
displaying the tables.

DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
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Click the “Run” icon to run the query.

The query result should appear as below.

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Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
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Save the query by clicking the Save button at the top left portion of the screen. For a query name
enter “Lab4_Query1”.

Step 2: Query #2 Using Compound Statements
Using the same procedures described in step 1, find the list of employees who worked on orders
placed by Germany, UK, and USA customers. The list should be presented in ascending order of the
employee last names. Make sure Unique Values is set to No.

Hint: in the criteria row, under Country, key in “UK” OR “Germany” OR “USA”

The results will look like the following (only partial table is displayed to save space. You should
produce 300 records):

DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
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Save the query as “Lab4_Query2”.

Step 3: Query #3 using step-by-step instructions
Query 3: Make a list of suppliers, who supply products ordered by USA customers.

Note that for this query, only the major steps are demonstrated here. Refer to previous steps if you
need further assistance.

Create a new query using the Query wizard and add the following tables. Name the query as

DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
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BIS245_W4b_iLab_Instructions x Page 11 of 20


Tables to add:

• Customers
• Order Details
• Orders
• Products
• Suppliers

DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
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Here’s a snapshot of how your query should look like in the Design mode.

Note that you need to set the properties to display only the unique values (just like Query1). Also,
notice that even though the CompanyName and Country fields from the Customers table are added to
the grid, the Show check boxes are unchecked. These two fields will not appear in the query results.

DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
Educational Development Corporation.

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When executed, your query should return 29 records.

DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
Educational Development Corporation.

BIS245_W4b_iLab_Instructions x Page 14 of 20

Step 4: Query #4
Using the procedures described in step 3, find the list of suppliers who supply products ordered by
German customers.

When executed, your query should return 29 records, a part of which is displayed.

Save the query as “Lab4_Query4”.

Note that you need to set the properties to display only the unique values (just like Query1).

Step 5: Query #5

DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
Educational Development Corporation.

BIS245_W4b_iLab_Instructions x Page 15 of 20

Query 5: Find the customer details of all your customers in USA. Use the straight SQL approach (as
opposed to Query wizard).

In this query, we won’t use the Query Designer or Query wizard. This is to demonstrate the SQL
coding approach. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a very powerful language. It has rich set of
features to manipulate data in a number of ways.

Guidelines for SQL Query
-­‐ Select the fields for the query
-­‐ Determine which table or tables contain those fields
-­‐ Determine criteria
-­‐ Determine Sort order
-­‐ Determine grouping
-­‐ Determine any update operations to be performed

Basic SQL Commands

The basic form of SQL expression is quite simple:

The statement begins with SELECT clause, which consists of the word SELECT, followed by
a list of those fields you want to include.

Next, there is a FROM clause, which consists of the word FROM, followed by a list of tables
involved in the query

Finally, there is an OPTIONAL WHERE clause, which consists of the word WHERE, followed
by any criteria that the data must satisfy.

The command ends with a Semicolon (;).

Simple criteria: The criterion following the word WHERE is called a Simple Criterion. A Simple
Criterion has the form: Field name, Comparison Operator, then either another field name or a

Comparison Operators
= Equal to
< Less than > Greater than
<= Less than or equal to >= Greater than or equal to
<> or ! Not equal to.

DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
Educational Development Corporation.

BIS245_W4b_iLab_Instructions x Page 16 of 20

Create a new query by clicking “Query Design”. However, close the “Show Table” dialog box
without selecting any tables. The Query is shown in Design View. Using the View option, change to
SQL View as shown below.

DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
Educational Development Corporation.

BIS245_W4b_iLab_Instructions x Page 17 of 20

Enter the following query:

DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
Educational Development Corporation.

BIS245_W4b_iLab_Instructions x Page 18 of 20

Run the query. The result should look like the following:

Save the query as “Lab4_Query5”. Save the database file.

DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
Educational Development Corporation.

BIS245_W4b_iLab_Instructions x Page 19 of 20

Step 6: Query #6

In this query, you will demonstrate your understanding of queries.

Using the steps described in step 5, create a new query using SQL View.

Enter the following query:

SELECT Customers.CompanyName, Customers.ContactName, Orders.EmployeeID,
Orders.OrderDate, Orders.ShippedDate, Orders.ShipVia
FROM Employees INNER JOIN (Customers INNER JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID =
Orders.CustomerID) ON Employees.EmployeeID = Orders.EmployeeID;

The results will look like the following, with 830 records

Save the query as “Lab4_Query6”. Save the database file.

When you upload your lab, use the comment area of the Dropbox to explain what you accomplished in

DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry
Educational Development Corporation.

BIS245_W4b_iLab_Instructions x Page 20 of 20

this query.

Step 7: Submit Deliverables

Save your MS Access “Lab4_Start.accdb” file as “YourName_Lab4 _Finitial.accdb”

Submit the Access file created during this assignment to the weekly iLab Dropbox located on the
silver tab at the top of this page.

Do not forget to provide your comments from Step 6 in the comments area of the Dropbox.

(See Syllabus/”Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due dates.

End of Lab 4b


ID CategoryName Description Picture
1 Beverages Soft drinks, coffees, teas, beers, and ales
2 Condiments Sweet and savory sauces, relishes, spreads, and seasonings
3 Confections Desserts, candies, and sweet breads
4 Dairy Products Cheeses
5 Grains/Cereals Breads, crackers, pasta, and cereal
6 Meat/Poultry Prepared meats
7 Produce Dried fruit and bean curd
8 Seafood Seaweed and fish

: The current file format no longer supports user-level security. The conversion or compaction process has removed any user-level permissions.

Object Type Object Name Error Description
Table MSysACEs

38 31



Emparedados y helados

Ana Trujillo







Antonio Moreno Owner


México D.F.


Sales Representative

Hanover Sq.

1 1DP

1) 555-


) 555-6





Sales Representative










) 555 22 82







Sales Representative








Marketing Manager

México D.F.






) 555-7


Sales Representative




Order Administrator






Sales Agent





São Paulo SP




Accounting Manager



4, chaussée de Tournai






5-34 67 21

Marketing Manager


Marketing Manager



Sales Representative


Sales Manager


Marketing Manager



Sales Manager



) 555 82 82

Sales Associate



Marketing Manager

32 Baker Blvd.


Accounting Manager



Sales Representative

5022 Venezuela

Sales Representative



Sales Associate

Marketing Manager


Sales Associate



Sales Representative



tte Roulet

Sales Manager


Marketing Assistant



Marketing Manager





Sales Representative






Accounting Manager




Sales Manager



Marketing Manager


Sales Agent

Marketing Assistant


Marketing Assistant


Sales Associate



Sales Agent

Buenos Aires



Sales Representative








Sales Representative

Jorge Cash 321

México D.F.


Sales Manager


Sales Representative




Accounting Manager

Rio de Janeiro RJ


Marketing Assistant

São Paulo SP


Accounting Manager



Sales Representative

Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina


Sales Associate


e Limeira

Assistant Sales Agent

Rio de Janeiro RJ



Sales Manager


Accounting Manager





Sales Representative



Sales Manager




Marketing Manager




Sales Manager


Accounting Manager


Marketing Manager

Portland OR


Marketing Assistant


Marketing Manager




México D.F. 05033 Mexico

Sales Representative

São Paulo SP


Sales Associate



Sales Manager


Sales Agent


Accounting Manager


Sales Representative


Accounting Manager


Sales Manager







90-224 8858


(26) 642-7012

CustomerID CompanyName ContactName Contact

Title Address City Region PostalCode Country Phone Fax
ALFKI Alfreds Futterkiste Maria Anders Sales Representative Obere Str.

57 Berlin 12 2

0 9 Germany 0

30 74 21 030-007

65 45
ANATR Ana Trujillo Owner Avda. de la Constitución

22 México D.F. 0

50 Mexico (5)

55 72 (5) 555-

ANTON Antonio Moreno Mataderos

23 05023 (5) 555-

39 32
AROUT Around the Horn Thomas Hardy 1

20 London WA UK (

17 77 (1

71 75
BERGS Berglunds snabbköp Christina Berglund Order Administrator Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-9

58 Sweden 0921-12

34 0921-12 34


LA Blauer See Delikatessen Hanna Moos Forsterstr. 57 Mannheim 68 0

62 84 60 0621-089

BLONP Blondel père et fils Frédérique Citeaux Marketing Manager 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 6

70 France 88.6


15 88.6

BOLID Bólido Comidas preparadas Martín Sommer C/ Araquil, 67 Madrid 28 Spain (

91 (91) 555 91 99
BONAP Bon app’ Laurence Lebihan 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13 91.24.45.

40 91.24.45.

BOTTM Bottom-Dollar Markets Elizabeth Lincoln Accounting Manager 23

Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada (604) 555-

47 29 (604) 555-3745
BSBEV B’s Beverages Victoria Fauntleroy Circus EC2 5NT (171) 555-1212
CA Cactus Comidas para llevar Patricio Simpson Sales Agent Cerrito

33 Buenos Aires 10 Argentina (1) 1

35 (1) 135-

CENTC Centro comercial Moctezuma Francisco

Chang Sierras de Granada 9993 0

5022 (5) 555-3392 (5) 555-7293
CHOPS Chop-suey Chinese Yang Wang Hauptstr. 29 Bern 3012 Switzerland 0


52 76 54

MI Comércio Mineiro Pedro Afonso Sales Associate Av. dos Lusíadas, 23 São Paulo SP 05

43 Brazil (

11 64
CONSH Consolidated Holdings Elizabeth Brown Berkeley Gardens
12 Brewery
WX1 6LT (171) 555-2282 (171) 555-9

DRACD Drachenblut Delikatessen Sven Ottlieb Walserweg 21 Aachen 520

66 0241-039

123 0241-0

59 42
DUMON Du monde entier Janine Labrune 67, rue des Cinquante Otages Nantes 44
EASTC Eastern Connection Ann Devon 35

King WX3 6FW (171) 555-0297 (171) 555-33

ERNSH Ernst Handel Roland Mendel Sales Manager Kirchgasse 6 Graz 80 Austria 7675-34

25 7675-34

FAMIA Familia Arquibaldo Aria Cruz Marketing Assistant Rua Orós, 92 0

5442 (11) 555-9

FISSA FISSA Fabrica Inter. Salchichas S.A. Diego Roel C/ Moralzarzal,

86 28034 (91) 555 94 44 (91) 555 55 93
FOLIG Folies gourmandes Martine Rancé Assistant Sales Agent 18 Lille 5

90 20.

FOLKO Folk och fä HB Maria Larsson Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 0

FRANK Frankenversand Peter Franken Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 089-0877310 089-08774

FRANR France restauration Carine Schmitt 54, rue Royale 44000
FRANS Franchi S.p.A. Paolo Accorti Via Monte Bianco 34 Torino 10

100 Italy 011-

49 011-49882

FURIB Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar Lino Rodriguez Jardim das rosas n. 32 Lisboa 1675 Portugal (1) 354-2

53 (1) 354-2535
GALED Galería del gastrónomo Eduardo Saavedra Rambla de Cataluña, 23 Barcelona 0

8022 (93) 203 4

56 (93) 203 4561
GODOS Godos Cocina Típica José Pedro Freyre C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 4

110 (

GOURL Gourmet Lanchonetes André Fonseca Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas 04876-786 (11) 555-9482
GREAL Great Lakes Food Market Howard Snyder 27 Eugene OR 97403 USA (503) 555-7555
GROSR GROSELLA-Restaurante Manuel Pereira 5ª Ave. Los Palos Grandes Caracas DF 1081 Venezuela (2) 283-2951 (2) 283-3397
HANAR Hanari Carnes Mario Pontes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 0

545 (21) 555-0091 (21) 555-8765
HILAA HILARIÓN-Abastos Carlos Hernández Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira (5) 555-1340 (5) 555-1948
HUNGC Hungry Coyote Import Store Yoshi Latimer City Center Plaza
516 Main St.
Elgin 97827 (503) 555-6874 (503) 555-2376
HUNGO Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers Patricia McKenna 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland 2967 542 2967 3333
ISLAT Island Trading Helen Bennett Garden House
Crowther Way
Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ (198) 555-8888
KOENE Königlich Essen Philip Cramer Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14 0555-09876
LACOR La corne d’abondance Daniel Tonini 67, avenue de l’Europe Versailles 78000

MA La maison d’Asie Anne 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000
LAUGB Laughing Bacchus Wine Cellars Yoshi Tannamuri 1900 Oak St. Vancouver V3F 2K1 (604) 555-3392 (604) 555-7293
LAZYK Lazy K Kountry Store John Steel 12 Orchestra Terrace Walla Walla 99

36 (509) 555-

79 (509) 555-6221
LEHMS Lehmanns Marktstand Renate Messner Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt 60528 069-0245984 069-0245874
LETSS Let’s Stop N Shop Jaime Yorres 87 Polk St.
Suite 5
San Francisco 94117 (415) 555-5938
LILAS LILA-Supermercado Carlos González Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 (9) 331-6954 (9) 331-7256
LINOD LINO-Delicateses Felipe Izquierdo Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 (8) 34-56-12 (8) 34-93-93
LONEP Lonesome Pine Restaurant Fran Wilson 89 Chiaroscuro Rd. Portland 97219 (503) 555-9573 (503) 555-96

MAGAA Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Giovanni Rovelli Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 035-640230 035-640231
MAISD Maison Dewey Catherine Dewey Rue Joseph-Bens 532 Bruxelles B-1180 Belgium (02) 201 24 67 (02) 201 24 68
MEREP Mère Paillarde Jean Fresnière 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 (514) 555-8054 (514) 555-8055
MORGK Morgenstern Gesundkost Alexander Feuer Heerstr. 22 Leipzig 04179 0342-023176
NORTS North/South Simon Crowther South House
300 Queensbridge
SW7 1RZ (171) 555-7733 (171) 555-2530
OCEAN Océano Atlántico Ltda. Yvonne Moncada Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585
Piso 20-A
101 (1) 135-5333 (1) 135-5535
OLDWO Old World Delicatessen Rene Phillips 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 (907) 555-7584 (907) 555-2880
OTTIK Ottilies Käseladen Henriette Pfalzheim Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 0221-0644327 0221-0765721
PARIS Paris Marie Bertrand 265, boulevard Charonne 75012 (1) (1)
PERIC Pericles Comidas clásicas Guillermo Fernández Calle

Dr. 05033 (5) 552-3745 (5) 545-3745
PICCO Piccolo und mehr Georg Pipps Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 6562-9722 6562-9723
PRINI Princesa Isabel Vinhos Isabel de Castro Estrada da saúde n. 58 1756 (1) 356-5

QUEDE Que Delícia Bernardo Batista Rua da Panificadora, 12 02389-673 (21) 555-4252 (21) 555-4545
QUEEN Queen Cozinha Lúcia Carvalho Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 05487-020 (11) 555-1189
QUICK QUICK-Stop Horst Kloss Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 0

130 0372-035188
RANCH Rancho grande Sergio Gutiérrez Av. del Libertador 900 (1) 123-5555 (1) 123-5556
RATTC Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery Paula Wilson Assistant Sales Representative 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 (505) 555-5939 (505) 555-3620
REGGC Reggiani Caseifici Maurizio Moroni Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 0522-556721 0522-556722
RICAR Ricardo Adocicados Janet Av. Copacabana, 267 02389-890 (21) 555-3412
RICSU Richter Supermarkt Michael Grenzacherweg 237 Genève 1203 0897-034214
ROMEY Romero y tomillo Alejandra Camino Gran Vía, 1 2800 (91) 745 6200 (91) 745 6210
SANTG Santé Gourmet Jonas Bergulfsen Erling Skakkes gate 78 Stavern 4110 Norway 07-98 92 35 07-98 92 47
SAVEA Save-a-lot Markets Jose Pavarotti 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise 83720 (208) 555-8097
SEVES Seven Seas Imports Hari Kumar 90 Wadhurst Rd. OX15 4NB (171) 555-1717 (171) 555-5646
SIMOB Simons bistro Jytte Petersen Vinbæltet 34 København 1734 Denmark 31 12 34 56 31 13 35 57
SPECD Spécialités du monde Dominique Perrier 25, rue Lauriston 75016 (1) (1) 47.55.6

SPLIR Split Rail Beer & Ale Art Braunschweiger P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 (307) 555-4680 (307) 555-6525
SUPRD Suprêmes délices Pascale Cartrain Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 (071) 23 67 22 20 (071) 23 67 22 21
THEBI The Big Cheese Liz Nixon 89 Jefferson Way
Suite 2
97201 (503) 555-3612
THECR The Cracker Box Liu Wong 55 Grizzly Peak Rd. Butte MT 59801 (406) 555-5834 (406) 555-8083
TOMSP Toms Spezialitäten Karin Josephs Luisenstr. 48 Münster 44087 0251-03

125 0251-035695
TORTU Tortuga Restaurante Miguel Angel Paolino Avda. Azteca 123 (5) 555-2933
TRADH Tradição Hipermercados Anabela Domingues Av. Inês de Castro, 414 05634-030 (11) 555-2167 (11) 555-2168
TRAIH Trail’s Head Gourmet Provisioners Helvetius Nagy 722 DaVinci Blvd. Kirkland 98034 (206) 555-8257 (206) 555-2174
VAFFE Vaffeljernet Palle Ibsen Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 86 21 32 43 86 22 33 44
VICTE Victuailles en stock Mary Saveley 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004
VINET Vins et alcools Chevalier Paul Henriot 59 rue de l’Abbaye Reims 51100
WANDK Die Wandernde Kuh Rita Müller Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 0711-020361 0711-035428
WARTH Wartian Herkku Pirkko Koskitalo Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland 981-443655
WELLI Wellington Importadora Paula Parente Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende 08737-363 (14) 555-8122
WHITC White Clover Markets Karl Jablonski 305 – 14th Ave. S.
Suite 3B
Seattle 98128 (206) 555-4

112 (206) 555-4

WILMK Wilman Kala Matti Karttunen Owner/Marketing Assistant Keskuskatu 45 Helsinki 21240 90-224 8858
WOLZA Wolski Zajazd Zbyszek Piestrzeniewicz ul. Filtrowa 68 Warszawa 01-012 Poland (26) 642-7012


Address City Region PostalCode Country


Sales Representative

Seattle WA








Janet Sales Representative Ms.

Kirkland WA


College (1984). She has also completed a certificate program in food retailing management. Janet was hired as a sales associate in 1991 and promoted to sales representative in February 1992.



Sales Representative


Redmond WA




Sales Manager





Michael Sales Representative Mr.





ese and can read and write French, Portuguese, and Spanish.


7 King

Sales Representative Mr.






Seattle WA




Anne Sales Representative Ms.





EmployeeID LastName FirstName TitleOfCourtesy BirthDate HireDate HomePhone Extension Photo Notes ReportsTo
Davolio Nancy Ms. 12/8/48 5/1/92 507 – 20th Ave. E.
Apt. 2A
98122 (206) 555-9857 5467 Education includes a BA in psychology from Colorado State University in 1970. She also completed “The Art of the Cold Call.” Nancy is a member of Toastmasters International.
Fuller Andrew Vice President, Sales 2/19/52 8/14/92 908 W. Capital Way Tacoma 98401 (206) 555-9482 3457 Andrew received his BTS commercial in 1974 and a Ph.D. in international marketing from the University of Dallas in 1981. He is fluent in French and Italian and reads German. He joined the company as a sales representative, was promoted to sales manager in January 1992 and to vice president of sales in March 1993. Andrew is a member of the Sales Management Roundtable, the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, and the Pacific Rim Importers Association.
Leverling 8/30/63 4/1/92 722 Moss Bay Blvd. 98033 (206) 555-3412 3355 Janet has a BS degree in chemistry from

Peacock Margaret Mrs. 9/19/37 5/3/93 4110 Old

Redmond 98052 (206) 555-8122 5176 Margaret holds a BA in English literature from Concordia College (1958) and an MA from the American Institute of Culinary Arts (1966). She was assigned to the London office temporarily from July through November 1992.
Buchanan Steven Mr. 3/4/55 10/17/93 14 Garrett Hill SW1 8JR (71) 555-4848 3453 Steven Buchanan graduated from St. Andrews University, Scotland, with a BSC degree in 1976. Upon joining the company as a sales representative in 1992, he spent 6 months in an orientation program at the Seattle office and then returned to his permanent post in London. He was promoted to sales manager in March 1993. Mr. Buchanan has completed the courses “Successful Telemarketing” and “International Sales Management.” He is fluent in French.
Suyama 7/2/63 Coventry House
Miner Rd.
EC2 7JR (71) 555-7773 Michael is a graduate of Sussex University (MA, economics, 1983) and the University of California at Los Angeles (MBA, marketing, 1986). He has also taken the courses “Multi-Cultural Selling” and “Time Management for the Sales Professional.” He is fluent in

Robert 5/29/60 1/2/94 Edgeham Hollow
Winchester Way
RG1 9SP (71) 555-5598 465 Robert King served in the Peace Corps and traveled extensively before completing his degree in English at the University of Michigan in 1992, the year he joined the company. After completing a course entitled “Selling in Europe,” he was transferred to the London office in March 1993.
Callahan Laura Inside Sales Coordinator 1/9/58 3/5/94 4726 – 11th Ave. N.E. 98105 (206) 555-1189 2344 Laura received a BA in psychology from the University of Washington. She has also completed a course in business French. She reads and writes French.
Dodsworth 1/27/66 11/15/94 7 Houndstooth Rd. WG2 7LT (71) 555-4444 Anne has a BA degree in English from St. Lawrence College. She is fluent in French and German.



10248 42

10 0.0

10248 72

5 0.0


9 0.0

10249 51

40 0.0


10 0.0

10250 51 ¤ 42.40 35

10250 65

15 0.15

22 ¤ 16.80 6

10251 57

15 0.05

10251 65 ¤ 16.80 20 0.0


40 0.05

10252 33

25 0.05

10252 60

40 0.0


20 0.0

10253 39

42 0.0

10253 49

40 0.0


15 0.15

10254 55

21 0.15

10254 74

21 0.0


20 0.0

10255 16

35 0.0

10255 36 ¤ 15.20 25 0.0
10255 59

30 0.0


15 0.0

10256 77

12 0.0


25 0.0

10257 39 ¤ 14.40 6 0.0
10257 77 ¤ 10.40 15 0.0

2 ¤ 15.20 50 0.2

10258 5

65 0.2

10258 32

6 0.2

21 ¤ 8.00 10 0.0

10259 37

1 0.0

41 ¤ 7.70 16

10260 57 ¤ 15.60 50 0.0
10260 62

15 0.25

10260 70

21 0.25

21 ¤ 8.00 20 0.0

10261 35 ¤ 14.40 20 0.0

5 ¤ 17.00 12 0.2

10262 7

15 0.0

10262 56

2 0.0

16 ¤ 13.90 60 0.25

10263 24 ¤ 3.60 28 0.0
10263 30

60 0.25

10263 74 ¤ 8.00 36 0.25

2 ¤ 15.20 35 0.0

10264 41 ¤ 7.70 25 0.15


30 0.0

10265 70 ¤ 12.00 20 0.0

12 ¤ 30.40 12 0.05


50 0.0

10267 59 ¤ 44.00 70 0.15
10267 76 ¤ 14.40 15 0.15


10 0.0

10268 72

4 0.0

33 ¤ 2.00 60 0.05

10269 72 ¤ 27.80 20 0.05

36 ¤ 15.20 30 0.0

10270 43

25 0.0

33 ¤ 2.00 24 0.0

20 ¤ 64.80 6 0.0

10272 31 ¤ 10.00 40 0.0
10272 72 ¤ 27.80 24 0.0


24 0.05

10273 31 ¤ 10.00 15 0.05
10273 33 ¤ 2.00 20 0.0
10273 40 ¤ 14.70 60 0.05
10273 76 ¤ 14.40 33 0.05


20 0.0

10274 72 ¤ 27.80 7 0.0

24 ¤ 3.60 12 0.05

10275 59 ¤ 44.00 6 0.05

10 ¤ 24.80 15 0.0

10276 13

10 0.0


20 0.0

10277 62 ¤ 39.40 12 0.0


16 0.0

10278 59 ¤ 44.00 15 0.0
10278 63 ¤ 35.10 8 0.0
10278 73 ¤ 12.00 25 0.0

17 ¤ 31.20 15 0.25

24 ¤ 3.60 12 0.0

10280 55 ¤ 19.20 20 0.0
10280 75

30 0.0


1 0.0

10281 24 ¤ 3.60 6 0.0
10281 35 ¤ 14.40 4 0.0

30 ¤ 20.70 6 0.0

10282 57 ¤ 15.60 2 0.0


20 0.0

10283 19 ¤ 7.30 18 0.0
10283 60 ¤ 27.20 35 0.0
10283 72 ¤ 27.80 3 0.0

27 ¤ 35.10 15 0.25

10284 44 ¤ 15.50 21 0.0
10284 60 ¤ 27.20 20 0.25
10284 67

5 0.25

1 ¤ 14.40 45 0.2

10285 40 ¤ 14.70 40 0.2
10285 53 ¤ 26.20 36 0.2

35 ¤ 14.40 100 0.0

10286 62 ¤ 39.40 40 0.0

16 ¤ 13.90 40 0.15

10287 34 ¤ 11.20 20 0.0
10287 46

15 0.15


10 0.1

10288 68 ¤ 10.00 3 0.1

3 ¤ 8.00 30 0.0

10289 64

9 0.0

5 ¤ 17.00 20 0.0

10290 29 ¤ 99.00 15 0.0
10290 49 ¤ 16.00 15 0.0
10290 77 ¤ 10.40 10 0.0

13 ¤ 4.80 20 0.1

10291 44 ¤ 15.50 24 0.1
10291 51 ¤ 42.40 2 0.1

20 ¤ 64.80 20 0.0


12 0.0

10293 24 ¤ 3.60 10 0.0
10293 63 ¤ 35.10 5 0.0
10293 75 ¤ 6.20 6 0.0

1 ¤ 14.40 18 0.0

10294 17 ¤ 31.20 15 0.0
10294 43 ¤ 36.80 15 0.0
10294 60 ¤ 27.20 21 0.0
10294 75 ¤ 6.20 6 0.0

56 ¤ 30.40 4 0.0

11 ¤ 16.80 12 0.0

10296 16 ¤ 13.90 30 0.0
10296 69

15 0.0

39 ¤ 14.40 60 0.0

10297 72 ¤ 27.80 20 0.0

2 ¤ 15.20 40 0.0

10298 36 ¤ 15.20 40 0.25
10298 59 ¤ 44.00 30 0.25
10298 62 ¤ 39.40 15 0.0

19 ¤ 7.30 15 0.0

10299 70 ¤ 12.00 20 0.0


30 0.0

10300 68 ¤ 10.00 20 0.0

40 ¤ 14.70 10 0.0

10301 56 ¤ 30.40 20 0.0

17 ¤ 31.20 40 0.0

10302 28 ¤ 36.40 28 0.0
10302 43 ¤ 36.80 12 0.0

40 ¤ 14.70 40 0.1

10303 65 ¤ 16.80 30 0.1
10303 68 ¤ 10.00 15 0.1

49 ¤ 16.00 30 0.0

10304 59 ¤ 44.00 10 0.0
10304 71 ¤ 17.20 2 0.0

18 ¤ 50.00 25 0.1

10305 29 ¤ 99.00 25 0.1
10305 39 ¤ 14.40 30 0.1

30 ¤ 20.70 10 0.0

10306 53 ¤ 26.20 10 0.0
10306 54 ¤ 5.90 5 0.0

62 ¤ 39.40 10 0.0

10307 68 ¤ 10.00 3 0.0

69 ¤ 28.80 1 0.0

10308 70 ¤ 12.00 5 0.0


20 0.0

10309 6

30 0.0

10309 42 ¤ 11.20 2 0.0
10309 43 ¤ 36.80 20 0.0
10309 71 ¤ 17.20 3 0.0

16 ¤ 13.90 10 0.0

10310 62 ¤ 39.40 5 0.0

42 ¤ 11.20 6 0.0

10311 69 ¤ 28.80 7 0.0

28 ¤ 36.40 4 0.0

10312 43 ¤ 36.80 24 0.0
10312 53 ¤ 26.20 20 0.0
10312 75 ¤ 6.20 10 0.0

36 ¤ 15.20 12 0.0

32 ¤ 25.60 40 0.1

10314 58

30 0.1

10314 62 ¤ 39.40 25 0.1

34 ¤ 11.20 14 0.0

10315 70 ¤ 12.00 30 0.0

41 ¤ 7.70 10 0.0

10316 62 ¤ 39.40 70 0.0

1 ¤ 14.40 20 0.0

41 ¤ 7.70 20 0.0

10318 76 ¤ 14.40 6 0.0

17 ¤ 31.20 8 0.0

10319 28 ¤ 36.40 14 0.0
10319 76 ¤ 14.40 30 0.0

71 ¤ 17.20 30 0.0

35 ¤ 14.40 10 0.0


20 0.0

15 ¤ 12.40 5 0.0

10323 25 ¤ 11.20 4 0.0
10323 39 ¤ 14.40 4 0.0

16 ¤ 13.90 21 0.15

10324 35 ¤ 14.40 70 0.15
10324 46 ¤ 9.60 30 0.0
10324 59 ¤ 44.00 40 0.15
10324 63 ¤ 35.10 80 0.15

6 ¤ 20.00 6 0.0

10325 13 ¤ 4.80 12 0.0
10325 14 ¤ 18.60 9 0.0
10325 31 ¤ 10.00 4 0.0
10325 72 ¤ 27.80 40 0.0

4 ¤ 17.60 24 0.0

10326 57 ¤ 15.60 16 0.0
10326 75 ¤ 6.20 50 0.0

2 ¤ 15.20 25 0.2

10327 11 ¤ 16.80 50 0.2
10327 30 ¤ 20.70 35 0.2
10327 58 ¤ 10.60 30 0.2

59 ¤ 44.00 9 0.0

10328 65 ¤ 16.80 40 0.0
10328 68 ¤ 10.00 10 0.0

19 ¤ 7.30 10 0.05

10329 30 ¤ 20.70 8 0.05
10329 38

20 0.05

10329 56 ¤ 30.40 12 0.05


50 0.15

10330 72 ¤ 27.80 25 0.15

54 ¤ 5.90 15 0.0

18 ¤ 50.00 40 0.2

10332 42 ¤ 11.20 10 0.2
10332 47

16 0.2

14 ¤ 18.60 10 0.0

10333 21 ¤ 8.00 10 0.1
10333 71 ¤ 17.20 40 0.1

52 ¤ 5.60 8 0.0

10334 68 ¤ 10.00 10 0.0

2 ¤ 15.20 7 0.2

10335 31 ¤ 10.00 25 0.2
10335 32 ¤ 25.60 6 0.2
10335 51 ¤ 42.40 48 0.2

4 ¤ 17.60 18 0.1


40 0.0

10337 26 ¤ 24.90 24 0.0
10337 36 ¤ 15.20 20 0.0
10337 37 ¤ 20.80 28 0.0
10337 72 ¤ 27.80 25 0.0

