CGD318 Week 2 – Discussion 1

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Discussion 1

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 3 in your text and the articles

Why Honesty and Integrity Are Essential in PR (Links to an external site.)

, and Crisis Communication and Ethics: The Role of Public Relations, and watch the video,

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Research-Public Relations (Links to an external site.)


Communications strategies are based on analysis and planning. Find a current event that includes a public relations response to manage public opinion. The event could include positive or negative publicity. Describe the event and discuss the role of public relations research in forming an effective public response. What research methods might have been used to assess public opinion regarding the incident?

Refer to the

Public Relations News Research in the UAGC Library (Links to an external site.)

guide to find a current event for this discussion.

1. Describe the event and discuss the role of public relations research in forming an effective public response.

2. What research methods might have been used to assess public opinion regarding the incident?

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