Case study

– Please write about a case suffering from (smoking addiction, or borderline personality, or OCD).

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Items / Headings

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Demographic Information/

cover page

Background information

All of the following must be included: client’s name, age, gender, marital status/ family genogram, the reason for coming to the clinic.

Symptoms & Diagnosis

All symptoms the client is experiencing are stated and clearly explained with examples. Symptoms are organized meaningfully into diagnoses.
Diagnoses are present and are fully supported by the identified symptoms (DSM-5)

History of Present illness/Diagnosis / Assessments with nature and course with some event present

Summarized details of onset of the problem, history how it started, and diagnosis in detail fully/ If there are assessments using certain tests

History of past illness/Medical illness as well

Explained in an excellent way

Mental status examination

General appearance, behavior, mood, speech, thought process and content, sensory perception, insight into the pathological condition, and judgment on matters

Intervention/Formulation of a plan

6 sessions that include in detail what the psychologist will do for the patient

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