17 ¤ 31.20 20 0.0

10338 30 ¤ 20.70 15 0.0

4 ¤ 17.60 10 0.0

10339 17 ¤ 31.20 70 0.05
10339 62 ¤ 39.40 28 0.0

18 ¤ 50.00 20 0.05

10340 41 ¤ 7.70 12 0.05
10340 43 ¤ 36.80 40 0.05

33 ¤ 2.00 8 0.0

10341 59 ¤ 44.00 9 0.15

2 ¤ 15.20 24 0.2

10342 31 ¤ 10.00 56 0.2
10342 36 ¤ 15.20 40 0.2
10342 55 ¤ 19.20 40 0.2

64 ¤ 26.60 50 0.0

10343 68 ¤ 10.00 4 0.05
10343 76 ¤ 14.40 15 0.0

4 ¤ 17.60 35 0.0

10344 8

70 0.25

8 ¤ 32.00 70 0.0

10345 19 ¤ 7.30 80 0.0
10345 42 ¤ 11.20 9 0.0

17 ¤ 31.20 36 0.1

10346 56 ¤ 30.40 20 0.0

25 ¤ 11.20 10 0.0

10347 39 ¤ 14.40 50 0.15
10347 40 ¤ 14.70 4 0.0
10347 75 ¤ 6.20 6 0.15

1 ¤ 14.40 15 0.15

10348 23 ¤ 7.20 25 0.0

54 ¤ 5.90 24 0.0


15 0.1

10350 69 ¤ 28.80 18 0.1

38 ¤ 210.80 20 0.05

10351 41 ¤ 7.70 13 0.0
10351 44 ¤ 15.50 77 0.05
10351 65 ¤ 16.80 10 0.05

24 ¤ 3.60 10 0.0

10352 54 ¤ 5.90 20 0.15

11 ¤ 16.80 12 0.2

10353 38 ¤ 210.80 50 0.2

1 ¤ 14.40 12 0.0

10354 29 ¤ 99.00 4 0.0

24 ¤ 3.60 25 0.0

10355 57 ¤ 15.60 25 0.0

31 ¤ 10.00 30 0.0

10356 55 ¤ 19.20 12 0.0
10356 69 ¤ 28.80 20 0.0

10 ¤ 24.80 30 0.2

10357 26 ¤ 24.90 16 0.0
10357 60 ¤ 27.20 8 0.2

24 ¤ 3.60 10 0.05

10358 34 ¤ 11.20 10 0.05
10358 36 ¤ 15.20 20 0.05

16 ¤ 13.90 56 0.05

10359 31 ¤ 10.00 70 0.05
10359 60 ¤ 27.20 80 0.05

28 ¤ 36.40 30 0.0

10360 29 ¤ 99.00 35 0.0
10360 38 ¤ 210.80 10 0.0
10360 49 ¤ 16.00 35 0.0
10360 54 ¤ 5.90 28 0.0

39 ¤ 14.40 54 0.1

10361 60 ¤ 27.20 55 0.1

25 ¤ 11.20 50 0.0

10362 51 ¤ 42.40 20 0.0
10362 54 ¤ 5.90 24 0.0

31 ¤ 10.00 20 0.0

10363 75 ¤ 6.20 12 0.0
10363 76 ¤ 14.40 12 0.0

69 ¤ 28.80 30 0.0

10364 71 ¤ 17.20 5 0.0

11 ¤ 16.80 24 0.0

65 ¤ 16.80 5 0.0

10366 77 ¤ 10.40 5 0.0

34 ¤ 11.20 36 0.0

10367 54 ¤ 5.90 18 0.0
10367 65 ¤ 16.80 15 0.0
10367 77 ¤ 10.40 7 0.0

21 ¤ 8.00 5 0.1

10368 28 ¤ 36.40 13 0.1
10368 57 ¤ 15.60 25 0.0
10368 64 ¤ 26.60 35 0.1

29 ¤ 99.00 20 0.0

10369 56 ¤ 30.40 18 0.25

1 ¤ 14.40 15 0.15

10370 64 ¤ 26.60 30 0.0
10370 74 ¤ 8.00 20 0.15

36 ¤ 15.20 6 0.2

20 ¤ 64.80 12 0.25

10372 38 ¤ 210.80 40 0.25
10372 60 ¤ 27.20 70 0.25
10372 72 ¤ 27.80 42 0.25

58 ¤ 10.60 80 0.2

10373 71 ¤ 17.20 50 0.2

31 ¤ 10.00 30 0.0

10374 58 ¤ 10.60 15 0.0

14 ¤ 18.60 15 0.0

10375 54 ¤ 5.90 10 0.0

31 ¤ 10.00 42 0.05

28 ¤ 36.40 20 0.15

10377 39 ¤ 14.40 20 0.15

71 ¤ 17.20 6 0.0

41 ¤ 7.70 8 0.1

10379 63 ¤ 35.10 16 0.1
10379 65 ¤ 16.80 20 0.1

30 ¤ 20.70 18 0.1

10380 53 ¤ 26.20 20 0.1
10380 60 ¤ 27.20 6 0.1
10380 70 ¤ 12.00 30 0.0

74 ¤ 8.00 14 0.0

5 ¤ 17.00 32 0.0

10382 18 ¤ 50.00 9 0.0
10382 29 ¤ 99.00 14 0.0
10382 33 ¤ 2.00 60 0.0
10382 74 ¤ 8.00 50 0.0

13 ¤ 4.80 20 0.0

10383 50 ¤ 13.00 15 0.0
10383 56 ¤ 30.40 20 0.0

20 ¤ 64.80 28 0.0

10384 60 ¤ 27.20 15 0.0

7 ¤ 24.00 10 0.2

10385 60 ¤ 27.20 20 0.2
10385 68 ¤ 10.00 8 0.2

24 ¤ 3.60 15 0.0

10386 34 ¤ 11.20 10 0.0

24 ¤ 3.60 15 0.0

10387 28 ¤ 36.40 6 0.0
10387 59 ¤ 44.00 12 0.0
10387 71 ¤ 17.20 15 0.0

45 ¤ 7.60 15 0.2

10388 52 ¤ 5.60 20 0.2
10388 53 ¤ 26.20 40 0.0

10 ¤ 24.80 16 0.0

10389 55 ¤ 19.20 15 0.0
10389 62 ¤ 39.40 20 0.0
10389 70 ¤ 12.00 30 0.0

31 ¤ 10.00 60 0.1

10390 35 ¤ 14.40 40 0.1
10390 46 ¤ 9.60 45 0.0
10390 72 ¤ 27.80 24 0.1

13 ¤ 4.80 18 0.0

69 ¤ 28.80 50 0.0

2 ¤ 15.20 25 0.25

10393 14 ¤ 18.60 42 0.25
10393 25 ¤ 11.20 7 0.25
10393 26 ¤ 24.90 70 0.25
10393 31 ¤ 10.00 32 0.0

13 ¤ 4.80 10 0.0

10394 62 ¤ 39.40 10 0.0

46 ¤ 9.60 28 0.1

10395 53 ¤ 26.20 70 0.1
10395 69 ¤ 28.80 8 0.0

23 ¤ 7.20 40 0.0

10396 71 ¤ 17.20 60 0.0
10396 72 ¤ 27.80 21 0.0

21 ¤ 8.00 10 0.15

10397 51 ¤ 42.40 18 0.15

35 ¤ 14.40 30 0.0

10398 55 ¤ 19.20 120 0.1

68 ¤ 10.00 60 0.0

10399 71 ¤ 17.20 30 0.0
10399 76 ¤ 14.40 35 0.0
10399 77 ¤ 10.40 14 0.0


29 ¤ 99.00 21 0.0

10400 35 ¤ 14.40 35 0.0
10400 49 ¤ 16.00 30 0.0

30 ¤ 20.70 18 0.0

10401 56 ¤ 30.40 70 0.0
10401 65 ¤ 16.80 20 0.0
10401 71 ¤ 17.20 60 0.0

23 ¤ 7.20 60 0.0

10402 63 ¤ 35.10 65 0.0

16 ¤ 13.90 21 0.15

10403 48

70 0.15

26 ¤ 24.90 30 0.05

10404 42 ¤ 11.20 40 0.05
10404 49 ¤ 16.00 30 0.05

3 ¤ 8.00 50 0.0

1 ¤ 14.40 10 0.0

10406 21 ¤ 8.00 30 0.1
10406 28 ¤ 36.40 42 0.1
10406 36 ¤ 15.20 5 0.1
10406 40 ¤ 14.70 2 0.1

11 ¤ 16.80 30 0.0

10407 69 ¤ 28.80 15 0.0
10407 71 ¤ 17.20 15 0.0

37 ¤ 20.80 10 0.0

10408 54 ¤ 5.90 6 0.0
10408 62 ¤ 39.40 35 0.0

14 ¤ 18.60 12 0.0

10409 21 ¤ 8.00 12 0.0

33 ¤ 2.00 49 0.0

10410 59 ¤ 44.00 16 0.0

41 ¤ 7.70 25 0.2

10411 44 ¤ 15.50 40 0.2
10411 59 ¤ 44.00 9 0.2

14 ¤ 18.60 20 0.1

1 ¤ 14.40 24 0.0

10413 62 ¤ 39.40 40 0.0
10413 76 ¤ 14.40 14 0.0

19 ¤ 7.30 18 0.05

10414 33 ¤ 2.00 50 0.0

17 ¤ 31.20 2 0.0

10415 33 ¤ 2.00 20 0.0

19 ¤ 7.30 20 0.0

10416 53 ¤ 26.20 10 0.0
10416 57 ¤ 15.60 20 0.0

38 ¤ 210.80 50 0.0

10417 46 ¤ 9.60 2 0.25
10417 68 ¤ 10.00 36 0.25
10417 77 ¤ 10.40 35 0.0

2 ¤ 15.20 60 0.0

10418 47 ¤ 7.60 55 0.0
10418 61

16 0.0

10418 74 ¤ 8.00 15 0.0

60 ¤ 27.20 60 0.05

10419 69 ¤ 28.80 20 0.05


20 0.1

10420 13 ¤ 4.80 2 0.1
10420 70 ¤ 12.00 8 0.1
10420 73 ¤ 12.00 20 0.1

19 ¤ 7.30 4 0.15

10421 26 ¤ 24.90 30 0.0
10421 53 ¤ 26.20 15 0.15
10421 77 ¤ 10.40 10 0.15

26 ¤ 24.90 2 0.0

31 ¤ 10.00 14 0.0

10423 59 ¤ 44.00 20 0.0

35 ¤ 14.40 60 0.2

10424 38 ¤ 210.80 49 0.2
10424 68 ¤ 10.00 30 0.2

55 ¤ 19.20 10 0.25

10425 76 ¤ 14.40 20 0.25

56 ¤ 30.40 5 0.0

10426 64 ¤ 26.60 7 0.0

14 ¤ 18.60 35 0.0

46 ¤ 9.60 20 0.0

50 ¤ 13.00 40 0.0

10429 63 ¤ 35.10 35 0.25

17 ¤ 31.20 45 0.2

10430 21 ¤ 8.00 50 0.0
10430 56 ¤ 30.40 30 0.0
10430 59 ¤ 44.00 70 0.2

17 ¤ 31.20 50 0.25

10431 40 ¤ 14.70 50 0.25
10431 47 ¤ 7.60 30 0.25

26 ¤ 24.90 10 0.0

10432 54 ¤ 5.90 40 0.0

56 ¤ 30.40 28 0.0

11 ¤ 16.80 6 0.0

10434 76 ¤ 14.40 18 0.15

2 ¤ 15.20 10 0.0

10435 22 ¤ 16.80 12 0.0
10435 72 ¤ 27.80 10 0.0

46 ¤ 9.60 5 0.0

10436 56 ¤ 30.40 40 0.1
10436 64 ¤ 26.60 30 0.1
10436 75 ¤ 6.20 24 0.1

53 ¤ 26.20 15 0.0

19 ¤ 7.30 15 0.2

10438 34 ¤ 11.20 20 0.2
10438 57 ¤ 15.60 15 0.2

12 ¤ 30.40 15 0.0

10439 16 ¤ 13.90 16 0.0
10439 64 ¤ 26.60 6 0.0
10439 74 ¤ 8.00 30 0.0

2 ¤ 15.20 45 0.15

10440 16 ¤ 13.90 49 0.15
10440 29 ¤ 99.00 24 0.15
10440 61 ¤ 22.80 90 0.15

27 ¤ 35.10 50 0.0

11 ¤ 16.80 30 0.0

10442 54 ¤ 5.90 80 0.0
10442 66 ¤ 13.60 60 0.0

11 ¤ 16.80 6 0.2

10443 28 ¤ 36.40 12 0.0

17 ¤ 31.20 10 0.0

10444 26 ¤ 24.90 15 0.0
10444 35 ¤ 14.40 8 0.0
10444 41 ¤ 7.70 30 0.0

39 ¤ 14.40 6 0.0

10445 54 ¤ 5.90 15 0.0

19 ¤ 7.30 12 0.1

10446 24 ¤ 3.60 20 0.1
10446 31 ¤ 10.00 3 0.1
10446 52 ¤ 5.60 15 0.1

19 ¤ 7.30 40 0.0

10447 65 ¤ 16.80 35 0.0
10447 71 ¤ 17.20 2 0.0

26 ¤ 24.90 6 0.0

10448 40 ¤ 14.70 20 0.0

10 ¤ 24.80 14 0.0

10449 52 ¤ 5.60 20 0.0
10449 62 ¤ 39.40 35 0.0

10 ¤ 24.80 20 0.2

10450 54 ¤ 5.90 6 0.2

55 ¤ 19.20 120 0.1

10451 64 ¤ 26.60 35 0.1
10451 65 ¤ 16.80 28 0.1
10451 77 ¤ 10.40 55 0.1

28 ¤ 36.40 15 0.0

10452 44 ¤ 15.50 100 0.05

48 ¤ 10.20 15 0.1

10453 70 ¤ 12.00 25 0.1

16 ¤ 13.90 20 0.2

10454 33 ¤ 2.00 20 0.2
10454 46 ¤ 9.60 10 0.2

39 ¤ 14.40 20 0.0

10455 53 ¤ 26.20 50 0.0
10455 61 ¤ 22.80 25 0.0
10455 71 ¤ 17.20 30 0.0

21 ¤ 8.00 40 0.15

10456 49 ¤ 16.00 21 0.15

59 ¤ 44.00 36 0.0

26 ¤ 24.90 30 0.0

10458 28 ¤ 36.40 30 0.0
10458 43 ¤ 36.80 20 0.0
10458 56 ¤ 30.40 15 0.0
10458 71 ¤ 17.20 50 0.0

7 ¤ 24.00 16 0.05

10459 46 ¤ 9.60 20 0.05
10459 72 ¤ 27.80 40 0.0

68 ¤ 10.00 21 0.25

10460 75 ¤ 6.20 4 0.25

21 ¤ 8.00 40 0.25

10461 30 ¤ 20.70 28 0.25
10461 55 ¤ 19.20 60 0.25

13 ¤ 4.80 1 0.0

10462 23 ¤ 7.20 21 0.0

19 ¤ 7.30 21 0.0

10463 42 ¤ 11.20 50 0.0

4 ¤ 17.60 16 0.2

10464 43 ¤ 36.80 3 0.0
10464 56 ¤ 30.40 30 0.2
10464 60 ¤ 27.20 20 0.0

24 ¤ 3.60 25 0.0

10465 29 ¤ 99.00 18 0.1
10465 40 ¤ 14.70 20 0.0
10465 45 ¤ 7.60 30 0.1
10465 50 ¤ 13.00 25 0.0

11 ¤ 16.80 10 0.0

10466 46 ¤ 9.60 5 0.0

24 ¤ 3.60 28 0.0

10467 25 ¤ 11.20 12 0.0

30 ¤ 20.70 8 0.0

10468 43 ¤ 36.80 15 0.0

2 ¤ 15.20 40 0.15

10469 16 ¤ 13.90 35 0.15
10469 44 ¤ 15.50 2 0.15

18 ¤ 50.00 30 0.0

10470 23 ¤ 7.20 15 0.0
10470 64 ¤ 26.60 8 0.0

7 ¤ 24.00 30 0.0

10471 56 ¤ 30.40 20 0.0

24 ¤ 3.60 80 0.05

10472 51 ¤ 42.40 18 0.0

33 ¤ 2.00 12 0.0

10473 71 ¤ 17.20 12 0.0

14 ¤ 18.60 12 0.0

10474 28 ¤ 36.40 18 0.0
10474 40 ¤ 14.70 21 0.0
10474 75 ¤ 6.20 10 0.0

31 ¤ 10.00 35 0.15

10475 66 ¤ 13.60 60 0.15
10475 76 ¤ 14.40 42 0.15

55 ¤ 19.20 2 0.05

10476 70 ¤ 12.00 12 0.0

1 ¤ 14.40 15 0.0

10477 21 ¤ 8.00 21 0.25
10477 39 ¤ 14.40 20 0.25

10 ¤ 24.80 20 0.05

38 ¤ 210.80 30 0.0

10479 53 ¤ 26.20 28 0.0
10479 59 ¤ 44.00 60 0.0
10479 64 ¤ 26.60 30 0.0

47 ¤ 7.60 30 0.0

10480 59 ¤ 44.00 12 0.0

49 ¤ 16.00 24 0.0

10481 60 ¤ 27.20 40 0.0

40 ¤ 14.70 10 0.0

34 ¤ 11.20 35 0.05

10483 77 ¤ 10.40 30 0.05

21 ¤ 8.00 14 0.0

10484 40 ¤ 14.70 10 0.0
10484 51 ¤ 42.40 3 0.0

2 ¤ 15.20 20 0.1

10485 3 ¤ 8.00 20 0.1
10485 55 ¤ 19.20 30 0.1
10485 70 ¤ 12.00 60 0.1

11 ¤ 16.80 5 0.0

10486 51 ¤ 42.40 25 0.0
10486 74 ¤ 8.00 16 0.0

19 ¤ 7.30 5 0.0

10487 26 ¤ 24.90 30 0.0
10487 54 ¤ 5.90 24 0.25

59 ¤ 44.00 30 0.0

10488 73 ¤ 12.00 20 0.2

11 ¤ 16.80 15 0.25

10489 16 ¤ 13.90 18 0.0

59 ¤ 44.00 60 0.0

10490 68 ¤ 10.00 30 0.0
10490 75 ¤ 6.20 36 0.0

44 ¤ 15.50 15 0.15

10491 77 ¤ 10.40 7 0.15

25 ¤ 11.20 60 0.05

10492 42 ¤ 11.20 20 0.05

65 ¤ 16.80 15 0.1

10493 66 ¤ 13.60 10 0.1
10493 69 ¤ 28.80 10 0.1

56 ¤ 30.40 30 0.0

23 ¤ 7.20 10 0.0

10495 41 ¤ 7.70 20 0.0
10495 77 ¤ 10.40 5 0.0

31 ¤ 10.00 20 0.05

56 ¤ 30.40 14 0.0

10497 72 ¤ 27.80 25 0.0
10497 77 ¤ 10.40 25 0.0


14 0.0

10498 40

5 0.0

10498 42 ¤ 14.00 30 0.0


20 0.0

10499 49 ¤ 20.00 25 0.0

15 ¤ 15.50 12 0.05

10500 28 ¤ 45.60 8 0.05


20 0.0


21 0.0

10502 53

6 0.0

10502 67 ¤ 14.00 30 0.0


70 0.0

10503 65

20 0.0


12 0.0

10504 21 ¤ 10.00 12 0.0
10504 53 ¤ 32.80 10 0.0
10504 61

25 0.0


3 0.0

25 ¤ 14.00 18 0.1

10506 70

14 0.1


15 0.15

10507 48

15 0.15


10 0.0

10508 39

10 0.0

28 ¤ 45.60 3 0.0


36 0.0

10510 75

36 0.1


50 0.15

10511 7

50 0.15

10511 8

10 0.15

24 ¤ 4.50 10 0.15

10512 46 ¤ 12.00 9 0.15
10512 47 ¤ 9.50 6 0.15
10512 60

12 0.15

21 ¤ 10.00 40 0.2

10513 32 ¤ 32.00 50 0.2
10513 61 ¤ 28.50 15 0.2


39 0.0

10514 28 ¤ 45.60 35 0.0
10514 56

70 0.0

10514 65 ¤ 21.05 39 0.0
10514 75 ¤ 7.75 50 0.0


16 0.15

10515 16

50 0.0

10515 27

120 0.0

10515 33

16 0.15

10515 60 ¤ 34.00 84 0.15


25 0.1

10516 41

80 0.1

10516 42 ¤ 14.00 20 0.0


6 0.0

10517 59

4 0.0

10517 70 ¤ 15.00 6 0.0

24 ¤ 4.50 5 0.0

10518 38

15 0.0

10518 44

9 0.0


16 0.05

10519 56 ¤ 38.00 40 0.0
10519 60 ¤ 34.00 10 0.05

24 ¤ 4.50 8 0.0

10520 53 ¤ 32.80 5 0.0

35 ¤ 18.00 3 0.0

10521 41 ¤ 9.65 10 0.0
10521 68

6 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 40 0.2

10522 8 ¤ 40.00 24 0.0
10522 30

20 0.2

10522 40 ¤ 18.40 25 0.2


25 0.1

10523 20 ¤ 81.00 15 0.1
10523 37

18 0.1

10523 41 ¤ 9.65 6 0.1

10 ¤ 31.00 2 0.0

10524 30 ¤ 25.89 10 0.0
10524 43 ¤ 46.00 60 0.0
10524 54 ¤ 7.45 15 0.0

36 ¤ 19.00 30 0.0

10525 40 ¤ 18.40 15 0.1

1 ¤ 18.00 8 0.15

10526 13 ¤ 6.00 10 0.0
10526 56 ¤ 38.00 30 0.15

4 ¤ 22.00 50 0.1

10527 36 ¤ 19.00 30 0.1


3 0.0

10528 33 ¤ 2.50 8 0.2
10528 72 ¤ 34.80 9 0.0

55 ¤ 24.00 14 0.0

10529 68 ¤ 12.50 20 0.0
10529 69

10 0.0

17 ¤ 39.00 40 0.0

10530 43 ¤ 46.00 25 0.0
10530 61 ¤ 28.50 20 0.0
10530 76 ¤ 18.00 50 0.0

59 ¤ 55.00 2 0.0

30 ¤ 25.89 15 0.0

10532 66 ¤ 17.00 24 0.0

4 ¤ 22.00 50 0.05

10533 72 ¤ 34.80 24 0.0
10533 73 ¤ 15.00 24 0.05

30 ¤ 25.89 10 0.0

10534 40 ¤ 18.40 10 0.2
10534 54 ¤ 7.45 10 0.2

11 ¤ 21.00 50 0.1

10535 40 ¤ 18.40 10 0.1
10535 57

5 0.1

10535 59 ¤ 55.00 15 0.1

12 ¤ 38.00 15 0.25

10536 31 ¤ 12.50 20 0.0
10536 33 ¤ 2.50 30 0.0
10536 60 ¤ 34.00 35 0.25

31 ¤ 12.50 30 0.0

10537 51

6 0.0

10537 58

20 0.0

10537 72 ¤ 34.80 21 0.0
10537 73 ¤ 15.00 9 0.0

70 ¤ 15.00 7 0.0

10538 72 ¤ 34.80 1 0.0

13 ¤ 6.00 8 0.0

10539 21 ¤ 10.00 15 0.0
10539 33 ¤ 2.50 15 0.0
10539 49 ¤ 20.00 6 0.0

3 ¤ 10.00 60 0.0

10540 26

40 0.0

10540 38 ¤ 263.50 30 0.0
10540 68 ¤ 12.50 35 0.0

24 ¤ 4.50 35 0.1

10541 38 ¤ 263.50 4 0.1
10541 65 ¤ 21.05 36 0.1
10541 71

9 0.1

11 ¤ 21.00 15 0.05

10542 54 ¤ 7.45 24 0.05

12 ¤ 38.00 30 0.15

10543 23

70 0.15

28 ¤ 45.60 7 0.0

10544 67 ¤ 14.00 7 0.0

11 ¤ 21.00 10 0.0

7 ¤ 30.00 10 0.0

10546 35 ¤ 18.00 30 0.0
10546 62 ¤ 49.30 40 0.0

32 ¤ 32.00 24 0.15

10547 36 ¤ 19.00 60 0.0

34 ¤ 14.00 10 0.25

10548 41 ¤ 9.65 14 0.0

31 ¤ 12.50 55 0.15

10549 45 ¤ 9.50 100 0.15
10549 51 ¤ 53.00 48 0.15

17 ¤ 39.00 8 0.1

10550 19

10 0.0

10550 21 ¤ 10.00 6 0.1
10550 61 ¤ 28.50 10 0.1

16 ¤ 17.45 40 0.15

10551 35 ¤ 18.00 20 0.15
10551 44 ¤ 19.45 40 0.0

69 ¤ 36.00 18 0.0

10552 75 ¤ 7.75 30 0.0

11 ¤ 21.00 15 0.0

10553 16 ¤ 17.45 14 0.0
10553 22 ¤ 21.00 24 0.0
10553 31 ¤ 12.50 30 0.0
10553 35 ¤ 18.00 6 0.0

16 ¤ 17.45 30 0.05

10554 23 ¤ 9.00 20 0.05
10554 62 ¤ 49.30 20 0.05
10554 77 ¤ 13.00 10 0.05

14 ¤ 23.25 30 0.2

10555 19 ¤ 9.20 35 0.2
10555 24 ¤ 4.50 18 0.2
10555 51 ¤ 53.00 20 0.2
10555 56 ¤ 38.00 40 0.2

72 ¤ 34.80 24 0.0


30 0.0

10557 75 ¤ 7.75 20 0.0

47 ¤ 9.50 25 0.0

10558 51 ¤ 53.00 20 0.0
10558 52 ¤ 7.00 30 0.0
10558 53 ¤ 32.80 18 0.0
10558 73 ¤ 15.00 3 0.0

41 ¤ 9.65 12 0.05

10559 55 ¤ 24.00 18 0.05

30 ¤ 25.89 20 0.0

10560 62 ¤ 49.30 15 0.25

44 ¤ 19.45 10 0.0

10561 51 ¤ 53.00 50 0.0

33 ¤ 2.50 20 0.1

10562 62 ¤ 49.30 10 0.1

36 ¤ 19.00 25 0.0

10563 52 ¤ 7.00 70 0.0

17 ¤ 39.00 16 0.05

10564 31 ¤ 12.50 6 0.05
10564 55 ¤ 24.00 25 0.05

24 ¤ 4.50 25 0.1

10565 64 ¤ 33.25 18 0.1

11 ¤ 21.00 35 0.15

10566 18 ¤ 62.50 18 0.15
10566 76 ¤ 18.00 10 0.0

31 ¤ 12.50 60 0.2

10567 51 ¤ 53.00 3 0.0
10567 59 ¤ 55.00 40 0.2

10 ¤ 31.00 5 0.0

31 ¤ 12.50 35 0.2

10569 76 ¤ 18.00 30 0.0

11 ¤ 21.00 15 0.05

10570 56 ¤ 38.00 60 0.05

14 ¤ 23.25 11 0.15

10571 42 ¤ 14.00 28 0.15

16 ¤ 17.45 12 0.1

10572 32 ¤ 32.00 10 0.1
10572 40 ¤ 18.40 50 0.0
10572 75 ¤ 7.75 15 0.1

17 ¤ 39.00 18 0.0

10573 34 ¤ 14.00 40 0.0
10573 53 ¤ 32.80 25 0.0

33 ¤ 2.50 14 0.0

10574 40 ¤ 18.40 2 0.0
10574 62 ¤ 49.30 10 0.0
10574 64 ¤ 33.25 6 0.0

59 ¤ 55.00 12 0.0

10575 63 ¤ 43.90 6 0.0
10575 72 ¤ 34.80 30 0.0
10575 76 ¤ 18.00 10 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 10 0.0

10576 31 ¤ 12.50 20 0.0
10576 44 ¤ 19.45 21 0.0

39 ¤ 18.00 10 0.0

10577 75 ¤ 7.75 20 0.0
10577 77 ¤ 13.00 18 0.0

35 ¤ 18.00 20 0.0

10578 57 ¤ 19.50 6 0.0

15 ¤ 15.50 10 0.0

10579 75 ¤ 7.75 21 0.0

14 ¤ 23.25 15 0.05

10580 41 ¤ 9.65 9 0.05
10580 65 ¤ 21.05 30 0.05

75 ¤ 7.75 50 0.2

57 ¤ 19.50 4 0.0

10582 76 ¤ 18.00 14 0.0

29 ¤ 123.79 10 0.0

10583 60 ¤ 34.00 24 0.15
10583 69 ¤ 36.00 10 0.15

31 ¤ 12.50 50 0.05

47 ¤ 9.50 15 0.0

52 ¤ 7.00 4 0.15

26 ¤ 31.23 6 0.0

10587 35 ¤ 18.00 20 0.0
10587 77 ¤ 13.00 20 0.0

18 ¤ 62.50 40 0.2

10588 42 ¤ 14.00 100 0.2

35 ¤ 18.00 4 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 20 0.0

10590 77 ¤ 13.00 60 0.05

3 ¤ 10.00 14 0.0

10591 7 ¤ 30.00 10 0.0
10591 54 ¤ 7.45 50 0.0

15 ¤ 15.50 25 0.05

10592 26 ¤ 31.23 5 0.05

20 ¤ 81.00 21 0.2

10593 69 ¤ 36.00 20 0.2
10593 76 ¤ 18.00 4 0.2

52 ¤ 7.00 24 0.0

10594 58 ¤ 13.25 30 0.0

35 ¤ 18.00 30 0.25

10595 61 ¤ 28.50 120 0.25
10595 69 ¤ 36.00 65 0.25

56 ¤ 38.00 5 0.2

10596 63 ¤ 43.90 24 0.2
10596 75 ¤ 7.75 30 0.2

24 ¤ 4.50 35 0.2

10597 57 ¤ 19.50 20 0.0
10597 65 ¤ 21.05 12 0.2

27 ¤ 43.90 50 0.0

10598 71 ¤ 21.50 9 0.0

62 ¤ 49.30 10 0.0

54 ¤ 7.45 4 0.0

10600 73 ¤ 15.00 30 0.0

13 ¤ 6.00 60 0.0

10601 59 ¤ 55.00 35 0.0

77 ¤ 13.00 5 0.25

22 ¤ 21.00 48 0.0

10603 49 ¤ 20.00 25 0.05

48 ¤ 12.75 6 0.1

10604 76 ¤ 18.00 10 0.1

16 ¤ 17.45 30 0.05

10605 59 ¤ 55.00 20 0.05
10605 60 ¤ 34.00 70 0.05
10605 71 ¤ 21.50 15 0.05

4 ¤ 22.00 20 0.2

10606 55 ¤ 24.00 20 0.2
10606 62 ¤ 49.30 10 0.2

7 ¤ 30.00 45 0.0

10607 17 ¤ 39.00 100 0.0
10607 33 ¤ 2.50 14 0.0
10607 40 ¤ 18.40 42 0.0
10607 72 ¤ 34.80 12 0.0

56 ¤ 38.00 28 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 3 0.0

10609 10 ¤ 31.00 10 0.0
10609 21 ¤ 10.00 6 0.0

36 ¤ 19.00 21 0.25

1 ¤ 18.00 6 0.0

10611 2 ¤ 19.00 10 0.0
10611 60 ¤ 34.00 15 0.0

10 ¤ 31.00 70 0.0

10612 36 ¤ 19.00 55 0.0
10612 49 ¤ 20.00 18 0.0
10612 60 ¤ 34.00 40 0.0
10612 76 ¤ 18.00 80 0.0

