chapter draft

  1. Develop a draft of Chapter 2 where you clearly provide a well developed introduction and other sections relevant to your topic. This should be your first complete draft of Chapter Two.
    Before submitting, you should carefully review Chapter 2 and check the following:

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    Use Grammarly in Microsoft Word to review your assignment before submitting. Grammarly may show areas that you do not think need to be changed. If so, you should use the “trash” feature in Grammarly to remove each area that you do not think need to be addressed.
    Review all of your references. Are all references in APA format? Do all in-text citations have an associated reference in the reference list? Do you have references in the reference list that are not cited in the chapters?
    Did you follow the UC APA dissertation template? 
    Note: You will need to continually review and update Chapter Two as you work on other areas of the dissertation. Chapters are not complete and final until approved by your committee and you successfully defend.

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