The topic is Same Sex schools with there classrooms and courses and follow grading rubic
EDUC 746
Professional Issue Assignment Instructions
You will select a current, professional issue directly related to your profession and write an academic paper that provides a clear overview, key issues surrounding the topic, and a strategic plan. It would be highly beneficial to select a professional issue that you are familiar with through observations within the professional or personal settings. You will be required to utilize at least 15 scholarly sources and will not be permitted to use direct quotes.
1. Determine an appropriate, current professional issue/topic directly related to your profession.
2. Research your topic focused on scholarly journal articles that have been peer-reviewed and published within the last five years.
3. Write your paper using the Professional Issue Template
4. Your Overview section should include provide a solid background on the historical implications of the professional issue. This section should provide your audience with a full understanding of the current, professional issue with support from your research.
5. Your Key Issues section should identify 2 – 3 key issues you have found concerning this current, professional issue. This section should provide your audience with a clear understanding of the key issues. There should be support in this section.
Your Strategic Plan section should identify 1 strategy, theory, program, and/or skill for each identified Key Issue to assist in mitigating the key issue and seek conflict resolution. This section should make the connection between what you are learning in this course and the current issue. There should be support in this section.
7. This paper must be at least 6 pages, but no more than 10 pages not including the title page or reference pages. (An abstract is not required on this assignment.)
8. The paper must include at least 15 citations to support the overview of the topic, key issues surrounding the topic, and strategic plan for utilizing conflict resolution strategies and skills.
9. Appropriate sources include your textbook, scholarly journal articles published within the last five years, and the Bible.
Your current, professional issue/topic must not include anything related to conflict resolution. Conflict resolution is important for your Strategic Plan section only.
You are not limited to the topics listed below; however, if you need suggestions, here are a few appropriate topics:
· Blended Learning
· Same-Sex Schools/Classrooms/Courses
· Co-Teaching
· Special Education Meetings
· Attrition Rates among Minorities
· Bullying
· Technology in the Classroom
· Online Learning
Professional Issue
School of Education, Liberty University
Author Note
I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
Professional Issue
[Insert a full, complete introduction to the paper here. All paragraphs should be at least 5 sentences. Do not use any direct quotes, but paraphrase and cite throughout. Use current APA standards throughout the paper.]
[Your Overview section should include provide a solid background on the historical implications of the professional issue. This section should provide your audience with a full understanding of the current, professional issue with support from your research.]
Key Issues
[Your Key Issues section should identify 2 – 3 key issues you have found concerning this current, professional issue. This section should provide your audience with a clear understanding of the key issues. There should be support in this section.]
Strategic Plan
[Your Strategic Plan section should identify 1 strategy, theory, program, and/or skill for each identified Key Issue to assist in mitigating the key issue and seek conflict resolution. This section should make the connection between what you are learning in this course and the current issue. There should be support in this section.]
[Insert your conclusion that summarizes your paper. Do not include any new concepts in this section. Do not use any direct quotes unless from the Bible.]
You will only include references that you cited within your paper. You must include the Bible in this section, if you cite or quote from the Bible. At a minimum, you should include your Barsky textbook and at least 14 scholarly journal articles. Make sure all references utilize a hanging indent and follow all current APA requirements.
Authorlastname, A. B. (2019). Book title in italics with only the first word and proper nouns, like Christian, capitalized: If there is a subtitle, the first word is capitalized. Publisher.
Authorlastname, A. B. (2019). Article title in regular font with only the first word and proper nouns and proper adjectives, like European, capitalized: Subtitles may or may not be used. Journal Titles and Volume Numbers Are Italicized, 15(2), 41-50.
New American Standard Bible. (1995). New American Standard Bible Online. (Original work published 1960)
Criteria Ratings Points
Overview of
20 to >17.
0 pts
Candidate fully
explains the topic and
provides a thorough
explanation of the
background of the topic
with support. No direct
quotes are used.
17 to >16.0 pts
Candidate explains the
topic and provides an
adequate explanation of
the background of the
topic with support. No
direct quotes are used.
16 to >0.0 pts
Candidate explains the topic
and provides a minimal
explanation of the
background of the topic with
support. A direct quote is
0 pts
20 pts
Key Issues 20 to >17.0 pts
Candidate fully
explains 2 – 3 key
issues surrounding the
topic and provides a
thorough explanation of
each issue with
support. No direct
quotes are used.
17 to >16.0 pts
Candidate explains at
least 1 or more than 3 but
less than 5 key issues
surrounding the topic and
provides an adequate
explanation of each issue
with support. No direct
quotes are used.
16 to >0.0 pts
Candidate explains more
than 5 key issues
surrounding the topic and
provides a minimal
explanation of each issue
with support. No direct
quotes are used.
0 pts
20 pts
40 to >36.0 pts
Candidate fully
explains the strategic
plan and provides a
thorough explanation of
the conflict resolution
strategies and skills for
each Key Issue that
was identified with
support. No direct
quotes are used.
36 to >33.0 pts
Candidate explains the
strategic plan and
provides an adequate
explanation of the conflict
resolution strategies and
skills for each Key Issue
that was identified with
support. No direct quotes
are used.
33 to >0.0 pts
Candidate explains the
strategic plan and provides a
minimal explanation of the
conflict resolution strategies
and skills with support. No
direct quotes are used.
0 pts
40 pts
and APA
10 to >9.0 pts
Paper is between 6 –
10 pages,
double-spaced, Times
New Roman font.
Paper includes a title
page and references
pages (not included in
the 6 – 10 page limit).
Paper is formatted to
APA standards,
including citations.
9 to >8.0 pts
Paper is between 10 – 12
pages, double-spaced,
Times New Roman font.
Paper includes a title page
and references pages (not
included in the 10 – 12
page limit). Paper is
formatted to APA
standards, including
citations. There is less
than 2 errors in APA.
8 to >0.0 pts
Paper is less than 6 pages
OR more than 12 pages,
double-spaced, Times New
Roman font. Paper includes
a title page and references
pages (not included in the 6
– 10 page limit). Paper is
formatted to APA standards,
including citations. There is
more than 2 errors in APA.
0 pts
10 pts
Professional Issue Grading Rubric | EDUC746_B04_202220
Criteria Ratings Points
10 to >9.0 pts
Ideas are arranged
logically and clearly
support the purpose.
Sentences are
well-phrased, varied in
length and structure,
and flow smoothly from
one another. Each
paragraph has at least
5 sentences. The
writing is free of errors.
9 to >8.0 pts
Ideas are arranged
logically and clearly
support the purpose.
Sentences are
well-phrased, varied in
length and structure, and
flow smoothly from one
another. Each paragraph
has at least 5 sentences.
The writing has at least
one error.
8 to >0.0 pts
Ideas are arranged logically
and clearly support the
purpose. Sentences are
well-phrased, varied in
length and structure, and
flow smoothly from one
another. Each paragraph
has at least 5 sentences.
The writing has more than
one error.
0 pts
is not
10 pts
Total Points: 100
Professional Issue Grading Rubric | EDUC746_B04_202220