13 ¤ 6.00 8 0.1

10613 75 ¤ 7.75 40 0.0

11 ¤ 21.00 14 0.0

10614 21 ¤ 10.00 8 0.0
10614 39 ¤ 18.00 5 0.0

55 ¤ 24.00 5 0.0

38 ¤ 263.50 15 0.05

10616 56 ¤ 38.00 14 0.0
10616 70 ¤ 15.00 15 0.05
10616 71 ¤ 21.50 15 0.05

59 ¤ 55.00 30 0.15


70 0.0

10618 56 ¤ 38.00 20 0.0
10618 68 ¤ 12.50 15 0.0

21 ¤ 10.00 42 0.0

10619 22 ¤ 21.00 40 0.0

24 ¤ 4.50 5 0.0

10620 52 ¤ 7.00 5 0.0

19 ¤ 9.20 5 0.0

10621 23 ¤ 9.00 10 0.0
10621 70 ¤ 15.00 20 0.0
10621 71 ¤ 21.50 15 0.0

2 ¤ 19.00 20 0.0

10622 68 ¤ 12.50 18 0.2

14 ¤ 23.25 21 0.0

10623 19 ¤ 9.20 15 0.1
10623 21 ¤ 10.00 25 0.1
10623 24 ¤ 4.50 3 0.0
10623 35 ¤ 18.00 30 0.1

28 ¤ 45.60 10 0.0

10624 29 ¤ 123.79 6 0.0
10624 44 ¤ 19.45 10 0.0

14 ¤ 23.25 3 0.0

10625 42 ¤ 14.00 5 0.0
10625 60 ¤ 34.00 10 0.0

53 ¤ 32.80 12 0.0

10626 60 ¤ 34.00 20 0.0
10626 71 ¤ 21.50 20 0.0

62 ¤ 49.30 15 0.0

10627 73 ¤ 15.00 35 0.15

1 ¤ 18.00 25 0.0

29 ¤ 123.79 20 0.0

10629 64 ¤ 33.25 9 0.0

55 ¤ 24.00 12 0.05

10630 76 ¤ 18.00 35 0.0

75 ¤ 7.75 8 0.1

2 ¤ 19.00 30 0.05

10632 33 ¤ 2.50 20 0.05

12 ¤ 38.00 36 0.15

10633 13 ¤ 6.00 13 0.15
10633 26 ¤ 31.23 35 0.15
10633 62 ¤ 49.30 80 0.15

7 ¤ 30.00 35 0.0

10634 18 ¤ 62.50 50 0.0
10634 51 ¤ 53.00 15 0.0
10634 75 ¤ 7.75 2 0.0

4 ¤ 22.00 10 0.1

10635 5

15 0.1

10635 22 ¤ 21.00 40 0.0

4 ¤ 22.00 25 0.0

10636 58 ¤ 13.25 6 0.0

11 ¤ 21.00 10 0.0

10637 50

25 0.05

10637 56 ¤ 38.00 60 0.05

45 ¤ 9.50 20 0.0

10638 65 ¤ 21.05 21 0.0
10638 72 ¤ 34.80 60 0.0

18 ¤ 62.50 8 0.0

69 ¤ 36.00 20 0.25

10640 70 ¤ 15.00 15 0.25

2 ¤ 19.00 50 0.0

10641 40 ¤ 18.40 60 0.0

21 ¤ 10.00 30 0.2

10642 61 ¤ 28.50 20 0.2

28 ¤ 45.60 15 0.25

10643 39 ¤ 18.00 21 0.25
10643 46 ¤ 12.00 2 0.25

18 ¤ 62.50 4 0.1

10644 43 ¤ 46.00 20 0.0
10644 46 ¤ 12.00 21 0.1

18 ¤ 62.50 20 0.0

10645 36 ¤ 19.00 15 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 15 0.25

10646 10 ¤ 31.00 18 0.25
10646 71 ¤ 21.50 30 0.25
10646 77 ¤ 13.00 35 0.25

19 ¤ 9.20 30 0.0

10647 39 ¤ 18.00 20 0.0

22 ¤ 21.00 15 0.0

10648 24 ¤ 4.50 15 0.15

28 ¤ 45.60 20 0.0

10649 72 ¤ 34.80 15 0.0

30 ¤ 25.89 30 0.0

10650 53 ¤ 32.80 25 0.05
10650 54 ¤ 7.45 30 0.0

19 ¤ 9.20 12 0.25

10651 22 ¤ 21.00 20 0.25

30 ¤ 25.89 2 0.25

10652 42 ¤ 14.00 20 0.0

16 ¤ 17.45 30 0.1

10653 60 ¤ 34.00 20 0.1

4 ¤ 22.00 12 0.1

10654 39 ¤ 18.00 20 0.1
10654 54 ¤ 7.45 6 0.1

41 ¤ 9.65 20 0.2

14 ¤ 23.25 3 0.1

10656 44 ¤ 19.45 28 0.1
10656 47 ¤ 9.50 6 0.1

15 ¤ 15.50 50 0.0

10657 41 ¤ 9.65 24 0.0
10657 46 ¤ 12.00 45 0.0
10657 47 ¤ 9.50 10 0.0
10657 56 ¤ 38.00 45 0.0
10657 60 ¤ 34.00 30 0.0

21 ¤ 10.00 60 0.0

10658 40 ¤ 18.40 70 0.05
10658 60 ¤ 34.00 55 0.05
10658 77 ¤ 13.00 70 0.05

31 ¤ 12.50 20 0.05

10659 40 ¤ 18.40 24 0.05
10659 70 ¤ 15.00 40 0.05

20 ¤ 81.00 21 0.0

39 ¤ 18.00 3 0.2

10661 58 ¤ 13.25 49 0.2

68 ¤ 12.50 10 0.0

40 ¤ 18.40 30 0.05

10663 42 ¤ 14.00 30 0.05
10663 51 ¤ 53.00 20 0.05

10 ¤ 31.00 24 0.15

10664 56 ¤ 38.00 12 0.15
10664 65 ¤ 21.05 15 0.15

51 ¤ 53.00 20 0.0

10665 59 ¤ 55.00 1 0.0
10665 76 ¤ 18.00 10 0.0

29 ¤ 123.79 36 0.0

10666 65 ¤ 21.05 10 0.0

69 ¤ 36.00 45 0.2

10667 71 ¤ 21.50 14 0.2

31 ¤ 12.50 8 0.1

10668 55 ¤ 24.00 4 0.1
10668 64 ¤ 33.25 15 0.1

36 ¤ 19.00 30 0.0

23 ¤ 9.00 32 0.0

10670 46 ¤ 12.00 60 0.0
10670 67 ¤ 14.00 25 0.0
10670 73 ¤ 15.00 50 0.0
10670 75 ¤ 7.75 25 0.0

16 ¤ 17.45 10 0.0

10671 62 ¤ 49.30 10 0.0
10671 65 ¤ 21.05 12 0.0

38 ¤ 263.50 15 0.1

10672 71 ¤ 21.50 12 0.0

16 ¤ 17.45 3 0.0

10673 42 ¤ 14.00 6 0.0
10673 43 ¤ 46.00 6 0.0

23 ¤ 9.00 5 0.0

14 ¤ 23.25 30 0.0

10675 53 ¤ 32.80 10 0.0
10675 58 ¤ 13.25 30 0.0

10 ¤ 31.00 2 0.0

10676 19 ¤ 9.20 7 0.0
10676 44 ¤ 19.45 21 0.0

26 ¤ 31.23 30 0.15

10677 33 ¤ 2.50 8 0.15

12 ¤ 38.00 100 0.0

10678 33 ¤ 2.50 30 0.0
10678 41 ¤ 9.65 120 0.0
10678 54 ¤ 7.45 30 0.0

59 ¤ 55.00 12 0.0

16 ¤ 17.45 50 0.25

10680 31 ¤ 12.50 20 0.25
10680 42 ¤ 14.00 40 0.25

19 ¤ 9.20 30 0.1

10681 21 ¤ 10.00 12 0.1
10681 64 ¤ 33.25 28 0.0

33 ¤ 2.50 30 0.0

10682 66 ¤ 17.00 4 0.0
10682 75 ¤ 7.75 30 0.0

52 ¤ 7.00 9 0.0

40 ¤ 18.40 20 0.0

10684 47 ¤ 9.50 40 0.0
10684 60 ¤ 34.00 30 0.0

10 ¤ 31.00 20 0.0

10685 41 ¤ 9.65 4 0.0
10685 47 ¤ 9.50 15 0.0

17 ¤ 39.00 30 0.2

10686 26 ¤ 31.23 15 0.0

9 ¤ 97.00 50 0.25

10687 29 ¤ 123.79 10 0.0
10687 36 ¤ 19.00 6 0.25

10 ¤ 31.00 18 0.1

10688 28 ¤ 45.60 60 0.1
10688 34 ¤ 14.00 14 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 35 0.25

56 ¤ 38.00 20 0.25

10690 77 ¤ 13.00 30 0.25

1 ¤ 18.00 30 0.0

10691 29 ¤ 123.79 40 0.0
10691 43 ¤ 46.00 40 0.0
10691 44 ¤ 19.45 24 0.0
10691 62 ¤ 49.30 48 0.0

63 ¤ 43.90 20 0.0

9 ¤ 97.00 6 0.0

10693 54 ¤ 7.45 60 0.15
10693 69 ¤ 36.00 30 0.15
10693 73 ¤ 15.00 15 0.15

7 ¤ 30.00 90 0.0

10694 59 ¤ 55.00 25 0.0
10694 70 ¤ 15.00 50 0.0

8 ¤ 40.00 10 0.0

10695 12 ¤ 38.00 4 0.0
10695 24 ¤ 4.50 20 0.0

17 ¤ 39.00 20 0.0

10696 46 ¤ 12.00 18 0.0

19 ¤ 9.20 7 0.25

10697 35 ¤ 18.00 9 0.25
10697 58 ¤ 13.25 30 0.25
10697 70 ¤ 15.00 30 0.25

11 ¤ 21.00 15 0.0

10698 17 ¤ 39.00 8 0.05
10698 29 ¤ 123.79 12 0.05
10698 65 ¤ 21.05 65 0.05
10698 70 ¤ 15.00 8 0.05

47 ¤ 9.50 12 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 5 0.2

10700 34 ¤ 14.00 12 0.2
10700 68 ¤ 12.50 40 0.2
10700 71 ¤ 21.50 60 0.2

59 ¤ 55.00 42 0.15

10701 71 ¤ 21.50 20 0.15
10701 76 ¤ 18.00 35 0.15

3 ¤ 10.00 6 0.0

10702 76 ¤ 18.00 15 0.0

2 ¤ 19.00 5 0.0

10703 59 ¤ 55.00 35 0.0
10703 73 ¤ 15.00 35 0.0

4 ¤ 22.00 6 0.0

10704 24 ¤ 4.50 35 0.0
10704 48 ¤ 12.75 24 0.0

31 ¤ 12.50 20 0.0

10705 32 ¤ 32.00 4 0.0

16 ¤ 17.45 20 0.0

10706 43 ¤ 46.00 24 0.0
10706 59 ¤ 55.00 8 0.0

55 ¤ 24.00 21 0.0

10707 57 ¤ 19.50 40 0.0
10707 70 ¤ 15.00 28 0.15

5 ¤ 21.35 4 0.0

10708 36 ¤ 19.00 5 0.0

8 ¤ 40.00 40 0.0

10709 51 ¤ 53.00 28 0.0
10709 60 ¤ 34.00 10 0.0

19 ¤ 9.20 5 0.0

10710 47 ¤ 9.50 5 0.0

19 ¤ 9.20 12 0.0

10711 41 ¤ 9.65 42 0.0
10711 53 ¤ 32.80 120 0.0

53 ¤ 32.80 3 0.05

10712 56 ¤ 38.00 30 0.0

10 ¤ 31.00 18 0.0

10713 26 ¤ 31.23 30 0.0
10713 45 ¤ 9.50 110 0.0
10713 46 ¤ 12.00 24 0.0

2 ¤ 19.00 30 0.25

10714 17 ¤ 39.00 27 0.25
10714 47 ¤ 9.50 50 0.25
10714 56 ¤ 38.00 18 0.25
10714 58 ¤ 13.25 12 0.25

10 ¤ 31.00 21 0.0

10715 71 ¤ 21.50 30 0.0

21 ¤ 10.00 5 0.0

10716 51 ¤ 53.00 7 0.0
10716 61 ¤ 28.50 10 0.0

21 ¤ 10.00 32 0.05

10717 54 ¤ 7.45 15 0.0
10717 69 ¤ 36.00 25 0.05

12 ¤ 38.00 36 0.0

10718 16 ¤ 17.45 20 0.0
10718 36 ¤ 19.00 40 0.0
10718 62 ¤ 49.30 20 0.0

18 ¤ 62.50 12 0.25

10719 30 ¤ 25.89 3 0.25
10719 54 ¤ 7.45 40 0.25

35 ¤ 18.00 21 0.0

10720 71 ¤ 21.50 8 0.0

44 ¤ 19.45 50 0.05

2 ¤ 19.00 3 0.0

10722 31 ¤ 12.50 50 0.0
10722 68 ¤ 12.50 45 0.0
10722 75 ¤ 7.75 42 0.0

26 ¤ 31.23 15 0.0

10 ¤ 31.00 16 0.0

10724 61 ¤ 28.50 5 0.0

41 ¤ 9.65 12 0.0

10725 52 ¤ 7.00 4 0.0
10725 55 ¤ 24.00 6 0.0

4 ¤ 22.00 25 0.0

10726 11 ¤ 21.00 5 0.0

17 ¤ 39.00 20 0.05

10727 56 ¤ 38.00 10 0.05
10727 59 ¤ 55.00 10 0.05

30 ¤ 25.89 15 0.0

10728 40 ¤ 18.40 6 0.0
10728 55 ¤ 24.00 12 0.0
10728 60 ¤ 34.00 15 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 50 0.0

10729 21 ¤ 10.00 30 0.0
10729 50 ¤ 16.25 40 0.0

16 ¤ 17.45 15 0.05

10730 31 ¤ 12.50 3 0.05
10730 65 ¤ 21.05 10 0.05

21 ¤ 10.00 40 0.05

10731 51 ¤ 53.00 30 0.05

76 ¤ 18.00 20 0.0

14 ¤ 23.25 16 0.0

10733 28 ¤ 45.60 20 0.0
10733 52 ¤ 7.00 25 0.0

6 ¤ 25.00 30 0.0

10734 30 ¤ 25.89 15 0.0
10734 76 ¤ 18.00 20 0.0

61 ¤ 28.50 20 0.1

10735 77 ¤ 13.00 2 0.1

65 ¤ 21.05 40 0.0

10736 75 ¤ 7.75 20 0.0

13 ¤ 6.00 4 0.0

10737 41 ¤ 9.65 12 0.0

16 ¤ 17.45 3 0.0

36 ¤ 19.00 6 0.0

10739 52 ¤ 7.00 18 0.0

28 ¤ 45.60 5 0.2

10740 35 ¤ 18.00 35 0.2
10740 45 ¤ 9.50 40 0.2
10740 56 ¤ 38.00 14 0.2

2 ¤ 19.00 15 0.2

3 ¤ 10.00 20 0.0

10742 60 ¤ 34.00 50 0.0
10742 72 ¤ 34.80 35 0.0

46 ¤ 12.00 28 0.05

40 ¤ 18.40 50 0.2

18 ¤ 62.50 24 0.0

10745 44 ¤ 19.45 16 0.0
10745 59 ¤ 55.00 45 0.0
10745 72 ¤ 34.80 7 0.0

13 ¤ 6.00 6 0.0

10746 42 ¤ 14.00 28 0.0
10746 62 ¤ 49.30 9 0.0
10746 69 ¤ 36.00 40 0.0

31 ¤ 12.50 8 0.0

10747 41 ¤ 9.65 35 0.0
10747 63 ¤ 43.90 9 0.0
10747 69 ¤ 36.00 30 0.0

23 ¤ 9.00 44 0.0

10748 40 ¤ 18.40 40 0.0
10748 56 ¤ 38.00 28 0.0

56 ¤ 38.00 15 0.0

10749 59 ¤ 55.00 6 0.0
10749 76 ¤ 18.00 10 0.0

14 ¤ 23.25 5 0.15

10750 45 ¤ 9.50 40 0.15
10750 59 ¤ 55.00 25 0.15

26 ¤ 31.23 12 0.1

10751 30 ¤ 25.89 30 0.0
10751 50 ¤ 16.25 20 0.1
10751 73 ¤ 15.00 15 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 8 0.0

10752 69 ¤ 36.00 3 0.0

45 ¤ 9.50 4 0.0

10753 74 ¤ 10.00 5 0.0

40 ¤ 18.40 3 0.0

47 ¤ 9.50 30 0.25

10755 56 ¤ 38.00 30 0.25
10755 57 ¤ 19.50 14 0.25
10755 69 ¤ 36.00 25 0.25

18 ¤ 62.50 21 0.2

10756 36 ¤ 19.00 20 0.2
10756 68 ¤ 12.50 6 0.2
10756 69 ¤ 36.00 20 0.2

34 ¤ 14.00 30 0.0

10757 59 ¤ 55.00 7 0.0
10757 62 ¤ 49.30 30 0.0
10757 64 ¤ 33.25 24 0.0

26 ¤ 31.23 20 0.0

10758 52 ¤ 7.00 60 0.0
10758 70 ¤ 15.00 40 0.0

32 ¤ 32.00 10 0.0

25 ¤ 14.00 12 0.25

10760 27 ¤ 43.90 40 0.0
10760 43 ¤ 46.00 30 0.25

25 ¤ 14.00 35 0.25

10761 75 ¤ 7.75 18 0.0

39 ¤ 18.00 16 0.0

10762 47 ¤ 9.50 30 0.0
10762 51 ¤ 53.00 28 0.0
10762 56 ¤ 38.00 60 0.0

21 ¤ 10.00 40 0.0

10763 22 ¤ 21.00 6 0.0
10763 24 ¤ 4.50 20 0.0

3 ¤ 10.00 20 0.1

10764 39 ¤ 18.00 130 0.1

65 ¤ 21.05 80 0.1

2 ¤ 19.00 40 0.0

10766 7 ¤ 30.00 35 0.0
10766 68 ¤ 12.50 40 0.0

42 ¤ 14.00 2 0.0

22 ¤ 21.00 4 0.0

10768 31 ¤ 12.50 50 0.0
10768 60 ¤ 34.00 15 0.0
10768 71 ¤ 21.50 12 0.0

41 ¤ 9.65 30 0.05

10769 52 ¤ 7.00 15 0.05
10769 61 ¤ 28.50 20 0.0
10769 62 ¤ 49.30 15 0.0

11 ¤ 21.00 15 0.25

71 ¤ 21.50 16 0.0

29 ¤ 123.79 18 0.0

10772 59 ¤ 55.00 25 0.0

17 ¤ 39.00 33 0.0

10773 31 ¤ 12.50 70 0.2
10773 75 ¤ 7.75 7 0.2

31 ¤ 12.50 2 0.25

10774 66 ¤ 17.00 50 0.0

10 ¤ 31.00 6 0.0

10775 67 ¤ 14.00 3 0.0

31 ¤ 12.50 16 0.05

10776 42 ¤ 14.00 12 0.05
10776 45 ¤ 9.50 27 0.05
10776 51 ¤ 53.00 120 0.05

42 ¤ 14.00 20 0.2

41 ¤ 9.65 10 0.0

16 ¤ 17.45 20 0.0

10779 62 ¤ 49.30 20 0.0

70 ¤ 15.00 35 0.0

10780 77 ¤ 13.00 15 0.0

54 ¤ 7.45 3 0.2

10781 56 ¤ 38.00 20 0.2
10781 74 ¤ 10.00 35 0.0

31 ¤ 12.50 1 0.0

31 ¤ 12.50 10 0.0

10783 38 ¤ 263.50 5 0.0

36 ¤ 19.00 30 0.0

10784 39 ¤ 18.00 2 0.15
10784 72 ¤ 34.80 30 0.15

10 ¤ 31.00 10 0.0

10785 75 ¤ 7.75 10 0.0

8 ¤ 40.00 30 0.2

10786 30 ¤ 25.89 15 0.2
10786 75 ¤ 7.75 42 0.2

2 ¤ 19.00 15 0.05

10787 29 ¤ 123.79 20 0.05

19 ¤ 9.20 50 0.05

10788 75 ¤ 7.75 40 0.05

18 ¤ 62.50 30 0.0

10789 35 ¤ 18.00 15 0.0
10789 63 ¤ 43.90 30 0.0
10789 68 ¤ 12.50 18 0.0

7 ¤ 30.00 3 0.15

10790 56 ¤ 38.00 20 0.15

29 ¤ 123.79 14 0.05

10791 41 ¤ 9.65 20 0.05

2 ¤ 19.00 10 0.0

10792 54 ¤ 7.45 3 0.0
10792 68 ¤ 12.50 15 0.0

41 ¤ 9.65 14 0.0

10793 52 ¤ 7.00 8 0.0

14 ¤ 23.25 15 0.2

10794 54 ¤ 7.45 6 0.2

16 ¤ 17.45 65 0.0

10795 17 ¤ 39.00 35 0.25

26 ¤ 31.23 21 0.2

10796 44 ¤ 19.45 10 0.0
10796 64 ¤ 33.25 35 0.2
10796 69 ¤ 36.00 24 0.2

11 ¤ 21.00 20 0.0

62 ¤ 49.30 2 0.0

10798 72 ¤ 34.80 10 0.0

13 ¤ 6.00 20 0.15

10799 24 ¤ 4.50 20 0.15
10799 59 ¤ 55.00 25 0.0

11 ¤ 21.00 50 0.1

10800 51 ¤ 53.00 10 0.1
10800 54 ¤ 7.45 7 0.1

17 ¤ 39.00 40 0.25

10801 29 ¤ 123.79 20 0.25

30 ¤ 25.89 25 0.25

10802 51 ¤ 53.00 30 0.25
10802 55 ¤ 24.00 60 0.25
10802 62 ¤ 49.30 5 0.25

19 ¤ 9.20 24 0.05

10803 25 ¤ 14.00 15 0.05
10803 59 ¤ 55.00 15 0.05

10 ¤ 31.00 36 0.0

10804 28 ¤ 45.60 24 0.0
10804 49 ¤ 20.00 4 0.15

34 ¤ 14.00 10 0.0

10805 38 ¤ 263.50 10 0.0

2 ¤ 19.00 20 0.25

10806 65 ¤ 21.05 2 0.0
10806 74 ¤ 10.00 15 0.25

40 ¤ 18.40 1 0.0

56 ¤ 38.00 20 0.15

10808 76 ¤ 18.00 50 0.15

52 ¤ 7.00 20 0.0

13 ¤ 6.00 7 0.0

10810 25 ¤ 14.00 5 0.0
10810 70 ¤ 15.00 5 0.0

19 ¤ 9.20 15 0.0

10811 23 ¤ 9.00 18 0.0
10811 40 ¤ 18.40 30 0.0

31 ¤ 12.50 16 0.1

10812 72 ¤ 34.80 40 0.1
10812 77 ¤ 13.00 20 0.0

2 ¤ 19.00 12 0.2

10813 46 ¤ 12.00 35 0.0

41 ¤ 9.65 20 0.0

10814 43 ¤ 46.00 20 0.15
10814 48 ¤ 12.75 8 0.15
10814 61 ¤ 28.50 30 0.15

33 ¤ 2.50 16 0.0

38 ¤ 263.50 30 0.05

10816 62 ¤ 49.30 20 0.05

26 ¤ 31.23 40 0.15

10817 38 ¤ 263.50 30 0.0
10817 40 ¤ 18.40 60 0.15
10817 62 ¤ 49.30 25 0.15

32 ¤ 32.00 20 0.0

10818 41 ¤ 9.65 20 0.0

43 ¤ 46.00 7 0.0

10819 75 ¤ 7.75 20 0.0

56 ¤ 38.00 30 0.0

35 ¤ 18.00 20 0.0

10821 51 ¤ 53.00 6 0.0

62 ¤ 49.30 3 0.0

10822 70 ¤ 15.00 6 0.0

11 ¤ 21.00 20 0.1

10823 57 ¤ 19.50 15 0.0
10823 59 ¤ 55.00 40 0.1
10823 77 ¤ 13.00 15 0.1

41 ¤ 9.65 12 0.0

10824 70 ¤ 15.00 9 0.0

26 ¤ 31.23 12 0.0

10825 53 ¤ 32.80 20 0.0

31 ¤ 12.50 35 0.0

10826 57 ¤ 19.50 15 0.0

10 ¤ 31.00 15 0.0

10827 39 ¤ 18.00 21 0.0

20 ¤ 81.00 5 0.0

10828 38 ¤ 263.50 2 0.0

2 ¤ 19.00 10 0.0

10829 8 ¤ 40.00 20 0.0
10829 13 ¤ 6.00 10 0.0
10829 60 ¤ 34.00 21 0.0

6 ¤ 25.00 6 0.0

10830 39 ¤ 18.00 28 0.0
10830 60 ¤ 34.00 30 0.0
10830 68 ¤ 12.50 24 0.0

19 ¤ 9.20 2 0.0

10831 35 ¤ 18.00 8 0.0
10831 38 ¤ 263.50 8 0.0
10831 43 ¤ 46.00 9 0.0

13 ¤ 6.00 3 0.2

10832 25 ¤ 14.00 10 0.2
10832 44 ¤ 19.45 16 0.2
10832 64 ¤ 33.25 3 0.0

7 ¤ 30.00 20 0.1

10833 31 ¤ 12.50 9 0.1
10833 53 ¤ 32.80 9 0.1

29 ¤ 123.79 8 0.05

10834 30 ¤ 25.89 20 0.05

59 ¤ 55.00 15 0.0

10835 77 ¤ 13.00 2 0.2

22 ¤ 21.00 52 0.0

10836 35 ¤ 18.00 6 0.0
10836 57 ¤ 19.50 24 0.0
10836 60 ¤ 34.00 60 0.0
10836 64 ¤ 33.25 30 0.0

13 ¤ 6.00 6 0.0

10837 40 ¤ 18.40 25 0.0
10837 47 ¤ 9.50 40 0.25
10837 76 ¤ 18.00 21 0.25

1 ¤ 18.00 4 0.25

10838 18 ¤ 62.50 25 0.25
10838 36 ¤ 19.00 50 0.25

58 ¤ 13.25 30 0.1

10839 72 ¤ 34.80 15 0.1

25 ¤ 14.00 6 0.2

10840 39 ¤ 18.00 10 0.2

10 ¤ 31.00 16 0.0

10841 56 ¤ 38.00 30 0.0
10841 59 ¤ 55.00 50 0.0
10841 77 ¤ 13.00 15 0.0

11 ¤ 21.00 15 0.0

10842 43 ¤ 46.00 5 0.0
10842 68 ¤ 12.50 20 0.0
10842 70 ¤ 15.00 12 0.0

51 ¤ 53.00 4 0.25

22 ¤ 21.00 35 0.0

23 ¤ 9.00 70 0.1

10845 35 ¤ 18.00 25 0.1
10845 42 ¤ 14.00 42 0.1
10845 58 ¤ 13.25 60 0.1
10845 64 ¤ 33.25 48 0.0

4 ¤ 22.00 21 0.0

10846 70 ¤ 15.00 30 0.0
10846 74 ¤ 10.00 20 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 80 0.2

10847 19 ¤ 9.20 12 0.2
10847 37 ¤ 26.00 60 0.2
10847 45 ¤ 9.50 36 0.2
10847 60 ¤ 34.00 45 0.2
10847 71 ¤ 21.50 55 0.2

5 ¤ 21.35 30 0.0

10848 9 ¤ 97.00 3 0.0

3 ¤ 10.00 49 0.0

10849 26 ¤ 31.23 18 0.15

25 ¤ 14.00 20 0.15

10850 33 ¤ 2.50 4 0.15
10850 70 ¤ 15.00 30 0.15

2 ¤ 19.00 5 0.05

10851 25 ¤ 14.00 10 0.05
10851 57 ¤ 19.50 10 0.05
10851 59 ¤ 55.00 42 0.05

2 ¤ 19.00 15 0.0

10852 17 ¤ 39.00 6 0.0
10852 62 ¤ 49.30 50 0.0

18 ¤ 62.50 10 0.0

10 ¤ 31.00 100 0.15

10854 13 ¤ 6.00 65 0.15

16 ¤ 17.45 50 0.0

10855 31 ¤ 12.50 14 0.0
10855 56 ¤ 38.00 24 0.0
10855 65 ¤ 21.05 15 0.15

2 ¤ 19.00 20 0.0

10856 42 ¤ 14.00 20 0.0

3 ¤ 10.00 30 0.0

10857 26 ¤ 31.23 35 0.25
10857 29 ¤ 123.79 10 0.25

7 ¤ 30.00 5 0.0

10858 27 ¤ 43.90 10 0.0
10858 70 ¤ 15.00 4 0.0

24 ¤ 4.50 40 0.25

10859 54 ¤ 7.45 35 0.25
10859 64 ¤ 33.25 30 0.25

51 ¤ 53.00 3 0.0

10860 76 ¤ 18.00 20 0.0

17 ¤ 39.00 42 0.0

10861 18 ¤ 62.50 20 0.0
10861 21 ¤ 10.00 40 0.0
10861 33 ¤ 2.50 35 0.0
10861 62 ¤ 49.30 3 0.0

