Classroom Jobs, Voting, Economic and Social Issues

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Classroom Jobs, Voting, Economic and Social Issues 

Classroom Jobs

Make a chart of possible classroom jobs, including pictures. Identify the concept (i.e. contributing to the community) from this chapter that this chart supports and describe how it helps early learners make these connections.

Classroom Jobs

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** Please use as many boxes as needed.


Chart the children’s possible level of understanding the concept of voting within that age group. Discuss the progression of levels and possible activities for each.


Developmental understanding/ideas about voting

Example of activity

0-3 (infant/toddlers)

3-5 (preschool)

5-6 (kindergarten)

6-8 (primary)

Economics and Social Issues

List how each cross-curricula subject could be integrated across the curriculum based on the standard and economic concepts below. You do not have to focus on each concept.


Economic Concept

Cross-Curricula integration

2.G.2.2 Explain how people positively and negatively affect the environment.

· Location

· Physical Environment

· Spatial Organization

· Natural Resources

· Settlement

· Math

· Language Arts

· Arts

· Writing

· Music

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