Case study APA seven

Case study

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A 72-year-old woman, Jane, is being seen by her nurse practitioner for her yearly physical exam. She explains that she has multiple physical symptoms that have suddenly developed over the last year. For example, she complains of increased arthritis pain in all of her joints and notes that it is diffuse and not responsive to medication. As the NP continues to do the assessment, she learns that Jane’s oldest daughter and closest relative has moved to Utah for her husband’s business. She only speaks with her on a weekly basis. When the NP explores the patient’s increase in pain, she brings up the daughter’s move. The patient replies: “I don’t know if that has anything to do with it. I am just always nervous and anxious”

1) Which anxiety disorder(s) would the nurse practitioner consider in assessing the patient? Justify your reasoning using DSM-5 criteria for mental health disorder?

2) What other parts of a psychosocial assessment would be important to consider?

3) Mention 3 differential diagnosis that could be consider for this case

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4)What would the NP’s nursing care plan include? please include non-pharmacological, pharmacological and referral options

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