11 ¤ 21.00 25 0.0

10862 52 ¤ 7.00 8 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 20 0.15

10863 58 ¤ 13.25 12 0.15

35 ¤ 18.00 4 0.0

10864 67 ¤ 14.00 15 0.0

38 ¤ 263.50 60 0.05

10865 39 ¤ 18.00 80 0.05

2 ¤ 19.00 21 0.25

10866 24 ¤ 4.50 6 0.25
10866 30 ¤ 25.89 40 0.25

53 ¤ 32.80 3 0.0

26 ¤ 31.23 20 0.0

10868 35 ¤ 18.00 30 0.0
10868 49 ¤ 20.00 42 0.1

1 ¤ 18.00 40 0.0

10869 11 ¤ 21.00 10 0.0
10869 23 ¤ 9.00 50 0.0
10869 68 ¤ 12.50 20 0.0

35 ¤ 18.00 3 0.0

10870 51 ¤ 53.00 2 0.0

6 ¤ 25.00 50 0.05

10871 16 ¤ 17.45 12 0.05
10871 17 ¤ 39.00 16 0.05

55 ¤ 24.00 10 0.05

10872 62 ¤ 49.30 20 0.05
10872 64 ¤ 33.25 15 0.05
10872 65 ¤ 21.05 21 0.05

21 ¤ 10.00 20 0.0

10873 28 ¤ 45.60 3 0.0

10 ¤ 31.00 10 0.0

19 ¤ 9.20 25 0.0

10875 47 ¤ 9.50 21 0.1
10875 49 ¤ 20.00 15 0.0

46 ¤ 12.00 21 0.0

10876 64 ¤ 33.25 20 0.0

16 ¤ 17.45 30 0.25

10877 18 ¤ 62.50 25 0.0

20 ¤ 81.00 20 0.05

40 ¤ 18.40 12 0.0

10879 65 ¤ 21.05 10 0.0
10879 76 ¤ 18.00 10 0.0

23 ¤ 9.00 30 0.2

10880 61 ¤ 28.50 30 0.2
10880 70 ¤ 15.00 50 0.2

73 ¤ 15.00 10 0.0

42 ¤ 14.00 25 0.0

10882 49 ¤ 20.00 20 0.15
10882 54 ¤ 7.45 32 0.15

24 ¤ 4.50 8 0.0

21 ¤ 10.00 40 0.05

10884 56 ¤ 38.00 21 0.05
10884 65 ¤ 21.05 12 0.05

2 ¤ 19.00 20 0.0

10885 24 ¤ 4.50 12 0.0
10885 70 ¤ 15.00 30 0.0
10885 77 ¤ 13.00 25 0.0

10 ¤ 31.00 70 0.0

10886 31 ¤ 12.50 35 0.0
10886 77 ¤ 13.00 40 0.0

25 ¤ 14.00 5 0.0

2 ¤ 19.00 20 0.0

10888 68 ¤ 12.50 18 0.0

11 ¤ 21.00 40 0.0

10889 38 ¤ 263.50 40 0.0

17 ¤ 39.00 15 0.0

10890 34 ¤ 14.00 10 0.0
10890 41 ¤ 9.65 14 0.0

30 ¤ 25.89 15 0.05

59 ¤ 55.00 40 0.05

8 ¤ 40.00 30 0.0

10893 24 ¤ 4.50 10 0.0
10893 29 ¤ 123.79 24 0.0
10893 30 ¤ 25.89 35 0.0
10893 36 ¤ 19.00 20 0.0

13 ¤ 6.00 28 0.05

10894 69 ¤ 36.00 50 0.05
10894 75 ¤ 7.75 120 0.05

24 ¤ 4.50 110 0.0

10895 39 ¤ 18.00 45 0.0
10895 40 ¤ 18.40 91 0.0
10895 60 ¤ 34.00 100 0.0

45 ¤ 9.50 15 0.0

10896 56 ¤ 38.00 16 0.0

29 ¤ 123.79 80 0.0

10897 30 ¤ 25.89 36 0.0

13 ¤ 6.00 5 0.0

39 ¤ 18.00 8 0.15

70 ¤ 15.00 3 0.25

41 ¤ 9.65 30 0.0

10901 71 ¤ 21.50 30 0.0

55 ¤ 24.00 30 0.15

10902 62 ¤ 49.30 6 0.15

13 ¤ 6.00 40 0.0

10903 65 ¤ 21.05 21 0.0
10903 68 ¤ 12.50 20 0.0

58 ¤ 13.25 15 0.0

10904 62 ¤ 49.30 35 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 20 0.05

61 ¤ 28.50 15 0.0

75 ¤ 7.75 14 0.0

7 ¤ 30.00 20 0.05

10908 52 ¤ 7.00 14 0.05

7 ¤ 30.00 12 0.0

10909 16 ¤ 17.45 15 0.0
10909 41 ¤ 9.65 5 0.0

19 ¤ 9.20 12 0.0

10910 49 ¤ 20.00 10 0.0
10910 61 ¤ 28.50 5 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 10 0.0

10911 17 ¤ 39.00 12 0.0
10911 67 ¤ 14.00 15 0.0

11 ¤ 21.00 40 0.25

10912 29 ¤ 123.79 60 0.25

4 ¤ 22.00 30 0.25

10913 33 ¤ 2.50 40 0.25
10913 58 ¤ 13.25 15 0.0

71 ¤ 21.50 25 0.0

17 ¤ 39.00 10 0.0

10915 33 ¤ 2.50 30 0.0
10915 54 ¤ 7.45 10 0.0

16 ¤ 17.45 6 0.0

10916 32 ¤ 32.00 6 0.0
10916 57 ¤ 19.50 20 0.0

30 ¤ 25.89 1 0.0

10917 60 ¤ 34.00 10 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 60 0.25

10918 60 ¤ 34.00 25 0.25

16 ¤ 17.45 24 0.0

10919 25 ¤ 14.00 24 0.0
10919 40 ¤ 18.40 20 0.0

50 ¤ 16.25 24 0.0

35 ¤ 18.00 10 0.0

10921 63 ¤ 43.90 40 0.0

17 ¤ 39.00 15 0.0

10922 24 ¤ 4.50 35 0.0

42 ¤ 14.00 10 0.2

10923 43 ¤ 46.00 10 0.2
10923 67 ¤ 14.00 24 0.2

10 ¤ 31.00 20 0.1

10924 28 ¤ 45.60 30 0.1
10924 75 ¤ 7.75 6 0.0

36 ¤ 19.00 25 0.15

10925 52 ¤ 7.00 12 0.15

11 ¤ 21.00 2 0.0

10926 13 ¤ 6.00 10 0.0
10926 19 ¤ 9.20 7 0.0
10926 72 ¤ 34.80 10 0.0

20 ¤ 81.00 5 0.0

10927 52 ¤ 7.00 5 0.0
10927 76 ¤ 18.00 20 0.0

47 ¤ 9.50 5 0.0

10928 76 ¤ 18.00 5 0.0

21 ¤ 10.00 60 0.0

10929 75 ¤ 7.75 49 0.0
10929 77 ¤ 13.00 15 0.0

21 ¤ 10.00 36 0.0

10930 27 ¤ 43.90 25 0.0
10930 55 ¤ 24.00 25 0.2
10930 58 ¤ 13.25 30 0.2

13 ¤ 6.00 42 0.15

10931 57 ¤ 19.50 30 0.0

16 ¤ 17.45 30 0.1

10932 62 ¤ 49.30 14 0.1
10932 72 ¤ 34.80 16 0.0
10932 75 ¤ 7.75 20 0.1

53 ¤ 32.80 2 0.0

10933 61 ¤ 28.50 30 0.0

6 ¤ 25.00 20 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 21 0.0

10935 18 ¤ 62.50 4 0.25
10935 23 ¤ 9.00 8 0.25

36 ¤ 19.00 30 0.2

28 ¤ 45.60 8 0.0

10937 34 ¤ 14.00 20 0.0

13 ¤ 6.00 20 0.25

10938 43 ¤ 46.00 24 0.25
10938 60 ¤ 34.00 49 0.25
10938 71 ¤ 21.50 35 0.25

2 ¤ 19.00 10 0.15

10939 67 ¤ 14.00 40 0.15

7 ¤ 30.00 8 0.0

10940 13 ¤ 6.00 20 0.0

31 ¤ 12.50 44 0.25

10941 62 ¤ 49.30 30 0.25
10941 68 ¤ 12.50 80 0.25
10941 72 ¤ 34.80 50 0.0

49 ¤ 20.00 28 0.0

13 ¤ 6.00 15 0.0

10943 22 ¤ 21.00 21 0.0
10943 46 ¤ 12.00 15 0.0

11 ¤ 21.00 5 0.25

10944 44 ¤ 19.45 18 0.25
10944 56 ¤ 38.00 18 0.0

13 ¤ 6.00 20 0.0

10945 31 ¤ 12.50 10 0.0

10 ¤ 31.00 25 0.0

10946 24 ¤ 4.50 25 0.0
10946 77 ¤ 13.00 40 0.0

59 ¤ 55.00 4 0.0

50 ¤ 16.25 9 0.0

10948 51 ¤ 53.00 40 0.0
10948 55 ¤ 24.00 4 0.0

6 ¤ 25.00 12 0.0

10949 10 ¤ 31.00 30 0.0
10949 17 ¤ 39.00 6 0.0
10949 62 ¤ 49.30 60 0.0

4 ¤ 22.00 5 0.0

33 ¤ 2.50 15 0.05

10951 41 ¤ 9.65 6 0.05
10951 75 ¤ 7.75 50 0.05

6 ¤ 25.00 16 0.05

10952 28 ¤ 45.60 2 0.0

20 ¤ 81.00 50 0.05

10953 31 ¤ 12.50 50 0.05

16 ¤ 17.45 28 0.15

10954 31 ¤ 12.50 25 0.15
10954 45 ¤ 9.50 30 0.0
10954 60 ¤ 34.00 24 0.15

75 ¤ 7.75 12 0.2

21 ¤ 10.00 12 0.0

10956 47 ¤ 9.50 14 0.0
10956 51 ¤ 53.00 8 0.0

30 ¤ 25.89 30 0.0

10957 35 ¤ 18.00 40 0.0
10957 64 ¤ 33.25 8 0.0

5 ¤ 21.35 20 0.0

10958 7 ¤ 30.00 6 0.0
10958 72 ¤ 34.80 5 0.0

75 ¤ 7.75 20 0.15

24 ¤ 4.50 10 0.25

10960 41 ¤ 9.65 24 0.0

52 ¤ 7.00 6 0.05

10961 76 ¤ 18.00 60 0.0

7 ¤ 30.00 45 0.0

10962 13 ¤ 6.00 77 0.0
10962 53 ¤ 32.80 20 0.0
10962 69 ¤ 36.00 9 0.0
10962 76 ¤ 18.00 44 0.0

60 ¤ 34.00 2 0.15

18 ¤ 62.50 6 0.0

10964 38 ¤ 263.50 5 0.0
10964 69 ¤ 36.00 10 0.0

51 ¤ 53.00 16 0.0

37 ¤ 26.00 8 0.0

10966 56 ¤ 38.00 12 0.15
10966 62 ¤ 49.30 12 0.15

19 ¤ 9.20 12 0.0

10967 49 ¤ 20.00 40 0.0

12 ¤ 38.00 30 0.0

10968 24 ¤ 4.50 30 0.0
10968 64 ¤ 33.25 4 0.0

46 ¤ 12.00 9 0.0

52 ¤ 7.00 40 0.2

29 ¤ 123.79 14 0.0

17 ¤ 39.00 6 0.0

10972 33 ¤ 2.50 7 0.0

26 ¤ 31.23 5 0.0

10973 41 ¤ 9.65 6 0.0
10973 75 ¤ 7.75 10 0.0

63 ¤ 43.90 10 0.0

8 ¤ 40.00 16 0.0

10975 75 ¤ 7.75 10 0.0

28 ¤ 45.60 20 0.0

39 ¤ 18.00 30 0.0

10977 47 ¤ 9.50 30 0.0
10977 51 ¤ 53.00 10 0.0
10977 63 ¤ 43.90 20 0.0

8 ¤ 40.00 20 0.15

10978 21 ¤ 10.00 40 0.15
10978 40 ¤ 18.40 10 0.0
10978 44 ¤ 19.45 6 0.15

7 ¤ 30.00 18 0.0

10979 12 ¤ 38.00 20 0.0
10979 24 ¤ 4.50 80 0.0
10979 27 ¤ 43.90 30 0.0
10979 31 ¤ 12.50 24 0.0
10979 63 ¤ 43.90 35 0.0

75 ¤ 7.75 40 0.2

38 ¤ 263.50 60 0.0

7 ¤ 30.00 20 0.0

10982 43 ¤ 46.00 9 0.0

13 ¤ 6.00 84 0.15

10983 57 ¤ 19.50 15 0.0

16 ¤ 17.45 55 0.0

10984 24 ¤ 4.50 20 0.0
10984 36 ¤ 19.00 40 0.0

16 ¤ 17.45 36 0.1

10985 18 ¤ 62.50 8 0.1
10985 32 ¤ 32.00 35 0.1

11 ¤ 21.00 30 0.0

10986 20 ¤ 81.00 15 0.0
10986 76 ¤ 18.00 10 0.0
10986 77 ¤ 13.00 15 0.0

7 ¤ 30.00 60 0.0

10987 43 ¤ 46.00 6 0.0
10987 72 ¤ 34.80 20 0.0

7 ¤ 30.00 60 0.0

10988 62 ¤ 49.30 40 0.1

6 ¤ 25.00 40 0.0

10989 11 ¤ 21.00 15 0.0
10989 41 ¤ 9.65 4 0.0

21 ¤ 10.00 65 0.0

10990 34 ¤ 14.00 60 0.15
10990 55 ¤ 24.00 65 0.15
10990 61 ¤ 28.50 66 0.15

2 ¤ 19.00 50 0.2

10991 70 ¤ 15.00 20 0.2
10991 76 ¤ 18.00 90 0.2

72 ¤ 34.80 2 0.0

29 ¤ 123.79 50 0.25

10993 41 ¤ 9.65 35 0.25

59 ¤ 55.00 18 0.05

51 ¤ 53.00 20 0.0

10995 60 ¤ 34.00 4 0.0

42 ¤ 14.00 40 0.0

32 ¤ 32.00 50 0.0

10997 46 ¤ 12.00 20 0.25
10997 52 ¤ 7.00 20 0.25

24 ¤ 4.50 12 0.0

10998 61 ¤ 28.50 7 0.0
10998 74 ¤ 10.00 20 0.0
10998 75 ¤ 7.75 30 0.0

41 ¤ 9.65 20 0.05

10999 51 ¤ 53.00 15 0.05
10999 77 ¤ 13.00 21 0.05

4 ¤ 22.00 25 0.25

11000 24 ¤ 4.50 30 0.25
11000 77 ¤ 13.00 30 0.0

7 ¤ 30.00 60 0.0

11001 22 ¤ 21.00 25 0.0
11001 46 ¤ 12.00 25 0.0
11001 55 ¤ 24.00 6 0.0

13 ¤ 6.00 56 0.0

11002 35 ¤ 18.00 15 0.15
11002 42 ¤ 14.00 24 0.15
11002 55 ¤ 24.00 40 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 4 0.0

11003 40 ¤ 18.40 10 0.0
11003 52 ¤ 7.00 10 0.0

26 ¤ 31.23 6 0.0

11004 76 ¤ 18.00 6 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 2 0.0

11005 59 ¤ 55.00 10 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 8 0.0

11006 29 ¤ 123.79 2 0.25

8 ¤ 40.00 30 0.0

11007 29 ¤ 123.79 10 0.0
11007 42 ¤ 14.00 14 0.0

28 ¤ 45.60 70 0.05

11008 34 ¤ 14.00 90 0.05
11008 71 ¤ 21.50 21 0.0

24 ¤ 4.50 12 0.0

11009 36 ¤ 19.00 18 0.25
11009 60 ¤ 34.00 9 0.0

7 ¤ 30.00 20 0.0

11010 24 ¤ 4.50 10 0.0

58 ¤ 13.25 40 0.05

11011 71 ¤ 21.50 20 0.0

19 ¤ 9.20 50 0.05

11012 60 ¤ 34.00 36 0.05
11012 71 ¤ 21.50 60 0.05

23 ¤ 9.00 10 0.0

11013 42 ¤ 14.00 4 0.0
11013 45 ¤ 9.50 20 0.0
11013 68 ¤ 12.50 2 0.0

41 ¤ 9.65 28 0.1

30 ¤ 25.89 15 0.0

11015 77 ¤ 13.00 18 0.0

31 ¤ 12.50 15 0.0

11016 36 ¤ 19.00 16 0.0

3 ¤ 10.00 25 0.0

11017 59 ¤ 55.00 110 0.0
11017 70 ¤ 15.00 30 0.0

12 ¤ 38.00 20 0.0

11018 18 ¤ 62.50 10 0.0
11018 56 ¤ 38.00 5 0.0

46 ¤ 12.00 3 0.0

11019 49 ¤ 20.00 2 0.0

10 ¤ 31.00 24 0.15

2 ¤ 19.00 11 0.25

11021 20 ¤ 81.00 15 0.0
11021 26 ¤ 31.23 63 0.0
11021 51 ¤ 53.00 44 0.25
11021 72 ¤ 34.80 35 0.0

19 ¤ 9.20 35 0.0

11022 69 ¤ 36.00 30 0.0

7 ¤ 30.00 4 0.0

11023 43 ¤ 46.00 30 0.0

26 ¤ 31.23 12 0.0

11024 33 ¤ 2.50 30 0.0
11024 65 ¤ 21.05 21 0.0
11024 71 ¤ 21.50 50 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 10 0.1

11025 13 ¤ 6.00 20 0.1

18 ¤ 62.50 8 0.0

11026 51 ¤ 53.00 10 0.0

24 ¤ 4.50 30 0.25

11027 62 ¤ 49.30 21 0.25

55 ¤ 24.00 35 0.0

11028 59 ¤ 55.00 24 0.0

56 ¤ 38.00 20 0.0

11029 63 ¤ 43.90 12 0.0

2 ¤ 19.00 100 0.25

11030 5 ¤ 21.35 70 0.0
11030 29 ¤ 123.79 60 0.25
11030 59 ¤ 55.00 100 0.25

1 ¤ 18.00 45 0.0

11031 13 ¤ 6.00 80 0.0
11031 24 ¤ 4.50 21 0.0
11031 64 ¤ 33.25 20 0.0
11031 71 ¤ 21.50 16 0.0

36 ¤ 19.00 35 0.0

11032 38 ¤ 263.50 25 0.0
11032 59 ¤ 55.00 30 0.0

53 ¤ 32.80 70 0.1

11033 69 ¤ 36.00 36 0.1

21 ¤ 10.00 15 0.1

11034 44 ¤ 19.45 12 0.0
11034 61 ¤ 28.50 6 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 10 0.0

11035 35 ¤ 18.00 60 0.0
11035 42 ¤ 14.00 30 0.0
11035 54 ¤ 7.45 10 0.0

13 ¤ 6.00 7 0.0

11036 59 ¤ 55.00 30 0.0

70 ¤ 15.00 4 0.0

40 ¤ 18.40 5 0.2

11038 52 ¤ 7.00 2 0.0
11038 71 ¤ 21.50 30 0.0

28 ¤ 45.60 20 0.0

11039 35 ¤ 18.00 24 0.0
11039 49 ¤ 20.00 60 0.0
11039 57 ¤ 19.50 28 0.0

21 ¤ 10.00 20 0.0

2 ¤ 19.00 30 0.2

11041 63 ¤ 43.90 30 0.0

44 ¤ 19.45 15 0.0

11042 61 ¤ 28.50 4 0.0

11 ¤ 21.00 10 0.0

62 ¤ 49.30 12 0.0

33 ¤ 2.50 15 0.0

11045 51 ¤ 53.00 24 0.0

12 ¤ 38.00 20 0.05

11046 32 ¤ 32.00 15 0.05
11046 35 ¤ 18.00 18 0.05

1 ¤ 18.00 25 0.25

11047 5 ¤ 21.35 30 0.25

68 ¤ 12.50 42 0.0

2 ¤ 19.00 10 0.2

11049 12 ¤ 38.00 4 0.2

76 ¤ 18.00 50 0.1

24 ¤ 4.50 10 0.2

43 ¤ 46.00 30 0.2

11052 61 ¤ 28.50 10 0.2

18 ¤ 62.50 35 0.2

11053 32 ¤ 32.00 20 0.0
11053 64 ¤ 33.25 25 0.2

33 ¤ 2.50 10 0.0

11054 67 ¤ 14.00 20 0.0

24 ¤ 4.50 15 0.0

11055 25 ¤ 14.00 15 0.0
11055 51 ¤ 53.00 20 0.0
11055 57 ¤ 19.50 20 0.0

7 ¤ 30.00 40 0.0

11056 55 ¤ 24.00 35 0.0
11056 60 ¤ 34.00 50 0.0

70 ¤ 15.00 3 0.0

21 ¤ 10.00 3 0.0

11058 60 ¤ 34.00 21 0.0
11058 61 ¤ 28.50 4 0.0

13 ¤ 6.00 30 0.0

11059 17 ¤ 39.00 12 0.0
11059 60 ¤ 34.00 35 0.0

60 ¤ 34.00 4 0.0

11060 77 ¤ 13.00 10 0.0

60 ¤ 34.00 15 0.0

53 ¤ 32.80 10 0.2

11062 70 ¤ 15.00 12 0.2

34 ¤ 14.00 30 0.0

11063 40 ¤ 18.40 40 0.1
11063 41 ¤ 9.65 30 0.1

17 ¤ 39.00 77 0.1

11064 41 ¤ 9.65 12 0.0
11064 53 ¤ 32.80 25 0.1
11064 55 ¤ 24.00 4 0.1
11064 68 ¤ 12.50 55 0.0

30 ¤ 25.89 4 0.25

11065 54 ¤ 7.45 20 0.25

16 ¤ 17.45 3 0.0

11066 19 ¤ 9.20 42 0.0
11066 34 ¤ 14.00 35 0.0

41 ¤ 9.65 9 0.0

28 ¤ 45.60 8 0.15

11068 43 ¤ 46.00 36 0.15
11068 77 ¤ 13.00 28 0.15

39 ¤ 18.00 20 0.0

1 ¤ 18.00 40 0.15

11070 2 ¤ 19.00 20 0.15
11070 16 ¤ 17.45 30 0.15
11070 31 ¤ 12.50 20 0.0

7 ¤ 30.00 15 0.05

11071 13 ¤ 6.00 10 0.05

2 ¤ 19.00 8 0.0

11072 41 ¤ 9.65 40 0.0
11072 50 ¤ 16.25 22 0.0
11072 64 ¤ 33.25 130 0.0

11 ¤ 21.00 10 0.0

11073 24 ¤ 4.50 20 0.0

16 ¤ 17.45 14 0.05

2 ¤ 19.00 10 0.15

11075 46 ¤ 12.00 30 0.15
11075 76 ¤ 18.00 2 0.15

6 ¤ 25.00 20 0.25

11076 14 ¤ 23.25 20 0.25
11076 19 ¤ 9.20 10 0.25

2 ¤ 19.00 24 0.2

11077 3 ¤ 10.00 4 0.0
11077 4 ¤ 22.00 1 0.0
11077 6 ¤ 25.00 1

11077 7 ¤ 30.00 1 0.05
11077 8 ¤ 40.00 2 0.1
11077 10 ¤ 31.00 1 0.0
11077 12 ¤ 38.00 2 0.05
11077 13 ¤ 6.00 4 0.0
11077 14 ¤ 23.25 1

11077 16 ¤ 17.45 2 0.03
11077 20 ¤ 81.00 1

11077 23 ¤ 9.00 2 0.0
11077 32 ¤ 32.00 1 0.0
11077 39 ¤ 18.00 2 0.05
11077 41 ¤ 9.65 3 0.0
11077 46 ¤ 12.00 3 0.02
11077 52 ¤ 7.00 2 0.0
11077 55 ¤ 24.00 2 0.0
11077 60 ¤ 34.00 2

11077 64 ¤ 33.25 2 0.03
11077 66 ¤ 17.00 1 0.0
11077 73 ¤ 15.00 2

11077 75 ¤ 7.75 4 0.0
11077 77 ¤ 13.00 2 0.0
OrderID ProductID UnitPrice Quantity Discount
10248 ¤ 14.00 0.0
¤ 9.80
¤ 34.80
10249 ¤ 18.60
¤ 42.40
10250 ¤ 7.70
¤ 16.80
10251 0.05
¤ 15.60
10252 ¤ 64.80
¤ 2.00
¤ 27.20
10253 ¤ 10.00
¤ 14.40
¤ 16.00
10254 ¤ 3.60
¤ 19.20
¤ 8.00
10255 ¤ 15.20
¤ 13.90
¤ 44.00
10256 ¤ 26.20
¤ 10.40
10257 ¤ 35.10
¤ 17.00
¤ 25.60
¤ 20.80
10260 0.25
¤ 39.40
¤ 12.00
¤ 24.00
¤ 30.40
¤ 20.70
10265 ¤ 31.20
10267 ¤ 14.70
10268 ¤ 99.00
¤ 27.80
¤ 36.80
10273 ¤ 24.80
10274 ¤ 17.20
¤ 4.80
10277 ¤ 36.40
10278 ¤ 15.50
¤ 6.20
10281 ¤ 7.30
10283 ¤ 12.40
¤ 11.20
¤ 9.60
10288 ¤ 5.90
¤ 26.60
10293 ¤ 50.00
¤ 28.80
10300 ¤ 13.60
10309 ¤ 17.60
¤ 20.00
¤ 10.60
10322 ¤ 5.60
¤ 210.80
10330 ¤ 24.90
¤ 7.60
10337 ¤ 7.20
¤ 32.00
10350 ¤ 13.00
¤ 10.20
¤ 22.80
10420 ¤ 77.60
10498 ¤ 4.50
¤ 18.40
10499 ¤ 45.60
10501 ¤ 7.45
10502 ¤ 9.50
¤ 32.80
10503 ¤ 23.25
¤ 21.05
10504 ¤ 19.00
¤ 28.50
10505 ¤ 49.30
¤ 15.00
10507 ¤ 46.00
¤ 12.75
10508 ¤ 6.00
¤ 18.00
10510 ¤ 123.79
¤ 7.75
10511 ¤ 22.00
¤ 30.00
¤ 40.00

¤ 34.00
10514 ¤ 81.00
¤ 38.00
10515 ¤ 97.00
¤ 17.45
¤ 43.90
¤ 2.50
10516 ¤ 62.50
¤ 9.65
10517 ¤ 7.00
¤ 55.00
¤ 263.50
¤ 19.45
10519 ¤ 31.00
¤ 12.50
¤ 25.89
10523 ¤ 39.00
¤ 26.00
10528 ¤ 21.00
¤ 36.00
¤ 19.50
¤ 53.00
¤ 13.25
¤ 31.23
¤ 21.50
¤ 9.00
¤ 9.20
10557 ¤ 33.25
10618 ¤ 25.00
¤ 21.35
¤ 16.25
OrderID CustomerID EmployeeID

10248 VINET 5


Vins et alcools Chevalier 59 rue de l’Abbaye Reims 51100 France

10249 TOMSP 6


Toms Spezialitäten Luisenstr. 48 Münster 44087 Germany

10250 HANAR 4


Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10251 VICTE 3 8/8/94 9/5/94


Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10252 SUPRD 4


Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10253 HANAR 3 8/10/94

8/16/94 2

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10254 CHOPS 5 8/11/94


Chop-suey Chinese

Bern 3012 Switzerland

10255 RICSU 9 8/12/94

8/15/94 3

Richter Supermarkt



10256 WELLI 3 8/15/94


Wellington Importadora Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil

10257 HILAA 4 8/16/94


HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10258 ERNSH 1 8/17/94

8/23/94 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz


10259 CENTC 4


Centro comercial Moctezuma Sierras de Granada 9993 México D.F.


10260 OTTIK 4



Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

10261 QUEDE 4 8/19/94 9/16/94


Que Delícia Rua da Panificadora, 12 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-673 Brazil

10262 RATTC 8 8/22/94

8/25/94 3

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10263 ERNSH 9 8/23/94


Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10264 FOLKO 6 8/24/94


Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10265 BLONP 2 8/25/94

9/12/94 1

Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg


10266 WARTH 3

8/31/94 3

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10267 FRANK 4 8/29/94

9/6/94 1

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10268 GROSR 8 8/30/94


GROSELLA-Restaurante 5ª Ave. Los Palos Grandes Caracas DF 1081 Venezuela

10269 WHITC 5 8/31/94 9/14/94 9/9/94 1

White Clover Markets

Seattle WA


10270 WARTH 1 9/1/94

9/2/94 1

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10271 SPLIR 6 9/1/94 9/29/94


Split Rail Beer & Ale P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 USA

10272 RATTC 6 9/2/94 9/30/94 9/6/94 2

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10273 QUICK 3 9/5/94

9/12/94 3

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde


10274 VINET 6 9/6/94

9/16/94 1

Vins et alcools Chevalier 59 rue de l’Abbaye Reims 51100 France

10275 MAGAA 1

9/9/94 1

Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10276 TORTU 8 9/8/94 9/22/94 9/14/94 3

Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10277 MORGK 2 9/9/94 10/7/94 9/13/94 3

Morgenstern Gesundkost Heerstr. 22 Leipzig 04179 Germany

10278 BERGS 8 9/12/94

9/16/94 2

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå


10279 LEHMS 8 9/13/94

9/16/94 2

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10280 BERGS 2 9/14/94


Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10281 ROMEY 4 9/14/94

9/21/94 1

Romero y tomillo Gran Vía, 1 Madrid 28001 Spain

10282 ROMEY 4 9/15/94 10/13/94 9/21/94 1

Romero y tomillo Gran Vía, 1 Madrid 28001 Spain

10283 LILAS 3 9/16/94

9/23/94 3

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10284 LEHMS 4 9/19/94

9/27/94 1

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10285 QUICK 1 9/20/94

9/26/94 2

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10286 QUICK 8 9/21/94

9/30/94 3

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10287 RICAR 8 9/22/94

9/28/94 3

Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10288 REGGC 4 9/23/94

10/4/94 1 ¤ 7.45 Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10289 BSBEV 7 9/26/94

9/28/94 3

B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

10290 COMMI 8 9/27/94

10/4/94 1

Comércio Mineiro Av. dos Lusíadas, 23 São Paulo SP


10291 QUEDE 6 9/27/94 10/25/94 10/5/94 2

Que Delícia Rua da Panificadora, 12 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-673 Brazil

10292 TRADH 1 9/28/94

10/3/94 2

Tradição Hipermercados Av. Inês de Castro, 414 São Paulo SP 05634-030 Brazil

10293 TORTU 1 9/29/94

10/12/94 3

Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10294 RATTC 4 9/30/94


Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10295 VINET 2 10/3/94

10/11/94 2

Vins et alcools Chevalier 59 rue de l’Abbaye Reims 51100 France

10296 LILAS 6 10/4/94

10/12/94 1

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10297 BLONP 5 10/5/94

10/11/94 2

Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

10298 HUNGO 6 10/6/94

10/12/94 2

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10299 RICAR 4 10/7/94

10/14/94 2

Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10300 MAGAA 2 10/10/94

10/19/94 2

Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10301 WANDK 8 10/10/94 11/7/94 10/18/94 2

Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany

10302 SUPRD 4 10/11/94


Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10303 GODOS 7 10/12/94 11/9/94 10/19/94 2

Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla


10304 TORTU 1 10/13/94

10/18/94 2

Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10305 OLDWO 8 10/14/94

11/9/94 3

Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10306 ROMEY 1 10/17/94

10/24/94 3

Romero y tomillo Gran Vía, 1 Madrid 28001 Spain

10307 LONEP 2 10/18/94 11/15/94 10/26/94 2

Lonesome Pine Restaurant 89 Chiaroscuro Rd. Portland OR 97219 USA

10308 ANATR 7 10/19/94 11/16/94 10/25/94 3

México D.F.


