Part 1 Field Experience 2 The student will complete a paper about safety precautions, and school procedures for protecting students from abuse and neglect while at school. Make sure to include knowledge gain from your interview conducted in your paper. In addition, please make sure you cite sources in your paper APA style. Your paper should be comprised of the following components: 1. Introduction Paragraph 2. Supporting Detail #1 Paragraph 3. Supporting Detail #2 Paragraph 4. Supporting Detail #3 Paragraph 5. Conclusion Paragraph Part II Complete the field experience form that’s attached Students will be responsible for interviewing a teacher and gathering knowledge to a set of predetermined questions relating to school procedures for protecting students from abuse and neglect while at school. Please use below the interview form to record their “exact responses” to the predetermined questions and any other relevant comments made during the interview.
Field Experience 2 Interview Form
Instructor/ Course Number: ___________________________
Date and Time _________________________________________
Student Interviewer: __________________________________
Principal /Teacher interviewed _____________________________
School Name: _______________________________________ School Address/Phone Number ______________________________
Interview Questions |
Description/Comments |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
Teacher/ Principal Signature _________________________________
Date ____________________________