case study

Promoting Evidence-Based Practice

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In recent years, the implementation of evidence-based practice has been identified as a priority across nearly every nursing specialty (Prevost & Ford, 2020). In addition, nurses are increasingly accepted as essential members and often as leaders, of the interdisciplinary health-care teams. To effectively participate and lead a health-care team, nurses must have knowledge of the most effective and reliable evidence-based approaches to care, increase their expertise in critiquing research, and apply the evidence of their findings to select optimal interventions for their patients (Prevost & Ford, 2020).


1. Read the infomation above, and then answer the following questions:

a. Identify at least five (5) things you might do to increase your knowledge and use of evidence in your practice? (explain each suggestion and how it fits in the practice)

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b. What are the most significant and driving and restraining forces to make this change?

c. Would you expect covert or overt resistance to your efforts?

d. Will you need to enlist support from others or acquire additional resources for this planned change to occur? (be specific as in administrative support or scientific journals, etc)

2. Your paper should be:

. One (1) page

. Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting and spacing standards

. Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file

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