10309 HUNGO 3 10/20/94


Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10310 THEBI 8 10/21/94

10/28/94 2

The Big Cheese 89 Jefferson Way
Suite 2 Portland OR 97201 USA

10311 DUMON 1 10/21/94 11/4/94 10/27/94 3

Du monde entier 67, rue des Cinquante Otages Nantes 44000 France

10312 WANDK 2 10/24/94

11/3/94 2

Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany

10313 QUICK 2 10/25/94

11/4/94 2

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10314 RATTC 1 10/26/94 11/23/94 11/4/94 2

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10315 ISLAT 4 10/27/94

11/3/94 2

Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10316 RATTC 1 10/28/94

11/8/94 3

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10317 LONEP 6 10/31/94

11/10/94 1 ¤ 12.69 Lonesome Pine Restaurant 89 Chiaroscuro Rd. Portland OR 97219 USA

10318 ISLAT 8 11/1/94

11/4/94 2

Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10319 TORTU 7

11/11/94 3

Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10320 WARTH 5 11/3/94 11/17/94 11/18/94 3

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10321 ISLAT 3 11/3/94

11/11/94 2

Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10322 PERIC 7 11/4/94

11/23/94 3

Pericles Comidas clásicas

México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10323 KOENE 4 11/7/94

11/14/94 1

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg


10324 SAVEA 9 11/8/94

11/10/94 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10325 KOENE 1 11/9/94 11/23/94 11/14/94 3

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10326 BOLID 4 11/10/94

11/14/94 2

Bólido Comidas preparadas C/ Araquil, 67 Madrid


10327 FOLKO 2 11/11/94

11/14/94 1

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10328 FURIB 4 11/14/94

11/17/94 3

Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar Jardim das rosas n. 32 Lisboa 1675 Portugal

10329 SPLIR 4 11/15/94

11/23/94 2

Split Rail Beer & Ale P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 USA

10330 LILAS 3 11/16/94

11/28/94 1 ¤ 12.75 LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10331 BONAP 9 11/16/94

11/21/94 1

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille


10332 MEREP 3 11/17/94

11/21/94 2

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10333 WARTH 5 11/18/94

11/25/94 3

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10334 VICTE 8 11/21/94

11/28/94 2

Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10335 HUNGO 7 11/22/94

11/24/94 2

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10336 PRINI 7 11/23/94

11/25/94 2

Princesa Isabel Vinhos Estrada da saúde n. 58 Lisboa 1756 Portugal

10337 FRANK 4 11/24/94

11/29/94 3

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10338 OLDWO 4 11/25/94

11/29/94 3

Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10339 MEREP 2 11/28/94

12/5/94 2

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10340 BONAP 1 11/29/94 12/27/94 12/9/94 3

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10341 SIMOB 7 11/29/94 12/27/94 12/6/94 3

Simons bistro Vinbæltet 34 København 1734 Denmark

10342 FRANK 4 11/30/94 12/14/94 12/5/94 2

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10343 LEHMS 4 12/1/94 12/29/94


Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10344 WHITC 4 12/2/94

12/6/94 2

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10345 QUICK 2 12/5/94

12/12/94 2

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10346 RATTC 3 12/6/94

12/9/94 3

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10347 FAMIA 4 12/7/94

12/9/94 3

Familia Arquibaldo Rua Orós, 92 São Paulo SP 05442-030 Brazil

10348 WANDK 4 12/8/94

12/16/94 2

Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany

10349 SPLIR 7 12/9/94

12/16/94 1

Split Rail Beer & Ale P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 USA

10350 LAMAI 6 12/12/94


La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10351 ERNSH 1 12/12/94 1/9/95 12/21/94 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10352 FURIB 3

12/27/94 12/19/94 3

Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar Jardim das rosas n. 32 Lisboa 1675 Portugal

10353 PICCO 7 12/14/94

12/26/94 3

Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria

10354 PERIC 8

12/21/94 3

Pericles Comidas clásicas Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10355 AROUT 6 12/16/94

12/21/94 1

Around the Horn


10356 WANDK 6 12/19/94

12/28/94 2

Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany

10357 LILAS 1 12/20/94 1/17/95 1/2/95 3

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10358 LAMAI 5 12/21/94

12/28/94 1

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10359 SEVES 5 12/22/94

12/27/94 3

Seven Seas Imports 90 Wadhurst Rd. London OX15 4NB UK

10360 BLONP 4 12/23/94

1/2/95 3

Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

10361 QUICK 1 12/23/94 1/20/95 1/3/95 2

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10362 BONAP 3 12/26/94

12/29/94 1

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10363 DRACD 4 12/27/94

1/4/95 3

Drachenblut Delikatessen Walserweg 21 Aachen


10364 EASTC 1 12/27/94

1/4/95 1

Eastern Connection

London WX3 6FW UK

10365 ANTON 3 12/28/94

1/2/95 2 ¤ 22.00

México D.F. 05023 Mexico

10366 GALED 8 12/29/94


Rambla de Cataluña, 23 Barcelona 8022 Spain

10367 VAFFE 7 12/29/94

1/2/95 3

Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10368 ERNSH 2 12/30/94

1/2/95 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10369 SPLIR 8 1/2/95 1/30/95 1/9/95 2

Split Rail Beer & Ale P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 USA

10370 CHOPS 6 1/3/95

1/27/95 2

Chop-suey Chinese Hauptstr. 31 Bern 3012 Switzerland

10371 LAMAI 1 1/3/95 1/31/95 1/24/95 1

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10372 QUEEN 5 1/4/95

1/9/95 2

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10373 HUNGO 4 1/5/95

1/11/95 3

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10374 WOLZA 1 1/5/95 2/2/95 1/9/95 3

ul. Filtrowa 68 Warszawa 01-012 Poland

10375 HUNGC 3 1/6/95

1/9/95 2

Hungry Coyote Import Store City Center Plaza
516 Main St. Elgin OR 97827 USA

10376 MEREP 1 1/9/95

1/13/95 2

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10377 SEVES 1 1/9/95 2/6/95 1/13/95 3

Seven Seas Imports 90 Wadhurst Rd. London OX15 4NB UK

10378 FOLKO 5

2/7/95 1/19/95 3

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10379 QUEDE 2 1/11/95

1/13/95 1

Que Delícia Rua da Panificadora, 12 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-673 Brazil

10380 HUNGO 8 1/12/95 2/9/95


Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10381 LILAS 3 1/12/95 2/9/95 1/13/95 3

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10382 ERNSH 4 1/13/95

1/16/95 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10383 AROUT 8 1/16/95

1/18/95 3

Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10384 BERGS 3 1/16/95 2/13/95 1/20/95 3

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10385 SPLIR 1 1/17/95

1/23/95 2

Split Rail Beer & Ale P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 USA

10386 FAMIA 9 1/18/95 2/1/95 1/25/95 3

Familia Arquibaldo Rua Orós, 92 São Paulo SP 05442-030 Brazil

10387 SANTG 1 1/18/95

1/20/95 2

Santé Gourmet Erling Skakkes gate 78 Stavern 4110 Norway

10388 SEVES 2 1/19/95 2/16/95 1/20/95 1

Seven Seas Imports 90 Wadhurst Rd. London OX15 4NB UK

10389 BOTTM 4 1/20/95

1/24/95 2

Bottom-Dollar Markets

Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10390 ERNSH 6 1/23/95

1/26/95 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10391 DRACD 3 1/23/95 2/20/95 1/31/95 3

Drachenblut Delikatessen Walserweg 21 Aachen 52066 Germany

10392 PICCO 2 1/24/95

2/1/95 3

Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria

10393 SAVEA 1 1/25/95

2/3/95 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10394 HUNGC 1 1/25/95 2/22/95 2/3/95 3

Hungry Coyote Import Store City Center Plaza
516 Main St. Elgin OR 97827 USA

10395 HILAA 6 1/26/95

2/3/95 1

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10396 FRANK 1 1/27/95 2/10/95 2/6/95 3

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10397 PRINI 5 1/27/95

2/2/95 1

Princesa Isabel Vinhos Estrada da saúde n. 58 Lisboa 1756 Portugal

10398 SAVEA 2 1/30/95

2/9/95 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10399 VAFFE 8 1/31/95 2/14/95 2/8/95 3

Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10400 EASTC 1 2/1/95

2/16/95 3

Eastern Connection 35 King George London WX3 6FW UK

10401 RATTC 1 2/1/95 3/1/95 2/10/95 1

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10402 ERNSH 8 2/2/95

2/10/95 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10403 ERNSH 4 2/3/95

2/9/95 3

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10404 MAGAA 2 2/3/95 3/3/95 2/8/95 1

Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10405 LINOD 1 2/6/95

2/22/95 1

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10406 QUEEN 7 2/7/95

2/13/95 1

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10407 OTTIK 2 2/7/95


Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

10408 FOLIG 8 2/8/95

2/14/95 1

Folies gourmandes



10409 OCEAN 3 2/9/95

2/14/95 1

Océano Atlántico Ltda. Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585
Piso 20-A Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10410 BOTTM 3 2/10/95

2/15/95 3

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10411 BOTTM 9 2/10/95 3/10/95 2/21/95 3

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10412 WARTH 8 2/13/95

2/15/95 2

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10413 LAMAI 3 2/14/95

2/16/95 2

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10414 FAMIA 2 2/14/95 3/14/95 2/17/95 3

Familia Arquibaldo Rua Orós, 92 São Paulo SP 05442-030 Brazil

10415 HUNGC 3 2/15/95

2/24/95 1

Hungry Coyote Import Store City Center Plaza
516 Main St. Elgin OR 97827 USA

10416 WARTH 8 2/16/95 3/16/95 2/27/95 3

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10417 SIMOB 4 2/16/95 3/16/95


Simons bistro Vinbæltet 34 København 1734 Denmark

10418 QUICK 4 2/17/95

2/24/95 1

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10419 RICSU 4 2/20/95

3/2/95 2

Richter Supermarkt Starenweg 5 Genève 1204 Switzerland

10420 WELLI 3 2/21/95 3/21/95 2/27/95 1

Wellington Importadora Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil

10421 QUEDE 8 2/21/95

2/27/95 1

Que Delícia Rua da Panificadora, 12 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-673 Brazil

10422 FRANS 2 2/22/95

3/3/95 1

Franchi S.p.A. Via Monte Bianco 34 Torino


10423 GOURL 6 2/23/95 3/9/95


Gourmet Lanchonetes Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas SP 04876-786 Brazil

10424 MEREP 7 2/23/95

2/27/95 2

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10425 LAMAI 6 2/24/95

3/17/95 2

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10426 GALED 4 2/27/95 3/27/95 3/9/95 1

Galería del gastronómo Rambla de Cataluña, 23 Barcelona 8022 Spain

10427 PICCO 4 2/27/95 3/27/95


Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria

10428 REGGC 7 2/28/95

3/7/95 1

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10429 HUNGO 3 3/1/95

3/10/95 2

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10430 ERNSH 4 3/2/95 3/16/95 3/6/95 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10431 BOTTM 4 3/2/95 3/16/95 3/10/95 2

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10432 SPLIR 3 3/3/95 3/17/95 3/10/95 2

Split Rail Beer & Ale P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 USA

10433 PRINI 3 3/6/95 4/3/95 4/4/95 3

Princesa Isabel Vinhos Estrada da saúde n. 58 Lisboa 1756 Portugal

10434 FOLKO 3 3/6/95 4/3/95 3/16/95 2

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10435 CONSH 8 3/7/95

3/10/95 2

Consolidated Holdings Berkeley Gardens
12 Brewery London WX1 6LT UK

10436 BLONP 3 3/8/95

3/14/95 2

Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

10437 WARTH 8 3/8/95 4/5/95 3/15/95 1

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10438 TOMSP 3 3/9/95

3/17/95 2

Toms Spezialitäten Luisenstr. 48 Münster 44087 Germany

10439 MEREP 6 3/10/95

3/13/95 3

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10440 SAVEA 4 3/13/95


Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10441 OLDWO 3 3/13/95


Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10442 ERNSH 3 3/14/95

3/21/95 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10443 REGGC 8 3/15/95 4/12/95 3/17/95 1

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10444 BERGS 3 3/15/95 4/12/95 3/24/95 3

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10445 BERGS 3 3/16/95

3/23/95 1

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10446 TOMSP 6 3/17/95 4/14/95 3/22/95 1

Toms Spezialitäten Luisenstr. 48 Münster 44087 Germany

10447 RICAR 4 3/17/95 4/14/95 4/7/95 2

Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10448 RANCH 4 3/20/95

3/27/95 2

Rancho grande Av. del Libertador 900 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10449 BLONP 3 3/21/95 4/18/95


Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

10450 VICTE 8 3/22/95

4/11/95 2

Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10451 QUICK 4 3/22/95 4/5/95 4/12/95 3

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10452 SAVEA 8 3/23/95


Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10453 AROUT 1 3/24/95

3/29/95 2

Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10454 LAMAI 4 3/24/95 4/21/95 3/28/95 3

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10455 WARTH 8 3/27/95

4/3/95 2

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10456 KOENE 8 3/28/95

3/31/95 2

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10457 KOENE 2 3/28/95

4/3/95 1

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10458 SUPRD 7 3/29/95

4/4/95 3

Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10459 VICTE 4 3/30/95

3/31/95 2

Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10460 FOLKO 8 3/31/95

4/3/95 1

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10461 LILAS 1 3/31/95 4/28/95 4/5/95 3

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10462 CONSH 2 4/3/95

4/18/95 1

Consolidated Holdings Berkeley Gardens
12 Brewery London WX1 6LT UK

10463 SUPRD 5 4/4/95

4/6/95 3

Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10464 FURIB 4 4/4/95 5/2/95 4/14/95 2

Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar Jardim das rosas n. 32 Lisboa 1675 Portugal

10465 VAFFE 1 4/5/95

4/14/95 3

Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10466 COMMI 4 4/6/95

4/13/95 1

Comércio Mineiro Av. dos Lusíadas, 23 São Paulo SP 05432-043 Brazil

10467 MAGAA 8 4/6/95 5/4/95 4/11/95 2

Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10468 KOENE 3 4/7/95

4/12/95 3 ¤ 44.12 Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10469 WHITC 1 4/10/95 5/8/95 4/14/95 1

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10470 BONAP 4 4/11/95 5/9/95 4/14/95 2

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10471 BSBEV 2 4/11/95 5/9/95 4/18/95 3

B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

10472 SEVES 8 4/12/95

4/19/95 1

Seven Seas Imports 90 Wadhurst Rd. London OX15 4NB UK

10473 ISLAT 1 4/13/95 4/27/95 4/21/95 3

Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10474 PERIC 5 4/13/95

4/21/95 2

Pericles Comidas clásicas Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10475 SUPRD 9 4/14/95

5/5/95 1

Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10476 HILAA 8 4/17/95

4/24/95 3

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10477 PRINI 5 4/17/95 5/15/95 4/25/95 2

Princesa Isabel Vinhos Estrada da saúde n. 58 Lisboa 1756 Portugal

10478 VICTE 2 4/18/95 5/2/95 4/26/95 3

Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10479 RATTC 3 4/19/95

4/21/95 3

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10480 FOLIG 6 4/20/95

4/24/95 2 ¤ 1.35 Folies gourmandes 184, chaussée de Tournai Lille 59000 France

10481 RICAR 8 4/20/95 5/18/95 4/25/95 2

Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10482 LAZYK 1 4/21/95

5/11/95 3

Lazy K Kountry Store 12 Orchestra Terrace Walla Walla WA


10483 WHITC 7 4/24/95


White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10484 BSBEV 3 4/24/95 5/22/95 5/2/95 3

B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

10485 LINOD 4 4/25/95 5/9/95 5/1/95 2

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10486 HILAA 1 4/26/95

5/3/95 2

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10487 QUEEN 2 4/26/95 5/24/95 4/28/95 2

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10488 FRANK 8 4/27/95

5/3/95 2 ¤ 4.93 Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10489 PICCO 6 4/28/95 5/26/95 5/10/95 2

Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria

10490 HILAA 7 5/1/95

5/4/95 2

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10491 FURIB 8 5/1/95 5/29/95 5/9/95 3

Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar Jardim das rosas n. 32 Lisboa 1675 Portugal

10492 BOTTM 3 5/2/95

5/12/95 1

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10493 LAMAI 4 5/3/95

5/11/95 3

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10494 COMMI 4 5/3/95 5/31/95 5/10/95 2

Comércio Mineiro Av. dos Lusíadas, 23 São Paulo SP 05432-043 Brazil

10495 LAUGB 3 5/4/95

5/12/95 3

Laughing Bacchus Wine Cellars

Vancouver BC V3F 2K1 Canada

10496 TRADH 7 5/5/95

5/8/95 2

Tradição Hipermercados Av. Inês de Castro, 414 São Paulo SP 05634-030 Brazil

10497 LEHMS 7 5/5/95 6/2/95 5/8/95 1

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10498 HILAA 8 5/8/95

5/12/95 2

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10499 LILAS 4 5/9/95

5/17/95 2

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10500 LAMAI 6 5/10/95

5/18/95 1

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10501 BLAUS 9 5/10/95 6/7/95 5/17/95 3

Blauer See Delikatessen Forsterstr. 57 Mannheim


10502 PERIC 2 5/11/95

5/30/95 1

Pericles Comidas clásicas Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10503 HUNGO 6 5/12/95

5/17/95 2

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10504 WHITC 4 5/12/95 6/9/95 5/19/95 3

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10505 MEREP 3 5/15/95

5/22/95 3

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10506 KOENE 9

6/2/95 2

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10507 ANTON 7 5/16/95 6/13/95


Antonio Moreno Taquería Mataderos 2312 México D.F. 05023 Mexico

10508 OTTIK 1 5/17/95

6/13/95 2

Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

10509 BLAUS 4 5/18/95

5/30/95 1

Blauer See Delikatessen Forsterstr. 57 Mannheim 68306 Germany

10510 SAVEA 6 5/19/95

5/29/95 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10511 BONAP 4 5/19/95 6/16/95 5/22/95 3

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10512 FAMIA 7 5/22/95

5/25/95 2

Familia Arquibaldo Rua Orós, 92 São Paulo SP 05442-030 Brazil

10513 WANDK 7 5/23/95

5/29/95 1

Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany

10514 ERNSH 3 5/23/95

6/16/95 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10515 QUICK 2 5/24/95 6/7/95


QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10516 HUNGO 2 5/25/95

6/1/95 3

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10517 NORTS 3 5/25/95 6/22/95 5/30/95 3

North/South South House
300 Queensbridge London SW7 1RZ UK

10518 TORTU 4 5/26/95 6/9/95 6/5/95 2

Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10519 CHOPS 6 5/29/95

6/1/95 3

Chop-suey Chinese Hauptstr. 31 Bern 3012 Switzerland

10520 SANTG 7 5/30/95

6/1/95 1

Santé Gourmet Erling Skakkes gate 78 Stavern 4110 Norway


8 5/30/95 6/27/95 6/2/95 2

Cactus Comidas para llevar

Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10522 LEHMS 4 5/31/95

6/6/95 1

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10523 SEVES 7 6/1/95


Seven Seas Imports 90 Wadhurst Rd. London OX15 4NB UK

10524 BERGS 1 6/1/95 6/29/95 6/7/95 2

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10525 BONAP 1 6/2/95 6/30/95 6/23/95 2

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10526 WARTH 4 6/5/95

6/15/95 2

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10527 QUICK 7 6/5/95 7/3/95 6/7/95 1

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10528 GREAL 6 6/6/95 6/20/95 6/9/95 2

Great Lakes Food Market

Eugene OR 97403 USA

10529 MAISD 5 6/7/95

6/9/95 2

Maison Dewey Rue Joseph-Bens 532 Bruxelles B-1180 Belgium

10530 PICCO 3 6/8/95

6/12/95 2

Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria

10531 OCEAN 7 6/8/95 7/6/95 6/19/95 1 ¤ 8.12 Océano Atlántico Ltda. Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585
Piso 20-A Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina
10532 EASTC 7 6/9/95

6/12/95 3

Eastern Connection 35 King George London WX3 6FW UK

10533 FOLKO 8 6/12/95

6/22/95 1

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10534 LEHMS 8 6/12/95 7/10/95 6/14/95 2

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10535 ANTON 4 6/13/95


Antonio Moreno Taquería Mataderos 2312 México D.F. 05023 Mexico

10536 LEHMS 3 6/14/95

7/7/95 2

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10537 RICSU 1 6/14/95 6/28/95 6/19/95 1

Richter Supermarkt Starenweg 5 Genève 1204 Switzerland

10538 BSBEV 9 6/15/95

6/16/95 3

B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

10539 BSBEV 6 6/16/95

6/23/95 3

B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

10540 QUICK 3 6/19/95

7/14/95 3

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10541 HANAR 2 6/19/95 7/17/95 6/29/95 1

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10542 KOENE 1 6/20/95

6/26/95 3

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10543 LILAS 8 6/21/95

6/23/95 2

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10544 LONEP 4 6/21/95 7/19/95 6/30/95 1

Lonesome Pine Restaurant 89 Chiaroscuro Rd. Portland OR 97219 USA

10545 LAZYK 8 6/22/95


Lazy K Kountry Store 12 Orchestra Terrace Walla Walla WA 99362 USA

10546 VICTE 1 6/23/95

6/27/95 3

Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10547 SEVES 3 6/23/95 7/21/95 7/3/95 2

Seven Seas Imports 90 Wadhurst Rd. London OX15 4NB UK

10548 TOMSP 3 6/26/95

7/3/95 2

Toms Spezialitäten Luisenstr. 48 Münster 44087 Germany

10549 QUICK 5 6/27/95 7/11/95 6/30/95 1

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10550 GODOS 7 6/28/95

7/7/95 3

Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 41101 Spain

10551 FURIB 4 6/28/95

7/7/95 3

Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar Jardim das rosas n. 32 Lisboa 1675 Portugal

10552 HILAA 2 6/29/95 7/27/95 7/6/95 1

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10553 WARTH 2 6/30/95

7/4/95 2

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10554 OTTIK 4 6/30/95 7/28/95 7/6/95 3

Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

10555 SAVEA 6 7/3/95

7/5/95 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10556 SIMOB 2 7/4/95

7/14/95 1 ¤ 9.80 Simons bistro Vinbæltet 34 København 1734 Denmark

10557 LEHMS 9 7/4/95 7/18/95 7/7/95 2

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10558 AROUT 1 7/5/95

7/11/95 2

Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10559 BLONP 6 7/6/95

7/14/95 1

Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

10560 FRANK 8 7/7/95

7/10/95 1

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10561 FOLKO 2 7/7/95 8/4/95 7/10/95 2

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10562 REGGC 1 7/10/95

7/13/95 1

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10563 RICAR 2 7/11/95


Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10564 RATTC 4 7/11/95

7/17/95 3

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10565 MEREP 8 7/12/95 8/9/95 7/19/95 2

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10566 BLONP 9 7/13/95

7/19/95 1

Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

10567 HUNGO 1 7/13/95 8/10/95 7/18/95 1

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10568 GALED 3 7/14/95

8/9/95 3

Galería del gastronómo Rambla de Cataluña, 23 Barcelona 8022 Spain

10569 RATTC 5 7/17/95

8/11/95 1

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10570 MEREP 3 7/18/95 8/15/95 7/20/95 3

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10571 ERNSH 8 7/18/95

8/4/95 3

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10572 BERGS 3 7/19/95

7/26/95 2

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10573 ANTON 7 7/20/95

7/21/95 3

Antonio Moreno Taquería Mataderos 2312 México D.F. 05023 Mexico

10574 TRAIH 4 7/20/95 8/17/95 7/31/95 2

Trail’s Head Gourmet Provisioners 722 DaVinci Blvd. Kirkland WA 98034 USA

10575 MORGK 5 7/21/95 8/4/95 7/31/95 1

Morgenstern Gesundkost Heerstr. 22 Leipzig 04179 Germany

10576 TORTU 3 7/24/95 8/7/95 7/31/95 3

Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10577 TRAIH 9 7/24/95

7/31/95 2

Trail’s Head Gourmet Provisioners 722 DaVinci Blvd. Kirkland WA 98034 USA

10578 BSBEV 4 7/25/95 8/22/95


B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

10579 LETSS 1 7/26/95

8/4/95 2

Let’s Stop N Shop 87 Polk St.
Suite 5 San Francisco CA 94117 USA

10580 OTTIK 4 7/27/95


Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

10581 FAMIA 3 7/27/95 8/24/95 8/2/95 1

Familia Arquibaldo Rua Orós, 92 São Paulo SP 05442-030 Brazil

10582 BLAUS 3 7/28/95 8/25/95 8/14/95 2

Blauer See Delikatessen Forsterstr. 57 Mannheim 68306 Germany

10583 WARTH 2 7/31/95

8/4/95 2

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10584 BLONP 4 7/31/95 8/28/95 8/4/95 1

Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

10585 WELLI 7 8/1/95 8/29/95 8/10/95 1

Wellington Importadora Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil

10586 REGGC 9 8/2/95

8/9/95 1

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10587 QUEDE 1 8/2/95 8/30/95 8/9/95 1

Que Delícia Rua da Panificadora, 12 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-673 Brazil

10588 QUICK 2 8/3/95

8/10/95 3

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10589 GREAL 8 8/4/95

8/14/95 2

Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

10590 MEREP 4 8/7/95 9/4/95 8/14/95 3

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10591 VAFFE 1 8/7/95

8/16/95 1

Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10592 LEHMS 3 8/8/95

8/16/95 1

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10593 LEHMS 7 8/9/95


Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10594 OLDWO 3 8/9/95 9/6/95 8/16/95 2

Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10595 ERNSH 2 8/10/95

8/14/95 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10596 WHITC 8 8/11/95


White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10597 PICCO 7 8/11/95 9/8/95


Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria

10598 RATTC 1 8/14/95

8/18/95 3

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10599 BSBEV 6 8/15/95

8/21/95 3

B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

10600 HUNGC 4 8/16/95 9/13/95 8/21/95 1

Hungry Coyote Import Store City Center Plaza
516 Main St. Elgin OR 97827 USA

10601 HILAA 7 8/16/95

8/22/95 1

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10602 VAFFE 8 8/17/95

8/22/95 2

Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10603 SAVEA 8 8/18/95

9/8/95 2

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10604 FURIB 1 8/18/95 9/15/95 8/29/95 1

Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar Jardim das rosas n. 32 Lisboa 1675 Portugal

10605 MEREP 1 8/21/95

8/29/95 2

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10606 TRADH 4 8/22/95

8/31/95 3

Tradição Hipermercados Av. Inês de Castro, 414 São Paulo SP 05634-030 Brazil

10607 SAVEA 5 8/22/95 9/19/95 8/25/95 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10608 TOMSP 4 8/23/95

9/1/95 2

Toms Spezialitäten Luisenstr. 48 Münster 44087 Germany

10609 DUMON 7 8/24/95

8/30/95 2

Du monde entier 67, rue des Cinquante Otages Nantes 44000 France

10610 LAMAI 8 8/25/95

9/6/95 1 ¤ 26.78 La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10611 WOLZA 6 8/25/95 9/22/95 9/1/95 2

Wolski Zajazd ul. Filtrowa 68 Warszawa 01-012 Poland

10612 SAVEA 1 8/28/95

9/1/95 2

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10613 HILAA 4 8/29/95 9/26/95 9/1/95 2

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10614 BLAUS 8 8/29/95 9/26/95 9/1/95 3

Blauer See Delikatessen Forsterstr. 57 Mannheim 68306 Germany

10615 WILMK 2 8/30/95 9/27/95 9/6/95 3

Wilman Kala Keskuskatu 45 Helsinki 21240 Finland

10616 GREAL 1 8/31/95

9/5/95 2

Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

10617 GREAL 4 8/31/95 9/28/95 9/4/95 2

Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

10618 MEREP 1 9/1/95

9/8/95 1

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10619 MEREP 3 9/4/95

9/7/95 3

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10620 LAUGB 2 9/5/95

9/14/95 3

Laughing Bacchus Wine Cellars 2319 Elm St. Vancouver BC V3F 2K1 Canada

10621 ISLAT 4 9/5/95 10/3/95 9/11/95 2

Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10622 RICAR 4 9/6/95

9/11/95 3

Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10623 FRANK 8 9/7/95

9/12/95 2

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10624 THECR 4 9/7/95 10/5/95 9/19/95 2

The Cracker Box 55 Grizzly Peak Rd. Butte MT 59801 USA

10625 ANATR 3 9/8/95

9/14/95 1 ¤ 43.90 Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Avda. de la Constitución 2222 México D.F. 05021 Mexico

10626 BERGS 1 9/11/95

9/20/95 2

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10627 SAVEA 8 9/11/95

9/21/95 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10628 BLONP 4 9/12/95

9/20/95 3

Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

10629 GODOS 4 9/12/95 10/10/95 9/20/95 3

Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 41101 Spain

10630 KOENE 1 9/13/95

9/19/95 2

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10631 LAMAI 8 9/14/95

9/15/95 1

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10632 WANDK 8 9/14/95 10/12/95 9/19/95 1

Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany

10633 ERNSH 7 9/15/95 10/13/95 9/18/95 3

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10634 FOLIG 4 9/15/95 10/13/95 9/21/95 3

Folies gourmandes 184, chaussée de Tournai Lille 59000 France

10635 MAGAA 8 9/18/95

9/21/95 3

Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10636 WARTH 4 9/19/95

9/26/95 1 ¤ 1.15 Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10637 QUEEN 6 9/19/95 10/17/95 9/26/95 1

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10638 LINOD 3 9/20/95

10/2/95 1

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10639 SANTG 7 9/20/95 10/18/95 9/27/95 3

Santé Gourmet Erling Skakkes gate 78 Stavern 4110 Norway

10640 WANDK 4 9/21/95

9/28/95 1

Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany

10641 HILAA 4 9/22/95

9/26/95 2

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10642 SIMOB 7 9/22/95 10/20/95 10/6/95 3

Simons bistro Vinbæltet 34 København 1734 Denmark

10643 ALFKI 6 9/25/95 10/23/95 10/3/95 1

Alfreds Futterkiste



10644 WELLI 3 9/25/95 10/23/95 10/2/95 2

Wellington Importadora Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil

10645 HANAR 4 9/26/95

10/3/95 1

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10646 HUNGO 9 9/27/95

10/4/95 3

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10647 QUEDE 4 9/27/95 10/11/95 10/4/95 2

Que Delícia Rua da Panificadora, 12 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-673 Brazil

10648 RICAR 5 9/28/95

10/10/95 2

Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10649 MAISD 5 9/28/95

3 ¤ 6.20 Maison Dewey Rue Joseph-Bens 532 Bruxelles B-1180 Belgium

10650 FAMIA 5 9/29/95

10/4/95 3

Familia Arquibaldo Rua Orós, 92 São Paulo SP 05442-030 Brazil

10651 WANDK 8 10/2/95

10/12/95 2

Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany

10652 GOURL 4 10/2/95 10/30/95 10/9/95 2

Gourmet Lanchonetes Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas SP 04876-786 Brazil

10653 FRANK 1 10/3/95

10/20/95 1

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10654 BERGS 5 10/3/95 10/31/95 10/12/95 1

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10655 REGGC 1 10/4/95

10/12/95 2 ¤ 4.41 Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10656 GREAL 6 10/5/95

10/11/95 1

Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

10657 SAVEA 2 10/5/95 11/2/95 10/16/95 2

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10658 QUICK 4 10/6/95

10/9/95 1

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10659 QUEEN 7 10/6/95 11/3/95 10/11/95 2

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10660 HUNGC 8 10/9/95



Hungry Coyote Import Store City Center Plaza
516 Main St. Elgin OR 97827 USA

10661 HUNGO 7 10/10/95

10/16/95 3 ¤ 17.55 Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10662 LONEP 3 10/10/95 11/7/95 10/19/95 2

Lonesome Pine Restaurant 89 Chiaroscuro Rd. Portland OR 97219 USA

10663 BONAP 2 10/11/95

11/3/95 2


Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10664 FURIB 1 10/11/95 11/8/95 10/20/95 3

Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar Jardim das rosas n. 32 Lisboa 1675 Portugal

