Change management

Please propose a structured answer to the following cases. Your final product should take the form of a PowerPoint presentation (as if you had to present it to back-up your reflexion). Do not hesitate to include charts, tables, or anything you judge useful to support your answers. Your presentation should be in English. You presentation should not exceed 7 slides of content (intro slide excluded). You have just started your mission as a team (an IT project manager and 2 Change Managers) for the Social and Economic Committee (CSE) of a bank. The CSE gives employees benefits in kind. In particular, vacation camps for employees′ children with a financial contribution from the CSE. After a benchmark the company decided to deploy 2 information systems (IS) Management tool A = SaaS – developed and published by the service provider A1 For the management of registrations and invoicing of children′s files. The front-office of the tool (for registrations) is accessible to the 20,000 employees and the CSE. The back-office (for invoicing) is only accessible to the CSE. Accounting tool B = SaaS – developed and published by the service provider B1 For tracking the accounting of all transactions made in Tool A. The data from tool A is automatically integrated into tool B via 3 import files – this is flow 1. The deployment projects as well as the maintenance of the tools are managed by the bank′s IT department. Your team reports directly to the IT department. In our study, the business refers to the CSE (Business) and the IT refers to the bank′s IT department. Occupation: Management = 3 staff representatives: general secretary, assistant secretary, treasurer. Contact person = secretary general Service colonies: 15 users A-tool Contact person = director of the department Accounting department 5 users of tool A and tool B Contact person = department manager IT department Contact person = IT manager who manages the maintenance and projects related to tools A and B Team MPI IT Project Manager and 2 Change Managers Provider A1 Contact person = responsible for support (bug tracking, costing of upgrades, tracking of upgrades) Service provider B1 Contact person = developer of the accounting tool B FIRST SITUATION: Question 1: After having taken note of the context, present in a synthetic way the information system and the organization chart of the stakeholders of the mission. You can use diagram(s) to help you! The head of the IT department wishes to optimize the A tool. The version upgrades made by the editor make it possible to do so and a new version is available every 15 days. The version of tool A, V.5.2, dates from June 2020. He asks you to carry out the following actions: Identify the business and functional needs of the business (bug fixes or upgrades) Obtain information from the A1 provider on the version upgrades available since V.5.2 the technico-functional answer Question 2: What question(s) should I ask the IT manager about his decision to perform an upgrade? How to organize the actions requested by the IT manager? Which tool(s) should be used to monitor these actions? How to compare the business needs with the provider′s answers? The IT manager and the business have decided to deploy the V.5.8 version in the second half of 2021, because it covers the business needs. Before deploying the version in production, it is necessary to conduct a test phase, called recipe, on a dedicated environment. This environment is a copy of the production environment with the difference that all data is anonymous. The IT manager asks you to conduct the acceptance phase. Question 3: How to conduct this acceptance phase (from design to completion)? How to materialize these steps? How to determine the end of the acceptance phase? What are the next steps? Beginning of semester 2021, the version has been successfully deployed. The manager has just changed, you have a new contact who asks you for a summary of what has been done. Question 4: Propose the synthesis of this mission. SECOND SITUATION: Crisis situation: the accounting manager writes an inflammatory e-mail to the CSE management and the Group manager to inform them that the automated Flow 1 has not been working for two weeks and that there is a risk of discontinuity in accounting activity. In particular, it is no longer able to perform accounting controls between tool A and tool B. You are not copied on the e-mail. You learn this from the CSE management, who contact you by Skype immediately after receiving the email. Question 1: What is your reaction? What are the first steps in crisis management? After having discussed with the business and IT the actions you will take, you organize a workshop with the Al provider and the BI provider in order to understand the incident and to identify the technical solutions. A solution has been found and requires a one week delay to be implemented by the BI provider. The only action requested from the provider Al is a new sending of the 3 accounting files. At the end of the workshop, you are asked for a report. Question 2 : How to organize the exchange between the two providers? How to build your report (format and content)? How to use it? The situation has returned to normal, but during the previous exchanges, the IT Group manager reminded you that file exchanges including personal data should be done via a secure platform. Everything possible has been done to ensure that the accounting files are sent. Question 3: How do you communicate to stakeholders about this return to normal? In your opinion, what is considered personal data? Propose a categorization. The General Secretary of the CSE reminds you that this is not an isolated incident. Since the implementation of the new management tool A, one year ago, many anomalies have hampered the mission of the CSE teams, inviting them to adapt. Question 4: In this context, and based on the lessons learned from situations 1 and 2, what strategy does the CSE adopt? It has to be in PPT format, 7 slides 

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