10665 LONEP 1 10/12/95 11/9/95 10/18/95 2

Lonesome Pine Restaurant 89 Chiaroscuro Rd. Portland OR 97219 USA

10666 RICSU 7 10/13/95

10/23/95 2

Richter Supermarkt Starenweg 5 Genève 1204 Switzerland

10667 ERNSH 7 10/13/95 11/10/95 10/20/95 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10668 WANDK 1 10/16/95

10/24/95 2

Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany

10669 SIMOB 2 10/16/95 11/13/95 10/23/95 1

Simons bistro Vinbæltet 34 København 1734 Denmark

10670 FRANK 4 10/17/95

10/19/95 1

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10671 FRANR 1 10/18/95 11/15/95 10/25/95 1 ¤ 30.34 France restauration 54, rue Royale Nantes 44000 France
10672 BERGS 9 10/18/95 11/1/95 10/27/95 2

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10673 WILMK 2 10/19/95

10/20/95 1

Wilman Kala Keskuskatu 45 Helsinki 21240 Finland

10674 ISLAT 4 10/19/95 11/16/95 10/31/95 2

Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10675 FRANK 5 10/20/95

10/24/95 2

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10676 TORTU 2 10/23/95

10/30/95 2

Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10677 ANTON 1 10/23/95 11/20/95 10/27/95 3

Antonio Moreno Taquería Mataderos 2312 México D.F. 05023 Mexico

10678 SAVEA 7 10/24/95

11/16/95 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10679 BLONP 8 10/24/95 11/21/95 10/31/95 3 ¤ 27.94 Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France
10680 OLDWO 1 10/25/95

10/27/95 1

Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10681 GREAL 3 10/26/95

10/31/95 3

Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

10682 ANTON 3 10/26/95 11/23/95 11/1/95 2

Antonio Moreno Taquería Mataderos 2312 México D.F. 05023 Mexico

10683 DUMON 2 10/27/95

11/1/95 1

Du monde entier 67, rue des Cinquante Otages Nantes 44000 France

10684 OTTIK 3 10/27/95 11/24/95 10/31/95 1

Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

10685 GOURL 4 10/30/95 11/13/95 11/3/95 2

Gourmet Lanchonetes Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas SP 04876-786 Brazil

10686 PICCO 2 10/31/95

11/8/95 1

Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria

10687 HUNGO 9 10/31/95 11/28/95


Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10688 VAFFE 4 11/1/95 11/15/95 11/7/95 2

Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10689 BERGS 1 11/1/95

11/7/95 2

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10690 HANAR 1 11/2/95 11/30/95 11/3/95 1

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10691 QUICK 2 11/3/95

11/22/95 2

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10692 ALFKI 4 11/3/95

11/13/95 2

Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany

10693 WHITC 3 11/6/95 11/20/95 11/10/95 3

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10694 QUICK 8 11/6/95

11/9/95 3

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10695 WILMK 7 11/7/95

11/14/95 1

Wilman Kala Keskuskatu 45 Helsinki 21240 Finland

10696 WHITC 8 11/8/95

11/14/95 3

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10697 LINOD 3 11/8/95

11/14/95 1

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10698 ERNSH 4 11/9/95

11/17/95 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10699 MORGK 3 11/9/95 12/7/95 11/13/95 3

Morgenstern Gesundkost Heerstr. 22 Leipzig 04179 Germany

10700 SAVEA 3 11/10/95

11/16/95 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10701 HUNGO 6 11/13/95

11/15/95 3

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10702 ALFKI 4 11/13/95

11/21/95 1

Alfred’s Futterkiste Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany

10703 FOLKO 6 11/14/95

11/20/95 2

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10704 QUEEN 6 11/14/95 12/12/95 12/8/95 1

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10705 HILAA 9 11/15/95

12/19/95 2

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10706 OLDWO 8 11/16/95

11/21/95 3

Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10707 AROUT 4 11/16/95 11/30/95 11/23/95 3

Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10708 THEBI 6 11/17/95

12/6/95 2

The Big Cheese 89 Jefferson Way
Suite 2 Portland OR 97201 USA

10709 GOURL 1 11/17/95 12/15/95

3 ¤ 210.80 Gourmet Lanchonetes Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas SP 04876-786 Brazil

10710 FRANS 1 11/20/95

11/23/95 1

Franchi S.p.A. Via Monte Bianco 34 Torino 10100 Italy

10711 SAVEA 5 11/21/95

11/29/95 2

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10712 HUNGO 3 11/21/95 12/19/95 12/1/95 1

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10713 SAVEA 1 11/22/95 12/20/95 11/24/95 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10714 SAVEA 5 11/22/95 12/20/95 11/27/95 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10715 BONAP 3 11/23/95 12/7/95 11/29/95 1

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10716 RANCH 4 11/24/95

11/27/95 2

Rancho grande Av. del Libertador 900 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10717 FRANK 1 11/24/95 12/22/95 11/29/95 2

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10718 KOENE 1 11/27/95 12/25/95 11/29/95 3

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10719 LETSS 8 11/27/95 12/25/95 12/6/95 2

Let’s Stop N Shop 87 Polk St.
Suite 5 San Francisco CA 94117 USA

10720 QUEDE 8 11/28/95 12/12/95 12/6/95 2

Que Delícia Rua da Panificadora, 12 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-673 Brazil

10721 QUICK 5 11/29/95

12/1/95 3

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10722 SAVEA 8 11/29/95


Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10723 WHITC 3 11/30/95


White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10724 MEREP 8 11/30/95

12/6/95 2

Mère Paillarde 43 rue St. Laurent Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada

10725 FAMIA 4 12/1/95 12/29/95 12/6/95 3

Familia Arquibaldo Rua Orós, 92 São Paulo SP 05442-030 Brazil

10726 EASTC 4 12/4/95 12/18/95


Eastern Connection 35 King George London WX3 6FW UK

10727 REGGC 2 12/4/95

1/5/96 1

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10728 QUEEN 4 12/5/95 1/2/96 12/12/95 2

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10729 LINOD 8 12/5/95

12/15/95 3

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10730 BONAP 5 12/6/95

12/15/95 1 ¤ 20.12 Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10731 CHOPS 7 12/7/95

12/15/95 1

Chop-suey Chinese Hauptstr. 31 Bern 3012 Switzerland

10732 BONAP 3 12/7/95 1/4/96 12/8/95 1

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10733 BERGS 1 12/8/95 1/5/96


Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10734 GOURL 2 12/8/95 1/5/96 12/13/95 3

Gourmet Lanchonetes Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas SP 04876-786 Brazil

10735 LETSS 6 12/11/95

12/22/95 2

Let’s Stop N Shop 87 Polk St.
Suite 5 San Francisco CA 94117 USA

10736 HUNGO 9 12/12/95

12/22/95 2

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10737 VINET 2 12/12/95 1/9/96 12/19/95 2

Vins et alcools Chevalier 59 rue de l’Abbaye Reims 51100 France

10738 SPECD 2 12/13/95 1/10/96 12/19/95 1

Spécialités du monde 25, rue Lauriston Paris 75016 France

10739 VINET 3 12/13/95 1/10/96 12/18/95 3

Vins et alcools Chevalier 59 rue de l’Abbaye Reims 51100 France

10740 WHITC 4 12/14/95 1/11/96 12/26/95 2

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10741 AROUT 4 12/15/95 12/29/95 12/19/95 3

Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10742 BOTTM 3 12/15/95

12/19/95 3

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10743 AROUT 1 12/18/95

12/22/95 2

Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10744 VAFFE 6 12/18/95 1/15/96 12/25/95 1

Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10745 QUICK 9 12/19/95 1/16/96 12/28/95 1 ¤ 3.52 QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany
10746 CHOPS 1 12/20/95

12/22/95 3

Chop-suey Chinese Hauptstr. 31 Bern 3012 Switzerland

10747 PICCO 6 12/20/95 1/17/96 12/27/95 1

Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria

10748 SAVEA 3 12/21/95

12/29/95 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10749 ISLAT 4 12/21/95 1/18/96


Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10750 WARTH 9 12/22/95 1/19/96 12/25/95 1

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10751 RICSU 3 12/25/95

1/3/96 3

Richter Supermarkt Starenweg 5 Genève 1204 Switzerland

10752 NORTS 2 12/25/95 1/22/96 12/29/95 3

North/South South House
300 Queensbridge London SW7 1RZ UK

10753 FRANS 3 12/26/95

12/28/95 1 ¤ 7.70 Franchi S.p.A. Via Monte Bianco 34 Torino 10100 Italy

10754 MAGAA 6 12/26/95 1/23/96 12/28/95 3

Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10755 BONAP 4 12/27/95

12/29/95 2

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10756 SPLIR 8 12/28/95

1/2/96 2

Split Rail Beer & Ale P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 USA

10757 SAVEA 6 12/28/95 1/25/96 1/15/96 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10758 RICSU 3 12/29/95

1/4/96 3

Richter Supermarkt Starenweg 5 Genève 1204 Switzerland

10759 ANATR 3 12/29/95 1/26/96 1/12/96 3

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Avda. de la Constitución 2222 México D.F. 05021 Mexico

10760 MAISD 4 1/1/96

1/10/96 1

Maison Dewey Rue Joseph-Bens 532 Bruxelles B-1180 Belgium

10761 RATTC 5 1/2/96

1/8/96 2

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10762 FOLKO 3 1/2/96 1/30/96 1/9/96 1

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10763 FOLIG 3 1/3/96

1/8/96 3

Folies gourmandes 184, chaussée de Tournai Lille 59000 France

10764 ERNSH 6 1/3/96 1/31/96 1/8/96 3

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10765 QUICK 3 1/4/96

1/9/96 3

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10766 OTTIK 4 1/5/96

1/9/96 1

Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

10767 SUPRD 4 1/5/96 2/2/96 1/15/96 3

Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10768 AROUT 3 1/8/96

1/15/96 2

Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10769 VAFFE 3 1/8/96 2/5/96 1/12/96 1

Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10770 HANAR 8 1/9/96

1/17/96 3

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10771 ERNSH 9 1/10/96

2/2/96 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10772 LEHMS 3 1/10/96 2/7/96 1/19/96 2

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10773 ERNSH 1 1/11/96

1/16/96 3

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10774 FOLKO 4 1/11/96 1/25/96 1/12/96 1

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10775 THECR 7 1/12/96

1/26/96 1

The Cracker Box 55 Grizzly Peak Rd. Butte MT 59801 USA

10776 ERNSH 1 1/15/96

1/18/96 3

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10777 GOURL 7 1/15/96 1/29/96

2 ¤ 3.01 Gourmet Lanchonetes Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas SP 04876-786 Brazil

10778 BERGS 3 1/16/96

1/24/96 1

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10779 MORGK 3 1/16/96 2/13/96


Morgenstern Gesundkost Heerstr. 22 Leipzig 04179 Germany

10780 LILAS 2 1/16/96 1/30/96 1/25/96 1

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10781 WARTH 2 1/17/96 2/14/96 1/19/96 3

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

10782 CACTU 9 1/17/96 2/14/96 1/22/96 3

Cactus Comidas para llevar Cerrito 333 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10783 HANAR 4 1/18/96

1/19/96 2

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10784 MAGAA 4 1/18/96 2/15/96 1/22/96 3

Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10785 GROSR 1 1/18/96 2/15/96 1/24/96 3

GROSELLA-Restaurante 5ª Ave. Los Palos Grandes Caracas DF 1081 Venezuela

10786 QUEEN 8 1/19/96

1/23/96 1

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10787 LAMAI 2 1/19/96 2/2/96 1/26/96 1

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10788 QUICK 1 1/22/96

2/19/96 2

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10789 FOLIG 1 1/22/96 2/19/96 1/31/96 2

Folies gourmandes 184, chaussée de Tournai Lille 59000 France

10790 GOURL 6 1/22/96 2/19/96 1/26/96 1

Gourmet Lanchonetes Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas SP 04876-786 Brazil

10791 FRANK 6 1/23/96

2/1/96 2

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10792 WOLZA 1 1/23/96 2/20/96 1/31/96 3

Wolski Zajazd ul. Filtrowa 68 Warszawa 01-012 Poland

10793 AROUT 3 1/24/96 2/21/96 2/8/96 3

Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10794 QUEDE 6 1/24/96 2/21/96 2/2/96 1

Que Delícia Rua da Panificadora, 12 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-673 Brazil

10795 ERNSH 8 1/24/96 2/21/96 2/20/96 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10796 HILAA 3 1/25/96

2/14/96 1

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10797 DRACD 7 1/25/96 2/22/96 2/5/96 2

Drachenblut Delikatessen Walserweg 21 Aachen 52066 Germany

10798 ISLAT 2 1/26/96

2/5/96 1

Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10799 KOENE 9 1/26/96

2/5/96 3

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10800 SEVES 1 1/26/96 2/23/96 2/5/96 3

Seven Seas Imports 90 Wadhurst Rd. London OX15 4NB UK

10801 BOLID 4 1/29/96

1/31/96 2

Bólido Comidas preparadas C/ Araquil, 67 Madrid 28023 Spain

10802 SIMOB 4 1/29/96 2/26/96 2/2/96 2

Simons bistro Vinbæltet 34 København 1734 Denmark

10803 WELLI 4 1/30/96

2/6/96 1

Wellington Importadora Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil

10804 SEVES 6 1/30/96 2/27/96 2/7/96 2

Seven Seas Imports 90 Wadhurst Rd. London OX15 4NB UK

10805 THEBI 2 1/30/96 2/27/96 2/9/96 3

The Big Cheese 89 Jefferson Way
Suite 2 Portland OR 97201 USA

10806 VICTE 3 1/31/96

2/5/96 2

Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10807 FRANS 4 1/31/96 2/28/96


Franchi S.p.A. Via Monte Bianco 34 Torino 10100 Italy

10808 OLDWO 2 2/1/96

2/9/96 3

Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10809 WELLI 7 2/1/96 2/29/96 2/7/96 1 ¤ 4.87 Wellington Importadora Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil
10810 LAUGB 2 2/1/96 2/29/96 2/7/96 3

Laughing Bacchus Wine Cellars 2319 Elm St. Vancouver BC V3F 2K1 Canada

10811 LINOD 8 2/2/96 3/1/96 2/8/96 1

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10812 REGGC 5 2/2/96 3/1/96 2/12/96 1

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10813 RICAR 1 2/5/96

2/9/96 1

Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10814 VICTE 3 2/5/96 3/4/96 2/14/96 3

Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10815 SAVEA 2 2/5/96 3/4/96 2/14/96 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10816 GREAL 4 2/6/96


Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

10817 KOENE 3 2/6/96 2/20/96 2/13/96 2

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10818 MAGAA 7 2/7/96 3/6/96 2/12/96 3

Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10819 CACTU 2 2/7/96 3/6/96 2/16/96 3

Cactus Comidas para llevar Cerrito 333 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10820 RATTC 3 2/7/96 3/6/96 2/13/96 2

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10821 SPLIR 1 2/8/96

2/15/96 1

Split Rail Beer & Ale P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 USA

10822 TRAIH 6 2/8/96 3/7/96 2/16/96 3 ¤ 7.00 Trail’s Head Gourmet Provisioners 722 DaVinci Blvd. Kirkland WA 98034 USA
10823 LILAS 5 2/9/96 3/8/96 2/13/96 2

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10824 FOLKO 8 2/9/96 3/8/96 3/1/96 1

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10825 DRACD 1 2/9/96 3/8/96 2/14/96 1

Drachenblut Delikatessen Walserweg 21 Aachen 52066 Germany

10826 BLONP 6 2/12/96

3/8/96 1

Blondel père et fils 24, place Kléber Strasbourg 67000 France

10827 BONAP 1 2/12/96 2/26/96 3/8/96 2

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10828 RANCH 9 2/13/96 2/27/96 3/6/96 1

Rancho grande Av. del Libertador 900 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10829 ISLAT 9 2/13/96

2/23/96 1

Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10830 TRADH 4 2/13/96

2/21/96 2

Tradição Hipermercados Av. Inês de Castro, 414 São Paulo SP 05634-030 Brazil

10831 SANTG 3 2/14/96

2/23/96 2

Santé Gourmet Erling Skakkes gate 78 Stavern 4110 Norway

10832 LAMAI 2 2/14/96 3/13/96 2/19/96 2

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10833 OTTIK 6 2/15/96

2/23/96 2

Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

10834 TRADH 1 2/15/96 3/14/96 2/19/96 3

Tradição Hipermercados Av. Inês de Castro, 414 São Paulo SP 05634-030 Brazil

10835 ALFKI 1 2/15/96 3/14/96 2/21/96 3

Alfred’s Futterkiste Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany

10836 ERNSH 7 2/16/96

2/21/96 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10837 BERGS 9 2/16/96 3/15/96 2/23/96 3

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10838 LINOD 3 2/19/96

2/23/96 3

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10839 TRADH 3 2/19/96 3/18/96 2/22/96 3

Tradição Hipermercados Av. Inês de Castro, 414 São Paulo SP 05634-030 Brazil

10840 LINOD 4 2/19/96

3/18/96 2

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10841 SUPRD 5 2/20/96

2/29/96 2

Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10842 TORTU 1 2/20/96 3/19/96 2/29/96 3

Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10843 VICTE 4 2/21/96

2/26/96 2

Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10844 PICCO 8 2/21/96 3/20/96 2/26/96 2

Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria

10845 QUICK 8 2/21/96 3/6/96 3/1/96 1

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10846 SUPRD 2 2/22/96

2/23/96 3

Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10847 SAVEA 4 2/22/96 3/7/96 3/12/96 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10848 CONSH 7 2/23/96

2/29/96 2

Consolidated Holdings Berkeley Gardens
12 Brewery London WX1 6LT UK

10849 KOENE 9 2/23/96 3/22/96 3/1/96 2 ¤ 0.56 Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany
10850 VICTE 1 2/23/96

3/1/96 1

Victuailles en stock 2, rue du Commerce Lyon 69004 France

10851 RICAR 5 2/26/96

3/4/96 1

Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10852 RATTC 8 2/26/96 3/11/96 3/1/96 1

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10853 BLAUS 9 2/27/96 3/26/96 3/5/96 2

Blauer See Delikatessen Forsterstr. 57 Mannheim 68306 Germany

10854 ERNSH 3 2/27/96 3/26/96 3/7/96 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10855 OLDWO 3 2/27/96 3/26/96 3/6/96 1

Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10856 ANTON 3 2/28/96

3/12/96 2

Antonio Moreno Taquería Mataderos 2312 México D.F. 05023 Mexico

10857 BERGS 8 2/28/96 3/27/96 3/8/96 2

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10858 LACOR 2 2/29/96

3/5/96 1

La corne d’abondance 67, avenue de l’Europe Versailles 78000 France

10859 FRANK 1 2/29/96 3/28/96 3/4/96 2

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10860 FRANR 3 2/29/96 3/28/96 3/6/96 3

France restauration 54, rue Royale Nantes 44000 France

10861 WHITC 4 3/1/96

3/19/96 2

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10862 LEHMS 8 3/1/96

3/4/96 2

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10863 HILAA 4 3/4/96 4/1/96 3/19/96 2

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10864 AROUT 4 3/4/96 4/1/96 3/11/96 2

Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10865 QUICK 2 3/4/96 3/18/96 3/14/96 1

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10866 BERGS 5 3/5/96

3/14/96 1

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10867 LONEP 6 3/5/96

3/13/96 1 ¤ 1.93 Lonesome Pine Restaurant 89 Chiaroscuro Rd. Portland OR 97219 USA

10868 QUEEN 7 3/6/96

3/25/96 2

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10869 SEVES 5 3/6/96 4/3/96 3/11/96 1

Seven Seas Imports 90 Wadhurst Rd. London OX15 4NB UK

10870 WOLZA 5 3/6/96 4/3/96 3/15/96 3

Wolski Zajazd ul. Filtrowa 68 Warszawa 01-012 Poland

10871 BONAP 9 3/7/96 4/4/96 3/12/96 2

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10872 GODOS 5 3/7/96 4/4/96 3/11/96 2

Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 41101 Spain

10873 WILMK 4 3/8/96 4/5/96 3/11/96 1

Wilman Kala Keskuskatu 45 Helsinki 21240 Finland

10874 GODOS 5 3/8/96 4/5/96 3/13/96 2

Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 41101 Spain

10875 BERGS 4 3/8/96 4/5/96 4/2/96 2

Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10876 BONAP 7 3/11/96

3/14/96 3

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10877 RICAR 1 3/11/96 4/8/96


Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

10878 QUICK 4 3/12/96

3/14/96 1

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10879 WILMK 3 3/12/96 4/9/96 3/14/96 3

Wilman Kala Keskuskatu 45 Helsinki 21240 Finland

10880 FOLKO 7 3/12/96

3/20/96 1

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10881 CACTU 4 3/13/96

3/20/96 1

Cactus Comidas para llevar Cerrito 333 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10882 SAVEA 4 3/13/96 4/10/96 3/22/96 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10883 LONEP 8 3/14/96

3/22/96 3

Lonesome Pine Restaurant 89 Chiaroscuro Rd. Portland OR 97219 USA

10884 LETSS 4 3/14/96 4/11/96 3/15/96 2

Let’s Stop N Shop 87 Polk St.
Suite 5 San Francisco CA 94117 USA

10885 SUPRD 6 3/14/96 4/11/96 3/20/96 3

Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10886 HANAR 1 3/15/96 4/12/96 4/1/96 1 ¤ 4.99 Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil
10887 GALED 8 3/15/96 4/12/96 3/18/96 3

Galería del gastronómo Rambla de Cataluña, 23 Barcelona 8022 Spain

10888 GODOS 1 3/18/96

3/25/96 2

Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 41101 Spain

10889 RATTC 9 3/18/96 4/15/96 3/25/96 3

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10890 DUMON 7 3/18/96 4/15/96 3/20/96 1

Du monde entier 67, rue des Cinquante Otages Nantes 44000 France

10891 LEHMS 7 3/19/96 4/16/96 3/21/96 2

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10892 MAISD 4 3/19/96 4/16/96 3/21/96 2

Maison Dewey Rue Joseph-Bens 532 Bruxelles B-1180 Belgium

10893 KOENE 9 3/20/96

3/22/96 2

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

10894 SAVEA 1 3/20/96 4/17/96 3/22/96 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10895 ERNSH 3 3/20/96 4/17/96 3/25/96 1

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10896 MAISD 7 3/21/96

3/29/96 3

Maison Dewey Rue Joseph-Bens 532 Bruxelles B-1180 Belgium

10897 HUNGO 3 3/21/96 4/18/96 3/27/96 2

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10898 OCEAN 4 3/22/96

4/5/96 2 ¤ 1.27 Océano Atlántico Ltda. Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585
Piso 20-A Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10899 LILAS 5 3/22/96 4/19/96 3/28/96 3

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10900 WELLI 1 3/22/96 4/19/96 4/3/96 2

Wellington Importadora Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil

10901 HILAA 4 3/25/96

3/28/96 1

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10902 FOLKO 1 3/25/96 4/22/96 4/2/96 1

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10903 HANAR 3 3/26/96 4/23/96 4/3/96 3 ¤ 36.71 Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil
10904 WHITC 3 3/26/96 4/23/96 3/29/96 3

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

10905 WELLI 9 3/26/96 4/23/96 4/5/96 2

Wellington Importadora Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil

10906 WOLZA 4 3/27/96 4/10/96 4/2/96 3

Wolski Zajazd ul. Filtrowa 68 Warszawa 01-012 Poland

10907 SPECD 6 3/27/96

3/29/96 3

Spécialités du monde 25, rue Lauriston Paris 75016 France

10908 REGGC 4 3/28/96

4/5/96 2

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10909 SANTG 1 3/28/96 4/25/96 4/9/96 2

Santé Gourmet Erling Skakkes gate 78 Stavern 4110 Norway

10910 WILMK 1 3/28/96 4/25/96 4/3/96 3

Wilman Kala Keskuskatu 45 Helsinki 21240 Finland

10911 GODOS 3 3/28/96 4/25/96 4/4/96 1

Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 41101 Spain

10912 HUNGO 2 3/28/96 4/25/96 4/17/96 2

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10913 QUEEN 4 3/28/96 4/25/96 4/3/96 1

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10914 QUEEN 6 3/29/96

4/1/96 1 ¤ 21.19 Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10915 TORTU 2 3/29/96 4/26/96 4/1/96 2

Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10916 RANCH 1 3/29/96 4/26/96 4/8/96 2

Rancho grande Av. del Libertador 900 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10917 ROMEY 4 4/1/96

4/10/96 2

Romero y tomillo Gran Vía, 1 Madrid 28001 Spain

10918 BOTTM 3 4/1/96 4/29/96 4/10/96 3

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10919 LINOD 2 4/1/96 4/29/96 4/3/96 2

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10920 AROUT 4 4/2/96

4/8/96 2

Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

10921 VAFFE 1 4/2/96

4/8/96 1

Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10922 HANAR 5 4/2/96 4/30/96 4/4/96 3

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10923 LAMAI 7 4/2/96 5/14/96 4/12/96 3

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

10924 BERGS 3 4/3/96


Berglunds snabbköp Berguvsvägen 8 Luleå S-958 22 Sweden

10925 HANAR 3 4/3/96 5/1/96 4/12/96 1

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10926 ANATR 4 4/3/96 5/1/96 4/10/96 3

Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Avda. de la Constitución 2222 México D.F. 05021 Mexico

10927 LACOR 4 4/4/96

5/8/96 1

La corne d’abondance 67, avenue de l’Europe Versailles 78000 France

10928 GALED 1 4/4/96 5/2/96 4/17/96 1 ¤ 1.36 Galería del gastronómo Rambla de Cataluña, 23 Barcelona 8022 Spain
10929 FRANK 6 4/4/96 5/2/96 4/11/96 1

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

10930 SUPRD 4 4/5/96

4/17/96 3

Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

10931 RICSU 4 4/5/96 4/19/96 4/18/96 2 ¤ 13.60 Richter Supermarkt Starenweg 5 Genève 1204 Switzerland
10932 BONAP 8 4/5/96

4/23/96 1

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10933 ISLAT 6 4/5/96 5/3/96 4/15/96 3

Island Trading Garden House
Crowther Way Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 7PJ UK

10934 LEHMS 3 4/8/96

4/11/96 3

Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

10935 WELLI 4 4/8/96 5/6/96 4/17/96 3

Wellington Importadora Rua do Mercado, 12 Resende SP 08737-363 Brazil

10936 GREAL 3 4/8/96 5/6/96 4/17/96 2

Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

10937 CACTU 7 4/9/96 4/23/96 4/12/96 3

Cactus Comidas para llevar Cerrito 333 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10938 QUICK 3 4/9/96

4/15/96 2

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10939 MAGAA 2 4/9/96 5/7/96 4/12/96 2

Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10940 BONAP 8 4/10/96 5/8/96 4/22/96 3

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

10941 SAVEA 7 4/10/96 5/8/96 4/19/96 2

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10942 REGGC 9 4/10/96 5/8/96 4/17/96 3

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

10943 BSBEV 4 4/10/96 5/8/96 4/18/96 2

B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

10944 BOTTM 6 4/11/96 4/25/96 4/12/96 3

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10945 MORGK 4 4/11/96

4/17/96 1

Morgenstern Gesundkost Heerstr. 22 Leipzig 04179 Germany

10946 VAFFE 1 4/11/96 5/9/96 4/18/96 2 ¤ 27.20 Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark
10947 BSBEV 3 4/12/96

4/15/96 2

B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

10948 GODOS 3 4/12/96 5/10/96 4/18/96 3

Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 41101 Spain

10949 BOTTM 2 4/12/96 5/10/96 4/16/96 3

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10950 MAGAA 1 4/15/96

4/22/96 2 ¤ 2.50 Magazzini Alimentari Riuniti Via Ludovico il Moro 22 Bergamo 24100 Italy

10951 RICSU 9 4/15/96

5/7/96 2

Richter Supermarkt Starenweg 5 Genève 1204 Switzerland

10952 ALFKI 1 4/15/96 5/27/96 4/23/96 1

Alfred’s Futterkiste Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany

10953 AROUT 9 4/15/96 4/29/96 4/24/96 2 ¤ 23.72 Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK
10954 LINOD 5 4/16/96

4/19/96 1

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

10955 FOLKO 8 4/16/96 5/14/96 4/19/96 2 ¤ 3.26 Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden
10956 BLAUS 6 4/16/96 5/28/96 4/19/96 2

Blauer See Delikatessen Forsterstr. 57 Mannheim 68306 Germany

10957 HILAA 8 4/17/96

4/26/96 3

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10958 OCEAN 7 4/17/96 5/15/96 4/26/96 2

Océano Atlántico Ltda. Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585
Piso 20-A Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10959 GOURL 6 4/17/96

4/22/96 2 ¤ 4.98 Gourmet Lanchonetes Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas SP 04876-786 Brazil

10960 HILAA 3 4/18/96 5/2/96 5/8/96 1

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10961 QUEEN 8 4/18/96

4/29/96 1

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

10962 QUICK 8 4/18/96 5/16/96 4/22/96 2

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10963 FURIB 9 4/18/96 5/16/96 4/25/96 3

Furia Bacalhau e Frutos do Mar Jardim das rosas n. 32 Lisboa 1675 Portugal

10964 SPECD 3 4/19/96 5/17/96 4/23/96 2

Spécialités du monde 25, rue Lauriston Paris 75016 France

10965 OLDWO 6 4/19/96 5/17/96 4/29/96 3

Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

10966 CHOPS 4 4/19/96 5/17/96 5/8/96 1

Chop-suey Chinese Hauptstr. 31 Bern 3012 Switzerland

10967 TOMSP 2 4/22/96

5/2/96 2

Toms Spezialitäten Luisenstr. 48 Münster 44087 Germany

10968 ERNSH 1 4/22/96 5/20/96 5/1/96 3

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10969 COMMI 1 4/22/96 5/20/96 4/29/96 2

Comércio Mineiro Av. dos Lusíadas, 23 São Paulo SP 05432-043 Brazil

10970 BOLID 9 4/23/96 5/7/96


Bólido Comidas preparadas C/ Araquil, 67 Madrid 28023 Spain

10971 FRANR 2 4/23/96

5/2/96 2

France restauration 54, rue Royale Nantes 44000 France

10972 LACOR 4 4/23/96 5/21/96 4/25/96 2

La corne d’abondance 67, avenue de l’Europe Versailles 78000 France

10973 LACOR 6 4/23/96 5/21/96 4/26/96 2

La corne d’abondance 67, avenue de l’Europe Versailles 78000 France

10974 SPLIR 3 4/24/96 5/8/96 5/3/96 3

Split Rail Beer & Ale P.O. Box 555 Lander WY 82520 USA

10975 BOTTM 1 4/24/96

4/26/96 3

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10976 HILAA 1 4/24/96

5/3/96 1

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

10977 FOLKO 8 4/25/96

5/10/96 3

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10978 MAISD 9 4/25/96 5/23/96 5/23/96 2

Maison Dewey Rue Joseph-Bens 532 Bruxelles B-1180 Belgium

10979 ERNSH 8 4/25/96 5/23/96 4/30/96 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10980 FOLKO 4 4/26/96

5/17/96 1

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10981 HANAR 1 4/26/96 5/24/96 5/2/96 2

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

10982 BOTTM 2 4/26/96 5/24/96 5/8/96 1

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

10983 SAVEA 2 4/26/96 5/24/96 5/6/96 2

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10984 SAVEA 1 4/29/96 5/27/96 5/3/96 3

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

10985 HUNGO 2 4/29/96 5/27/96 5/2/96 1

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

10986 OCEAN 8 4/29/96 5/27/96 5/21/96 2

Océano Atlántico Ltda. Ing. Gustavo Moncada 8585
Piso 20-A Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

10987 EASTC 8 4/30/96 5/28/96 5/6/96 1

Eastern Connection 35 King George London WX3 6FW UK

10988 RATTC 3 4/30/96 5/28/96 5/10/96 2

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

10989 QUEDE 2 4/30/96 5/28/96 5/2/96 1

Que Delícia Rua da Panificadora, 12 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-673 Brazil

10990 ERNSH 2 5/1/96

5/7/96 3

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

10991 QUICK 1 5/1/96 5/29/96 5/7/96 1

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10992 THEBI 1 5/1/96 5/29/96 5/3/96 3

The Big Cheese 89 Jefferson Way
Suite 2 Portland OR 97201 USA

10993 FOLKO 7 5/1/96 5/29/96 5/10/96 3

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

10994 VAFFE 2 5/2/96 5/16/96 5/9/96 3

Vaffeljernet Smagsløget 45 Århus 8200 Denmark

10995 PERIC 1 5/2/96

5/6/96 3 ¤ 46.00 Pericles Comidas clásicas Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

10996 QUICK 4 5/2/96 5/30/96 5/10/96 2

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

10997 LILAS 8 5/3/96

5/13/96 2

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

10998 WOLZA 8 5/3/96 5/17/96 5/17/96 2

Wolski Zajazd ul. Filtrowa 68 Warszawa 01-012 Poland

10999 OTTIK 6 5/3/96

5/10/96 2

Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

11000 RATTC 2 5/6/96

5/14/96 3

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

11001 FOLKO 2 5/6/96 6/3/96 5/14/96 2

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

11002 SAVEA 4 5/6/96 6/3/96 5/16/96 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

11003 THECR 3 5/6/96 6/3/96 5/8/96 3

The Cracker Box 55 Grizzly Peak Rd. Butte MT 59801 USA

11004 MAISD 3 5/7/96

5/20/96 1

Maison Dewey Rue Joseph-Bens 532 Bruxelles B-1180 Belgium

11005 WILMK 2 5/7/96 6/4/96 5/10/96 1 ¤ 0.75 Wilman Kala Keskuskatu 45 Helsinki 21240 Finland
11006 GREAL 3 5/7/96 6/4/96 5/15/96 2

Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

11007 PRINI 8 5/8/96 6/5/96 5/13/96 2

Princesa Isabel Vinhos Estrada da saúde n. 58 Lisboa 1756 Portugal

11008 ERNSH 7 5/8/96 6/5/96 3

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

11009 GODOS 2 5/8/96 6/5/96 5/10/96 1

Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 41101 Spain

11010 REGGC 2 5/9/96

5/21/96 2

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

11011 ALFKI 3 5/9/96 6/6/96 5/13/96 1 ¤ 1.21 Alfred’s Futterkiste Obere Str. 57 Berlin 12209 Germany
11012 FRANK 1 5/9/96 5/23/96 5/17/96 3

Frankenversand Berliner Platz 43 München 80805 Germany

11013 ROMEY 2 5/9/96 6/6/96 5/10/96 1

Romero y tomillo Gran Vía, 1 Madrid 28001 Spain

11014 LINOD 2 5/10/96 6/7/96 5/15/96 3

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

11015 SANTG 2 5/10/96 5/24/96 5/20/96 2

Santé Gourmet Erling Skakkes gate 78 Stavern 4110 Norway

11016 AROUT 9 5/10/96 6/7/96 5/13/96 2

Around the Horn Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary Colchester Essex CO7 6JX UK

11017 ERNSH 9 5/13/96

5/20/96 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

11018 LONEP 4 5/13/96 6/10/96 5/16/96 2

Lonesome Pine Restaurant 89 Chiaroscuro Rd. Portland OR 97219 USA

11019 RANCH 6 5/13/96 6/10/96 3

Rancho grande Av. del Libertador 900 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

11020 OTTIK 2 5/14/96

5/16/96 2

Ottilies Käseladen Mehrheimerstr. 369 Köln 50739 Germany

11021 QUICK 3 5/14/96 6/11/96 5/21/96 1

QUICK-Stop Taucherstraße 10 Cunewalde 01307 Germany

11022 HANAR 9 5/14/96 6/11/96 6/3/96 2 ¤ 6.27 Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil
11023 BSBEV 1 5/14/96 5/28/96 5/24/96 2

B’s Beverages Fauntleroy Circus London EC2 5NT UK

11024 EASTC 4 5/15/96 6/12/96 5/20/96 1

Eastern Connection 35 King George London WX3 6FW UK

11025 WARTH 6 5/15/96 6/12/96 5/24/96 3

Wartian Herkku Torikatu 38 Oulu 90110 Finland

11026 FRANS 4 5/15/96 6/12/96 5/28/96 1

Franchi S.p.A. Via Monte Bianco 34 Torino 10100 Italy

11027 BOTTM 1 5/16/96

5/20/96 1

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

11028 KOENE 2 5/16/96 6/13/96 5/22/96 1

Königlich Essen Maubelstr. 90 Brandenburg 14776 Germany

11029 CHOPS 4 5/16/96 6/13/96 5/27/96 1

Chop-suey Chinese Hauptstr. 31 Bern 3012 Switzerland

11030 SAVEA 7 5/17/96 6/14/96 5/27/96 2

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

11031 SAVEA 6 5/17/96 6/14/96 5/24/96 2

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

11032 WHITC 2 5/17/96 6/14/96 5/23/96 3

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

11033 RICSU 7 5/17/96 6/14/96 5/23/96 3

Richter Supermarkt Starenweg 5 Genève 1204 Switzerland

11034 OLDWO 8 5/20/96

5/27/96 1

Old World Delicatessen 2743 Bering St. Anchorage AK 99508 USA

11035 SUPRD 2 5/20/96

5/24/96 2

Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium

11036 DRACD 8 5/20/96 6/17/96 5/22/96 3

Drachenblut Delikatessen Walserweg 21 Aachen 52066 Germany

11037 GODOS 7 5/21/96

5/27/96 1

Godos Cocina Típica C/ Romero, 33 Sevilla 41101 Spain

11038 SUPRD 1 5/21/96 6/18/96 5/30/96 2 ¤ 29.59 Suprêmes délices Boulevard Tirou, 255 Charleroi B-6000 Belgium
11039 LINOD 1 5/21/96 6/18/96 2

LINO-Delicateses Ave. 5 de Mayo Porlamar I. de Margarita Nueva Esparta 4980 Venezuela

11040 GREAL 4 5/22/96


Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

11041 CHOPS 3 5/22/96 6/19/96 5/28/96 2

Chop-suey Chinese Hauptstr. 31 Bern 3012 Switzerland

11042 COMMI 2 5/22/96 6/5/96 5/31/96 1

Comércio Mineiro Av. dos Lusíadas, 23 São Paulo SP 05432-043 Brazil

11043 SPECD 5 5/22/96 6/19/96 5/29/96 2

Spécialités du monde 25, rue Lauriston Paris 75016 France

11044 WOLZA 4 5/23/96

5/31/96 1

Wolski Zajazd ul. Filtrowa 68 Warszawa 01-012 Poland

11045 BOTTM 6 5/23/96 6/20/96 2

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

11046 WANDK 8 5/23/96 6/20/96 5/24/96 2

Die Wandernde Kuh Adenauerallee 900 Stuttgart 70563 Germany

11047 EASTC 7 5/24/96

5/31/96 3

Eastern Connection 35 King George London WX3 6FW UK

11048 BOTTM 7 5/24/96 6/21/96 5/30/96 3

Bottom-Dollar Markets 23 Tsawassen Blvd. Tsawassen BC T2F 8M4 Canada

11049 GOURL 3 5/24/96 6/21/96 6/3/96 1

Gourmet Lanchonetes Av. Brasil, 442 Campinas SP 04876-786 Brazil

11050 FOLKO 8 5/27/96

6/4/96 2

Folk och fä HB Åkergatan 24 Bräcke S-844 67 Sweden

11051 LAMAI 7 5/27/96 6/24/96 3

La maison d’Asie 1 rue Alsace-Lorraine Toulouse 31000 France

11052 HANAR 3 5/27/96 6/24/96 5/31/96 1

Hanari Carnes Rua do Paço, 67 Rio de Janeiro RJ 05454-876 Brazil

11053 PICCO 2 5/27/96 6/24/96 5/29/96 2 ¤ 53.05 Piccolo und mehr Geislweg 14 Salzburg 5020 Austria
11054 CACTU 8 5/28/96


Cactus Comidas para llevar Cerrito 333 Buenos Aires 1010 Argentina

11055 HILAA 7 5/28/96 6/25/96 6/4/96 2

HILARIÓN-Abastos Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35 San Cristóbal Táchira 5022 Venezuela

11056 EASTC 8 5/28/96 6/11/96 5/31/96 2

Eastern Connection 35 King George London WX3 6FW UK

11057 NORTS 3 5/29/96

5/31/96 3

North/South South House
300 Queensbridge London SW7 1RZ UK

11058 BLAUS 9 5/29/96 6/26/96 3

Blauer See Delikatessen Forsterstr. 57 Mannheim 68306 Germany

11059 RICAR 2 5/29/96


Ricardo Adocicados Av. Copacabana, 267 Rio de Janeiro RJ 02389-890 Brazil

11060 FRANS 2 5/30/96

6/3/96 2

Franchi S.p.A. Via Monte Bianco 34 Torino 10100 Italy

11061 GREAL 4 5/30/96

3 ¤ 14.01 Great Lakes Food Market 2732 Baker Blvd. Eugene OR 97403 USA

11062 REGGC 4 5/30/96 6/27/96 2

Reggiani Caseifici Strada Provinciale 124 Reggio Emilia 42100 Italy

11063 HUNGO 3 5/30/96 6/27/96 6/5/96 2

Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers 8 Johnstown Road Cork Co. Cork Ireland

11064 SAVEA 1 5/31/96

6/3/96 1

Save-a-lot Markets 187 Suffolk Ln. Boise ID 83720 USA

11065 LILAS 8 5/31/96 6/28/96 1

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

11066 WHITC 7 5/31/96 6/28/96 6/3/96 2

White Clover Markets 1029 – 12th Ave. S. Seattle WA 98124 USA

11067 DRACD 1 6/3/96 6/17/96 6/5/96 2

Drachenblut Delikatessen Walserweg 21 Aachen 52066 Germany

11068 QUEEN 8 6/3/96 7/1/96 2

Queen Cozinha Alameda dos Canàrios, 891 São Paulo SP 05487-020 Brazil

11069 TORTU 1 6/3/96 7/1/96 6/5/96 2

Tortuga Restaurante Avda. Azteca 123 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

11070 LEHMS 2 6/4/96


Lehmanns Marktstand Magazinweg 7 Frankfurt a.M. 60528 Germany

11071 LILAS 1 6/4/96 7/2/96 1

LILA-Supermercado Carrera 52 con Ave. Bolívar #65-98 Llano Largo Barquisimeto Lara 3508 Venezuela

11072 ERNSH 4 6/4/96 7/2/96 2

Ernst Handel Kirchgasse 6 Graz 8010 Austria

11073 PERIC 2 6/4/96 7/2/96 2

Pericles Comidas clásicas Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321 México D.F. 05033 Mexico

11074 SIMOB 7 6/5/96


Simons bistro Vinbæltet 34 København 1734 Denmark

11075 RICSU 8 6/5/96 7/3/96 2

Richter Supermarkt Starenweg 5 Genève 1204 Switzerland

11076 BONAP 4 6/5/96 7/3/96 2

Bon app’ 12, rue des Bouchers Marseille 13008 France

11077 RATTC 1 6/5/96 7/3/96 2

Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery 2817 Milton Dr. Albuquerque NM 87110 USA

OrderDate RequiredDate ShippedDate ShipVia Freight ShipName ShipAddress ShipCity ShipRegion ShipPostalCode ShipCountry
8/4/94 9/1/94 8/16/94 ¤ 32.38
8/5/94 9/16/94 8/10/94 ¤ 11.61
8/8/94 9/5/94 8/12/94 ¤ 65.83
8/15/94 ¤ 41.34
8/9/94 9/6/94 8/11/94 ¤ 51.30
8/24/94 ¤ 58.17
9/8/94 8/23/94 ¤ 22.98 Hauptstr. 31
9/9/94 ¤ 148.33 Starenweg 5 1204
9/12/94 8/17/94 ¤ 13.97
9/13/94 8/22/94 ¤ 81.91
9/14/94 ¤ 140.51 8010
8/18/94 9/15/94 8/25/94 ¤ 3.25 05022
8/19/94 8/29/94 ¤ 55.09
8/30/94 ¤ 3.05
9/19/94 ¤ 48.29
9/20/94 8/31/94 ¤ 146.06
9/21/94 9/23/94 ¤ 3.67
9/22/94 ¤ 55.28 67000
8/26/94 10/7/94 ¤ 25.73
9/26/94 ¤ 208.58
9/27/94 9/2/94 ¤ 66.29
¤ 4.56 1029 – 12th Ave. S. 98124
9/29/94 ¤ 136.54
9/30/94 ¤ 4.54
¤ 98.03
10/3/94 ¤ 76.07 01307
10/4/94 ¤ 6.01
9/7/94 10/5/94 ¤ 26.93
¤ 13.84
¤ 125.77
10/10/94 ¤ 92.69 S-958 22
10/11/94 ¤ 25.83
10/12/94 10/13/94 ¤ 8.98
9/28/94 ¤ 2.94
¤ 12.69
10/14/94 ¤ 84.81
10/17/94 ¤ 76.56
10/18/94 ¤ 76.83
10/19/94 ¤ 229.24
10/20/94 ¤ 12.76
10/24/94 ¤ 22.77
10/25/94 ¤ 79.70 05432-043
¤ 6.40
10/26/94 ¤ 1.35
10/27/94 ¤ 21.18
10/28/94 10/6/94 ¤ 147.26
10/31/94 ¤ 1.15
11/1/94 ¤ 0.12
11/16/94 ¤ 5.74
11/3/94 ¤ 168.22
11/4/94 ¤ 29.76
11/7/94 ¤ 17.68
¤ 45.08
11/8/94 11/9/94 ¤ 6.27
¤ 107.83 41101
11/10/94 ¤ 63.79
11/11/94 ¤ 257.62
11/14/94 ¤ 7.56
¤ 0.56
¤ 1.61 Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados Avda. de la Constitución 2222 05021
11/17/94 11/23/94 ¤ 47.30
11/18/94 ¤ 17.52
¤ 24.69
11/21/94 ¤ 40.26
11/22/94 ¤ 1.96
¤ 74.16
11/24/94 ¤ 41.76
11/25/94 ¤ 150.15
11/29/94 ¤ 4.73
11/2/94 11/30/94 ¤ 64.50
¤ 34.57
12/1/94 ¤ 3.43
12/2/94 ¤ 0.40 Calle Dr. Jorge Cash 321
12/5/94 ¤ 4.88 14776
12/6/94 ¤ 214.27
¤ 64.86
12/8/94 ¤ 77.92 28023
12/9/94 ¤ 63.36
12/12/94 ¤ 87.03
12/27/94 ¤ 191.67
12/28/94 ¤ 10.19 13008
12/29/94 ¤ 52.84
12/16/94 ¤ 0.59
12/19/94 ¤ 8.56
12/20/94 ¤ 42.11
12/21/94 ¤ 15.51
12/22/94 ¤ 108.26
12/23/94 ¤ 84.21
12/26/94 ¤ 15.66
¤ 166.31
¤ 26.78
¤ 54.83
12/7/94 ¤ 110.37
12/30/94 ¤ 23.29
1/2/95 ¤ 249.06
1/17/95 ¤ 142.08
1/4/95 ¤ 3.10
1/5/95 ¤ 0.78
1/6/95 ¤ 8.63
1/9/95 1/3/95 ¤ 64.19
¤ 162.33
12/13/94 ¤ 1.30
1/11/95 ¤ 360.63
12/15/94 1/12/95 ¤ 53.80
1/13/95 ¤ 41.95 Brook Farm
Stratford St. Mary
Colchester Essex CO7 6JX
1/16/95 ¤ 36.71
¤ 34.88
1/18/95 ¤ 19.64
1/19/95 ¤ 288.43
1/20/95 ¤ 131.70
¤ 183.17
1/23/95 ¤ 96.04
1/24/95 ¤ 30.54 52066
2/7/95 ¤ 71.97 35 King George
1/25/95 Antonio Moreno Taquería Mataderos 2312
2/9/95 1/30/95 ¤ 10.14 Galería del gastronómo
1/26/95 ¤ 13.55
1/27/95 ¤ 101.95
¤ 195.68
1/31/95 ¤ 1.17
¤ 0.45
2/1/95 ¤ 890.78
2/2/95 ¤ 124.12
¤ 3.94 Wolski Zajazd
2/3/95 ¤ 20.12
2/6/95 ¤ 20.39
¤ 22.21
1/10/95 ¤ 5.44
2/8/95 ¤ 45.03
2/16/95 ¤ 35.03
¤ 7.99
2/10/95 ¤ 94.77
2/13/95 ¤ 34.24
¤ 168.64
2/14/95 ¤ 30.96
¤ 13.99
2/15/95 ¤ 93.63
¤ 34.86
2/17/95 ¤ 47.42 23 Tsawassen Blvd.
2/20/95 ¤ 126.38
¤ 5.45
2/21/95 ¤ 122.46
2/22/95 ¤ 126.56
¤ 30.34
2/23/95 ¤ 184.41
¤ 135.35
2/24/95 ¤ 60.26
2/27/95 ¤ 89.16
¤ 27.36
3/1/95 ¤ 83.93
¤ 12.51
3/16/95 ¤ 67.88
3/3/95 ¤ 73.79
¤ 155.97
3/6/95 ¤ 34.82
3/21/95 ¤ 108.04
3/7/95 3/2/95 ¤ 91.48
3/8/95 ¤ 11.26 184, chaussée de Tournai 59000
3/9/95 ¤ 29.83
3/10/95 ¤ 2.40
¤ 23.65
3/13/95 ¤ 3.77
3/14/95 ¤ 95.66
¤ 21.48
3/15/95 ¤ 0.20
¤ 22.72
2/28/95 ¤ 70.29
3/17/95 ¤ 17.55
3/20/95 ¤ 137.35
¤ 44.12
4/4/95 ¤ 99.23
3/22/95 ¤ 3.02 10100
3/27/95 ¤ 24.50
3/23/95 ¤ 370.61
3/24/95 ¤ 7.93
¤ 18.69
4/3/95 ¤ 31.29
3/28/95 ¤ 11.09
4/12/95 ¤ 56.63
¤ 458.78
¤ 44.17
¤ 4.34
¤ 73.83
¤ 17.92
4/18/95 ¤ 9.21
4/5/95 ¤ 156.66
¤ 19.97
4/6/95 ¤ 8.24
4/7/95 ¤ 4.07
4/10/95 3/31/95 ¤ 86.53
4/24/95 4/14/95 ¤ 73.02
4/11/95 ¤ 47.94
¤ 13.95
¤ 3.50
4/13/95 ¤ 9.30
¤ 14.68
¤ 68.66
4/17/95 ¤ 38.82
3/30/95 ¤ 53.30
4/19/95 ¤ 7.23
¤ 189.09
4/20/95 3/29/95 ¤ 140.26
4/21/95 ¤ 25.36
¤ 2.74
5/8/95 ¤ 180.45
5/9/95 ¤ 8.12
4/25/95 ¤ 11.57
4/26/95 ¤ 147.06
4/27/95 ¤ 25.09
4/28/95 ¤ 16.27
¤ 148.61
5/1/95 ¤ 6.17
5/2/95 ¤ 14.78
¤ 89.00
5/3/95 ¤ 145.04
5/4/95 ¤ 11.93
¤ 4.93
¤ 60.18
¤ 64.56
¤ 45.59
5/10/95 ¤ 4.20
¤ 16.37
5/11/95 ¤ 83.49
5/12/95 ¤ 68.52
5/15/95 ¤ 4.41
¤ 13.02
¤ 4.81
5/17/95 ¤ 708.95
¤ 64.33
5/19/95 ¤ 7.48 99362
5/22/95 5/26/95 ¤ 15.28
¤ 6.88
¤ 64.45
5/24/95 ¤ 30.53
¤ 71.07
¤ 5.29
5/29/95 ¤ 210.19
¤ 16.96
5/30/95 ¤ 62.89
5/31/95 ¤ 10.64
¤ 65.99
6/1/95 ¤ 4.65 2319 Elm St.
6/2/95 ¤ 46.77
¤ 36.21
6/5/95 ¤ 29.75
6/6/95 ¤ 102.02
6/7/95 ¤ 42.68
¤ 8.85 68306
6/8/95 ¤ 69.32
6/9/95 ¤ 16.74
¤ 59.13
6/12/95 ¤ 7.13
5/16/95 6/13/95 ¤ 21.19
5/23/95 ¤ 47.45
6/14/95 ¤ 4.99
6/15/95 ¤ 0.15
6/16/95 ¤ 367.63
¤ 350.64
6/19/95 ¤ 3.53
7/4/95 ¤ 105.65
6/20/95 ¤ 789.95
6/23/95 ¤ 204.47
6/22/95 ¤ 62.78
¤ 32.07
¤ 218.15
6/26/95 ¤ 91.76
6/27/95 ¤ 13.37
CACTU ¤ 17.22 Cerrito 333
6/28/95 ¤ 45.33
6/29/95 6/30/95 ¤ 77.63
¤ 244.79
¤ 11.06
7/3/95 ¤ 58.59
¤ 41.90
¤ 3.35 2732 Baker Blvd.
7/5/95 ¤ 66.69
7/6/95 ¤ 339.22
7/7/95 ¤ 74.46
7/10/95 ¤ 188.04
¤ 27.94
7/11/95 6/21/95 ¤ 15.64
7/12/95 ¤ 58.88
¤ 78.85
7/13/95 ¤ 4.87
7/14/95 ¤ 12.36
7/17/95 ¤ 1,007.64
¤ 68.65
7/18/95 ¤ 10.95
7/19/95 ¤ 48.17
¤ 24.91
7/20/95 7/27/95 ¤ 11.92
7/21/95 ¤ 194.72
¤ 178.43
7/24/95 ¤ 1.43
¤ 171.24
7/26/95 ¤ 4.32
8/9/95 ¤ 72.95
¤ 83.22
7/28/95 ¤ 149.49
¤ 120.97
7/31/95 ¤ 252.49
¤ 96.72
8/2/95 ¤ 72.97
8/3/95 ¤ 8.05
8/4/95 ¤ 36.65
¤ 242.21
8/7/95 ¤ 22.95
8/22/95 7/25/95 ¤ 60.43
8/8/95 ¤ 13.75
¤ 7.15
8/10/95 ¤ 88.40
¤ 33.97
8/11/95 ¤ 6.54
8/14/95 ¤ 58.98
¤ 188.99
8/29/95 ¤ 26.06
8/16/95 ¤ 116.43
8/17/95 ¤ 84.84
¤ 37.60
¤ 127.34
¤ 18.56
9/4/95 ¤ 25.41
8/25/95 ¤ 29.60
8/23/95 ¤ 13.73
8/24/95 8/1/95 ¤ 75.89
¤ 3.01
¤ 27.71
8/28/95 ¤ 7.28
¤ 59.14
¤ 13.41
8/30/95 ¤ 0.48
¤ 62.52
8/31/95 ¤ 194.67
9/1/95 ¤ 4.42
¤ 44.77
8/21/95 ¤ 55.92
9/5/95 ¤ 32.10
9/6/95 9/13/95 ¤ 174.20
¤ 5.24
9/7/95 ¤ 96.78
9/8/95 9/12/95 ¤ 16.34
8/18/95 ¤ 35.12
9/11/95 ¤ 44.42
9/26/95 ¤ 29.98
¤ 45.13
9/27/95 ¤ 58.30
9/14/95 ¤ 2.92
9/15/95 ¤ 48.77
¤ 7.46
9/18/95 ¤ 379.13
9/19/95 ¤ 79.40
¤ 200.24
9/20/95 ¤ 27.79
9/21/95 ¤ 1.85
¤ 80.65
9/25/95 ¤ 544.08
¤ 8.11
¤ 1.93
¤ 0.75
9/28/95 ¤ 116.53
¤ 18.53
10/13/95 ¤ 154.68
10/2/95 ¤ 91.05
10/3/95 ¤ 0.94
¤ 23.73
10/4/95 ¤ 50.97
10/5/95 ¤ 97.18
¤ 94.80
10/9/95 ¤ 138.69
10/23/95 ¤ 107.46
10/10/95 ¤ 30.36
¤ 85.46
10/11/95 ¤ 32.35
10/12/95 ¤ 0.87
¤ 41.38
¤ 477.90
¤ 487.38
10/16/95 ¤ 47.46
¤ 201.29
10/18/95 ¤ 158.44
¤ 38.64
10/19/95 ¤ 23.55
10/20/95 ¤ 179.61
¤ 41.89
¤ 29.46 Obere Str. 57 12209
¤ 0.14
10/24/95 ¤ 12.41
11/8/95 ¤ 142.33
¤ 45.54
11/9/95 ¤ 14.25
10/26/95 9/29/95
10/27/95 ¤ 176.81
10/30/95 ¤ 20.60
¤ 7.14
10/31/95 ¤ 93.25
¤ 55.26
11/2/95 ¤ 57.15
¤ 352.69
11/3/95 ¤ 364.15
¤ 105.81
11/6/95 11/15/95 ¤

¤ 1.28
10/25/95 ¤

¤ 1.27
¤ 26.31
11/10/95 ¤ 232.42
¤ 78.09
11/13/95 ¤ 47.22
¤ 24.39
11/14/95 ¤ 203.48
¤ 95.75
11/16/95 ¤ 22.76
¤ 0.90
11/17/95 ¤ 31.85
11/20/95 ¤ 2.01
¤ 4.03
11/21/95 ¤ 388.98
11/22/95 ¤ 26.61
11/23/95 ¤ 76.13
¤ 36.13
11/24/95 ¤ 4.40
¤ 145.63
¤ 33.75
11/28/95 ¤ 96.50
11/30/95 ¤ 296.43
¤ 299.09
11/29/95 ¤ 13.42
¤ 15.80
12/15/95 ¤ 810.05
12/1/95 ¤ 61.02 Alfred’s Futterkiste
¤ 139.34
12/4/95 ¤ 398.36
12/19/95 ¤ 16.72
12/20/95 ¤ 102.55
12/6/95 ¤ 45.52
12/7/95 ¤ 272.47
¤ 0.58
12/8/95 ¤ 65.10
11/27/95 ¤ 220.31
12/25/95 ¤ 23.94
12/12/95 ¤ 152.30
¤ 4.78
12/13/95 ¤ 3.52
12/14/95 ¤ 135.63
¤ 21.74
12/29/95 ¤ 2.96
12/18/95 ¤ 4.98
1/2/96 ¤ 52.41
¤ 89.93
¤ 167.05
¤ 24.49
¤ 63.20
12/22/95 ¤ 22.57
¤ 59.25
¤ 170.88
¤ 51.44
¤ 9.53
12/27/95 ¤ 48.92
1/10/96 12/5/95 ¤ 74.58
12/28/95 12/26/95 ¤ 21.72
1/11/96 ¤ 57.75
¤ 10.83
1/5/96 ¤ 16.56
1/1/96 ¤ 89.90
¤ 58.33
1/16/96 ¤ 141.06
1/4/96 ¤ 96.65
¤ 16.97
12/11/95 ¤ 110.11
¤ 1.63
1/8/96 ¤ 45.97
1/9/96 ¤ 44.10
¤ 7.79
¤ 2.91
¤ 11.08
¤ 81.88
¤ 10.96
1/12/96 ¤ 243.73
1/15/96 ¤ 23.72
¤ 69.19
1/17/96 ¤ 31.43
¤ 117.33
1/18/96 ¤ 232.55
1/19/96 ¤ 61.53
¤ 79.30
1/22/96 ¤ 130.79
¤ 1.39
¤ 2.38
1/24/96 ¤ 16.71
1/25/96 ¤ 73.21
¤ 8.19
1/26/96 ¤ 138.17
¤ 11.99
1/29/96 ¤ 155.64
1/30/96 ¤ 18.66
¤ 328.74
1/31/96 ¤ 37.35
¤ 145.45
2/1/96 ¤ 42.74
2/2/96 ¤ 157.55
¤ 1.59
2/5/96 ¤ 146.32
¤ 65.06
2/6/96 ¤ 5.32
2/7/96 ¤ 11.19
¤ 91.28
2/8/96 ¤ 96.43
¤ 48.20
2/9/96 ¤ 20.25
2/12/96 ¤ 351.53
2/13/96 ¤ 6.79
2/14/96 ¤ 58.13
¤ 42.13
¤ 73.16
¤ 1.10
2/15/96 ¤ 124.98
¤ 70.09
¤ 1.51
2/16/96 ¤ 110.87
¤ 249.93
2/19/96 ¤ 42.70
¤ 100.60
¤ 28.23
2/20/96 ¤ 16.85
¤ 23.79
¤ 4.52
¤ 21.49
¤ 126.66
2/22/96 ¤ 26.52
¤ 33.35
2/23/96 ¤ 2.33
3/8/96 ¤ 30.76
¤ 137.44
2/26/96 ¤ 97.09
¤ 257.26
2/27/96 ¤ 55.23
¤ 27.33
¤ 237.34
2/28/96 ¤ 22.11
3/1/96 ¤ 1.36
2/29/96 ¤ 45.53
¤ 4.33
¤ 31.22
¤ 59.78
3/4/96 ¤ 47.38
¤ 130.94
¤ 14.62
3/5/96 3/6/96 ¤ 719.78
¤ 306.07
¤ 65.48
¤ 19.76
¤ 37.52
3/7/96 ¤ 36.68
¤ 163.97
¤ 1.23
¤ 79.25
3/11/96 ¤ 7.09
¤ 63.54
¤ 90.85
3/12/96 ¤ 154.72
3/26/96 ¤ 81.83
3/13/96 ¤ 72.19
¤ 43.26
3/14/96 ¤ 71.49
¤ 29.78
¤ 69.53
3/15/96 ¤ 411.88
¤ 13.32
3/18/96 ¤ 59.28
¤ 35.43
4/1/96 ¤ 2.71
3/19/96 ¤ 424.30
¤ 54.42
3/20/96 ¤ 9.26
¤ 25.22
¤ 212.98
4/4/96 ¤ 56.46
¤ 487.57
3/22/96 ¤ 38.24
4/5/96 ¤ 49.19
3/25/96 ¤ 160.55
¤ 174.05
¤ 53.83
¤ 100.22
¤ 170.97
3/27/96 ¤ 58.43
¤ 188.85
3/28/96 ¤ 52.51
¤ 76.10
¤ 19.26
3/29/96 ¤ 14.93
4/12/96 ¤ 53.23
¤ 30.26
¤ 3.04
¤ 348.14
4/2/96 ¤ 109.11
4/3/96 ¤ 191.27
¤ 143.28
¤ 12.04
¤ 112.27
¤ 175.32
¤ 0.82
¤ 19.58
¤ 32.37
4/8/96 ¤ 60.42
3/21/96 ¤ 38.06
4/9/96 ¤ 46.69
¤ 8.50
4/23/96 ¤ 88.01
4/10/96 ¤ 2.84
¤ 23.10
4/11/96 ¤ 0.53
¤ 90.97
¤ 5.64
¤ 1.25
4/15/96 ¤ 51.87
¤ 280.61
¤ 32.76
¤ 20.37
¤ 120.27
4/17/96 ¤ 77.78
¤ 116.13
¤ 162.75
4/18/96 ¤ 32.45
¤ 603.54
¤ 1.21
¤ 1.66
4/22/96 ¤ 62.09
¤ 44.15
¤ 162.95
¤ 13.72
¤ 26.29
4/24/96 ¤ 9.19
4/25/96 ¤ 32.96
¤ 53.05
¤ 38.11
¤ 38.19
¤ 580.91
¤ 33.05
¤ 3.51
¤ 63.77
4/29/96 ¤ 8.29
¤ 48.83
¤ 19.80
4/30/96 ¤ 29.61
5/14/96 ¤ 176.48
¤ 62.74
¤ 68.26
5/1/96 5/8/96 ¤ 151.52
¤ 2.27
¤ 39.92
5/2/96 ¤ 19.79
¤ 33.93
5/17/96 ¤ 15.55
5/3/96 ¤ 134.64
¤ 54.15
5/6/96 ¤ 32.01
¤ 47.59
¤ 33.68
¤ 31.51
5/7/96 ¤ 31.89
¤ 76.33
¤ 19.77
¤ 400.81
¤ 17.95
¤ 2.17
¤ 52.92
5/9/96 ¤ 10.22
5/10/96 ¤ 3.26
¤ 23.39
¤ 74.44
5/27/96 ¤ 30.85
¤ 40.42
5/28/96 ¤ 27.91
¤ 44.65
5/15/96 ¤ 105.36
¤ 49.56
¤ 2.08
5/16/96 ¤ 104.47
¤ 275.79
¤ 2.70
¤ 87.38
¤ 144.38
¤ 27.19
5/20/96 ¤ 62.22
¤ 74.60
¤ 0.21
5/24/96 ¤ 16.16
5/21/96 ¤ 121.82
¤ 0.02
¤ 15.17
¤ 12.96
5/22/96 ¤ 32.27
6/5/96 ¤ 37.97
5/23/96 ¤ 208.50
¤ 32.82
¤ 353.07
6/7/96 ¤ 1.26
¤ 193.37
¤ 14.01
¤ 657.54
¤ 211.22
¤ 91.51
¤ 217.86
¤ 185.48
¤ 61.14
¤ 34.76
6/12/96 ¤ 117.61
¤ 38.51
¤ 4.27
¤ 8.81
¤ 65.53
¤ 1.12
6/14/96 ¤ 73.91
¤ 20.31
5/31/96 ¤ 96.35
6/3/96 ¤ 55.12
¤ 197.30
¤ 141.16
¤ 14.91
6/4/96 ¤ 44.84
¤ 25.19
¤ 202.24
¤ 79.46
¤ 59.11
6/6/96 ¤ 28.71
¤ 242.95
¤ 32.99
¤ 23.60
¤ 4.62
¤ 33.80
6/10/96 ¤ 754.26
¤ 11.65
¤ 3.17
6/11/96 ¤ 43.30
¤ 297.18
¤ 123.83
¤ 74.36
¤ 29.17
¤ 47.09
6/13/96 ¤ 52.52
¤ 29.59
¤ 47.84
¤ 830.75
¤ 227.22
¤ 606.19
¤ 84.74
7/1/96 ¤ 40.32
6/17/96 ¤ 0.17
¤ 149.47
6/18/96 ¤ 3.20
¤ 65.00
6/19/96 ¤ 18.84
¤ 48.22
¤ 29.99
¤ 8.80
6/20/96 ¤ 8.72
¤ 70.58
¤ 71.64
6/21/96 ¤ 46.62
¤ 24.12
¤ 8.34
6/24/96 ¤ 59.41
¤ 2.79
¤ 67.26
6/25/96 ¤ 0.33
¤ 120.92
¤ 278.96
6/26/96 ¤ 4.13
¤ 31.14
7/10/96 ¤ 85.80
6/27/96 ¤ 10.98
¤ 29.93
¤ 81.73
6/28/96 ¤ 30.09
¤ 12.91
¤ 44.72
¤ 7.98
¤ 81.75
¤ 15.67
7/2/96 ¤ 136.00
¤ 0.93
¤ 258.64
¤ 24.95
7/3/96 ¤ 18.44
¤ 6.19
¤ 38.28
¤ 8.53




1 1

¤ 18.00 39 0 10

2 Chang 1 1

¤ 19.00 17 40 25 false


1 2

¤ 10.00 13 70 25 false


2 2

¤ 22.00 53 0 0 false


2 2

¤ 21.35 0 0 0


3 2

¤ 25.00 120 0 25 false


3 7

¤ 30.00 15 0 10 false


3 2

¤ 40.00 6 0 0 false


4 6


¤ 97.00 29 0 0 true


4 8

¤ 31.00 31 0 0 false


5 4

¤ 21.00 22 30 30 false


5 4

¤ 38.00 86 0 0 false


6 8

¤ 6.00 24 0 5 false


6 7

¤ 23.25 35 0 0 false


6 2

¤ 15.50 39 0 5 false


7 3

¤ 17.45 29 0 10 false


7 6

¤ 39.00 0 0 0 true


7 8

¤ 62.50 42 0 0 false


8 3

¤ 9.20 25 0 5 false


8 3

¤ 81.00 40 0 0 false


8 3

¤ 10.00 3 40 5 false


9 5

¤ 21.00 104 0 25 false


9 5

¤ 9.00 61 0 25 false


10 1

¤ 4.50 20 0 0 true


11 3

¤ 14.00 76 0 30 false


11 3

¤ 31.23 15 0 0 false


11 3

¤ 43.90 49 0 30 false


12 7

¤ 45.60 26 0 0 true


12 6

¤ 123.79 0 0 0 true


13 8

¤ 25.89 10 0 15 false


14 4

¤ 12.50 0 70 20 false


14 4

¤ 32.00 9 40 25 false


15 4 500 g ¤ 2.50 112 0 20 false


16 1 24 – 12 oz bottles ¤ 14.00 111 0 15 false


16 1 24 – 12 oz bottles ¤ 18.00 20 0 15 false


17 8

¤ 19.00 112 0 20 false


17 8

¤ 26.00 11 50 25 false


18 1

¤ 263.50 17 0 15 false


18 1

¤ 18.00 69 0 5 false


19 8

¤ 18.40 123 0 30 false


19 8

¤ 9.65 85 0 10 false


an Hokkien Fried Mee

20 5

¤ 14.00 26 0 0 true


20 1

¤ 46.00 17 10 25 false


20 2

¤ 19.45 27 0 15 false


21 8

¤ 9.50 5 70 15 false


21 8

¤ 12.00 95 0 0 false


22 3

¤ 9.50 36 0 0 false


22 3

¤ 12.75 15 70 25 false


23 3

¤ 20.00 10 60 15 false


23 3

¤ 16.25 65 0 30 false


24 7

¤ 53.00 20 0 10 false


24 5

¤ 7.00 38 0 25 false


24 6

¤ 32.80 0 0 0 true


25 6

¤ 7.45 21 0 10 false


25 6

¤ 24.00 115 0 20 false


26 5

¤ 38.00 21 10 30 false


26 5 24 – 250 g pkgs. ¤ 19.50 36 0 20 false


27 8

¤ 13.25 62 0 20 false


28 4

¤ 55.00 79 0 0 false


28 4

¤ 34.00 19 0 0 false


29 2


¤ 28.50 113 0 25 false


29 3

¤ 49.30 17 0 0 false


7 2

¤ 43.90 24 0 5 false


12 5

¤ 33.25 22 80 30 false


2 2

¤ 21.05 76 0 0 false


2 2

¤ 17.00 4 100 20 false


16 1 24 – 12 oz bottles ¤ 14.00 52 0 10 false


8 3

¤ 12.50 6 10 15 false


15 4

¤ 36.00 26 0 15 false


7 1

¤ 15.00 15 10 30 false


15 4 10 – 500 g pkgs. ¤ 21.50 26 0 0 false


14 4 24 – 200 g pkgs. ¤ 34.80 14 0 0 false


17 8

¤ 15.00 101 0 5 false


4 7 5 kg pkg. ¤ 10.00 4 20 5 false


12 1

¤ 7.75 125 0 25 false


23 1 500 ml ¤ 18.00 57 0 20 false


12 2

¤ 13.00 32 0 15 false

ProductName SupplierID QuantityPerUnit UnitsInStock UnitsOnOrder ReorderLevel Discontinued
Chai 10 boxes x 20 bags false
24 – 12 oz bottles
Aniseed Syrup 12 – 550 ml bottles
Chef Anton’s Cajun Seasoning 48 – 6 oz jars
Chef Anton’s Gumbo Mix 36 boxes true
Grandma’s Boysenberry Spread 12 – 8 oz jars
Uncle Bob’s Organic Dried Pears 12 – 1 lb pkgs.
Northwoods Cranberry Sauce 12 – 12 oz jars
Mishi Kobe Niku 18 –

500 g
Ikura 12 – 200 ml jars
Queso Cabrales 1 kg pkg.
Queso Manchego La Pastora 10 – 500 g pkgs.
Konbu 2 kg box
Tofu 40 – 100 g pkgs.
Genen Shouyu 24 – 250 ml bottles
Pavlova 32 – 500 g boxes
Alice Mutton 20 – 1 kg tins
Carnarvon Tigers 16 kg pkg.
Teatime Chocolate Biscuits 10 boxes x 12 pieces
Sir Rodney’s Marmalade 30 gift boxes
Sir Rodney’s Scones 24 pkgs. x 4 pieces
Gustaf’s Knäckebröd 24 – 500 g pkgs.
Tunnbröd 12 – 250 g pkgs.
Guaraná Fantástica 12 – 355 ml cans
NuNuCa Nuß-Nougat-Creme 20 – 450 g glasses
Gumbär Gummibärchen 100 – 250 g bags
Schoggi Schokolade 100 – 100 g pieces
Rössle Sauerkraut 25 – 825 g cans
Thüringer Rostbratwurst 50 bags x 30 sausgs.
Nord-Ost Matjeshering 10 – 200 g glasses
Gorgonzola Telino 12 – 100 g pkgs
Mascarpone Fabioli 24 – 200 g pkgs.
Sasquatch Ale
Steeleye Stout
Inlagd Sill 24 – 250 g jars
Gravad lax 12 – 500 g pkgs.
Côte de Blaye 12 – 75 cl bottles
Chartreuse verte 750 cc per bottle
Boston Crab Meat 24 – 4 oz tins
Jack’s New England Clam Chowder 12 – 12 oz cans
Singapore 32 – 1 kg pkgs.
Ipoh Coffee 16 – 500 g tins
Gula Malacca 20 – 2 kg bags
Røgede sild 1k pkg.
Spegesild 4 – 450 g glasses
Zaanse koeken 10 – 4 oz boxes
Chocolade 10 pkgs.
Maxilaku 24 – 50 g pkgs.
Valkoinen suklaa 12 – 100 g bars
Manjimup Dried Apples 50 – 300 g pkgs.
Filo Mix 16 – 2 kg boxes
Perth Pasties 48 pieces
Tourtière 16 pies
Pâté chinois 24 boxes x 2 pies
Gnocchi di nonna Alice 24 – 250 g pkgs.
Ravioli Angelo
Escargots de Bourgogne 24 pieces
Raclette Courdavault 5 kg pkg.
Camembert Pierrot 15 – 300 g rounds
Sirop d’érable 24 –

500 ml
Tarte au sucre 48 pies
Vegie-spread 15 – 625 g jars
Wimmers gute Semmelknödel 20 bags x 4 pieces
Louisiana Fiery Hot Pepper Sauce 32 – 8 oz bottles
Louisiana Hot Spiced Okra 24 – 8 oz jars
Laughing Lumberjack Lager
Scottish Longbreads 10 boxes x 8 pieces
Gudbrandsdalsost 10 kg pkg.
Outback Lager 24 – 355 ml bottles
Mozzarella di Giovanni
Röd Kaviar 24 – 150 g jars
Longlife Tofu
Rhönbräu Klosterbier 24 – 0.5 l bottles
Original Frankfurter grüne Soße 12 boxes

CompanyName Phone




Speedy Express (503) 555-9831
United Package (503) 555-3199
Federal Shipping (503) 555-9931
SupplierID CompanyName ContactName

Address City Region PostalCode Country Phone Fax





Cajun Delights

Order Administrator

New Orleans LA



Sales Representative





Marketing Manager

Tokyo 100 Japan




545 Japan


Marketing Manager



Sales Representative



Sales Agent


Marketing Manager

São Paulo 5442 Brazil


Sales Manager

Berlin 10785 Germany







Sales Representative



Marketing Manager




USA (503) 555-9931


Sales Representative



Sales Manager




Boston MA




Singapore 0512 Singapore



Sales Manager

Lyngby 2800 Denmark


Accounting Manager




Sales Representative



Marketing Manager

Montréal Québec H1J 1C3 Canada


Order Administrator



Sales Manager



Sales Representative



Accounting Manager



ContactTitle HomePage
Exotic Liquids Charlotte Cooper Purchasing Manager 49 Gilbert St. EC1 4SD (171) 555-2222
New Orleans Shelley Burke P.O. Box 78934 70117 (100) 555-4822 #CAJUN.HTM#
Grandma Kelly’s Homestead Regina Murphy 707 Oxford Rd. Ann Arbor 48104 (313) 555-5735 (313) 555-3349
Tokyo Yoshi Nagase 9-8 Sekimai
(03) 3555-5011
Cooperativa de Quesos ‘Las Cabras’ Antonio del Valle Saavedra Export Administrator Calle del Rosal 4 Oviedo Asturias 33007 (98) 598 76 54
Mayumi’s Mayumi Ohno Marketing Representative 92 Setsuko
Osaka (06) 431-7877 Mayumi’s (on the World Wide Web)#
Pavlova, Ltd. Ian Devling 74 Rose St.
Moonie Ponds
Melbourne 3058 Australia (03) 444-2343 (03) 444-6588
Specialty Biscuits, Ltd. Peter Wilson 29 King’s Way Manchester M14 GSD (161) 555-4448
PB Knäckebröd AB Lars Peterson Kaloadagatan 13 Göteborg S-345 67 Sweden 031-987 65 43 031-987 65 91
Refrescos Americanas LTDA Carlos Diaz Av. das Americanas 12.890 (11) 555 4640
Heli Süßwaren GmbH & Co. KG Petra Winkler Tiergartenstraße 5 (010) 9984510
Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG Martin Bein International Marketing Mgr. Bogenallee 51 60439 (069) 992755 Plutzer (on the World Wide Web)#
Nord-Ost-Fisch Handelsgesellschaft mbH Sven Petersen Coordinator Foreign Markets Frahmredder 112a Cuxhaven 27478 (04721) 8713 (04721) 8714
Formaggi Fortini s.r.l. Elio Rossi Viale Dante, 75 Ravenna 48100 (0544) 60323 (0544) 60603 #FORMAGGI.HTM#
Norske Meierier Beate Vileid Hatlevegen 5 Sandvika 1320 (0)2-953010
Bigfoot Breweries Cheryl Saylor Regional Account Rep. 3400 – 8th Avenue
Suite 210
Bend 97101
Svensk Sjöföda AB Michael Björn Brovallavägen 231 Stockholm S-123 45 08-123 45 67
Aux joyeux ecclésiastiques Guylène Nodier 203, Rue des Francs-Bourgeois 75004 (1) (1)
New England Seafood Cannery Robb Merchant Wholesale Account Agent Order Processing Dept.
2100 Paul Revere Blvd.
02134 (617) 555-3267 (617) 555-3389
Leka Trading Chandra Leka 471 Serangoon Loop, Suite #402 555-8787
Lyngby Niels Petersen Lyngbysild
Fiskebakken 10
43844108 43844115
Zaanse Snoepfabriek Dirk Luchte Verkoop
Rijnweg 22
Zaandam 9999 ZZ Netherlands (12345) 1212 (12345) 1210
Karkki Oy Anne Heikkonen Product Manager Valtakatu 12 Lappeenranta 53120 (953) 10956
G’day, Mate Wendy Mackenzie 170 Prince Edward Parade
Hunter’s Hill
Sydney NSW 2042 (02) 555-5914 (02) 555-4873 G’day Mate (on the World Wide Web)#
Ma Maison Jean-Guy Lauzon 2960 Rue St. Laurent (514) 555-9022
Pasta Buttini s.r.l. Giovanni Giudici Via dei Gelsomini, 153 Salerno 84100 (089) 6547665 (089) 6547667
Escargots Nouveaux Marie Delamare 22, rue H. Voiron Montceau 71300
Gai pâturage Eliane Noz Bat. B
3, rue des Alpes
Annecy 74000
Forêts d’érables Chantal Goulet 148 rue Chasseur Ste-Hyacinthe J2S 7S8 (514) 555-2955 (514) 555-2921

SELECT DISTINCTROW [ProductID], [ProductName], [Discontinued]
FROM Products
ORDER BY [ProductName];
SELECT DISTINCTROW Customers.CustomerID, Customers.CompanyName
FROM Customers
ORDER BY Customers.CompanyName;
SELECT DISTINCTROW Employees.EmployeeID, [LastName] & “, ” & [FirstName] AS Salesperson
FROM Employees
ORDER BY [LastName] & “, ” & [FirstName];
FROM [Order Details Extended] AS Orders
WHERE ([__OrderID] = OrderID);
SELECT DISTINCTROW [Categories].[CategoryID], [Categories].[CategoryName]
FROM Categories
ORDER BY Categories.[CategoryName];
SELECT DISTINCTROW [Suppliers].[SupplierID], [Suppliers].[CompanyName]
FROM Suppliers
ORDER BY [Suppliers].[CompanyName];
SELECT DISTINCTROW Categories.CategoryName
FROM Categories
ORDER BY Categories.CategoryName;
PARAMETERS __Year Value;
FROM [Sales by Year] AS [Sales by Year]
WHERE ([__Year] = Year);
SELECT DISTINCTROW Products.*, Categories.CategoryName
FROM Categories INNER JOIN Products ON Categories.CategoryID = Products.CategoryID
WHERE (((Products.Discontinued)=No));
SELECT DISTINCTROW Categories.CategoryName, Categories.Description, Categories.Picture, Products.ProductID, Products.ProductName, Products.QuantityPerUnit, Products.UnitPrice
FROM Categories INNER JOIN Products ON Categories.CategoryID = Products.CategoryID
WHERE (((Products.Discontinued)=No));
SELECT DISTINCTROW Orders.OrderID, Orders.CustomerID, Orders.EmployeeID, Orders.OrderDate, Orders.RequiredDate, Orders.ShippedDate, Orders.ShipVia, Orders.Freight, Orders.ShipName, Orders.ShipAddress, Orders.ShipCity, Orders.ShipRegion, Orders.ShipPostalCode, Orders.ShipCountry, Customers.CompanyName, Customers.Address, Customers.City, Customers.Region, Customers.PostalCode, Customers.Country
FROM Customers INNER JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID;
SELECT DISTINCTROW Categories.CategoryName, Products.ProductName, Products.QuantityPerUnit, Products.UnitsInStock, Products.Discontinued
FROM Categories INNER JOIN Products ON Categories.CategoryID = Products.CategoryID
WHERE (((Products.Discontinued)<>Yes))
ORDER BY Categories.CategoryName, Products.ProductName;
SELECT DISTINCTROW [Order Subtotals].Subtotal AS SaleAmount, Orders.OrderID, Customers.CompanyName, Orders.ShippedDate
FROM Customers INNER JOIN (Orders INNER JOIN [Order Subtotals] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Subtotals].OrderID) ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
WHERE ((([Order Subtotals].Subtotal)>2500) AND ((Orders.ShippedDate) Between #1/1/95# And #12/31/95#));
SELECT DISTINCTROW Orders.ShippedDate, Orders.OrderID, [Order Subtotals].Subtotal
FROM Orders INNER JOIN [Order Subtotals] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Subtotals].OrderID
WHERE (((Orders.ShippedDate) Is Not Null))
ORDER BY Orders.ShippedDate;
SELECT DISTINCTROW Orders.ShippedDate, Orders.OrderID, [Order Subtotals].Subtotal
FROM Orders INNER JOIN [Order Subtotals] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Subtotals].OrderID
WHERE (((Orders.ShippedDate) Is Not Null))
ORDER BY Orders.ShippedDate;

DeVry University

Student Lab Activity

BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab


Student Name:

B. Lab 5A ER Matrix:






Enrolls in;
One or more


Is taken by:
One or more


Page 1 of 5

A. Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-5A

B. Lab 5A of 7 : Database design using Visio, and based on data requirements

and business rules focusing on normalizing data to third normal form.

C. Lab Overview–Scenario/Summary:

2. Given a situation containing entities, business rules, and data requirements,

create the conceptual model of the database using a database modeling tool.

You have been asked to create a database model using the MS Visio Database
Model Diagram Template. The purpose of this lab is to provide experience
normalizing the database to third normal form based on limited instructions, data
requirements, and associated business rules.

Upon completing this lab, you will be able to

1. create a new Visio file for database design; and
2. using the data requirements and the business rules provided, develop a

conceptual model (ERD), including attribute data types and required field

D. Deliverables

Section Deliverable Points
Step 1 YourName_Lab5A_ERMatrix x
Step 3 YourNameLab5A.vsd (Visio Diagram)

E. Lab Steps


1. Get the Lab5A_ERMatrix x document from Doc Sharing:
a. Download the Lab5A_ERMatrix document file from your course Doc

Sharing panel (Labs view), and Save the file to your local drive.
2. Using Citrix for MS Visio and/or MS Access

a. If you are using the Citrix remote lab, follow the login instructions
located in the iLab tab in Course Home.

3. Start MS Visio
a. Open Microsoft Office, Visio application, or
b. if you are using Citrix, click on Microsoft Office Applications folder

to start Visio.

Page 2 of 5


Step 1: Identify the entities and relationships.

a. Over the past four weeks, you have created ERDs based on information

provided. This week, you will complete the ERD being sure to normalize it to
3NF (third normal form). Normalization is the systematic application of rules
designed to eliminate redundancy from the database. Data in previous weeks
was, to some extent, normalized for you. This week, it is not. An abbreviated
list of the data requirements follows.

College Scheduling Data Requirements

Student ID
Student First Name
Student Last Name
Course Code
Course Name
Course Description
Course Credit Hours
Course Time
Course Days
Instructor ID
Instructor First Name
Instructor Last Name
Room Number
Room Capacity

b. Open the Word file in the Week 5 Lab Materials, Lab5A_ERMatrix x
c. Save the Word file as YourName_Lab5A_ERMatrix.
d. An ER Matrix helps define both the entities and the relationships between the

entities. Using the partially completed ER Matrix below as a guide, complete
the matrix.

Hint: You should end up with four entities.

1. List each entity both across and down.
2. Determine whether a relationship exists between entities and define that

relationship with a verb phrase. (NOTE: The entity with the greatest
number of related entities is usually the center of the ER diagram.)

3. Identify minimum (Optional or Mandatory) and maximum (only one, or one
or more).

Page 3 of 5

Student Course
Student none Enrolls in;

One or

Course Is taken by:
One or


e. Save the completed matrix to submit as part of your lab.

Step 2: Create the initial ERD based on the matrix.

a. Open a new blank Database Model Diagram in Visio. If you need assitance with

this, refer to the Week 1 Lab Instructions. Be sure that all options are set
consistent to those used in previous weeks so that you generate your model in
Crow’s Foot notation.

b. One of the issues in denormalized data is that it can result in many-to-many
relationships that are not compatible with the relational database. Visio does
not allow creation of a many-to-many relationship because of this
incompatibility. Therefore, for any many-to-many relationships in your data,
you will need to create two one-to-many relationships. See the example

Page 4 of 5

c. Based on the information from Step 1, create the initial ERD for the College
Scheduling database including the many-to-many relationships. If you need
assistance to create the entities, refer to labs from Weeks 1 and 2.

d. Assign the primary keys and attributes from the data requirements to the
proper entities.

e. Save the file as YourName_Lab5A.vsd.

Step 3: Normalize the database

a. While the initial ERD is accurate, if you design a database without deviating
from it, you will encounter problems. For example, a course is offered many
times. If you use the course code, for example BIS245, as the primary key,
you will only be able to list the course once. There are three possible solutions.

1. Assign another primary key, such as an auto-number field, so that
the course can be listed multiple times. However, this is not
acceptable because it introduces redundancy rather than reducing it.

2. Use a composite primary key consisting of the Course Code and the
Section code. If you create a unique section code (EXAMPLE:
YearTerm_Section or 2010SpringA_A), then you can list the course
repeatedly. Again, this introduces redundancy, and is not an
acceptable solution.

3. Split the table to create two tables. To stay consistent with DeVry
terminology, create a second Section table. To ensure that a course is
not entered twice, you might modify the Section code to include the
course: BIS245_2010SpringA_A. By consistently using this format,
you should not be able to duplicate the section, and can avoid a
complicated composite key. However, as the Section table will serve
as an associative entity, it is acceptable to borrow the primary keys of
the parent tables.

b. Open the Visio file from Step 2, and add a new page. Change the page tab to

read Revised. Revise the initial ERD based on the following information.
1. A Course may exist without being offered. It exists in the catalog.

Courses are scheduled for a term and given a section. It is the
schedule course (Section) that students enroll in, that are scheduled
in rooms and assigned instructors.

2. A Student can exist without being enrolled in a course.
3. An Instructor can exist without being assigned to teach a course.
4. A Room can exist without being scheduled for a course.

c. Save the file with your revised ERD.

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Lab 5A Final Deliverables
a. YourName_Lab5A_ERMatrix x (Word Document) from Lab 5A Step 1
b. YourName_Lab5A.vsd (Visio Diagram) from Lab 5A Step 3.

Submit these files to the Week 5 iLab Dropbox.


Page 1 of 11

A. Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-5B

B. Lab 5B of 7: Completing Forms

C. Lab Overview–Scenario/Summary


5. Given a physical database containing tables and relationships, create
forms which demonstrate effective user-interface design and allow for
efficient entry and retrieval of data.


The lab begins with creating a form in Access using the Form Wizard. After the
form is created, the user can use Themes to change the appearance of the form.
The second part of the lab uses Form Design to create a form. Finally, the form
will be customized.

Upon completing this lab, you should be able to

• create a form using the Form Tool;
• create a form using Form Design; and
• create a form using the Form Wizard.

D. Deliverables

Submit the MS Access Database file that contains the forms created in this lab.

Step Deliverable Points
1 Form 1 – Form Tool – step-by-step 5
2 Form 2 – Form Design – step-by-step 5
3 Form 3 – Form Wizard—Employee/Customers Multi-Table Form

– step-by-step

4 Form 4 – Suppliers and Products Multi-Table Form 10

E. Lab Steps

1. Get the Database from Doc Sharing

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a. Download the Lab5_Start.accdb Northwind database file from your
course Doc Sharing panel (Labs view), and Save the file to your local

2. Using Citrix for MS Visio and/or MS Access
a. If you are using the Citrix remote lab, follow the login instructions

located in the iLab tab in Course Home.
b. You will have to upload the Lab5_Start.accdb file to your Citrix folder.

Follow the instructions located on the iLab tab in Course Home.
3. Start MS Access

a. If you are using Citrix, click on Microsoft Office Applications folder.
b. If you are using Visio on a local computer, select Microsoft Office from your

Program Menu.


Step 1: Using the Form Tool

Select Employees table as in the following figure. You will see the Employees
table highlighted.

Click the Create tab, and then click the Form tool.

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After clicking the Form button, a new form is created by Access.

The appearance of the form can be easily modified using the Themes option on
the Design ribbon. As you move your cursor over the various themes, the form
will adjust to preview how the modified form would look. You may select any
theme for your form.

Click the Save button to save the form. Name it Lab5_Form1, and then close the

Step 2: Using the Form Design

Page 4 of 11

Click the Create tab; then, click on Form Design. (Make sure that you do not
have any of the tables selected in the Tables list on the left side of the screen.)

After clicking the Form Design, a new form will be shown as the following

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Click the Add Existing Fields
option, and then click Show All
Tables to show all the tables in
the database. Drag and drop
fields from the Customer table
to the form. You can also
double click the fields that you
want to add. Select a number
of fields from the Customers
table. Adjust the location of the
fields. Then, click the Form
option in the View list to see
the form. The View button is
highlighted at the right.

After viewing the form, click the View button again, and select Design View to go
back to form design. Save the form as Lab5_Form2.

Step 3: Creating Multi-Table Forms
You can incorporate data from several tables in a single form. In this step, you
will create a form that displays data concerning one employee. The form will also

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display data concerning the many customers that your employees serve. This
type of relationship between employees and customers is called one-to-many
relationships (one employee serving many customers). In this relationship, the
Employees table is the “one” table and the Customers table is the “many” table.

To create a multi-table form using the Form Wizard

• click the Create tab, then select the Form Wizard; and
• make sure that Customers table is selected in the Table/Queries box.

• Select CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, ContactTitle, Address,

City, Region, PostalCode, Country, and Phone Fields from Customers table.
• Back in the Tables/Queries, click on the down arrow and select Employees

table. See illustration on next page.

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• Select EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, Photo, and ReportsTo from that
table, then click Next button.

• Make sure that by Employees is selected in “How do you want to view your

• You also have the option to select Form with subform(s) or Linked forms.
Select Form with subform(s), then click Next.

Page 8 of 11

• In the next screen, you have the option of selecting the layout of your
subform. Select Tabular, and then click Next.

• Assign a title to your form (Lab5_Form3) and subform (Lab5_Subform3),

and click finish.

• Click on View, and then view the form in Form View.

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Before closing the form, go to Design View, and change the Caption
property for the form to Employees. (See below.) Return to Form View
before saving your form.

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In Form View your form should display nine records, showing employees and the
customers that they serve. These records can be cycled through on using the
navigation options available on the lower left of the application screen.

You will be prompted to save changes when closing the form. Say Yes to save
changes at the prompt, and close the form.

Step 4: Create a Multi-Table Form

Following instructions provided in Step 3, create a multi-table form, showing what
products are supplied by which supplier.

Requirements: There is ONE Supplier for MANY Products. You must display the
following fields: SupplierID, CompanyName, ContactName, ContactTitle, Address,
City, Region, PostalCode, Country, and Phone fields along with ProductID,
ProductName, and CategoryID.

Page 11 of 11

Your form should look like the following

There should be 29 records in your suppliers, each providing numerous products.

Save your form as Lab5_form4, and the Subform as Lab5_Subform4.

Step 5: Submit Deliverables
Save your MS Access Lab5_Start.accdb file as YourName_Lab5_ Final.accdb

Submit the Access file created during this assignment to the Dropbox located on
the silver tab at the top of this page. (See Syllabus/”Due Dates for Assignments &
Exams” for due dates.)

End of Lab 5B

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